THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917. 1 i. 1 ... 1 " 1 i ' ; i GLEAN-UP PLEDGE . ' CARDS CAMPAIGN Senatorial District Chairmen Accept Appointments; Food Administrator Wattles . ... . Tells of Plans. Manager S. R. McKelvie, for the -clean-up pledge- card campaign of October 21 to 2$, has already received . twenty-one, acceptances of his ap pointments of senatorial district chair men in the state. , Those who have accepted in the early" mail are Robert F. Neal, Au burn ; John W. Steinhart, Nebraska City; William Westrand, , Wahoo; George F. Wolz, Fremont; Mel Schraeid, Dakota City; Phil H. Kohl, Wayne; E. P. Moore, Laurel; W. L. "McAllister, Neligh; Gene Huse, Nor folk; C W. Doty, Beaver Crossing; Edwin Jeary, Lincoln; Clark Perk ins, Aurora; Wallace L. Mason, Grand Island; O. McKelvie, Clay Center; Sam R. Buck, Superior; James W. Hammond. Cambridge; Robert Harris, Lynch; John F. Cor deal. McCook; B. K. Bushee, Kimball; Lloyd C. Thomas, Alliance; James C Cjuigley, Valentine. . Chairmen Meet Thursday. Ameeting "of all the senatorial dis 1rict chairmen is called for Thursday at 12:30 at the Hotel Fontenelle, when plans will be mapped out for the - pledge card campaign. Regarding the pledge card clean up campaign, announced by United States . Food Administrator Hoover Saturday, State Food Administrator Wattles of Nebraska says: "In Nebraska this campaign was started last summer by the most ef ficient work the Council of Dtfense of this state and its agents and repre sentatives. In the campaign the wo men of the state did most valiant serv ice; in Omaha and probably in other parts of. the state the work of the Campfire girls was very efficient. It is my plan to carry out the present ' clean-up campaign along practically the same lines as werefollowed in the: campaign last summer, making the chairmen of the several county councils' of defense ex-officio chair . men of the county central committees to be organized at the present time. In all cases the representatives of womeirs clubs in the several counties will be recognized on the committee. The schools, especially in the rural districts, will be used, in this cam paign. The state superintendent of public instruction has asked the co operation of every county superinten dent, and he in turn will enlist the services of every teacher in every public school in the state. Plant of Organization. ' "The plans for the organization of the state that have been mapped out are as follows: A district campaign director has been appointed in every senatorial district of the state. It will be his duty to see to it that county or ganizations are perfected in each county in his district.' The chairman of each county organization will be to far as possible the chairman of the county council of -v defense. , These County organization, called county central committees, will in addition to the Chairman, consist of the county superintendent of public schools, Jhe county representative of an active woman's organization and insofar as ' possible the county heads of all the organizations represented on the state executive committee. t Ho,ld Statj Convention. "At an early date a state convention will be held, at which all members of the county central committel and all officers of organizations, to be utilized in promoting he cleanup pledge card campaigri will be invited, Prominent ..speakers from Washington and num erous speakers of note throughout the state will be present It is hoped to make this the beginning of a great patriotic week , of public speaking throughout the state and that every loyal citizen may enroll himself and every housewife may enroll herself as members of the federal food adminis tration, pledging the united support of every, citizen. of the state to the food administration to assist in its efforts to famish food for our soldiers and, the soldiers of our allies to the end that .we may all "do our bH" to help, win the war. ' , Tickets Must Be Purchased In Order to See Fireworks Those ho expect to sit outside the walls of Rourke park and see the big fireworks Thursday night, will be dis appointed,' There is nothing to the old style. fireworks that shoot up in the air and can be teen for miles," said Acting- Ak-Sar-Ben Secretary George ! Dodds. .'No, those wo ex pect to tit outside and enioy the fire ... works might just as, well not drive down at all . For these fireworks are down low,, instead of in the clouds. They consists of reproduction of fa mous ; battles ; . and bombardments, charges, and. counter charges in the trenches of Europe. One must be within the wats of the park in order to see. them.... "AH-ready the tickets for the box scats and reserved seats in the grand-' ainiu , arc. going. rapiuiy, ana l am not sure there will be enough, to sup ply the demand." Since the tickets t went 6ae at Beaton's Drug store, there has. been a bis rush for thm The box' seats especially are limited, ana are going last. American Red Cross ' . Entertained in Rome I . Rome, Oct 2. The American Red ' Cross mission, to Italy was tendered a ' banquet last night by the Italo American union. , The guests in cluded Premier Boselli. American Ambassador Page. , Count Somaglia, president of the Italian Red Cross; ' Guglielmo Marconi, member! of the cabinet and senators and deputies. The premier spoke' of the ties "unit ing 'Italy and America and I the common ideals of the two countries. Lieutenant Colonel George F, Baker, chairman of the American commit tion, expressed hit thanks for the many courtesies shown him and his , - colleagues. ' ; ; u ' ' . ' ' ' ? ' . v . ;.. , , Advertising Expert Dies . a - From Gun Shot Wound t' Louis, Mo Oct 2. -Dudley A. Bragdon, vice president of the adver tising company' of which William d'Arcy, president of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, is head, died last night at a local hospi tal of a revolver wound. The death was made known to the coroner to day. Members of the family think the shooting may have been accidental Fun For The Boys and Girls Balloon Squawkers in Ak-Sar-Ben Colors This Coupon and 3 Cents Will Get You One At The Bee Office Nearest To You. Home Office, Bee Building. Ames Office, 4110 N. 24th St. Lake Office, 2516 N. 24th St Walnut Office, 819 N. 40th St Park Office, 2615 Leavenworth. Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St South Side Office, 2318 N St Co. Bluff t Office, 14 N. Main St Benson Office, Military Ave. and Main St, FEDERAL SLEUTHS NAB BOOZE SELLER Marshall Flynn and Deputy Quinley Too Slick for Pro rletor of "Soft Drink" ' Parlor. Joe Bombeer landed in jail Tues day morning as a result of the Sher lock Holmes' qualities of United States Marshal Flynn and Deputy Marshal Quinley. Bombeer has been trafficking, not in bum beer, but in whisky, it is alleged. He ran a "soft drink" place at Twen tieth and Martha streets. Neighbors soon found that the "soft drinks" he dispensed were not soft, but decid edly hard with a "kick" in them. Be ing good prohibitionists, they com plained to the federal authorities. A watch was placed on Bombeer and a man named Anton Holsapple. When the two departed, some days ago, for a business trip to St. Joseph the sleuths felt the trail was getting hot. , The pair returned in due time. Bom beer saw the officers at the railroad station before they saw him and ht departed from that train, "pronto," leaving suit cases, which were found to contain forty quarts of whisky. Of ficers captured Holsapple and put him in jail. His wife has been catling every day at the federal building to try t get him released, i -Then the offisers started for Bom beer. They found he had left a motor cycle at a shop on Capitol avenue. They left word to be notified when he called. Instead of notifying the officers the repairmen notified Bom beer that the officers were looking for him. Repairmen Warned. The government officers then no tified the repairmen that if they fail ed to telephone over when Bombeer appeared the next time they would hear a noise like iron doors closing behind thenik Tuesday morning came word that Bombeer was in to get his motorcycle. Deputy Quinley hastened to the place. The man answered the description. He was wearing the grey felt hat with the green band as the officers had been told. But he denied that he was Bombeer. Quinley. however, yanked him over to the marshal's office. "You: name's Bombeer," said Mar shal Flynn. "Yes," said Bombeer, "I didn't un derstand when this man asked me." Big National Political Conference Is Opened Chicago, Oct. 2. Delegates to a national political conference of pro gressives, social democrats, prohibi tionists and independents arrived here today and announced their de sire to mobilize all but the dom inant parties. This is the third in a series of meetings planned to form a co-operative union, according to V. G. Hinshaw, chairman of the national prohibition party, who will partici pate in the deliberations. Among those who are expeceted to make addresses .are: Victor Mur fJeek. Samuel Gompers, Mathew Hale of Boston, J. Stitt Wilson of Cali fornia, Henry C, Needham of Los Angejes, Eugene Foss, former gov ernor of Massachusetts; Clarence Darrow, John Spargo of Vermont and J. Phelps Stokes of New York. . Equal suffrage, national prohibition and government ownership of public utilities aje the main subjects under discussion. American Dollar Loses Value Among Chinese Amoy, China, Oct. 2. The Amer ican dollar is quoted here as worth $1.33 silver in Chinese coin. This is a drop of 17 cents since August 3. The normal rate is about $2.25 silver. DAYLIGHT PARADE MASTERCREATION Liberty Pageant to Excel All Previous Efforts of Its Kind in History of Samson's . Reign. Ak-Sar-Ben's daylight pageant, "The World's Liberty Parade," which will be presented Thursday afternoon, will excel all previous efforts of this kind in Omaha- It will be a spectacu lar symposium of the allies, presented in artistic and impressive manner. On the floats of the allies historical and symbolical ideas will be portrayed by natives of these respective coun tries. These countries of the allies will be represented by floats; Ireland, France, Scotland, Belgium, Lithunania, Poland, Greece and Italy. American born Germans will appear on an American float as an earnest of their loyalty to Uncle Sam. Other floats will be: "Spirit of 76," "Our Army," "Our Navy," "Aviation," "R'ed Cross," "Our Allies" and "Peace." Seventeen Floats. These seventeen beautiful floats, which are being constructed at the den, will be supplemented by the Kil ties band, battalion of police depart ment, division of fire department, showing old and new fire-fighting ap paratus; Forty-first infantry from Fort Crook, 200 men from Fort Oma ha, carrying field equipment; interest ing display of signal corps apparatus and equipment from Fort Omaha, '600 high school cadets, bands of music and Board of Governors of Ark-Sar-Ben. The French float has been arranged by L'Alliance Francaise, organized here last January Joan of Arc will be on of the central figures repre sented by a young woman who will be oh a white horse. The Goddess of Liberty will be on a throne. Theme of World War. Each float of the allies will be a theme in connection with the world's war. Lithuania, "The People of Sor row," will be shown in a religious pic ture. The Irish float will carry a scene showing "Erin," as a young woman, with four young women rep resenting Ulster Munster, Leinster and Connatight, the provinces. The Greek float will show Greece appeal ing to Uncle Sam to release Mace donia, Epirus, Asia Minor and Thrace from the oppression of Turkey and Bulgaria. The Scotch float WH1 have St. An drew's cross, Edinburgh castle, thist les, Highland warriors with pipes, and, four children in kilties. "America" is the title of 3 floCt designed, made and named by German-Americans of Omaha. The fig ures will be an eagle, Columbia and living models of revolutionary and civil war soldiers will be shown, with two soldiers who have enlisted in this war. Indications Point to Huge Crowd at Military Spectacle Indications are that Rourke park will be jammed to capacity Thursday night when The Bombardment ot Verdun." Ak Sar-Ben's huge military spectacle, is given. Seats for the pyro technical display are selling rapidly at Beaton Drug company, Fifteenth and Farnam streets, and Ak-Sar-Ben heads believe the fireworks spectacle will je one of the most popular and successful enterprises ever promoted by the organization. General admis sion sets sell at 25 and 50 cents, with reserve seats at slightly higher prices. Woodrough Dismisses Suit Against the Union Pacific Federal Judge Woodrough, after hearing the preliminary statement of the case of Walter Kt u. ' . , . , - - . . v . .(mug, I u u I Union Pacific raitrnad in fAr decided that Keeler had no grounds for action, dismissed th n anA taxed the costs against him. Keeler was struck by a train at Fremont and asked $25,000 damages. s I Choosing for Economy Make every Food Value count. Use food, when possible, that is part whole wheat and part some . other grain and have it so prepared as to be as nearly 100 per cent available for body nourish ment as it can be made. THe Ideal Wheat and Barley Food Fulfills These Requirements Exactly Grape-Nuts is made of our own whole wheat flour mixed' with our own whole malted barley , flourv It is ready for. quick digestion from two bakings totaling 20 hours, and nearly 99 per cent is available for food. Grape-Nuts is an Economical Food and Every; Miom Works . V .;. -; '-."''.',. Postum Cereal -Company, Battle Creek, Michigan. Justice Cohalan Is Under Investigation Albany, N. Y, Oct. 2 The sen ate of the New York legislature, by the adoption of a formal resolution, today requested Secretary of State Lansing to transmit to Governor Whitman any information not in compatible with the public welfare, which would tend to throw addi tional light upon the alleged partici pation of Supreme Court Justice Daniel F. Cohalan of New York in German activities, especially with regard to Ireland. Pinched on Liquor Charge; Police Offer Marked Coin C C. Green, charged with illegal possession of intoxicating liquor, was granted a continuance to obtain coun sel in police court. Half pint bottle of whisky and quan tities of various drugs was introduced as evidence. When arrested Monday night Green had in his possession a marked dollar which police allege was given him for a bottle of whisky.. He denied having sold the liquor and said he received the dollar in change for a $10 bill when he purchased a soft drink at the Midway bar a ew minutes before he was arrested. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. sa VI. J JMI-J J WHY NOT PAY $1.00 WEEK on a genuine diamond and thai combine systematic saving and real Reason T Yon wear the diamond while paying tor it. Or you may wish to make a handsome WEDDING OR ANNIVERSARY GIFT A Diamond La Valliere, Bracelet Watch or other artistic jewelry is tare to please. Price always lowest. Four Fine Diamonds 12.50 MONTH. 1161 La Valliere, fine solid gold, green gold leaves, bright finish ; 4 fine K9K brilliant Diamonds. Special value. . . Terms $2.50 a Month. Lcfttis Perfection Diamond Ring 27S This exquisite Diamond Ring stands alone as the most per fect ring ever pro duced, 14k jn solid gold $1.00 a Week. v Men's Favorite $75 77--Men, Dia mond' Ring, S prong Tooth mounting, Hk solid gold, at... $1.88 a Week. Open Uaily Till P. M. Saturdays till 9:30. Call or Write for Illustrated Catalog No. 903. Phene Douglas 1444 and sales man will call. THE NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELERS IBROS&CaSil OMAHA. . R0FTIS La A Simple Way to .x Remove Dandruff There is one sure way that has nev er failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you de stroy it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you will need), apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. , By morning most if not all of your dandruff will be trone. and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and dig ging of the scab will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. Adv. EAT LESS MEAT AND TAKE SALTS IF KIDNEYS HURT Says a Tablespoonful of - Salts Flushes Kidneys, Stopping Backache. Meat Forms Uric Acid, Which . Excites Kidneys and Weakens Bladder. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well known authority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked: get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acide stomach, constitpation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. Tht moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been' used for generations to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no .nger irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. s s 00 H JCX CO to aX. e toco 2 o 7 CA Pi 0 3 i