Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1917, Page 11, Image 11

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fine City News
PUtin an Woddiaf Bin- Kdholm.
Lifhtlni Xlxturo BargaaifGrtndan Co.
Ht Boo Print It Xsw Beaccn Projo.
Metal DIM, Preitwerk JublUo Mff Co.
36c Luncheon at Empress Garden.
Police Court Collections Police
court collections for August amounted
10 i,6BVio. .
License Inspector Reports The re
port of the city license inspector for
August snows collections of $1,339.50
Auction Sale Holsteln cows and
i-jfers, Newmeyer barn, Council
stuffs, la., Thursday, September 6,
p. m.
W. C. Flatau has opened his new
jewelry and loan shop at 601 (Rose)
Securities Bldgr., Sixteenth and Far
nam. Tyler 950. i
correction rne see was m error
in stating that J. E. Weaver, who was
suing for diyorce. lived at 5624 North
Twenty-eighth Btreet.
Edna Hess Alleges Nonsnpport
Edna Hess, suing Harry W. Hess for
divorce in district court, aileees non
support They were married in Omaha
August 31. 1914. ,
Take Evidence in Iand Cases T. S.
Allen and Dave Dickinson of the
United States attorney's office are tak
ing testimony in land cases around Al
liance during the latter part of the
week. Mr. Allen will go from Alliance
to Chadron, where he will attend fed
eral court on the 10th.
Andreesen as Delegate Adult Pro
bation Officer Andreesen, with offices
in the public defender's office in the
court house, has been honored by Gov
ernor Neville with an appointment as
a Nebraska delegate to the annual con
vention of the American Prison asso
ciation at New Orleans, November 19
to 23, inclusive. Prominent prison
workers from all parts of the United
States will attend the convention.
With Wives at Theater Party,
Men Get Together and Talk
Shop After Rouiing
Dealers obtaining: cars from - the
Omaha, branch of the Willys-Overland
company were the guests of the
branch office at a "get-acquainted"
banquet at the Rome hotel Thursday
night. . The attendance was not as
large as expected, as many of the
dealers who were in attendance at the
day session drove ti Lincoln to at
tend the state fair early in the eve
ning. v
The "get-acquainted" meeting for
the dealers originated with E. B. Wil
soB, who has lately taken charge of
this branch. ,
"I wanted to get the dealers to
gether and have them tell, each other
and us their troubles and 'successes,"
he said. "I "believe we can all learn
more about handling our business in
that way than any other. ' If mistakes
are being made by the factory, I want
dealers to tell me and we will en
deavor to correct them. The automo
bile business is new one of the most
important industries in the United
States and it will have to be conduct
ed on more business-like principles
than in the past. This branch will
endeavor to place it on the highest
plane possible. I expect to make these
meetings regular events for the bene
fit of pur dealers snij ourselves."
After Ithe banquet O. E. Haring of
the Omaha branch presided at a "get-,
some-pep" meeting, Dealers from all
over the state responded on how they
sold cars and faults they had to find
with the Overland service. The faults
were few, and consisted principally of
the factory not being large enough to
supply their. demands. . . ..
A display of oratory was absent, but
in its stead were hard-headed business
men talking to each other and holding
a school of instruction on bettering
their business conditions. 1
During the last ear this branch has
disposed of $3,000,000 worth of auto
mobiles. During the last month they
have doubled their business over the.
corresponding month of last .year,.
The .wives of the dealers were en
tertained at. a theater party while the
dealers talked shop.
Central Powers partition
Poland; Poles Must Fight
Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 7. Ac
cording to information received from
Vienna, the central powers have de
cided to carry out the partitioning of
Poland. Germany will annex such parts
of Russian Poland as she needs "to
rectify her strategic frontier" amount
ing to one-tenth of the territory. Aus
tria will annex the remaining hine
tenths and Emperor Charles will
promulgate a decree uniting Russian
Poland with Galicia and proclaiming
the whole territory to be the United
Kingdom of Poland, with himself as
king. - .
The new Hapsburg Poland will have
its own parliament, but its foreign
policy, army and finances will be con
trolled by Austria. The immediate
effect will be to make the Poles liable
to military service in the Austrian
army. It will also involve removal
from the Austrian parliament of dep
uties representing Galicia, giving the
German parties in the Reichstag
numerical preponderance.
LaFollette Would Pay
Monthly Bonus to Soldiers
Washington, Sept. 7. A new com
plication was added to the income tax
contest late today by Senator LaFol
lette's announcement that he intended
to offer an amendment to increase all
surtax rates 10 per cent to provide a
fund for the payment, of a monthly
bonus of $50 beginning November 1
vid continuing during the war to
every American enlisted and drafted
man and officer serving in Europe. .
Preparatory to disposition tomorrow
of .the income tax section,, minor
amendments to facilitate their collec
tion were added and the rest of the
day was spent in speechmaking,
largely on subjects foreign to the
bilL . ... .. -
Building Trades League Puts
Business Houses on 'Blacklist'
The Building Trades league of
Omaha has requested the members of
the Farmers' Co-operative and Educa
tional Union of Nebraska not to pa
tronize Omaha industries. The Farm
ers' union is affiliated with the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, and Gus
Lawson, secretary of the Building
Trades league, says the league used
these methods to fight the business
men who are refusing to make a set
tlement in the strike situation here.
He said the request was that the
Farmers' union patronize none of the
Omaha industries.
Store Opont
Daily at 8:30 A. M.
I WESSfcff few
Stars Op
Saturday 'till 9 F. M.' :
Friday, September 7, 1917-
- Phone Douglas 137. '
"Burnasco" Quality
Silk Boot Hose
A BIG shipment received in time to
mark and place on sale for Satur
day. Full fashioned, full regular made
foot, high spliced heel. and double sole,,
double garter tops, plain black, 75c pair. ,
Women's Hose, 50c
Medium weight black cotton hose, full, ,
fashioned, full regular made foot, dou- S
ble garter top, high spliced heel and-
double sole, "Burnasco" quality, 50c-,
Misses' Hose, 35c
Black or white, fine ribbed, mercer
ized lisle, seamless, very special, at 35c
Boys' Hose, 25c
Heavy black ribbed cotton hose,
seamless, a good hose for school wear,
special at 25c pair.
BurftM-Nath Co. Mtn Floor
Hlats Ijm'.
for Saturday
A Most Opportune
Sale of Smartly
For Your Sweet Tooth
MADE of the very best ingredients, in
assorted flavors, the kind that taste
like more, take a box home with you.
29c lb.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Mala Floor
The Showroom Samples of Several
of the Leading Eastern Milliners
AN opportune offering indeed. Right at the beginning of the
season we offer you these smartly trimmed new fall hats at a
price decidedly lower than usual.
The hats are in a great variety of styles and shapes, no two
alike, made of very fine velvet combined with hatter's plush. Either
small or medium sizes, a shape to suit every fancy.
An offering of unusual importance to the woman who wants
a new fall hat. Buriaaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
Great Mountains of
;Snow Vhite S
ARE offered here Saturday at Tery
special prices and youll want to -get
your share. :
Women' Handkerchiefs,' 1 5c
With colored edges and embroidered Y
corners, some of them are linen, at, 15c
each..- .
Women's Haxncikerchiefs, 25c
Fine, sheer linen, hand embroidered
corners,- also plain white "or.' colored '
edges, at, 25 each.'
Men's Handkerchiefs, 25c
Men's linen handkerchiefs with aettlj''
embroidered initial, special at 25 each.
Men's Handkerchiefs, 15c ..
Tape border linen lawn,, full size, ex
optionally fine material, at, 15 each.
Child's Handkerchiefs 5c
Desirable for school, plain white with
dainty colored edges and initials, at, 5c
Linen Finish Paper
For Letters
A high grade in four tints, white,
.gray, lavender, blue, 20c box., . . ...
Composition books, very special Satur-
day, at, 2 for Sc.- , .
BurfMs-Naah Co. Maia Floor,
Women's Boots for Fall
Were Never So Pretty as This Season
AND we never had such a splendidly selected line from
which to make your selections as we have this season,
every color or shade to match your new fall frock or in con
trasting shades, and all sizes and widths in each.
Particular attention is. invited to the wide range of col
ors, patterns and exclusive models featured Saturday, at
Light or dark gray, kid vamp, cloth quarters.
Ivory kid turn soles, povered heels, cloth
quarters. . .,
Maple kid welt soles, covered heels, cloth
Black kid skin, patent leather, tan Russia
calf and many other beautiful styles.
You'll enjoy looking at them and trying them
ion, too ; no trouble to show you, we assure you.
Educator Shoes for Children
We are exclusive selling agents in Omaha for the Edu-
afr ah no -fnr riova anrl onrla anrl voiino wnmpn. tVn shnA
; with room for five toes, that lets the child's foot grow as it
should. .
, BurraM-Nash Co. Second Floor
The New Blouse Models
Invite Your Inspection Saturday
VARIETY and newness is the chief charm we seek in
women's blouses, and there is plenty to find. One
group presents simple effectiveness at moderate price, made
of georgette crepe, in all the new suit shades, brown, taupe,
navy, green and beet root, also black, flesh and white.
A wide variety of styles with beautiful beading and em
broidery, real filet laces and braiding. Also taffeta and satin
blouses in plaids, stripes and solid colors to match your new
fall suit. We invite your inspection.
Prices range $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.50.
Burfa-Naah Co. Second Floor
Youthfulness Is the Supreme Note1
And a Military Smartness Marks the
New Tailored Suits
At $25.00 and $29.50
THE coats are mostly 32 to 36 inches long almost to
the knees. Many collars are draped high in choker
and muffler effects; belts are much in evidence, though
many coats are stitched at the waist line ; skirts are shorth
and narrower to the bottomland effective as well as useful
pockets are found in many models. A delightful assortment
of advance models is now ready.
. The offering is quite unusual a fact shown by the suits
themselves. The high character, quality, fashion correct
ness, together, with the low prices which they are offering
makes it an event of importance.
Burft Nah Co. Second Floor
Still More Beautiful Dresses
of Satins and Serges. Priced
at $18.50, $22.50, $25 and $29.50
SIMPLICITY is the 'keynote of
the new dresses for falL . You'll
find it quite a pleasure just to look
through the collection
Very complete in assortment, em
bracing the season's best models in
the most favored shades, including
Navy, -;.
s ' Beetroot
v--''--1 - 'and Black
Smart roll collars of white satin,
silk braids, embroidery and buttons
add charming touches to these
Few women will deny themselves
one or more of these handsome and
useful dresses this season, which are
priced at $18.50, $22.50, $25.00 and
Burf si-Nftth Co. Second Floor
W '
You'll Want One of These Pretty
New Silk Bags, at $2.95
BLACK or navy blue, fine silk bags with colored silk lin
ings. Has inside frame pocket and swing mirror, silk
strap handle and finished with full length tassel. We con
sider them extreme values, Saturday at $2.95.
Bur(ui-Nah Co. Main Floor
A Good Wrist Watch Is a Soldier
Boy's Constant Companion
AND every man in the "service" needs a wrist watch. , If
he has gone to camp, surprise HIM by sending one. A
recent shipment enables us to offer reliable watches at
unusually low prices, because our contracts were made be
fore the Swiss exchange dropped, which increased the
prices quite naturally.
Every Watch Is a Good Timekeeper
Radio Wrist .Watches, Luminous Dial. $8.50
Small size gun metal case, with, jeweled Swiss move
ment, radio lite luminous dial, mounted on black Kitchener
strap. Complete with crystal protector, at $8.50. , .
Seven-jeweled New York' standard movement with
radio lite luminous figures and hands, suede Kitchener
strap and crystal protector, at $8.50.
Seven-Jeweled Swiss Watch, $12.50
With radio lite luminous figures and hands, has a sweep
second hand and is especially adaptable for nurses and
ambulance corps. Genuine gun metal cases, new khaki strap,
also crystal protector, $12.50.
Ingersoll Midgets, Luminous Dial, $4.25
Genuine Ingersoll midget watches, mounted on Kitchener strap, at,
Small Wrist Watch, $2.75
Nickel case, suede leather Kitchener straps, at, $2.75.
The Wizard Wrist Watch, $4.95
Swiss movement, gun metal or nickel case, Kitchener strap, com
plete with crystal protector, $4.95.
Sterling Bracelet Watch, $8.50
Here's an unusually good watch for a miss, 7-jewel movement, sil
ver dial, black letters, sterling silver case and expansion bracelet,
Drug Specials for Saturday
Burgess-Nash Cold Cream, le.
Orchard White, 29c
Djer Kiss Face Powder, 60c
and $1.00.
Page Talcum Powder, at 12e.
Woodbury's Facial Soap, at 19c.
Lavoris, small size, at 19c
Jad Salts, at 59c.
Lysol, at 39c.
Carbona, small size, at 12c
Sloan's Liniment, at 16c.
Co. Main Floor
Another Smash in the Prices
Of Men's Shirts for Saturday
at $1.15
RECENTLY we bought all this
season's broken lines and
leftovers from a " large eastern
shirt factory making high grade
shirts. Their cheapest shirt at
wholesale price is higher than
the retail price we are going to
sell this lot for. They consist
mostly of neckband soft and stiff
cuff 8 attached,- coat style. There
will be a few with collars at?
tached. Included will also be the
broken lines and "odd" garments
from our regular stock. This sale will include the greatest
possible value-giving shirt event in our men's department.
If a cut in price of one-half or more interests ypu, come pre-'
pared to buy a half dozen or more. Materials are silk fiber,
silk front, body to match, fiber and gftk mixtures, corded
madras and. extra fine ' percale.' Price $M5. -
f. v . Sample Union Suks, 79c
Heavy summer anil medium weight maco yjarn spring
needle garments. Short and long sleeves, ankle "and three
quarter lengths, white and ecru, at 79c per suit. .
Men's Neckwear, at 65c
New. fall patterns, large 'flowing and four-in-hand slip
band, well. made neckwear that will appeal to you. Price
65c. ' 1
Men's soiled and shop worn. night robes, collar, and col
larless, "Faultless" brand, underpriced at 85. !
"Try Me" Brand Hose, 25c
All good colors, a most durable and comfortable, hose,
year 'round weight, 25c. .
Men's holeproof hosiery, black and colors,' 331 3c and
50c. , ;
Palmolive Face Powder, 39e.
1-pound Lilac Rose Talcum
Powder, 19c.
Palmolive Shampoo, at 39c.
Pepeco Tooth Paste, at 39c.
Pond's' Vanishing Cream, at 17c.
Dr. Grave's Tooth Paste, 14c.
Nonspi. at 39c.
Isa Belle Powder, at 39c.
Colgate's Tooth Paste, at 10c
nil 23c.
BurfM.Nah Co. Maia Floor
Boysr Wool School SuitG
With Two Pairs Pants, Featured at $5.95
PARENTS with a boy or two to get ready for school will welcome ,
this announcement, for the values art really extreme. The raits
are late fall models in pinch back, or three-piece belt, single breasted,
patch or plain pockets. The colors are grays, browns and fancy mix
tures. Each suit has two pairs of full lined pants, for $1.95.
Boys' Sweaters, $1.50 to $2.50
Jersey sweaters, in gray, maroon and navy; all sizes, special values.
Jumbo Sweaters, $4.50 to $4.95
Boys' heavy Jumbo wool sweaters, ; good selection of colors, at)
$4.50 to $4.95.
Burfoai-Naah Co. Faurtk Floor1
Women's Union Suits,
at 50c
LOW neck and sleeveless, cuff or
lace trimmed knee, good quali
ty white cotton, all sizes, 50c each.
Boys' Union Suits,
at 50c
Ribbed balbriggan, long sleeves,
ankle length, rignt weight for pres
ent wear, 50c.
Buriata-Nath Co. Main Floor
Yoyr New Fall
Hat Is Here
THE very style, shape and shade
, that is best suited to you, and
the price is the right sort, too.
The. collec-tian-
such styles as .
,oft hats in
the f a m o u s
Stetson and
"Bon alino"
makes, the
Trogan square
crown, abine.
browns, greens
pinch, and .in
tans,; grays and
black, with fancy pugaree, whip
cord or plain braids.
Derbys in all . the different
shapes and dimensions, at $2.00 to
BurMi-Nah Co. Fourth Floor
Good Style and the Well Bred Touch Are
Distinctive Features of Our
Men's Clothing
At $15.00 to $40.00
FABRICS, workmanship and finish contribute that excellence
that follows good judgment in selection. First thought is
always the maker, for good clothing cannot rise higher than its
source. Next we choose the fabrics and patterns that our knowl
edge of your taste indicates, and in abundant variety for selec
tions... v.:- - , ; : ' ;
These are the days when the new' suit tells its best story"'
about the man who caresf for his appearance, the time wheri. it
gives distinction and gratification.
Best days, too, for wide selections for the variety is great
est now, as a matter of course. No matter where your price idea
may be, in reason, we have the suit for you that will .give best
service and satisfaction at the, figure you say.'
We are at your service. ' . ; '
BurgMa-Nath Co. Fourth Floor :a