SEPTEMBER SO. 1917. ..or A .. . 1 . . ' ..... i . . i . . . ,i , HOOVER IS URGING i MINNESOTA TROOPS FOOD CONSERVATION Sets Date for Enrolling Forces to Work in Campaign that ;;is to Be Nation-Wide - in Scope. Herbert Hoover, federal food ad ministrator lias issued the following statement,- -inaugurating- the food pledge week campaign for the week of OctobW A-18: "The week of October 21-28 ha. been selected for a nation-wide cam paign to complete the enrollment of oar forces in conservation of the food supply. The harvest is now in hand and we can measure the world's re sources. The available supply this harvest is less than -last year. The demand upon us is greater than last year. From the last harvest we ex ported more than we could really af ford. We can only meet the call upon us next yrar by savings, and by sub stitution of commodities which cannot be transported. "The allies are our first line of defense. They must be led. and tood will win the war. All Europe is on rations1 or restricted supplies. in our own country is each one per mitted to judge for himself the duty he owes his country in food consump tion, although the world depends upon us to guard end provide its food sup ply. This is a 'duty of .necessity, ho Hanity arid honor. As a free people we haye elected to discharge this dutv. not under autocratic decree, hut without other restraint than the! guidanre ot individual conscience. Here Rests Issue of War. "On the success of this unprece dented: adventure in democracy will largely rest the issue of the war. We are asking every householder, every hotel and restaurant keeper, and cieaicr in iqqitsiums .m ui muum w become a member of the. food, admin titration foe . conservation- and ic pledge- to foow in so far ji circum stances permit .;the;suggestt'ons that will be ofier4 from time to time as to food, saving"! . -. ; , ' , "For us there, is lio threat of priva lion. We wish thjlt our people should' eat plenty, but wisely, and without waste. YVisdom in eating is to mafte possible such adjustments in our.fopH consumption.: shipping and war neces sities ;as wilfallow us to fulfill -out duty ) in exj)0Ws to our allies r b . elimination onwaste. - ' "I therefore appeal to the churches and tlje schools for their, assistance, in thife crusadef-'to'all the X3rf?aniia tions for defense, local and national; to all the agencies, commercial, so cial afid civic, that they join the ad ministration in this work for the fun damental safety of thej nation." , , Ohio-Coach Confident of .-4 Turning Out Winning Team Despite the war,. Ohio State univer sity, which won the Western confer ence foot ball championship last sea son, will begin -this .season , with its varsity team-practically intact.? Few of Ohio's players have, enlisted or left school. ' , f. - i; I Coach Jack WIce, former Wiscon sin star foot ball p layer, who led he Buckeyes to victory last tall is con fident that his team will be strong enough to -carry off the .championship , honors again. (. i , . The first practice -, of the f year brought out a fairly good list' of re turning veterans and one or two very promising men from last year's fresh man squad to fill in the gaps. "Chick" Harley, Qhjo State's crack half-back, who won place on the all-Ameri-can team last season, probably will not be back, this year, as he is plan ning: on entering the aviation corps, v Holtcamp at center and McDonald at end' have joined the marine re serves and wij.1 not be back. Line let ter men, upon' whom Coach Wilce is depending, are.Teab.ody and Bolen, ends; Harold Courtney and Karch, tackles; Seddon - and - Captain ., H, Courtney; guards, and Van Dyne, center,' This means that the line will be practically intact Verges, last ftar's quarter, wilj not be in 'the school this year. Fried man, )h was Yerges understudy, will be on hand, however. . Boesel is back to play Jullback, Stinchomb, of last year'a freshman team, probably will play one of the halfback posi tions, H v " Enough sophomore talent is avail , able to make possible a good list of substitutes, the coaches say. Ohio State's season ' will , open September 29, when the Case, school eleven will play here... ,., . , p, , . . - -' - - -' Championship Oregon Team ' ;-Must Be Rebuilt Entirely University of Oregon's champion foot ball, machine, which last New Year's , day defeated . the -University, of Pennsylvania eleven at Pasadena, Cat, will have to be rebuilt almost entirely this year, as a majority of the members have enlisted or will not return to school. , " For a time "it. was" thought not one of the; .1916 eleven would return, but this tear was dispelled -hen Charles "Shy" Huntington, last year's quart erback failed to pass the physical examinations for entrance , into the marines or the ambulance corps and announced that he would be back in his suit this year. , With Huntington, the nucleus: of the 1917 team- will ,be ."Bijr Steers, a sophomore, 'whej last year played on the 'varsity against ' the" Oregon Agricultural college team, Basil Wil liams, a tackle, and "Tony" Goreciky, a track map who is reputed a good prospect for halfback. ' ... . Hugo Beidek, University of Oregon coach; who is at present manager of the Pittsburgh National league base ball team, will be back on the campus ready to begin work by Ottober 1. Graduate Manager A. R. TifRny' has announced. , ' i V "- COME TO FORT CROOK Forty-Fir3t Infantry Takes the Q:iarters of Quartermaster's Corps Transferred to Fort Benjamin Harrison. The Forty-firs; Minnesota infantry, with Captain Cook as ranking officer, has arrived at Fort Crook and has taken up quarters. The command consists of sixteen officers and 330 men. The Minnesota troops arrived over the Great Western on a Special train of eight coaches; one sleeper, three fiats, three box, two stock and one automobil. car. The .quartermaster's corps of 500 men that has. been stationed at Fort Crook left for Fort Benjamin Harri son 'on a special train over the Bur lington. "The Campbells are coming, 0 hoi O ho!" Or, rather, they're here. They arrived Saturday to help make the Ak-Sir-Ben week a success and get recruits for the British army. With f.fes and bajpipes blowing iust as they o'ayetl the Britishers "over the top" in the first days of the war, when they checked the Germans marchiug oyer France, so they play on the streets of Omaha, The Canadian Highlanders (Kilties band, under the direction of Pipe master Sutherland, will headquarter at the British recruiting office, 1612 Farnam street, with their kits and red jackets, their bare kaees and jaunty feathers, the ruddy-faced Scotchmen bfin$ a smile and a cheer to the lips of those who see and hear them. These men are on furlough because wounded too severely for active serv ice just now. Many are young boys, for the1 age limit is lower in the band than other branches of the service. They are just back from a week in Kansas City.'where they caused a sen sation and brought in many recruits for the king's Army. They will assist in the work of the British' mission all week, will play on the , Carnival grounds' and march in tlje" parades. They are a picturesque sight and their music is enough to send, the most;hes itating Britisher at once to the near est recruiting ofiice..,. ? i -. v?-1 ;'. ;j fine chance' for men to get into, war service. asK.wireJess telegraph op erators is offered in a communication from the-radio inspector at Chicago, stating that examinations will be held here some time in October for these positions. Those ; interested should write;to the office of thr Radio In spector, Federal building, Chicago, III. ,V , 1, Food Administrator Does, v Not Fix Prices of Produce The wholesale and retail price lists of produce given out each day by the state food administration in Omaha, arc not prices -fixed -bjf that; body. There is as vet no price fixing of produce here. Statt Food Administra tor Wattles says he has found that in some cases both the retail dealers and the consumers . have misunderstood this. ?? t . : "The local food administration," Mr. Wattles says, "wishes, it distinctly understood that it .is pot attempting to -dictate the prices at. which these foods should be bought or sold, and that the price list wholesale and re tail are published merely., for com parison. These wholesale prices are gotten at the wholesale markets at Eleventh and Howard streets, . each morning. The retail Re ceived from various retail dealers in different parts of the city. This' ex planatlon is given, in Order that there may" be no '.misapprehension. in rthe future regarding these published price lists." t . . . x'""' , Corn Takes Big Slump On the Omaha Market Wijh continued favorable weather and reports that corn over the entire belt is rapidly ripening, there was a slump of 3 to 7 cents in cash prices on the Omaha Grain ex:hange. The sales were made at $1.88 to $2.01 a bushel, with eighty-four carloads on the market. ;'t Wheat receipts were forty-nine carloads," ai.d by Food Administra tion Agent Ncal, this, was considered good. He is now of the opinion that the shortage has been pretty well overcome uid from' now. on receipts will be sufficient to take care of most of the demand of this territory. Oats were one-half cent off and old at 57J4 to S8tf cents a bushel. Receipts were ninety-two carloads. To Investigate Acts , . , Of Members of the Bar P A Committee to invritiaaf anrf 4r on complaints of alleged misconduct on the part of. any members of the Omaha lar was appointed by the seven judges of the district court, sit ting in executive session. William Baird, chairman; W. H. Htrdmdn and Frank L. WeavSr, members of the committee, will serve during the re- mainaer otne present term of court, Council Sympathizes With Kugel Over Loss of Ford The august dignity of the city coun cil was rudely shattered by Mayor Dahlman and City Clerk O'Connor. In the midst of the proceedings O'Connor startled the city dads by reading a resolution of sympathy for Commissioner Kugel. The resolu tion read in part: 'Whereas it has come to our notice that one of our fellow members was suddenly stricken with the theft of his second-hand Ford, be it resolved this- council ex tend its sympathy to Mr. Kugel and lay aside a sum to bring about the capture of the arch-criminal, dead or alive." Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. British Airmen Drop Seven Tons of Explosives in Raid London, Sept. 29. British "aviators dropped seven tons of explosives in attacks Thursday night on German military establishments in Belg:um. The following official report was given out todaj by the admiralty: "On the night of September 27-28 there were bombing raids by naval aircraft on the following objectives: The lock ga;;. at Zeebrugge, the St. Denis Westrem airdrome, the Gon trode airship 6hed and the Houttav airdrome. "Tkr hfimh-dronninar at Zeebrufftre appeared .o be good, while at Houttav . f 14 t I ..,. Domus ieu among nangara ami uui on the south ide of the airdrome. Seven tons of explosives were dropped. All the machines returned." Rabbi Taxon to Hold Succoth Services Here ' Rabbi Morris Taxon will hold "Suc coth services at B'nai Israel syna gogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets, Sunday night at 7 p. m., Octo ber 2, he will hold service in the Beth rtamadreth Hogadel synagoguC( on Nineteenth and Burt. For A mm Trial Froo 'Obituary Notice died Friday afternoon at th family residence. 0-ottl. Tblrty-slxtn streets Mr. Hensley oa(rm to Omaha i forty-seven year ago and was tor rnany years a .government printer. He was a charter rnemtmr of Custer post Grand "Army ;yrf, ,tl Republic. iV leaves four son -and on, daughted Mlonla, Richard, Ora, Allan ana lohr MILDRED LOXGNECKER, lf Hlokory street, died Friday afternoon. Funeral services will be conducted at Saint0 Mathlas. ehufch, .Tenth, and Worthlngrton streets, Tuesday, Octo br .t,.-jat p-oloek. ; .' ,.' MRS JAKE O'HALLORAN. it 'years f-ae,-4il-at tha faraliy homo, , J7I1 fimrtliTAiitb Btreet. Friday aft araooa, ' - -llJQ'''1' Get a 9frZi.t ; IS. k,t A i,ku Pll. Cti.,.ei ' V. .of Pyrawtd FTRAMTD DRUO COMPAJCT 1 w Pyramid Building , i Mar.hall. Mich. - 1 . teti ma a Frss amnt M :Lw nn :' F. ) ft t.. "'"""in ' m SAN ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL J"" - L DRESSER Built of hardwood WlS8? r"Hiw -rcf ttt"? and finished golden In Imitation 15 ' c ' UWiTU II ! ; Q""teJffil ftuarter-sawed oak, base fitted I Tf- Igwjl T V ilTo 11 W IPSil . with four roomy drawera cmd JKjp "ihUIot ' )LaYJI f larga aizt French bevel plate 1 Jtxi ' QT Ju-A .' mirror,-specially offered for this C iSNJ ts.i "," H week's selling, at Q 4 Oft ' ; our low price, of JLXaOaf ;:. . : ' a " -.'I i -i - - - : - . - . : :. :. .. M ' JHFil ' :: Attttu lvofy Batmei Walsh Mini I J&3m Visitors Welcome ' tft' H A NEATLY DESIGNED ANTIQUE IVORY BED BOOM SUITE f 11 OFFERS YOUNG COUPLES ABOUT TO START-THEIR FIRST HOME-BUILDiiNG VENTURE A WONDERFUL OPFORTUiikl Y TO COM BINE STYLE, QUALITY, COMFORT Md LOW PRICE AT ATlmE WHEN TRUE ECONOMY IS MOST IMPORTANT AYE yea ever stopped to think what your home would be without ( Furnilure ig the very esssenco of the . heme. It reflects the taste of the ottners and insures their comfort and happiness providing it is properly and carefully chosen. The right kind of furniture is a constant source of pride, satisfaction and pleasure just as the wronir ldnd is an ever present cause of irritation and discomfort. The very BEST in every sense of the word is "within YOUR means" at Hartman's. Investigation invitsd. pccLI Monthly Payment Glcd y Arra gcd on Any PErchsse - if Deiired Elegant William and Mary D!nlng Room Suite This cha'rming high grade , dining room suite is done in solid quarter sawed oak. Old English antiaue fin- M ish, complete suite includes a buffet, extension table, 6 dining chairs and china cabinet and priced separately, as follows : J tie- beautifully m M .1 60-inch buffet, signed, Period pulls, only"... Beautiful William and Mary china closet, fancy grill- tfQ7 A work panels, only $dlt)v 54-inch top dining table, 6-foot ex tension, to match other QQ Or pieces, only ipdesdv . Dining chairs, genuine Spanish leatner slip seat, each, special at only ,. H.t ll'IIHIM .!. MM Iff Bs GENTLEMAN'S WARDROBE CHIFFONIER Co nstructe d throughout of imitation quarter sawed oak and finished golden, has roomy wardrobe section fitted with eliding coat and trouser hangers, 5 individual drawers, handy hat, compart ment above. This value must be seen to be ap- . 4 OA predated, only. . , . V A TttO 7 m m i m A NEATLY DESIGNED ANTIQUE IVDRY BED BOOM SUITE Strongly enstru'cttdtKrotigltottV eitomelf well finished. ' SPLENDIDLY DB 8IQNED, SED-Flt. tad i with "StBs" DAINTY' AKD BEAU TtFULLT i'lNIBHEU ENAMK1. DRKSSER Bm flttod with t roomy drawers, Urg aiktS-lnch top, French bvl plat mir ror, our ipoclal low price, 4 7 75 only .ilfll MUlltary ttl ld nlla. full Im only, tlegantly flnlihtd In ntlqu ivory, torn- TRIPLICATE MIR. ROJt DREE3INCJ TABLSr-Irf cra ter ftilrtor, swlnln Id mlrrora, three individual drawer, match a other Piee. only. . . LARGE SIZE djirroNEn 8vn individual dr,wr, dual proof bottom, period . drawei pulla antique finish... $16.2 Our Compact 1 wo - In- One Cflmlorl Regent ComMnalioa It Mi I ! I I i 1- til Range M6.50 A T TKA C fl VBLY DK 8IGNKD HIGH GRADb PIAW LAMP Complete with IWnch Fifth Avenue UK . ahade. Lomr xten- ion cora. Only- . i i $17.50 AkaciJen Ytsnors Welcome p-a cm IS pi BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED AND ORNAMENTED ADAM PERIOD BED ROOM SUITE Comes in splendid imitation. Circassian walnut finish, attractive Period ornaments, . priced individually below : BED 1 full ,li, dainty Adam period carving. ' head-end' 0 inshes high, foot end In propor tion, wotf epecial v a 1 u i tomorrow DRESSER Ha large J4x3 Inch French b e v I plat mirror, 6a HHl Inchea -neatly arved, exactly as Illus trated, epecial, only, at. $18.89 DEKSSINO TABLE H a a llxiMnch stationary center mirror, Jlzt-lnrh twinging aid mir rors, . 3 roomy draw ers, a very splen did ve.lue, at only... Mil) ADAM PERIOD CHIF FONIER Fitted with drawer, neatly design ed French bevel plat mirror, measuring 1Sx2J Inches, has 20x3O-inch top, carefully construct ed. Period drawer pulls, at only PURE WHITE PdR- 'KLAIN : TRIMMED lOMBINATlON COAT. AND GAS RANGE 4 holes tor coal cooking rai 4 for fcas. L&rfce van operated by eithsr, ,laboratelr nickel trimmed, large irarm ing oven eitends com pletely across top. A guarantied range. Come la and let us demonstrate it to you. Specially Qpp pi priced for Jhh Jl this week VWVaUV Chewing- th "Sel , Ur".fnttrJ, high bate, easy t keep clan. illufltratiiiff th "Sellers" porcl iron or Aluminum top, clean and sanitary. Showing the "Sel- Showing the con venient low "Stl lers" curtain,, ex clude dust THIS IS "SELLER'S KITCHEN CABINET" WEEK at this ator. cabinet lllu- tratod If mad of solid osk throual out, flnlshd golden, oil rubbed top, fitted witlt Sliding roll door, whit enamel lined, bate fitted with metal bread and ak box, sliding aluminum top, solid glass iooa on urawtrs, i-piec crystal glass spice jar Included, lers" sanitary at tractive glass knob on all draw-era. Buy Your Columbia Gralonola AT HARTMAN'S 81.00 Week Pays for this gfafohola outfit cabinet machine (oak, walnut, mahogany), and bI records. (12 selec tions.) The newest records In cluded In this outfit. Come in and let us play your fa vorite selection. Free daily Concerts. NO INTEREST TO PAT, TIM I "'""""'milllTI iiTEMEL.y MASSIVE OVERSTUFFED TAVEN PORT Steel spring construction throughout, upiol stered la elegant blue velour, the most comfortable piece of furniture you can put In your home, a high grade, finely built davenport, atjjJ 00 SUBSTANTIALLY BUILT ROCK ER Frame constructed of solid oak and finished fumed, seat uphol stered In heavy imitation Spanish leather, steel spring below seat, ex ceedingly comfortable and -M ri priced A.m In Our B,g Rug Department All unusually beautiful display of very high grade rugs at prices that make every one a splendid bargain. SxS Durable Brussels Rug, 910.85 I 36xCS Hartford 8-3x10-6 Brussels Rug. . ..315.75 9x1 S Heavy Seamless Brussels liUfcT S18.85 1x12 ' Seamless Velvet Rug. - ,124.50 36xCS Hartford Saxony Rug. at .....U...S1Q.08 7-6x9 Heavy Seamless Brussels Rfe-. t 817.89 txll Axminster Rug. at.. 26.50 ill Royal Wilton Seamless Rur, at 848.85 rv V. REMARKABLE VALUE IN A "CHILLESS" POST STEEL BED And spring combined, bed is enameled In Verals Martin, has 10 fillers, spring Is heavy wire fabric, no rails necessary to set up bed, all sizes on on and specially quoted at only Qr jf A CORIiECTLT BUILT WILL- IAM AND MARY TERIOD. HOCKJiH Full quaitcr-sawed oak fram. Jacobean finish, back and seat ' upholstered m Heavy Imitation Span- lin leatner, very corn-, rortant ana new plenslng design, only. m COLE'S HOT Hi A Jl'l HaiATER8 Just what VOL wrant to keep down the hlg-h cost of Irving, most economical stove made burn almost anything-, holds fir for a longer ' period than any other, si-sfv-stove. W have them 51 7 7'v aa low as ; , .,. , . . I AMERICA'S GREATEST HOKE FURNISHERS $10.63 413 -mtl South 16ih Slrceti OCR 'ACME' REGENT OAK STOVE Built with EiP 3Quare top arid square base, heavj corrugated firebox, 8-piece nlckelet' foot rest, full nickel swing top, ; guaranteed heater in mverv very speolally priced Q4H ot'k Saturday at. only....5)HaOi7 SIS: