THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1917. 6 Want Ad Rates tCounting 8li Word 10 tn Line 1 tig mi takes for Iim thao two line ' CASH WITH ORDER to per Ilea 1 time ' To per llna. ..I er more eonsecutlv Insertion CHARGE per line 1 time 4 per line... I or more eonecuttv Insertion To per line I eoneecutlve lnrtlon SITUATIONS WANTED St per iln per week CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 10 per 6n. . each Insertion Minimum chare, to cents.) Out-el-Tow n Rate. Cm With Order. (Count Si Word to Una. I Halp Wanted I Anta Wanted J Business Chance Financial I Helper no I time, la perllne I or mora, eoneecutlve Insertions All Other Cluatfleatlont I 9c par Una I time, to par Una t or mora I consecutive Insertions C8B THE TEI EPHONE tf y 00 cannot - ventently bring or send In your want ada Aak for o Want Ad Taker and you will receive tba aaro good service aa when delivering tour want ad at thl office. PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE SVENINO EDITIONS 11:00 II BORNINfl EDITIONS 10 00 P U r entree! ft lee an Application FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE A reed Pullman bab7 Carriage. Harney 667, ; AUCTION SALES AUCTION 113.000 Shoes tall etock of bar neaa and Implement n-lll ba cold at auc tion at El wood. Neb., Friday and Satur day, Oct. i: and 13 It. W. Jones, El wood, owner: CoL W. A. Cauffman, Kenesaw, ' auctioneer. ' SWAPPERS COLUMN FOK 8 A LB OR TRADE. 1426.00 McPball upright piano, good aa new, for good Ford car. Box T 13. Omaha Bee. ONE fine buffalo overcoat toward old model Ford or oma other light car. Box "110. Omaha Bee. FILMS developed. lOo a rull, one-day aerv we Kaae Kodak Studio. Neville Blk I t h and Harney STUDIO MACHINE for aale or trade. In first elan condltl n. V liter J4. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, uaed d-eke. bought. Bold ana traded J C. Reed, 1107 Famam Q 1104 e I K DEATHS 4 FUNERAL NOTICES. THE funeral of Julia Weaver Hojdsion will ba bald Sunday. October 7, at o'clock p. m. from tha People' church, (II North Eighteenth atreet Rev, Charle Bavldge will preach tb eermon. Friend Invited. Interment Foreat Lawn. , FLORISTS, x BEING a member of tna National Floriata Telegraph Delivery association, wa are la puaimn to deliver flowera at ahort notice rf anywhere n the United States or Canada Hss Bwnhiia. "-to'iata LEE L LARMON Foiurnelle Floriata, 1814 Douglas St Do la 1844 La HO EST aaaortment of fresh flower. HENTKU.JN, 1519 FARNAM PARK KK FMtWER SHOP. 411 S. 14 D 1107 THH FERNERY, 691 8. 16th St Doug JIM 1 BATH, Nallnnal Flurtat. 104 Famam 81 4-, . m n . 1 1 11 1 A imXA'lHI'K. 1621 Hrny lnug lni FUNERAL DIRECTORS. r Si STACK & FALCONER Independ'-nt I'ndertskera. 14 Har I) It? Kl L D"DDEH CO., Funeral Directors F B Foro. Mgr.. ltd and Coming 8ta Phone Dnuslss 077 Auto ambulenra llULSE RIEPEN. undertakers and em- balmera 701 S. Ith Pouglss 1741 JOHN A GENTLEMAN. undertaker and embalm er 624 l.evnworth noun 116 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL HLl'FFM STKEET RAILWAY 'OMPANT Persons having lo sme artlcl would do well to call up the offl-o of tba Omaha Council Bluff 8trt Railway company to ascertain whether It la tb street car Many article ach 'day or tuned In and the company Is enslous to raatore tnem to the rightful owner If VoU iue anything, and will advertlaa It Para you will eurrn recover It If frund by an boneat peraon If yon find anything of value tt nonesi war la to advents, for tha o ' - LOST or atrayed, a biack brlndla Boston bull, whit markings on breaat and head. 1 4 whit feet; amwer to the name of Dakf. Liberal reward. Colfax 1707 or Ty. 111. LOST At tb Ak8af-Ben Ball, smairdla. mond pin, shape of bow-knot Reward Charlts Metx, 1701 Dewey Ave. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD for tba re tura of a gold dollar dated -1111, 714 North lth St.. Omaha. LotST lold necklace, value only aa sift at dead friend Reward Harney till A: 1AiT Parly finding a 15x4 Uoodyear caalnt and Inner tube oa rlra, pleaaa ra turn to 1484 Vinton; reward. LOdT lre cameo brooch In carnival ground Frld&y Bight. Liberal reward. Mrs. Hudaon. Dougla 1071, LOST A fur between 40tb and 4lat St, OS Cunning eu, 11:11 Friday. WaU lilt. FOR SALE-e.MiceIIaneou Furniture and Household Goods. FUK.NlftH Vol, II HoaiK AT PRACTICAL. LT OUR OWN I'RICa Hundrrda of peoplo ba taken advan tage of the remarkable prlco reduction wa bav bean making for tba paat aevera months a big 111.000 wareboua storl, of brand new. fumltura th o war forcer1 to close out. Sucb mono saving pooalbllltles could not bo equaled anywhere alaa In tba city- alert buyer hare discovered this snd profited by tt Fnrnttur for vvarp room la tba borne h Included tn thla big warehous stock t OUT-OF-TOWN ORD3RS OIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION Act today STATE FURN1TTJRH CO. Doua 17 14th snd Iwaje its.. Omahs GENTLEMAN'S chiffonier or wardrobe; five tray, two drawers, on largo receaa, die appearing mirror, bangers for coats, trou sers, etc.; smpla room for six aulta of clothing. Alae on medium siaed cabinet book caac; both tn oak and In aplendld condition. Call at 1144 & lid. Telephone Harney U47. ' BAIKIAINit in furniture. Ira boxes,"" git' stove, rugs. bade, china and kltib'n cabl aets. lablea. ebalra. buffeta dreaaers trunka. eultcaeea. Full Una of poultry net ttn .-reen 1-47 N :4th Weh 14"7 ill n PT m'lJTMn AND shokm UJJVlllUtU WB PAT THF HH1HKST PRICKS. tOUOLA8 1011 TPNk'TNQ ''yo "la-heat prlcea for jrjiiVllXO clothes, aboes. trunks etc Dour lull Res., Doug 1011 HELP WANTEDMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Rock men and teamitere on Santa F Railway line between Caney. Kan., and Pawhuaka. Okl Yea- work Maney Broa. A Co., Pawhuaka, Okl. WANTED Mer with working knowledge of electricity and atore battertee to fill per manent poaltlona. Halarlea according to ability. Box 6179. Omaha Be. WANTED Namea of men. wlehlng to be come Omaha mall carrlera Commune. 147 month. Box Y 21 1. Omaha Bee WANTED Flnt claia automobile repair man; give air and experience in first letter. Box T 131. Omaha Bee. W ANTKD Flrat-clae barber ut once: 120 guaranteed, 10 over 130. ' Lercb A Jonee, Deadwood, 8. D. WANTED Turklah bath man. Geo. J. Gordon, Stag Turklab Bath, St. Joaeph. Mo, WANTED An experfenced grocery clerk Apply Waehlngton Market, 1407 Douglas VOl'NQ man atudy law! Eve . downtown as UNL of Oil.. Sec'y. Thomeen. an nm Bk I.KAKN baibri IrauV. ow rale now a" or write Barber 'olle 1114 Ooualae B WANTED A.uto mechanic for out-of-town. Call at 3. T 8t art Motor Co., Monday. WANTED Experienced meat cutters. Ap ply Washington markut, 1497 Douglas. WANTED Two young men to work on pas senger train. Apply 814 8. 10th Rt P Sessions end Trades WANTED A skirt maker at once Scalar ft Holmgren. Room 4. Wead BIdg ,'RN lM,rl, fri Mil? IiIl- 8t Household and Domestic. WANTED 1 .WAITRES8E8. A CHAMBER MAID AND DISHWASHER. APPLY AT BROWNEU. HALL, 10TH AND WOKT1I IXOTON. PHONE DOUGLAS 60. WANTED Priest' housekeeper; 2 priests; 1-atory house, lurnuc? heated, comfortable home; no church duties; light work; wagea IS pr week give reference Rev A. R. Dowd, Mlnden, Neb. COMPETENT houek epe , middle agt d preferred; no rashlng; must be good CAN ua aecond-band steal for concrete work, sack as rails, bars. eto. Apply B. Alplrn, 7th and Douglas Bts DIAMONDS 40 H litb 8t SOL BBROMAN a CO WANTED To buy cider applea. 2(11 3. South 194. tVANTKD TO BUY Slightly Fnn tourlna ear Hnutb 4140 uaed III FAL8E teeth. 1401 Decatur Bt Omaha, Neb. M M 1K8 txiu'ht Kleaer. Iyal Hotel BIdg ROOKS hniiehi. IM 8 I Urn - Tvler 1I4 BUSINESS CHANCES RE8TAURANT for aal or trad with I bedroom, all well furnlahed In good live town of 4,000. Will sell or trade at balf Its value on account of other bualneaa. Addresa Box 124. Ulaaourl Valley, Iowa. FLOUR MILL AT TRUSTEE'S SALE." To be sold at Oreeley. Neb., October 14, It a. m. 76-barrel flour mill. Fully equipped. Good location. Ready to run. Worth Investigating. P. 3. Rooney, Truatce. 1 I'OWIiHf, 4-A macblnrs, practically new Tour choice st II4 other msrhlnes from Jll up; two Fort Wavne Companssrcs at lit Coin quick If yon want It Mgr tlO Bromley BIdg., Omaha, Neb FOR SALE Hotel, 14 n.odern, well fur nlahed rooms; hot and cold water In each room; beat location In town good money maker. 8L Anthony Hotel, Excelalor Springe, Mo. FOR SALB HOSPITAL of 14 rooms; mod ern and fully squlpped; tewa 1,404 people, Addresa Rasmus Anderson. Broken Bow, Neb. FOR sale or rent, bakery, confeotlonery and lunch business, only bakery In railroad junction town 110, good paying bualneaa. Address Box T ill, Omsha Bee. NICE confectionery, cigar and soda fountain and small Iln of groceries la our store. Florence 124. . MOTION picture mscbines (nsw and re built!; tbatrs supplied Omaha Film Raehange, 101 S 1 4th St MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makea; supplies, westsra Sup ply Co., 101 Nat BIdg. TO OKT In or out of buaine call on OAM1F8TAD, 14 H Be Bid HflUg 1477 nidi builnraa or reaj aetata handled fei aula F. v. Knirei. nee uing., iimana Ull I.OW1J SALE AND AUCTION CO. WOW BIdg Red 111- at EAT market for sale. C If.' Huffman. Staplehurst. Nee. - Roominf Houses For Sale. A SURE enough bargain In a Well located rooming and apartment bouse. Call I. lino. Attractions. SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Complete line moving picture evppliea waneon A Nolan flunoly Co.. 101 a 14th SITUATIONS WANTED . Male. PRINTER-OPERATOR, all-around man; wants position as foreman or manager, In modern country shop; first eless work man) can eomo at once, W. S, Tarton, 4104 McKlnley BU, Benson, Neb. ". Phone Renaon 42a. fvvo young men for factory warn Omaha Box Company. Kt omahs WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. APPLT 111K 8. 10TH 8T. WANTED Preaa feeder. 104 Noi-n 13tb St Male or female WANTED A good tinner and plumber at once. Qua weasel c Co., wiener, ncd. Salesmen and Solicitors. AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity Is open to an experienced aaleaman la Iowa. A chance to become a finished adding machine man with the complete training of a wonder ful sales organisation. Aak for Mr. Mc Oovsrn, the Adder Machine Co., 203-1 W. a W. BIdg. MEN WITH FORDaRS to sell the Foot Air Accelerator. Burne hot air. Make 142 Slid up per week In your own community. Answsr quirk. ' Whartney gafra vT'o.. 417 Paxton Blk WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska and Iowa. Call 401 Bee BIdg. WANTED Experienced clothing saleamen. Shirley Clothes Shop Agents and Canvassers Hotels and Restaurants, BACM1AGB porter wanted. Paxton hotel. - Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE.' Man, women, learn the barber trade; few weeke con. lete: pay while learning. Catalogue fre. Ratea now o . Call or writ. 114 South 14th St., Omaha. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn tn six wesks; ro books; sasy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School. H N.'lOth St , Omaha, Neb. BOTH Men an women to learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or write, 1401 Dodge. ' TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 10(1 Farnam. cook; good wages. Apply between 10 and 11 a. m. Majestic apartments N. 1. Six teenth and Tates. Phone Webster 490. WANTED Steady woman with Email child for gen. housewk. Good home to right pnrtj-. Permanent position. Benson 627-J. wanted U'ri to asaai witn nouaewora and care of email child. No washing. Apt 11 the Blrchwood. Phone Walnut 21. GOOD reliable whit, girl for general hpuee work: must have refiencea Mra. Camp bell. 1098.60th Ave. Walnut 334 WANTED A competent girl fo- general hous'ewo'k. Small family. No laundry. 131 U. :ih St. ' Harney 21 51. COMPETENT RlrPfor housework. No laun dry work. Small family. 13 per week. Call H. 46". " KKI.IAL'.K white girl wanted. 2 In family No washing. 17 Mrs. Bcnnsr. Wal. 2112 FOR RENT HOUSES "South. 4-ROOM cottage for rent at street. Call Webster 2174. !I12 Mason l-ROOM house modern ; slso 4-room house modern. See Thomas Geary, 3314 8. 25th. Miscellaneous.' 2619 CAPITOL AVE., 0-r. all mod. flat, 2S. 2721 Hamilton. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, Juat newly repaired, large garage. IIS. iMl Bancroft. 6-r., part mod., 113. : 9 N. 24th. l-r. flat. mod. ex: ht . 116. to. R A SP BROS.. 210 Keeling BIdg. Tyler 711. NICE 7-room flat. 117 Cuming ,.321 6-room house. IS1. Decatur 8t Ill JOHN W KOBBIXS 102 FARNAM 8T .I. 11 ail parte of tbe city C" OH. SONS A CO.. 101 Bee Bids FOR RENT APARTMENTS West 'IisE In omo. aulta hi far etudlo. office, dentist, dressmaker, etc.. with living rma adtolnlng T F Hall. 414 Ramee D 7404 ST. CLAIR. 24th and Harnet 2 and 4-room apart ments. Call Haruey 447. I'AH 11IKNTS. all elue and prlcea, aplen did location 24th and Farnam D 1473 North. COMPETENT maid; no washing; 2 In fam lly. 102 N. 23th Ave. Tel. H. 4420 WHITE girl for general housework. Park avenue. Harney 1401. 1523 EXPERIENCED -hits girl for housework 214 N. 41st 8L Wslnut E40. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; plain H. 2370. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A dining room girl and aecond cook Apply Ciarkann Hospital 2KH Hnward 8t WANTED Girl to assist with housework, no washing 1330 8. 30th Ave. H. 3401 Miscellaneous. Boys. BOYS! A Regular Job Where You Can Make Real Money! Light wor!. and regular hours Good chance for advancement and more money. , APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, SKINNER MFG. CO., Hth and Jackson Stt. OMAHA PILLOW CO Feathecminattreases msde from your own feathers, summer and winter ildts: cost ,ess and last longer than cotton or hair beda. Phone as for ample. 1907 Cemtng. Douglas 1417. CALL F. R STEPHENSON. . HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE Auctioneer. . licensed and Bonded Phone Web. 4471 ' REGISTERED Pharmacia! dealree position In Neb. or Iowa. Aged Is years. Exempt from draft. Single, 11 jreare' experience In retail drug business. Beet references Bog T 111, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED clerk. 24, single, five years as grocery, shes ana furnishing goods salesman, open for position! Best refer ence. Box T III, Omaha Be. .iOUSEMAN Good on screens, storrawln rtows, carpets, floors, Call Houseman, Tyler Sllt-W. L. - SITVATION As Housekeeper In hotel, com petent. Settled and respectable. Address Silver Creek. Neb., R. F. P. Box II. WANT ED Job"drivlng truok, csn take car of any kind; references. Tyler 1071-J. Female. GOOD honest girl can have a home while looking tit work., lilt Larimer Ave., Omaha. COMPETENT whit lady want day work of any kind. Red 1107. COLORED chambermaid wants . work. Wb. 1711 ' . Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day work, waahlng, houae cleaning; Wehetar 2330. rill Ironing, give satisfaction COLORED woman wanta day work of any kind. Ty. 1IS3-W. - DAY work by whit woman. Web. 4619. WASKINOand lace curtains done.' Ty. 1144, STOVES, 'all makes, heaters, ranges and cook stoves; turn.. Vict., pianos. Countr) trade Ooods packed free Loyal Furn Co., 121 N. 14th. City Furn. Co.. 107 S. 14th. MUST aill high-grade, practically new tap", eatry davenport eheap; reason, room over crowded. Phone H. 142L Address 111 8. 10th. FOR SALE Household furniture. Including good oak dining set, two tins brass bade, leather couch, ruga, chat's and kitchen utensils. Call Walnut 1740. Ri HII Ik hi down and get your share of ell klnd fuinlture at ascrlfice N lltb FOR SALE Double oven gas stovs In fine condition. 2341 8. 33th St. ' For SALE 2 good bed and on bed spring. Harney 1034. ' For" SALE Large siae baae burner cheap Tyler 2099. Pianos and Musical Initrumenta. FOR SALE Everett piano, praotlcaily new; also New Life vibreto South 1721. FOR SALE A player piano In good eoodl tlon. Very reasonable. Webster 1441. Store and Office Fixtures. WIS HAVE moved to new location We buy ell snd make desks, safea. ahowcaees shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co 8 W Cor 11th ar.d Dong Phone T 9734 Sewing Machines. SWING MACHINES'" W rent repair, aell needles and parte of all sewing machine. M1CKELB " NEBRASKA .CYCLE CO.. IHth and Harney His. mi- i'yne : itera and Suoplies. Washing and ironing wanted. Harney 1403 LAUNDRY or day work wanted. Web. I714T Bundle washing, colored lady. Ty. 8S63-J WANTED Work by the day. Webster iTll Coi Isdy wants day wkl, any kind. Ty. till. 'AUNPRT Ww b'y exp. col, lady. Web, 7014. flSHINQ. Ironing snd hscleanlng Ty Ittt' LAUNDRY and" houseclesnlngV Ty. 2967. " BUNPLE" wa'shing wsnt'ed. Walnut 1141. WHTTK laundress. Csll eve.. Red. It 4 4 HELP WANTED MALE , Stores and Offices. WANTED Experienced pharmacist and chemist for prescription work snd com pounding si dally. Sherman McCon- nel Drug Co., 14th andDodg Bts. t.EDGER cle?'i by la rge wholesale houae. Good pay and chsnce for advancement Address 7409. Omaha Bee. TOUNO man study law! Eve., downtown aes UNL of OM.. Sec'y Thomsen. 44 Om Bk Professions and Trades. n PEWiti TKKS. sold. rr:ed snd repaln-d Rent an Oliver typewriter 1 months foi 13. Central Typewriter Exchsng. lioi Carnem ' i.srsnt.ed Tyiirwrlivra 310 snd up Wrli for Mat V'diat -Tyu C" t44 Dnds let W cb cM dc ao he. sc ii).m i-EKT of o'd and new lumber fur ' sale at reduced prlcea Also windows. doors, steam heating boilers, tel beama and other building materials. . ' CHAMBERS &v O'NEILL; B till Leavenworth. TY,' 1111. 1 RH ADJUSTER SALE All the 'damaged good of Cady Lumber Co. fire hard ware, twine. aiW. wire fencing, wooden ; and Iron , t os and inmber. H. Orosa IimUer and V'rc!:ing Co.. Slat and, Paul Ms Wt-li:rr ,1 .E ' IK 8ALK '!; reUt set - of plaimtuw. rU toul in s corn! it-stber rase. Not rou'-' -, . us'd. Wft !lardware Store, , 40o aii", Kamam. Homey 21ti7. - - ' j ' , , ijH BALU A carload of red and yeliuik ' enlnns. O. M. Knyhorn, Mlnlurn, la. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN WANTED. HARRY LAWRIE, 619 PAXTON BLOCK. , ANTED Laborers, 3(o per hour and toe yx hour whllo doing concrete work; fire Men 49e per hour; stesdy employment In factory for the right kind of man; bunk housea furnished; board 37.31 per week. Yha Nebraska Potash Worka Co, Antloch. euro inevbanlcal to operate lathes. tt' ANTKD Men wltU . knowledge to lean- planers, boring "mills, milling machlnea. drill pressea. etc. Uoedj opportunity to learn the micblnls trade and be paid good wagea whIU learning. No labor , trouble. : Write giving experience, Daven port Locom 'tlve Work. Davenport, la. SHOEMAKERS WANTED. .Two shoe makers who have had exper ience In making Cow Boy Boots; also one repair man, pay week wagea, 21 to 124 11 week, slats your ability -and when of; coald ceme. O. C lilucher, Cheyenne, ; .'TED MachluUt- to op.:rt lathes. -iters, boring mills, milling machines. ?d,al drills, alotters. etc- Good wages 'o competent men. No . labor trouble. ' . . 1.- -.. . . ! compeieni men. e . laoor trouble. -fr LAKT -all fur tuBoatocs, etc.. for cafloliitfi) riteady work. Daveneort Locomotive Colfax J9JJ. , Wurke, Pavonport, la . Boy with wheel who does not attend school. General work. Good wages. The King Pharmacy, '24th and Farnam. WANTED A GIRL TO WORK IN ICE CREAM PARLOR. WASHINGTON MARKET, 1407 DOUGLAS ST. WANTED- -GIRLS FOR LIGHT WORK. COOD PAY. Vt HOURS PER DAY. TIME AND ONE HALF OVERTIME. APPLY SUPT., LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 318 .S. 12TH. EDUCATIONAL VAN WANT SCHOOL OK BUSINESS. Day and Kvmlng Schools Munson-Pltmsn and Gregg Shorthand Typewriting. Office Methoda. Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Spelling. Civil Service subjects, courses by profes sors from the University School of com merce, and Domestlo Science Ask for bulletin 120 Omaha Nat Bsnk BIdg omaha Dnutrlaa fn FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. WANTED Boy lor pressroom, heavy worftf 310 a week, good chance for advance ment for one who can deliver. Night work. Be Mr Miller, night foreman omaha Bee n ANTED At uBL-e, good lrong boy as bus boy Permanent position. Mr Small hols, "lacksion Hotel- BOT WANTED wltn wheel. M. F. Bhafert Company, Twelfth and Farnam. Miscellaneous.- WANTED-A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD QUALIFICATIONS AND GOOD REFERENCES TO WORK IN ELECTRICAL STOCK ROOM. STEADY EM PLOYMENT AND GOOD 1 AY. APPLY TO SUPERINTEND ENT, LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 318 S. 12TH. 1 fUNTIoN - farmers' if you want help wa can supply ytm Bluff City Employ ment Buro. Ill, W Broadway. P. 431 HELP WANTED. , - Male and Female. . WANTED Ivobby porters, maids, boa 007 - and kltchsn men. Hnshaw botet , HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. EXPERIENCED COMPTOMETER OPERATOR FOR LARGE MAN UFACTURER; STATE EXPE RIENCE AND SALARY EX PECTED; GOOD POSITION FOR COMPETENT PARTY. BOX 5689, OMAHA BEE. FILE CLERK MUST BE GOD PENMAN. APPLY OMAHA NEWS CO., 15TH AND DAVENPORT. e - - ' - ' THREE stenographers (small town), 335 - 171-140: comptometer operator, 166; typ ist, . 141; stenographer and file clerk, I30.IS8. ' CO-OPERATrVB REFER-NCE CO., 1013-14 City Nat'l Bank BIdg. ' WANTED Two good, bright, experienced stenographira. Salary 30 to start. Car penter Paper Co. Professions and Trades. WANTED -10 LAUNDRY GIRLS. EXPERIENCED WORKERS .'REFERRED. GOOD WAGES . ND FINE "WORKING CONDI TIONS. APPLY TO MRS. DO 11ECK, M. E. SMITH & CO., 9TH AND DOUGLAS ST. i ENTRANCE. i'HE Nebraaka Telepbnn company offers an exceptional opportonltv tn young ladle to team local ind Ions distance telephone operating Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement good wagea A rl ery to paid whit learning Parents l airing to acquaint themselves with tb working rondttlone or any othet detalla are 'eneclsil Invited to acrompa'ty the ai-i'llcaois. Apply to C. F, Lambert. 1107 Douglas atreet. FARNAM AT 11 WELLINGTON choic.0. at ail rates to perrna ' uent guests, HARLEY ,"H.A"iA" oioxviai ww i t rw iv permanent fuetta. HOTEL STEAM-HEATED rooms 12 wk.. also apts with kitchenets Ogden Hotel. Co Bloff Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERSI It you fell to find tbe room yon deelre among these sds rail at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vscsnt rooms 1. all psrtr of tb City New Usls Issued ever week LOOMIS APARTMENTS. 20th Ave. and Mason St. Six large, airy unl comforta'ole rooms; very conveniently arranged. Thin apartment has a sepa rate entrance and' front porch and la lo cated fn an excellent neighborhood. Rent 147.C0. OILBERT C LOOMIS. 105 McCaguo BIdg. ' Doug. 270. STEAM-HEATEnapt. in Scargo Blk. 4 rms. B. H. Benner, D. 3404. REAL ESTATE To Exchange AUTOMOBILES WE HAVE a client that owns about iO.OOO FuK SALE 1917 Maxvrell touring cur. act-as In southwest Texas which Is free snd clesr of all encumbrance. Thla land is represented to be excellent crazing land and will grow alfalfa aa well aa other grass crops when put under cultivation. Tbe owner . has given us permission to trade this land for unencumbered income property or wheat lands located In Neb.. Colo., Kan. or 8. Dak. E. P. SNOWDEN SON. D. 9371 423 8 .16th St.. Omaha. Neb WILL TRADE warm 2-room cottage, new condition, ft. Ford eedan or other car; rents 120. Webster 21 . 140 ACRES fin rraaa land in Blaine Co., nicely Improved- 310 per acre, for home In Omaha 803 Om Nat. Bk BIdg REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL bo-foot lots Price 1220. only cisb en1 S -enl n-r wk Dour 937 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. FO'R SALE5C acres V, mile from Dodge St.: 2 miles from Omaha. D. Wesemsnn. Rnnt 4, Benson. Neb Dundee. Homes snd- home sites In Dundee 8HW..RR CART. 24 Keellne D f4 Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment, walking dlstsnce. Janitor., beat etc: 140 summer. 143.30 winter. Douglas 3312. PBTKK8 TRUST COMPANY. -! list tn- Apartment Manaeemenf PPNT Business Prop'ty Stores. Down Town Barber ShoT) For Rent Very attractive modern barber shop, tile floor, fine plum) '.ng and back bar equipped for four chalra. Very low rent. A real opportunity for a live barber. Inquire of J. B. MILLER, MANAGER, WELLING TON INN. OMAHA. WORLD REALTY COMPANY (Realtors) Theater Entrance Do'iglas 1841. Bun Theater Hldg. FOR RENT 1106-3 8. 4th St.. two store rooms, good business location. Inqulrs 1121 8. 6th Bt. , - SMALL store. Chicago St.. near 13th, 125. O. P. gtebblns, 1310 Chicago St. Acreage. ACREAGE FOR SALE. By nonresident , who ts and wlahes to dispose of same while here Good tract, fair Improvements. If Intereated call in person for iilnor at Her Grand hoteL . brand new: must sell at once for 50u. Call from S a. m. to 6 p. in. Webster 4491. STANDARD MOTOR CO., Ou slightly used Allen roadster; bar gain. 2M20 Farnam r?t. Carl Changstom. A ANTED r'OR SPOT CASH. 100 UbED CARS, quick action, no delay Auto Ex . chanee Co. 2107 Farnam St Doug 403 GUARANTKE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO.. all klnda of tire repairing work guar anteed lio?la 7H52 1109 Douglas St. RAMBLER touring car. electric lights and atarter. In xoou ahape. 3225. Call at 848 S. 21th St. TELL A BINKLEY. WB BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 231 Harney St Doug 1540 JOS MATHE. patent vulcanlxer manufac turer, experta tire repairing 2S69 Far nam Phone Harney 42a A FivFASSENGERChalmera. Will ex change for horses, mules, cattle or real estato. 638 Keellne BIdg. hTrGAISS ib used cars ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. loth and Karnsm Harney 414. FOR SALE a passenger touring-, aix tires, first class condition; must sell at once, Harney 2455. FOiTbALE isVa7)d all or part of equip ment of Crosstown garage. 315 S. 24th St. Watte k Tics' charubT "and repaired. Everready Battery Station 1200 Farnam BBRT8CH Y 'Kan-Klx-lt." 8outheaat cor ner ;nth and Harney tits Dougla 2562 4 BRAND new Saxon roadsters 17th 8t Dmielns 9070 110 s. FIVE acrea west of Elm wood park: Ideal auburban bomealte: could be subdivided There la a real future to this. Let me howyou. Telephone Walnut 3404 BUY and sell old cars. 1527 N. 21st. 5057 after 4 p. m. Web. GiX)D ha 1 gains in uicd Fords 4001 a 24th. Tel Bruth 43S Auto Repairing and Painting REAL ESTATE-WANTED WE have aeveral good reliable buyers for I and I room nouaes and bungalows with IIII0 to 1500 down. Csll Osborne Reslty Co.. Tyler 490 701 Omsbs Nat Bank BIdg I.ISTINQ bouses to rent or aell on small cash payments, have parties waiting Western Real Estate. 413 Karbacn Blk D 3107 FINANCIAL WYOMING oil stock are making millions for Conservative inveators. Let ua tell you how It Is done and aend you The Market Dlgeat alx months free. Knex-Bamholt Company. Commonwealth BIdg., Denver, Colo. ' (STORE on 16th atreet, near postoffice, P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago 8t. Office and Desk Room. WILL rent private office to stenographer doing public work with telephone service for a few hours work each day. Ad dress Box 7877, Bee. LOW-PRICED mod offices. Farnam BIdg. 11 4 Farnam. (Old 1st Nat Bank BIdg. FIRST TRtTST CO tRealtors.t Tyler 300 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Flats. PARTY with furniture would like to Inter est owner of vacant flat of 12 or 15 rooms on partnership proposition. 584 Brandels Bids, Desk 1. pnone Z41Q. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Packing, storage and moving 211 N 11th St Phone Doug Is 114 "METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO- Expert sei vices; prompt sttentlon. Tout moving, your pacaintv your storage. Main Office. Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard Tel. Doug T73S FIREPROOF WAREHOU8E. Separata locked ronma for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping i OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 0 tt 16th Douglas 4141 FIDELITY FREE RENTAL SERVICE Phon Douglas 211 tor complete list of vacant houaee and apart ments Also for storsgs. moving. 14th and Jscksnn Bts Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service tu moving, pecking ana storing, re 11 Tyler ll" or Pouglss 4iix MODERN furnlahed rooms st the Sun , shins apartments, equipped for light housekeeping; hot and cold wster. Foi men only. mw ratea . Office 40' N. 17th St. LARGE front room, comfortable for Ak-Bar-Ben visitors, reasonable; private horns; all modern; ons block from csr Iln; location. 1514 Emmet St. Phone Webster 4581. LARGE comfortable room, private family; suitable for 1 or 1. ltanacom Park dla trlot. Walking distance. H. 14(1. i-'OR RENT Large modern front room In private home, with or without hoard. Gar. age. Harney 4124. AN ATTRACTIVE room In Weat Farnam district. Telephone Harney 1821. FURNISHED Furnace heated room;" 23 per week. 833 B.-12d St. Walking distance. O IE small aleeplng room. Electrlo lights. Well heated. 1312 Douglas. WELL- fur. rm., steam heat, private apt, nur IKth nrt Hrn, Phone Tvler 1477 1411 HOWARD. atJam heated furn. roome' - Board and Room. FURNISHED room with board, suitable for man and wire or two gentlemen; refer ence. Harney 2734. ROOM with board to young eoupl. . strictly private family, references exchanged. Har 1 ny 1830. .--,. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. DOUGLAS APARTMENTS. - One l-room apartment, 50. Very de sirable. Walking dlatance. Douglaa 1313. Calkins Co., Second Floor City Nat'l Bank BIdg. Houses. I1CE six-room bungalow, 3229 Harney, either furn ished or unfurnished, with frarage, until May 1. Call Harney 1592 between 5:30 and 9:30 p.m. FURNISHED bungalow, close to Prettiest Mile club house. Mtnae Loss; no chlraren. CaU Colfax 2762. , , ,,, ' , v -, ; ; , , , i , FOR RENT HOUSES West. 13-ROOM modern brick bouse, till Harney St. Call Harney 3353. FLAT. 3305 Leavenworth, I rooms, 320.00. JOHN N. FRKXZKR. DOUGLAS SS. North. ROOM house, all modern, has oak floors throughout, two fireplaces, south front 140; 141 with as rare. , TRAVER BROS.. Ill First National Bk BIdg. Doug. 4334 4-ROOMS. Entire dow stairs r-aldence. Separate entrance: modern except neat. 115. 2601 Corby. Web. ter 1763. I-RM. COTTAGE for rent 1414 McKlnley. 15.14 per month, elec lights. Ben. 220. 125-7-ROOM modern eaat aide double ttouec. Bemla .s-k. Walnut 2141. i-ROOM COTTAGE, modrn except heat.. 2402 N. 27th. 111. Webster 171. I-ROOM borne, modern but heat. 111. 1704 8ewa-d. D. 7801.' . FOR RENT Furnished 6-room cottage, all modern: 304 N. 19th; 117.60. , South. A GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE 117 S. 29th 8L, modem, furnace heat. One block from cat line.- Lease I months. 1.10 month Phone Doug. 394. 701 8. 16TII ST.. eight rooms, modern, new furnace, low rent. P. JE. Her, 311 Karpge BIdg. Doug. 194. FOR RENT S-roora bouae. hot watr heat. 2 bath vv mis. on car line. 1142 Park Ave. rbf.r.e H. 2433, 2111 OHIO 7-room houae. modern, 114 per month. Phone W ebeter 4100. - J7CTREED Expreas Co.. Moving Parking and Storage 120? St Web 1741 tiug 1141 OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING Large van, two men, 11.60 per hour VAOOARn'S 8TORAOK ro . Onus 1414 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED ' West FOR SALE Seven room houae all modern, lot 60x140, well located, must sell. Price 11.600. Cash 11.500. Tour time well spent looking Into thla bsrgaln. Box 7917, Omaha Bee. I1 ROOMS, city water, electric lights, 2 large corner. lota, aouthwest of Hanscom I Park; 1100 cash; balance mommy, wal nut 1444. - North. 6-ROOM all modern house; hot water heatj one-half block to car. Call Colfax 1307. South. FOR SALE TO BE MOVED One 6-room oottage tn good shape. 722 S. 18th 8L Apply. W. N. Chambers. D. 04 or Tyler 1419. ' ONE 6-room snd one 4-room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition ; live In one and rent the other r Price for both.. 12.760 Very easy terms No. 2438 8 20th Bt NORR18 ai NORRI&! 400 Bee BIdg. Phone Douglas 4270. Miscellaneous. CLASSY BUNGALOW. Five-room bungalow, claasy outside and Inside. Price 13,850; reasonable terms. . BENSON As CARMICHAEL 443 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1722. VV FARNAM SMITH A CO Roal Estst and Insurance, Hn Farnam St Doug 1044 R 8. TRUMBULL. 1108 let Nat Bk Bids' r 1714 REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H A W LF, Realtor. Ware Blk Specialist In downtown business property REAL ESTATE To Exchange TRADE ' $12,000. Will consider flat, small apart ment building or smail farm. This $12,000 consists of $5,900 worth of contracts of alt drawing 66-10 per cent, being paid off in monthly in- stallments (payments guaranteed) and 280 feet of business frontage in new restricted district where there is at present no competition, but a wonderful opening for garage, drug store,, grocery store, meat market, notion and hardware store, etc. Only $22 per foot for business sites is stealing it. Belongs to woman who has not the ability I to develop it and who does not rea!i2e its value This vacant property alone is worth $50 per foot or $14 000. On car line. First time offered. Act now.: For , a'e. one-slf -' same price. Address Box 7890, Omaha Bee. Heal Estate. Loans and Mortgages. ARM snd city loana. running from five to twenty years interest. I per rent, 6 V per cent ad 1 per cent. PETERS Till 'P i ro 1621 , -nm 8., Om' ' Neb' 11.600 MTGE, bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; aecured by property valued at 15.400. Tal- mage-Loomle Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bid? 13.000 MTGE. Tearing bV, pet. aeml-ann. ; aecured by property' valued at 312,000. Talmage-Loomla Inv. Co., W. O. W. BIdg. H. W BINDER. - Money on band for mortgage loans City Nstlnnal Bank BIdg 8HOPET4 CO.. PRIVATE MONET FARM and city loana. 6. 5 and 6 per vent W H Thnmaa, Kellln BIdg Doug 1448 1100 to llO.ono MADE promptly D Wead. Wead BIdg., 18th and Farnam 8'a MONEY to loan on mproved farm and ranche Kloke Investment Co. Omsha OMAHA HOMBS. EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFB R E. CO., 1014 Omahs Nat'l NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS W, T GRAHAM, 404 Be BIdg MONEY HARRISON aV MORTON. ' 114 Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg r ' CITY 1OAN8 OARVIN Bnos, Om Nat Bk BIdg LOW RATES C G. CARI.BERO. Ill Bran dels Thester BIdg D 686 Stocks and Bonds. WE OFFER 144,00' Sarpy, county bonds to net the Investor -484 per cetit. Bonds are In denomination of 11,000 andlmature In two to ten yeara. We recommend them aa a aafe Investment E. II. Lou gee. Ind.. 638 Keellne BIdg. - 4 , oiLBTOCKS. A. L. WR1GHT.V ' Flat Iron Hotel Doug 717 Financial Wanted. WANTED To borrow, 11,000 for 4 re. on good security.. Will pay I per cent Inter est and bonus for such a loan. Box 6693, Omaha Bee. WE REPAIR Oil standar- maka of starters and generators. We guarantee first class work; quick service; reasonable prices. Omaha Battery & Service Co., 2213 Har- v ney. Tyler 3394. k I00 reward for magneto we csn't repair. Colls repaired Baysdorfer lib N ltll " Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES WM. PFEIFFER AUTO ft CARRIAGE WKS 85th Ave and lavenworth Ht Tyler 701. Electric Starters and Repairs ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Brvlce Co. Former 8trahle A Anderson . 316 S llth St DouRla 648 .Tires and Supplies. TIRI ' AK-8 flRES AT HALF PRICE. -SAR-BEN SALE ONLY. BARGAINS IN INNER TUBES. New 30x3 Firestone I 7.90 New 30x3 Firestone 312 00 -a v til en rtew ft un ... ....,,,.,.-tvw New 34x4 Lee. nbn-skld 124.00 New 33x4 Firestone non-skid 124.00 New 32x4 Flak non-skid 120.00 Kalman'a Tire Shop 1721 Cuming. D. E838. GUARANTEED TIRES H PRICE. Mad with two old tires. 30x3. 16.60 30x3H. 37.16. 32X3H, 38.26. "2-In-lM -Vulcanizing Co., 1516 Davenrort St. A (rents Wanted. Douglas 2914. TIKE price wret-kvrg Thla la no 2 In I tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY HOSVj Jackson. Agta wanted Omnha Neb. BUY Puncturproof Pneumatic Tire and eliminate your tire troubles Powell Supply Co., 2051 Fsrnam St. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L hi Y-PAVlliSON MOTORCYCLES Bargalna In used Mnchle, a. Victor IT Roos. "The Motorcycle Man." I7tb and t.avenworth FOR 8AU An Indian Twin two-spt-ed mo torcycle, 10O. A bargain. Call Wcbs'cr 2654. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and stylos; hemstitching, plot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-808 Brown BIdg. Douglas 1936. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Buttons Co., 336-7 Paxton Blk. Douglaa 3109. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit. Co. 628 Ramge BIdg. - Phone Doug. 3149. Baths. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. SOUTHERN MINNESOTA. 266 and 140 acres Adjoining stock farms. Good buildings In fine repair, new fences. Corn crop excellent. Prices snd terms right) as must sell one or both this year. Owner,. Wm. B. Hubbard. Pipe atone, Minn. - FOR SALE. by owner, 220 acres, 2 miles 8. w. Coleridge: wen improved, ail under cultivation. Address Paul Peterson. 364 Brandele Theater BIdg.. Omaha, Neb. LlEBSARD - SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Chtropodist. Nebraska Lands. FARM, ,100 acres. 254 miles from stock yards, So. Omaha. Good Improvements. 120 acrea, level land, good Improve ments. 25 miles from Omaha. 80 acres, level land, extra good Im provements, 16 miles from Omaha. JOHN J. LUTES, Papllllon. Neb. ; 10 QUARTER SECTIONS, unimproved. Per- Kins county, nsorasica, iana; gooa eon, close to railroad. -Can sell on payment of 1500 to 3400 per, quarter and carry bal ance against' land tlve and ten yeara at 6 per cent . W.rlte for particulars, Miner & Bradley Grand IslaiMtTNeb, SMALL Nebraska term o neaay paymenta 1 acres up. We farm the farm we aell you. --Tb ' Hungerford - Potato Growers association. Hth and Howard 8ts.. Omsbs Douglas II7J v '." i A FIRST-CLASS 820-scre farm 4fe mile from Hartlngton. Neb, Well Improved and all good land; will sell or exchange See O. A. Knll. Oakland. Neb. FOR SALE Cheap, my improved 156-acre farm near Ponca. Neb.; easy terms. If desired. Address Dr. C W Otllln, 616 V LOT BIdg.. Bloux City, la FOR BALE 490 acres improved dairy farm. 110 per kcre. Write C. II. fields, Aahby, Neb. MA88EUSE, baths, manicuring, physical cult. Mlsa Walker. 224 NevlIIeBIaD. 4297. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 228 Neville Block. 16th and Harney Bts Doug. 7381. Central Bath Inst. 1506 HarneyT Doug. 7097." Brass and Iron Foundries. Pajtton-MltchellCo::7th and Martha Sta. Carpenters and Contractors. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. B. 4687. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. BIdg. Taft'e Dent. Rms., 308 Rose BIdg. P. 21867 Dancing Academy. Popular Tt T School LC JJUACpfinces Class Monday lit S. 18th. Phon Walnut 1037. Ballroom Eve. TURPHTS School of Panclng. 28th and Farnam. Phone H. 614.". or call personally for date of classes. Clrculara mailed free. KEEPDanclng Academy, private lessone, classes for adulte and children. P. 7860. Detectives BUTTON Detective Agency (Inc.,). "We Get Results." 629 World-Herald BIdg., Paul 8uttwn. Mgr. ' OMAHA pr-Trr""IVB ASSOCIATION. 900 1st Nat. Bk.' BIdg. Phone Tyler 2510. JAMES"ALLAN."212 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all res. Tyler 1138. i 8 D JOLLY. 613 Psxton Red 1136. Dressmaking. TERRY .Pre smR king Co.. 20th and Farnam. Junk Dealers ST. LOUIS JUNK CO. Call Web. 6057 after 4. LIST your ianda for quick reaults with C J ranan. 210 McCarue BIdg.. omana Texas Lands. LANDS AT fitlr value aasured tjy Chamber nf Commerce. . New plan to aettle and develop the most fertile landa . f South Texas ImmediaTely adjacent fine market. Farming and dairying demonstration un der our direction Only approved , lands offered for sale. If you want to own a farm write for booklet J. Agricultural Dept. Chamber of Commerce, Houston. Texas. . Fixtures and Wiring i"lTTT?TrTW E'ectrlo waahlng machines. LUIVXVliN electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming Rt. Doug. 2619. Pianos for Rent. 33.60 per mo. A. Hosp Co., 1613 Douglaa". C V. ADAMS. 623 S. 16th. D. 2007. Under new management. We want to see old friends and meet new. Open Ba t. even. Your credit la e-ood. Airents wanted. GOOD corn land, eaat Texaa, 126 an acre Get my free book - t W R FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha Oregon Lands. Heart of the Range.' Jordan valley project, Oregon. ' 44,000 a cures Irrigated land. Free mop. Next ex cursion October 14. HARLEY J HOOKER. 140 First Nat Bank BIdg.. Omsha, Neb REAL ESTATE TR ';e TRACKAGE PROPERTY 91x132. : 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Good brick buildings. For sale or leaae. E. H. Benner Co., D. 3406 SHERIDAN. Dawes. Rock snd Dundy Co Improved ranches), clear, foe sale or ex change i 8 8. A 15. K. MuNTOOMERT. Pougla 481 127 City Nat Bank BIdg INVESTIGATE my ayatem, Omaha Realty Tradlnc cow 11 Patlersoo But Trier us. AUTOMOBILES YOU VEED TIRE8 AND TUBES REPAIRED PONT TOUT 4JLL RIGHT WE DO THE BEST W'jRK IN TOWN TRY US THE TIRE SHOP. 261 FARNAM DOUGLAS 4871 FOR SALE Oakland Six touring car, brand new. a bargain Detrotter. good running order and In fair condition. 1126. Owner went to war Tractor. S-1J. made by the Elgin Trac tor corporation, nearly new and In A-l shape. A. L. MELCHER. WISNER. NEB Hairdressing. MADAME WILSON; 1510 li Douglas. Household Specialties Insurance BANKERS LIFE OF LINC '.N. 913-14 City Nat. Bk. BIdg. Doug. 2819. Lumber and Building Materials SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. TL Gross Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 2SP4. Oxy Acetylene Welding Expert Welding on lAll Mets.1. H. W. LEVERING. 209 8. 12th Rt. D. SB7. Massuers FISHER S Sulphur Bath and Swedish Mu saxe. Trained attendants. 279 Urandeis Theater BIdg MASSAGE chiropody. Alta Head, 20S-J4 Ba'rd Rldg . lith a-d Hnn-lss. l. J4BR. MISS HOLLAND, 223 Neville-BTk; " Central Bath Inst.. IMr, Harnv. Doug. 7097" . Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 114 BrandeiaBldT. Of flce phone. Tyler 2960. Res. H. 4741. Mrs. J. R. Mustek, su;phur.stesm and eucaT lyptua oaths 102-3 Rose BIdg. Ty 2363. DR. G. B. LORD. 3208 Bort St. H. 4051. " PajfUingjnd PperHanging. LET me figure your Interior UecoratTnrT Oarnette. the Paper Hanger. Harney 1712.. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS bouahf and aold" INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO. S83 Brandels Blig Douglas 6691. STURGE8 A STUROES. TJ. S. and forelgi patents and trademark. 310 Bee BIdg. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! i Plumbin anrl Heatlne We are the uaed Ford men. I , .... TRAWVER ACTO SALVAGE & EXCH. I "I-I S,Y- n . tr'!t' P'raB,n - --"b. untnai vpnir tvortt our specialty. OIL BURNER EXPERTS. Tel. Tyler 1118. 110 8. 17th Rt. Douglas 9070. ALL kinds of cars for hire with or with out driver by the mile or by be bour. Fords 1 on per mile Douglas 7Sn S. ' braaka Servlco Oaraga.'- - Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Tiarnbardt PtgrCo.TlH 8.13th Bt 4 f'.ji,- -,e- -I -..i. - i i I L aevsaif J MipMBVkMaMaaw tUVifJVX Si3iVueTl,,