Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 A
Brie) City News
Ftatirram Wedding Mip- Ed holm
Lighting Tlitume Borten-Orandtr Co.
Ikire Roat Trlnt It New Barcn Prras
Metal Mr. Prrnwork Jubilee Mfg Co
35c LundxHin at Empress tJarden
Gets Freedom and Alimony Amelia
' Dunn was freed from Verd C. Dunn
and awarded $400 alimony by Judge
Day, sitting in divorce court.
Wants New Trial Public Defender
Horton, attorney for Perry Barkdoll,
soldier, convicted of a statutory crime
against a 13-year-old gtri by a Jury in
criminal court, has filed a motion for
a new trial.
Sneakthlcf Steals Earrings Grace
Carson, 1208 Pacific street, reported
to the police that on September 3 a
neakthiet entered her home and stole
a pair of diamond earrings, a gold
ring and $40.
Mrs. Egbert to Hospital Mrs. A. A.
Kgbert, formerly of this city, is ill in
the City hospital, Aurora, III. She nan
l-een an invalid at the home of her
daughter, Mary, In Batavia, 111., for the
last two years. ,
Bankers Meet Here The Nebraska
Bankers association will hold a con
vention in Omaha. October 10-11. The
bronze tablet to be erected In honor
itf cx-Secretary Koyse at the state
capital will be on display.
To Clost for Parade AH of the rail
road local freight offices will close at
11 o'clock Thursday morning in order
that employes may have an opportun
ity of seeing the daylight parade in the
afternoon. "
Funeral of William Bloomer Fu
neral services for William Bloomer,
who died at the family residence. 3831
Charles street, several days ago, were
held at the Dodder chapel Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The body was
sent to Oshkosh, Wis., for burial.
Fine Fireplace (Mod at Bunderland'e.
Tell? Friends That Candy Is
One of the Things Men in
Europe Appreciiate Com
ing From Home.
Wegworth Held in Connection
With Theft of Auto Tires
Owners ot auto tires reported
stolen recently, were notified to visit
the police station Friday and identify
their property.
Henry Wegworth, known to the po
lice as "Frisco Fete," was arrested at
Eighteenth ind Corby streets Friday
afternoon by Detectives Murphy, Do
lan and Psznowski and is held with
his partner, Ray Smith, 1808 Corby,
for investigation in connection with
numerous thefts of auto tires.
The arrest of Wegworth is a fol
low up of the arrest of Nathan H.
Cohn, 2406 Davenport. Sixteen pairs
of'stolen automobile tires were found
in Cohn's possession and four stolen
tires were found on this machine.
Cohn says he cannot account for the
fact that the tires were found on his
Record Week for Cattle
At the South Omaha Yards
The week ending Saturday, Septem
ber 28, has been a record week at the
South Omaha market. More than 60,
000 cattle have been received. The
bulk pric of hogs is higher th-n it
has ever been before, the average
being $19 per 100 pounds, live weight.
. The former record week was the
one ending October 21, 1916, when
55.000 head of cattle were received.
This year' record week beats the
former top by rr.ore than 3.0UU Bead.
South Si(e Brevities
Apt. In Soargo Blk., fr rant. 84th anil L
Sta.. October 1. K. H. Bentwr C., D. D406.
Rev. Father Jonaltla has returned from
trip U Ureelejr Centar, Spauldtng and Ga
neva. . .
Coma In and look at our Una ot etovea
and ranees. Wa can aave you money.
Th East Side Improvement club held Ha
regular matting last evening. Commlaelou
.era Parka and Jardtna and City Engineer
i. A. Bruce will be Invited to addreaa the
club's next meeting, when the proportion
ot devoting one meeting a month to a ao
rtal mating for members and their fam
ilies will be taken up.
Telephone South IDS and order a caae of
Oma or Lartonade, the healthful, refreshing
Home Bevaragea, delivered to your realdenca
Omaha Beverage Co. .,
Rev. 8. H. Terian et the St Luke's Lu
theran church. Twenty-fifth and K atreeta,
will preach on "The Work of the Sunday
School" Sunday morning. Immediately after
the aervtce the offtcera and teachera of the
Sunday school will be Installed. Mlsa Alice
Rathaack will be the leader of the Luther
league, vhlch will be held at 7:30 In the
evening. , The toplo will be "Tha Lord's
From Rouen, France, where Amer
ican, base hospital No. 21 is located,
comes i letter to Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam F. Baxter, from their cousin,
Lieutenant Arthur W. Proetz, St.
Louis, who numbers many Omahans
among his friends. Young: Proetz went
abroad in May. He is 3 graduate of
Washington university and has writ
ten two light operas in collaboration
with Hugh Ferris.
Lieutenant Proetz is using his tal
ent, too, in petting up entertainments
for the soldiers and in his letters to
his family in St. Louis has asked them
to send on his scores and music,
-since any one able to entertain is en
roled to do his share.
The Baxters' letter is an acknowl
edgement of a box of goodies sent
frcm here. It follows:
Package From Home a Joy.
"The packaee from home is one of
the greatest institutions in the army.
Really you have no idea what joy a
box of candy can spread over here.
You may think you have, but it's even
more than you think. A shout went
up when the can of coffee appeared.
Ration coffee is nothing to boast of.
The only reason why no shout went
up for the teeth was that everybody's
teeth were deep in the candy, for
ration tea is, if anything, worse than
the coffee. But it's all in the game an
we don't mind.
"Everything over here is going ex
ceptionlly well, for it didn't take long
to get into the routine here. What
pleases us most is that I'm getting
most of the ear, ncse and throat
work in this immediate district,
which, of course, is what I expect to
do 'apres la guerre.' I'm not permit
ted to tell you how many patients I'm
looking after. This is the coldest, wet
test summer resort I have ever visited.
We sleep under two and three
blankets always, and it rains perhaps
a third of the time.
Meets All Kinds of People.
"We're constantly .meeting all kinds
of people colonels with Indian stories
right out of Kipling-Philippine veter
ans; nobility and quite the reverse;
Tommies. Jacks, Hindoos, Russians,
Belgians, Siklis and Gurkas opera
singers entertaining troops, and col
lege professors running Y. M. C. A.'s
Ours is a Cambridge professor of
Arabic, Sanscrit and theology), dukes
and demimondaines, doctors, diplo
mats and deck hands,
"The mails are irregular and often
parcels arrive ahead of letters of the
same date. I was surprised to sec
your parcel come through without
any soht of a customs ticket. Of
course, we pay no duty, but there is
usually a ticket attached, neverthe
less. It was fortunate for rne that
you parcel was put up in tin, etc., for
other packages in the same mail were
badly crushed. I have had no mail
from home for almost three weeks,
but no doubt it will come in a bunch
one of these days.
"Of course detailed Information is
barred and our kodaks are temporar
ily locked up, but I can say that we
are as happy as people upon this kind
of errand can be. I wouldn't have
stayed home for anything. Write
when you can, letters help a lot."
Farewell Reception to
Pastor, Rev. Tiitus Lowe
Next Monday evening at the First
Methodist church a public farewell
reception will be tendered Rev. Titus
Lowe1, who departs Tuesday morning
for i France, where he will work
among the boys at the front under
the auspices of the war board of the
National Young Men's Christian as
sociation. This reception will be for
Rev. Mr. Lowe's friends, regardless
of church affiliation. Addresses will
be by John C Wharton for the city
at large; C. A. Goss for laymen and
Rev. U. G. Brown for Methodism.
Rev. Mr. Lowe will occupy his pul
pit both morning and evening Sun
day, which will be his last appearance
in the pulpit before his departure for
Europe. . .
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Big Specials J
in Men's and Women' Clothing, Shoe,
Blouse and Millinery Departments
Buy your Fall apparel at this big clothing estab
lishment Our merchandise is supreme in style and
quality. Our inexpensive location and low operat
ing expense enable us to quote lower prices. Make
us prove it.
Ladies, don't miss this big opportunity the most
wonderful Coat and Suit values of the season.
$15, $18.50, $22.50 to $27.50
100 Chic Hats
All the leading models and colors. These ,
nanaaome i rimmed Hats
are well worth $5.00.
Ladies' Onyx Fiber Silk HOSE All
colors. 50c values,,
Saturday ........... ... .
$1.00 Or So
Per Week
On Any Purchase You
t, ;.
A ' s
Blti'ehart-Stetfene Photo.
Eeturns Home to Find Ilouse
Lighted and on Investigation
! Discovers Party There for
! Silver "Wedding.
Mrs. Clark's Recital.
Mrs. Frederick J. Clark had the dis
tinction of giving the first recital of
the season, when she appeared last
evening at the Happy follow club in
a song recital, the proceeds of which
were divided between the Ladies' so
ciety of the First Congregational
church, for the building fund and the
Red Cross.
Mrs. Clark, wife of the pastor of
the First Congregational church, is a
newcomer to Omaha and this is the
first time she has appeared in recital
here. She possesses a lovely contral
to voice of both range and resonance.
Her low tones, especially are full of
depth and richness. She presented a
program which contained a fair share
of old, favorites as well as several nov
elties. Among the latter and one of
the most attractive songs on the
program was an old fourteenth cen
tury gem, which was interpolated be
fore a group Of lullabies. Two Franz
songs at the beginning of the program
and "The Dove," by Landon Ronald,
contained much good tone work, and
were especially remembered by the
Among the favorites presented
were "His Lullaby," by Carrie Jacobs
Bond, sung with rhythmical abandon,
and Nevin's "Rosary." A patriotic
note was struck in the last group,
which cotnained the "Marseillaise"
and "The Star-Spangled Banner,"
every one joining in the chorus of the
last verse.
Mrs. Clark was received with cor
diality and responded to applause and
flowers with several encores. Mme.
Borglum accompanied in her cus
tomary pleasurable mannehr. There
was no admission fee charged for the
recital, but a voluntary offering was
contributed, which, owing to the large
audience present and the worthiness
of the benefit, undoubtedly brought a
neat sum to the treasury of each or
ganization., H. M. R.
. ;
The Seventh is now giving skirmish
drills at Rourke park. Drills will be
held every Sunday morning. Tues
day night 300 men of the , Seventh
were present.
While Chief of Police H. W. Dunn
and his wife were entertaining at a
theater party in h nor of Mrs. L. A. I
DeLanney who is visiting in Omaha
from Belgrade. Neb., they were un
aware that a large number of their
friends were gathered at the chief's j
home, ".waiting their return, to sur- i
prise them on the event of their sil
ver wedding
Upon their return home, the chief
noticed lights in the house and with
revolver in hand, proceeded to inves
tigate, thinking burglars had invaded
his home. To hi surprise, he disco v
cred a large number of his friends to
celebrate the anniversary.
Those prejent were:
Messrs. and Mesdames
A. C. Kugel L. A. DeLanney
M. Dempsey Oscar Lieben
Henry Heitfeld Dan McAvoy
A. Pattullo Chas. Altstadt
A Vanous Tlieo. Thomas
J. T. Donohue W. F. Dunn
Hugh Mills Misses:
Mesdames: ( Louise Heitlcld
Ellen Gibbons Ruth C. Thomas.
Allege Omaha Men Are
Infringing on Patent
John E. Russell, Le Grande
Hawkes and Carl E. Ealbach of
Omaha are made defendants in a
suit filed in federal court by Frank
J. Trippensee and William F. Trip
pensee of Detroit. They allege that
the Omaha men have infringed pat
ents owned by them on planetariums,
devices for showing how the planets
move around the sun. They say the
Omaha men have been profiting from
the sale of planetariums embodying
the patents owned by the Detroit
men since May, 1909. They ask an
injunction to stop them from selling
the planetariums, an accounting and
Objects to His Wife Going
To Chop Suey Restaurants
Marshall Lewis, railroad conductor,
has begun divorce proceedings against
Nellie Lewis. He alleges that when
he goes out on his run his wife-locks
up the house and frequents "chop
suey restaurants." He adds that she
"received endearing letters from other
men, adding to his humiliation."
Mrs. Levis is now in Texas, ac
cording to the husband. The Lewis'
live at 525 South Twenty-sixth street.
They were married in Fort Worth,
Tex,. December 21), lyuv.
Can save $150 to $300 on
high grade Phno or Player
Piano by attending our Closing
Out Sale of Harden Bros. $100,
000 stock of Pianos end Musical
Instruments now in progress at
our warerooms, 1311-1313 Far
nam Street,
See bill ad on page S.
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.,
1311-1313 FARNAM ST.
Grand Army Men to Attend
Th3 Reunion in Vicksburg
Omaha Grand Army men will at
tend the National memorial reunion
and peace jubilee to be held in the
Vicksburg National military park. Oc
ober 16-19. During the reunion it is
proposed to dedicate the naval monu
ment recently erected in the park and
if the p!ans are matured, it is likely
that President Wilson or Secretary
of War Baker or Josephus Daniels
secretary of the navy, will attend.
During the reunion the veterans
will live in tents the government will
erect in the park. They will be pro
vided with cots, mattresses, , pillows
and blankets, but to meet emergencies
each veteran is advised to provide
himself with an extra blanket.
Th thnncnnds nf tents that are to
be put up in the park will be heated
by salamanders.
Th reunion of the veterans will be
informal and no set program has been
prepared. I here will be orations,
music and the old army campfire gath
erings, where the veterans will recall
the events of more than half a cen
tury ago. The park is adjacent to the
National cemetery, where 17,000 of
the bovs who fought during the war
of I860 to 1865 are buried.
Dress Reform Campaign
To Be Launchad Soon
A drejs reform educational cam
paign will be launched irt local
schools shortly by the Omaha Wom
en's Christian Temperance union. At
a meeting at the home of Dr. Jennie
Callfas, the president, Mrs. W. T.
Graham was empowered to appoint a
committee of seven women to confer
with Superintendent Beveridge and
$1G0)C0 Newsboy Puts Up
Plea Dependent Parents
Chicago, Sept. 29. William Mur
phy, who conducts a newstand on
downtown corner and who asked
exemption from war service on the
grounds of dependent parents, was
refused exemption today when in
vestigators for the government re
ported to appeal board number one
that the newsboy was worth more
than $100 000.
the principals o. Omaha schools to
this end. , , . ' .
"We hope a plan of education in
dress reform which will reach all
women and girls can be evolved," said
one of the members.
How girls dress has a great deal to
do with the girl question, which Dr.
Callfas and her morals committee are
trying to solve, the women opine.
The Omaha union offered its as
sistance to this committee, the city
commissimcrs and the juvenile court
in its efforts to take care of wayward
Express Company Pays Cash
To Strang :r on Fake Message)
The Wells-Fargo Express company
was swindled out of $500 several days
a.TO by a man who entered the local
office and asked for the money which
he said had been telegraphed to him
The cashier found the message and
save the stranger the money. Not
long after the message was found to
be a forgery and efforts were made to
apprehend the swindle.-. He had left
"the city and no trace of him could be
j Our Stove
I Demonstration
I during the entire
f week will be edu-
I cational and en-
! tertaining, and,
I besides the hot
I coffee and hot
I biscuits free
I to every visitor, a
I Commerce Range
will be drawn
1 absolutely free to
f the holder of the
1 lucky coupon.
-Howard, Between 15th and 16th i
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I' mi I
Fireplace Good
Exceptional assortments frcm
which to select the design and
finish best suited to your home.
op rjp
i 1
I - I
i I
I 1
Ve have, in addition to right prices and best
goods, the sort of service and knowledge that
can be of real value to you. The sort that helps
you to decide wisely, economically, satisfac
torily. - There is an ART in the proper furnishing of
the fireplace.
Entire Third Floor Keeline LIC j.
1 7th and Harney Sis.
SZfiejVbst Beauttfid Cat 'inlmerica
i ' '
N tVatMMiiMMiiiuiiiimuijjjiitwimijiiiw.iiMiii-iya
g .... .in,..!" M?--, - nTir-:-?
'.ymj' ' BiasAlli . I iiiiiiiiiiiiillilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ifl
mmm . I
fjfa New York and Chicago, 3
. . iCy,' Vjr appear in a series EH
f- V. of unique concerts with " E5
trvl the Apol!o Repro-; i
f i ducirg Piano, which is 1 1 EE
J v , handled cscteivsly by J
i AV l
, fef-:J;;;1lA. HOSFE I
I w;y H fill m
Coal Grate3
Gas Logs
Spark Screens
Fire Tools
Log Baskets
Coal Lifts
Ask for
Catalog WF' ,
Men's Fall Suits and ?
Overcoats at
$15.00,518.50, $20.00
s o p nn lit
U.I1U J.UU 5-
Watch the papers
Miss Ursula Dietrich, concert pianist, has been appearing
with marked success in a number of cities throughout the
United States, including New York, Chicago, Cincinnati,
Detroit, Toledo, Louisville, Denver, Salt Lake City, San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles, etc., before the leading clubs and organiza
tions of these cities.
Miss Dietrich appears in connection with the Artapollo,
and in addition to displaying her own artistry and charming
personality, shows the wonderful possibility of this latest im
provement for the reproduction of piano music. Alternating
with the Artapollo, Miss Dietrich has conclusively demon
strated that it is impossible to distinguish between the hand
playing of a finished artist and the Artapollo 's reproduction.
Playing "duets with herself," this dainty artiste is ap
pearing in the first numbers ever written for two pianos
, played by one artist, for the Artapollo 's reproduction of Miss
Dietrich's playing is just as much "her own" as the actual
hand playing on the second instrument.
Miss Dietrich will give daily recitals from 2 to 5 daily at
our warerooms where a complete line cf Apcllos and Artapoilc3
are on dlsplaly.
Publio cordially invited.
A. ' U
1513-1B15 Dcug!as St.
Paige Beauty Is
Distinctive Beauty
No 'matter where you may see a. Paige car on the
road or parked among other cars you will recog
nize it instantly. Paige design and Paige lines are
These cars are not "conspicuous" or "freakish" but it
is that well bred, refined tone to the Paige which
makes it unforgetable.
If, for instance, you have seen a Paige Six pass down
the street, you know precisely what we mean. It
stands out from other motor cars with an individu
ality all its own.
Quite unconsciously you will find yourself saying,
"There goes a Paige Six." And don't deny it, you
utter these words either with the pnde or des're ot
ownership. .'
Why not visit our dealer today. He will gladly arrange
to give you and the other members of your family
the kind of demonstration that will solve your
automobile problem once and for alL
NOTE- It is impossiblt for us to guarantee the following prices for anv definite length of timt
)tfflord S' T evrn Mucnga $IV
lir..d Si w hv.rjenger titd
G'enJif Six I0 Chummy RosJttet 1 1 2H)
BKirJs Six 1 tour pwnsfr $I7US
Darimour bn W l1 pirige JlibO
Sedan 'Si W five-rusng $1875
Sedan Sin II Kven i.assme S2400
Town (.at Sii-5 trven-passrngri $J0
Limousin? S'-M fvvpMnge J280
All I o b Oeirou
1314-15 Frnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone Tyler 123.
BEALr.r.S Some Good Territory Available (or Dealers.