( THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. AUGUST 3li 1917. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PAKTLjr MODERN. '4,-R. 3505 Pierce St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. S-K t30 South 21th Ave STRICTLY MODERN. 8-R. 321 Corby St $15.00 1 J15.00 $25.00 17. SO 30.00 23.59 25.00 23.00 27.50 37.(0 25.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 30.00 35.00 30.00 40.00 30.00 6-R. 922 South 31st Ave...... -R. 3418 Sear 3rd St... fi-R. 4324 -R. 1802 6-R. 4535 6-R. 4129 Franklin 8t North 46th St...... Franklin St North JSth St 6-R. 2016 Iewey Ave 7- R. 207 North 23rd St T-R.3607 North 30th St 8- R. 3901" North. 11th St !-R. 635 South 26th 8t -R. 1909 California St J-R. 1919 -Chicago 8t...; in. Ft 666 South -28th St 10-R. 2331 -Dodge St 15-R. 4319 i North 24th St...... FLATS. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. I0-B. T05 South 13th St .(45.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. Sioecker. !!3 S. 24th St.. 4-R. Apt. A 123 nd 130 PORTER SHOTWELL. 202 South 17th St. Douglas 6013. EXCELLENT HOMES FOR RENT AT 652 South 26th avenue, rooms, east front corner, brick. $37.50. 644 South 26th avenue, 6 roomi, $35.00. 2120 Erumet. street, 10 rooms and garage, $45.00 Alt ot these In A-lNo. 1 condition. TRAVER BROTHERS. ttouglas $19 First Nat. Bk. Bldg All In walking distance. $35 2025 St. Mary's Ave.. 8 rooms, mod. $25 2?20 Chicago. S rooms, mod. $181560 N. 20th, 6 rooms, bath. $111538 N. 20th. 4 rooms, water paid. $10105 S. 28th, 5 rooms, water paid. RINGWAI.T. : Brandels Theater Bid. 818 S. S1ST. 5 rms., $20.00. 1113 N. 2Sd, 5 rms., $20.00. 3913. Dodge. 6 rms., $35.00. 117 S. 29th. 7 rms., $35.00. ARMSTRONO-WALSiI CO., " Tyler 1536. HAVE you seen OMAHA'S LARGEST REN TAL AGENCY about the property you art ' ioklnn for. If not do so. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. B0. llouais tn oil parts of the city. ( H'"OH. SONS CO.. COS Bee Bids FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. . T1ZARD PALACE BLOCK. Central, all modern, few equal, none better, S-room apartments, private bath. Apply -.R. Tlxard, 220, N. 23d St. Phone Red 4233. CI.OS-K-IN 6-r. flat, 2308 Dewey, modern, $-26.50. HASTINGS HEYDEN 1614 Har. Ty. GO. MAKtVOOD APT. 26th and Harney. 2 rooms' and bath: high class, $30.00. GLOVER & SPAIN. Douglas 3962. CLOSE In rooms, suitable for Htudlo, office, dentist, dressmaker, etc., with living rms. adjoining. T. F. Hall, 434 Ramge. D. 7406. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnom. D. 1472. North. JtY nice 4-roo rrfflat, furnace heat, eleo- light, white enamel bath and prac- tally walking distance on N. 18th St.. fly $20; no, children and lease required. 1WARD F. WILLIAMS CO., Realtors. r4 Om. Nat. lik. Bldg. Doug. 420. South. THREE- ROOMS. -WITH i - TIVE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. Jlose In. no car are. MILTON, 1954 Jorio: living room, with ' bullt-ln bed, dining room( with bullt-ln bed and dress ing room; kitchen and bath, NEW, very choice; $37.60 summer, $45 winter. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. jgjtASTINQS & HBYDEN. 1614 Har. Ty. 50. THE BERKELEY, 6.49 S. 19TH AVE. Nevr, " 2 rooms, with bullt-ln bed and dressing room, making practically a S-r. Apt.; very convenient and cosy, close In. See Janitor across street or call us.. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENC?, HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60, STRATFORD TERRACE, Park. Ave. and Jackson St.; 6 rooms, with maid's room If desired. C. B. Moser, Walnut 1756. " 1 DL'tpuo iTDrTSlT fTIMPANV u jhvu. - --. .... . , Specialists in Apartment Management. Miscellaneous. 7-Ji. APARTMENT, $25; winter rate $35: steam heat. ' Others SIS and up G. P. Stebbins. 1610. Chicago. ESTABROOK apt. or office facing 16th S. $25 trlonth. G. PJ8tebblns, 1610 Chlcagg. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. t -7T. DESU1ABLE store" rooiu, modern front, metal celling, steam, beat, 634-626 80. 16th-St.: alze 32x00; can. be subdivided; low rent. Coftrad Young, 333 Brandels Theater Bldg. Dougla 1571',". '.- . . ', LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam Bldg, 13th and Farnam.. .tOld Tint Nit Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO,, Tyler COO STOREROOM for rent. Sun Theater Bldg. WORLD REALTY COMPANY (Realtors) Douglai 6343 ' Sun Theater Bldg. SMALL modern etor room, steam heat 1513 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, 122 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571 MODERN, store 16th St., near postoffice. $75.. f. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. 4T18 SO. i 24TH ST., . So. Side, near P. O. E. H. Benner Co., Doug. 8406. 111 6. 15TH ST. Steam heat. JOBUf N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. ?N store. 16th and Cass. Choice Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague InV. Co. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT to the way ot.four, five or Big-room mod ern, .up-to-date apartments? Preference will be given to- those In better districts of the oKy. Want to deal direct with owners,-.no Sen5a. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1016. Miscellaneous. LIST vour - homes with us for rent. The demand U. good and we' have a watting list. ' J. H. DUMONT & CO (Realtors). 418 Keellne Bldg.' Phone D. 690. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving . 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug las 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert' services; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main .Office- Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson nt. FIREPROOF . WAREHOUSE. fcnarate locked rooms for household ts and pianos; moving, packing and flng.. I AHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 3. 16th. - Douglas 4168. pe Van and Storage Co. tr real service In moving, packing and mg, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4838. ' PVTPTl Express Co., Moving iWJJf Packina- and Storage. Farnam 8t Web. $748. Doug. 6146. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. TO INVE8TOR8. The best known Investment ts a well selected first mortgage on farm or city residence property. We negotiate this class of securities which we oner tor sale to net the in vestor 6H and 6 per cent. E H. LOUGEE, INC.. $38 Keellne Bldg., Omaha. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rate 5, ftt and t per cent.-. Reasonably com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 312 Booth 17th, Omaha, Neb. FARM ' and city loan, running from five to twenty years. - Interest. 6 per cent, $H per cent and per cent. PETERS TRU8T CO., 1622 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 35,000 second mortgage 6 pet. Secured on brick apartment, will give good discount For further information call at 332 Neville Block. $1,300 M1GE. bearing pet, semi annually, secured -by property valued at 'S3.900. Talmage-Looml Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loan. , City Katlonal Bank Bldg, FINANCIAL Real ..Estate. Loans, Mortgages. $3,000 SECOND Mtg.. 7 per cent due June 14. 120. .well secured. A. A. I'atwnan. 62 Securities Bldg. 'ARM and city loans. 6. 61, and 6 ner cent V W. H. Thomas. Kelllne Bldg. Doug, 1448. 100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. VV. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. SHOPEN A CO, PRIVATE MONET. MONEY to loan on mproved farms and ranches. Kloke -Investment Co.. Omaha. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG, S13 Bran dels Theater Bldg D. 85. 5V MONEY HARRISON A MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. d ctrf 1 ' LOANS GARVIN BROS, Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. OiL STOCKS ' A. U WRIGHT, Flatlron Hotel. Doug. JTST. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West WEST FARNAM Attractive home on 84th St., neaf Dodge one of the prettiest new blocks In West Farnam district This house Is of brick and stucco exterior, with tll roof, wide cement terrace in front, entrance vesti bule, large living room clear across the front, bullt-ln bookcase and fireplace, oaU finish and floors with heavy oak rove around ceilings. Large dining room with six French windows.- separated from living room by French door; chin pan try connecting kttchen and dining room, nice kitchen with bullt-ln cupboards, table, refrigerator room. Upstair are three fln bedrooms, all large, with good closet anJ abundance of windows; all as coo as a sleeping porch. Oak floors, white enamel finish, mahogany door and sash; tile bath with solid base tub and pedestal lavatory. Clothe chute, third floor plastered could be used as bedroom or good clean storage. Fine basement under entire house. Heavy brick walla clear down. Basement all plastered; coal bin, furnace room, laundry room, floor drain and extra toilet. Grade entrance. Fine lot, 50x126 ft. House is complete In every detail. Let us show you. D. V. SHOLES CO., 915 'City Nat Bank. Doug. 46. OWNER LEAVING CITY PRICE $3,850 Carpenter leaving city and will sell his beautiful six-room, modern home; buffet, fireplace, special plumbing, etc., choice oak finish, screened porch, corner lot wltth magnificent t-lew, one and one-half blocks to car. This Is located In one of the new addition northwest. It sure 1 a quality home. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler. 496. West Farnam District Residence, seven-rooms, three on first floor oak, four on second white enamel, hot water beat,, tiled vestibule and bath. Reasonable term 1 desired. ALFRED THOMAS. 308 Farnam Bldg A REAL BARGAIN, ONLY. $300 DOWN Full two story six-room, strictly modern home, choice- corner lot, good barn, tine shade tree, lVi block to Benson and Deaf Institute car line. Prtoe for quick sale Is only 13,100. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler, 498. North. 3625 CALIFORNIA ST. Best of construction; eight rooms; sleep ing porch: all oak floors and fireplace. This ts exceptional value, 36,500. Easy term. 4 . , ' ; GOOD INVESTMENT Fine business corner at street car junc tion point; new brick,- fireproof building, all rented to good tenants. Price, $25,004; annual rental almost . $3,000. Will stand oloaeit investigation. CHOICE LOTS v,y, DUNDEE 10 per cent ' discount for cash. Price and location should Interest you. See our sign In Dundee and Happy Hollow. WORLD REALTY CO. (REALTORS) Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. Here Is a Bargain. 2418 Larimore, $50 Cash Balance $25 a Month Monthly payments include Interest House, has 6 room modern except beat, in good repair, on full south front lot, close to car line. Some fruit Price $3,400. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors. 1614 Harney St. ; Phone Tyler CO. DANDY NEW BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS. All on one floor; stairway to floored at tic; oak finish in living rooms; all modern; . built-in china closet, etc.; full cement basement with hot and cold water; east front lot nicely sodded; permanent walks; , just one block from Fontenejle Boulevard; located high and sightly; on 27th Ave.; near Bedford. Price,. $3,800; $300 down; balance terms. C. G. CARLBERG (Realtor), 310-813 Brandel Theater Bldg. . OWNER LEAVING CITY PRICE ONLY $3,550 One of the finest modern home in the city for the price, six large rooms and sleeping porch, oak finish, trlctly modern tn every detail. Built by owner for horn three year ago, about $1,200 to handle. Lot 50x133 and an east front Let u Show you this snap OSBORNE REALTT CO., 701 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. BUNGALOWS IN VICTOR PLACE. Two new modern bungalow for sale on easy payments; five rooms and bath; oak finish; full cemented basements; located at 1626 and 1633 Victor Ave., which is a new paved street, two blocks south ot Lake, running from )6th to 18th St. Take Sherman Ave. car or call owner. Telephone Webster 1579 for auto con veyance. ' I. H. WILLIS. 1626 Victor Avenue. MILLER PARK BUNGA LOW PRICE $3,300 Five nice rooms and bath, strictly mod ern, oak finish, nicely decorated, book, cases, ftreplaoe, china cabinets, full cement basement, lot 42xl30, two blocks to car, park, one block to school. OSBORNE REALTT CO.. 701 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler. 496. CAMDEN AVE. HOME. 5 room and bath, strictly modern, on a very fine 60x138 ft lot, with fine lawn, shade and fruit trees. A big bargain at $3,800.10. cash or term .to suit An other nearby for $2,960. We are anxious to shew you these. RASP BROS., REALTORS, 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg, Tyler 721. $756 GIVEN A WAT. My $1,750 equity in a 6-room all modern bungalow, just being completed, for $1,000 cash; quarter-sawed oak and fir finish, oak floors, size 26x44; everything Is screened, Including porch; full lot, south front This 1 stealing it, so get busy awiuny qmcK. Loirnx 418. MINN B LUSA Nice lot on Tltu Ave., hear 24th St , Can be bought at a bargain. Thla lot must be sold. Be me quick. C A. Orimmel. 849 Omaha Nat Bk, Bldg South. - FIELD CLUB BUNGALOW New 6-room bungalow, all room on one floor, oak finish, full basement, floored attic, large 46x168 ft. lot Price $4,660; $1,300 cash. ,- . - .- HIATT COMPANY ' J4S-T.I Omaha JJat Bank. m&M. Tylar W REAL ESTATEIMPROVED South. ONE 6-room and ono 4-iHm cottastf. both on one lot; fine condition; live tn one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,750. Very esy terms. No. 24SI S. 30th St NORKIS A NORRIS. 400 Be Bldg. Phne Pouglns 4270. R. S. Tl".MBi;LL. 1305 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. , D. 17S THREE cottages for sale cheap, $3,500. In quire 2004 Vinton St Tyler 2664-J. Miscellaneous. A REAL BARGAIN. OWNER LEAVING CITY. MUST SELL. 8-room, strictly modern house, 6 rooms and bath on first floor, 3 rooms on sec ond. Finished In ok. Full cement base ment and furnace heat 1 blorks from car line. Owner has reduced price from $4,250 to $3,730 for quick sale and cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. S3? Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg D. 1711, SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW A ilnsay six-room stucco bungalow. Fine finish, paved street, near car. Prlee $4,500. Reasonable terms. All specials paid. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Realtors 612 Paxton Bllt. PoukIus 1723. 5-ROOM BARGAIN Paved street Near car, near school, fine neighborhood. Price $3,250. Reason able term. NSON & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block. Douglas 1722. CAN OFFER A SURE BARGAIN. 6-r. house, bath, gas, lot 60 ft. front, 8 blocks to car, only $1,400. $200 cash. $200 In Job work. C. D. HUTCHINSON CO., 162S Fsrnam. V FARNAM SMITH & CO., Roal Estate and Insurance, 1330 Farnam Bt. Doug. 1064. REAL ESTATE Unimproved. North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 300"dIT ferent buyer decided that it was th best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why tho others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL 50-foot lots. Price $220, only $2 cash and 60 cent per week. Doug. $392. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist in oowntown business property. REAL ESTATE Investment SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A, P. TUKET & SON, REALTORS. 620 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange SHERIDAN. Dawes, Rock and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, clear, for sale or ex change. 8. S. A R. E. MONTGOMERY. Dougla 4810. 627 City Nat Bank Bldg. 16 ACRES, highly Improved, 10 minutes' walk to car lines, $10,000. Will take clear num in city as part payment $3,000 cash, bal. easy. Call up Doug. 8862 $60 AN acre buys 130-acre farm 15 miles from Omaha; Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel Dpug. 4212. Ryuldance phone Doug. 6773 INVESTIGATE my system; Omaha Realty Trading Co.. 18 Patterson Blk. Tyler 255. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 496. 701 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western r-Biaie. ill tvarnacn HIK, V. 3607. IF you want quick action on your prop. ony, uai ii witn me. LUND, 420 ROSE BLDG., TYLER 768. WISH to buy 1 to 3 five-room cottages for casn; win consider house needing re pairs. Box 6814, Bee. ' WE have a customer for a handsome brick residence in desirable district F, D. . Wead,- 310 8. 18th St ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. I82J Laird St. Webster 2039. LET us sell or rent your property. Tem-pleton-Olson Co.. 603 Bee Bldg, Tyler 2020 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. 120 acres, heavy soil, 60 miles west of Minneapolis; 75 acres cultivated, balance timber, pasture: good 9-room house, barn and other outbuildings; 6 horses, 6 cows, 8 head of young stock, 6 hogs, chickens, turkey and all thi year' crop, consist ing of 26 acres extra good corn and small grain; all goes at $65 per acre; $4,000 cash, balance 6 per cent. McMICHAEL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 600 Wllrrae Bldg, Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. SMALL Nebraska farm o neasy payments 6 acre up. We farm the farm we sell . you. Th Hunrerford Potato Grower' association. 15tb and Howard St.. Omaha. Douglas 9371. 80 ACRES Antelop county, all fine farm land, all cultivated, poor buildings; 4 miles to town; price only $5,200; easy terms. A. A. PAT3MAN, 528 Securities Bldg. SEE us for western Nebraska wheat lands You will save money by buying through us. White & Hoover, Omaha Nat'l Bldg 160 ACRES, Improved, two miles from town; bargain at $145. Write Box 206. Oakland. Neb. FOR SALE Imp. farm, Vs mile to modern town. Peter Rock, Mason City, Neb. LIST your lands for quick results with C. J. Canan, 810 McCague Bldg., Omaha. Oklahoma Lands. FARMING LAND NOW OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT IN OKLAHOMA. In 160, 320 and 640-acre tracts; $7.60 to $20.00 per acre with ten years to pay for it Along the Texas. Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad. Soil that will grow any seed to perfection that Is planted. Crops this year selling for from four . to seven time the cost of the land. In five year time, this land will be worth three time what you now pay for it. Special excursion rates from all rail road points, on the first and third Tuesday of each month. W, H. JONES. 700 Gates Building. Kansas City. Mo. Oregon Lands. OREGON "Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project, 44,000 acres Irri gated land. Free map. Next excursion Sep tember 18. HARLEY J. HOOKER. 940 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Oman, Neb. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east Texas, $25 an aore. Oet my free book. W-S FT.ANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha Wisconsin Lands. DEALERS Why not sell northern Wlscon In land? Big opportunity. Write for our list and plan. Equity Realty Ex change, 806 Globe Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. FARM LAND WANTED DON'T list your farm with us it you want to keep it Don't list your fsrm with u If you will not sell at a BARGAIN .We have buyer who want to buy and pay spot cash. If you want their cash, list your farm with us at a price we can sell to them. SNOWDEN & SON. Douglas 9371. 428 S. 15th St FARM LANDS FOR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT 125 acres Knox county; splendid corn or grain land; rent $176 per rear. Box 3017, Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. GOOp DUNDEE HOME AT RIGHT PRICE $6,300 buy a good 3-story 8-room mod ern house, located on a corner lot 60x 135 feet. Solid concrete front porch floor. Living room across the entire front, din ing room and sunroom, attractive kitch en; 4 oorner bedrooms. Including large sleeping porch, heated and lighted. Stair way to floored attic House hat oak fin ish, first floor, oak floors throughout; full cemented basoment, torm windows, screens, etc New garage for 3 cars. Rea eonable term GEORGE & COMPANY Douglas 756. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Realtors. DUNDEE$5,500 Price Just Reduced $250 This is a very attractive home on Chi cago St., near MUh: first floor lias large living room, with fireplace; dining room, ktti'ht'n and either den or bedroom. Sec ond floor has four bedrooms; nicely d"c orated throughout, oak finish. A good home, well located, and tho price it right. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. 3961. 819-20 City Nat'l. Bit. Bldg DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy term. Mod ern, attractive homes, liufore buying be sure and ee GEORGE & CO. DUNDEE BUNGALOW. Five-room modern bungalow, only two year old. Oak finish and fireplace. East fro. it lot In north part Dundee. Price, $3,600. Reasonable term. Freeman, at Peter Trust Co. HOMES and tin me aitea in Dundee. SHUI.ER & CARV, 204 Keellne. D. 5074. Acreage. 'ACREAGE WEST. 1 acre 3 acres 5 acres 10 acres IS acres 20 acres 25 acres 30 acres "' 35 acres 40 acres 60 acres If you are In the market for desirable acreage west of Dundee, call or write H. H. Harper & Co.. 101S-14 City National Bank Building, Sixteenth and Harney. Telephone, Douglas 2596 or Sunday Wal nut 1666. TEN acres, close In, lays fine. $4.0v)0. Tel. Wal. 3466, Miscellaneous. Corner Acre 2 Blocks to Car Near Catholic Church and School $10 Down, $10 a Month The work 1 started on new parsonage. Acre lay nearly level. Large shade trees. Fine view. Price $750. Monthly payments Include Interest. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors. 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, piano and note as security $40. 6 mAV. H. goods, total cost, $3.60. $40, 6 mo. endorsed notes, total cost. $2.60. Smaller, large am't proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Rose Bldg, 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666 LEGAL RATES "LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or more. Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 340 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANT. Horses Live Stock- Vehicles. FOR SALE WELCH PONY. Phone Har ney 4362. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Henry P. McCartney and wife to Min nie H. Laverty, Miami street, 60 feet east of Thirty-first etreet, north side, 60x120 4 $2,100 Updike Grain company to Nelson B. Updike, Thirty-second etreet 118.6 feet north of California street, east aide, 90x104.5 1,000 South Side Land company to Alice Quade, Thirty-first street, 84.58 feet south of Grover street, east side, 60x130 250 Walter P. Old and wife to Ralph A. Van Oredcl. Thirty-fifth street, 68.1 feet outh of Poppleton avenue, east side, 66x116.7 5,250 Charles W, Martin and wife to Omaha Concrete Stone company, Titus ave nue, 211.6 feet east of Thirtieth 1 street, north side, 42x120 1 John Flda and wife to Josef Mrozed and wife, Twenty-sixth streetr 100 feet south of J street, west aide, 60x150 .' . 2,650 George C. Flack to J. McCann, Sara toga street, 318 feet east of Twenty, eighth avenue, south side, 44x1 23 A 3.800 Frank Trcka to Rose J. Trcka, Blnney street, 163.02 feet east of Thirtieth street, north side, 44x134.6 1 The Shull Land company to Hakan Holm, Twenty-first street, 210 feet north of Woolworth avenue, west side. 80x128.6 2,978 dt. Louis Live Stock Market. Bt. Louis, Aug. 30. Cattle Receipt. 6,600 head; market strong; native beef teer, $8.00(16 00; yearling steers and belters, $7.00)14.00: , cows, $5.0010.00; Blocker and feeders, $6.609.60; Texas quarantine steers, $6.7610.50; fair to prime southern beef steers, 19.00$ 12.50; beef cows and heifers, $6.0010.00; southern yearling steers, $7. 60 10.00; native calves, $6.7631 15.50. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; market high er; light, $18.0018.50; pigs. $13.00917.60; mixed and butchers, $18.2618.50; good hea'y, $18.50g18.65f bulk ot sales, $18.00 18.:0. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,600 head; market steady; lambs, $U.0017.O0; ewes, $9.oo9.50; wethers, $10.501012.00; canners and choopers, $4.606.60. Kansn City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Aug. 30. Cattle Receipts, 9,000 hnad; market, lower; prime fed steers, $1S.0016.00; dressed beef steers, 11.60?1 14.60; western steers, $9.60fi14.50; southern steers. $7. 50 fr 11.60; cows, $6.0010.00; heif er, $7 50013.00; stockers and feeders, $7.00 012.60;. bulls, $6.60 8.50; calve,, $7,000 13.00. Hogs Receipt. 2.600 head; market high er; bulk of sales, $17.60 18.40 ; heavy, $18.00 &18.60; packers and butchers, 117.600 18.50; light $17.4018.25; pigs, $14.00 16.35. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head; market strong; lambs, 816.00017. 00; year lings, I10.6012.50; wethers, $9.60011.60; ewes, $9.0010.6O. Chicago Live Stoek Market. Chicago, Aug. 30. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; native beef cattle, $8.20016.60; western steers. $7.00014.00; stockers and feeders, $6.00(.I6; cow and heifers. $4.6513.16; calves. $12.00 16.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; market most ly 26c higher tlJ:r. yesterday's average; common kinds weak; top, $18.60; bulk of sales, $17.1518.35; light, $16.6018.45; mixed, JlO.fiO'rflS f,0; heavy, $16.5018.60; rough, $16.5016.75; pigs. $12.0016.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; sheep closed strong; lambs, mostly 25a higher; withers. $7.90011.26; ewes, $7.40 10.60; lambs, $11.26I7.60. Sioux City Live Stork Market. Sioux City, Aug. 30. Cattle Receipts, 1,500 head; market steady; beet steers, $8.00 $15.00; fat cows and heifer. $7.0099.00; canners. $5. 0096.50; stockers and feeder, $7.009.76: calves, $8.00012.60; bulls, stag, etc., $6.00 8.00; feeding cows and heifer, $6.008.25. Hogs Receipts, 1,600 head: market 40 to 60 cent higher; light, $17.2651)17.75; mixed, $17. 2518. 10; heavy, $16.76017.75; pigs. $14.00016.00; bulk of sales, $17,250 17.75. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 1,600 head; market strong. St Joseph Live Stock Market. Bt Joseph.'' MO., Aug. 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 6,000 head; market lower; .' steers. $8.00016 60; cow and heifers, $5.60 13.00; calves, 16. 00013.60. Hogs Receipts. 3.600 head; market higher; top, $18.60; bulk of sales, $17,400 18.26; heavy packers. $17.2517.50; mixed packers, $14.000 17.00. Bheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,600 head; market steady; l-mbs. $10.0016.65; ewes, $5.00010.25. London Kllvar Market ; London, Aug. 30. Silver Bar. 46d per ounce. Money 4 per cent Discount Rates Short bills. 4i ner cent: inree-montn 0111. t 13-18 par cent. LIVE ST0CK MARKET Cattle Prices Ten Lower; Ship, pers Pay Forty Higher for Hogs ; Big Run of Sheep Sells Ten Lower. Omaha. August 30, 1917. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 16.441 3.889 2J.033 Official Tuesday s.619 1,461 18,874 Official Wednesday... .0 2,761 34.008 Estimate Thursday... 4.700 3,200 24,000 Fonr days this week . 35,900 Same day last week. 42.341 Sam da.va 3 w'ks ago, 23.151 Same days 3 w'ks ago.l7,7:l Same days 4 n'ks ago. 23.246 Sam days last year.. 31. 159 10.744 3,9:t 18.659 37.118 43,600 414 334 941 570 161 27.280 111 618 at for P- Receipts and disposition of live stock the Union stock yards. Omaha, Neb., twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock m , yesterday: R ECEll'TS CA It LO A OS. Cattle, lioga. Sheep. It' C. M. & St. P... 3 Missouri Pacific Union Pacific .... 60 O. & N. W., east.. 6 O. N. W.. west.. 45 C. St. P.. M. O. 1 C. 11. & Q.. east ., 1 l. It. g., west'. S3, C, R. 1. P., east & Illinois Central .. 1 1 14 Total receipt ..303 46 93 1 DISPOSITION H HAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 737 412 864 fiwlft & Co 1.828 646 3, 138 Cuiiahy Pack. Co 1.4S9 174 1,059 Armour A Co 822 516 1,105 Schwarts Co 1M J. W. Murphy S6 Lincoln Pack. Co ... , 5 8. O. Pack. Co 19 Wilson 120 W. B. Vaneant Co.. 21 Benton, Vansant A L 112 Hill & Son 3 F. B. Lewi ....... 223 J. B. Root & Co.... 39 J. H. Bulla 21 Roaemtnrk Bros. . . . 263 F. 11. Kellogg 3 Werthelmer & Degen 3.19 II . F. Hamlltou .... 72 Sullivan Bros 3 . HlKgins ! , Koth 16 Meyer 22 Baker, Jones & Smith 44 ..... John Harvey , 146 Dennis & Franrl ... 13 ..... Jensen ft Lungren.. 159 ..... Other buyer 682 16,363 Total 6.818 2,860 21,621 Cattle Receipts were fairly liberal again today, about 4,700 head, arrivals being al most entirely western rangers. The pro portion of beef was hardly as large as on yesterday and the demand for cattle of this kind was not as keen It was, as both packers and shippers have been good buy ers all week at the algher prices and evi dently had all they needed. Trade was rather slow and price anywhere from weak to 10c lower than Wedensday. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $13.60016.66; fair to good beeves. $13.26013 25; common to fair beeves, $9.00 12.00; good to choice yearlings, $13,000 15.00; fair to good yearlings. $11.60013.60; common to fsir yearlings, $9.00011.00; good to choloe grass beeves, $11.00(3)13.60; fair to good grass beeves, $9.00O0.00; common to fair grass beeves, $7.6008.75; good to choice heifers, $7.6009.60; good to choice cows. $7.2503 25; fair t good cows, $6.60 OT.00; common to fair cows, $5.006.60 prime feeders, $9.60011 60; good to choice, feeders, $8.0909.00' fair to good feeders, $6.7507.76; common to fair feeders, $6.60 06.60; good to choice atockers, $7.6008.60; stock heifers, $6.6008.60; stock cows, $6.00 07.60; stock calves. $6.6009.00; v. al calves, $8.00 012.00; bulls, (tag, etc., $6.75 O8.00 Representative lales: BERK STEERS. No. A v. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 6 (40 $7 2$ 14 $77 $8 00 941 i 25 COWS. 28 723 S 76 9 773 6 00 6 866 6 10 1 990 , 6 26 1 .1010 6 50 8 U'J 8 60 2 915 7 60 7 983 7 75 1 1000 8 60 NEBRASKA. 17 steers,. 618 7 40 23 steers. .1120 10 60 SOUTH DAKOTA. 8 steers.. 936 7 15 6 cows.... 930 $ 00 Hogs Receipt while continuing light were the largest of the week so far. Ship per were In the market early, paying price that were largely around 40o higher, and packer, who showed a disposition to hang back at first, later got In and bought hogs fully 2 60 higher. A clearance was made In pretty good season. Bulk of offering sold at $17.40017.75, with quite a sprin kling of shippers on up to $18.26, the top. Representative sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. 8b. Pr. 44. .144 ... 16 85 46. .223 40 17 26 46. .378 140 17 86 68.. 241 230 17 60 63. .310 ... 17 66 , 46. .144 ... 17 60 81. .203 . .,.'..17 6$ 7.,266 190 IT TO 29. .252 ... 17 75 70. ,228 70 IT 86 64. .270 , ... 17 90 82. .204 80 18 00 51. .233 110 18 10 76. .21$ ... 1$ It Sheep The run of sheep and lamb con. tlnues very large and price showed sign of reacting. Outside feeder competition was not nearly so strong a yesterday and buy. era were talking easier on , th lightest lamb and quite a little lower on fleshier kinds. Only a few sale had been maiie and these looked a much as 100 lower. No real light lamb had sold, the early 'top being $17.06. Packer were also talking lower price. There were no good killing lamb here. Old iheep were in very light upply and promised to hold steady. Quotation on sheep and Iambs: Ltmba, fair to choice, $16.50017.00; lamb, culls, $14.00016.76; lambs, feeders, $16.60017.26; yearling, fair to choice, $10.60013.00; year lings, feeder, $11.00012.50; wether fair to choice, $10.60011.76; ewes, fair to choice, $9.50010.50; ewes, culls and feeder. $6,600 9.76; ewes, breeders, all ages, $10.00010.00. Representative sales: No. A. Pr. 190 Wyoming lambs .,... $10 76 72 Wyoming ewe 104 10 40 $4 Wyoming feeder ewes (3 9 00 85 Wyoming feeding lambs 64 17 80 134 Idaho breeding ewe 96 10 06 133 Idaho feeder lamb 74 17 06 473 Nevada lamb 70 17 00 New York Money Market. New York, Aug. 20. Mercantile Paper $4.7506.00. Sterling sixty-day bills, $4.72; commercial sixty-day bill on banks. 14.71 Si demsnd, $4,76 9-16; cable. $4.76 7-1$. Silver Bar, 90Ve. Bonds Government steady; railroad Ir regular. . Tim Loan Firmer; 60 day. 4W04H per cent; 90 days, 404 per cent; six months, 4V06 per cent. Call Money Strong; high, 4 per cent; low, $ty per cent; ruling rate, 31 per cent; closing bid, $Vi per cent; offered at 4 per cent; last loan, 4 per cent U.S. 2s, reg.... 968Unt M. M. .. 0H do coupon.... 97HK. C. S. r. 6s.. 89H U. B. 8s, reg... 99 L. 4 N. un. 4s.. 88 60 coupon.... 99HM. K, & T. 1st 4 68 U.S. 4s, reg.,..106HM. P. gen. 4s.. 67 do coupon.... 106 Mi Mont. Power 6s.. 8 2 ',4 Panama 8s, 0.. 80 N. Y. C. deb, (s.lOOt Am. For. Sec. 5 95HN. P. 4s 85 A. T. & T. c. 6s.. 98 VN. P. 3s 62 Anglo-French 6s 930. S. L. r. 4s.. 86V Armour Co. 4 '4s 89Pac. T. & T. 6s.. 98ll Atchison gen. 4s 86'Penn. con. 4 Vis.. 61 B. & O. 5 84'Penn. gen. 4Vs 93H Cent. Leather 6 98ViReadlng gen. 4 88 4 C. P. 1st 83 St.L. & S.F.a.$a.. 64 C. & O. cv. 6s.. 84H8. P. cv. 6.... tU C, B. Q. J. 4 96 8. P. r. 4 86 C.M.ft8t.P.g.4H $1 S. R. 6 9T C. ,R.I.P.r.4s.... 69VTOK. V Pac. 1st 94ft C. A S. r. 44 76 4U. P. 4s 80 D. A R. G. r. 6 67VsU. P. cV. 4.... 88 D, of C. 6 1931.. 9CHU. 8. Rubber 5 83 Erie grn. 4 CS4U. R steel 5s.. 103 Gen. Electric 6S.100 'Wabash 1st WOU O. N. 1st 4H.. 90 West. Union 4Vis 92', I. C. ref. 4s.... 84 'Bid. Kansas City Grain Market. Kansas City, Mo Aug. 30. Wheat No. 3 hard, $3.4002.46; No. 3 red, $2.2002.21- Corn No. $ mixed. $1.79 01 80; No. 2 white, $1.94: No. 3 yellow, $1.88; December, $1.09 'i; May, $1.0541 0105. Oats No. 3 white, 67(&67tfc; No. 2 mixed, 66067c. Kansas City Produce Market. Kansas City. Mo., Aug. 30. Butter Creamery, 39c Vj firsts, 37Hc; seconds, 36c;' packing, 34,4c. Eggs Firsts, 86c; seconds, 28031c. Poultry Hens, 20c,1 roosters, 13c; broil ers, 21022c. 8t Louli Grain Market. 8t Louis. Mo., Aug. 30. Wheat No, 2 red, $2.2602.26; No. 2 hard. $3.2602.28. Corn No. 2. $1.90; No. 3 white, $3.00; September. $1.60; December, $1.09. Oat No. 3, 56066Vc; No. 2 white, 67c. New York Bugr Market. New York, Aug.- 30. Sugar Raw Steady; centrifugal, 7.02o; molasses, 6.14o. Refined steady at 8.40fo :8.60c for fine granulated. Most of the sugar houses were closed and there was very little business recorded. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Aug. 80. Cotton Spot in lim ited demand; price easier; good middling, 13.75d; middling, 18.350) low middling, 17.764s tales. 3.000 bale. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Wheat Weaker, With Prices Unchanged; Corn Scores Ad vance, With Receipts of Thirty-Five Oars. Omaha. August $9, 1817. The wheat market was a little weaker today with price quoted generally un changed. Eleven cars of this cereal wer reported in th local market and nearly all these were sold during the morning ses sion. There were no sale nude of No. 2 or No. 8 hard winter, but one car of No. 6 hard winter sold at $3.19. and the No. 4 at $3.15 r 1.19. The No. 4 spring sold at $1.26 while one sample of No. $ mixed waa sold at $2 33 and th No. $ red mixed sold at 11.35 and $1.30. Cash corn scored an advance of from $c to 6c over yesterday' sales and trading In this cereal was fairly active. Thirty-five cur of thi cereal wer on th floor and opto late noon but a few samples were left 011 tho tables. The white continues to sell at pr -mium price and on car of No 9 sold at 91 95. 3o over the yellow, one sale of thla variety being reported at $i98. A choke car of No 1 white was sold at $1.96. The No. 2 mined sold at $1.80, while the No. 3 mined ranged In price from $1.79 to M.sO'i and a couple cars ot near white aold at $1.91 and $1.94. The oats market win quite active, with etShty-tliree cars of this cereal being re ported in and prices on this cereal Quoted at He to lo higher than those of veater- day. The No. 8 white sold at 660 and 6610, tne duik of these salea being mad at 66c. while the standard trade sold at HSio and ."Ho. Heveral cars of choice No. 1 oat wero sold at price ranging from 66 4o to Rye and barley wer firm with en ear of No. 3 rye selling at $1.69 an' th No. 3 barley selling at $1.18 and $1 21. Clesrance were: Wheat nd flour equal to 901.000 buihela: oats. $78,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipt were 798,000 bush elc and shipments 904.000 bushels, against receipts of 1.734.000 bushels and shipments of 1.298,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipt were 850.000 bush els and shipments 848.000 bushels, against receipts of 681,000 bushel and shipment of 264.000 bushels last year. Primary oat recelpta were 1.178.000 bush els and shipments 1,094,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,676.000 bushel and shipments of 636,000 bushels last year. CARLOT REOKIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 47 64 230 Minneapolis , 896 ... ,,, Dilluth Omaha 11 26 83 Kansas City 66 10 64 SI. Louis T 25 120 Winnipeg 108 These ss lis were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter, 1 car, $1.43. No 4 hard winter, 2 cars (yellow), $3.16. No. 6 hard winter, 1 car, $2.18: 1-6 ear, $2.16; 1 rar (yellow and red), 11.11. Sample hard winter. 1 car, $2.30. No. 4 spring, 1 car, $2.25. No. 2 mixed, 1 car, $1.33. No. t mixed, 1 car (red), $3.30; 1 car (hard), $3.26. No. 4 mixed. 1 car, $3.10. Rye No. 2, 1 car, $1.89. Barley No. $. 3 cars. $1.21; 1 car, $1.11. Corn No. 1 while, 1 car, $1.96, No, 3 white. 1 car, $1.95. No, 8 whit. 1 car, $1,94 4. No. I white, 1 car. $1.96. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, $1,93. No. $ yellow, 1 car, $1.92. No. ! mixed, 1 rar, $1.80. No. 3 mix ed, I cars, $1.60. No. S mixed, 1 csr (near white), 81.94; 1 car (near white), 11.91; 1 rar, $1.80; 3 oars, $1.80; 3-6 car, $1.7$. No. 4 mixed, 1 car (near white), $1.93; 1 rar (near whit), $1.91. Sample mixed, 1 ear. $1.76. Oats No. 1 white, I car, Ue; I car, 65Hc N. 3 white, 4 can, 65t4e. Standard, 3 cart, 66Vio; 4 can, 66 (4c. No. $ white, I ear, 66Ke; IT can, 66c. No. 4 wlilta, 1 car, 66c; I can, Uc Sample whit, 1 car, 64c Omaha Cash Price Wheat : No. 3 hard, $2.2902.86; No. 3 hard, 13.3601.84; No. 3 spring, $2.3603.18! No. S spring, $1,140 2.26. Corn: No. 3 white, $1.94401.96; No. S white. $1.9401.944: No. 1 yellow. 81.11A 1.924! No. 3 yellow, $1.91 40 1 92; No. 2 mixea, ii.7f ffi.to; No. I mixed, 81.790 1.80, Oals: No. 2 white, 664 0684c; stand ard. 65 0 66 4c; No. 3 white, 64 4 0 66c Barley: Malting. 8l.1601.22; No. 1 fd. $1.0001.1. Byet No. 3, $1.68 01.69; No. $, i.U7j i.es. Loral rsnr of option: Art. I Open. High. Low. CJose. Yes Wht 1 Sep. Corn. Dec May Oat, fle Pec 3 25 2 23 22$ 3 1$ in t:o 1 06 1 04 : 8$ 1 06 1 04 65 10 104 10$ $6 68 66 664 664 564! I'U Chicago closing prion, furnished Th lie ay Logan Bryan, stock ana grain brokr. 818 Bnutn sixteenth (treat, Omaha: Art. I Open. I High. Low. Close. Tee. Corn. I 1 Pea. 1084 '1 094J108 4 1 09H 1084 May 1 064 1 064U06H I 06 4 106 4 Ont. Sep. 644 $84 644 664 tl Deo. 54 4 $4 $4 $44 $84 May 76 68 4 67 4s 6$4 674 Pork. Sep. 43 65 43 65 4$ $6 4$ 85 43 60 Oct. 41 41 4$ 4$ 4$ 16 4$ $3 43 25 Lnrd. Sep. 21 4 33 4T 23 37 3$ 47 12 SO Oct 23 40 22 4T- 2$ 32 2$ 46 21 ST Rib. Sep. 33 TO 33 TO 23 $0 23 $7 23 63 Oet I 13 6T 33 70 IS 40 2$ $$ 23 17 Mlnneapoll Grain Market. Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. $0. Flour de clined today: fancy paten t, S60 lower, quoted at $13.26; first clean. 35a lower, quoted at 110.60; cond clean, 1 00 lower, quoted at $6.60. Barley 87cO$llT. Rye $1.7301-74. Bran $17.6002$ 3$. Wheat September, $3.1$. Cash: No. 1 northern. $2.3603.46; No. 3 northern. $1.80 02.86; No. 4 northern. $1.15; No. 3 bard. Montana, $3 35. Corn No. $ yellow, $1.8901.80. Oats No. n white, $4 0 54 40. Flaxseed $3.8903.44. Wake Up! Omaha. 1 Do you know that right under your nose there has just been found an being developed one of the richest oil fields ever discovered? - , Do you know that the old-time oil men now on the ground agree that it gives every evidence of making one of the biggest oil zones in the United, . States? .. x '- Do you know that oil now is telling at the wells at from $2.00 to $3.05. per barrel? Do you know that nearly $5,000,000 weekly is pouring out of .the . ground now, with new wells ojming in every day, and that all of this wealth ; is going to Kansas Cit7, Wichita and Oklahoma City, AND THAT NONE t OF IT IS COMING TO OMAHA? Don't you know that everything west of the Missouri river is the nat- i ural and rightful heritage of Omaha, the metropolitan city of the richest section of the great middle vest? What business has Kansas City to occupy a greater area and bold a -greater place commercially and financially than Omaha? What's the rea son? I'll tell you. Kansas City is awake and Omaha is asleep. Down in ,? this bubbling, sizzling, on-rushing new field at Wichita they point out the wells of the Kansas City companies, the Oklahoma City companies, the 7 Wichita companies, etc., but no Omaha companies. In the Kansas City Journal of August 6 there is this quotation from .-; Frank G. Carpenter: "Notwithstanding we are producing more petroleum than ever before, the output last year was almost 300,000,000 barrels, the . prices have risen and the supply is all used. We now need all we can pro- , duce as never before and every patriot will aid the government in trying to save gasoline, which is such a vital necessity to the industrial life of the -nation. The demands for it on account of the war have reached enormous j proportions, and it is now as important as gunpowder and shells." " . , w There are in use in the United States 4,000,000 automobiles, and figur ing the annual consumption of each at the low average of 500 gallons, it ' will take 2,000,000,000 gallons to supply our home requirements. That M, we need about a half billion gallons more gas for this purpose alone than we were making in the whole country three years ago, and the demand, for export now is appalling, for our allies must look to us for their main supply Now, I have just returned from this astonishing new oil field near Wichita, and after careful investigation and data gathered, I am convinced. ' that there are greater opp6rtunities there now than when the field was first . . opened. The structure is revealing Itself in continuity with every well thaj, is drilled, and the trend of the oil sand strata is being clearly defined. , . z I dropped into Omaha to see if I could Organize a strong envelopment company , here to be made up of substantial business men, to go into this great Eldorado oil field and bring some of the millions to Omaha. Omaha ' ought to have a big refinery here also. If you are interested, come and see me, or I will come and seeYyoiv v I belong more to Nebraska than to my native state of Illinois. . I cama here when first married, two of my children were born here and some twenty . years ago I contributed several hundred thousand dollars toward Nebraska development .'.t'j' . I could go to Chicago, where I am a member of several clubs and well. known, or to St. Louis or Kansas City and put op a company .in forty-eigbl . hours, but I don't like any of these cities as a residence. : Omaha is a mof" ' delightful residence city and I have some pld "college days'.' friends: hers,!. ! I am prepared to give my undivided attention to the promotion1 cjf thii-';" company and I have an old friend on the ground at Wichita, who is a thor oughly experienced, tnirtworthy oil driller and expert. . - (.? , TIME IS THE ESSENCE OP THIS PROPOSITION. Very little money ' ' will be required. GEO. 0. FERGUSON, 318 S. 18ta St, Omahav , NEW YORK STOCKS More ' Speculative Stocks FaU . With Extreme Violence Due to Reports of Low Price , !; Piling;. . New York, Aug, 30-. Stock fell with ex; treme violence In the course of ' today short session, professional traden taking ad- , vantage of th half holiday in honor, of the -rltv troops to renew their selling operations with Increased vigor. v. The setback ranged from 3 ta ' I points . In numerous share of Importance and aa much ss 7 to 18 nolnts in the mora snecu'. iMlva diss, notably Industrial Alcohol, and, Te-s romianv. While the decline was st I's helarht the financial d'eMrt wss aog with re-ors t th effect that the war boards at Washing-. Inn had fixed upon very dras'io cut In , prices of such products ts tel, ' coppers and el's. Rnlls were the first to brcslt, Delaware r Hudson's 84 -point decline to 99V estab lishing a new minimum for that stock and bringing out many "stop orders" In other transportation Issue. Kqulnmenta followed on the Bharp de cline in Bethlehem Steel new stock: tn I664, representing on extreme reversal of" m points. Unfed States Steel was next o'fered In lots of l.ooo to over 1.000 shares down to 1164. a gross decline of 34. with vlrtuslly no recovery. In some parts of the list short covering reduced losses by 1 to 4 paints, hut th tana.. at thi close wt extremely weak. Sales, 400.000 ahare. Call money developed tronrer tendencies. opening at 84 per cent but advanctng to 4 rer cent before the end of the session. Time rates were quotably unchanged, ,buts' offe-lngs were less liberal. Ths bond market was heavy, some In dustrial and railway shares making lowest quotations of recent months. Liberty 34 moved In the narrow rang. Of 99 91 to 99 96. Total sales of bond (pat1, talus) agtngated $1,140,000. - United State bonds (old Issues) were-un ehsnged on call. Number of sale and range of prices ot leading stocks: Salea. Open. Hlfth. CIos Am. Beet Sugar .. 900 US1 85 4 American Cun.... 1,100 414 40i - 40S Am. Car ft Fdry.. 900 70 '. 69 Am. Locomotive.... I.SOO 63 63 62 Am. Smelt. A Rfg. 3.100 964 94 f 94' Am.Bugar Rfg 700 )14 11344,1124 Am. Tel, Tel 300 1184 117 1174 Am. Zinc. L. ft f. 300 IS 4 18. l'i. Anaconda Copper.. 4.700 714 704 70?," Atchison $00 99 98 4 98 . .. A, O. A W. I. 8. S. 800 1024 1014 101i Baltimore Ohio. . 1,100 684 68 7', Butle A Sup. Cop. 1,200 ' 27V J864 37 Cal. .Petroleum.... 400 184 174 17'i' Canadian Pacific. 200 161 181 160 Central Leather... 1,100 86K 93- 83 ' C'hee. It Ohio ,874 C M. SI. P 700 66 4 $ 66 'i C. ft N. W , : 106 Die. Securities 1,400 264 34 4 t't Krl 3,600 ii 214. 314 Gen. Electric..,.., tnO 160 Ut 149 Oen. Hotors 8,300 1014 106 4 107 4 Great North, pfd. 104 U Gt. North. On ctfs. 3,800 344 33? 33 4.- Illlnols Central 100 Insplr. Copper 4,400 624 $04 61 Inter. M. M. pfd.. 3,100 894 684 8s Inter Nickel , 1,200 364 36 36i Inter. Paper 600 294 28 , 23 . K. C. Southern 600 194 19 18 ' Kennerott Cooper... 8,100 41 40 4 ' 40 Louis. A Nash 1214 Maxwell Moton 800 32, 334 a4 Mex. Petroleum.... $,700 934 914- 914. Miami Copper 400 84V 44 344 Missouri Paclfto... 3,500 -29 4 21V 2$ : Mont. Power 200 65 . 85. . 85 . .. Nevad Copper.... 1,700 21 H Jt 21' N. Y. Central...... 4,900 81 $1 814 N. T., N. H. ft H... 600 81 80 . 30V' Norfolk Western 900 117 1164 116 Northern Paclflo ' 101 Paclflo Mall 300 37 4 37 4 !? Penmylvanla 400 61 614 ' 61' Pittsburgh Coal 46 Ray Con. Copper.. 1,300 26 4 3 6 4 25V Reading 4.400 864 854 . 86 ' Rep. Iron ft Steel 9,300 824 1 0 : $04 Shattuck Art. v 214 Southern Pacific... 1.S0O 944 934 991, Southern Railway.. 200 144 264 -2v Btudebaker Corp... 2,800 46 444 444 Texa Co 10,600 1704 15$4 161 Union Pacific 1.800 1354 1344 1844', U. 8. Ind. Alcohol 85,900 1S14 123 1274! , U. 8. Steel.. 146,000 1194 1194 114. U. 8 Steel pfd 700 117 117 , 1164, Utah Copper $.000 974 "4 Wabash pfd. VB " 300 134 ' $4 ' 25r West Union... .... 600 924 924 J f Weatlnghouse Eleo. 1,200 464 46 44V Total sales for th day 400,000' hre. ? 1 Ki Tork General Market. Nw Tork, Aug. $0 riouWUnse'ttle'd: spring patent, $11.90012.16; winter patent and straights, nominal; . Ksnsa straight, : $11.90018.40. Wheat Spot, quiet; No. I red. $1.25 and.: No. 3 hard, $1.27, . I. f., Nsw York, exports Com Spot, firm; No. 3 yellow, $2.05 and No. 3 mixed, $3.01, c. U f.. Nw York. Oats Snot, firm: standard, 69e. . Feed Weak; western brtn. $33.00: tand ard middling. $39.00; city bran, 100-pound arkt, $84.00. ' " '- Hops Flrmt tt medium, to chotc. 191$,r nominat. , ,. , ,- -? Hides Julet Leather Firm ; hemlock 'tint; STej- c-, :l onds, 660. , I . Provision Pork, firm: mes, $46,00 0, 46.60; .family, short clear, $48.00046:00., Lard, strong: middle west $21.60023.80, .... Tallow Dull; city special, loose, I640. Wool Steady; domestic fisece, XX Ohio, $5o. . ; , '. - Rio Steady; blue row, 84c. Butter Firm; receipt, T.890 tubs; cream-? ery, higher thsn extras, 43'cU 44c; extra-', (91 ccor), 43o; firsts, 4140434; seconds..,,; 39 4 0 41c. EggsIrregular: rseelpts, 11.03$ cases;-', fresh gathered txtraa, 440460; extra firsts,'" 4304SCI tint, 390410! second. 36 0 38c. u Cheese Market easy; receipt, 4,357,., box; state, fresh special. 140 $44 0; State... average nth, 232S4e. Poultry Alive, market firmer; chickens,' ' broilers, 38o; fowls. 364 036c: turkeys, 19c; Dressed, market firmer; chicken, 2230o; . fowls, 30O27q; turkey. 18032o. : i