Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 15

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TM Omaha
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mrnmHi i r" -ammp.. "wiiMMiMiiOTnMMpMa,. riiiMaiiiimiiiiiiiiimii minmiim..,ii..,........ii..,m-,...m,,, iffMhi1r)'T'K-n'i')'i-"-,riniVi no" - mt an mmhhii I hi r mi mw firJwimnnnmT'" 1
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Social Coleim V JivW; ,7 f
if. . j kxbi . -
Field Club is1 the First to Close:
1 - , ...
Winter Social Affairs Announced
.73 AND ALL BROWN, Everett
XV -Buckingham and W. D,"'Hos-
committee are exceedingly busy men
this hh lli i 1. 1 11 . ,
' luuuiii, auumnig 10 an tne ae
Uils Of the big -Corohatio event
They have to be on constant guard,
too. for fear thv un'11 Isf ci;
due to the identity of Her 3fajesty
uuccn yK-oar-iien aaiii, and that
of His Majesty as well
The list of special maids who wilf
aticna ine queen is, top, the subject
of itfUch conjecture. Announcement
of: the names of the girls who -will
receive this honor is expected vithin
the next few days.
In the meantime society is occupy
s mg the few intervening weeks until
Ak-Sar-Ben, festivities with, closing
the country clubs and beginning the
recreations of the winter season. The
Field club closes this week-end with
a dinner-dance, while the-other clubs
are 1 holding closing parties ' in "ad
vance of the last dinner-dances, Sep
tember 29. . v :
Harvest ; Home . dinner-dances are
planned by Happy Hollow, ' Carter
Lake and Seymour Lake clubs. At
the Happy Hollow dinner Thursday,
eveningr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fry
will have eleven - guests, and ; Mr.
'Harry Byrne, will entertain . a party.
Seymour Lake Country club members
will also enjoy 'a, masquerade! dance
Friday evening.. . .!
To take the place of the Country
club dinner-dances the- Blackstone
management has already initiatedits
week-end functions. The dance clubs,
too, are announcing heir dates,: the
executive committee of the Cinosam
eliih havinor met rerpntlv tn ntan- ftip
winter parties at the Scottish Rite
cathedral J. H. 'Stine "was elected
president, A. N. Smith vice president,
M. Nt Hepstonstall secretary, H., C
Cutler treasurer and H. C Forster
chairman of th6 music committee.
The first party will be given Thurs
day cveninfi'. October 23. and will he
followed by similar events every two I
and , an evening : of old-fashioned
dances, December 6, are red letter
dates on. the, club calendar. Dancing
parties will also be given November
J, jJecemDer &), January A, 17 and i
February 15 and 28 andf March IS
and 28. t . . ,
Le Mars club announces the dates
for its dancing parties of the coming
season, the first of which is scheduled
for Tuesday evening at Keep's acad
emy. Vincent- Schmittroth is presi
dent, Jay Collins secretary and Jack
McCarthy treasurer. Dates for other
parties are September 28, October 19
and 31, November 9, 20 and 29, De
cember 14 and 31, January 18 and 30,
February 12. March '16. Aoril 1. 12
and 23 and May I and 17.
After Ak-Sar-Ben the season of the
Tuesday Morning Musical club is of
prime interest to society.. The first
concert in November will be one by
, Louis Graveure, Belgian baritone, in
. whom Omaha is particularly inter
isted because he is the husband of
an Omaha girl, Nell Painter,' who
tarred in the. "The Lilac Domino,"
nd other Andreas Dippel produc-
, - i
tions. Eddy Browne, violinist will
appear on the same program.' ,'
Julia Calp, whose engagement of
last year was cancelled, has promised
to come in December;1 Yvette Guil-
Den . win De , tne January attraction,
while in February the club-will nre-
sent two Omaha damrWrs f red
...I -r ...
naitn l,. waeoner. mamst. nsitpfi
by Mrs. David Stone. Harold Bauer
and Ossip Gabrilowich in a two-piano
Concert, will be th, March numhpr
and Frieda Hempel is engaged for
April. The annual students' oroKram
will also be given in April.
rAll ene-aeements ar fnr fVi Rnwcl
theater. ..
Mrs. R. C. Doripr 5 nrc!r!nf mil
Mrs. V. D. Cree sprretarv.traciirr
of - the women's organization of St
Cecelia's,; which will give a number
of-parties this -winter to raise funds
for the completion of the cathedral.
The women olan at lpast ffir nor.
ties a month, -the first to be given
Wednesday at St. ; Cecelia's audi
torium.; Hieh five and hnMcr- he
played and refreshments served.
.Committees appointed are as fol
lows: Prizes. Mrs. C. H. Cauchlan and
Mrs. WJE. Hills: arranirprnnt. Mn
J. R. Hanlon and 'Mrs. M. T. White
refreshments. Mesdames T P Ti.
dale, J. G. Miller, J. A Kervan, M.
r. canker, ichopp, btanwick and
Miles; publicity,-; Mrs. Williams and
Mrs. A. N. Eaton."
1 -MM .
Residence Changes. '
C I. bmvth. who IS as nrcnr in
Boston. exoectS to return FnMaw'tn
take his family to Washington, which
is to De their home in the future. Mr.
Smyth takes his oath of office , as
chief iustice of the court of anneals
on October 1 and will leave here with
his family Septemebr 25. Their home
has been .taken by Walter L. Stickel
a banker and lumberman of Kearney.
Mr. and Mrs. Henrv T. Clarke and
lamily have taken the C. C. Rose
water house on Dewey avenue and
will arrive from Lincoln today. It
is with.great pleasure that their bid
friends will welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Carke back to Omaha, where they
both spent their childhood and early
married .life. v ...... - -
Cdrds Used to Tell :
Of Soldiers at Camp
The war hat given rise to a new,
social form announcement cards
of one's admittance to the national
army. " '-... '-,
Omahans with friends enlisted
or drafted into the United States
army, have" received correctly en
graved, cards bearing the inscrip
tion: f
The call to service in the. na
tional army has been met with a
hearty 'Ready!' Stepping from
civilian life into that of a soldier
of the United States of America
has been my privilege. Sincerely"
then the name.
In the lower left hand corner is
the name of the training camp
where the young soldier will be
stationed. , -
Monday- ' ' , '
Knitting party, Miss Harriet Wal
ters, hostess. V ,
Card party at Seymour Lake Coun
- try club.
Luncheon "at' Fontenelle for. Miss
Nina Clithero of Chicago. Mrs.
W. H.' Calvin, hostess.
Luncheon for Mrs. Celia Shelmire
of Meridian, Miss., Mrs, F, B.
. Palmer, hostess., -'
Last bridge tonrnament at lField
Club. '
Omaha Whist club meets at Fon
tenelle.. -
Dinner-dance at Happy ' Hollow
club. ' - i
Women's luncheons at Field, Hap-
v py - Hollow and Carter Lake
Afternoon for Mrs. G. ' Eldridge
, Hamlin of Chicago, Mrs. George
' F.. Howell, hostess.
Le Mars club dance atKeeps
academv. ..
Bridal . dinner and rehearsal for
Davidson-Weller wedding, given
by Mr. 'and v Mrs. Charles K.
Weller. . . ,-.
Presentation of golf prizes at stag
dinner Fi'eM rliih . .
Wednesday 1 ' .,';".
Davidson-Weller wedding. . V
Card party and entertainment, at
1 Prettiest Mile. dub. ' -'
Card party at St-Cecelia's audito
rium. - -. Jf:-
Country and Field clubs dinner,
" dances. ' , .-
Military dinner-dance of Compan
ies u;and it, t on . Uraa4ia, at
farter I.alre clnh i
Cottagers' luncheon at Carter Lake
'Luncheon at Prettiest Mile club,
Mrs. Walter Meyer, hostess.
Women's " luncheon ' and dinner
dance at Happy Hollow club.
party at '.Seymour
Lake Country club.
Saturday- y.
Hart-Young wedding. ' ?
Closing dinner-dance of Field club.
Week-end dinner-dances at Coun
try, Happy Hollow, Prettiest
- Mile and Carter Lake clubs.;.-',,
Fort Omaha officers'' dinner-dance
at Carter Lake club. . . .
At the Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Paxton gave
a dinner at' the Country club,,; last
evening, when most of the guests
were from Council Bluffs, the latter
including. Mr. and Mrs. George
Mayne,'Dr. and Mrs. Donald Macrae,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Douglas, Mr. and
Mrs. William Coppock, Mrs. E. A.
Wickham, Mrs. Ernest Hart, ' Miss
Mary Key and George Wright Mr.
and Mrs. Charles B. Keller; Mrs. H,
M. Powell of Fort McDowell, Cal.,
and John A. Cavers were the other
guests. , V ;
Mr. and Mrs". Charles Kountze and
Judge and Mrs. W. D, McHugh en
tertained other parties at the club, t
Interesting Gossip ' '
0 Weddings
A" surprise wedding, the engagement
for which Mellificia rumored in last
Sunday's Bee, was the marriage of
Miss Grace Louise Hancock, daughter
of Mr. andllrs. W. H. Hancock, and
a well known pianist of this city, last
evening to Mr. James Willard Snell
of Madison,' Wis. 1 Only relatives and
a few intimate friends were present
at the weddine and the informal sim
per which followed. The decorations
were pinK ana white. I he ceremony
was performed by Rev. T. J. Mafkay,
and Miss Henrietta Rees olaved nre.
ceding. the ceremony;
Mr. and Mrs. bnell have gone to
ifinneapolis and for ijmef trip to the
pine woods before taking up their
residence sin Madison. Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Hancock and small daughter
Barbara of-Kansas City arrived Fri
day for the. wedding. ; i
Another interesting wedding an
nouncementin fact, two of them is
made by., Mrs. A. J. Dutcher.- Her
daughter Miss Myrtle Priscilla, is
engaged to marry Mr. W. L.j Ander
son, the wedding to take place
Wednesday evening, October 10, at 8
o ciock at cmton -fiui. .rresbyterian
church.' The .ceremony will be fol
lowed by a reception to relatives at
the home of the bride's mother.
' ' Miss Elizabeth Watson and Mr.
Wesley Bristol will be the attendants
and Miss Katherine Dutcher, the
bride's sister, ring bearer. Miss
Mabel Fulton will sing and Miss
Mamie Jardine will play the wedding
march. , r
Wednesday of this week the bride's
brother, Mrs. C. W. Dutcher, will be
married to Miss Helen E. Pickel at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs.A. J. Pickel, at Comstock,
Neb. Rev. Von der Lippe will per
form both wedding ceremonies. Mrs.
Dutcher, her daughters and several
other, friends will go to Comstock
for the wedding- '
Mrs. . J. Smyth, for many
years prominent in the social set,
leaves soon for Washington, D. C.,
where. Mr. Smyth's position. takes
him, to make her home. .
J Miss Henrietta Mc Arthur is the
beautiful niece of? Mr. and Mrs.
Gould Dletz, who has come from
California to be with them. Miss
McArthur is helping in the work
at Red Cross headquarters in the
Baird building, indeed, she is Mrs.
O. C. Redick's assistant.
The quartet of pretty girls just
off for college includes Miss Freda
Haas, a freshman at Smith college;
Miss Gretchcn Swoboda, who may
enter the University of Nebraska
this fall, if not, for the February
term; Miss Helen Wahl, who left
for Lincoln during the last week
to enter the state university, and
Miss Lucile Lathrop, who has al
ready gone east to enter Rockford
college at Rockford, I1L
Army. Set Once More Occupies Fort
G roofc; Officers Home onFurlough
Sojourners Return
T" 1"" Y- i .
juts. r. roiaa ana tamiiy re
turned Thursday from Ephraim, Wis.,
where they spent the summer at their
place, "Engelmar." Miss Martha
Folda remains there some time longer
ad expects Mrs. Warren Rogers and
Miss Mildred Rogers to arrive today
to be her guests for two weeks, after
which they are expected inSOmaha.
Mrs. and Miss Rogers have, been east
since last September." . , , ,
Mrs. Arthur Remington left Grand
Rapids, Mich., last Saturday for the
east to join Mrs. W. R..McKeen and
Mrs. Warren Rogers and Miss Mil
dred Rogers at West Harwich, Mass.
Mrs. George H. Thummel and
daughters, Miss Katherine Thummel
and Mrs. Fred Clarke, jr., arrived
home Thursday from Richards Land
ing, Ontario. ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hochstetler
are home from two months in Cali
fornia, where they were part of the
time with Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kir
kendall in Hollywood.
Mrs. Frank Colpetzer will be home
Tuesday after a summer spent with
her.1 daughter,. Mrs. Harry Wilkins,
at Harbor Point, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fell have
returned from an extended eastern
trip. They visited relatives in Phila-
(Continaed on rge Two, Column Opt)
TTlORT CROOK is affain to he oc
H cupied by the regular army, the
, ' " third battanon'bf the Forty-first
infantry having been ordered there
from Fort Snelliqg, the arrival ex
pected today.. Since the increase in
the size of a fneans that
one battalion will brink sixteen offi
cers to Fort Crook and will fill the
barracks with men. fantain ParticU
Whiting, whose wife is the daughter
of Mr. and-Mrs. C. A. Sweet, is among
the officers who will come here, ac
cording to the recent order,
i The Whitings were stationed at
Fort Crook when he was ordered to
the border several years ago and most
of their, household effects are still
stored in rJ.eir quarters, so it will not
take, them long to reopen, their home
again. ynoth:r bit of good news for
Mr. and Mrs. Sweet was a letter from
their son, Lieutenant Lewis Sweet,
who has just completed his training
at Harvard under the French officers,
sayiig th-at he' here Mon
day ort a ten days' leave before going
to Camp 'jan at Houston, Tex. ,
Colonel and Mrs. James McKinley
and Captain Robert Burns, are ex
pected over from Camp Dodge at
Des Moines today, and if they come
they will be guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kountze until . tomorrow
evening. -Colonel McKinley is com
ing on business and will motor back
in his car, which he left here. Mrs.
McKinley has, just joined him from
the south, where she has. been, since
leaving here.
- Arthur Loomis,' who .has been
with the mosquito fleet at Newport,
arrived home Sunday on leave ana
has since .received permission to re
turn to Cornell, where he enters his
senior year. This permit is in ac
cordance with the decision of the
Navy department to allow enlisted
men or tne naval reserve under ll
years of age to complete their college
course, subject, of course, to call in
case of need. ' , -
Lieutenant " Commander Allen B.
Reed, U. S. N., arrived this week, on
a ten days' leave , and is . with his
wife and family at 128 North For
tieth street, a house which Mrs. Red
has taken for the winter, as she will
remain here indefinitely. , Mrs. Reed
was formerly Miss Bess Uoorhead,
daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. G. P, Moor
head. ?..:'... .! ,?,-.' , .,
Scott McCormick, son of Harry
McCormick of 'this city, received a
second lieutenancy at the close of.
the officers'' training camp at Platts
burgh, N. Y., and has been sent to
Camp Upton at Yaphank, L, I.,;- -.
Mrs. Hal Brady left 'Wednesday
for St. Joseph for a few days' visjt,
and today goes from there to Man
hattan, Kan., where she, has taken
an apartment to be near her hus
band, Lieutenant Brady, at Camp
Funston. . .
Jack Webster has . enlisted in the
quartermaster department of the
army, and left yesterday for Camp
Custer. Battle Creek, . Mich, .. for
training. Mrs. Webster went with
him and expects ' to stay in Battle
Creek. ," .... ,-..,' , ',
Arthur W. Wakeley, son of Lucius
W. .Wakeley of this city, has re
ceived his appointment as first lieu
tenant in the ordnance department
of the army, a- posifion for which
his education in the engineering
school at Cornell university, well
qualifies him. He also has had'five
years' training in technical industrial
work. His younger brother, Morton,
is now at the officers' training camp
at Fort Snelling. v , , . . . ,
Captain Rex Morehouse, was called
to duty in the quartermaster corps
at Camp Sherman, Chillicdthe, O,
and left here last Saturday evening.
Mrs.-Morehouse ajid little daughter,
Margery, plan to go to - Chillicothe
later to be near1 Captain Morehouse.
What Society Han in Prospect V
.Th will be a stag party at the
Field club Tuesday evening, at 7
o'clock, after which the presentation
of the golf prizes will take place..
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldrige will
entertain a small dinner party at the
Blackstone today . , -
A card party under the auspices of
the Holy Name, parish will be given
Friday evening at St. Mark's - halL
There will be eight prizes, four for
the women 'and four for the m., '