Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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PAGES 1 TO 14.
0 KAISER::-'-
Assistant Secretary of Labor Post Telegraphs T. P. Rey
nolds, Labor. Member of State Council of
; Defense, That Federal Conciliator
Is On His Way Here.
Uncle Sam has taken a hand in the strike at the South Side
packing houses.
T. P. Reynolds, labor member of the Nebraska State Coun
cil of Defense, yesterday received a telegram from Assistant
Secretary of Labor Louis F. Post, that a government conciliator
is on his way to Omaha. Fred Feick is the conciliator to whom
the task of settling the local labor strife has been assigned.
The Department of Labor came ton
the conclusion to take a hand in the
strike, after Reynolds had telegraphed
to Commissioner of Labor Wilson, J
asking that the federal department to
investigate. '
Hold Orderly Parade.
Headed by T. P. Reynolds of the
Central Labor union, carrying a large
American flag, 4,000 striking packing
house employes, each carrying a flag,
marched from the Schlitz hall at
Twentieth and Q streets, South Side,
west across the Q street viaduct into
the packing house district The
parade was orderly at all times.
Reynolds read a telegram before
the parade started in answer to his
message to ,Samuel Gompers, head
of the ? American Federation of La
bor. The message was from Gompers
secretary and fetated that he was en
route home from Minneapolis and
that the message had been turned
over to the resident of the Meat
. Girl pickets are leading the cam
Aaigu for a general strike at the pack
ing houses. A meeting of the women
mployes was held at the Schlitz hall
yesterday, where the sentiment was
unanimous in favor of striking. "The
" same pay as men" is the slogan that
iiai been adopted Dy me women
ict ril-ere. " ''."'''
i Both men and women in favor of
the strike have . established . pickets
- Vound ,,; the packing houses. The
girls are more active than the men,
and far outnumber them in the num
ber of pickets. : ' i
At the, women's meeting chal
. lenge was issued by speakers to man
agers of the packing industry to meet
with them in joint debate. on the pro
posed wage increase. Speakers dealt
at length on the profit made. by the
owners of packing houses.
I Members of the strikers are conn
dent that the remaining workers
will quit and the plants all will be
. forced to close down Monday unless
the proposed - . wage intrease is
granted. v
A meeting of the men followed the
parade, and a meeting of cattle butch
ers will be held at 8 o'clock tonight.
At the meeting now in progress T. P.
Reynolds of the Central Labor unuon
expects to read answers to telegrams
sent to Samuel Gompers and Com-
missioner of Labor Wilson. At the
night meeting cattle butchers will de
cide definitely on- their future actions.
More Quit During Day. '
A few more men quit in all of the
f packing houses this morning. They
- gave as their reasons that they
wanted to wait until matters were
more settled before coming back to
' work. ' " .-' V.
All packers are running all depart-
- ments, but with short gangs. Enough
men are still working to fulfill gov
ernment contracts.
i, Hog butchers at the Cudahy plant
returned for wonk, but after parleying
about an hour returned to their homes
with the promise that they would re
turn for vork Monday.-They stated
'-" that they wanted to wait until hog
1 butchers in the other plants returned
German Military Authorities
Decide that Lateness of Sea
son Forbids Advance On
itcners in me omcr pwuu mumtu. n , n..i nJ
At the Swift plant more men quit! Garden COUntY BOndS
otner. .umciais
. J Al.bM I ft 11111
lOuay limit "j . , y
stated that in their opinion tbe men
were frightened and would be back
'Monday. ! ,
Girl strikers picketing the Q street
viaduct would not let women em.
ployed in the Armour plant return to
work this morning. One girl who in
sisted , on working ha4 her clothes
(Continued on Vg Tiro. Column One.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Partly cloudy.
temperatures t Omah Yeeteraay.
Hour. Deg.
( a. m 67
6 a. m.
7 a. m.
( a. m.
10 a. m.
11 m.
. IS ro.
1 p. m.
I p. m.
' I p. n.
4 p. in.
5 p. m.
6 p. m.
. T p. m.
I4val Record.
117. lilt. 1915. 1914.
It . II It 6
, 68 SS 62 65
S 70 9 e
.00 .00 .21 T
Lowest yesterday
Jtetn temperature
Temperature and precipitation departure
from tin normal: ..., ,
Normal temperature
Jfl!lency for tha day v
Total deflclenry ntnco March 1.. ...... .m
Normal precipitation 12 ch
Deficiency for the day -.12 fnen
tJl rainfall lnce March l....20.02inches
r Ceflclenoy .luce March 1. . .... J.W nche.
rnl!i.i.. for cor. period. 1910. .tt.Ot lnchea
n.r.,i.nnv for cor. period. 1914. ..(ft Inch
; (By Associated Pres.)
Despite the ! continued reaeat of
the Russians on the Riga front, indi
cations are not wanting that the Ger
man drive in this region has reached
nearly its limits.
This 'view is taken by leading Ger
man military writers, who point to
the lateness of the season as making
it improbable that Von'Hinder.burg
intends to push "his, campaign further
this fall. He will' be content with
safeguarding his new acquisitions, the
bases of Riga and Duenamuende, they
intimate. -
The FrancoBelgian front ; is ' wit
nessing some local infantry move
ments, but forfthe most part the artil
lery and. the airmen' are the only
branches of the service being actively
employed by either side. v .
Vienna claims the driving back of
the Italians in the Hermada sector,
where General Cadorna has been
pushing toward Triest. It is asserted
that all the 'ground won by him there
in the present offensive has been re
covered ! and that more than 6,000
prisoners have been taken by the Aus
trians up to the present.
Shell German Craft.
Petrograd, Sept 8. -German war
craft again have been sighted in the
Gulf of Riga and have been shelled
by the Russian coast batteries, the
war office announces. Russian torpe
do boats discovered a German sub
marine and enemy ships, apparently
trawlers, in- Irbensk . sound.-. They
were forced by the Russian batteries
to retire. . .
Three Are Injured at
Sheridan County Fair
Gordon, Neb., Sept. 8. (Special
Telegram.) The third day of the
Sheridan county fair and wild west
carnival was the biggest and best day
of all. President Durfeldt reports
6,292 paid admissions, all Indians free.
' It was a day of accidents. Wilson,
the high diver, was run into by a
wild horse, cracking his skull, and he
is now unconscious and is attended
by two physicians, who report recov
ery doubtful. The Indian rider, John
White Face, of Porcupine, was thrown
and his arm fractured in two places,
while another Indian rider sustained a
broken leg.
News From Home
'mm Aoi3'q-Tog"oJ- ywV2-52k ' C
Secretary Lansing Exposes Communications Seized, With
out Remark; Akerhielm, Charge d' Affaires, Refuses
To Comment; Argentina Learns Manner in Which
Teuton Diplomats Plan Destruction of Steamers
State Health Board Begins Campaign to Combat Disease
That is Threatening Children in Man Cities; Dr ,
' ' I Tenney Prepares Rules to Prevent Spread . j
V of Dread Infection. "' " . 4
' 'For Schol Protested
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.)
There is war in the little county of
Garden,- School district No. 69 voted
bonds ior $250 for a new school
house. The sum voted appears very
small, but the trouble it has caused
assumes much larger proportions, fop
when the bonds reached the state
auditor for approval W." C. Elrod ap
peared with a protest alleging that
the election which was held was il
legal and that men had voted who
had no right to vote and that others
did not vote who ought to have
voted. The auditor, like King Solo
mon, will think the matter over and
settle the dispute. .
Adler's Death Sentence
Commuted by Emperor
, Amsterdam, Sept. 8. According to
a Vienna press . dispatch, Emperor
Charles as commuted to eighteen
years penal servitude the death . sen
tence of Dr. Friedrich Adler, for the
assassination of Premier. Stuergkh at
Vienna, last October.
May Close U. S. Mails to t
Disloyal Citizens
Washington, Sept. 8. Closing the
maijs to disloyal citizens is under
consideration by the Postofhce de
partment and the Department of
Justice as another step in the gov
ernment's campaign to wipe out dis
loyalty and sedition.
Cleanliness to Combat
Infantile Paralysis
These are the state health com
missioner's instructions' to moth
ers to combat infantile paralysis:
Keep your children clean. Bathe
them freqnently. See that" they
keep their hands clean. Be sure
each child has its own clean hand
kerchief. Keep your house un
usually clean. Don't allow a fly in
it Keep your garbage buckets
clean, and tightly covered. '
Have a general housecleaning.
Throw away all useless knick
knacks and rubbish, Use soap and
water generously, and let. nature
kill the germs with sunshine and
fresh air. Keep your children away
from places where disease exists.
Don't let your children play with
groups of children. Don't let them
attend parties and festivals. Don't
take them to movies.
Give them all the fresh air you
can, but not on crowded streets or
trolley .cars. If you have a garden
or a farm, keep them out in the
open air.
Wash your child's mouth and
nose frequently (after each feed
ing) with boracic acid solution or
plain boiled water containing a lit
tle salt.
Give your child cold boiled
water that lias been kept covered
whenever he wants a drink.
Be careful of diet. Give light,
easily digested food.
Let your child have plenty of
test. Put him to bed early in the
Keep the child's bowels in good
order. If you notice, symptoms of
fever, vomiting, or tiredness, give
a dose of castor oil.
- Put the child to bed in a room
alone, and call doctor.
Keep all other ' children away,
until your child is well.
. Cover all food that is to be
Lonesome. Soldier and .
: - Sailors Want Letters
Here's your chance girls to do your
bit in cheering up the lonesome sol
diers and sailors. The following have
written The Bee requesting some girl
to write to them. Corporal Earl Os
borne, Company B, Sixth Missouri
infantry, Camp Clark, Nevada, Mo.
Three sailors. Fred P. Butcher. Frank
K. Erwin and Frank R. Zents, write
from Camp Ross, Great Lakes, 111.,
they are in the engineering corps.
Former Hawaiian Queen
, To the Red Cross
Washington, Sept. 8. Liliuoka- -kni,
former queen of Hawaii, has
sent to the American Red Cross
through Governor Pinkham a con
tribution of 9100. In a letter to the
governor she said the contribution
would be renewed monthly to the
end of the war. .
.... (From Staff .Correspondent
Lincoln, '.Neb. Sept. 8. (Special
Telegrarn.)-State Health Commis
sioner Dr. Elmer S. Tenney,' today
began a campaign of education to pre
vent the spread of infantile paralysis.
Instruction to the mothers of Ne
braska, telling just what to do to
prevent the. dread disease has been
prepared. , '
- The report of. fifteen cases of in
fantile paralysis in Omaha and of a
number of other cases in various
tojvns of the state has alarmed the
state health Jjoard and every effort
is to be made to stamp out the disease
before the lives of Nebraska babies
have paid the price of delay. '
Dr. Tenney gives this review of the
nature o the disease:
Carried by Germ.
Infantile paralysis is a communi
cable disease caused by a minute germ.
The disease occurs mostly in young
children, but. now and then attacks
older persons. '
It is not difficult to recognise typ
ical cases of -the disease. Here is a
common picture: A child, previously
perfectly well, complains of a little
stomach trouble or diarrhea. It is
feverish, restless and irritable. In the
morning '.he mother finds that the
child cannot stand or perhaps that
it cannot move its arms.
Parents should be on the lookout
for all cases cf illness in their chil
dren. No matter how mild, it is ad
visable to seek a doctor's advice.
Don't be misled by. patent medicine
advertisements. The country is al
ready being flooded by announce
ments of quacks who want to sell
their stuff. None of their medicines
are any good. Camphor will not do
any good. See a doctor. '
Healthy Children May Carry.
The germ of the disease is present
in . discharges from the' nose, throat
and bowels of those ill with infantile
paralysis, eviri in. the cases that do
not go on to paralysis. It may also
be present in the nose and throat of
healthy children from the same
family. - ' ' ,
. Do not let your children play with
children who have just been sick or
who have or recently have had colds,
summer " complaint, etc., For . vhis
reason children from a family in
which there is a case of infantile
paralysis are forbidden to leave their
home. If you htar of their doing so,
report it at once to the local health
Much can be done to reduce the
amount of crippling caused by the
paralysis. Remember that this re-
Death Fallows Nervous Break'
down Incident to Presiding
v ; at National Loan Assd-;
: ciation Convention. '
(Continued en Page Two, Column Two.)
Wilson's Reply to Pope
Also England 's Answer
Washington, Sept - 8. Great
Britain has advised the United
States that President Wilson's re
ply to Pope Benedict's peace propo
sals is, in effect, Great Britain's re
ply, as was indicated recently in
statement by Lord Cecil
'' ' V:'--:-
" George F. Gilmore,' president of the
Conservative Savings and Loan as
sociation of Omaha, died at, York
Harbor, Me. Friday afternoon., The
message from, his - son,. Philip, was
delayed in some way, and reached
Omaha at noon Saturday. The body
. t k ' ' " .'
will be brought to Omaha at once.
Mr. and Mrs. Gihnore went to York
Harbor, a summer resort, to rest up,
in July, following the strenuous days
of the convention of the United States
League of Building and Loan Asso
ciationsof which Mr. Gilmore was
president. He presided over all of
the sessions at the convention, but
complained frequently of headaches.
During a wek-end spent with friends
in a suburb of Boston, his condition
appeared to be normal.
Has Nervous Breakdown.
However, the nervous breakdown
which followed when he got to York
Harbor was not the first he had suf
fered. Over a year ago he suffered a
breakdown and was ill for a consid
erable Jimei Last spring he broke his
arm cranking a car, and it was with
difficulty that the arm was saved. All
this helped to wear down his strength,
and the strain of presiding at the na
tional convention in Boston is
(Continued on Tmt Two. Column Three).)
Fitzsimmons Is Doctor
Killed by German Bombs
Washington, Sept 8. The death
of First Lieutenant William Fitz
simmons, medical corps, United
States army, killed Thursday, when
German aviators bombed hospitals,
behind the lines in France, was an
nounced in a dispatch received by
the War department tonight from
the American embassy at London.
No mention w is -made of other
Americans reported killed in press
cables .
Lieutenant Fitzsimmons joined
the army medical forces at Kansas
City, his home, last May. He was
just 20 years of age and a graduate
of the University of Kansas.
Washington, Sept. 8. How Sweden's legation in Argen
tina, acting as a secret means of communication between the
German charge in Buenos Aires and the Berlin foreign office
transmitted information of the sailing of ships and the direct
tions by submarines, was revealed today in official dispatched
made public by the State department
The following was issued at thd
State department:
The Department of State has se
cured certain telegrams from Count
Luxburg, German charge d'affaires at
Buenos Aires, to the foreign office at
Berlin which, I regret to say, were
dispatched from Buenos Aires by the
Swedish legation as their own offi
cial messages," addressed to the
Stockholm foreign office.
The German Text.
Claims no Knowledge.
The action created a sensation, par
ticularly among the neutral diplomats.
Baron Akerhielm, the Swedish charge,
in the absence of advices from his
government would not comment fur
thef than to say it was improbable
that the Swedish minister at Buenos
Aires knew of the contents of the dispatches.-
Axel Robert Nordvall, of
the special Swedish economic mission,
rlprtarprl h uia -riIn that P.... .
Lowen, 'the Swedish minister to
Argentina, had no knowledge of the
contents of the dispatches.
"Moreover, fL am, sure," said Mr.
Nordvall, that no Swede would have
been a party to such a heartless pro
ceeding. I know Ifcaron Lowenvoy
well. He is not in good health and
it is possible that he was unaware of
the sending of any messages. If the
dispatches were in German code, as I x
assume they were, even if he knew
they were sent, he could not have
known thir contnts and may have
thought they were harmless business
messages." ' "-r
, Will Be Recalled.1.
Mr. Nordvall was of the opinion
that Baron Lowen would be recalled
by the Swedish government and said
he looked for an explanation and a
disavowal of any intention, to com
mit an unneutral act. '
What effect the disclosure will have
on Argentina's relations with Ger
many coulr only be guessed at both
by State department officials and by
Ambassador Naor.. The ambassador
already has transmitted the messages,
to his government and until instruc
tions are received he will not com
ment on the incident nor speculate
regarding the action that his govern
ment may take. That he was astound
ed at the revelations was evident.
It was suggested by some diplo-,
mats that Germany might have little
difficulty in arranging its relations
with Argentina so as to cause the
South American country Jio maintain
its neutral attitude. It was pointed
out that having entered into an agree
ment with Argentina recently not to
sink any more Argentine ships and tov
pay for damage already inflicted, Ger
many, was in a position to explain
that it had not accepted the sugges
tion of its agent in Buenos Aires and
that after all there could be no diplo
matic conflict if he were removed
Argentine's Way Out
That Argentina at least will de
mand the removal of the offending
German was , assumed both at the
Stale department and by diplomats,
and it was pointed out that Germany
probably would grasp at such an op
portunity to close an incident which,
left to grow, might easily add one
more nation to her list of enemies.
Argentina's evident desire in past
months not to enter the war or even
to break relations with Germany has
caused the belief here that she will
look with certain favor upon any
practicable way out of tbe new diffi
culty. ' . ''.' -
Executive Committee of Ne
braska State Food Adminis
tration Has Been Selected
and Has Accepted. s
The executive committee of the Ne
braska state food administration has
just been appointed by G. W. Wattles,
state food administrator. The com
mittee was carefully chosen in or
der that heads might be selected from
the' important state-wide organiza
tions having toJdo in any way with
the production and distribution; of
food products. r .
The committee will "hold its" first
meeting at 11 o'clock Tuesday in the
directors room of the United Statts
National bank. Mr. Wattles will at
that time outline the work to be done.
Every one named on the committee
has been communicated with and has
accepted his place, i :
Following is the personnel of .the
executive committee and the organi
zation represented: ; . .
J. A.' Ollisj Ord,- president State
Fair association.
Otto Murschet, Lincoln, depuly
pure food commissioner.
C. W. Pugsley, Lincoln, superin
tendent agricultural extension, Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Dan Morris, Kearney, president Ne
braska State Bankers' association. ,
W. H. Clemmons, Lincoln, state su
perintendent of public instruction. t
George C Coupland, Elgin, vice
chairman State Council of Defense.
Frank Judson, Omaha, director Ne
braska Red Cross.
Clark Perkins, Aurora, president
Nebraska Press association.
Cliff Crooks, Fairbury, president
State Federation of Retailers.
Mrs. J. N. Paul, St Paul, president
Nebraska Federation ; of Women's
Clubs. '
J. W. Steinhart, Nebraska City,
president State Association of Com
mercial Clubs.
C. H. Gustafson, Omaha, president
Farmers' Union of Nebraska.
T. T. Osterman, Blair, president
Nebraska Association of Postmasters.
Samuel Avery, Lincoln, chancellor
University of Nebraska, v; .
O. G. Smith, Kearney, president
Nebraska Farmers' congress.
T. P. Reynolds, Omaha, president
Nebraska State Federation of Labor.
Miss Sarka B, Hrbkova, Lincoln,
state chairman woman s committee,
National Council of Defense.
Miss Alice Loomis, director of
home economics at the University of
Nebraska, has been named as director
of home economics for the state food
Poles Want Place in
Final Peace Council
Stockholm, Sept. 8. Delegates
from Poland, including representa
tives of the Russian ana of the War
saw council, are meeting here to
discuss ways and means of obtain
ing for Poland as a sovereign na
tion the right to be represented at
the conference which will conclude
Total Receipts for '
' Tag Day Were $5,582
A total of $5,582.16 as the prdceeds
from tag day Wednesday, is reported
by the Visiting Nurse association. .
8 Months In 1917
Comparative Advertising Recorc
Warfield Agency Measurement
The Bee Leads In Gains
Paid Display Advertising in Inches
World-Herald I- News
. 189,660
1917 215,390 232,671
The Bee's Gain. . . ..... .... .21,659 inches
World-Herald's Loss . . . . . . . . 9,035 inches
News' Gain . . . . . . . ... .11,229 inches
Keep Your Eye On The Bee '
Improving Every Day. .