V?' life. THE BEE: OMAHA.- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1917. 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS win: tLtGANT S-reom (lal facing park, SSl( eumtnr 8t Harney 3768. J 10-RQQ4L, modern, dose la, 3601 Podge, $36. can court zisi. North. VEH? nlc.et-roo jnflit, furnace heat, Uc trie light, whit enamel bath and prae tically -walkinf distance on N. ISth 6L, only $Ji no children and lea required. EDWARD V. WILLIAMS CO., Realtors, 803-4 Ora. Nat. Bit. Bid. Doug. 410. 7-R. APARTMENT. . $3ii winter rate $S; team beat. Other til and up. O, T- stebMne, 161B Chicago, ESfABROOK apt. or office, facing 14th 6C. W month,- O. T. gtebblws, 10 Chtftge. S-ROOM. modern flat, walking distance. 414 N. Slat St. South. PPTER3 "TRUST COM PANT,' SpeeUllsts In Apartment Management. Miscellaneous. APARTMENTS Make yonr reservation now. The Uarlanna, located at Jsth and Willie Ave., will- be ready (or occupancy Sept, Jotb. The Raleigh, located at 30th and JaeKson 8U., will .be -ready for occupancy Oct let. Each apartment of 3 rooms' with 8 room aecommedations, with all -th' latest built-in feature!, auoh' ai beds, dressers, ice-boxes, etc. Call at the office for fur. thej inforroatlon. .. . . i SGOTT AND HILL CO.: . Douglas 1009. FORWENT Business Prop'ty SfORES 1313 Douglas i. $399.09 1324 : N.. 40th 10.00 1912 Lake 1I.0D . GARVIN BROS, 345 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Stores. PIISIRABLB store room, modern front, metal celling, steam heat, 134-658 So. ; 18th St; size 13x00; can be subdivided; ' low rent Conrad Toung, tii Brandeis Theater. Bldg. Douglas 1171. Li3w-PR1CED modern offices, Farnam Bldg -13th and Farnam, (Old First Nat. Sank Bldg.) FJRST TRUST CO., Tyler spp. STOREROOM for rent. Sun -Theater Bldg. WORLD REALTY COMPANY (Realtors). Douglas 6342, Sun Theater Bldg. SMALL 1 moiderh store room, steam: heat. 1513' Capitol Ave. Conrad Toung, 323 Brandeis -Theater. Douglas 1171. 4718 S. 24TH St... South Side. Near E. O. E. II. Benner Co. Douglas MPS. Office and besk Room. FOR BENT Some choice officee, good lor ' nation and reasonable rent; located In the Bromley building at 210 South 13th St. I. ff. HAMMUivu, Agem CHOICE office space, Balrd. Bldg, 17th and Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT "Furnished Apartments and Hovses. w v w V " - ,,, wXxTED 5 oriroom apartment about October 1. Address, Box 6131. Bee. Miscellaneous; WANTED TO R5NT - Garage or room sult.ble for-storage and service--station ; floor apace; good size, live full particulars and terms. Address Box 6S69, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN ' CO. .FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Packing, storage . and moving . 213 N. 11th St, Phone Doug ;:is .394. ' "METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert-services: prompt attention. Tour moving, your backing, your storage. Main Office; Central Furniture Store, Ulh aitd Howard. ' Tel. .Doug. 7785. RENTAL PR FIT. FIDELITY SKRVICB3 Thone' Douglas 2SS far complete list of vacant houses and' 'apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th ana -Jackson, bts. "" FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE,' . I Separate locfced 'room for household good, aad pianos; -inovlritf, packing., and Shipping.; ' ' , . , . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., a 8. 16th. --.-i- 'Douglas 4191. - Dlbbe Van and Storage Co. For realservlce In moving, packing and storing, rail Jyier aa or uongm j; C REED Express Co,-.. Moving ' Packing' and Storage. 1S9I Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 6146.. i REAL EST ATE-llMPROVED West. : ' ' -' CLOSE-IN HOME ' - i . Z(ft2 Davenport Street , ' Have Jusf listed an: exeeptlonally well " built 7-room, full J.story home; oak finish throughout; fireplace! beamed ceilings; full basement; floored attic; garage; large south front lot; close to Sf, John's church and Crelghton, university. Pride $6,000, 11,600, cash. HI ATT COMPANY, . 14i-.J- Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 60. West Farnam District Rejldonca, van,rosm. three -flrat floor CW, four on second white enamel, hot water heat, tiled vestibule and bath. Reasonable terms If desired, . r V ALFRED thqmas. 1 108 Farnam Bldg. ' FOR PALE-cTathedral ' district, ten-room hotse, gas,, bath, furnaee, south front lot,: 69x150'; hquse not new, but would make ideal home or could be made Inta upper and lower apartments; . block feur ear linosi clear. Owner. Box 6818, Omaha Bee, Ji-RdOM N(?BBT HOME. ,800. T Strictly md., birch finish and safe; floors, flret fleer. Full let; gapd heigh borpood; hlH to ear, F. D.lVeM, 19 S. 18th St. -: ' " North, - OWNER LEAVING " CITY pICE ONLY $3,550 One f the finest modern home in the city. for- the prioei sic larga reams and slecpihg' poroh. oak finish, atf Iotly modern in every detail. Built by owner 'or home three years "ggo; about f 1,300 to handle. ' - Lot 50x132 and M ait front, Let ua show you this snap. i ! OSBfRNK RBALTf CO., 791 Omaha Nat, Bk. Bldg. TYjef 99. LESS THAN COST TODAY FIvo rooms, and hath, atrietly madern, furnace heatf rooms well arranged; lot 50x130;. has a tine lawn and garden; one block to car; located near 36th and Cam den Ave. Price cut to 11,460; UH cash, balaAce monthly. RASP BROS., !l Keeline Bldg. Tyler tit. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. 1 . HOMES 2354 South 35th St. S-reom modernhotise, bot water heat, combination gee and electrio lights, clothes chute; house built for home, well arranged and good sized rooms, with ample closet space. Corner lot, east and south front, ptvsd streets, nice yard.. Price 14,090, rea. eonable terms. . . V 1113 South 30th Ave - l-reem modern bouse, garage, on Join ' Ave., near Pacific: St, nlose to- car line. Rentg (35 pefmorfth. Price J J, BOO ; want rash offer. Some repair aud paint will rnako It a splendid home. 614 South 28th St. '. - 1 V 10. room modern house and 45-foot lot, east front, nea& Leavenworth St.; garage. Rents ll per fionth. , Konresldent owner wants cash offer.' . ' , GARVIN BROS. Loans and Real Betete, 345 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. cri TO INVESTORS. The best known investment is a well selected first mortgage oa farm or city residence property. We negotiate this class of securities, which we offer for sale to net the In. veator t and t per cent E H. LOUGEE. INC.. 131 Keeline Bldg.. Omaha. Pfiy I I and farm loans uromctly made. Rates 6. 6U and I per cent Reasonably t com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO- 513 Boutn lTtft, Omaha, Nh. FARM and city Joens, running from Ave to twenty years, Jnterekt. e per cent, eH per cent and i per cent. PET1CRS TRUST CO.. 1633 Farnam St.. amaha, Neb. Si.OOo second murisas 6 pet. Secured on brick apartment. Wlllglve good discount For further information call at 332 Neville BlocV. 32,500 .MTGt;., bearing pet. semi annually, secured by property valued at 813,500. Talmage-Loomte Inv. Co., W, O. W. Bldg, H. W. BINDER. Money en hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg, SHOPEN CO., PRIVATE MONET. FARM and city loans, 5,5 V, end ( per cent. ! W. H. Thomaa, Kelllne Bldg. Doug. 1641. Buys my l,T6S equity in a, brand "W 6 -room bungalow, Quarter sawed eak and fir finish. Oak floors, screened . porch) modem in. every respect, jf yea are look ing for an up-t-date heme see this. Caj. Tax 4198, MILLER PAROUNGA; LOW-PRICE $3,800. ' Frre nice roema. dnd hath, strictly med em, oa'K finish, nicely decorated, book cases, fireplace, china cabinets, full ce mented basement, lot. 45x130, two. block to carparKji one block to school, , OSBORNB REALTY CO., 701 Omaha M;'Bk. Bfdg. , Tyler M. BARGAIN ON CHICAGO' ST.' ! rms.,. modern, 8, front, between Slst and z:a, iun lot, garage and 0rive, jsak finish- and polished floor , fi.000, on terms. ALLEN.& BARRETT, ' , DJ-) HP JIMa . ' 1109,. 8-ROOM mod., on Pinkney8t., a bariain worth while. Call Doug. Sit. - South, u.N'K S-ruoni and one 4reum eettage, both mi one' lot; mne cowdltien: live In one end rent the other, . rrlee for both, 83.759, Very easy terms. No. f433 H. 20lh St, . .' MORRIS NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4J!. . Til' k "Ab&fBCLii." J30S lit Vt. BH. Bid. 1TS4. NEW OAK FINISHED $3,750 . $35 Per Month This is . located in a growing neighbor-. ' hood within two blocks of car line and near good school. - The lot lays well on a splendid-paved street. The rooms, are all finished In. oak and white enamel. The floors are polished oak. There Is stlrway to attic which' has windows In front and rear. The basement Is full with cement floor, with floor drain and hot and cold water, for Iamndry purposes. An Ideal up-to-date home. Call Walnut 677. 1109 to 810,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wend, Wead B'.dg., 18th and Farnam Sts. NO DELAY IN 'ciOS'leNO LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604, Bee Bldg. MONEY to loan on mproved farm and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha, OMAHA HOMES. EAST. NEB.- FARM& O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 313 Bran deis Theater Bid.. D..6S6. ;, - - money .harrison. & mortO! lt umana iat WanK Bldg. ;cr -city, ; r&ARVIN BRObTT drn, NaT.' Blc, Bldg, Financial Wanted. 5-ROOM BARGAIN Paved street. Near car. near school, fine neighborhood. Price 83,250. Reason able terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL I 612 Paxton Block, . Douglas 1722. . WANTED S parsons to help.: develop ten sine claims. ' located' in Arkansae. , Cost 3200. Will prove all to yoi. Box Y.0l, Omaha Bee. ' ' WANTED jo persons iq Join lri. TVecra fiber plantation. Cost IJ00. .-Never felling proposition. Box Y1 Omaha Bee. WANTBD Promoter to handle oil develop ng undertaking. Box Itii, Omaha Bee. Stocks and Bonds. OHj stocks! i A. L. WRIOHT, FlaUron Hotel. Doug. iltl. FARM AND RANCHLANDS AUCTION SALE Five-room bungalow, 1114 N. 42d St.. Sale at residence Tuesday, Sep tember 4, at 10:30 a. m.; For particulars call Hlldreth. Harney 5300. V. VARNAM SMITH & CO.. - tcai t-sta-o ana insurance. , 130 Farnam St Doug. 10(4. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist in downtown business property- REAL ESTATE - Investment see us for Investment and.. 5 speculative property, a, p. tukbt son. realtors, 20 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange ONE 6-room, two-story square house at 34,000; one two-story house at 32,000, and seven lots valued at $2,250. (Total valua tion 38,250); all well located, to trade for good land In South Dakota or Nebraska, about the same value. Will give someone a xood .deal. . HASTINGS & HE YD EN (Realtors) " WANT FARM. I have one of the finest close-in nine apartment, pressed brick flats in Omaha, two blocks from court house. Income, 34.200. Price, 150,000, Mortgage, 120,000. Will take farm and eaah or clear farm if priced right for equity, Agentg take notice. Bog II! f,' Bee. SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rock' and Dundy Co. improved rancnes, clear, ior sale or ex. change. . 1 S. S. B. E. MONTGOMERY. popglaa 481i 627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 150 AN acre buys 13j-aere farm 1 miles irom uminb inqiun e lumn sis. ieu poiig. 4312. P.yldenco phone Doug. 6775 INVESTIGATE my system'; Omaha, Realty Tradico,, ii mtereoo tyitr t. REAL ESTATE-Unimproved North AFTER looking "it 'MmNB.LLSA" 800 dif, xerent ouyera aeciaea na,i. it. was ine oesi 'proposition on the inark'et and they -.backed their judgment by buying lot. IF YOU will come out -today you will . understand why the other ere. buying. CHARLES .W. MARTIN & CO., 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL, 60-foot lots. Price 3220, only 12 cash add 50 cents per. week. Poug, 133, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE$5,50O Price Just Reduced $250 This is a 4very attractive home on Chl cago St., near 60th; first floor has large living room, wtlh fireplace; dining room, kitchen and either den or bedroom. Sec ond floor has four bedrooms; nicely deco rated throughout; oak finish. A good "heme,' wel located, end the price la, r(h.(, GLOVER & SPAIN , Doug. SHt. lll-'?9 pty Nat'l Bk. Bldg. .DUNDEE BARGAIN. . ' $500 DOWN, ,N BALANCE MONTHLY. Irrsom, full 1-story house, living roem, dlnlnv room and kitchen on first floor, ' finished In oak, floor and oak woodwork, nice bedrooms and bath, on second floor, large lot, paved street, paved alley. Own er ha authorised u to sell at lt,ootj for OulcH MtltV PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. . . .... REALTORS- V . 637 Omaha' Nat. Bank. Doug. 1781. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. . -Well located lots en easy tarma. Mod era, . attractive homes. Before buying P sure and see GEORGE k CO. HOMES and home sites' In Dundee, SHUER & CARY, 204 Keellno. D. 1074, Acreage. , THREE aurea four-room Vouse, Dea' well, 33.600: 38 acres, 11 mllea ef P, O.. 1(1,900. Address Box W51, Omaha Bee, ,tKN acres, close in, lay flp. K.0OOV fiV, WL S466. , REAL ESTATE WANTED V a ve several good reliable buyers for & and'l-reom house end bungalow with 320Q to i00 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Omaha, Nut, Bank ' OJiag. , ( tliiTlNOhouaes tojrent or still on small cash , payments; have parties waiting. Western Heal instate. 413 Karbacb Blk. D. 3607. IF'you want "quick action on your prep erty. list It with me. r LUND, 420 ROSE BLDQ., TYLER 753. WiO have a customer for a handsome brlok fceiaence in - aeairaeie aisirict a , V, .,7 n - A 1 . a , u , u a. I. t: pi, u, J L 1 Dl, ARNUT A TAYLOR can assist you, 1825 . La 1H f Webster 2039. itt VtT 8ELCor rent your isroperty, TEMPLETON-OLSON CO.. 803 Bee Bldg. WANTED i .to 7-r. house in desirable neighborhood. F, L Wead, 310 S. 18th St. MOXEYTOLOAN FURNITURE, pinnos anil note as security, 140, I mo H. goods, total coat, 13.60. 140, mo. endorsed notes, total eost. 12.49. 8mHer. large am'ts proportions te rata, , PROVIDENT LOAN SQCfETY, 438 Rose Bldg. lth and Isrpsm. Ty, . LEGAL J."'.' RAfcS TP3XNS r more. Knsy payment. Tamest, prlvaey, ? 40 Paxton Bldg. Tel, Deug. I3. ' OMAA,WAif COMPANf. Minnesota Lands. 1-0 acres, heavy soil, 60 miles weef -of Minneapolis; 75 acres cultivated, balance timber, pasture; good 9-room house, barn and: ofYier outbuildings; 6 horses, 6 cows, 8 head of young stock, 6 hogs, chickens, turkeys and all this year's crop, consist ing of 26 acres extra good corn and small grain;' all goes at $65 per acre; 14,000 cash, balance I per rent. McMICHAEL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 600 Wllmac Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. "Nebraska Lands. BUFFALO CO.. NEB., FARM. 160 acres, 90 acres cultivated, Oli. acres pasture, about 3 acres in bearing orchard. Fenced and orossed, small house and out buildings (Improvements are poor), well and windmill. Farm from level to part rolling, part pasture land, some broken, but all good soil. Is located In a, rich . and prosperous section of the county. Price 169,00 per acre; good to.rms-' In the hands of a good farmer the productive value of this farm Is about 380.00 per acre. C: K. DAVIES, . Room 8. Andrews Bldg., Kearney, Neb. 10 ACRE!? joining town ofLexlngton,"Neb. Equipped end used for- a chicken farm, fair improvements, 6 -blocks from court house. Price $3, OOff. "Easy terms, A- A. PATZMAN. 628 Securities Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farm o heasy payment I aeres up.' We farm the farm w sell you. The Hungerford Potato - Grower' associations 6th and Howard Sts., Omaha. Douglas 9371. FOR SALE My- 1,780 A. grain and stock ranch; 3 miles from Roscoe on the Union Paeifio main line. Long' terms, Bog 44, Roscoe, Neb, A FIRST-CLASS j:-acro farm 4', miles from Hartlngton, Neb. Well Improved and all good land; will sell or exchange. See Q. A. Kull, Oakland, Neb. FOR SALE-Best Urge body high grade, medium priced l.nt Jn Nebraska; very tllttla .money requited, C. Bradley. WoL baoh. Neb SEE u for tjeatern Nebraska- wheat lend. You will, save money by buying' through ,yh!i Hoov"'' Q""1"8 Na('' Bid- IBO" ACRESi" fm proved, two mile from tewhl bargain g( 1145.. Write Box 06, Oakland, Neb. . . . .'. . FOR (ALK Imp.T fs-rm," H ' mile to modern town. Pgter Rack, Maton City, Neh,' LI8T y6ur'-lands"for'5utcV results witfi J,' J.- Canan. 810 McCague Bldg-. Omnha. Xexas Lands.- GOOD corn land, eagt' Te. I8 Get my free book, i W. S. FRANK. an acre, i 301 Neville Block, Omaha,. Oregon Lands. ORBOON "'Hearf of the Range." Jordan valley project, 44,000 acre lr gated land; Free map. Next excursion Se tember 18. HARLBY X HOOKER, 140 First Nat, Pank Bldg., Omaha, Veb. South Dakota Lands. Irrl- Sep. FOR SALE -ISO ao.Va 'land In RoBebud country or Tripp county, South Dakota) timber, good water, Improved, adjoins In. dtan land: price 32,800; 3 1,000 cash. Bo 88, Owner. Carter. S. D. FARM LAND WANTED DON'T list your farm with us If you want to keep it. Don't list your farm with n If you will not ell t a BARQAIN .We hava buyer who want to buy and pay spot eaah. - It you want their fash, list your farm With us at, price w. can sell t thra. BNOWPEN SON. Douglss 1871. 483 S. 16th St. WANT 'is hear'fi-om' owner ef half section Keith-county-land, which can be pur chased right. Bey 1127, Bee, POULTRY AND PET STOCK ANTED-JFo terrier' oa Boston "hull male pup, Will pay up. to 15, Addres Bos: '6132, Bee. ' .: . ... PO SINGtB" COMB" "Rhode springs, nine laying hens. Pekin ducks, Colfaa 3761, LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Cattle Market for Desir able Stuff ; Hdi Cleanup on . Steady Basis; Teeders Buy Bulk of Lambs. Omaha, September 8, Receipts were: Cattle. Hoge, Estimate Monday 1,500 3,100 Same day last week.. 14,441 3,331 Same day I week ago.30.190 3,15 Same day I week ago. 8,883 1,17 Seme day 4 week ago. 9,714 4,7)8 Same day lest year.. f.OSl 415 nocip! ana disposition of live eiock at the Union Slock yards, Omaha, far twenty, four hours ending at I o'clock yrsterday; RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Shtep. R'r's. 191T. Sheep. 14.309 3t,0l 16,138 9,967 13,637 14.101 C, M. 4, t. P..., 3 Missouri Pacific... 1 Union Pacific 1 C. A N. W.. eaat.. 7 C. A N. V west. 17 C. St. r M. O. 4 C, B. Q.. east... 1 C. B. A Q., west. ,t C. R. I. A P., eaev 4 C, R, I, A P., west. ' 3 II t I Island red Dine white L Nloux City tlva sViclt Markel. Sioux City, la., Sept. 8.-Cfttta- Receipts, 3,000 head; market t4y- te,.l9o, hlghe; beef steers, 7.00ll.08- tows,' 3.50.OO; stocker and feeders, 17.00 0.26 . ealves, 88.90.0Qi bulla, stags, eta., H. 009.00; feeding cow nd heifers, 9. 008.60. Hogs Receipts, 2,600 head; market steady; lights, I17.E018.00; mixed, 117.60 18.50; heavy, 17.00HI.Q0 j pigs, $13.00 If 00;. bulk of sales. $l?,4O0lT,f I. Sheep and Larnbs-a-Reeetpts, - 800 ; head; market stesdy. - . ' St. Joseph IJvsi Stock Market. St. Joseph, Mo.; Septf'.-Cttr-Berelpts ,1,800 head; market stesdy; steers, If.OO 11.50; enws gad heifers, 15.60613.00; calves, 14.0011.50,,. Hogs Receipts, 3,50 head; market steady; top, )8.88 bulk of sales, 317.75(3) 18.40; heavy packers, 117.68 & 18,00 ; mixed, packers, Jlo. 60S 17.50. Sheep and LambsWReeelpts, 1,100 head; market steady; lamb, $18.06 17.26 ; ewes, $S,0Qf 10.23. . Hay Market. . Receipts, fair; demand, very qujet on both prairie hay and Ue!f market lower on prairie hay. Prairie, choice upland, 111.50030.60: No. 1, 17.6Ol.60; No. i, 311.50014.50; No. I, $1.09011.50. Midland, No. 1, $11.60911.50) No, z, W2.S0 Lowland, N, 1. $I.IO(U.0 No. S. $7.00 t)8.$0 No. I, $6.9906.90. Alfalfa, choice. $22.OO23.00; No. 1, $20.00 021.00; standard, $17.00019.-90; No. 2, $15.00 7.90 Ho. I, $11.00013.00. Straw, oat, $8.9008.50; wheat $7,000 f.60. Oils and Rwrfn. Savannah, Oa., Sept. 1. Oils Turpentine, firm, 8Uei sales, 173 bbls.; receipts, 214 bbla.; stocks, 35,367 bbls. , Rosin Firm; sales, 1,130 bbls.; receipts, 1,409 bbls.; stocks, 94,452 bb'.s. Quotations: B, D, 19, 15.2214; F. $5.205.25; Q $5.JJ i.m if, $M?U0,.iel i, is.ioai.ViH i . $5.$0.4O; M, t5.750S.tO; N, la.50ri.J5; WO, $7,9007,19; WW, T.llT,3t, ' Llverpotd t'tton Market, Liverpool, Sept. 8.,VoUori Spet, nuleti priees II points lower; American middling, fslr, 19.10(1; good middling, )8.40d; mid dlings,, ll.lfld; lew mtddliug, 1T.60d; good oniinary, in.sag ; . era l nary, js.isa. 1,000 bales.. Sale, If Total receipts. . ...41 35 DISPOSITION HAD . t attle. Hogs, Morris 4(1 Swift -A Company.... 1,4 45 Cudahy Packing Co.. 03 Armour A Co 67 Scmvarts A Co...... . Lincoln Packing Co,. S. Omaha, Packing Co. w. B,'Vnhnfc-. Benton,. Vansant. A L. Hiii & Bon 36 F Lewis..-..;;..,, J. B. Root A Co,...:. L. F..Husi Rosenstock ' Broa F. O. Kellogg Werthelnier & Degen. Sullivan Bros Rothschild A Krebi.. Mo, A Kan. Calf Co. Christie Huffman ...1, v Roth ....',.... Longman A Bro Meyers , 171 John . Harvey..,...,., 'll Jensen A Lungren... 363 Other buyers 132 17 17 354 264 15 m 16ii 184 IS4" 618 240 476 83 34 131 31 1 1 135 103 474 67 Iti M4 . .V. i ::f: Sheep. I 1.193 Til 14.848 lT.til rather Totals I,67J, 3,706 Cattle The week opens out with i moderate run of cattle, 1,600 head, (he feet that the day was Labor day evidently hav. Ing a tendency to reduce supplies. Quality of the offerings was hardly up to the re cent very good average. As usual, there were scarcely any cornfed beeves on sale, but one bunch of . very good 1,300-lb. steers sold at 114.90. Best of the western beeves sold around $13.00013.71. It was good steady market for anything desirable in tha beef line, d in some eases price, were possibly a little better than toward the last part of Isst week. , There was more life and a better tone to the market on ' cow and heifer than on Thursday and Friday, and bulk of the she stock sold rather to better advantage. Quality wa not very good, however, and the Improvement In the trade wa more In the way ef a broader demand and greater activity than ef higher price. There wag an active demand for both stock cattle and feeding steers, and any. thing at all desirsbl in this line sold at price steady to l shade stronger than the close of Isst week. A the season advances the damend for stock eattls and feeding steers becomes broader, but with the liberal supplies prices are generally firmly held and volume of business Is inoreailng. Quotation en cattle! Ooed to chelae beeves, $11. 10018. 56r fair to good beeves, $11,16013.16; common to fair beeves, $1,00 013.00; good to choice yearlings, $11,000 16.09; fair to good yearlings. $13.00013.60! common to fair yearling, $1.00011. 10 prime heavy grass beeves, $11.10011. IA good to eholo grass bseves, $11.00011.80) fair to good grasa beeves, $9.10019.76; com. mon to fair graaa beeves, $7.60 0111; good to choice heifers, $7,6009,00; good to choice cows, $T.36 0l. $li fair to good cows, $4,500 7,00; common to fair cows-$1.00 01.10 1 prim feeder, $1.10011.10) good to 'choice feeders. $8.0001.00; -fair to good feeders, $7.9008.00; .common to fair feeders, $6.61 08.101 good, to choice stackers. $7.7608.76) stock heifers, $9.6001.00; stock cow, $1,00 e? Y.Kt stooic calves, ii.oooi.oo; veil csives, 11.00011.351 bull, stags, tc $1,1001.36, Representative sales: " BBBIF STEERS. ' Ne, I.. No. -Av, Pr. I ..... .'-i 190 16 419 11. 98. T 00- !..., I, 801 7 69 41..,.. -..r-M.-.-rt ,.t 406 $4 40 ... T4 J 19 1..,,..,, 789 I 10 1... I. ...,..,1143 00 4 . 18 im 14 to , HEIFERS. t 711 i: 830 1. 690 110 I 38 A, A . .71185 1$ 00 Hi 8..,. $0.... 2 .(,.,,.. "I.,..,. I 4.4 m no 9 15 T 18 MO COWS. 119 III 1.. 838 I 36 1.7,.... ,1000 1260 ( 65 6 881 110 7 $8. 1., 1J20 NEBRASKA. . 10 s'ekers. 711 t 60 17 e'okers. 7T0 WESTERNS, , H. 9. SchmidtNab, , 10 steers. .1004 T 34 I sows.., f TO J. R, Taylor Nsb. 30 steer., 141 S 19 21 steer, , 110 A. BeIt--Neb. 11 steers, ,1808 It 10 1 steers. ,10 Thomas Hunter Wyo, toe fesders.U4! II XI 4 feeders.1141 It 36 Hogs Th hog run continues very light. only 1,100 head being offered teday. A wa the case all laat week quality of most of the offerings wa not very desirable. Shippers set the pact this morning, buying a few loads and packers cleaned up the bulk of th run on about the same basis. Pretty good olearanea wa made, Bulk of the offering sold at I1T.6I01T.II, and a high $11,60 wa paid for part f a load. Representative sales: No, Av. Sh, Pr. No. A. Sh. Pr. 61, .232 140 $1T 0 IT. ,34$ 120 $17 65 7 10 7 n I 71 I 71 7 16 I 00 t 00 10 51, .219 II.. 264 7$, .225 41. .221 1$,.26S 140 110 110 180 10 IT 70 17 10 IT II 11 10 11 IS Sheep Feeder 94, ,110 74.1800 21. .Ill 76, .131 10, .341 wers In th 139 40 17 76 IT 15 II 00 i, a K , ,.. 18 60 market fog tha bulk of th generous run of lambs that wa here today, and early sal' Indicated that price would show some Improvement ever last week. A high as $17.40 we paid for some medium weight lambs, and others were being held for 117.69. Supply of killer was small, but demand seemed to be ratner inairrerenj gnq no sate na peeq made; . Quotations on sheep and lambs i Lambs, fair to choice, $16.76017.31; lambs, culls, $14.99014.00; lambs, feeders, $1I.T60T.6O; yearlings, jair to eneiee, su,iuwu.io year lings, feeders. $1.6O01I.9O wsther, fair to enoice, siti.ftUQiiEOu; ewes, iair to enotce. $1.76010.76: ewes, eul and feeders, $7,800 if. Pr. $1175 II 00 1$ 10 11 Tl 17 SO 17 tO r 10.00 1 ewes, breeders, all ages, 10 ttcpreaetHftHva 111; No. Av. 44 native wether ......l'Jl 112 native feeding Iambs.,.,,,,. 14 12 cull feeding lambs J 45 Idaho wethers , ...114 $14 Idaho f aadlng Iamb. 101 Idaho feeding lambs.... , $1 St. Jul Wv Stock Market. St 'Lout, Sept. . 8. Cattle Raeelpl. 1,900 hud; ' market" steady 1 1 native beef, steers, $8:00046.00; yearling steers and heifers, $7.00014.00; rows, $5.00010.00 stoekers and feeders, 16.5001.60; Texas quarantine steers. $6.7 5 010. 60 j prim south ern beet steers, $9.00012.60; beet cow and heifers, $6.00010.00; prime yearlings, steers and heifers, $7.50010.00; native Salves, $5.76015.(0. Hogs Receipts, 5,501 head; market lower; lights, $16.25018.63; pigs. $13.00047.60) mixed and butchers, $18,16011.601 good heavy, $18.60011.66; bulk, $11.35018.86, Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,690 head; market steady) lambs, $11.0001.76; ewes, $9.9009.50; wethers, $10.50013.00; can qer pnd choppers, 34.5008.10, , Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Sept. 8. Cattle Receipts, $4,000 head; market steady; prim fed steers, $16.00016.00; dressed best steers, $11.600 14.60; western steer. $1O.904.6O southern steers, $7.OO01.6O cows, $1,000 10.00; heifers, $7.60013.00; stoekers and . j , m , . j a . k..n ...eAa.K. calve, IT.QpWlS.se, Hog Receipts, 4.000 head I market steady; bulk, $17.10011.79) heavy, $18119 18.80; packer end butchers, $18,000)1,701 light, $17.75018.46; pigs, $14.90019.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head; market strong; lambs, $16,J$5017,6O yar llnga, l!l.OO011.7ii wethers, $O,09fU.IO; ewes, $8.00 010.60; stocker and feeder. $7.00017.11. Chlcaga IJve Stock Market. Chicago, Sept, 1. C.lttle Raiielpts, 24,690 head; market weak; native beef eaitle, $8.00016.60) wester teer.. $4.991,99) tocker and feeders, $I.OO0.$9: eew and heifer, $4.80013.00; e.lve. $12.99011.99. Hoars Receipts, 19,990 head: . markst stead)-; bulk, 917.80018. IOi light, $11,990 18.95; mlsed, $16.7511.16; heavy, 616.850 11.60; rough,, $18,95016.15 pigs, $12,900 19.75. 8hei"v and Lambs Receipts, 19,090 head; market weak; wetbeui, $7.86011.26: ewes. TEACHERS MEET CITY SCHOOL HEAD Beveridge Recommends Happi ness in the School Room as a Necessary factor. CUT THE PROFITS OF SMALL CLEANER Big Establishments Raise the Price So as to Absorb All of the Net Earnings. - Kansas City f rodaeo Market. Kansas fl y, Mo., Sept i-n, butter, $7.6fl9,$0) lambs. $1115017,49, i r peultry inart.4I.Qlidy,, , "Unless the clasi-room teaclier has a viiion the children will, figuratively spoakjns, perish,'' was the keynote thought which Superintendent Bever idge expanded when addressing a general meeting of the public school teachrri in the auditorium of Cen tral High school. Ht was the first meeting between the teaching staff and the new su perintendent and was the official opening of the school year. The schools will be opened on Tuesday morning for sessions. Tells a Story. "I have in mind a clockmakcr who lived in Flanders many years ago. t- . . :.. li xns name was Anion, was mc in troduction ot the superintendent s story, which was the vehicle for his message to the teachers. "This old clockmaker worked day in and day out, week in and week out, and it seemed to him that his labors did not yield the results which his am bition craved. He had a restless soul, so he went about the town and talked to the people. He learned of some menks, whom he visited and was assigned to weeding in a gar den. His dexterity with tools so im pressed the monks that they asked him to iashion an altar tor tneir chapel. An open gpace was lett m 1 the altar, The abbot asked Anton toj carve a legend in the open space and this was the legend: 'Without a vis ion the people perish.' Worked for the People. j "Anton went to his friend under: whom he had been, an apprentice and j asked the meaning of the legend. Jhe friend replied that the legend meant something lofty, noble and grand to. which the soul reached forth. Anton had a viiion, a purpose. He made a clock with two hands and placed it where rich and poor alike might view it. He built roads for the people. "My thbught to you this morning Is that the teachers, principals, super visors, nurses,' members of the Board of Education, the superintendent and all who have to do with the welfare of the public schools must have a vision if we would get the best results from our efforts, "Without a vision of the faith on which the American government standi the people perish," Th superintendent recommended happiness to the teachers as a neces sary factor In their work. The meeting was brief. Including the - substitute teachers, there were 1,100 pedagogues at the meeting. Dwight E. Porter arrived on Sun day from Shawnee, Okl to take the principalship of the High School of Commerce. He sat en the stage with the superintendent. Special meetingj were held for frineipals and supervisors and the acuities of the high schools. Talka to Supervisors. Following the meeting of teachers at the Central High school yester day, Superintendent Beveridge presid ed at a meeting: of the supervisors, pincipals, and special teachers- of "tfic public schools, jjr. fc. I Manning, supervisor of health, instructed the principals concerning the new health system. -. . "Our aim," said. Dr. Winning, "is to add to the efficiency of the schools. Work is under two headsi contagion and correction, Send child home if he is sick. A nurse will be sent to the home if the disease is contagious. Do not seat t child in a desk recently oc cupied by a sick child. Do riot admit a child without ' examination by a nurse. Some of the most serious com plications come from colds'. Danger from reuse of manual training clay and the redistribution of pencils is great. The sun is the best stefiliaer for them." Card for Each Child. "Each child is to have a card to be kept by the teacher. On them will be kept strict record of. the child's health until he has finish tha eight grades. Records of all illness, colds and even petty diseases should b kept. Miss Edith Tobit asked the prin cipals that they cooperate with the advertising committee in distributing slips to tha mothers through tha chiu dretj urging them to register for ser vice on Wednesday. Mr, Beveridge closed the meeting by reading a portion of an address to tht soldiers by Major General Wood which he considered good advice for the principals. "Your performance of your duties," he read, must always' be marked by self-control and courtesy, Much is lost if they are not always maintained." Three Men to Select a , Successor to Bedford The death of Jeff W. Bedford Sun day leaves a vacancy on the board of county commissioners which. will be filled by successor , appointed by County Clerk Dewey.. County Attor. ney Magney and County - and City Treasurer Endres. The last legis aturt passed a law providing that these - three officials fill nd vacancies created on the county board by the death of a com missioner or a. resignation. Vnder the old law tha county clerk, remaining county commiisioners and county judge filled any vacancies on the board. It is. understood a successor to the late commissioner will be appointed from his district the. Fifth. As he waB a democrat it is obvious a mem ber of that party will be appointed.- Names ef several possibilities have been mentioned, but nothing will be done for several days, at least until after the last rites tor the late com. missioner. The big cleaners and dyer of Oma ha and Council Bluffs have boosted the price of cleaning practically 100 per cent to the small pressoriums which are obliged to have their cleaning dono by the big establish ments before they do the prcssipg. There are scores of small pressor iums and laundry offices about the city which arc affected by this new raise of the cleaners. These small fellows have not the facilities for cleaning. They take in laundry on commission, and take in suits to clean and press. These suits they arc obliged to send to the big cleaners and when they are cleaned they come back, and the small operator presses them and makes his charge for tbat. Formerly this small operator also made a little profit on the' cleaning, but now that the big, clean rs have raised the price on him to this e.x tent, the charge is so high that hei cannot place any further charge orT the suit for profit handling. Men's Suits Six Bits. Formerly these small offices were able to get their cleaning work done for 35 and 40 cents for a man's suit. Now the big cleaners are makiiiK them pay 75 cents for the cleaning of a man's suit. Formerly "they could get a' ladies' suit cleaned for 50 cents, lOw the big shops are making them pay 90 cents. It is vain for the little operator to, seek a new cleaning establishment, for he finds all the big cleaners ad vanced prices by. agreement on; August 20. A - - Lmrw teu tMe Fair Train Service OMAHA TO LINCOLN LINCOLN TO OMAHA SEPTEMBER 3-8, 1917 EEOULAE TRAINS From Omaha daily 7:10 A. M. 9:30 A. M. 9:15 A. M. 1:50 r, H- 4:)0 r. M-i:15 r. M- T:60 P, M. 13:10 A. M. , ' SPECIAL TRAIN TUESDAY, WEDNES DAT AM) TlfCRSTI AT Prom Omaha at 8 A. M.t from South Omaha at 8:15 A. M.; returning from Lincoln depot at 10 P.M. , REGULAR TRAINS From Lincoln dailV , at 5:10 A. M, 8:00 A. M.10:45 A. M. 1:15 Pi M l.&O P. M.-4:S0 P. M.:00 T. MU:30 P. M, Wtlfl not etop opposite ralr Grounds.! ' SPECIAL TRAIN TUESDAY, WEDNES- DAT AND THURSDAY From Lincoln depot 10 P, M. All Westbound Regular and Special Tr&ts from Omaha from 8 A. M. up to and including the 1:50 P. M. train, will stop at Fair Grounds; Eastbound Trains from Lincoln will not stop at Fair Grounds and should be taken 4 T . ..1m Mama4 Evil Companions Lead To Cashing Bad Checks William tosey, 903 Avenue 7, Council Bluffs, was arrested Saturday evening in Hayden Brothers" store while attempting to pass a worthless check amounting to $7.50. Earlier In the evening he had also tried to pass one in the Burgess-Naih store, hut became suspicious of the actions of the clerk who went .to get the chick O. K.d nd hastily left he store. Loiey says that some friends of his who were doing the same thing and were meeting with success had per suaded him to join the gang, . Losey claims that this was his first offense. The charge against him will not be Lnreised, -. . ,N ; 3pSfaflw- 1 ""II ' i "One Bottle Will TeU" ! This w the) beverage you have been looldng for Non-intoxicating, but with that same eld taste. Hops! Yes, that's it Refreshing and wholesome as the food you eat p?oMX You can get it wherever they sell good drinks. Try a bottle today and see how well you will like it, viv?:4 V.i' . aL I i l It's like the- picture here, When you see that IlOUCe me Laoei ibel you know you ere getting fjy - :;' . fiewtt LEMP, Manufacturers. ST. fcQUJS i, ' H. A. STEINWENDER, Distributor 7 : V; ! 1S17 NmHoIm St., Omaha, Ne. Douglas 3S4Z.