Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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State Board of Public Funds
Opens Propositions to Lease
Public Property Contain
ing; Potash Lakes.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 25. (Special.) The
State Board of Public Funds was in
session nearly all day considering the
lease of certain lands near Antioch
belonging to the state on which are
skuated valuable potash lakes.
The board decided to open bids on
the right to lease and set the time for
2 o'clock in the afternoon. Some of
the men interested declared that
the matter of the right of the state to
lease lands for mineral rights after it
had already leased the same lands for
agricultural rights, put it up to the
man who secured the lease of fight
ing it out in a lawsuit.
T. J. Burns of Colorado Springs,
after T. L. Briggs, who owns the agri
cultural lease to the lands had de
clared he would fight the right of
the state to lease the lands in court,
declared that he would submit no bid
as he did not want to buy a law
suit. Some time ago Briggs and Burns
offered the board a bonus of $1,000 if
it would allow them to have a lease
to take potash from the lakes, but the
board declined.
Must Pay For Use.
The lease which Briggs holds,
which is an assignment from T. Roy
Wilkins dated April 1, 1898, provides
that a specified sum shall be paid
each year "for the use of said lands."
It binds him "not to commit any
waste or spoil in or upon said lands.
' What the outcome of a suit would be,
would depend upon the construction
put upon these clauses in the lease.
Attorney General Reed was of the
opinion that the state had a right to
use the lands in any way that would
not interfere with their use for agri
cultural purposes for which they were
leased. He thought the matter would
have to be settled sometime anyhow
and he thought it had better be settled
right way.
When the bids were opened in the
afternoon it was found that Arthur
English, president of the Potash com
pany, had offered a 71, per cent roy
alty for a lease which added to the
regular 2y2 per cent required by the
hoard would make a 20 per cent per
ton income for the state.
J. J. Harrington of O'Neill offered
a royalty of 4 1-6 per cent in addition
to the regular per cent He said this
would bring in an income to the state
of about $113,000 per year.
T. E. Stevens of Omaha made a bid
of $1,000 straight above the 12 per
cent and agreed to be producing twen
ty tons within sixty days.
According to information given the
a verage ton of product produces about
30 per cent potash or thirty units as
it is measured, to the ton. The market
price runs from $5 to $6 a unit.
Shumway Gives Explanation.
Land Commissioner Grant Shum
way doesn't care what the promoters
and speculators think about the action
of the board of public funds on the
potash leases and so in explanation
of the situation he sets forth the fol
' lowing:
"That so-called Ridgell potash ease
was approved by the state board May
3, 1917, and received some criticism.
1 felt there might have been a mis
take made and that we should have
rules to govern our action concerning
the issuance of such mineral-oil pros
pector's leases.
"On May 16 this office received an
unsigned application for a mineral
lease on section 36-26-45 and the
necessity of rules became more appar
ent. On June IS, the board requested
the land commissioner to prepare and
submit a set of rules.
"On June 18, I received an appli
cation from Mr. Briggs for the above
described section.
"On June 22 rules were adopted
governing leasing for mineral pur
poses subject to approval of a lease
Lease Form Adopted.
"On July 3, the lease form was
adopted by the board and I ordered
a supply printed. These this office
did not receive until I started on jay
western trip, July 19. On the day of
my leaving Lincoln, I received the
application of M. V. Honnold for said
"I wrote Mr. Briggs July 26 from
Scottsbluff, of the other application,
suggesting as follows: 'The state was
particularly interested in securing the
earliest possible development of the
potash industry on its lands while the
war prices and conditions are on, and
by development companies that are
best equipped to handle the matter
quickly. It mieht be well for you not to
tie up to anyone at present, for the
other applicant's ability to handle the
matter might be just as well for you
and the state and better for the coun
try.' I believed the state board might
wish to discriminate in favor of one
best equipped to get immediate re-
;- 111 1 1 1 i1 1 1 1 -7
I 17 z n y
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V V-
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Does for My
"Skin and Scalp
I don't have pimples.
rashes, redness, roucrhness
or dandruff because I use the
Cuticura Soap for
every-day toilet
with touches of
Ointment to first
signs of skin
For samplo
each free by
mail address
Dept. 17G,
Sold everywhere.
Soap 25c. Oint
ment 25 and 60c.
suits. If this meets with the disap
proval of speculators snd promoters, I
am sorry, but it goes just the same,
until someone shows me a better
"Perhaps I overstepped the ethics
of official dignity, but I will continue
to urge for quick action for the good
of the state and country until some
one shows me a better way, and I
will continue to advise personally and
officially, with this in view. I quote
from the Briggs communication as
above, for there are disappointed fel
lows seeking to distroy the meaning
of the letter, and impute to it a
sinister purpose."
Regimental Supply Company
For Seventh Is Mustered In
Grand Island, Neb., Sept. 28.
(Special.) The regimental supply
company for the Seventh Nebraska
was organized and mustered in in this
city with only a few members shy
of the maximum number permitted,
and these few members have now
been obtained. The mustering in
was done by Major Hallingsworth
and Lieutenant Leidy of Omaha.
Captain Irwin of Lincoln was elected
as captain and Emil Wolbach of this
city as second lieutenant. Only one
of all of the applicants, failed to pass
the physical examination. The oldest
member of the company is 39 years
and the only married man enlisted.
The youngest is 19 years of age. The
following is the personnel of the com
pany: Aahton, Oliver C. Palmer, George S.,
Buochler, Witltsr E., Paulsen, Albert C,
Crosby, Nell T.. PitU, Albert,
Dahlstrom, Frank R., Rogers, Francis B.,
Dennon. P. Sumner, Scovllle, Max L.,
Government Employment Agent
Receives Word That Sun
flower State Will Help Out
in Nebraska This Fall.
Pass, George A.,
Hackman, Henry C,
Kltcart, Elton L.,
Larrlson, Seward V.,
Lee, Hank H.,
Menck, Harold C,
Merdlnger, K. B.,
Miller, Stanley C,
Myers, Lawrence W
Nelson, Jens,
Sheheln, Leo G.
Soderstrom, Ernest R..
Sullivan, George A.,
Tepley, John F.,
Tevlotdale, William.
Treat, Lawrence E.,
Treat, Rolland D.,
Wade, John W
Walker, William C,
Wolbach, Emil,
Nicholson, Edwin A., Krall, Herman.
Richardson County Land
Increases $47.50 Per Acre
Stella, Neb., Sept. 28. (Special.)
Jule Corners has sold his 120-acre
farm north of Stella to Elmer Stiers
of Nemaha for $135 per acre. Nine
years ago Mr. Corners paid $87.50 an
acre for the land, getting an advance
of $47.50, or over $5 per year. Mr.
Corners has bought an improved
quarter section near Peitz, Colo. He
seeded eighty acres of his land to
. i
State House Employe
Narrowly Escapes Injury
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 28. (Special.) Miss
Pearle Scott, an employe in the office
of the state auditor, narrowly escaped
serious injury yesterday, when an au
tomobile in which she was riding
home from work with a friend was
struck by another car.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Sept. 28. (Special.) Ef
forts of A. G. Cowles, representative
of the government in the employment
service, who has been connected with
the State Bureau of Labor, to obtain
outside assistance for the corn husk
ing season, appear to be partially suc
cessful. Mr. Cowles recently sent a hun
dred letters to places in Kansas, Mis
souri, Arkansas and Oklahoma, where
the corn crop is short, taking up the
matter of employment of men, and
responses have been forthcoming in
about 20 per cent of the communica
tions. Norton county, Kansas, according
to a letter from that section, can send
about 500 men to Nebraska if the
price for shucking can be agreed
upon. In talking with farmers, Mr.
Cowles has gathered the information
that they do not feel like paying more
than 7 cents per bushel for shucking.
Some are of the opinion, however,
that it will be necessary to pay as
high as 8 cents if help is secured.
In years, gone by farmers have re
ceived for their corn from 35 to 50
cents per bushel and. have paid from
3 to 4 cents for picking. This year
they will receive $2 or more at feast
per bushel, and on the ratio of former
orices could nay considerable more
than is being offered. However, this
is a matter that will nave to be ad
justed when the emergency arises. It
has been suggested that in case the
farmers refuse to pay the price de
manded the government might take
hold of the matter and make the
proper adjustment.
Girl Bitten by Snake
Gives Self First Aid
Scottsbluff, Neb., Sept. 28. (Spe
cial.) An unusual amount of nerve
and heroism were displayed by the
9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sim Kelly, who live on a ranch south
of Gering. The little girl stepped on
a large rattlesnake in their yard and
was bitten on the foot. While they
were awaiting the arrival of a
physician the mother, following in
structions of the physician, procured
a sharp knife, with which the little
girl coolly cut deep into the wound
and sucked out as much of the
poison as she could. The child is now
out of danger, owing; perhaps, to her
own pluck and coolness in adminis
tering "first aid" to herself.
Coupland Hopes Men at Home
Will Tend to the Corn Crop
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 28. (Special.) Vice
Chairman George Coupland of the
councij of defense received a letter
today from Howard L, Wahlgren,
who was one of the quota of drafted
men from Washington county, who
passed through Lincoln last week.
While the boys were getting their
meal at the Lindell hotel, Mr. Coup
land passed among them and engaged
several in conversation, assuring them
that the council of defense was en
deavoring to solve the problem of
taking care of the farm work while
the farmer boys were serving their
Young Wahlgren told Mr. Coup-
land that he has 175 acres of corn
and had put in sixty acres of wheat.
He did not know what would become
of it, but just now his first duty was
to his country. In his letter to Mr.
Coupland he stated that as a general
thing the boys were feeling pretty
well and willing to leave the matter
of harvesting the corn crop to the
people at home. "The boys generally
understand the situation and its seri
ousness as relates to the war and are
doing the best they can without grum
bling," said he in his letter.
Mr. Coupland hopes that the men
who stay at home will be awake to
the needs of saving the crop and that
as little worry as possible will be left
for the boys on the way to France.
Lieutenant Governor Howard
Back on Job at Lincoln
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 28. (Special.) The
state government was handled by
Private Secretary Lee Metcalfe after
Governor Neville passed across the
Big Muddy last night until early this
morning, when the private secretary
got in telephone communication with
Lieutenant Governor Howard, "some
where in Nebraska," and that official
at once made ready to com to Lin
coln and assume the cares and re
sponsibilities. Governor Neville is hurrying to
Washington in the interests of keep
ing the Nebraska brigade at Deming
State House Employes
Collect Library Fund Cash
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 28. (Special.) Two
hundred and nine dollars and three
cents were subscribed and paid by
occupants of the state house offices
today when Clerk Harry Lindsay of
the supreme court and Private Sec
retary Lee Metcalfe of the governor's
othcial family passed over the build
ing securing subscriptions to the
library tund for the soldiers.
Some were absent, but these will be
given a chance later to assist in the
work of furnishinjr books for the sol
diers to read in the various canton
ment camps of the country and which
will later be sent across the water for
the boys in the trenches and war
1 J? V h
I Tablets of
la a vpnl
Take no chances. When you buy Aspirin
demand the original unbroken package
and see that it bears the Bayer Cross.
Then you will know you are getting the
one true Aspirin.
Yoar CaaranU
of Purity"
f. TABLETS in Pocket Boiu of 1 J-BotUe of 24 and 100
V CAPSULES in Sealed Pacing of 1 J and 24
f The traoVmark " Aiplrln (Reg. C. S. Pat OSJ
m a ttwrantee uim to monoanucaerawwr
f. ? uHcrlteacid la Uwh tablet o4
-C , minnfulur.
f itittt tt trtt itt rttttttif r
Who Ss Making the Profits
of the
Public condemnation of those who regard the war as a chance to make big profits is vir
tually unanimous. But opinion begins to divide when an attempt is made to identify these
war profiteers.
Thus A. C. Townley, President of the National Non-Partisan League, the new farmers'
party, says, "There is a great difference between our patriotism, the patriotism of the men who
toil that the profiteers may make $4,000,000,000, and the patriotism of the men who make the
billions. While the farmers and other producers have been raising crops to feed the armiesof
liberty, making ships, and munitions, and implements of war, a lot of gentlemen have been spend
ing their ample leisure in announcing their patriotism. When you work sixteen hours a day for
liberty and democracy, you have not much time or will to wave the flag.' If we were to
put in as much time waving it as they do, the whole world would starve to death."
On the other hand, the New York World, in criticising this same league of farmers, de
clares that "Every speaker in that interesting assembly holds that although dollar wheat in time
of peace was considered ideal, the cereal cannot be profitably grown $oday unless the Govern
ment price is $3.00 a bushel."
In the very interesting leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST for September 29th, all phases
of the subject of war profiteering are shown by quoting leading American newspapers and men like
Herbert Hoover. Other articles which go to make up an exceptionally important number of this fore
most American periodical are :
Aliens Must "Do Their Bit" in the Army
The Chamberlain Resolution to "Force Alien Slackers Either to Enlist in the American Ranks or Go Home and Fight for
Their Own Country," Meets With the Approval of American Editors Everywhere. This
Article Is of Particular Interest Just Now.
Where to Encamp the Negro Troops
The Hoodwinked Turks
Sinn Fein and the Irish Convention
Portable War Hospitals
The Day of the Trailer
Art at the County Fairs
Bairnsfather's "BilP on the Stage
The Drink Problem in the War
Personal Glimpses
Parties and Papers in Russia
' A Splendid Collection of
The Winter's Coal Problem
American Depravity and the
German Conscience
Canada's Unique Suffrage Franchise
The Ocean's Gift to the Land
The Evolution of a Superior Race
Poetry and Art to Repay Their Debt to Italy
A Call to Rescue Armenia
Germany's Declining Musical Supremacy
News of Finance, Banking and Industries
Illustrations, Including Cartoons
All the World's News in a Nutshell
Every vital happening, every really worth
while occurrence within the compass of the Seven
Seas, is presented in compact and interesting form
for your information each week in the columns of
THE LITERARY DIGEST. Skilled searchers read
through hundreds of newspapers, American and
foreign, every day, for your benefit, and extract
from these the facts that are of real news value,
rejecting the waste matter that would merely bur
den your eyes and brain unnecessarily. By this
means you have always at hand, from week to
week, the very best of the world's news in all de
partments of human endeavor, military, political,
religious, artistic and the rest, in instantly acces
sible shape. And, best of all, it is presented with
out a shadow of partiality or bias. To be absolutely
fair to all is the policy of THE LITERARY
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