- i I ' THE O AT A Tf A STTVnAV Prp . nPTncpo r " ' - ...... xjM-iLi . Ut;Hl)liU I, It'll. fj 1 ii. i i. t ! . - .... . ' HbUiaoKd 1 1 UUUa HI I ivr a hivukm mru ucn nicy ar. ; rfliirn to aiiirtrrs. where I ipv , given finptv beilticks. which ilu-v t.ik NEW COALITION CABINET NAMED BYKERENSKY Premier's Reply to Dsmocratic Congress Exactly Contrary to Demands; State of War in Turkestan. rVtrograd, Oct. 5.-PrCn,ier Keren- ;h-vs re!''-v '0 the demand r.f .h I democratic confess that no step to Aard naming a cabinet be made with ut the sanction of the congress was i notification that before another would announce th,. nor her 1 said that General Cherkess, the commander m Turkestan, had been attacked and beaten and that other of ficers had been se:zed by irresponsi ble troops It is reported that a tem porary revolution had been oranicd and that the people were in a panic. Russian Turkestan is composed of tour provinces in centra! Asia, cast of the Caspian sea, with a population of about 6,o85,000. The provisional government has de eded to permit General Soukhomlin otf. the former minister of war, who was convicted of treason last week, to serve his term in the St. Peter and St. Paul prison instead of in Siberia. The general's wife pleaded that if he were sent to Siberia an attempt might be made to murder him. spired he ;onrel oi .i hirh r,A. r " "'"I'Mry. innouncemeiit was made to M. Tsere ttl!l 01 the '"am committee of the con- Late fast night, after a lengthy ses- ,hl? v a P,re,Se,lt cabinet and 'he . thers scheduled to occupy portfolios fin the new one, the following unof nc'al slate was announced: Premier M. Kerenky. Minister of Foreign Affairs-M. erestchenko. Minister of the Interior fin. M. Miki- of Agriculture M. Mas- Welfare M. Minister fori. Minister of labor M. Skobeleff. Minister of Supplies E. T. Proko povitch. Minister of Finance M. Bernatky. Minister of Religion M. Karta-snerf. Minister of Public 1 Kishkin. Minister of Trade and Indstry M. Konovaloff. State Controller M. Smyrnoff. .Minuter of Justice M. Malyanto v itch. Minister of Education M. Salaskin. Minister of War General Verkhov sky. Minister of Marine Admiral Ver aervski. The constitutional democrat party, ..gainst which the democratic con gress lias been in opposition, has been represented by Kishkin, Konovaloff and Smyrnoff. The portfolio of for eign affairs, war, marine and interior remain unchanged. Want Revolutionary Authority. The democratic congress by a vote of 839 to 106 has passed a resolution declaring that it is indispensable to 'ontinue a strong revolutionary au thority which would follow the pro gram of the Moscow conference of last August and would carry ou. an active policy tending to the realiza tion of a general peace. The congress directed the main committee to choose five of its mem bers to draft a scheme for forming 5uch authority. The resolution was irepared by the committee represent ing all the parties in the congress and ets forth the views and principles isrreed to bv a maioritv of the enn- ierence. The resolution was submit ted to the congress by M. Tseretelli, io"mer cabinet minister. fhe government has declared a state of war in Turkestan, where rev olutionary movements broke out early th:s week. The situation appeared to, be becoming normal when it suddenly flared up agaia. As a protest against the sending of a punitive expedition the council of workmen's and soldiers' delegates in Tashkent, the capital, has proclaimed a general strike. A Petrograd dispatch dated Octo- Bumper Corn Crop, Says Railrocd Man After Trip Aiex. Hampton, traveling passenger agent for the Northwestern, is in from a two weeks' trip that lias covered nearly everv rountv in ihc grain producing portion of Nebraska. Speaking of corn, Mr. Hampton says: "I have lived in Nebraska many years and have never seen such a corn crop as is now waiting to be gathered. There is no question about it being a humper. After talking with the farmers, the grain men and the people in touch with- the agricultural situa tin, I am of the opinion that the esti mate of 250.000.000 is verv conserva tive and I would not be surprised if the yield readies 300,000.000. "Everywhere in the state, with the exception of a small area in the southwest corner, there is a wonderful crop. Right now what is needed most is a killing frost. The corn has fully matured and the stalks are green and still growing. A frost would stop this growth and permit of the corn ears drying out before the rains of the hte fall. "The hay crop is just as good as the corn and everywhere farmers and stock men had laid awaj an immense tonnage and the hav has never been cured in better condition. With the corn, the hay and- the bountiful fruit crop, the farmers of Nebraska arp in about the best rondition in every way m me tnstory ot the state. Boy Scouts to Learn Of Liberfy Drive Tonight An emergency call went out this morning for all the Boy Scouts in Omaha to meet at the Commercial i club rooms at 7:30. The scout activi ties in the second Liberty bond drive are to be organized. The boys did exceptionally fin; work in the cam paign for the sale of the first quota Of the bonds, and thpv arp tr ho nut into the service again. i J. W. Welch, chairman of the scout executive council, will preside. Chief of Tolice Henry W. Dunn will talk to the boys on his impression of the work they did as guards on the streets during the Ak-Sar-Ben pa rades. J. De Forrest Richards will tell the boys of the appreciation the board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben have of the way the boys acquitted them selves in handling the crowds. Major Maher, John L. Kennedy and Mr. Sykes are also to speak to the boys. Farmer Thrown From Grader" Dislocates Two Vertebra: Iowa Falls. Ia. Oct. 5. (Special.) John Brown, a young farmer, dislo cated two vertebrae' of the neck when he was thrown from a grader, strikinp on his head. It is thought nature will adjust the trouble and the attending surgeons decline to reduce the frac ture, fearing that such an attempt might prove fatal. Bee Want Ads Produce Rults. or trains. .'. K r..i: , r , . , , . ic.u, i!nr ul were icciing unc ami FlinStOn Tired But Happy after taking their baths and gelling men umionns were as nappy as a tot of larks. None of them com plained. Of the contingent reaching Camp Fuuston between October 5 and 10 close to l.0(R) had arrived when Mr. Dunn left Friday night, with trains arriving at the rate ot three an hour. "By midnight tonight there will be approximately 50,1 UK) members of the national army quartered at Camp t unstoii, said hallare Dunn of the I nion Pacific, who just came in from the post. Mr. Dunn accompanied the Union Pacific train that left Omaha Wednes day morning, carrying the Omaha contingent to the camp. According to Mr. Dunn the trains on which the Nebraskaus rode reached camp all the way ' -m late Wednesday night unlil noon Thursday. The vVebra.-kans reached Camp Funston in good shape, there were no accidents of any kind, either to men to an immense pile of hav. Into the ticks they stuff the hay and carry the filled ticks hack to their nuarters. The ticks are placed on the wire """"f" ll":- .Kitmion, uiev are 1 tnn with such a given plentv of heavy blankets and! Judge Holmes lined him $100 and street, appeared in police court to an er a charge of illegal possession of intoxicating liquor. Through his counsel Adler said the liquor' was used in the christening of a child and detailed the circumstances in Conner- baptism as practiced Speaking of the method in handling the boys at ibis time, Mr. Dunn says: "As soon as the men detrain they r.ie checked into the canio. civen their new clothing and sent to the bath houses. After the baths they are-assigned to quarters and, if it is meal time, they fall in tor breakfast, din ner or Mippei. After the meal they bed covers. According to Mr. Dunn, or four t,on wi)rk is pretty well tne nousini: ot troons construc- tmished and w ill if. ,t I, -i difficult matter. Everything ha- been v..rked out to a period svstem that the arrival of 10 000 or so new men is merely an incident. costs Decatise ot the tact that a gro cery store is in connection with his abode and that he should have had a permit to purchase the liquor. He appealed the case. illuminated two-sheet posters adver tising the Liberty bonds. Each poster carries, printed in large letters, th; legend, "Lend your money to the government." Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Leg Sore ' A hure snre vertf fWnvflitl of font dis- cnarre. Arnny annay; no rr ai ni?ni. intn jut a few drop or the frntle. cooling liqui Says Liquor Was Bought To 1)32 at Christening Anton Adler, Aso: North Sixteenth Burlington Railroac, Advertises Bonds Drive mid. Sffrfl rv i frnhinxflerpat nisht. in due time, complete tic, Mc asd H.oe. D. 1). D. Irritation and pain cone i cure, we guarantee l).l. 1) win nt m JtAt-m It: A .T,. The Kurlinutoii is sendine out to I Tl-. T i . i A VI - t- station agents along its lines ,IHH) I Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co. 10W MUCI p BSXNSrl l l" hlh? know m r IT COS TO A PRICE MEANS NOTHING BY ITSELF r-BUT WHEN YOU DISCOVER AN ARTICLE SOLD AT HARTMAN'S FOR TEN DOLLARS WHICH ELSEWHERE WOULD COST TWELVE DOLLARS THE PRICE MEANS MUCH AS ALL FAIR PRICES ALWAYS WILL! w1 SPiCIAL EASY CREDIT TERMS GLADLY ARRANGED ON ANY PU. CHAiE IF DESIRED GENUINE BARGAIN IN A COM PLETK BRASS BED v COMBINATION Conalnta of r 2-Inch continuous post brau bed. 10 fillers, sanitary cotton top mattresa cov ered with durable tick ing, wire fabric spring and a pair of pillows, a real value for complete out fit at our low price of only. '29.85 B3H This quickstep- 1 GOOD OR ' RJAKE ROOlVi That is the Hand writing on the wall of Modern Dentistry. is the Twentieth Century. They're playing a you must steD lively or steD out of the ranks Science has sriven the nrofessional man seven envir doocs improvea vision, keen ears, active brain, nimble lingers and tire impossible things of yesterday are accom plishecHacts today. Specializing and systematizing instead of theorizing and temporizing, have cut down the coot of high class dentistry by cutting out incompetence, hypocrisy and graft. bale, thorough, etficient dentistry with unnecessary pain eliminated at prices the reoDle can afford to nav haa been the result. I do not pretend that I have done all these things nortnat i even piayea a very important part in the scien tific achievements of the past decade; BUT I DO CLAIM I was alert and ready to grasp and apply the newer and bet ter things the big men of my profession offered and was up and doing, experimenting and investigating while the echoes of the past were saying, "It can't be done." Every day patients voice their surprise and pleasure at the many wonderful thing5, they see done in this office. Sanitary precautions elimination of unnecessary pain, wonderfulr porcelain work, substantial sets of teeth where but two or more natural teeth remain artistic in lays, perfect fitting comfortable crowns wilh exact articu lation masterly bridge work stamps this office as being progressive. And then prices here are less than you are asked elsewhere for work of similar Mature. My personal guarantee protects you absolutely. Painless Withers, Dentist Fl tin m ii ii ii i i it hi t THE CHINA CABINET fS5&s 1 4,1 ILLUSTRATED IS wtaBifffTPSs 1 MADE TO M ATCH 3 , TfTf, TSr V. Tyt BUFFET SHOWN El- it p mmm TufttPST pn TO RIGHT Is of Vuge fJMf3tlJCL ETl fcgj elze, 3 removable and ad- Jt(jL Jd ?Sj' "Bill J75j Juitable shelves, artistic- TvLJE'l J. ' 'EJ'tI r oily deslRntd stretchers, "bt V "S I Si I I'M neatly carved moulding, ilTiLtexl &2 l Ivflll J $26.68 M:M ersla MASSIVE COLONIAL g il-TPn&m , woSd: elegant! At m ;MviC' t,0.n Quarter -sawed if m 'f l-.-, BggE oak. base fitted with ill I Z --SyffSJ 6 ln,dvidual draw- M Mr r " lfs I arse si2e French m SSHwi ",y,jZV bVie plate mirror, 32 0 Fl tfffidiliilillhKi l'Miilliiillliltliililjilllllllllll liir-Tw I B'fif Til k-J E urge you, however, not to consider a price low jus. Decause n i,uuk low m an aavernsemcnt. Examine first of all th VALTIK will find articles in our extensive assortments which A f 1 - A 1 1 . . 1 ! ij.i may vuck a iruio more loan sinuiar-iooKuig articles in otner siores out tne value you receive for your money Ff m du gutfuiui uau bucio tan uo uu vumpurxauu. vvucu the need of new home fnrnishinp-a nrispx rm in thnt in. stitution whose merchandise performs faithful service the homes of your friends. Seek the store where the salespeople obliging and courtonsj nhore a constant effort to please Is mitnlfefttodf re stocks are complete and service prompt and efficient Look for the pntrons, hiuliiR once experienced satisfaction, retnrn again and again, secure edge that their mouej will be well and profitably spent (iO TO HARTMAN'S. We Are Show ing an Unusual ly Attractive Variety of High Grade Living. Room Suites. See Them, If This Pattern Does Not Please You, We Have Others That Will A Pleasure to Show You. AN ATTRACTIVE NEW DESIGN AND LUXURIOUSLY UTHOLSTER ED DAVENPORT Covered In guar anteed tapestry, over a full comple ment of steel springs. Tapestry is fig ured design, attractive pattern and coloring, generous in size, artistic in aesign, a spwinaia value, at only . LARGE SIZE ARM CHAIR Matches davenport, construction throughout dependable, a very restful design, ex pressive of character and refinement in every line Is the tvnp nirtnreH above, a splendid ti-QQ iZfi value our low price of .dwQa t)U A TRULY REAUT1FUL ROCKER Built to give long years of com fort and enduring service, frames are mahogany finish and carefully built of choicest stock, elegantly uphol stered in the newest tnn OCZ figured tapestry, only CtOOCD A VERY SPECIAL VALUE IN A HIGH-GRADE 2 INCH CONTINUOUS P O S Tk3.- METAL BED. Elegant- ' ly finished 1 n Vernls Martin or white enamel, has 10 heavy 1-Inch fillers, ran be had In all a I e a. Quoted for this week at $8.99 Note the Desk Comp&rtment In L rawer Z IM ' TCI I A SPLENDIDIiT DESIGNED WIIJ.IAM AND MARY PERIOD PATTERN BUFFET Built of aelected aottd oak, rich fumed finish. 2 center drawers, 1 lined for silverware; 2 cupboard, I full length drawer, 30x8 rencn bevel (plat m i r ror. our prlca only .., 128.25 MISSION LIBRARY SUITE.. Jstlcally designed and splendidly made 3-pieoe, i L thr"uKhout of selected solid oak and finished fumed, library table fitted cD "rniiiai iiiicni uiiu magazine ena, cnair ana rocker are upholstered In heavy Imitation Spanish leather, entire d-pleces as Illustrated, at only $18.75 titSaa4a.aaaaaaaa SPLENDIDLY DESIGNED "WINDSOR" ARMCHAIR Elegantly finisher",,-, in Imitation browi.ia mahogany, a very pleasing and dainty design, careful ly constructed; If you are looking for a chair of this description, do not over look thilj4 ME special at... $ J.JL)tu Ltt Eartman Feather Your Nest i MASSIVE 48-INCH TOP SOLID EXTENSION TABLE Built tractive William and Mary heavy pedestal, elegantly finished iumea. ean De extended to 6 feet, a very special value of fered for this week, at t M MM MMMMtt iiRGHWS IN QUALITY RUGS i j liHOySANOS Ce RVCJ IN AU. PATTERNS. ORIENTAL, AU.-OVERS, FLORAL2k MEDAtUONS.i I ' ' MSa'JSS A i KUJUv (ION5f THIS IMMENSE LOT CON d oak : .tfwp, rttwM mWANmm too small to list in ou : : ,n at- ! IlRt-A0RmNT OUR' RETAIL CUSTOMEWIVA? 1 1 rffl::MCMBEOND ANY AND ALL COMFETITIGlSH 6x9 ft. Brussels Rues Assorted fiftttprna an A I a?n if.i...i ... UTj m t Jt 4 PI 'Wi M 6x9 ft. Brussels Rugs Assorted patterns and de- "S"" SI 1.30 6x9 ft Seamless Brussels Rugs Assorted pat terns Sll C5 8-3x10-6 ft. Worsted Face Brussels " Rugs As sorted patterns SI 7.35 8-3x10-6 ft. Seamless Brussels Rugs Wors ed face, assorted S1900 8-3x10-6 Extra Heavy Seamless Assorted i-at-terns Brussels Rugs $10 05 9x12 ft. Worsted Face Assorted Brussels Rugs onlv a -4 r no 9x12 ft. Seamless Brussels Rugs Assorted pat terns nnlv nn v . , JBAl.Olf 7 9x12 ft Extra Heavy Brussels k ow S9.-I.RA 423-428 Securities Bid g. 16th and Farnam Stt. OMAHA, NEB. Office Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 9 to 1. J STRONGLY BUILT FOLDING CARD TABL E 36-Inch square top covered in good grade of imitation leather, easily folded as shown In Illus tration, framea are mahopany nnmn oniy: while they last, at this low price : iiiBnuany $2.3 j 6x9 ft. Velvet Rugs Assorted patterns, urieninia. etc- on'y : S12.80 8-3x10-6 ft. Velvet Rugs Assorted patterns, splen- did Qualjty ...S10.75 8-3x10-6 ft. Seamless Velvet Rugs In beautiful Pattcrns $23.85 flxI2 ft. Velvet Rugs Assorted patterns, special vaIue- at $23.08 VTit n. eamless velvet Rujgs Florals, all-overs aim ineuaiuons $26 8-3x10-6 Assorted Axminster Rugs, only. $26 M T 1 7 ft A tmlnafcr Wurra 4n ..ti.. v aai.- ahuoo aoDui icu uaueriiH, on'y S20.50 I 9x12 ft. Seamless Axminster Rugs Splendid 2 va'iie. oniy ok J 9 StlMlMlNJtyji 1.45 J ELEGANT MAHOGANY LIBRARY TABLE Finely finished and strong ly constructed, top measures 45x26 inches, fitted with roomy drawer, made on colonial lines, a very artis tic design, quoted a4 ("t for this week, only. tyJLdvj Prepare for Told Weather. Buy Your Stove w. 1V Have One to Snit Every Pnrse. m m 151 p. i PJ1 i i i CODE'S HOT RLAST HEATERS Just what you want to keep down the high cost of living, most economical stove made, burns anything, holds fire for a longer period than any other stove, we have them as low as. ian any oiner S14.00 9 oZ $3.75 Dow ( Id ir.ee only 75c a Week) This outfit consists of 10 reeord selections, your own choice, and this S37.M COLUMBIA GRAF(lf L Of hreotlfnl qnartrred oak or mahogany case equipped with the Columbia sjfttrm of tone control. The astonishing tune volume, annftaal tone quality, yon cannot bay more In the way of a musical instrument for the price. It ia better value than any talking machine at anywhere near Its price rrsard 1cm of name or make. Hear it toduy. Agents for the Moores, Garland and Cole's Hut iiiast Stoves and Ranges. HARDWOOD SANITART KITCH EN CABINET BASE Two bins, 2 drawers and eliding kneading boaid. has white maple top, easy to clean, 60-lb. capacity bins, will mo iiuubc w ne i many weary steps a day. bpecial Monday. $5.85 -Brr THE FAMOUS "REGENT" COAL AND GAS COMDINA cTION COOK STOVE' Two stoves In one. has 4 holes for gas and 4 for coal, large size oven operated for both, elaborately nickel trim med, white porcelain oven door and many special ures, at m m m i m 02 3 REMARKABLE DRESSER VALUE Built of solid oak and --.finished in golden, base Is afc fitted with three roomy drawers, having wood pulls; larre sued French revel piaie mirror. et In neat frame. Priced for this, week at Liiiifiii' SOESIEa' Mtiairiini.TrfiieaMi AJIERICA'S UUEATIST H03LE I IMISHERS V! 1 w I 1 I 11 n ii rit I . il 413-15-17 South 16:b Street LUXURIOUSLY OVER STUFFED MASSIVE ROCKER FulirS3 spring back ano.-35 seat elegantly uphol stered In heavy Imitation leather, attractively turned pasta, finished golden. Special for this week's 'sell- .4n gi Ing. at the 111 tl5l low price 0f eWava7 tas- tadr- VM