Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Beei
Enured at Omaha postoffic aecond-claas matter.
B f.rrMr Br Milt
fHJIf mi Sor..... , par omits. Vr rt yew. K "
T4ilr mUKnt FumUr "
Cnmlitl an4 und " " M
Etamn wiUawt Sm lay " "
Hwitr B only " I " M
Km emirs of duns, of aiMraw or imtulsrltj la dellrsry to Omb
Bm. emulation Irtmret.
Tk AwnHsted Press. f whtch Tht Be la a rMrrr. II eulenlirlr
attUed to Um m M nr-nbliratlnn it all mwi credited to It or
bm atbarvlH ecortiM tn this ranr and alw lha l'Wt news pw
hibad herein, all rifhta of rtrubllcatioa of our tpecisl dupatrtxa
ara also retema.
ataMt b draft, nrm or tntut wler. Only l-ent ttamra taken In
Barnaul of mall anwanta, Personal etwek. axe. OB Omaha and
aaatwn eichanga. aot awptM.
Omsht The Bee Bnlliiiin CWrato--Pen'1e' On Ru(!dln
Horn Om.h4Si7 8 ?h St New Wk-IM fifth Arc.
finunHI Bluffs I f. ilsln 8L 8t. fouls Sew B'l of Commerce.
Lincoln Llttla Hul!Hin. Whintm 14tb m.. It. w.
Addraw eMarrtisilcatlnnii nilitlnf ta Mm and editorial natter t
Omaha Baa, Idiiurial Department
. 57,229 Daily Sunday, 51,153
Ararat eirrn'ttlon for lha runnth subscribed and mora to M Dwiiht
WUJUiwf, Clrculaimn Minutr.
Subscribers leaving t)ia city ihau'd have Th Baa mailed
ta them. Address changed aa otun aa requested.
Every worthy cause at home or abroad find
the pursestrihKi loose in Omaha."
The genuine hog, having forsaken the high
perch, suggests that tmitators'do likewise.
, It is gathered from the silence of Vienna that
the Italian offensive is too offensive for words.
If congress decides to conscript wealth it is
difficult to see how beef and pork can escape the
clutch. '
Korniloff or Kerensky, or Both.
Russian factions are inclined to divide rather
sharply, with but a single issue. Those who are
dissatisfied with Kerensky hail Korniloff as the
man to lead them and vice versa. In the mean
time the great men Who are needed for the sal
vation of the revolution are not divided, at least
they have given no indication of separation. Ker
ensky, addressing the gathering of delegates at
Moscow, impressed on Russians the need for
unity of action if they are not to forfeit all they have
won by their acts in overturning the Romanoff
rule and obliterating the dynasty. He did not
insist on himself as dictator, but did urge his
countrymen to unitedly follow someone capable
of steadfastly carrying out a definite policy.
. wow comes uenerai norniiott with a more
portentious message. It is that Russians must
quit talking politics, give over holding meetings
end get to work like industrious men if they
are not going to submit to being wiped out. He
tells them their transport system has broken
down, that the army is running out of provisions
and that the munition supply Is sinking because
production has fallen off. Unless utmost efforts
are immediately made the Russian army soon will
be where it was in the spring of 191 S, says Kor
It does not greatly matter which of these two
leaders is accepted, if either must go, although it
will be better for Russia if both can be retained,
each in the place he is better fitted for. Their
messages are plain and mean the same thing.
Russia s people must be brought to realize that
in forcing the czar to abdicate they did not es
tablish liberty and that they will not be free until
they can control themselves. All the world out
side, sive their enemies under arms, is willing
to help them, but they must get busy on their
own account.
Korniloff or Kerensky, or both, an end to agi
tation and a resumption of industry will make
the Russian republic a great nation. Blather
about human brotherhood and the rights of man
at this time means ruin for the people's hope.
Saving Money for the
By Frederic J. Haskin
Washington, Aug. 26. If the war experience
of Great Britain is the lamp by which our feet
are to be guided, then our business as usual
propaganda is all a mistake. Instead we should
cut out al! unnecessary luxuries in the way of
motor cars and clothes, as well as food, and save
every cent we possibly can to lend to the govern
ment. Self-sacrifice should be tha national slo
gan, but it does not seem to have taken hold as
The tide of prosperity is running high. Wages.
salaries and dividends have increased as a result
Of the war. keeping fair pace with the advances in
prices of commodities, if spending is any 'gauge.
People are spending money as they never have
before. Stores which were on the point of bank
ruptcy at the beginning of the war have taken
a new lease on life and added two or three new
departments; farmers, who could barely afford
horses, are now riding around in touring cars
and taking health voyages to Hawaii, while the
theaters, greenhouses and photographic studios
all absolute luxuries are prospering mightily.
Besides other advantages of the golden rule
summons, the view of the city bastile must not
be overlooked. : . M , ,
With the chautauqua season practically ended,
congressional warblers appear determined to un
load on their associates.
President Wilson in extending exemptiorl sym
pathies in that direction no doubt fefjs that mar-
ried men have troubles enough. "
Explorer MacMillar puts Crocker land in the
list of Arctic mirages. The discovery shows that
Doc Cook has no monopoly of illusions.
The voice' of Bulgaria is hot for peace, pro
tided it comes on a platter of Macedonian land.
Bulgars entertain no doubt as to what the wsf
was started for. ' " l' . 1 .
Suppose we change the subject and shift the
guessing to futures. For example: What will.
happen to the jaws of congress when peace Com
pels whispering in terms below billions?
In doing; their bit to win the war Canadian
farmers are said to have harvested an extra1 60,-
000,000 bushels of wheat. As a sample of patriot
ism and, profits the record 'deserves' a Wireless to
Vli0) started the war?" is a question of no mo
ment just now. The main point is to bringtthe
chief sinners to repentance and punishment be
fitting the crime. Argument on that line will
proceed Where it will do the most good.
Pessimism That is Unwarranted.
A committee reporting to a convention of
Catholic societies at Kansas City gives a gloomy
view of American life and one that is not war
ranted by actual circumstances. To assert that
our system of education hat "eliminated God" is
pressing a point that will not be sustained by any
proof the committee may bring. It is true that
in the public schools all forms of religious teach
ing have been wisely abandoned, because of the
need for avoiding sectarian clashes, but this does
not mean that we have "eliminated God" from
our system of education or from ur national life.
T I. I. . . t . ' a sa
ior is ii more true tnat our country is arming
toward paganism. Any church or sect, seeing
people pass it by for another form of belief or
profession, may indulge in such criticism, biit
such a charge must rest on sectarian bias or dog
matic prejudice rather than a substantial basis of
fact. On the opposite side we have many tan
gible proofs that the moral purpose or spiritual
aspirations of the American people never were
higher than at this time. Our country is en
gaged in the most serious business it ever en.
tered upon and it has not lightly approached the
great adventure. . From the beginning our trust
has been in God and now without wavering we
proceed along the course of .our national des
tiny, humbly relying on Hint for guidance, confi
dent that our efforfi for the right will 1e blessed
just so far as they are .light. The people of the
United States are God-fearing and not pagans.'
Hail the coming day! Improvement and speed
in manufacture promise to make airplanes as
cheap and plentiful as jitneys. Thus is the knelt
of early doom sound for the traffic squad. Real
fiberty for agitated auto drivers looms ahead.
Dear, murky London heartens hopefully as it
welcomes American soldiers and helps them see
and buy things. The big town is a mighty fine
show op a sunny .day, but the greatest show for
London is the show Americans make in speeding J
into ine ngiu. 1
. ajMajMaHiiaHaMMM
Active co-optration between interests under
control and the government fvill quickly "show
how imaginary are business fears. Co-operation
simplifies purchase and distribution of necessaries,
gives the consumer a chance to straighten the
spine ' and mingles patriotism with reasonable
profits. .Moreover, co-operation carries the ele
ments of a pulmotor for the business conscience.
Not, since the first Emanuel welded united
Italy have the seven hills of Rome echoed such
joys of victory as greeted the news from the
Isonzo. The army of the kingdom oft flouted by
the Central Powers demonstrates its skill, endur
ance and bravery tinder" most trying conditions
and moves toward its goal with superb dash and
confidence. Rome and the rest of Italy have good
reasons for splitting the air with vivas.
Work of the Red Cross.
-St. Lrala Olob-Dmorr
Something has given rise to a necessity mov
ing Chairman Davison of the Red Cross War
council to making formal announcement that "the
American Red Cross will not neglect the German
wounded or prisoners and will welcome co-operation
from Americans of German origin."
There are some things which should be taken
as granted. A military commander, in civilized
warfare, might reasonably feel himself insulted if
asked for guarantees that he would not withhold
or deny medical or surgical treatment to wounded
enemies, left behind on retreat or falling into his
hands in any way. An army officer would be
reprobate, under all the. laws of war, after show
ing himself guilty of such unchivalrous conduct.
Why the American Red Cross should feel under
the necessity of offering such a guarantee is sur
prising. "When wat was declared between the United
States and Germany," Mr. DavisOn goes oil, "the
neutrality of the American Red Cross ended auto
matically.. But the Red Cross knows no such
thing as the nationality of a wounded man. Any
wounded enemy turned over to the care of the
Futility of Socialists Peace Plans.
Taking a cue front the action of their British
comrades, American socialists are becoming ac
tive in the promotion of peace meetings. Some
of these are quite apart from the pro-German ef
forts of that wing of the organization that is
dominated by influences favorable to the kaiser.
Those who cannot or will not go along with the
element that controlled at the St, Louis confer.
ence still find themselves unable to enter with
whole hearts into the campaign on which the
country has embarked. That they are animated
by lofty purposes Way be admitted, but not more
so than others, for it is unquestionably true that
all right-minded people everywhere earnestly de
sire the restoration of peace at the earliest mo
ment possible. The proposed assemblage of anti
American socialists, I. W, W. agitators and paci
fists does not fall under this definition.
It is a question Of methods rather than of mo
tives. The vote of the British labor organiza
tions to send delegates to the Stockholm confer
ence may easily be misunderstood by those who
are not altogether, familiar with conditions over
there. The British labor movement is almost com
pletely controlled by the socialists, so much to
that the terms are practically interchangeable, yet
in a total vote of more than two and one-half mil
lions the majority n flvor of sending delegates
was but 3,000. On the other hsnd, some of the
most influential leaders of the movement, such
as Seddon of the textile workers, Roberts of the
printers and heads of the sailors, engineers' (ma
chinists) and dockers' national organizations, have
pronounced strongly against the plan. Nor is it
likely the British delegates will be permitted t6
leave the country.
Conferences called in the United States will
lead only to further confusion. Group action is
not desirable when national interests are invblved
Here is what happened in Great Britain when
the same question came up. At the end of the
first year of the war Great Britain was practically
in the same position that we are today. To the
average Britisher thrift was only another name
for stinginess and was loudly condemned by every
body, especially the nation s business men. In
the war the business men saw a great opportunity
both at home and abroad. It created a chance
for them to substitute British for German goods
in South America and the Orient, and to sell a
tremendous quantity of goods at home where the
incomes of their customers had suddenly leaped
Labor was worth more than it ever had been
before, and it spent more. Families which before
the war had had only one breadwinner now' had
three or four, for women and children were mus
tered into the war machinery. The trade in cheao
jewelry and alcoholic beverages flourished rapidly.
It was at once apparent that the great opportunity
of the war the people s opportunity was being
lost altogether. They were not saving a penny.
At fhis time the government was badly in need
of money. Its expenditure of twenty-five million
dollars a day was making frightful drains on the
national treasury, and war loans were becoming
increasingly difficult to negotiate. Then a few
economists got toegther and solved the situation.
"Why can't we get the people to save their money
by lending it to the government?" they asked,
and immediately formed a war savings committee.
The war savings committee sent representa
tives into all parts of the British Isles for the
purpose of preaching economy. Branches were
formed in every county, meetings of citizens were
CSUed, and the wisdom of thrift was lectured in
cessantly. When the field of the press agent had
been thoroughly covered the government offered
its first "baby bonds" or saving certificates. They
were an instant success
So well had the war savings committee done
its work that the people rushed to buy certificates.
and they have been steadily buying them ever
since, fhe people a orgy of extravagance is over
in Great Britain. There is no longer any acceler
ated demand for cheap jewelry and alcohol.
pleasure cars and fine clothes have long since
made their exit. Not one class, but the whole of
England is bearing the cross of war.
The war savings Commltete sold its certificates
through associations of small depositors all over
the country. Everywhere groups of laboring men,
business men and men of wealth, to say nothing
of women, invested in these government certifi
cates. .The work was slow at first, but gained
Momentum as it went along. At the end of June,
1916. there were less than a thousand associations;
at the end of. May, 1917, there were over thirty
five thousand, embracing over three million members.
The British war certificate is sold for 5 or
approximately $25. ' Obviously, that sum is large
for the small depositor, who is -able to save but
a farthing or two at a time, but when he belongs
to an association, all the members of which are
working for the same purpose, the incentive to
own a war certificate is the greatest thing in his
life. According to the records of the war savings
committee, the small depositor loaned the govern
ment during 1911 arid 1916 132.438,000 and dur
inz the first four months of 1917 an additional
amount of 60,000,000.
Such is the experience of Great Britain. Just
how it can be applied to a somewhat similar prob
lem in this country is a matter which is now being
figured out by our own government officials. There
is no doubt but that the average American is ex
travagant.- He does not thmk that thrift is stingi
ness. He simply does not know what it means at
ill. His one ideal is to make money, not save it.
Already the Liberty bond issue has caused
many people to save money who never did be
fore. Hundreds have signed an agreement to buy
a Liberty bond and are steadily putting away so
much of their salaries each month in order to pay
for it Those people are not only helping the
government, but they are 'helping themselves-i-
for they are contracting the saving habit, and
One Year Ago Today In the War.
Field Marshal von Hlndenburg be
came chief of the German armies.
Russians Joined with Roumania for
an invasion of Transylvania.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
Miss Nettie Wood returned from Des
Moines, la., where she visited her
unqje. Rev. Van Antwerp.
A communication is published by
The Bee complaining of the tooting
of the Benson motor on the new line
on the Military road, stating that it
causes runaways.
Mr. McShane has received a com
munication from a southern Nebraska
man asking what accommodation has
neen made for the exhibition of trip
lets at the coming Omaha fair, and re
plied that he would be glad to fur-
nisn an the accommodation reaulred
for all the triplet cherubs who might
come ainng.
The West Hamilton Street Presbv-
terian church was Incorporated, the
trustees neing: William A. Gardner,
M. M. Van Hern and William Scott.
Jeremiah Ryan of this citv was mar
ried to Miss Josle Keogh of St. Louis
Dy Father McCarthy at St Philo
nun's cathedral.
a nveiy muie ream attached to a
Merchants express wagon rave a ter.
rifle exhibition of apeed on Thirteenth
treet, but waa stopped at the corner
or Farnam by D. T. Baldwin and F. h.
Conner, assisted by Officer Johnson.
Little Johnny Robinson, son of Ed
ward Robinson, who resides on Twen
ty-aeventh and Leavenworth streets.
was kicked by a horse belonging to
nis iatner and had his thigh broken.
lie was attended by Dr. Darrow.
Secretary J. H. McShane of the fair
association wishes all citizens of
Omaha who will accommodate room
era during the fair to send their ad
dresses to him ae early aa possible.
Thtsi Day In History. -.';V
n4 jvew Amsterdam mat sur
rendered to the English ana became
ivew xorK. . . .: ., . J .
1779 Americana under- Generals
Sullivan and Clinton attacked and dis
persed a force of Tories and Indians
at Chemung (now Elmlra) NV Y.
1808 William G. Brownlow, gover
nor of Tennessee and United States
senator, born in wythe county. Vtrt
ginia. Bled at Knoxvllie. April 39,
1817 John Leach, noted humorist
artist, born in London. -Died there,
October 29, 1864.
1835 George W. McCrary, secretary
or war in president Hayea' cabinet,
born near Evansvllle, Ind. Died at St
Joseph, Mo., June 23, 1899.
1868 Army of the Cumberland be
gan to pursue General Bragg across
the Tennessee.
1877 John Taylor, chief of the
"Twelve Apostles," succeeded Brlgham
Young as president of the Mormon
church. '
1914 Austria declared war on Bel
guim. 1815 Austrlans claimed Russian re
treat under way in east Galicia.
7 jrr A
Attention of correspondents is again
called to the rule that true names and
addresses must be given with all let
ters sent for publication In this col
umn. The Bee is daily jn receipt of
letters not so signed, many of which
would be published were the name of
tha responsible writer known to the
editor. The name is "not necessarily
for publication, but aa guaranty of
good faith." Anonymous communica
tions will not be published. Editor
xne Bee.
The Day We Celebrate.
Alfred G. Elllck, assistant attorney
for the Union Paclflo railroad, is Just
89 years old. He was born in Fre
mont. .Wlllard Eddy, la-yer, specialising
in patents, is Just (5 years today. He
was educated at Yale and the Albany
law schools and moved to Omaha in
1908. v
Most Rev. Sebastian G. Messmer,
Catholic archiblshop of Milwaukee,
born In Switzerland, seventy years ago
Byron P. Harrison, who is expected
to become a candidate for United
States senator from Mississippi. born
at Crystal Springs, Miss., thirty-srj
years ago today. '
John H. Small, representative In
congress of the First North Carolina
district, born at Washington, N. C,
fifty-nine years ago today.
Right Hon. Andrew Fisher, former
prime minister of Australia, born in
Scotland, fifty-five years ago today.
Charles J. Glldden, pioneer Ameri
can automobile manufacturer, born at
Lowell, Mass., sixty years ago 'today.
ha onened today on a the Shoshone
later on, when they are not saving for LibertjU reservation in northern. Wyoming.
bonds they will save for something else. Patriotic themes are to be featured
Under these circumstances the best thing that
could happen to us would be a call from the gov
ernment for another loan. It might be hard at
first to sacrifice the joy rides, cocktails, bridge and
furs and broadcloth, but we would soon get used
to it even the business men and at the end of
the war we would be a cleaner, cleverer and more
serious-minded people. , .;. - v-.
Lincoln s Terms of Peace
w Tort: Timer-
Peace agitators wereas numerous in the war
of secession as today. The supporters of the union
generally described them as copperheads. There
were, however, some loyal but mistaken union
and when this action takes the form of gathering m,n who kePl bothering President Lincoln, from
together element. tht hve th,, th f motives, and begging him at least to
strated their disloyalty to mingle with others
whose only value lies in the respectability of the
individual names presented the whole becomes
S source of real danger, Socialist peace plans
wherever proposed are for the present futile and
in this country produce only the Apposite effect.
Making the Embargo Effective.
President Wilson has taken final action to
make the embargo on American goods destined
for European neutrals effective, to the end that
none shall be permitted to reach Germany. This
is a war measure, pure and simple, in pursuance
of our ooerktlnnt aoaimf tha 4
nft SVslcK'pVrp 71? T?? ?
and intention hi led tn wit t,hiAn Zt . uerman trade. It affects only European fieu-
subscriptions, as seems to be implied in the words ,tra,s' having toGreat Britain the task of dealing whlt . win "ot and cannot .
of that "the Red Cross welcomes the co-opera- with other possible sources of supply for the Cen- re. us th-e ,ssuc'? dlstmct- simPl
i nn ftf verv w.t Amrir.. mnA Ar... , . 7. avYv'' "r l" v.en- inflexible. It is an issue which can only be
that lovaltr a. measured bv theVouV rv hi, VT"" 10 m " f,,,jr Perat,V4 tn , and decided by victory.. If we yield we
origin there can only be wonder of how such a X 1 1 " "0W nwtl ,terner spect b
consent to a conference with representatives of
President Davis, so as to arrive at a basis for
terms. The president was too clear-sighted not
to see that such a conference was certain to do
harm and not good and he took the same view of
all proposals for negotiations or attempts of any
kind to find out what the confederates would ac
cept in the way of compromise. But in 1864 the
efforts of these busybodies had grown to a size
that made it advisable for Lincoln to take official
notice of their arguments, which he did in his
annual message to congress. ,
r irst demonstrating that the national resources
were "inexhaustible" and that the public purpose
to maintain the union was "unchanged," he said:
"The manner of continuing the effort remains
to choose. On careful consideration of all, the
evidence accessible it seems to me that no at
tempt at negotiation with the insurgent leader
could result in any good. He would accept noth
ing short of severance of the union precisely
mple and
doubt could have originated; Considering the na-
:ure or me woric sucn an organization is called to
do. If it has grown out of a foolish fear that
railing Red' Cross officers brigadiers, generals,
major generals, captains, etc., has made the or
ganization bacbarously militant,- the folly of such
a fearJs made plain by a little reflection. If any
Red Cross official ever Could have been unchival
rous and inhumane to the point of denying succor
to a wounded enemy, he would not dart as a '"B 7 ri V oepenae
commissioned military officer, to withhold such f P W ' 0 coaL The "onomic pressure will
aid. The responsibilities of military officers are be 'PPlie strictly to all as a defensive move on
caviar man me epaulettes they wear. our part, the value of which is apparent
beaten: if the southern oeoole fail him. he is
.L. 1 I l -. . . i-' . t -. 1 1 . ' -. . J
in ii n naa ever presented to tne world. It is I oien. tuner way u wouia oc me victory nu
not tne purpose to iflflict unnecessary or undue
hardship on any of the smalt countries of Europe
that are striving to keep out of the actual con-
flict, nor is it at all likely the suffering of their
people will in any way be increased. For example,
the fuel supply of Holland could scarcely be less
than it was last winter, when the Dutch depended
defeat following war. They can at any
moment have peace simply by laying down their
arms and submitting to the national authority.
' The war wil' cease on the part of the
government whenever it shall have ceased on the
part of those who began it."
Again the issue is distinct, simple and inflex
ible. Again it can only be tried by war and de
cided by victory. The side which yields, now as
then, is beaten. The invaders of the world can
have peace at any moment by ceasing the war
which they began. Our terms of peace are Lin
Timely Jottings and Reminders. '
The socialists of the central powers
have begn summoned to meet, in
Vienna today to consider the interna
tional situation.
The second biennial convention of
the Polish Filareta' - Association of
America isvto begin its, session today
In Pittsburgh. -
Under orders from the Department
of the Interior, a new townsite is to
in the famous baby parade, which Is
to conclude the annual carnival week
celebration at Asbury park today.
The annual national conference of
Commissioners, on Uniform State,Laws
is to open at Saratoga, N. Y., today
and will continue in session until
The famous Sherman brigade of
civil war fame;, of which only about
eventy-flve survivors are left Is to
pen Its fifty-first annual reunion to
day al Mansfield, O.
- A special conference of bituminous
coal operators has been summoned to
meet at Pittsburgh today, to consider
conditions created by the president's
price-fixing policy.
Educators, business men and the
governors of the western and north
western states have been invited to
attend a conference on rural education
at the Minnesota, State Agricultural
college, beginning today and continu
ing three days.
New York City is to show its sol
diers how much It admires them by
giving a great "send-off" dinner to
night to be served in every mobiliza
tion camp and armory in Greater New
York where troops have been as
sembled preparatory to starting for
the training camps.
Attar of roias, which ia an oil, la ob
tained from thrco apaeiea of wild rosai:
Boat ecntifolia,' K moaohat and R damaa
ecna. The roa cardan at Gharipur, In
dia, have long ban famoua for their output
of oil of rosea.
New York produeea more applaa than any
other atata. The five leading varieties ara:
Baldwin, Greening, Northern Spy, Ben Daris
and Tompkina Kins'.
A cablegram received from the American
eonaul at Patraa, Greece, dated July 9, give
tha currant crop forecast 10,000 to and
the old atock available for export at about
J0.008 tone
Ireland has a breed of cattle that aaldom
growa more than three feet high and thrive!
on the pooraat of pasturage, yet the eowa
yield large quantities of milk dally.
A native tree of South America, the can
onball tree, bears round, woody fruit
which eloaely resemble base balls.
Th world' normal yield of th elx rreat
cereals range from 18.000,000,000 to 19,
00O.0e0.000 bushels.
Th Paris paper aay that tb native beer
brewing industry will have to be aide! by
Import of barley from America in order to
be continued beyond July 1. Th French
brewer are aaid to b negotiating with
America for vupplle. Arrangement are
also being made to ship beer to Franc from
th United Statea. Before the war German
product supplied th deficiency.
FnlfUlinir a Pronhrrv nf Vnnnlitnn
Chadron. Neh.. Ana-. s Ta th.
Editor of The Bee: It will be a wonder
it me name or Napoleon III will not
oe graieruny remembered by all the
southern Slavs In the Austrian empire.
Not only did he seek to develop their
great resources, but with the eye of a
prophet he foretold that these little
states would some day compel recog
nition. Those who have sympathy for
people under the heel of tyrants they
hate can imagine the Joy of the Croa
tlans, Dalmatians , and Comiolora as
ine Italians press on toward Trlest
The -Magyar has tried to Magyarize
these Slavs, but "the human will is
monstrously strong when rightly guid
ed." Austria has. when Croatia asked
for bread, given her a serpent. Croatia
and its fellow southern Slav states
have tried to form a triad monarchy
instead of a dual monarchy, but were
spurned. The year 1848 Is not too long
ago to be quite modern history and
we recall that Hungary lost its Inde
pendence until 1867, because of its In
tolerance toward these same states,
upon which it has wreaked revenge.
Promising reforms and Justice, it in
stead set up repression and force in the
land of Jellocir and Its rulera there
upon threw themselves upon the
ground, crying out. "These be thy
gods. O Israel." In their national an
them Frans Joseph was alluded to as
a father! How fitting to these south
ern Slavs! Oh, yes, I imagine they sang
those songs with glee! Lest we forget,
remember this "father" was the same
tuna, Denevoient agent or God who in
1859 met Napoleon III to arrange
terms for the surrender of the north
ern Italian provinces, which he had
jubi tost, wapoieon m making the
treaty wrote that Franz Joseph ceded
the Drovlncns in Nlnnltnn and M
poleon would cede them to such gov-
crumeuis us may 09 cnosen ny tne peo
ple of the respective provinces. The
"father" refused to sign such a treaty,
declaring that he would cede them "to
juui viie conqueror, nor to me people
I will not alem a nv nanara thaf
. n fwfa.w ww.v
nize the right of these people, who
nave oeen mine ana wnom i now give
to you, to have any voice in their gov
ernment." But th flat Viaa mm fArili
The Magyar has been weighed In the
"ocs boo uKB me 4.utk oeen round
wanting. Judgment has pot yet fled to
"brutish beasts."
The New Treason.
Omaha, Aug. 37 To the Editor of
The Bee: Yes, today there is a new
treason. It is not limited as was the
old. Tha nM Maa ma that
might do anything infamous against
mo rignis oi man, dui lr nis act
worked a seeming benefit for his own
country he was proclaimed a, patriot
The new treason consists of wrongs
against the welfare of mankind.
Humanity was ritpnVArr1 nnlv
within the last three years. Of course,
it always existed, but, Just as the
American continents stretched their
jenguiB Between ine Arctic circles be
fore Columbus sailed the uncharted
seas, so humanity struggled on,
blindly seeking a light that might lead
all men to human brotherhood. That
light had led some of the children of
men since its brightest rays were shed
in Palestine, but mankind is slow to
T .11 . -1 - t M . . . . j
j. wi.j uui uiaim lor my-couniry mat
it sent forth the pioneering discover-
era. inai wouia do coasting. The
rllaprtVAI-Ara nf mAnlrlnif mm mmm
Among them were Tolstoy in the old
Dii..u t t . . j il. m : ....
nuu in ino om r ranee, ivora
ham Lincoln and Henrv f!snr tn
old America. Yet, these were only
the visionaries who proclaimed the ex
istence of mftnkinil Tha, actual iu.
coverers are of a later day. Conspic
uous among them were President Wil
son and his first able assistant, Bryan,
in America, Lloyd George in England;
Maximilian Hardin In nannanv Vr-
ensky in modern Russia. Gallant
ranc nas furnished a large number
of these discoverers in the present day.
One of the srlorlmis nntatanrilno fanra
is that every one of these men is a
man oi peace not a warrior among
Whatever mlsrht have been - h
cause of the present war whatever
its immediate excuse that c&iisa nnrl
that eYf llftA ATA Tifl mnr. ThA aai,o
of this war are inseparable from the
rigms or manKina. They are not lim
ited to any boundary line; they do not
exnress racial amhlHnna- fhav Ar nnt
espouse territorial aggrandisement on
the part of any nation; they indicate
no idea of commercial supremacy for
anv nAATtlA. Tjisa than all An th,
r r ' . h... ,w j
show any hope for military perma
nency in this world. For, if the is
sues of this war result, as it is the hope
ot all true Americans they will result,
militarism and military advocates will
be despised through the world. It
was militarism that has shrouded this
planet in its present woe. It was the
hope for military supremacy that has
bathed mankind in blood.
It was the idea on the part chiefly
of the ruling class of one nation that
jiuceu not wair. ior it pmiosopnicai
or Its scientific nobility or its musical
talent to influence the world, but that
it would get ready to shoot its concep
tion of kultur into mankind. It did
not cultivate ideals based upon the
rights of man.
The new patriotism speaks for hu
man brotherhood; it expresses the
vision of the Prince of Peace who said,
"Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least
of these, ye did it also untq, me."
Therefore the new treason Is coming
to be understood as any act which vio
lates these ideals of life. Anyone, be
he commoner or monarch, represen
tative or president, who with military
power shocks the moral sense of man
kind shall henceforth be lashed naked
through the world. He it is that shall
be understood as the arch traitor to
all the generations of men. His days
are numbered and he shall be no more.
The new democracy is human broth
erhood wherein peace and plenty shall
abound and wars shall be no more.
Very Stout Cntlm-i But I tell jon
this road is private an ' you shall not pass
except ovar my pror-'r. ia body
Motorist In that caa I'll so back. My
ear ln"t very good at mountain climbing
Boston Transcript.
"He's in a bad way."
"Broke, eh?"
"Worse than that He's dom-n to the
point where nobody will lend him money
any more." Detroit Free Press.
"How does Minna manage to preserve
her complexion the wayehe doea?"
"In the way women usually preserve any
thing puta it up In jars." Baltimore
HE po?
vn wtVBi is mm in we
FUrURE our some m&isc
"BtheL dear, tell ma honaatlv. rIM vmi
return the engagement ring when you
broke the engagement with JackN'
"Certainly not! My feelings toward the
ring have not changed as they have toward
Jack." Life.
"I think I'll write aa opera about busi
ness life "
"Better atlck to the crags and glens ana
the brigands. Maybe you could have a
prima donna singing an aria In a law
office. But I dunno. It seems a trifle out
of place," Louisville Courier-Journal
"Pop, what I a lullaby?" "
"A lullaby, my eon, Is something that
keep a whole neighborhood awoke while
putting one kid to sleep." Judge.
4 a .
Tennis Court
rjONCRETE tennis courts
V do not prove) to be bard on the
ankles and Knees, neither are they
worse than gravel when you make
a strenuous stroke and fall down.
Concrete court are preferred, once player
are accustomed to them. No waiting far dry
weather a concrete court may be need im
mediately after a heavy rain. Indispensable
oc wuraamcntpiay. .
Concrete courts have been used
for parkin- motor cars and ara easily waxed
for dancing. And, a concrete) court is per
'"""t free from all upkeep expense, as
well a reasonable in initial coat.
Portland Cement
is the popular cement for Town and
country improvement. Goto
tne Dewer dealer and ask him
for the Bulletin on Concrete)
Tennis Ckmrta. if be hasn't
it he will set it for yon.
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