Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A'
1 Brief City News
Bar Iteot Print It N bucoo Fra.
Metal dies, presew'k. Jubilee Mt. Co.
EJee. Fan. '..60 Burteia-Granden.
Platinum WeddJne Rings EJholm.
Try the noonday 35-cent lunciieon
at the Empress Garden, amidst pleas
ant surroundinRS, music and eutertain
nint Advertisement.
Wilson Goes on Buying Trip
George T. Wilson, manager Browning
King & Co., left Thursday night for
Ivew York on a buying trip and general
Konsupport Alleged. Louise Mor
ris, suing Robert I Morris for divorce
in district court, allcseS nonsupport.
They were married at Wiliiamsport,
lnd., June 28, 191.
Petitions Circulated Petitions to
obtain signatures of enoush voters to
materially change the present form of
city government are now being circu
lated throughout the city.
One Yenr Knougli Knola Ebert is
suing Emery Ebert for divorce in dis
trict court on grounds of alleged cruel
ty and nonsupport. They were mar
ried at Beaver. Crossing, Neb., August
H, 1916.
Chegk for Mess FiiiidJ-rpter Klvarl,
president of the Bankers' Realty In
vestment company, presented Lieu
tenant Metcalfe of Company C with n
check for $100 to be applied on the
company s mess fund. This is to -b-!
spent ror the boys on their long ride to
- Pay Day for Soldiers Today is pay
day for the machine gun company of
the Fifth regiment at the armory.
Major Irvin Todd arrived at 9:30 with
6. big package of greenbacks for the
men. This is the last pay the men will
get before they leave for Deming and
they plan to save it carefully for
spending there and enroute.
Organize to Work on Comfort
Articles for Boys; Who Have
Enlisted in the '
Army. .
The 2,000 employes at Swift and
Company have organized to "do their
bit" for their country. They have
formed a part of the National Military
Welfare association, an organization
with headquarters in Chicago.
The purpose of the organization is
to help the boys-who are fighting
for Uncle Sam. They wiH make
sweaters and sox and comfort kits
and will send letters and magazines to
the soldiers. The association has a
publicity committee, whose duty it
is to keep in touch with the boys
away from home and to find out
their needs. '
fany of Swifts' men have gone to
war and the stay-at-home employes
are interested in the welfare work.
Swift and Company give its employes
time off in which to work for the
Welfare association.
Karl Lee, Former Bee Man,
' Now in the Marine Corps
Karl Lee, former South Side boy,
now a member of Company IS, United
States marine corps, is at Paris
Island, S. C.
"I think we'll leave here soon,"
writes Lee, "and we are all anxious
to get away.
"This is a mighty good life for a
young fellow. We have lots of exer
cise and learn to value physical
strength. I Jike the life, for there's
something doing all of the time."
"I'm not used to being on my feet
so much and they are sore, but 1
guess I'll get used to it. I am serv
ing as kitchen police today and, you
may be sure, I like that merely have
to iatch and see that no one else
robs the pantry." 1
Karl Lee was a graduate from the
South Omaha High school and was
formerly on the editorial staff of The
Jamaica Ginger Leads
To Arrest of Many
"Judge, I just bought a little of
that Jamaica ginger for medicirte,"
said Mary Pierson in South Side po
lice court this morning in explaining
that she was not drunk when Officer
Knudtson arrested her on Q street
last night.
"I found a bushel basket full of
emi ty bottles labeled 'Essence of Ja
maica Ginger' at the place where she
stays," testified Officer Knudtson.
Mary told the police that she bought
the "medicine" frqm prank J. Hcr
mansky, proprietor of a pharmacy at
2725 Q street.
"I think the mixture contains about
90 per cent alcohol," said Desk Ser
geant Smith.
"It's $10 and costs this time. If it
happens again I'll give you a jail
sentence," said Police Judge Madden.
Toney Casper Loses $30
And Also is Arrested
It cost Toney Casper $30 to get
drunk. He was arrested last night at
Twenty-sixth and N streets by Offi
cers Scott and Dlask.
When he got to the station he told
that the man who had sold him the
whisky took $30 from him. When he
was searched "the officers found 10
cents in his pockets. Later they no
ticed that he had a $5 gold piece in
his hand. He said he had found it in
his shoe.
He pleaded guilty to the charge of
drunkenness and is being held over
until Monday.
Kansas City Negro Caught
With Concealed Weapons
Frank White, a negro from Kansas
City, was sentenced to thirty days in
jail in South Side police court this
morning for carrying concealed weap
ons. , He said that a stranger asked him
to keep a revolver for him for a little
while until he went and pawned some
clothes. He took the revolver, put it
i.i his pocket and sat down on the
curbstone and then the officers came
along and arrested him.
He is 66 years old and has a wife in
Kansas City.
Magic City Gossip.
Mr. and 51r. John Doom and children
ef Belmont, Wig., re visiting Mr. Doom's
iitr, tin. Henry Brooker.
Mr. and Mra. Horaj Armntrotij, Mr. and
Mra. Henry ArmaCronK, and Mrs. H. Baa
aett have returned from an automobile trip
to Denver.
Telephone South S00 and order a rase of
Ont or Laetemado, the healthful. rfrhln
Homa Severe re delivered to your residence.
Cmaha Bereras Co-
Take Possession of'Lakeview
Park and Have Round of
Fun for One Jelly
The "Oh, Girl" company, fifty
strong, straight from Broadwaj-, cap.
tured Lakeview park Friday evening
Some lively bunch of jolly, nifty girls
and men they were. They were the
guests of Manager Johnson of the
uaycty at.d jiuncnoit Brothers, own
ers of the park, and these generous
hosts rrcvided everything along the
n.n man i uun llllinuc
Just why the citv editor sent out
the most sedate reporter on the staff
to write up this picnic of theatrical
people may never be known. The
most sedate reporter went over to
the Gayefy where Manager Johnson
pinned a badge on him that said
"Outing, Oh, GirP Company, Lake
view I ark." He pointed out some of
the celehnties of the company which
opens the Gayety season this after
noon. '
Looks Like Actor.
The most sedate reporter began to
feel glad he had this assignment.
Mere private citi;.ens on the street
looked at his badge and thought he
was an actor. The reporter found it
pleasant to be gased upon. Everybody
was laughing and the girls Manager
Johnson pointed out were pleasing to
the eye There was the dark-eved
Jeannette Mohr, the soubr.-tte. She
wore an ermine cane and laree pen-
dant earrings and many rings on her
Then there was Frances Tait Bots
ford, the prima donna, who reaches
high C without an effort. Which is
Miss Botsford? you" ask. She's the
tall v oman in the big green hat and
black dress. And listen, you high
brows who, maybe, turn up your nose
at burlesque queens Miss Botsford is
a graduate of Smith college. The re
porter asked her. She mentioned,
also, the name of a prominent Omaha
society woman. "We were in Smith
together and later we studied music
together," she said. Miss Botsford's
uncle is Vice Admiral Tait of the Brltr
ish navy and her other uncle is Ad
mir ..' Bruillet of the French i.avy.
Three of her brothers are officers
in the British army. This is not
"press stuff" but plain fact. -
, Miss Duraont of Boston.
And let us not forget daintv Miss
Dumoi-t, petite and brunet'.e and from
Boston. She talks as correctly as
though she came from Beacon street
and she says she s so glad to see that
the wicked liquor traffic has been
stamped out in Nebraska.
In fact, in all the evening the be
havior of the burlesque people was
sucn mat even tue most sedate re
porter approved. , They all were
loaded on a special street car at the
Gayety, car decorated with big
Danners with "Uh, birr on them.
And they blew horns tnd made a tour
of the downtown streets. And when
they reached the park they captured
the roller-coajt..-, the old mill, the
merry-go-round and finally the danc
ing floor. And, Oh, Gir' how you
can dance! Did the most sedate re
porter dance? Gosh durn it, you bet
he did. Miss Dumont taueht him
the two-step and later they had Ice
cream 6odas together, b'gosh. And
right after the intermission the whole
chorus gathered and sang several of
the company's song hits with treat
approval from the crowd.
Some of the members of the com
pany then went over and roller
skated. About 10:30 luncheon was
announced and it . was eaten amid
much repartee and cheering. And P.
S. Clark, owner of the show, came up
and askec the most sedate reporter
what he thought of the comp-ny.
"Ain't it ; company to be proud of?"
And the most sedate reporter agreed
with P. S. Clark. Mr. Clark's 19-year-old
daughter and 21-year-old son and
wife are with the company.
Joe Mobley Shot, Probably
Fatally, by Companion
Joe Mobley, a painter, age 61, 1411
Chicago street, was shot and perhaps
fatally wounded by Jesse Howard,
424 North Seventeenth street, at 6:30
last evening near the Creighton gar
age, Seventeenth and Davenport
streets. The direct cause of the shoot
ing is a mystery.
Mobley was shot through the right
side, at close range, the fire having
burned through his clothes and skin.
He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital
where Doctors Duncan and Mullen
operated on his wound, but failed to
find the. bullet.
Howard, who was arrested by Of
ficer Murphy, stated the shooting was
On the way to" the hospital Mobley
maintained that Howard fired the
shot intentionally, but refused to tell
what had occurred between them im
mediately previous to the shooting.
Mobley talked incoherently at times,
stating that Howard called at his
room at two o'clock yesterday after
noon in an automobile and both went
riding. They visited several road
houses and had been drinking. At
one roadhouse, Mobley overheard
Howard threatening to "get" -him,
which made him grow suspicious.
Shortly after 6 o'clock, they both
returned to the Creighton garage.
Mobley said that "as they were
getting out of the automobile. How
ard started to grapple with him, and
in the fray pressed a gun against his
side and fired.
The only witness to the shooting
was' Boyd Galcr, colored, an em
ployee of the garage, who was up
stairs above the the garage when he
heard the shot fired below and1 look
ing out the window, saw the two men
scuffling. He immediately called the
Mobley has two children living in
Baltimore, ages nine and twelve, and
and an aged mother in Washington,
D. C. His wife died eight years ago.
Many Books Being Donated
For Use of the Soldiers
The movement started by ,the
American Library association to ob
tain books from people willing to do
nate them for the use of soldiers at
the camps is meetirfg with success.
Miss Tobitt'of theOmaha Public
library is pleased with the beginning
that has been made, although she says
that it can only be considered a good
start. However, now that the people
of. Omaha are interested she expects
books to come in more rapidly. Good
books on all subjects re acceptable
and as soon as received will be for
warded to the national headquarters
in Chicago, where the work of dis
tribution is made.
Your Films To Us
For D.r.lopm.nt.
24-Hour Servic.
Burfeae-Nath Co.
Main Floor
Something For Too
Boys la Frac,e
Competent Imtruo
tios Free of Chsrf.
Art Department
Third Flow
Sunday, August 19, 1917-
-Phone Douglas 137
Beginning Monday, Sensational Clearing Sale of
Involving Our Entire Stock of Summer Goods at Sweeping Price
Reductions to Insure an Immediate and Absolute Disposal
VALUES more wonderful than we can tell you about and all because we haven't space for the new goods that are arriving to replace
the summery things you are now wearing arid will wear for the next two or three months.
The cost has been disregarded in reducing this merchandise the only thought was that it must all go. Therefore, not only on Mon
day, but Tuesday and Wednesday and .every day this week your dollars will do more good than you ever dreamed. With the price" of mer
chandise going higher and higher, many, no doubt, will appreciate what remarkable opportunities this wonderful clearing sale presents.
Clearaway of
Women's Bathing Suits at vRrice
nattiest, gmartest lot of bathing
s you could hope to find. These
$ mohairs, silk taffetas, satins, jer
's, in all colors and sizes, and just
think at 12 the original price.
But we have decided that no
summer merchandise can be car
ried through the year; there
fore this sale. For,the Sum
mer Clearance Sale, we have
reduced our entire stock to
V-i the original price.
Children's Bathing Suits
At Vi Price
Large selection of bath-
ing suits of mohair and jer
sey, in navy blue and
j black, in all sizes with and
' ; without bloomers. Special
for Summer Clearance Sale, at original price.
Buree-Nah Co. Second Floor
V A. I V IK' , PSan, pnyi
Clearaway of
Muslin Underwear $1.75 and $1.98
N assortment of women's under
wear of the very highest grade.
Odds and ends, including combina
tions, envelopes, Teddy Bears, draw
ers, gowns and the like. The entire
lot has been put in two groups and
especially priced for Summer Clear
ance Sale, at, $1.75 and $1.98.
Muslin Underwear, 45c
Odd pieces of muslin underwear
to be disposed of at bargain prices.
Choice of any piece in the lot at
the Summer Clearance Sale price
of 45c. (Downstairs Store.)
Children's HaUV2 Price
A wonderful assortment of chil
dren's summer hats, including
Tiiaueg and fancy white materials.
all reduced in this Summer Clearance Sale to V price.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
Clearaway of
Men's Knit Underwear
At 59c
ATHLETIC and knitted union suits,
made 14 sleeves, jnseam and
athletic style, white and ecru color.
Summer Clearance Sale price, 59c.
Men's Bathing Suits, at, 98c
Men's bathing suits at a special cut price,
black trimmed in white, hemmed and garter fin
ish, V and no sleeves, one-piece all in one lot, at
98c per suit.
Men's Summer Shirts, at, $1.15
One special lot of men's shirts, soft French
cuffs, neckbanI coat style, corded madras and
Ducetine cloth, good patterns. Summer Clear
ance Sale price, $1.15.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Clearaway of
Sporting Goods at V Price
WE have at the present time an assortment of im
ported golf clubs, which are impossible to dupli
cate on account of the war.
They include drivers, brassies
and irons, and for this Summer
Clearance Sale we are closing
out the entire line at 10 the
original price.
Tennis Rackets at Price '
Entire stock of tennis rack
ets, from the cheapest to the
most expensive, will be re
duced for this Summer Clearance Sale, to U, price.
Burf-Nh Co. Fourth Floor
A Clearaway of
Refrigerators, Underpriced 33
ENTIRE stock of refrigerators at ZSVa under regular prices.
Lot includes solid ash refrigerator white enameled provision
chamber retinned wire shelves top-icing style 90-lb. size.
Summer Clearance Sale, 33 under regular price. ,
Automatic Refrigerators ,
Automatic refrigerator; 8-walI consruction,
mineral wool insulated, side-icing style, white
enamel provision chamber, 75-lb. size, Sum
mer Clearance Sale, 33 1-3 under regular
Wi wwlrw rl ou-io. size, wnn Dunt-in water cooler, oum
ITrAtlO'Ml! mer CIarance Sale price, 33 1-3 under
I N I ?SxPi5l JU Li rceular 'Drice.
120-lb. size, with built-in water cooler,
Summer Clearance Sale price, 33 1-3 under
rcpular price.
Final Clearance of Lawn Mowers
An entire line of lawn mowers reduced to
25 off regular price: includes 16-inch
size, Overbrook brand lawn mowers, roller
Bearing, reduced for bummer Clearance Sale to
25 under regular price.
Independence. 9-mch wheels. 4-blade. roller iSi
bearing, 14-inch size, extra special for Summer I'M
Clearance bale. ZftC tinder rptnilnr nn C.
Burg eat-Nah Co. Down Staira Stora
A Column of v
SELECTED from various departments
for Monday specials. These are but
a sample of the bargains you will find
in all departments of the store. All
prices are greatly reduced for the
Summer Clearance Sale.
Men's Shirts, 3 for $1.00 -
A clearaway of the entire stock of
striped, solid color, and white sport
shirts, all sizes. Summer (jjl ff
clearance Sale price, 3 for. . O aUU
(Down Staira Stora)
Men's Shirts, 39c
Clearaway of "Panama Linen" shirts,
collar attached, pocket, long point, button-down
collars, ocean pearl buttons,
full size, well made; Summer
Clearance Sale price OJC
(Down Staira Stora)
Union Suits, 3 for $1.00
Men's "Tropical" Tanama Beach union
suits, athletic style. Real feather weight
underwear. Summer Clear- f1 f(
nee Sale price, 3 for vlaUvF
(Down Staira Stort)
Men's Hose, 19c
Silk fibre H-hose, all good colors, In
eluding Talm Beach. Summer 1 Q
Clearance Sale price 1J7C
(Down Staira Stora)
Wash Ties, 25c
Choice of entire Down Stairs Store
stock of wash ties, tubulars, Manhat
tans and DeJoinville, in fibre and oth
er wash materials. Summer 1 P
Clearance Sale price IOC
(Down Staira Star.)
Women's Union Suits, 39c
An odd lot of women's union suits,
low neck and sleeveless, white cotton,
knee length, lace trimmed. Very spe
cial for Summer Clearance QQ
Sale, at OUC
(Main Floor)
Sale of Gloves, 39c
Extra Special Sale of 2-clasp, dou
ble tip silk gloves, in black and white.
Lot also includes chamoisette, in white
and natural color. Summer OQ
Clearance Sale price OVC
(Main Floor)
- Fancy Voiles, 15c :
40 Inches wide, in white and colored
grounds with pretty colored flowers, fig
ures and stripes. Large assortment of
colors. Many pretty black and white ef
fects. Summer Clearance Sale IP
price, yard , IOC
(Down Staira Store)
Cotton Pongee, 1 1 Vjc
For children's dresses and waists. All
in pretty stripes and bright colors. Large
selection. Summer Clearance 1 11.
Sale price, yard AA2C
(Down Staira Stora)
Batiste and Voile, 8V2C
A big lot, 40 inches wide, in flowers,
figures and stripes, all in pretty light
shades. Summer Clearance QJL
Sale price, yard 02"C
(Down Staira Store)
Sport Goods, 15c
Clearance sale of wash sport skirting,
in plaids, stripes and figures, in a large
assortment of this season's smart color
ings, 36 inches wide, Summer 1 ( "
Clearance Sale Price, per yard HOC
(Main Floor)
Wash Fabrics, 25c
A big lot of this season's styles and
colors, including voiles in solid colors
with self-tone stripes, floral designs and
polka dots, fancy silk mulls, flowered
marquisettes, etc. All in the or
Summer Clearance Sale, yard. . OC
(Main Floor)
j Children's Hose, 10c
Odd lots of women's and children's
black cotton, seamless hose, also wom
en s low neck, sleeveless white
cotton vests, at '
(Down Staira Stora)
Union Suitsj 23c
Women's union suits, low neck and
sleeveless white cotton, knee OO
length, sizes 34, 36 only, at. . . . OC
(Down Staira Stora)
Children's Hose, 23c
Children's hose, fine 1-1 ribbed black,
mercerized. These are mill run 00
and extra good value, at ajC
N ( Down Staira Stora )
Clearaway Sale of
Canning Goods
BALL Bros.' mason fruit
jars, complete with rub-,
ber rings and porcelain-lined
Pint size, dozen, 65c.
Quart size, dozen, 75c.
V-i-Gallon size, dozen, $1.10.
Best quality fruit jar rings,
extra heavy, dozen, 10c.
Glass fruit jar funnels with
strainer, 19c.
Tin top jell glasses, 19c;
Parowax, 1-lb. bar, 10c.
Ideal glass top fruit jars:
Pint size, dozen, 89c.
Quart size, dozen, 98c.
Burfeee-Nah Co. Down Staira Stor.
Clearaway of
Women's Summer Suits at $9.75
A SPLENDID opportunity to fill out summer
needs is offered to you in this clearaway
of summer suits. Made of linen in plain tail
ored effects, some with belts, full flare and
pockets. In brown, white, blue and natural linen
color. '
For immediate disposal we have reduced these
suits to much less than half regular prices. All
are extreme values. Summer Clearance Sale
price, $9.75.
Women's Jersey Coats,
at $5.00 ,
Your choice of our entire line of silk jersey
coats at a ridiculously low price. But we must
have' a complete clearaway, so we have reduced
them in this Summer Clearance Sale to $5.00.
Women's Summer Skirts,
$2.95 $4.95 $7.95 and $10.00
Skirts of gabardine, linen, pique, etc., in the
smartest styles and of the best quality material
Some are hand embroidered. Reduced with but
one thought to clear away the entire lot Sum
mer Clearance Sale prices, 92.95, $4.95, $7.98
and $10.00. Buraa.Nah Co.- Second rioof
T mm Wen
Clearaway of '
Girl's Summer Dresses at $3.95
White pique and poplin dresses made with loose pleats and
belt, large collars, embroidered in colors on collars and euffs.
Some are long waisted with fancy pockets Sizes 6 to 12, Eome
are slightly soiled, but all go in summer Clearance Sale at $3.98.
Girls' White Dresses, at $7.95
Beautiful white dresses of nets,
voiles, organdies, made in empire
style and trimmed with lacs snd Swiss
embroidery. Pretty pink and blue
sashes, 6 to 14. Summer Clearance
Sale price, $7.95.
Girls' Summer Coats, at $5.95
. Coats of velour, serge and. poplin,
in plaids, checks and plain colors.
Made with large collars of contrast
ing materials. 6 to 14. Some loose,
others belted. Summer Clearance
Sale price, $5.95.
Sport and Dress Coats, at $1.95
- Girls sport and dress coats of
serge, velour, jersey, chinchilla and--
gabardine, , in plain colors,- checks
and broken plaids. 6 to 14. Belted and
loose models. Some lined through
out. Cummer Clearance Sale pr. $1.98
Burt.aa-Naah Co. Saeend Floor
Clearaway of
Women's Summer Shoes. 69c to $2.2$
IT'S real economy when you can save on
necessities like shoes. Here are Shoes
made of the best of material at splendid
savings. 1
Tennis Oxfords, 69c and 95c
A clearaway of all tennis oxfords at
greatly reduced prices. Women's tennis
oxfords, 95cj misses' tennis oxfords, 69c.
Women's and Misses' Pumps
Girls' and women's white canvas Mary
Jane pumps, $1.15 and $1.95.
White canvas sport oxfords snd pumps,
Misses' white canvas Mary Jane pumps,
Child's white canvas Mary Jane pumps,
$1.45. i
Burt ua-Naah' Co. Second Floor
Clearaway of
Misses' Middy Blouses 69c
A COMPLETE clearaway of middy
blouses, in sizes 14, 16 and 18.
Made of suitings and galatea of
splendid quality, trimmed in: blue and
very attractive in style and price. Sum
mer Clearance Sale price, 69c.
Children's Dresses at 29c
Made of natural colored linen, collars and
cuffs .trimmed in blue, sizes 2 to 6. Very
serviceable and priced in this Summer Clear
ance Sale at 29c.
Burfeit-Naah Co. Down Staira Stor.
Clearaway of ,
Summer Porch Chairs at $1.00
AS a special feature for this
Summer Clearance Sale,
we are offering a solid oak
arm rocker (like illustration),
finished in the popular fumed
color, for $1.00.
Our great Closing
Out Furniture
Stock Sale is now in
progress and in ad
dition to this we
have lowered the
price still farther
on ail summer
furniture, making this
enormous stock of high-,
grade merchandise,
50 lower than regular prices.
Burcaaa-Naah Co. ThlrA Floor
r..n r r-w' ii if
J lit