THE BEE: OMAHA. SEPTEMBER " 191T. Want Ad Rates " Counting 8i Words to toe. Lin.) Its ad tslrats for let than two linM. CASH WITH ORDER so per Mne , 1 time To per lln..,.3 ernoer consecutive Insertion CHARGE a lr lint., t1m4 . (a per line. ..I or more consecutive insertion a per line.. so consecutivs insertions SITUATIONS WANTED lit per line....... .per week ' CARDS OF THANKS AND tvRtMLnontu .. He per line... .....each insertion (Minimum charge. 60 cents.) Foreign Rata. Cull With Order. (Count Six Ward to Line.) Kelp Wanted Agent Wattled Business Chajces Financial All Other Classification 13c per lis 1 time, fa perllne S or nor. consecutlv Insertion. So per line I time. , to per Use I or more consecutive Insertions. tSB THE TELEPHONE it you cannot eon. venlently bring or send in your want ads. Ak for a Want Ad Taker and yon will rvtive tlie same rood servic as when delivering your want ad at this office. PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE I'VBNi.sG EDITIONS 12:00 M. J. JR.MNO EDITIONS 10;00 P. M. ContractRates ea Application Movie Program Downtown. I'MNCLMS, 137 DOUGLAS . RUTH ROLAND in 14th, "THE NEGLECTED WIFE.1 North. ALHAMBRA, 24TH AND PARKER WILLIAM DESMOND in "THE PAWS OF THE BEAR." ALAMO, 24TH AND FORT ' NEAL HART in "SQUARING IT." "MOVE OVER." POWERS CARTOON. -HAND. 16TH AND BIXNET . FREDERICK WARDE in "THE FIRES OF YOUTH." Loth nop, urn and lothrop ALICE J0TCB AND HARRY MORE! "RICHARD'THE BRAZEN." . South. APOLLO. 29TH AND LEAVENWORTH PAULINE FREDERICK in "HER BETTER SELF." BOULEVARD. 33D AND LEAVENWORTH WILLIAM S. HART in "WOLF LOWRY." KOHLFF. 3669 LEAVENWORTH i MYRTLE GONZALES in "THE GREATER LAW." Wet DUNDEE, (1ST AND UNDERWOOD GLADYS HULETTE in "IT HAPPENED TO ADELE." South Side. .MAGIC, 34TH AND N HARRY CAREY in 'STRAIGHT SHOOTING.'' . DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES 1'AERISH Wallace II., Saturday, Septem ber 1, 1917. , v Y- Funeral from bit lata residence, 1031 Underwood . Ave., Tuesday, September 4, HIT, at S p. m. Interment Forest Lawn FLORISTS. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter t months for ti. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1101 Farnam. Guaranteed Typewriters, 110 and up. Write Tor list. Midland Typ. Co.. 1404 poaget Miscellaneous. WE HAVE moved to new location. We buy, sell and make deska. safes, showcases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture At Supply Co, 8. W, Cor. 11th and Doug. Fhone D. 1724. FOR 8ALE Everbearing strawberry plants, 21 1 Hlnney. Phone Webster 4(12. DRT KINDLING WOOD. AC MM BOY COMPAUT. Harney 1837. FOR SALE Si rhlckeus-and good washing machine. H. tola. SWAPPERS COLUMN FOR SALE 5-Inch Kodak film tank, com- plete, very little Used and In best condl- tlon. Make me an offer. Box 6108, Bee. FILMS developed. lOo a roll; one-day s.rv. Ice. Ksse Kodak Etudlo, Neville Blk lth and Harney. WILL trade a good homestead relinquish ment for ay used car, or what nave you I Address Bos 6838. Be. DIAMONDS and Jewelry to trade for rifles and shotguns. Friedman, 1211 Doug. 8t WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 8164. OLD CLOTHING vll HIGHEST PRICKS. DOUGLAS 011. JENKINS whe,t tl t0T UiUlSJ.lViO , ci0thes. shoes, trunks. eto, Dong. (111. Hm., Doug. (032. DIAMONDS 403 8. 16th 6V SOL BERGMAN Sb CO. WANTED TO BUT Slightly used 1(17 Ford touring car. South 4880. BUSINESS CHANCES DRAFTED editor will sell weekly newspa per for 1260. Might consider leas to right party. Enterprise. Douglas, Neb. $ POWERS 4 -A machines, practically new, Tour choice . 1145; other machines from 125 op; two Fort Wayne Compensates at 135. Come quick if yon wai-t it Mgr. 210 Bromley Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ONLY restaurant and confectionery In town. Have fountain, annual sales exceed 18,000. Owner drafted and must sell at one. Price rtght. A. O. Scott. Cowles, Neb. ONLY hotel, good condition, mostly fur nlshed; junctionstown, thousand popula, tlon; no night trains. Inspect It. . Simpson. Blue Hill, Neb. FOR SALE Ice cream and confectionery store In good town In Nebraska; good rea son for selling; a bargain If taken at owe. Address Box T-189, Omaha Bee, MOTION picture machines built); theaters supplied. Exchange, 101 8. 14th 8t, new and re- Omaha Film MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., 201 Nat Bldg. FOR SALE Fully equipped bottling works. Doing a fine business. Terms. Crystal Bot tling Works. Broken Bow, Neb. POOL HALL and barber shop for aale. Good location la live town. R. P. Dlsbrow, Funk, Neb. FOR SALE Popcorn and peanut stand do ing good business. Benson 373. TO GET In or out of business call on OANOE8TAD. 248 Bea Bldg. Doog. 1477, TOUR business or real estate bandied for sale. F. V. Knlest Bes Bldg., Omaha. 1124 DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. W. O. W. Bldg. Red 8285. MEAT market for sals; good business; to be sold In ressonable time. Web. 1200. Rooming House for Sale. 11-ROOM rooming house, good location, good furniture. Price 1460. Douglas (417. AUTOMOBILES, CASH paid for diamonds. Estates ap praised. Reeve Jewelry Co., 408 S. lflth. BOOKS bought. Kleser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. BOOKS bought, (10 S. 36th Tyler 282. 'ANNOUNCEMENTS Accotydoeon Pleating. ACCOKDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating? covered buttons, all sices and style ; hemstitching, plcot edging, ays let cut work, buttonholes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO 800-808 Brown Bldg. Douglas 1936. VAN ARM AN Dress Pleating and Buttoa co., ys-7 raxion qn. Douglaa 8109. Accountants. Dworak-tJre Audit Co., 838 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 2169. Baths. ELECTRIC treatment; baths; Swedish mas sage. Central Institute, 1608 Barney Douglas 7097. MASSEUSE, baths, ma nicer In g, physical cuu. wise walker, 114 Neville Blk. D. 4397, 228 Neville Doug. 1381. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. Block, 16th and Harney Sts. Wanted. WANTED Ford touring car for cash, must be ceap. Give phone number; will call Wednesday. Box T 198, Omaha Bee. For Sale. YOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED DON'T TOUT ALL RIGHT. WB DO THE BEST WORK IN TOWN. TRT va. the tire error, i 2618 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 4878. " ' ' AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 8201 Farnam. Douglas 3310. Scrlpps-Booth roadster at a sacrifice. 18 Chevrolet (328 16 Maxwell (336 Moon SIX .Sacrifice FOR SALE CROSSTOWN GARAGE. Ill SO. 24TH ST. Good business, fine location, cheap rant, . complete equipment. Motor air comp. drill, emery weld outfit, hoist, etc Reason for selling, drafted. MEDICAL Dentists. Tsft's Dent. Rms.. 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2188. Chiropractors. ' Drs. Johnston, 1328 W. O W. Bldg. D. t3. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 84L SITUATIONS WANTED Male. CLERICAL, atenographlcal or practically any kind of work evenings for three or four hours. Permanent Doug. 2884. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors, YOUNG man desires light office work, afternoons, from 1 to 8:30; particulars. Call Dong. 2520. WANTED Job as firemen. Ben Benja men. Phone D. 1004. 1816 Cuming.; St years' experience. YOUNG man. exp., wants office position with good firm. References. Web. 1088, HOUSE Lawn men want work. Delaney or Baker, Douglas 8494. WANTED By experienced man, position fsrm foreman. Box T 183, Bee. POSITION Houss wiring with "Open Shop' Company. Address Y 181, Bee. STRONG' boy, 12 years old, wants work after school. Colfax 8209. ' Female. EXTRA flue teacher la chochet and tatting, fine needlework; yokes for sale, $1.(0 and np. Webstar 4818. POSITION In general store, capable of tak ing charge of dry goods. Experience and best of references. Box T 193, Omaha Bee. Laundry and Day Work. WASHING and Ironing done; finished 60c do. Rough dry, 18c. Fhone Web. 4839, Called for and delivered. WANTED By first-class colored woman, cleaning or Iaundy work. Add. S310 N. 27th Ave., or call Webster 2328. NEAT, competent colored woman wants day work or assist cooking.. serving; no Sunday work. Phons Webster 8020. WASHING and ironing neatly done; called for and delivered. . All work guaranteed. Phone South 4372. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Web. 4008. LACE curtains, bundles and wool blankets laundered. Harney 1180. 2(14 Dodge St LAUNDRY Ww by exp. coL lady. Web. 7034. EXP, laundress for laundry work. Web. 2838. LAUNDRT or day work wanted. Web. 8734. REL. col lady wants day work. Har. 4044. BUNDLE work or day work. Harney 8137. Col. lady wants day wk., any kind. Ty. 3(83. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 920. Exp. col. lady wants daywork. Red 8689. Washing and lacs curtains don. Ty. 1144. HELP WANTED MALE Read (From the New York Globe.) RUN ON WAR BOOKS AT BOSTON LIBRART. "BOSTON, Aug. 11 A statement is sued by the Boston publlo library today reveals the great publie interest in the ' war as shown by the demand for books dealing with all phases of the conflict About 10 volumes a day in this class are being taken out. The reading public la clamoring for A story" of the war In any shape, and we have The Story of the War In its meat attractive and authoritative form, and at a price witntn tn reach of every one. We are tn need of real salesmen to work on leads and inquiries. Any live salesman can earn from 40 to (69 per ppiy net ween i and 12, F. D. Drowning. ai3 eairq Block, Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades, 10 GIRLS who can waits and two-step good workers .males (30.00 to (88.80 per ween; must be aver 18 and travel. Other useful show people. Call or writ quick. h. u. Hstneid, Hotel Edwards. I.KARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge 6t Saleswomen and Solicitors. HIGH grade acock proposition In an old established growing concern, open for country territory In Nebraska r None but high-grade securltlea men need! , appiy. tox till, Bee. ,11 PQIIW T . .. luwsawi u jou ara cot matting Ji a week, call or write to WHARTNBY SALES CO., 817 Paxton, Blk., Omaha, WANTED Experienced salesman to take up a una on commission for a wholesale furniture jopoing Bouse. Box T 186, Bee. Trade Schools. - MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men, women, learn tba barber trade: xew weens completes; pay while learning. Catalogue free. Ratea now on. Call or write, no aoutn I4tn St., Omaha. BOTH Men and women to learn the barber trade, special rate. Call or write, 1402 Dodge. TRINITY BARBER COLLSGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGEr 407 3. 30th and 2059 Farnam. Teamsters nd Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and goo a pay. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. South Yard: 29th and Hickory Streets. West Tard: 43d and Izard Streets. Boys.' Stores and Offices. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everreadv Ratter Atittlnn. 130 Varanm Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha 81a. Bakeries " ORTMAN'S ' NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 312 N. 16TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHRRS OTTB MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS." Carpenters and Contractors LBS8ARD A SON, 2031 Cuming. Ty. 1633. Dancing Academy IIISI.VU a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, w ara In poaltlod to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere in the Untied States or Canada. Hoe Kwohoda, Florists. 1 otitenelle. Florists, 1914 Douglas St LEE L. LARMON Douglas (244. J.AKOKST assortment of fresh flowers, J. HENDERSON,-1519 FARNAM. PARKKR FLOWER SHOP, 411 8. 18. D. 8102. Doug. 3(88. TUB FERNERY, 801 8. ISthSt. BATH, Rational Florist 1804 Farnam Bt. A. a'OKAGHUE, 1(23 Haruey. Doug. 1001. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK& FALCONER Tnflp!mtut Undertakers, 24 A Har. D.Mf, L. DiiDDUR CO., Funeral Directors. F. E, Foro, Mgr.. 23d and Cuming St. Phone pouvlKi 477. Auto ambulance, ill Let. Klfcl'EN. undertaker nod ia balmers, 701 . 10th. Douglas 1262. JOHN A. UE.N'TLEMAN, undertaker and cmbalmer. 2(24 Leavenworth. Dour., 1(59. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS " OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS 811112 EX RAILWAY COMPANY. Parsons having loaf soma afttel would do well to rail up tht office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left, It iu the street car. ,.t r . : Many article each day ara turned in and th company is anxious ta restore them to the rightful owner. f.'i.OO REWARD for Information leading to th return of 191? Ford touring car lost Thursday p. m. at Cady Lbr, Co. tire. License No. (3971 Neb., engine No. 18718(8. C. Jensen, 838 8. 28th Bt, Omaha, Phono Red 4183. ir YOU lose anything and will advertise It here yon will surely recover found by an honeet person. If yon find anything ?f value th or the evme KICKP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam. tiass, to p. m. Reception, S to 11:48 p. m. Every Monday and Thursday eve nlng. Classes for children, Tuesday at 4 p. m. Saturday at I p. in., private lessons by appointment Ballroom available for ' private parties. Phone D, 7850. Da T.11 VO School, Popular Ballroom AVC AJUAB Dance plass Monday Eve. Ill 8. 18th. Phone Walnut 108T. TUR"pIN S School of Dancing, lYth and Farnam. Phone H. (148, or call personally ' for data of classes. Circulars mailed free. Chiropodist Carrie J. Burford, 820 Paxton Blk., R. 4687, Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Dressmaking pressmaklng guaranteed and reae, Wal 880. DRE38MAKINO work guaranteed. lL 8184. TERRY Drensmanklng Co., 10th and Farnam, Detectives BUTTON Detective Agency "(Inc. . "W Get Result." 62 World-Herald Bids., Paul Button, Mgr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, (00 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 1610. y JAMES ALLAN, lis Neville Blk. Evldeoog eecured in all case. Tyler 1136. S. D. JOLLY, 618 Paxton. Red 1136. Fixtures and Wirinsr MTTkkTM E'octrto washing maclnea, BUICK sis "55." good ahapev (400. 110 S. 17th. Douglas (070. GOOD bargain In used Fords. 4001 & S4ttb TsL South 4160. v lamps. eleotrla irons and readlna 3231 Cuming St Doug. 381 9. Furs Stored FURS stored, cleaned and 'remodeled, H price. Fur dyed. H. Rothbols, Furrier. Harney 3763. 3811 Leavenworth. Household Specialties" C F. ADAMS, 33 8. 10th. D. 3007. Under new management W want to aee old friend and meet new. Open Sat eves. Tonr t-redlt la good. Agents wanted. Insurance. LOST A child's gray sweater Sunday, be tween 24th and Elm and 13th and I Sts. Return to 4404 8. 12th 8t S. 31,35. LOST A small black pocketbook on Dodge ear, containing 113.98 and registered slip. Reward. Doug. 7798. LAOIKtJ' blue-velvet hat between Council Bluffs and Henderson, Reward. . Box Y 197, Omaha Bee. - LOST lu the loup, a ot keys; name ea check; return to U. P. Bldg., Room 111. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. VCRNT6HT3UR HOME AT PRACTICAL . LY YOUR OWN PRICE. Hundreds of people have taken advan. tag ot th remarkable price reduction w hava been making for th past several months on a big (25,000 warehouse atovk of brund new, up-to-date furniture that w were forced to close out Such money saving possibilities could not ba equaled anywhere els In th city alert buyers have discovered this and profited by it Furniture tor every room tn tba home ta Included in thl big warehous stock. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Act today. STATE FURNITUR8 CO Doug. 1317. Hth and Dodce te., Omaha. AUCTION! AUCTIONI . All the furniture, rugs and linens of on of Omaha s fme homes at sou Leaven, worth St.. Wednesday, September 8. Sale , . starts at 1 o'clock p. tn. - Don't fall to attend thl sale, aa tt la high-grade lurnl- turo. JAMES L. DOWD. AUCTIONEER. l'r Auction Bale call Red 3885 or IK. 463. OMArlA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses mads from your own feathers. Summer and winter sides. Warm In winter: cool In summer. Cost less and lart longer than totton. Phon us for sample. 1(01 Cum in. ' D. !47. BARGAINS III furniture. Ice boxes, gas . stoves, rugs, beds, china and kitchen aabl- nets, tables, chairs, buffets, dressers. trunks, suitcase. Full line of poultry net- thig -reen. 1H39-47 N. Z4flt. Web. 1607. iC( CREAM Utl. oft. fur., chairs, refrlg., gard. hose, porch f!r,, Victrola. planoa. Loyal Fur. Co 323 N. IS. City Furn. Co, 187 4 14th. UlttH rigkt dowa and get your share ot all kinds furniture at sacrifice, toe N. lstn. 1 URMTCRi! from an (-room house tor sale. 2431. Evans. Webster 1370. COMPLETE maseive dining room, tea for sale cneap. t ail uougiae LARGE else soft coal burner, good condi tion: cheap. Call Webeter 1893. FOR aA LE Early English dining room suite. Call Harney 1848. - Store and Office Fixtures. l'ofl SALE Very large sis practical show. case, sliding door oa both sides. Paxton Hotel Pharmacy, - ; BANKERS' LIKE OF LINCOLN, 313-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 38H. Lumber and Building Materials ' SAVE HALF on beams, oolumns, brick. H. ores Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 3884. INSURANCE, Fire. Tornado, Automobile, C. A. Ortmmal, 840 Om. Nat'l Bk. Jldg. Massueres MASSAGE, chiropody. Alta- Head, 303-14 Balra Blag, 17th and Douglas. D. 1468. Centrsl Bath-lost 1606 Harney. Doug. 7087. MISS HOLLAND. 333 Neville Block. Osteopaths. Mrs. J. R, Mustek, sulphur, steam and suca- lyptu path. 403-1 Roe Bldg. Ty. 3183. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expeft Weldini on All Metal.. H. W. LEVERING, 30: 8. 12th 8t. D. 3578. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rent 306 N. 17th. John- Feldman. r. 318. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter. national Patent Co., 683 Brandels. D.6691. STURGES BTURGES. U. S. and foreign patenta and trademarks. 330 Bea Bldg. Pianos for Rent (3.58 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 1611 Dougles. Printi ig and Office Supplies. Waters-Bernhr Ptg. Co.. 634 8. 18th St " Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1213 Farnam. I. 3. Darlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. 5c SHINE 5c WHITE BHOE8 A SPECIALTY AMER. 8H"NO PARLOR. 1504 Harney 8t Towel Supplies. Omaha Towul Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 423 Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W. O. C.eveland Co., 1410-13 Harney 8t Weddinr Stationery. WEDDING announcements- and printing. Douglss Printing Co. Tel. Douglss 844, Wkere to Eat. BlL BILL OF FARE. Small atwak, 16c. Sirloin steak, 250. Ext, sirloin steak, 36c. Hamburger steak, 16o Pork chops, 20& Ham and eggs, 2pc Bacon and egg. 30c. 3 eggs, 15s. Bssafse steak, 16c. Lamb chops, 20a Mexlcsn chill, 10c Hot cakes. 3 for lOo. 1 egg. to. BOON RESTAURANT. 802 a 13th St ' BUSINESS CHANCES - Sewing Machines. "Sewing machines-" Wa rent repair, ae!) needle and parts of all aewlng machine. , ; .. . , . MICKBL'8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. l:h sad Harney bta. , Doug 18(2. 'NEBRASKA MOVIE SHOW Only movts show In town of 1,(00. Beat (00. Rent 360. . Doing fine business. Owner must sell. Price 11,500. LUND, 430 Securities Bldg. Tyler 713. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dspt 3213-16 Harney Bt Douglas 853. Almost any make at reasonable prices. TIRES at half price. Jobbers In new tires and tube. KAIMAN'S TIRE SHOP. Will repair your tire th best. Nebraska Ttre and Vulcanising Co., 1721 Cuming. D. 6828. ALL kinds of cars for hire with or Willi out driver by the mile or by the hour. Fords lOo per mile. Douglas T390. Ne braska Service Ga-ge WANTED FOR BPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 310T Farnam 8t Doug. (088. CUT down your tire expense by having them repaired at Q. fc o. Tire and Vule, Do. Barg. In used tire. 341S Lear. T. 1261-W. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO. all kind ot tire repairing work guar anteed. Douglas 766J. 1109 Douglas Bt Oakland light six, im model. , INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., 10th and Harney. Douglas (281. TELL A BINKLEY, WB BUT AND BELL USED FORDS. 2318 Harney St. Doug. 1644. SEVERAb used cars at bargain prices. Call Carl Changstrom, Standard Motor Car Coa Douglas 1708. ' CUT your tiro coat in half by using Maxo- tlres. T. J. Garvey'a Vulcanising and Maxo tir "cation, 3910 Leavenworth. H. 1408. BARGAINS in used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 48th and Farnam, Harney 414. Used car dept. willy's-overland, inc.. 2047 Farnam Bt Doug. 3391-L. JOS MATHE, patent vulcanlser, maaufao- turer, expert tir repairing. nam. Phone Harney 4880. 1(6 Far- BERT8CHY "Kan-Fix-It," Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney St. Douglas 35(8, , WANTED To sell or trad. Overland tour ing ear, good condition. Harney mom. Auto Repairing: and Painting. . ilOO reward tor magneto we can't repair, Coils repaired. Baysdorfer. 310 N. 18th. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD' SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFBIFFER AUTO a CARRIAGE WKS 36th Ave, and Leavenworth St Tyler 701. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Service Co, (Former Strahle a Anderson), til 8. 19th Bt Douglas 848 . ' Tires and Supplies. TIRE price wrecker. Thl 1 no 3 In 1 tire, COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1101H Jackson. Agt. wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lea Punetureproof Pneumatic Tire and eliminate your tir troubles. ' Powell Supply Co 3061 Farnam St . Motorcycles and Bicycles WANTED Eight boys over 16 years of age. Apply at Skinner Mfg. Co. WANTED ' "V. Office boys, junior clerks, typist and male; stenographer. Apply Tuesday, general office Armour & Co., 30th and Q Sts., South Side. ELECTRIC Engineer $100 Bteno. 80 Clerk (0 Bookkeeper in Bank 75 SEE THE CANO AGENCY. 800 BEE BLDG. WHY FAT for a position? Stenographers, register w"h us FREE. OF CHARGE and we will place you,' REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 30 South 19th Bt. STENOGRAPHER who understands claim and general office work; good future; sal ary (100 to (188. WATTS REF. CO.,' 1188 First Nat. Bank. BOOKKEEPER. (76. " TT"" WESTKRN REFERENCE a BOND ASS'N, 736 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Cashier la N. Dak. bank, not tea than 3 years' experience, and able to Invest. Box T-186, Bee. CALL on th Co-Operativa Reference Co. for drug and commercial position. 1011 City National Bank Bldg. OFFICE Clerk Good future, (76 WATTS REF. CO.. 1131 First Nat. Bank. SEE ua for a high class commercial position, THE MARTI CO.. 1817 W. O. W. Bldg. REGISTERED druggist Qulgley Drug com pany. 16th and Davenport Sts. , Professions and Trades. - WANTED . STEAM FITTERS AT FORT OMAHA Wages, 7Jc per hour. Bonus of 1 extra liour on 10 hours' work. Ap ply. E. M. Wick-ham, Fort Omaha. H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain in used Machine. Victor H. Rooa, "Th Motorcycle Van,1 27th and Leavenworth. CLEVELAND lightweight motorcycle are classy,' clean and economtnal. Terms to suit) th purchaser. Plott Bros., 3253 Far nam. .V-:-,.- PERSONAL WANTED To locate Clifford M. Beebee, recently of Lincoln, Neb., and reported to hava a younger daughter in Omaha. Mr. Beebee r hi daughter can obtain Infor mation greatly to their advantage by communicating with the undersigned. Any person having information ; aa to the whereabout of Mr. Beebe Or his daugh ter la requested to address Qoudg. Rob inson a Hughes, Attorneys, Investment Bldg., Loa Angeles, CaU THE Salvation Army Industrial Horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga alnea We collect W distribute, Phon Doug. 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new horn. 1110-1113-1114 Dedg Bt MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam bath and massage, , Bran. Thee. Bldg. D. 1659. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 303 Karbacn Blk. Red 3737. MISS 8MITH, nussuiat Rlttenhouae sani tarium. 310-214 Balrd Blk. D. 3458. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. (13 Paxton Blk. Red 3400. At J, RIG At private maternity home. Beat (80S Bristol. Webeter 3908. fare. BaTU and massage. 1803 Farnam St. Room 2. Phon Douglaa S751. - PRIVATE llcenaed maternity home, 4418 N, 38th 8t Phon Colfax 204S. SCIENTIFIC massage, 820 Be Bldg. fhone Douglas 6373. TOUPES cleaned a dressed. Brandels Stores. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 18. MI88WK8T, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th. E. BROTT. V-sa, 703 8. 18th. D. (524. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, Ztt BEE BLDG. PILES. FISTULA CURED. ' Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgical op erations. Cur guaranteed and ne money . paid until cured. Write for book ea reo- tal disease and testimonials. ' A LIVE, energetic buslneee mad to represent us as state agent A punctuieleaa automo bile tube: no punctures, no blowouts or rim cuts; (3,608, cash Inveatment it yon . nave in Business aouity ana cam. a fortune to be made. See Mr. Howard. Room 311, Paxton Hotel, Hours 11 to 12, 3 to - : .. WHT SUFFER? latest and most scientific treatment tor all diseases. Dr. Charles Blrnea, 813-624 Rose Bldg. Examination ' and consultation free. He la curing thou sands, WHY NOT TOUT Delay are dan gerous. If yoa can't call. writ. Hours, 9 a. ra. t 6 p. m.; 7:30 to S;30 eveulnga . Sunday ay appointment RUPTURE "tacaassfully treated hout surgical operation. Call or vrlte Dr. " Frank H. Wry. 306 Be Bids. WANTED . CARPENTERS Wages, (0 per hour. Bonus ot 1 extra hour on 10 hour dally. Long Job, Apply Witherstone Engler Co., Chicago a N. W. Elevator Co., Council Bluffs, la. I". . . -.', WANTED V hear from a good Turkish bath man; inustNfi a good masseur; on married preferred, .who wit can also give treatments to ladles. For particular address H. Klein, Crescent Turkish Bath, Sioux Fall, 8. D. - DRAFTSMAN, etructural eteel or architec tural preferred; experienced draftsman wanted. Permanent position for right man. Ott Elevator Co., 1200 Jackson, PRINTER WANTED On county seat week ly; must be good on press wore; steady to the rtght man. Republican, Auburn, Neb. WANTED A middle-aged man aa barber. Good chanceyto make good money. Apply at 820 N. 16th St. BARBER WANTED (18 guarantee for man who suits me. J. Hubertus, Beaver Crossing, Neb. FIXTURE man wanted, must be experi enced in making, hanging, and assembling. Call Tyler 1043. WANTED First class sewing machine re pair mam -Omaha Auto Top Co-, 708-11 8. 15th Bt WANTED Experienced window trimmer's assistant. B. N, Wolbacb, a Bona, Grand Island, Neb. WANTED Men to deliver ice. Apply Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co (th and Jones. WANTED Laborers. S6o per hour. 10 hours. Phoenix Construction Co., 4th and Leaven worth. BRIDGEMEN and carpenter for Arkansss and Tennessee; daUy ablpment 111 S. 10th. LEARN barber trade; low ratea now. Call or write Barber College. 1114 Doogla Bt WANTED First-clasa mechanle. Oarage, 3014 Harney St Omaha Salesmen and Solicitors. - WANTED A reliable man to talk to Ford owner about th new starting device; (6 per day. American Steel Supply - Co, Penobsoot Bldg., Detroit - . . ' SALESMAN, on commission only, to rep, resent eastern ribbon manufacturer; must be ambitious and come well recommended. Box Y-187, Bee. WANTED High clasa experienced stove and furnace aaleeman for Wyoming territory with headquarter In or near Caeper. State , are. experience, reference and salary. Box I 1(4, aoe- t 'WANTED. ' - .:!".f boys, 18 or ever. Apply SCOTT-OMAHA TENT a AWNINO CO.. 16th and Howard, Factory Entrance. Few WANTED Boy for pressroom, heavy work, (10 a week, good chanc for advance ment for on who can deliver. Night work. See Mr. Miller, night foreman, Omaha Bee. WANTED A few more boy to learn th trad. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-1L 8. 15th St. WANTED At once, good strong boy aa bus boy. Permanent position. Mr. Small hols. Blackstone Hotel. WANTED Boy with wheel; good salary. Apply at once.' Th Blake Drug Co., 16th and Locust St. TWO or 3 boys for factory; nloe, clean work and good wages. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. . : DELIVERY boy wanteS for grocery, store. L. Bercutt, 3190 Ames Av.' ' WANTED Boy for deliveries, stc; good chance for promotion. 101' Bee Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced cook for , short or der restaurant; must be aye ts do pastry work and get up a regular dinner. $10, room and board. .Also one. waitress, on dishwasher; (6 pee week,, room and board. Box 76, Wall Lake, la. Mrs. F. L Jones. WANTED At once, houseman. housekeeper, Fontenelle Hotel, Apply to - Miscellaneous. . WANTED 'LABORERS, .30; CONCRETE MEN, .60; CARPENTERS. .50 to .60; "WORtf TEN HOURS AND BUNDAT. BUNK HOUSES FURNISHED; BOARD (7.88 PER WEEK. COMB OR WRITE. THE NEBRASKA POTASH .WORKS CO., ANTIOCH, NEB. - SHOVSLERS wanted to unload coal by tim ton; good, pay and ateady work, , Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard 34th and Taylor streets. South Yafd 20th and' Hickory streets. West Yard 43a and Izard street. V. A N T ED T wo bright capable women, 25 to 40 years ot age, residents of Omaha and vicinity, who find It necessary to earn their own living, who would - be inter ested in earning at least 316 per week. ' Also wanted ta travel, nursing, teaching or otner experiences, preferred, but not absolutely necessary, answer, statins: axe. nationality, experiences, ate. It yoa have a phone, give number. Personal inter- vlew arranged tor. Bog S868, Omaha Bee. Household and Domestic WANTED An experienced whit cook. Mrs. Barton Millard. Harney 47. 123 14. S3th Street. " '" .' WANTED A sirl for general housework and help take care of email child. Three in family. Good wage to girl with ret' erencea. Call Colfax 2398. WANTED Lady to work morning and evenings for board and room. Telephone between S and S evenings. Colfax 2106, WANTED Girl tor general housework; small family; no washing; good wages; re.erences required, walnut 1S. WANTED Good girl for general housework, smau ramiiy, good wages. 8331 Harney St. rtarney z96. Mr. G. M. Mlckel. GOOD girl, general housework, no washing: re.erences required. Mrs. A. H. Murdock, c.c n n . rt , , . .. ... - j di. rnon, eouin is. WANTED W!te girl for general house work. Car. ge home night If desired. Call Harnt v 81.10. - WANTEfJ A competent girl for general nouseworK, small iirally; good wages, Phone Tyler 2726, at;,ernoons. WANTED A girl for general housework; a in ramuy. rnonerv Harney (73 or Doug' las 62. 607 South 38th Are. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral nouseworg; s in family; high wages. Apply Colfax 2469. y WANTED Good German or Danish girl for general Lousework; 4 adults in family, Call Harnay 4922. .wanted Experienced girl tor general nouseworK. sie xs. etat Bt. Wal. 560, WANTED White girl for general house work ; small family. Walnut 3346. WANTED On to three families, German preferred, to go en 1,290-acre farm eighty mile from Washington, D. C. A.- M. Byer. 1330 6. 86th Ave. ... WANTED 100 track laborers at once, 20c per hour. . Call at IS Scott St, Council Bluffs. E. A. Wtckham a Co. ATTENTION, farmersl It you want help w can aupply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 9164 W. Broadway, P. 431, WANTED Driver tor grocery wagon and work In . geora, Farrell . Grocery, 1923 Lake St ,"'.' . -. . v , LABORERS wanted; steady, work; good wage. Apply Sunderland' Bros, Cow west yard, 4 2d and Isard 8t. MAN to work on dairy farm, 61st and Spring Bt. call and see Elmer mom, (123 s. 51st. HELP WANTED i FEMALE Stores and Offices. WHT PAY for a position? Stenographers, register wtth us FREE OF CHARGE sod w will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANT, 209 8o. 19th St., City. 6TENOGRAPHERS, 385, (76, (65, 50. . Bookkeeper, (85, (80, (75, (65. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. STENOGRAPHERS, see us for a position. More calls than we can fill. THE MARTI CO., 1117 W. O. W. Bldg. STijNO. and clerk, bank, (68. ' WESTERN REFERENCE a BOND ASS'N. .788 -First National Bank Building. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeeper and office olerka co-operative Reference Co. WANTED Office girl at once. 261 Leav enworth. ' Professions and Trades. GIRLS! GIRLS! WANTED 25 girls; good wage. Steady work..1'. " ' . ITEN BISCUIT CO., 13th and Capitol Av. WANTED. . ' ' Olrls to sew on government- contract; prefer girls experienced on power sew ing machines; best wages and . light sanitary workrooms. . You can do your bit tor your coun try here.) BCOTT OMAHA TENT a AWNINO CO. 16th aad Howard. Factory Entrance. THE Nebraska Telephone company offer an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions; opportun ities for advancement; good wage. A aal ary la paid while learning.. Parent desiring to acquaint themselve with th working conditions or any other detail are especially invited to accompany , the applicants. S .. Apply to C F. Lambert. 1107 Douglas treet. WANTED Girl to ew on shirts and over alls; alio I Inspectors for shirts and over alls; good wages and working condition. Apply to Mrs, Do beck, M. E. Smith a Co., (th and Douglas St antranc. WANTED Power aewing - machine oper ator, no experience necessary; piece work with two weeks guarantee. Experienced girls make-from (14 to fit per. week, Apply to forelady Omaha Auto Top Co., 707-11 S. 15th St. WANTE D Fifteen girls for packing and , labeling. Apply at Skinner Mfg. Co. WANTED Olrls for labeling Butter-Nut coffee Apply at office oa viaduct Paxton a Gallagher Co. WANTED Competent , floor Clarksoo - . maid. - Apply WANTED Woman tor housework. . amaU ramuy; no laundry. TeL Walnut 3661. WHITE girl for general housework.. Mrs. a. Goeta, 1533 Park Ave. Harney 140L WANTED An experienced white second girl; (8 per week. Plum Harney 68. WANTED School girl to in care of cniiaren. lan Douglas 730. " , ... WANTED Girl for general housework. Call narney ess.- . .- . Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced coos; for short or- ' der restaurant; must be able to do, pastry work and get up a regular dinner. (10, room and board. Alio on waitress,- one dishwasher; 15 per week, room and board-. Box 75. Wall Lake, la. Mrs. F. I. -Jones. WANTED A dining girl and second cook. Apply ciarv,'., Hospital. . " 2100 Howard Bt. - ' ........ WANTED One girl tA wash silver and glassware. Two girls to work in kitchen. Apply Chef, Hotel Blackstone. WAITRESS Wanted Mgr., Club Cafe. at once. Apply, to DINING roan girl wanted at Iowa Cafe, N. 16th Pt. 908 -Miscellaneous. WANTED Employed .girl and women to handle commission and premium proposi tion in spare time. Duke Bales Co., Mus catine, la. .y WANTED Girls (colored preferred). Ap ply OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 1STH AND MARCY. ,.... . HELP WANTED. Male iand Female. WANTED Immediate!, names men-women. wishing o become government clerks, (75 month. - Address Box 'Y-420, ear of thl office. .... . . EDUCATIONAL FALL TERM . ' BOYLE3 COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL TUESDAY, 8EPTEMBER' 4, , . . NIGHT SCHOOL f WEDNESDAY EVENING. , SEPTEMBER 6. Boekkeeplng, Suelness Administration, ' Banking-,'' Shorthand, Stenotypy, . Civil Ben-Ice, Telegraphy and English. Cata logue tree. BOTXES COLLEGE, Omaha, Nebraska; - Douglas 18 W. . 18th sad Hi.rney Sts. VAN 8AN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, ' Day and livening Schools. Munson-Pltmas and Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, Office Methods. 'Bookkeeping, Commercial. Law; Penmanship, Spelling, Civil Service subjects, courses by profes sor from the University School of Com merbe.and Domestlo Science, ' Ask for bulletin. . 220. Omaha Nat: Bank. Bldg., Omaha. Douglas 8890. . " - v INTENSIVE self -Improvement is the secret of advancement Address Mr. Edwin Puis, Department of Public , Speaking, Omaha Y. M. C A. " ' -' - FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL SOTH AND FARNAM , Special tow rates to ' permanent guest. ' COOL room for summer, (3 week; Apta. with kitchenette. OGDEN HOTEL, Coun cil Bluff. Furnished Rooms. , ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS I If yoa fan to find the room yoa. ., desire among these ads call at The - Be of floe for a Room ListGives complete description ot vacant rooms in all parts ot th city. New lists Issued every week. JUST opened, excellent rooms for teachers, business men and women, newjy furnished, newly decorated, strictly modern, fine lo cation, on car line, also easy walking distance. 118 N. 2Mb Bt. Phone Ty. 2213. LARGE, beautifully turn, front rm in re fined private home; uee ot living room; board optional; suitabls for two gent, or married couplet close to car. H. 4013, SPLENDIDLY furnished suits of rooms with bath; modern apartment; private family; near excellent board; gentl imen. only. Harney 4894 or Tyleg1 1413. - ' - -. 3 NICELY furnished r.,.- sultabl for three ladles, West Farnsm district , and only short walk from llth and Farnam Phone Harney 2101. LARGE, comfortable room, Hanscom Park district. . Block to car line. Twenty-five-minute walk to 18th and Farnam tracts. Harney 1461. . - NICELY furnished large front room in-modern private home. Fin bed and all con veniences tor gentlemen employed. Web ster 394. - -- '' -r FOR RENTROOMS ffiL Furnished Rooms. - -f (03 6. S1ST ST. 3 nicely furnished gentlemen, reasonable. .Telephone ney 6339, tor Har- FOR lUNT Ir. privat family, larr room ; m-a . H.M-.KTa. . XJssa.. ea-siu aibcuuif yvivui ;eaAsiVw j B971. ' . ;, . j TWO or three furnished . or unfurnished, j rooms in Har.scom park district. Harney 1 5.44. rf - . - I THE GRATSTONE, ;6tk and Cass, reopened,' nicely furnished . TOoras, reasonable. D, . 7994. PLEASANT furnished room to rent; private home; 1 block from car line.-. 22d and Plnkney 6ts. Webster 4971. - 2614 CHICAGO Large connecting rooms; ground floor; reasonable.- Harney 4383. v 3131 DOUGLAS, large beautifully -furnished room, suitable for 2 or 4. Reasonable. BEAUTIFUL furnished room. 2411 Califor- nlwr walking distance. Call TJoag. 335S. X LARGE south room for two. Prefer people; -mpwywi. j-rivaig raraii. r.amey suae. ROOM in Leavenworth 17e;ghts. new ho:.;e. ressonable, rerererces. Phor.e-Walnut 20-2S. AN attractive roon in private family is west yaraam dletrict. Phone Harney ;'8SJ. NEWLY forn. a'.ngfe sleeping rat., suitable ror gentlemen, sip a mo.- 533 so. Zitt. 480S HARNT Nicely turn. rm. for gentie men, all conveniences, modern. H. -43S7. THE SCRANTON Sweotwood Ave.. o;ip. 5673 Hsrney; elegant fusnlshed rooms. 3713 JACKSON Modern, .private farjll;. wanting aistance, references. Har. SiJ:. DESIRABLE room 4n a modern private home. Walking distance. Tyler 77. FURNISHED room for gentlemen. 801 North 41at Ave. Call Walnut S488. MODERN furnished room, splendid, heat. reae. 3918 N. 3Id St. Colfax 1179. - FURNISHED room, all modern,: 32 per week. walking distance. 838 S. 22d St. NICELY .furnished front room, close in; very desirable. 702 S. 29th St.- - 2 NICELY furnished rooms is private home. References. Call Harney 3673. ro6m in Kountge Place, modem home, ref erences. Phone Webster 76. NICELY furnished rooms, modern reason- able. 113 b. 34th St. - l rni 1611 Howard, nicely fnrnleiieo rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. NICE housekeeping rms., convenient for railroad men. Cheap rates if taken; at onoe, as owner la leaving city. -, Webster 7816. . -.' TWO large, modern housekeeping rooms, lgus Maple street Call Webster S6K. CAS8 ST., 3020 i furn. housekeeping rooms, not water ueat, moa. home, h.ion. 3 LfSlT housekoeplng rooms, furn, aloely. ss weeg. 333U ieavenwortn. Doug. , 88U. 132 N. 26TH ST. Large pleasant housekeep ing room, reasonable. Harney 6167. Board and Rooms. FOR TWO Large room, modern home, ex cellent board; no other roomer; reason. aoie. Harney, loss. LARGE, strictly modern rooms, beautiful lurmiure, single or connecting; excellent board. H. 196. ' f - .; PLEASANT room, with board, for S teach. in prlv. family; No, side, on car line. Colfax 3190. , BEMI3 park district, room and board tor two young men; private home. Wal. 261S. BEST board and rm. for 2. good location, home privileges. Web. 6131. 1603 Yates. 2967 HARNEY Room and board, for two persons ; also table-board. Harney 8076. . FURNISHED steam-heated rooms, with or without board. 3728 So. 27tb. 6. 1562. (44 8. 23D ST. Room and boaYd,-7 per week;, close in; good German board. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ANGELES .APARTMENT- S5TH AVE. ' AND DOUGLAS. . ' v ' 4-r. apartment, fireproof and ' sound proof. 3 disappearing Murphy beds. Au tomatic elevator.. Roof garden. - Strictly modern. H. 2074. ' ' FURNISHED APARTMENT 2 rooms and, bath,- The Wayne, ' 37th and Dewey Ave. - (37 winter. Serf janitor 603 8. 28th. Garvin Bros., .345. Omaha National Bank Building. . - 1 LAVERN apartments, 1512 Capitol Ave., mod. front apartment furnished; 1st class sleeping rooms with lavatories. v Doug. 884. SPLENDID 4-r. steam heated apt, strictly moa. zzoy. iv. Z3a sr. - r i- , . Houses. BY . OWNER 9-room modern houses ,hot water neat waingt. seas. . . f OR RENT HOUSES West. - 8 S. 35TH ST. 360. Sun parlor end sleep ing porcn. fnone owner. Dbuglaa 3221.. SIX: rooms, 'all modern; walking distance, Harnev S09 , . ... r GOOD 6 -room, mod. cottage, 36th and Dav- enport. (31 per month.' Tel. Harney 1689. lo-ROOM house, modern. Harney 647. tforth. .: NEW 6-room houee with gas near school and i car, (11. . 4923 N. 33d Aye. Phone Col fax 1746. . (-ROOM bungalow, . all modern, ,- 29th and Fort Sts Vacant Oct 1, (26. Doug. 2802. t-R. house, nice lawn, close to car line, reaa., good neighbors. Colfax 1040. S'TRICTLY modejrn , S-room house, 340i Em met Tei. weoster 105 1516 SHERMAN AVE., 13 rooms, 333. JOHN W. FHENZER; .DOUGLAS' S44.- South. CHEAP rent Brick flats. . Warm In winter; rooms ana pain. 3830 s.-?otn Bt wal nut 827. ..... CLOSE-IN 6-rm. house with bath, best con dition; 830 S. 21st; (19. Harney 370... NINE-ROOM modern house, 614 a 20th 8U (48. E. H. Lougee Inc. 63( Keellne Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modern home,- two. lots and ' garage, (33.00; 3008 8. 17th 8t. - Miscellaneous.-' . HOUSES AND COTTAGES, ' - PARTLY, MODERN. . ,. . 4- R.-4505 Pierce 8t. ' MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 8-R. 830 S. 24th At ''. .. (-R. 4803 N. 29th St.... ....., T-R. 1809 California St......... STRldTLY MODERN., 5- R. 6837 N. 27th 6t. 6-R. 3214 Corby ,St..... 8-R, 932 8. 31st Ave.. 5- R. 3901 Florence Blvd 6- R. 2413 Seward St,... 6-R. 4633 Franklin St.. 6-R. 4129 N. 18th St.... 6- R. 3018 Dewey Ave.. 7- R. 207 N. 2W St...,. 7- R. J07 N. SOth St,... 8- R. 8901 N. 17th St.. 8-R. 626 '8, 36th St...-(-R. 1919 Chicago St.... 10-R. 668 8. 38th St.,;.. 10-R. 3321 DOdge Bt... .......... 15-R. H218 N.- Jth St.;..-...... - FLATS'. . -'MODERN EXCEPT .HEAT. 10-R. 705 8. 13tH St.- - PORTER a SHOTWELL 202 S. 17th St. i' - ' . ipoug. An. .. i. .,30, ,00 ISO 00 ,00 .00 ,00 , so ,8 00 :fl' 50. 00 00 00 00 .00 00 00 00 .$48. 6013. 80 818 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished, pleasant room, modern, walking distance or con venient to Farnam- car. Reasonable. H. 4953. - ' 848 a. 26TH BT. For rent, f urnl ihed off un furnished, large parlor, witli lavatory; south window; steam heat; M miking dis tance. Douglaa 3161. DESIRABLE close in rooms, Suitable tor two or three people; can arrarge for dou ble or itingle. 308 N. SOth St.. Red 8240. LARGE furnished, cool front room, Ji.iO per week. One-halt block tr car; private family; board if desired. Call Harney 3384. WANTED One or two men to . room . at 3438 Ellison, close to gerd board, near Miller park. Call or ph'ne Colfax i4. CLOSE-IN, beautiful, large, sunny rooms, with private levator', In strictly modern home. West Farnamdttrtct. 560 S. 28th 668 SOUTH 26TH AVE. Large, cool, nicely turn.; adj. bath; well sul'.ed or. gentle men: walking distance. Fhone Har. 2?T. FURNISHED room for refined young lady.'' Breakfast It desi.-ed '110 per month. 4321 Decatur. ' Walnut 1754. FOR RENT A. large front room in new , mod., trictly prtvat home to a lsdy; " br.akfsst If desired; ref. exch. H. 8335. DUNDEE Mod. rms. for rent; will arrange to suit tenant; al'to garage. Board option al: gentlemen preferred. Walnut 1353. . , VERY .pleasant rui. for 2. gentlemen: prlv., congenial home, walking dls. : Breakfast U desired. 415 N. 27th Ave. H. 4744. BEAUTIFUL room tn refined private tome i la Weet Farnam to gentlemen; references exchanged. Harney 3647. - - LARGE airy room, pVvne, electrio lights, bath, furnace heat. IH S. 21th St Fhone Harney 8993, - - . x.T" ... : . - v - EXCELLENT HOMES FOR RENT AT 652 South 26th aVetirte, rooms, east iront corner, brick, 837.50. :. (64 South 26th avenue, S rooms; $95.09. ' 2120 Emmet street. 10 room and garage, 346.00. .- ' -.. - .,;,-' v AU of these In A-lXo. 1 condition.' ;' . . TRAVER BROTHERS.-'. ':' Dougia 88S0. 1 819 First Nat Ek.' Bldr. WHAT HAVE TOU FOR RENT . . In th way of four, five or six-room mod- ern, tip-to-date apartfnents?. Preference ' will be given to those: in better district of ' v th city. . Want to deal direct with own--; ere; no egeOtr - . -; j, ,,. . , TELEPHONB DOUGLAS 1.016. 916 a S1ST6-R... $20.00 S301-Dewey Ave., 8-r. ..26.50 558 Harney, 10-r.... -.. (0.4)0 'ARMSTRONALSH CO Tyler 1536. 3SvSesurMlee Bldg. DUNDEE RESIDENCE . S-room, all-mod., 8018 Underwood Ave, ' $43.60.' . - ' i. A - O. C. OLSES.' .108 McCague Bldgl House In all parts ot the city. - - . ' y CRF'GH. SONS a CO.. 60S Be Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Y West. , . T TIZARD PALACE BLOCK, v, "Central, all modem, few equal, . none better, 3-rootn apartments, private bath. Apply R. Tliard,.220i K. tu St. Fhone Red 458J. , .. CLCwU in rooms, sultabl for studio, office, ueatlst dressmaker, eto., with, living rms, adjoining. T. F. Hall,434 Ramge. D..7446. APARTMENTS, all slses and prases, gplen did location. 24th and. Fantasy P.' 1471. ) ST. CL.AIR APTS.,' t4th AND HARNEY S and 8-room eparttnents. "srney 4" ' SIX. rooms all modern, St. Looi , s. 2Stl Ave. vail Colfax 1371. A- X