COAL DEALERS IN SMALL TOWNS KICK Eailroads in East Gobble Com missions as Jobbers an I West J era Dealers High and Dry, Says Defense Council. (From a SLff Correspondent Lincoln, Oct 12. (Special.) The small coal dealer in the country ' towns faces a proposition in handling ; hard coal that is becoming serious. 1 according to Vice President Georjre : Coupland of the State Council of De ' fense. It appears that in the government arrangements made with the owners : of the coal mine of the east which . produce the bul of anthracite coal the railroads, which own the bulk of these mines, were permitted to sell coal at $4 per ton. However, the ; entire product of the railroad mines " was contracted for by the industries in that section of .the country. The remainder of the mines, or practically what is left of the hard coal producing companies; are per mitted to act as jobbers, v The gov ern ment allows these jobbers in hard coal to sell at a profit of 75 cents per ton over the mine price of $4 per ton set by the government: ; . With tht. coa. from the mines owned by the Pennsylvania and other railroads taken by the industries un der a previous contract the other pro ducers, known a the Big Five com panies, have taken advantage of the fact that they are not only producers, but jobbers als 3, and take the extra 75 cents per ton as jobbers,, leaving the big companies in cities like Oma ha and Lincoln ir this state, which have always furnished coal to the dealers in small .towns, Jo face the proposition of handling loal without a profit because the Big Five com- . panics have already taken the 75 cents per ton allowed the jobber. s Therefore, the citizen in the small town who has a hard coal stove has ' no coal to burn unless he has seized time by the forelock and laid in his supply beforehand. , Notes From Beatrice j And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., Oct 12. (Special.) The Wymore library board held a meeting yesterday and voted to ac j cept the offer of William Whitson of two lots for the library site. Work will be started on the new library building at once. The matter of a site was brought up at a meeting of the city council Wednesday night and the council tabled the proposition of Mr. Whitson because a number of citizens favored a site selected in the northwest corner of Burlington park, near the railroad station. Victor E. Stewart and Miss Ethel Souder, both of this city,: were mar ried at Marysville, Kan., yesterday. They arrived in Beatrice last evening where the-' will make their home. ' Harry-Haney, who enlisted as a cook with Company C of this city when the company went to Camp Cody, returned home Wednesday aft ernoon, havinr ' failed to pass the physical tes He lays that Company C now has 2IS members, sixty-five of whom '-are Indians. He says that the health of the camp is good. - The city , council f . Wymore has called a. special election, to be held at that place Tuesday, December 11, to vote on the manager plan of city government. Under the present meth od of city government the water and lighting plants are being operated at a Iqsj, and many citizens believe that the manager plan would, improve present conditions., .... Vu ' , ; Company D of the Seventh regi ment, this., city., last. evening ,he!l a meeting and decided to make a drive through the county for recruits. Colo nel Neville hat ordered the company to secure 100 men in order to be .rec ognized by the War department and the company officers have arranged a schedule for next week to visit near ly all f the towns in the county in automobiles for the purpose of seeur ing the necessary recruits. Buglers and a male quartet will accompany the officers and eury effort will be made to push : the company up to Otto Dorn and a number of other residents of the Plymouth vicinity have a field of 535 acres In filnto beans in eastern Colorado, which they estimate will yield from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds an acre. They figure that they will clean up about $40,000 on the crop alter all expenses are paid Mrs. Katie Stegelmier, an old resi dent of Plymouth, died at her home there yesterday, aged 74 years. The deceased leaves a large"; family, her husband .having passed -away some , years ago, . . v . . . ,-.. ,, Buys Large Farm to ' ? Raise Pure Bred Hogs : Fremont Neb.. Oct 12. (Soecia' Telegram,) One of the large land deals of this section was completed when John L. Proke. told his farm south of .Schuyler, containing 580 acres, together with 123 head of cat tie, to August Arps of Dodge. Mr. Arps, who is a large breeder o( pure bred hogs, will - trove on "the place and engage in hog raising on a h scale. :r Greeting to South Carried by Veterans From State of Nebraska (From a Stiff Correspondent.! . Lincoln, Oct 12.- Special.) On the eve of departure f veterans in Nebraska of the civil war for the peace jubilee at Vicksburg, cards have been printed extending greetings to their former antagonists in the south who wore the gray. The card is the work of Colonel McClay, who is not only a civil war veteran but a Spanish-American war veteran. These will be distributed among the veterans and read: "Veterans of Nebraska to Veterans of the So'jth: "Greeting: More than half a cen tury has been registered on the columned eras of time since the close of the civil war. In these years be nign nature with her returning season has carpeted in verdant green battle's grim terrain, and with vine and flower, has with loving hand, garlanded in beauty alike the graves of those who wore the blue and the graves of those who wore the gray. These years have tempered the judgment of men and brought us to the twilight zone in life's journey. "Let the remnant of the blue and the gray with chastened memory on Vicksburg's fateful field, light again the campfire, and in its beacon light large Dodge County Veterans 1 WilF Attend Encampmen Fremont, Neb, Oct 1Z (Specia Telegram.) A dozen civU war vet eratis front. Frehjdr.t and Dodge coun try' will leave Sunday for Lincoln to join the Nebraska delegation who will take a special train out of that place for Vicksburg, Miss., to attend 'the last annual reunior of the wearer of the blue and thi gray., Those who wi1 go from Fremont are: Chief of Police J. A Welton, J. C. Robinson. E. N. Morse, L. B. Thomas, Wesley MUST PROVE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW NAMES Secretary of State Pool Says Applications on Suffrage Pe . titions Must Be Witnessed in Proper ' Form. (From a Staff Corr.apond.nt.) Lincoln, Oct. 12. (Special.) That there is an organized effort to make void the petitions signed and filed with Secretary of State Pool for a recall of the partial suffrage . law passed by the last legislature, if evi dent by the receipt of a package of notices to the secretary of state, ask ing that the signer's name be re moved from the petitions now on file. These notices are all printed and are alike and all come from Norfolk. They are not witnessed and the secretary of state says that has no way of knowing whether the same person who signed the petition now on file is the one who .signed the request received to take his name off the petition. , ; The petition has been filed and the secretary of state is of the opinion that he has no right to change any document filed in his office after it has been officially filed: In any event he will require that persons asking to have their names removed, give some proof that they have the right to make inch request Anti-Patriotic Element Opposes : ; BedCrossffork Washington, Oct. l2.Declaring hat efforts to disparage the work of the American Red Cross-are being made in various sections of the coun try as part of an anti-patnotic proga ganda, General Manager Harvey D. Wilson ' today telegraphed all Red Cross division managers to begin a nation-wide campaign to trace the movement to its source ana combat ''It is evident that tumors and in. nuendoes, critical of and calculated to embarrass, the -Red Cross, are being industriously circulated as part of an anti-patriotic propaganda," the tele- gram reads. "The.Rcd. Cross is being runout an open book; it has no secrets,, it is making a sincere effort to serve man- I " 1 J .)j j . 1 Kina ana is aoing u as careiuuy anu economically as it . knows hew.' Ita accounts are to be audited by the War department and utmost effort is being made to give publicity to all us ac tivities." , V. .- ..i . ' United States Minister To Switzerland Returns An Atlantic Port. Oct 12. Pleas ant A. Stovall, United States minister to Switzerland, arrived here today on an American steamship. His pur- ose in returning to America for a rief visit is to consult government officials regarding shipment to Switzerland, and to discuss other war phases. - .-. Dr. Otis A.' Glazebrook, an Ameri can consular official, who has been in Jerusalem, was a passenger on the same atrip. . Fifty Thousand Dollar Fire Loss at Liberty Beatrice, Neb, Oct ll(Special Telegram.) The Searle and Chapm lumber and coal yards at Liberty, this county, were destroyed by fire early this morning with a loss of about $50,000, partly covered by in surance. A Burlington freight crew' in iaawg uiruugn lown discovered the fire, but citizens of the town were unable to save the yards. The cause of the fire is unknown. - which proclaims peace on earth, good will to men, pledge a friendship that will be more enduring than if never broken; a friendship that shall be aiv inspiration to the sons of the north and the sons of the south, who this day with unbroken ranks stand to gether to the front of battle for human rights, for human liberties, and let this be our benediction to which all our countrymen may say Amen and Amen." "NEBRASKA." Charles H. Beaumont, Former Bank Examiner, Drops Dead (From a Staff Correspondent) Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 12. (Special Telegram.) Charles H. Beaumont cashier of the Nebraska State bank of this city, dropped dead at the Rick Island station this afternoon. He had accompanied Mrs. Hutton tothf sta tion, bought her a ticket to Omaha and was checking her baggage when he was seen to fall. When assistance arrived, he was dead. Mr. Beaumont was for several years state bank examiner. This is the third surf den death of officials of this bank within two years. Dental Students to Receive Exemption Now From Draft (From a Staff Correspondent Lincoln, Oct 12. (Special.) The dental students wili be given the same consideration as medical students and upon application to the surgeon gen eral of the army will be given blanks to fill out which tipon presentation to the exemption boards of their dis tricts will excuse them from the draft that they may continue- their work in school. They will be transferred to the reserve and called later. This is the instruction received by the governor from Provost Marshal Crowder today. . - lion ik Johnson, J. R. ' Beeraer, George S. Mittienng, fremont: J. J. F. Kelser, Heine, v, i North .Bend, and John wooper,:, t ,. ,-r.:iJ: Horse Wins Conflict vX:i: ; . With Lowly Automobile Fremont, Neb., Oct 12. (Special Telegram.) An automobile belong ing to J. J. Miller, Omaha traveling salesman, was damaged when a horse tied behind, a farmer's wagon kicked the car a number of times as Miller drove by the rig west, of Fremont. The animal struck the car three times, bare'y missing Miller, .The driver of the Wagor Refused to divulge his name. Mille.. came to Fremont and put the matter in the hands of an attorney. :;. VT,.'-'' .. -j t. 3-.V " ' "' '- Suggests Wilson Pay ( Visit to the Allies Paris, Oct. 12. The suggestion that President Wilson visit Europe is made by the Information in its leading edi torial today. It. says the allies need the president's counsel, that his influ ence would be powerful in establishing nniiy in regard io democratic laeais, and that such a visit would be of ad vantage also to America. Maine Professor Given f" " Position Under Hoover Orono, Me., Oct 12. Dr. Xowell J." Reid, professor of mathematics at the University of Maine, has resignec, it was announced today., to' become statistician of exports under Herbert u Hoover, national lood administra tor. .. . - . ... ; :,J HYMENEAL V.; ; Snapp-Tavenor. v - Beatrice, Neb, . Oct 12. (Special Telegram,) Henery ; U. Snapp of t-ort Kiicy. Kan., and Miss Eva Tavehor of Lovettville, Va were married here today by Countv Tudze O'Keefe. The bridegroom is a mem ber tif jhe , regular . tray at . Fort iuiey. ' oris StorQ f Individual cfvo Women's New Boots $6.95 ' - - THIS separate shoe shop is crowded with the newest accepted styles in footwear for Fall and Winter. As a special for Saturday, we have: as sembled ten different styles of high boots to sell at this moderate price. Included are dull leather, dark brown walking boots and patent leather with gray or ivory tops. Medium or full Louis heels. SERVICE-During this sale we assure you of the same prompt, ' efficient and courteous service you have always been ac customed to receive. Business women will appreciate our noon and afternoon service. 20 Styles Shown in . , Women's Boots at $8.00 A SMART and - dressy pair of boots the essential to the new, Fall dress or suit. Twenty styles to choose from, in dark jrray, dark brown, tan with cloth tops to match, coco brown and black kid and tan walking boots. Choice of full Louis or 1-inch walking heels, welt and turn soles. Incomplete size assortment of Women's Boots at $4.75 Regul Saturday Will Be "Tam Day" ar Pom Pom Tarns $1.95 NOT the flimsy, no-shape kind, but reg ular fitted bandeaux crushed Tam, with silk thread Pom Pom in solid black, bjack with white, Burgundy and old rose. For Saturday only, $1.95. h V Silk Velvet Tarns, $4.50. Fitted bandeaux, trimmed in banded taffeta and taffeta novelty. Comes in black, rose and Copenhagen. Also Tarns with full shirred silk tops, fitted bandeaux, trimmed in fancy ribbon ornament and tassels. Colors, green, brown and Copenhagen. Remarkable One Day Sale of ' Trimmed Millinery at 85.00 Values that Will Be Hard to Duplicate A BEWILDERING array of the newest creations of the season. Sailors, mushroom, tricones, turbans, pokes and dress hats-and every one so stunning and smart that you'll have a hard time deciding which is the prettiest, j Almost every one is an adaptation from higher-priced millinery selling at. .several times the cost, making ftem an UNUSUAL VALUE. v '''it .Wings in exquisite colors and com binations, ; swagger-looking quills, ostrich and other "fancies" in great variety, odd and attractive orna ments, ribbons in every conceivable 'color, and- weave-all sorts of novel ties "such as the fashionable woman i likes to have upon her hat are includ ed in;.the trimmings. , Comparisons solicited. From GOOD. To tb Cbp.t That's mWIMmmIwQ1 the Beit Tlf Md. " j? SAMPLE SALE OF HIGH GRADE BRASS BEDS We have taken a number of samples that have become slightly marred from han dling, and placed them apart from our regular stock, re ducing the price on ech bed at least one-tVrd and in some cases even more. To give you an lit of the bargains we offer, juit consider this: Some of those Beds, based upon present cost, are worth $32.00, and they were priced in our stock at $23.50. but in this sale, on account of scratch or slight imperfection, we d1 C AA shall sell them at,. V telrv Others, showing similar reductions, at $20.00. S21.00. S22.50. $32.50, etc. liana Silk Mattress The Hana Silk Mattress is filled entirely with a long, silky filling, known as new select Java Kapok, which we show you by opening the specially constructed pocket at the corner of the mattress. The Kanok is sterilized, sanitary and absolutely free from cotton . i .. . .nn nni i or any oiner aauueranis, oeing xuuyo pure, a no watuissD, al though somewhat thicker and having great resilience, weighs only 33 lbs., or about one-third less than the ordinary mattress, which enables you to handle it with ease and eomfort. A written guarantee of satisfaction with every mattress, 00 Genuine Curled Hair Mattress A MattreBS made of a million tiny springs of curled hair. Made in attractive assortment of tickings; weighs 40 fcO"7 Cft lbs. Price P OU The Ens DOUBLE DA-BED As illustrated, in white enamel or walnut finish. 30 inches wide and 6 feet 6 inches long. Is a very suitable piece of furniture for sun room or living room. Quickly converted into a full width bed; price, with mattress i In White Enamel, $41.00 I In Walnut Finish. $43.00 f Cretonne. Covers and Pillows, as shown, extra. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE demonstrating ENGLANDER PRODUCTS for "sleep and rest" here SATURDAY. The Englander COUCH BED M 11 ae K?lM,r i Comnict with roll tixm sA mattm.. Only en o tion is r.qulwl to rn it from a couch to a full iid bd. Oriy khH eov.ring to m.ttreji. frtm. and .print- finished in wart rujtproo fray 48 and 54 Inches Wide. . Englander Wit Edge Bed Spring The sideguards or wit edge of this spring, holds the mattress in place and prevents the side from sagging. Finished in rust-proof gray enamel. Price 12.00 Similar springs without wit edge, ,$8,5Q Slightly Soiled Felt Base Floor Covering on Sale Fine printed Linoleum patterns en a eood reads felt base. that will outwear many much higher priced floor coverings hav-, ing wo canvas oacs. Tile, Mosiac, Parquet and Conventional designs, for Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen or Hall. It can be washed and eared for in the same way as any other Linoleum, but, having an absolutely flat laying base, it does not re quire any nailing or cement, This grade of floor covering sells universally at 50c the square yard. On sale Saturday and Monday, at, the square yd, 36 c t Wf- lUS .T. til A Little Cart With DRAPERIES Makes the Whole House HOME Voile and Filet Net Curtains, In white, Ivory and ecru, per pair, , . , , . $X,50 Plain and Fancy Voile and Filet Net1 yard goods, in white, ivory and ecru, aW Pr yard " 45, 65, 85tf 81.00 Portieres, In repp and armures, in s-p greens, browns and blues, at 85,00 d 86.00 Couch Covers, in rich Oriental designs, at, , , .83.00 nd 82.25 Wear-Ever Aluminum Special 11,05 8 -quart Preserving Kettle, ' special, Saturday, for.,,,,,..,,... OavC $1.25 8-quart Lipped Saucepan, 0f. special, Saturday.'for ..v. ..,. 0C 1.25 3-quart Preserving Kettle, - 0ft special, Saturday,. for .,,. ,,...,,,..;, Q7C $1.60 Brown Ovenware Set Special Including Casserole, Mixing Bowl, Pudding Dish and six nr Custard Cups; the set, special , . . , , ', 01 C ; 60c 8-inch Brown Oveaware Casserole, .gg When Bujring Advertised Goods Say You Read of Them in The Bee