THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2-1. 1917. I Brie) City News Sure Bool Prim It Naw Beon Pre Metal dies, pressw'b. Jubilee Mtg. Co. Llec. Fans. .&0- Bursess-Qraoritn. Platinum Wedding K1q2S Edholm Try the noonday 35-ci'tit luncheon at the Empress Garden, amidst pleas ant surroundings, music and entertain mentAdvertisement Asks for Divorce Joseph J. Mullen, suing Mabel F. Mullen for divorce in district court, alleges desertion. In Officers' Dental Reserve Dr. Craig Morris, has received a commis sion as first lieutenant inthe dental section, officers' reserve corps of the army, dated August 15. He graduated from Creighton Dental in 1915. Street Organ Rev. Charles W. Sav idge received yesterday a diminutive organ for the use of the People's church in its street services, which are held every Sunday evening at 7. This little organ can be carried by one person. - " Mrs. Lynestad ' Wants Divorce Helene L. K. Lyngstad. 2100 Ohio street, is suing Julius H. Lyngstad, printer, for divorce in district court on grounds , of alleged cruelty and nonsupport. They were married in Omaha March 31, 1908. Traffic Law Offenders . ... Fill Up Police Court Following strict orders issued by Chief Dunn of the local police de partment -to motorcycle police that unless they sho,wed good results with , in torty-eight hours they would have to get out, thirty-seven speedsters, cut-out violators and bright light of fenders were hauled into police court Thursday morning. In the majority of cases where use of the cut-out and bright lights were charged Judge Fitzgerald discharged the offenders with a strict warning. Motorcycle Officer Wade had twenty-six violators to his credit. He was stationed in the West Farnam dis trict and was kept very busy far into the night. The unusual rush of auto mobile drivers occupied two Jiours of the court's time. Takes Place of Her Brother Who Joins Balloon Corps Herbert V. Kyan of the Ryan Jewelry company has joined the army balloon corps and gone into training at Fort Omaha for a commission. He was secretary and treasurer of the Ryan Jewelry company. His sister, Miss Nellie Ryan, head of the Camp fire girls of the state, will enter the store to take the place of her brother. She will resign her place as head guardian of the Campfire girls. North Side W. C. T. U. Holds Annual Election of Officers Mrs. Roy Matson was elected pres ident of the North Side Women's Christian Temperance union at a meeting held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. G. D. Taylor. Mrs. S. C. Jenning is the retiring president. Mrs. C. J. Smith is the new vice president; Mrs. A. W. Miller, secretary, and Mrs. N. C. Latham, treasurer. "PHOTO PIAY. OFFERING J FOR TODAY f , ,ur -ft-tf lira ALL-STAR CAST "ON TRIAL" Cohan and Harris Big Stage Hit. AMI hEIHKNTS Only Vaudeville Now Showing LYCEUM FOUR Comedy Harmony Singing McGRATH AND YEOMAN 'The Lunatic Aylum" HUGHES SISTERS The Girls With the Harp and Violin EMM ETT'S DOGS -The Acme of Canin Intelligence A Picture rullot . Human Touches and Scenes Which Grip You to the Heart. , 'The Streets . m ' Jit- of Illusion With the Irresistible GLADYS HULETTE. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" i&nii&JlA D,ilr Mau- l5'25'50c Last Times Today ;!o wry w 4 v StOH.GIRLICO.SSJ. TOMORROW (Saturday) Mat. and Week. Hip, Hip Kooray Girls, ,rcL' Ladiee' Dim Matinee Every Week Day. "LUCKY SEVENTH" IS READY FOR SERYIGE High School Boy Draws Poster Urging Enlisting in the New National Guard Com panies in Oniaha. Orders from Adjutant General Steele at Lincoln came yesterday to Ma jor Ray Abbott of the Seventh militia reserve, designating the companies of the Omaha battalion as E, F, G and H. The Omaha battalion of the "Lucky Seventh" has been recruited in the last two weeks, but already it is large enough to promise that the four full companies will soon be formed. Fred W. Higgitison of Omaha has received notice of his appointment as captain of Company E. This com pany was mustered in last night at the recruiting headquarters, 1612 Far nam street "We will first he sworn into state service," said Captain Higginson. "Then we will cive an exhibition of squad drills on the streets. After that we will be at Omaha s service. We will keep on with our regular business and drill at night. For awhile we will be compelled to use the streets for drilling. After the machine gun company of the Fifth leaves we will drill in the armory. When needed for guard duty, to quell strikes or In dustrial Workers of the World dis order, we will be on hand. "Jimmy" Williamson, a talented young high school student, who can not enlist because he is under the age limit, has found he can help the mil itia reserve now organizing in an other way. ' . "Jimmy" is a genius at poster de signing and he. has drawn some re markably fine pictures showing the reasons why Omaha boys should join the militia reserve. , Several of these are on the window of the recruiting office, 1612 Farnar.i street, and have attracted much at tention from passersby w!iu .lpposcd they were the work of some of the famous eastern artists till they looked closer and saw the signature in the corner. One striking sketch shows a pow erfully drawn soldier in the fore ground pointing to a terrifying battle scene behind him. The picture is labeled: "I'm Going Into This for You. "Protect My Family." Another poster shows a dead sol dier on the battlefield, amid gre.v some surroundings. Beneath this are the words: , "This Man Has Paid Your Debt to 1 France. "Pay Yours to Him and Protect His family. x Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. ONCE HE HID BEHIND A WOMAN'S SKIRTS, BUT NOW SEE FOR YOURSELF "The Slacker" 7 Days Begining Tomorrow BOYD THEATER Shows: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Big Augmented Orchestra A PLAY THAT WILL THRILL THE SPINE OF THE NATION ALL SEATS 25c MUSE Henry B. Walthall A Victor Routseau's Powerful 0i Q - Drama of .aHidden X Menace " M "THE TRUANTS SOUL" X Walthall's Greatett Play Today and Saturday Gladys Brockwell -m- "THE SOUL OF -SATAN" 1 srrv-)eVrv jWfr-.1P-mv Today and Saturday JACK MULHALL -in ,"THE MIDNIGHT MAN" AMUSEMENTS. BASE BALL OMAHA vs. WICHITA August 21, 22, 23, 24 ROURKE PARK Friday, Aug. 24, Ladies' Day Games Called 3:15 Phone Douf. 491 The Best of Vaudeville ' OPENS SUN. MAT., AUG. 26 Seats Now Selling- . PARTY IS GIVEN FOR NEW ARMY CAPTAIN. CaplJjkurice C Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tohnson gave a farewell military hop for their nephevs, Captain Mauriel C. Johnson and Lewis G. Johnson, last ev.ning at their home. The former was com missioned captain at the Fort Sheri dan training camp and the latter will leave with the next set of men trying for commissioned offices. The eveninsr was t.cent in danc' - the new dances and a number of the old ones, inc'jding the Virginia reel and a grand march. Refreshments were served, after which ever.,' guest was' asked give a 'ittle speech. Those present were: Mfsars. ana jussaames C. F. Johnson. John Larson, Richard Johnson. Misses Florence Foley, Margaret Foley. Helen Larson, Madeline Youle, Lillian Henderson, Atkinson, Martha, Elsely. Messrs. -Roy Karlqulst; Einll Fetorson, William Campen, Lawrence Morris, Leslie Larson. S. Wlckman. John R. Younff, Misses- Helen Young, Emma Johnson, Helen Panielson, Inea Hough, MnrmrAt Vminsr. Norma Johnson, Thyra Johnson, Hazel Larson, Messrs. a Leslie F. Johnson, Harry E. Johnson, Walter K. Johnson, Chester F. Johnson. Harold Miller. Harold Henderson, Portland Man Arrested Accused of Killing Child Clark Cochran, aeed 55. arrested bv Detectives Jollv and Dolan todav for wife desertion, will undoubtedly be tried for murder upon his return to Portland, Ore., according to Con- "One Bottle WHlTeH" , This is the beverage you have been looking for. 1 Non-intoxicating, but with that same old taste. Hops! Yes, that's it Refreshing and wholesome as the food you eat w- IIL 111 Iff JHLl ti You can get it wherever they sell good drinks. . Try a bottle today and see how well you will like it. AT;, ti. I kil ,t8 ,ike the Pic"- her"e. When you tee tkt nOUCC mc LaOei label you know you are getting CCRVA LEMP, Manufacturer., ST. LOUIS Cerr. Sale. Co., H. A. STEINWENDER, Dutributor 1517 Nicholas St. Dougla. t stable Mark Peterson, who has ar- I rived in Omaha. v.ocnran, wno nas ueen enipioyea as a porter in the Woodmen of th World building, was arrested on ad vice of Portland officers. He was in dicted recently by a grand jury for the murder of his mtant child, which his wile alleges he burned to death in the kitchen stove. Accordtng to newspaper reports brought to Omaha by 1 cterson, Loch ran nas a criminal record both m Oregon and Montana. They tell of his mama for killing and state that he carried a bottle of strychnine which he spread on bread and tossed to ani mals. His wife secured a divorce last Jan uary and the custody ot their six small children in Oregon courts. Iowa and Nebraska Grocers Dicuss Hoover Food Bill Twenty members of the Iowa and Nebraska Wholesale Grocers' asso ciation met at the Fontenelle hotel Thursday morning to discuss how they would be affected by the Hoover food administration campaign. A. C. Melhop of Council Bluffs, secretary of the association said: "We have received certain informa tion from indirect sources that Mr. Hoover's committee will fix the prices on some of the staples going from the manufacturer and producer to the consumer. However, we have no idea what staples will be selected by the committee. We have met to consider how the grocery business will be af fected in this territory, and, from the little information that has been re ceived, to endeavor to form the groundwork in preparation for the re adjustment in the prices of food that is bound to come. Mr. Melhop declared that the wholesale grocers are co-operating with the government in this new movement to the best of their pow ers. "We are an organization loyal to the United Mates and we recognize our duty to the government. We are now awaiting dctinite word as to what staples will be affected and the com mands of the food commission will be obeyed to the letter." Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Minnesota's Lakes and Woods Your Kearest Vacation Land ri rtrrti citi c1i In r 4i r-r1 flier Vita 10,001) lakes to choose from. Ideal places to rest and rusticate, and to fish, tramp, camp and canoe. Good hotels and ooarding houses board and room $10.00 per week upward. Low fares via the,. Chicago Great Western. Call or write for free fold ers and let us help you find a desir able place. E. P. Kretz, G. P. & T. A., C. G. W. R. R., 1522 Farnam Street, Umaha. Advertisement. I 3842, Omaha, Nab. J 7A URGESS-taCOIM Thursday, Augu.t 23, 1917. Friday There Will Be Many Bargains of Unusual Interest In Our .Down We have space A Friday Special: MEN'S 59c and 3 for $1.00 LEARAWAY Sale Week finds us with too many sport shirts; we must unload, and to do so have decided to divide them into two lots, and put a price on them that will sell the entire lot in one day, and Friday is to be the day. One lot of colored stripes, figures, solid colors and white. Lot No. 2 is a white oxford cheviot, excellent quality and a real snap. Lot No. 1, 3 for $1.00. Lot No. 2, 59c. ' Men's Shirts, 59c Big assortmentfcof neck band, coat style, colored and all white negligee soft French and stiff cuffs. Your opportunity to buy shirts at a bar gain. Clearaway sale price, 59c. Wash Neckwear, 15c Men's Wash Neckwear tubulars, Manhattans and Dejoinvilles. Splen did patterns slightly soiled and shop worn. Y'our unrestricted choice, 15c Baby Blankets, 15c Each Baby blankets, white with colored border, size 29xt C 37i-inch, special, at.. IOC (Down Stntra Snrf Collar Button Sets, lc Gold plated collar button sets, 5 buttons on a card. Special, a set (Down Stair Store) lc Huck Towels, $1.00 Doz. Medium size huck towels, plain white or with rod border, while 200 dozen &1 nn last, special...... PlaUV (Down Stalra Store) Wax Paper, 6 for 25c Special for the picnic, 6 rolls of wax paper Friday, in the Down Stairs Store, spe- OP, cial, for (Down Stair Store) Satin Hats, $1 and $1.98 Choice of any satin hat in our entire stock, trimmed or. untrimmed, Friday, special at, each, $1.00 M QQ and iM.J70 (Down Stair Store) Combination Suits, 69c Women's combination suits of fine nainsook, trimmed with fine embroidery and lace, rib bon drawn beading; (Ckg special OUC (Down Stair Store) 36-Inch Pongee, 11 Vic Beautiful striped pongee, sensible for house dresses, men s shirts, boys blouses, etc. A splendid value, 1 1i Friday, yard 1 1 2 C (Down Stair Store) Mercerized Napkins, $1.29 a Dozen Fine, soft finish mercerized napkins, assorted designs, 20x 20 inches, neatly hemmed, Fri day only, a djl OQ dozen P (Down Stair Store) Corsets, Special, $1.00 A very special lot of corsets, composed of Warner, Thomp son, W. B. and R. & G. Long skirt, free hip. Made of a firm batiste or coutil. Also summer net and elastic top mod- d 1 els. Sizes 19 to 30,' at. . P 1 (Down Stair Store) Drug Specials Corylopsis Talcum, lb. carl 15c Lilac Rose Talcum, 19c La Compagnie Face Powder 10c Royal Cold Cream, per jar , 10c WEfK-END PACKAGE Free with a 50c purchase of Palmolive Toilet goods. Cudahy Bath Soap, per cake 7c Porslyn Sanitary Hair Brush 29c Burreit-Nath Co. Down Stair Final Clearaway of Women's Pumps, Oxfords and Slippers at $1.79 At Much Less Than the Cost of Making ' TT7E still have a few hundred pairs of pumps, oxfordsand slippers, made of the beSt materials, and all Ankle Ties, 89c Misses' and child's ankle ties and strap pumps, including white canvas, white, black and bronze kid; choice, 89c. "EVERYBODY STORE STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. :air to quote but a few of the SPORT Cotton Shirts, 75c One lot of extra strong, durable Cotton Shirts, well made, collar at tached, button down, two pockets with flap button down; very military look ing blue and khaki color. Salo price, 75c. Men's Hose Men's Fibre Silk Hose your choice of several good colors. Summer Clear ing Sale price, 19c. Bury Linen Finish Sheets, 98c 76x90 heavy weight, seamed sheets, linen finish, well QQ made, Friday, only, ea., JOC (Dawn Stalra Store) Sport Shirting, 15c Your choice of splendid se lection of sport shirting 1 P in stripes and dots, Fri., IOC (Down Sflra Stor) Union Suits, 23c Women's union suits, low neck and sleeveless, white cot ton, knee length, sizes 34, 36 only, at 60C (Down Stalra Store) Corset Covers, 25c Made of crrpe and namsook, with embroidery edges, also lace insertion edges; spe- OP dally priced, at wOC (Down Stair Store). Middy Blouses, 39c Women's and misses' middy "blouses with fancy collars and cuffs, in assorted colors. All Splendid values, at UtI (Down Stair Store) Assortment of Jewelry, 5c One lot of brooches, bar pins, cuff links, tie clips, etc. All gold plated; some stone set; rnuay, your choice, C at (Down Stair Storef Girls' School Dresses, 95c Made of Andersen chambray and gingham, in checks, plaids and plain colors. Middy and short waisted and jack- Q C n et styTes, Friday, at. . . iOC Down Stair Store) Gold Shell Rings, 10c Gold shell rings for boys, girls, babies and women; signet, band, single stone or cluster set effects; a big assort- 1 A mcnt to choose from, at VC (Down Stair Store) Hemmed Table Cloths, $1.19 2 yards long, 64 inches wide, table cloth, heavy mercerized finish, good assortment of pat terns, hemmed and ironed ready for use, $1.19 special (Down Stair Store) Royal Vanishing Cream jar 10c Trailing Arbutus Tal cum, can 8c Hard Water Castile Soap, cake 9c Pine Tar Soap,, cake, 4e Hair Brushes, each, 10c Elastic, all widths, per yard 5c Hose Supporters, per pair 10c 6 bolts Linen Tape 10c Inside Skirt Belting, a yard 5c BeesiWax, each ... .2c Dress Shields, pair, 5c Darning Cotton, card, for lc De Long Hooks and Eyes, card 7c Hair Nets, with elastic, 3 for 10c Bur(s-Nah Co. Pullman Hair Brushes, at 35c Cleanup sale of Bath Caps, your choice . . 25c Store to sell at greatly reduced prices. Patent pumps, kid pumps, colored kid pumps, black kid pumps, patent kid pumps. Priced at less than cost (h 4 of new soles and heels. ,.plf Odd Including odd pairs and small sizes of women's oxfords and pumps. Your choice, 95c. - , Burt ca-Nah Co. Down Stair Stor ' Douglas 137. we most special ones. SHIRTS -Nah ti. Down Slalra Star Cotton Blankets, $1.59 Pr. Cotton bed blankets, in gray or white with fancy d l CQ border, Friday, only V aOl ' (Down Slalra Stor) Baby Blankets, 39c Each a0xl0-in. baby blankets, pink or blue, kindergarten -OQ designs, slightly soiled, OJC (Down Stulra Stor) Children's Hose, 23c Children's hose, fine 1-1 rib bed black, mercerized. These are mill run and extra un and extra oo 6 fit wfcslaw 0 good value, (Down Stalra Store) Organdie Waists, 29c An assortment of dainty or gandie waists, trimmed with colored collars and ties, HQ -very special, at wIC (Down Stair Store) Children's Dresses, 59c Children's dresses of fine gingham anil chambrays, in splendid styles, from 2 to 6 years, very special, PQ at Jf - (Down Stair Store) a. Wash Goods, 8 Vic Wash goods, choice assort ment of voiles, batiste, lawn and rice voiles, pretty patterns in light colors, 27 inch- Di es wide, Friday, a yard O 2 C (Down Stair Store) Fancy Silks, Special, 39c A big lot of fancy silks, pop lin and plain lining taffeta, all 24 inches wide, in lengths from 2 to 12 yards in a piece. QQ On sale Friday, yard, (Down Stair Store) Women's Summer Coats,, $3.95 j .An odd lot of coats from our regular stock, in light and dark colors, with and without belts. Very special for J0 QC Friday, at .... . .7. vO.UO (Down Stair Store) Silk Remnants, Friday 59c Remnants of foulards, mes saline, poplin, taffeta, tub silk etc., in plain and figured lengths from 1 yard to 8 yards in a niece. 24-36-inch widths. on sale, friday, at, 59c yard (Down Stair Store) Notion Specials Rick ' Rack Braid, per bolt ...lOe Buttons of all kinds, a dozen 5c Bias Tape, bolt ... ,5c Drinking Cups, folding, each . v. .. ..... ,5c- 60-in. Tape Measiire, each lc Kid Curlers, dozen, 10c Bone Hair Pins, box, 5c Wire Hair Pins, paper, for . .. . ..2c Silk Thread, spool, 3c Cotton Thread, spool, for 2W Dawn Stair Stor Lot of Shoes, 95c