THE BEE; OMAHA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1917. 9 - f . j Bnej City News . 1 qnfac- (lata Bool Print II New Ueaeoa Pru Metal dies, pressw'k. Jubilee Mrg. Co. I'Jeo. Fans. '.60 Bursess-Granden. loatlnujM Wedding Rjn Edholm. Visit Mayor John R. Corey, sec retary of the chamber bf commerce at "aaungs, caiieo on (Mayor Uanlman. Try the noonday S5-cent luncheon w iu impress uaraen, amiast pleas t surroundings, music and entertain' ment Advertisement Don Bellinger Wants Divorce r. oenmger, suing ranK ti. uei linger for divorce in district court, al leges cruelty. They were married in vian reoruary iy, ivia. Alleges Desertion Adaline Marshall 18 Suinsr rharlps Tt Marshall (nr rl- vorce in district court on grounds of anegea desertion. They were mar ried at Council Bluffs March 11, 1906. New Mannml nf Ton fnmnanvf O. Hammaek of Kansas City, Mo., has arnvea in umana 10 taite up his new amies as general manager of the Grand Union Tea company. Mr. K&m- mack succeeds W. D. Williams, who resigned rrom tne above company to become general manager for the Bas ket stores 01 umana ana Lincoln. ll.l.ltll n iiimi at noiei women win be Next, Says Reserve Militia Man A. G. McGlone, a member of the reserve militia, formerly a hotel man. believes the war will open up a splen- aia neid in hotel work tor women, j "Women make good head waiters, tor instance, he said. A woman is more tactful in dealing with patrons. it a customer complains about some dish, a woman will be polite to him and will get . him another dish to suit his taste. She may lose IS cents, out next day the customer comes in again. "Women are also splendid in man- aRing restaurant-, cchd cafes. A woman -r-r; nronager, who is economical, is a blessing to a hotel, for it is in the kitchen that the hotel loss comes. The hotel rooms are always there; if not rented pne day they will be still there for rent the next. But if a dozen bunches of lettuce too many are purchased, they spoil and are a com plete loss. "I know' women who are drawing good salaries in hotel management. But a woman must mean business and be eternally on the job. A woman who goes out nights and is tired the next day won't do, or the one who is frivolous. Take a woman whose i,...k..j . f u i -u:i j or two to support and she usually makes good, tor she is in earnest Directors of Visiting Nurses Assign Stations-for Tag Day Stations for Visting Nurse associa tion lag day. September 5. were as signed at a special meeting of di rectors held in the city hall Wednes day. Women active in Red Cross at tended the meeting. Both, organiza tions will co-operate this winter in the care of soldiers families. Present at the meeting were Mes dames Barton Millard, Frank Judson, Luther Kountze, 1. I. Davis, J..W. Towle. G. J. Insrwersen. Prank Nor ton, Herbert Rogers, W. J. Hynes, G. L. Bradley, R. W. Breckenndge, O. M. Smith, T. R. Ward, Philip Potter, W. W. Hoagland, John McCague, Al bert Noe and Misses Alice Buchanan, T- t . . . .1 AIT TT n iminnw nracriif onn h iris r rv . Will Auction Leases On Oil and Gas Land The government has taken over 25.Q00, acres of the deeded portion of the Shoshone Indian reservation in Wyoming and at Fort Washakie, October 10, at auction, will sell oil and gas leases on the same, the high est htrtripr.a takmff the 150 or more tracts. The purpose of the government, it is asserted, is to prevent speculation in petroleum and the by-products found on its land. To secure the leases, the bidders must pay 20 per cent bonus at the time of bidding, an annual rental of $1 per acre and a rovaltv of 2Vi per cent on the gross proceeds at the time of sale, or re moval ot the gas, or on. jno Didder will be permitted to acquire leases on more than Aw acres ot the land. Leases will cover a period of twenty vears. .- On the lands that the government has taken over it is asserted that there are a number of oil producing wells. The land on which these wells are located will be sold on the basis on an appraised valuation. Soldier Weds Before Starting for the Front William T. Botts. attached to the hospital corps at Fort Omaha, and Bessie Spangler of Des Moines were married Thursday afternoon by Chaplain Kline of the Sixth Ne braska. The bride came from the Iowa capital for the nuptials. in Burgess-Nash Company 'EVERYBODYS STORE ' Announce in Advance for Next Tuesday Tfieir Great Annual Fall Event Homefitters Week Including Cloting -Out Sale of FURNITURE Sale of Rugs Housefurnishings HouseholdLinens Lamps, China Sewing Machines and the Like. See Windows and Monday Papers for Full Particulars. A AskMr.J.ter Anything about Scoot fot Boys or GirU, places of interest orJpt. The service it free. r BUBGESS hash raw Bring U Your Films We'll- develop and print taem and Hit them ready la twenty-four hour. everybody store Friday, August 31, 191 7.- STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY. Phone) Doug. 137. Next Tuesday the Children Will Go Back to School Are They Ready? Saturday Will Be a Splendid Time to Get Them Ready and We Are Certain There Is No Better Place Than at Burgess-Nash Oh, Such Lovely Hats and .They're Only $7.50, too THE above and similar expressions are heard every day now in our millinery section, on the second floor, where the new ideas in women's head dress are shown in splendid selections. The shirred-rim effects of velvet that are so soft next to the face, droopy mush room shapes, rolling brim sailors with medium and small roll brims and side turn effects. Although small hats seem to predomin ate, there are quite a few large, high crown sailors and many with trimmed brims. One of the .most popular is velvet and panne velvet combined and trimmed with jet ornaments and grosgrain ribbon. The colors are terra cotta, gobelin blue, tete de negre and taupe, with plenty of btyck. Specially priced for Sat urday at $7.50. ' , Buffets-Nub Co. -Scond Floor Sample Handbags, $1 A MANUFACTURER'S entire sample line bought at a fraction of the value. The reason: this man's output for the fall business has Ibeen sold up, hence the sacrifice of which we were fortunate in be- png able to take advantage. ! Included in the lot are flat top and back strap purses of real IVacheth. Persian pin and real pin seal, real Morocco, all beautifully bilk lined, fitted with mirrors and some have extra nurses. The hand bags include real, pin seal Persian, pin, India leather in silk lined, pitted with extra coin purse and mirror. The best values we have ever offered at the price, $1.00. BurftM-Nath Co. Main Floor New Georgette Crepe Blouses Show Plenty Beading and Embroidery DAINTY new conceptions that marks the beginning of another season, when blouses will be in great de mand. They are made of Georgette crepe, beaded and embroidered in a variety of styles in flesh color, white and suit shades and priced at $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 to $18.50. Taffeta Blouses, $6.50 to $8.50 In smart plaids, stripes and solid colors, to match suit shades; tailored models, $6.50 to $8.50. White Net Blouses, at $6.50 Daintily trimmed with val laces, tucks and embroidery. Very attractive models, at $6.50. ' Bun tu-Nuli Co. Second Floor 1 Milady's Wardrobe Will Not Be Complete Without One or More Satin Dresses, $22.50 to $35.00 JUST in time to be marked and placed on sale for Sat urday, came these brand new dresses of satin, and it took a bit of careful planning to (get new fall dresses at special prices so early in the season, too-there's a wide range of models, some trimmed effects, others with georgette collars, surplices, embroidered and finished with pockets and buttons, blues and blacks, priced at $22.50, $29.50 and $35.00. The New Serge Dresses, $18.50 to $35.00 Plain or in combinations will) satin, wide selection of models, featuring the peg top skirt, also straight lines; sizes 16 to 44; mostly blues and blacks; pneed at $18.50, $25.00, $29.50 and $35,00. Burg ..-Na.h Co. Second Floor We Want You to See These New Tailored Suits At $29.50 w E. would like to show you these new suits and have you feel the fine materials and see the good lines and the new ideas in the cutting of pockets. . You would then realize the true value importance of the offering. The suits are made of burella cloth, serges, oxford mixtures, some quite plainly tailored, with long lines and notched collars bound with braid, others have little plaitings at the sides and a generous use of buttons. The linings are ever so pretty. x There is a full as sortment of colors, including plenty of the soft brown shades that are so fashionable for fall; navy, green, beet- root and black, too. As a rule, the skirts are narrower and finished with pockets, we consider them unusual values at $29.50. Burge.-N..h Co. Second Floor Caramels for the Sweet Tooth 29c lb. FRESH made, of pure in gredients, pure and whole some. Two flavors, very spe cial at 29c lb. Buree-Nh Co. Main Floor Ribbons, at, 25c PRETTY new fancy silk rib bona, warp prints, stripes and plaids, 6 to 6 inches wide, very sperial, at 25c yard. Burte.Nh Co. Main Floor We Have 'Em, Sol diers' Strap Watches SWISS movement, excellent time keepers, on Kitchener strap. Only a few left, at $2.75. Ingersoll Midget, $4.25 Nickel plated case, Radiolite dial; these are mounted on Kitchener straps and offered at, each, $4.25. Wrist Watches, $8.50 Fine Swiss movement Radio lite dial. Gun metal case, Kitchener strap, specially priced at $8.50. Burtees-Neeh Co. Main Floor Drugs and Toilet Goods Lilac rose talcum powder, 18c. Hinds' honey, ' and almond cream, 39c. Chappeline, for rough hands, 19c. Pebeeo tooth paste, 39c! Nonspi, at, 39c. Dr. Graves' tooth powder, 19c. Djer-Kits face powder, 60c and $1.00. Rose face powder, 39c Melba face powder, 50c. We carry a complete line of Melba goods. " Palmolive face powder, 39. Palmolive shampoo, 39c. Orchard white, 29c. Pasteurene tooth paste, 29c. Mentholatum, 18. 1 quart ammonia,- 12c. Phillips' milk of magnesia, 39e. Listerine, medium, 39c. Woodbury's soap, 19c Lavoris, at, 19c. 1 lb. hospital cotton, 39c. Hughes' Ideal waterproof hair brush, special, 89c. Carbons, bottle for 13c Beef wine and iron port, 67c Sloan's liniment, 17c. Hair brush, Pullman style, 35c. Nail brushes, 5c, 10c and 15c. Burfeee-Nath , Co. Maia Floor The Burgess-Nash Standard of Men's and Young Men's Clothing For Fall and Winter ALL our clothing for men and young men is the "Burgess-Nash Standard," a standard that has come tr mean four things. It has been selected for the Absolute Maximum in Quality of Fabrics, in Smartness of cut, in Correctness, of Style, in Fineness of Finish, Aiming for this ideal, we have arrived at a point where there is nothing better obtainable at the given price. Few, if any, sell clothing as good at $25.00 to $40.00 We feature clothing as correct in style as custom-made and perfect in fit. In harmony wherever well groomed men gather. Coats cut and finished to suit the fancy of the most critical, every garment strictly hand-tailored according to our very rigid specifications the BinirgeGo-Naolhi Stanndardl of Quality the fabrics are the soft finished sort, in browns, scotch mix tures, plaids, stripes, blues and greens. BurE.-Nh Co. Fourth Floor ' ' Mr. Man! Your New Fall Hat Is Here THE very style, shape and shade that is best suited to yon and the price is the right SOrt, tOO. ' i: The collec tion includes such styles as soft hats in the famous Stetson and "Borsalino" makes, the Trno-an artimro crown, alpine, pinch, and in browns, greens, tans grays and black with .fancy pugaree, whipcord or plain braids, i ..... : The derbys, all the different shapes and dimensions!, at $4.00 to $10.0. " , V , MenV Caps, 50c to $1.50 Snappy fall styles, with large visor, full tops, lined and full calfskin leather sweats, 50c to $1.50. . ' Burfou-Nuh Co. Fourth Floor Boys' Wool School Suits With Two Pair Pants; Featured at $4.95 PARENTS with a boy or two to get ready for scttool will wekdint this announcement, for the values art really extreme. The suits are late fall models ia pinch back, or three-piece belt, single breasted, patch or plain pockets. , The materials are grays, blues, brown and fancy mixtures, and each suit has two pairs of full lined pants, for $4.95. t Bats' Sweaters, $1.50 t $2.50 Jersey sweaters, in gray, maroon and navy; all sixes and special sites and values. , , , . j Jumbo SwoaUra, $4.50 l $4.95 t Boys' heavy Jumbo wool sweaters, good selection of colors, at $450 to $4.95. , C-sts' Fall Cap, SOc t $1.50 Blue serges and faacy patterns with full leather calfskin sweat, and tape lined. ' Beys' Cloth Hati, 50c t $3.50 ' -. in? New fall cloth hats, newest shapes and styles, at 50c to $3.50, Br' Blou.oa, 60 ti $3.50 For ages 4 to 1 years, wide selection of styles, at 50c to $1.80. ' ' . ; Boyc' Nock woar, 25c t 50c Big selection of lata (all styles for the little fellows. ' Br Wacb Suit., $1.95 For ages 2 ft to g years, latest styles and materials and patterns. Extreme values at $1.95. ? Burf owMuh C Fourth Floor Women's New French and Domestic Kid Gloves For Fall Wear THE styles are lovelier than you have been able to fee cure for many a season, now being shown: New browns, tans, navys. light and dark grays, pearl mastic, beaver, putty and butter shades, also white and black with beautiful embroidered backs many exclusive styles. French gloves, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 the pair. Domeitic, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 the pair. Kayser'a New Real Chamoisette Gloves, $1.00 Perfect fitting and guaranteed washable, plain white or with black embroidered back, special Value, $1.00 pair. White chamoisette gloves, extra good value, at 59e. Co. Mala Floor Boys' and Girls' School Hose Also Women's Hose Featured Children's Hose, 25c Especially desirable for. school wear, good quality heavy ribbed cotton, black, 25c pair. Misses' Hose, 35c Fine ribbed black or white, mercerized lisle, 35c pair, Burf....Nab Women s Hose, 25c Roadman's samples, black cot ton or lisles, seamless, sale price, 26c a pair. Women's Hose, 35c Black or white cotton Burson hose, seamless, fashioned in out sizes, 35c pair. Co. Main Floor The New Fall Boots for Women Are Here Ready WE want you to see this display, beautiful, splendid fitting boots. The prices are unusually low, less than those of last season. We describe only a few of the many new models, including: Gray kid vamps with fine cravenette cloth quarters to match (same as above in ivory kid, brown kid, white kid). Neutral gray kid vamos, cravenette cloth top to match light soles, kid heel, foxing cov ered French heels. Same as above in mode kid. The new walking boots in black and tan Russian calf, welt soles, 1-inch military heels, prices $$.50 to $8.50. Children's Shoes' Children's and misses' and big girls school shoes. Kindercraft and Dugan and Hudsons. The best fitting and wearing children's shoes made. Co. Main Floor Men's Neckwear at a Sacrifice 39c for One, or Two. for 75b SATURDAY will be neckwear day in our ' ; ' ' atnrA a. nnnftutaa it tnon'a rnfartm fmtm a Brooklyn manufacturer who was quitting the neckwear business to manufacture for the government is "the why of it." All made large, flowing, open-end, foihr-ln-tynd scarfs, this fall's pattern, and offered to you at the very beginning of the season, which is most fortunate for the man who wants to supply his needs at a saving of one-half ot mere. Every scarf has a slip-easy band, is pinned 6nd button-hole tacked at both ends, work manship and finish such as is used on the hichpst. Breda nf men', scarfs limi fTn?A4 and scroll patterns, all the good colors worn or made in neckwear. This fortunate buy of ours is your opportunity to own your entire fall BUMlr of scarfs at a hio cut in nHro. .IS for one, two for 75e. Men's Union Suits, 79c One-auarter and lftnir alnov.i maitinnt mnA light summer weight, medium sizes, ecru and wiive, laie price, iv. Men's White Skirts. S1.1S Plain neflrlioeft and nlaitad hmnm Hff tached, coat style, a mot extreme saving far wie man wnose ousiness requires a wmte shirt, specially priced at $1.15. Men's Underwear, $1.00 late at a reduction from last summer's pripe, which means much to those Who know What the rOminc aaaann'a nri will k Tk. $1.00 the suit. Men's sample leather belts, 35c. Men's wash neckwear, to close, three for $1.00. i Men's genuine holeproof hosiery, 35c and 50c. Men's interwoven hose, 35c, 37 $ and 0e. Co. Main Floor . Men's and Boys' Shoes You'll Find Them on the Fourth Floor YOU ask why you should! come to our store and go. up to the fourth floor for men's and boys' shoes? This is the reason : k Because we specialize in men's and boys' shoes. Because we give the best possible value for the price. Because the range of selection is extremely large. Because we guarantee certain satisfaction with every pair. Men's Shoes, $4.00 to $8,00 Boys' Shoes, $3.00 to $4.00 There are no better men's shoes made than the James A. Bannister Shoes for which we are exclusive selling agents for Omaha and vicinity, at SB.OO to au.90 the pai. Bur(...-Na.h Co. Fourth fleer 111 III