14 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEEr OCTOBER 14, 1917, ' Briei City News . rutlnara Wedding Rlnfs Ed holm. Lighting Flitant gurress-Grsndsr Co 1It Root Trlnt It New Brsccn Press ., MsUI Dirt, rmtwork Jublleo Mff Co S5c Luncheon at Empress Garden. Isldor Zlegler has n.oved his law of - fices to 529 First National Bank bulld t ing. Advertisement. Judge Leslie Grants Divorce Amanda Cecilia Walters was freed ;. from John Richard Walters by Judge . Leslie, sitting in divorce court. Harvest Dinnrr-Dnnce The Uni versify club will hold a harvest dinner- dance Saturday evening, October 20 The dinner will be served promptly at 7 o clock. , Carey Sells Ills Farm Frank J. Carey sold his farm at Wisner.'Neb., for 928,000. These 160 acres were pur phased in 1-882 for $800 by Mr. Carey's father, the late P. II. Carey. Henry Cos, Violinist, assumes duties or Hetherington during war. Goes to Virginia to Teach Miss Ruth Gaines has accepted a fine offer to teach expression in Virginia college for women. Her sister, Miss Martha Gaines, takes up her teaching here in physical culture and gymnastic danc ing. Exams for Radio Service Robert - E. Earl, assistant United States radio -: Inspector will come here from Chicago next Friday to hold a civil service ex . amination for the radio service. The examination will be held in the fed eral building. Margaret Hershey Oris Divorce- Margaret A. Hershey was granted a decree from James A. Hershey and ( awarded the custody of a daughter, Darlean Octavia Hershey, by Judge " Day, sitting in divorce court Cruelty and desertion were alleged. Patriotic Rally at Church A pa triotic rally will be held at the Holy Family schurch. Seventeenth and Izard 1 streets, Thursday evening. Arch bishop Harty has expressed a wish for All , the Catholic churches to help in the campaign for the sale of Liberty bonds and the parish will take this oppor tunity to subscribe. Jess nowarcV Bound Over Jesse Howard, charged with the killing of Joe Mobley, who died recently in a local hospital, was arraigned in police court on a manslaughter charge. He pleaded not guilty and waived pre liminary examination. The court . fixed hla bail at 12,000 and bound him over to the district court Announcement The James Corr Electric company, who have the larg est fixture display in Omaha, are dis continuing the fixture business because they find it impossible to secure new goods on account Of the scarcity of material. They have been installing fixtures in the better class of homes. Hera is a chance for someone to get real bargains in fixtures. Adv. Verdict Against Turnquist A bit terly fought quasi-criminal suit be tween South Side families that was carried to the state supreme court and later remanded back to district court, i ended in law court Judge Wakeley presiding, Saturday morning when a TJury returned a verdict of guilty against Roy Turnquist Helen Jensen brought ex rel proceedings against woung Turnquist charging that he was the father of her child. Both young people are weir-known on the South Bide. FlM Fireplace Goods at Mundsrltnd's. Third Contingent of Furnas County Boys Start for Camp Funston Call Themselves " Dutch s Cleansers 1 ' FlAdl VlMnlaatui tittnAm at UnnAmvim nrl'a 1. f Record of Sunday School ; - . And Church Attendance "V The county Sunday School league is keeping a record of the attendance for several Sundays in both the Sun day school and church. Following are the churches which reported to the secretary for last Sunday. ' U.S. St. Mary's Avenu 119 Klrst Keformsd ....lit First Baptist .. , 220 ... Grace Methodist ........ ....131 ... First Prtshytorlan .....lit ... Oak Street Methodist , 61 T7 Christian (Florence) II 40 Walnut Hill Methodist .IDs ... Hirst Memorial ...1S1 73 First Presbyterian (Valley) ..... 14 11 Jjunnlnss Methodist 71 60 J Trinity Methodist 1T0 tiO krint Christian 25 S48 jMethodtst (Florence) .......... ii 75 Waterloo Christian 41 110 itarkvalo Tresbyterlan v. ........ .Ht 70 Tesbyterin (Benson) , ....Ill .t. wiiisiae uontrecauonai it so Ch. 100 148 Austria Authorizes New i . Nine Billion Crown Loan ! .Amsterdam, Oct, 13. The budget Committee of the Austrian lower house, according to a dispatch from Vienna, has passed a provisional six months' budget, including an authori zation to the government to raise war credits up to 9,000,000,000 croons. The budget also includes a supple mentary motion by the socialist party authorizing the government to use 100,000,000 crowns for the improve ment of the condition of railway men. Viscount Grey Will t ' . '1 Visit United States London. Oct. 13. The Globe today says it is expected " that Viscount Grey, former secretary of state for foreign affairs will visit 'America. Avoid All Meat If Kidneys Arid Bladder Bother Uric Acid in meat excites Kidneys and irritates the Bladder. 7 j rl 3 : :! mi 7k '" r ' treasf POLAND'S FLAG TO , APPEAR WITH ALLIES' New Colors Soon to Be Unfold ed on French Front Over Army From Every Part of the World. (By Associated Press.) French Front in France, Oct. 13. A new national flag is shortly to be unfolded on the French front that of Poland. The silver eagle on f a maroon field is to take its place be side the French tri-color, the Stars and Stripes, the union jack and the battle flags of the ' other allies, and beneath its folds will fight Polish voU unteers from all parts of the world,' including thousands from the United States. An autonomous Polish army al ready is in course of organization on French soil, and its ranks have been opened to Polish citizens who have wandered abroad in search of freedom from the oppression to which the Po lish nation has so long been sub jected. 1 Independent of All Other Armies. This force is to be entirely independ ent of any other army, all its officers and men being of Polish birth or de scent. The nucleus of the new army is composed of Poles who have served in the French army since the begin ning of hostilities. In Paris alone 500 enlisted at the first call, while Toulouse furnished another ,450, Abbeville 300, Douai 300 and Mar seilles 100, besides many who joined up in other cities. All grades of society are repre sented among these Polish volunteers. In the ranks nobles have fought side by side with artisans, men from the liberal professions with farm laborers, and boys not yet 16 shoulder to shoulder witfl gray-haired veterans of 60. Some of them have served in spe cial Polish companies of the foreign legion; others were distributed among their French comrades in line reet- ments. Everywhere they have gained Dy tneir bravery throughout the three years' fighting the appreciation of their chiefs. The Polish volunteers always have been willing to under take the most onerous duties and most perilous tasks. Losses in their ranks appeared to have such a favor able effect on recruiting that it wa3 recently decided to give the Poles an organization of their own and all sol diers of Polish nationality serving in France were assembled in one camp in preparation for the formation of regular army units of all arms. Much? encouragement was given to the movement by reports from-Amer-ica that Poles residing there had ext pressed their willingness to join the ranks of the new army, and it is hoped to obtain many recruits from that source.. Chicago Coal Dealers f Unable to Fill Orders Chicago, Oct. 13. City retailers of coal are unable to fill orders for fuel that are pouring in us the result of the first touch of winter. A general shortage of all grades is reported. Illinois coal is said to be -scarce. J. E. Williams was appointed state fuel administrator today and given authority to call on the federal fuel administration for any ampunt of coal to meet the needs of Chicago. NAME COMMITTEE ON STOCRINDUSTRY Increased Production and Eco nomical Distribution Will Occupy Time of Commit tee at Present, E. L. Burke of Omaha, chairman of the committee on the live stock in dustry under the state food ad ministration, mis just completed the appointment of his committee from over the state The principal ac tivities for the committee as now out lined will be to work out plans of economical redistribution of live stock on the farms and ranches, and to carry out, the increased production and more economical distribution of meat products. The committee consists of E. L. Burke, Omaha, chairman,' Charles Graff, Bancroft, president Nebraska Improved Live Stock Breeders' as sociation; Homer McKelvie, Fairfield, stock grower and farmer; Robert Graham, Alliance, president Nebraska Stock Growers' association; Herbert Hord, Central City; William B. Tagg, South Omaha, president Live Stock exchange; E. Z. Russell, Omaha, Alter a Hearty Heal, Hint Ther.? To Avoid Distress, Sour Risings, In v digestion, Headache and Laziness Be Sura to Take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. SEND FOR FREE TRIAL PACKAGE s It Is Astonishing th Way a Stuart's Dys pspsia Tablet Disposes of a Hearty Meal. As you swing on to a couple ot fried eggs and tackle the terrors ot a slice of fried hsm, just remember you can digest any thing, yet. anything! if you follow with a Stuart's Dyxpepsia Tablet. Theso -blets contain what are known as eniym. These digest food. They help the work of the stomach, prevent forming of gas, stop the souring. Est pies, beans, onions, anything you like. And If you are now a dyspeptio with a grouch get a CO cent box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to day of any druggist Then smile all over. Send coupon for a free trial package. Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stuart Co., 208 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich., send roe at once a tree trial package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets: Warn. Street. City.., .State. Take Salts it Virt sign of Bladder ' weakness or Kidney. Backache. " Kidney and Bladder weakness re sult from uric acid, says a noted au thority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burn ing, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the blad der; obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the wa ter passes sometimes with a, scalding sensation and is very profuse; .again there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call 'v it, because they can't control urination.- While'jt 13 extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts fromyour pharmacist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this lor two or three Cays. This will neu ' tralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source o( irritation to the bladder and urinary organs, which ihen act normally again. ' Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless; . and is made from the acid of grapes , and lemon juice, combined with ;lithia and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary dis- I orders caused by uric acid irritation. -Jad Salts is splendid for kidney? and ".'causcsio ba-J efieUs whatever. Here you have a pleasant effcrve. '- rent lita'a-watcr drii".'.; v.hich quickly dicvs bladder lioubl;.- Adv, L J - BAILKOAI) FARE FKEE To all out-of-town buyers within ra dius ot fifty miles from Omaha, on purchases of $10 or over. Fart paid at time of purchase. FURNITUR for- Every Room In the, Home at Frioe That Are Bound to At . tract .Prospective Furniture Bayers. The stock Is so complete that no matter what your furniture needs may b we can supply them to your j complete satisfaction. Five floors ot food desirable merchandise to make your selections from. Whether you are (thinking of buying; an en tire outfit or Just a alng-le piece of furniture It will pay you to come here before you buy. During this big; sale we have sold thousands of dollars worth of food at less than manufacturer's cost. Others have taken advantage of these extremely low prices, and why - don't youT 'Furniture. Rugs. Stoves,, Household Goods of All Kinds Complete Dining Room Suites, variety of finishes. .$75, $80, SllO Complete Bedroom Suites, excellent value WS. $08. $ST.50 Dressers $9.50, $12.Bu, $17.50 Davenports..... SlftS. $24.75, $34.75 Library Tables. ..... $$.75, $8.75, $1U 2-lncu Vernls Martin Beds, excel lent value $3.89 Muffets $11.50, $18.25, $25 Dining Tables ..$.75, $10.75, $22.75 Dining; Chairs 7c and I s Hugs, room size $9.75, $14, $is Mattresses. .$X25 $3.50, $5.50, $7.80 Springs.... $3.00, $3.75, $&.50, $e.S5 Kitchen Cabinets. $3.85, $ll.50, $3.50 Ladles' Writing Desks, $7.50, $3.50 and $13.75 Columbia Grafonolas, $16.50, $27.50 and .-. $35.00 These are only a few of the many bargains we are offering. , Wo make a specialty of Complete Home Outfits. STOVESt STOVES! Now Is the time to buy, and her Is the place to come. Ranges.. $13.75, $21.50, $34.73, $38.50 Heating Stoves. .. .$0.18, $ft.7$, $9,25 Baseburners.... $17.75. $23, $34.75 Furniture Co. I'hone Dsnglas 1S17. Corner 14th and Dodge Sts. editor Twentieth Century Farmer; Jesse Whitmore, Grand Island, man ager of the Grand Island stock yards; O. G. Smith, Kearney, president Ne braska Farmers' Congress; A. W. Lamb, Albion, stockman; G. D. But- terfield, Noifolk; E. M. Seark, Ogal lala; E. W. Burdic, Herman; Frank G. Kellogg, South Omaha; John Bachelor, Valentine; Robert Faddis, Omaha; Tom Mortimer, Leigh; E. W. Cosgrove, Farnam; Z. T. Left- wich, St. Paul; C. M. McCarthy. York; Professor C. W. Pugsley, Uni versity of Nebraska; A. F. Stryker, South Omaha, secretary of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange. Past Year's Production. Figures l.ave just reached Omaha from President Tomlinson of the Na tional Live Stock Breeders' associa tion showing the amount of meat produced in the United States during the year ending June 30. 1917. and showing that 9.2 per cent of it was exported The figures are: Produced. Beef, pounds 8.074,601,000 Veal, pounds 616,356.000 Mutton, pounds 690.902,000 Fork, pounds Jl, 856.513. 000 Goat meat, pounds 18.862,000 Total 21.259,196,000 When the expertations are de ducted these figures yield enough meat so that very man, woman and child in the United States should have had 185 pounds of meat during the year. Some got their share. Some did not. Some got more than their share and some got none. Fair With Many Changes In Temperature Promised Washington, D.' C, dcr. 13. Weather forecast for the week begin ning Sunday, announced today by the' weather bureau, follows: Plains states and upper ana miaaie xricciccior,; vallpv Fair in olains states. A short shower period in tne middle and upper Mississippi vaiieyn A ahmit Thursdav. Fre quent temperature alternations. To $eMJw .wr W weJ t Dr. ftfewferefrs' ve-eeW' a tk tW i sm in or stirer. "Seventy 5 break. p CoUa tfcat IkMsg mm Clt, AH Drag Stow. O i r Superior Values Here Are Convincing Arguments That Cash Buying Pays Special Notice To establish the pres-. ent value of Liberty Bonds Hayden Bros, will accept bonds of either first or second Is sue until further notice, at full face value plus accrued interest, in pay ment for merchandise. THE CASH(S 1 ORE Another Jriumph for Cash Buying Scored in the Wonderful Values We're Offering in SILK and WOOL DRESS MATERIALS Values that will unquestionably crowd our popular daylight department all day Monday. Special Sale of Framed Pictures Monday Fourth Floor Beautiful Pastels, in a big assortment of subjects and sizes, with gilt or mahogany frames. Regular $3.50 pic tures. Special Cash Price, at rr..... 83.49 $2.50 Fruit Pictures, 12x24, in dark oak frames; just what you want for the din ing room, at $1.75 We'll Save You 25 on All Kinds of Framing. All Work Guaranteed. Satins and Velvet Specials Two fabrics that are in great demand this season. Come to our Daylight Silk Section and see our large as sortments of these handsome materials at our low cash prices. 40-inch Satin Crepe Meteor, a soft chiffon wight with a rich lustre that is a great favorite; every new color in stpek; regulai price $2.50, our Cash Price, ti qc Monday v eoO 36-inch Satin Imperial, a handsome all-silk satin that gives satisfaction ; in a full range of plain and change able effects; worth regularly $2.25, our Cash $1 7c Price, Monday 1 O 100 Pieces of 36-Inch Satin Messaline and Stin de Chiae, two popular qualities in every street and evening shade. Specially priced for Monday, at fcl ia 1 og our Cash Prices 1 . 1 U 75 Pieces of 40-inch All-Silk Crepe de Chine, a fine firm quality, in every new color including white and hlack. Keguiariy sold at $1.75; our Cash Price, Monday "'. 20 Pieces Imported English Costume Velveteen, in navy, brown, Russian green, myrtle, plum, taupe and black ; a handsome quality with a rich, silky finish, that gives excellent wear. Regular price $2.75 ; our 6 O 1 C Cash Price, Monday ...... w 1 0 15 Pieces of 42-inch Chiffon Velvets in the popular shades now in demand. Taupe, African brown, Russian green, sapphire, -Copenhagen, navy and black. These goods, if bought today, would sell at $7.50 a &A QQ yard; our Cash Price, Monday .' Vf&0 54-inch Corduroy and Wool Fell Coatings and Fancy Velours; just what you want for children's coats; very dressy and pretty. At special fcl no o no prices, Monday 1 .VO .SO $1.35 Wonderful Dress Goods Values French Serges and French Epingles Two materials, very popular ity! scarce,' at any where near former prices. We were fortunate in secur ing quite a stock of these goods at very little advance over former prices. Come to our Daylight Dress Goods Section Monday and see the wonderful values at our low Cash Prices. , ' . Y '' 100 Pieces of 42 and 44-inch, Strictly All-Wool, French Twilled Serges, soft chiffon finish, for one-piece dress es, in a good line of colors. These serges are worth today $1.75; our Cash Prices, Monday.. 98. $1.25 $2.25 Extra Fine French Serges, $1.75 -40 Pieces of 50 and 54-inch French Serge, made of fine Cashmere yarns, soft "and dressy. These serges are very popular and in good demand at regular prices of $2.25 and $2.50; our Cash Price, Monday. . .81.75, 81.05 42 and 44-inch All-Wool Epingles and Ottoman Cords, all pure wool, in a fall line of new Fall colors; the right weight for dresses and suite, regularly sold at $1.50 and $1.75, our, Cash Prices .. $1.15, $1.50 v $3.00 Broadcloths, $2.25 25 Pieces of Fine, Rich, Strictly All-Wool Broadcloth, fine goods with a.satm finish that makes up very dressy aid gives complete satisfaction ; every new color shown. Regular price $3.00, our Cash Price, Monday, $2.25 50 Pieces of Handsome Coatings, 50 to 56 inches wide, stylish materials such-as Duvetyne Velours, BoHvia Cloths, Plaid Back Novelties, Burella Cloths, etc. A special showing, Monday, at $1.98 "l upwards Skirts Made to Your Measure, at $2.25 Have our ejrpert Skirt : Tailor make your next skirt. Stylish, ef fective models, perfect' fitting, satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. Select from our immense stock of high class 'goods; foT the making $2.25 Semi-Made Skirts 200 Stylish Skirts, well made and finjehed all but one seam; made in the new models with poclTets and buttons. Just sew up the seam and the 'skirts is ready to wear. See them Monday. y $5.00 and $6.00 values, at our Cash Prices $3.98, 4.9S Remarkable UNDERPRICINGS on Dependable FURNITURE Monday A CASH PURCHASE OF OVER 1,000 MATTRESSES. On Sale Monday at Most Astonishingly Low Prices Act Quicklyand . Reap the Benefits of This Remarkable Sale. Layer Felt Mattresses, Hair Mattresses, Silk Flos Mattresses, Felt Combination and Cotton Top ani Bottom Mattresses. Layer Felt Mattress, fancy art tick, full weight, boxed, fcO CQ roll edge, at. pOD7 Colored Cotton Felted Mattress, full siiie, full weight, 1 Q fif only. $16.50 $12.50 $13.50 81.00, 31.50 nd $2.00 a pair. Many Other Rousing FURNITURE SPECIALS Here Monday $22.50 values in Library Tables, extra large, in the fumed or golden oak; several odd patterns, one of each, hl t?f Standard Felt Combination Mattress, best ticking, QC only p0e70 Cotton Top PA Mattress ij)s3 ,J Cotton Top and fc Q Q C Bottom. '. J)t3st70 All Hair Mattress, the kind you see advertised for l 7 rA $25.00 to $30.00 only ipl sDU Tfce Famous $25.00 Silk Floss Mattress, only. .. i $17.00 Genuine Layer Felt Mattress $18.00 Genuine Layer Felt Mattress , Pillows. ; Genuine Leather Seat Dining Chairs, in the fumed oak t O PA or golden oak,,$4.75 values, our Cash Price, only. .. . . v53vJ Good Quality Leather Seat Dining Chairs, golden oak, EJQ Leather Seat Rockers, worth $8.00 to tC A A and $10.00, each .PJ.UVF $7.50 TRTee only, Odd Cedar Chests, floor samples, $1 O VLt $18.50 values . . . - tPlsSisOU only Good Library Tables, different sizes, floor samples, 00 Extra large, well made Buffets, one of each, floor samples in the fumed and golden oak; $4750 values. .. .$37.50 $45.00 values, at $35 and $30 $45.00 Brass Beds, extra heavy, only $32.50 Folding Card Tables, the best made, $3.50 value, at ' $2.50 Several Odd Dressing Tables, three, mirror, in the mahogany, oak and wal nut; $25.00 to $30.00 . values, one of Jeh, at $19.50 $35.00 Kitchen Cabinet, roll curtain, sliding top,, etc., at. . . . $27.50 Cheaper Cabinets, at . ..$22 and $25 Special Wall Paper Sale Simplicity in Hayden'a ' wall papers is the keynote of their success in producing such a tasty home they are sub dued, yet they give the home a quiet, rich effect that is much to bo admired. If you don't select your papers here, you sac rifice tha style and originality in Hayden's wall papers that are so much appreciated by people of good taste. Interesting Specials This Week Regular 25c Oatmeal papers, 30 inches wide, with nice cut-out borders to harmonize, 10 colors to pick from, per roll. . . .10 Our 25c Bedroom papers, very pretty cut-out borders, 150 patterns for this sale, per roll .12',i We have a line of papers suitable for any room in the Jsouse, vorth 15c per roll, on sale, at, per roll ..7H Borders Cut Out Free During This Sale A Remarkable October Dinner ware' Special 100-Piece, 18-Carat Gold Band, Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set; matt gold handles and knobs, princess shape; set consists of 12 tea cups and saucers, 12 dinner plates, 12 pie plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 fruit saucers, 12 soup plates, 1 baker, 2 platters, 2 covered dishes, 1 butter dish, 1 gravy boat, 1 pickle dish, 1 sugar, 1 creamer, 1 bowl; sets you must pay $40.00 for elsewhere, 100 pieces, Monday, special $24.98 Plain white dinner plates, at 10 Plain white pie plates, at .rr:....7 Plain white bread and butter plates, at..5 Plain white saucers, each . 3 Jap China decorated cup and saucer, per Fair 15 It Payc TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST ii Pays