THE BEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 1917 8 ? i i f i i ' It Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Words to the Line) No ad taken for leu thaa two, lines. CASH WITH ORDER ' 8o per line .......1 time 5c per line.. 3 or more consecutive Insertions. CHARGE te per line ....1 time. 8c per line.. 3 or more consecutive Insertions. c per Hue 30 consecutive insertions. SITUATIONS WANTED lie per Una ...per week. CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 20c per line ......each Insertion. (Minimum charge, 60 cents) Foreign Rates Cash With Order. (Count Six Words to line.) Help Wanted Agent Wanted 12c per line 1 tl to per line I oi consecutive Inae me. Hualnesa Chance or more I'lnancial Insertion. (tc per Una 1 i tc per lln I oi (.consecutive In time. All Other Clarifications. or more Insertions USE THE TELEPHONE if you cannot con veniently bring or send In your want ads. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive the same good service as when de livering your want ad st this office. PHONE TYLER 1000 i WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING. EDITIONS 12:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 V. M. Contract Rates on Application Movie Program Downtown. 1'RINCEHS. 1317 UOUQLAS PEARL WHITE, in XO. 6 "THE FATAL RING." North. ALHAMBHA, 2 4111 AND PARKER E. II. SOT HERN and EDITH STOREY. In "AX ENEMY TO TH E KING." ALAMO, S4TI! AND FORT DOROTHY GREEN, in , -THE DEVIL AT 1 1 IS ELBO W " CHA.ND, HTH AND ItlNNEV CHARLES RAY, in HI1? MILLIONAIRE VAGRANT" LOTHROP.' 24TH AND IX)THROP ETHEL BARKYMORE. in "the Call of her people." South Al'uLLO. 2HTH AND LEAVEN WUilTU WALLACE REID, and MYRTI.K KTEDMAN, In "THE WORLD APART." JIOULEVARD, 33D AND LEAVENWOKTH LILLIAN GISH, in "DAPHNE AND T.HE PI RATES." liOULFK, 2STH AND LEAVENWORTH GENEVIEVE HAMPER ROBERT MANTEL!., In "TANGLED LIVES." West. XUNDKE, 6IST AND UNDERWOOD DOROTHY DALTON. in "WILD VVINSHIP'S WIDOW." South Side. JIAOIO, . 24T1C AND N. A VERY 100D PICTURE AT THIS THEATRE TODAY. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES l7A VIES Fay, age 44rTielsaurvlved by bis mother-in-law, Mrs. Craycy, Funeral Wednesday afternoon from Gentlemen's chapel at 1:16 to St. Peter's church at 2:S9. Interment Holy Kepuluher cemetery. - ' WITT ILinry; died In a local hoapllal, Sunday, August 13, 1917, age. (I year. Funeral from realdence, 2829 Franklin St., Wednesday, Auguat 15.. 1917. k K;30 p. m. Interment West Lawn cemetery. " ' ' FLORISTS. IfeEING a member of the National Florists' ' Telegraph Deliver asaoolatlon, we are In position to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere In the United States or Canada. Hess A Bwoboda,- Flnrlsls. iunienelle Florists. LEE L. LARMON 1914 Douclm Bt Douglas 9344. LARGKST asaortment of tri.U fluwera. 1 HEN-DERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWErTiHOI', lj Bl. D.JJ oT THE FERNERY, 6018. HthKt. Doug. t9T BATH, National Florist, 1H04 Farnam St. A. DON7vi3UUE. ltifll Harney. Duug. 1001. n FUHEILDIRECTORS. STOCK & FALCONER Independent Undertlters, 24 Har. D.III7. L'. L. PODDEK CO.. Funeral Director. P. E. Foro, Mgr., 33d and Cuming tit., Phone Tinuirlin (t77 Auto an'liulance. IIULeU c RIEPEN. undertakers and eiu balmers, 701 8. 16th. Douglas 1262. JOHN A. UENTLKMAN, undertaker and mbalmer, 3624 Leavenworth. Doug? 1(69. I 'BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Mirths Dennis E. and Mary Murray, 282 Miami, girl; George and Anna Much, 209 South Fifteenth, boy; Robert O, and Emma J. Ohnen, 3914 South Twenty-seventh, boy; James and Bessie Hiibaaka, 1909 Q, boy; Jacob and Stella Stamloln, 3209 R, boy and girl; George I.' and l.ydln. Thomas, 6609 South Thirty-third, girl; Henry and Bessie Oootschak, 3611 N, girl; Cecil !L and Ellen Caven, 3406 South Fifteenth, buy; Charles nd Edna Ham. 420 South Forty-second, boy; Henry J. and Margaret Veldmau, 2239 Larl more avenue, girl; Phllll and Margaret Smith, 4020 X, boy; Martin and Martha (irace. forty-fourth and Harrison, girl; Ora and Eva Btarnes, 8090 R, girl; Kosarlo and I.urla Canntglla, 1626 South Seventji, boy; Roaarlo and Mhrtanna Verdura, 1121) South Thirteenth, girl; Alexander and Marie Schmlck, 1460 South Thirteenth, girl; Hal and Lillian Sessenger, 1226 South Twenty seventh, boy: Samuel and Maria Ruma, 1409 William, slrlt John and Frances Ward, 3H34 North Twenty-fourth, girl; Otto and Kdythe Kruae, Omaha, buy; Jame 1L and Jennie Buchert. 1707 Mlasuurl avenue, boy. Deaths Laura A. Amlck, 68 year, hospi tal; F.llen Dedek, S days. 3216 It; Harriet M. Hufton, 26 years, hospital Mrs. Zura ' Wolf, 66 years, hospital; James W. Sulli van. 16 years, 8613 South Twenty-fifth; Christiana Hansen, 43 years, 2530 Grant; Mrs. Jessie Bruce, 33 years, hospital; Fred erick U. Wharton, 24 years, 4103 Cuming; Barton C. Smith, 71 yeara, 3109 Corby; Cath erine L. Morgan, 63 years, hospital ; Andrew J. Mauley, 76 years, 4!43 llunlette; Mrs. Itennatl Holla, 61 years, hospital; Miss Marion Weatherlll, 17 years, hoxpltal; Peter Peterson. 33 years, 2704 South Twelfth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. following couples were iuami-d llceiiae to we d : 1 Nam and Address. Age. Jay L. Austin, Lincoln, Neb 34 Mildred P. Beaver. Sioux City, la 33 Stanley Fllipowtrh. Omaha, Neb. ...... 23 Lucy Ignowskl, Omaha, Neb 33 Clarence T. Pamp, Princeton, 111 36 Signs . Chrlstenaen, Omaha, Neb...... 36 BUILDING PERMITS. ' The following building permits were Issued . tuaay: A Theodore, 3691 Patrick avenue, altera tions and repair, 3J.S00: A. Theodore. 3603 Patrick avenue, alterations and repairs, 11.800. . ATTRACTIONS WILD Firbt-trlahS aMUMMi!? nt coiices- tBitU for Shatly Lake, Columbus, Neb.. I Wednekday. August 39. Occasion, big dis trict farmers' union picnic. No gambling devices. Admlsnion free. Writ Harold Kramer, Columbus. Neb, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA ic COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. . Persons having lost some srtttl would i do well to call up th office of th Omaha It Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left tt In the street car. .Many articles each day are turned In and th company is anxious to restore them to the rightful own.r. IF YOU lose anything and will advertise it her you wiU surely recover It if found by aa honest person. If you find anything of valu the, honest way I to advartlae for the owner. LoST Black ellk bag with round silver handle: Inside on little chain was a purse wltk ( and vlxltlug card. Near Krug park. Reward Mrs. W. 8. Keellne, 104 Mien aw., t.oimti murm, is. EostT Miajed Suuday ev.e, July 16th, brown and white Scotch eollla. Full grown. Shedding hair. Cut an hind I vol Address Box ii02. tie, i &wra , - LOST-FOUND-REWARDS LOtH -l'ai kage containing embroidery and film "'on past aide 1'ark car Tuesday morning, finder please return to Be office. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, rugs or storew untll you rinve seen us first. We offer you a 325,000 STOCK OF HIOH-GRADB FUR. NITCRE. RltiS. STOVES and COM l'LETE HOME OUTFITS for practically jour own price. We are forced to vacate our four-story warehouse, and Its entire content must be sold at once, bale takes place at our sales room at the corner of 14tl nd Dodge streets. Do not fall to attend. It is an opportunity of a lifetime. a Hundreds have already taken ' advan tage of this wonderful opportunity. Why Cun t you? STATE 'FURNITURE CO., D. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts.. Omaha. AUCTION! AUCTION I Watch Wednesday evening paper for on of the best furniture auction sales I ever conducted at lilt Lake St. Thursday, Aug. If, it I p. in. - JAMKH L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER. OMAHA 1-lLLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feather, Hummer and winter sides. Warm In winter; cool In summer. Cost less and Isst longer than cotton. Phone us for temple. 190? Cum ing. D. 2467. BARGAINS In furniture, Ice boxes, gas stoves, rugs. beds, china and kitchen cabi nets, table, chairs, tUffets. - dresser, trunks, suitcases. Full line of poultry net ting, screen. 11.19-47 N. 24th. Web. 1607. ICE CREAM tables, off. fur., chairs, ref rig , gard. hose, porch fur,, Vlctrola, piano. Loyal Fur. Co., 123 N, 1. City Frn. Co., 107 . 14. FOR SALE. Apex vacuum cleaner; all attachment; Tfanonahle. Harney 1015. RUSH right ilowu and get your share of all kinds furniture at sacrifice. 909 N. lth. t'URMSHINUN of S-ronru apartment. Lot sso or hy piece. Call Harnejr 4923. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR 8 ALE the following slightly vsed high grane pianos In first class condition: One Hard man. One Mabler, One (.'nickering Sons. , One Tt. S. Howard. Charles II. Th -.teller Piano Repair Factory. Douglas (019. FIRST CLASS piano; good bargain If taken at once, write Bog 6J07, Omaha Bee. Cameras and Kodaks. FOR SALE 6-Iiu:h Kodak film tank, com plete, very little used and In best condi tion. Make me an offer. Box 619 Bee. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needle and part of all sewing machines. MICKEL'8 NEBRACKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1663. . Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter 3 month for 15. Central Typewriter Eiubange, 1906 Farnam. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1906 Farnam. Douglas 4121. All niHkes. Guaranteed Typewriters, tlO and up. Write for list. Midland Typ. Cfc., 1404 Dodge. Store 'and Office Fixtures, A BARGAIN FOR BALE AN "ADDRE8SAQRAPH'' AddresHlng machine, In first-class con dition. Communicate with NATIONAL SUPPLY COMPANY, Lincoln, Neb. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE movnjlo new location. W buy, sell aad make deska, safea, showcases, shelving, ate, Omaha Fixture Supply Co., S. W Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone D. 3734. FUR SALE Crown Tire and Rubber Co. stock, below par. Address 1L 3. Deal, 4811 B. 34th St. FOR SALE Chenp, washing machine and wringer. In good condition. Har. '4939. DRY KINDLINtJ WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1837. SWAPPERS COLUMN ONE 7ilt Hand printing press, 13 fonts type, 36 pounds newspaper type, type cases, etc., In first class order, price 160 or whatT Web. 3201. , 1 NIAGARA Multiple Typewriter. With full . equipment of typey etc., for circular Ut ters, does first class work, price 340 or WhatT Web. 3301.. F uMS developed. 10c a roll; one-day erv- - to. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., 16th and Harney. FOR SALE or exchange. One high grade piano, will exchange for painting and decorating. Box 6319, Bee. DIAMONDS and Jewelry to trade for rifle and shotguns. Friedman, 1311 Doug, St. A FIVK-FAS.HE.SU iiR 1916 Overland tor a second-hand Ford roadster. Call D. 8989. N. E. corner lot at 43d ami Wirt In exch. for good auto, Steve Aborlote. D. 6300.. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New d.eks, used desks, bought, sold and 'raded. J. C. Heed, 1307 Faraam. D. (164. OLD CLOTHING wa?.aV?S HIGHEST PRICES. DOUGLAS 6031. Jenkins' Fays highest price for clothes, shoes, trunks. etc Doug. 6981. Res.. Doug. 8033. . DIAMONDS 409 8. 16th HU 80L BERGMAN A CO. WANTED TO BUY Slightly used Ford touring car. South 4360. 1917 CASH paid for diamonds. Estate ap praised. Reese Jewelry Co.. 403 8. 16th. WANTED- A 19l? Ford touring body. Ad dress Box Y 147, Bee. BOOKS bought. Kleaer. Loyal JJotel Bldg. BOOKS bought, 10 8, Kth. Tyler 3836. " ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all slsea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLKATINU CO Opposite Brandels Store. 800-808 Brown Bldg. Dougla 1936. VAN AKm'AnT" Drtasleatlniran"d Button Co..336-7 Paxton Blk. Douglas J109. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., H3 Raing Bldg. Phone Doug. 1169. Baths. ELECTRIC treatment: baths; Swedish mas sage. Central Institute It 06 Harney Douglas 7097. MASSEUSE, hatha. manicuring, physical cult. Miss Walker, 384 Neville Blk.'D. 4397. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 328 Nevlll Block. ICth and Harney Sts. Doug. 7381. Brass and Iron Foundries.' Paxton-Mltchcll Co.. 87th and Martha Sts. Bakeries ORTMAN'S , NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 111 N. 16TH.J BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKICT AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BUTTER BAKED GOODS." Carpenters and Contractors I.KS8ARD He SON. ali'JI Cmiifiig. fy y. 1633. Chiropodist Carrie J. Burtord. 6:u Paxton Blk., R. 46S7. Detectives OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 900 1st. Nat. Ilk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 1610. JAMES ALLAN. 813 Neville Rlk. Evidence secured In all rases. Tyler 1U6. S. D. JOLLY. 613 I'axlun. Red 7401. Dressmaking- TERRY Dreeamaking Co.. lotli and Farnam. DRESSMAKING, work guar. D. 4160. Fixtpres and Wiring DURKIN Electric washing machine. electric Irons and reading lamps. 1333 Cuinhsg St. Doug. 3619. Furs Stored 7 FURS, stored, cleaned and remodeled, price. Furs dyed. H. Rothliois. Furrier. Harney !7(tS. SSI8 Lfsvenworth. Hat Cleaners HATS cleaned and reblocked. 1620 Harney. Household Specialities C F. ADAMS. (33 S 16th, D 1007.. Under new management. W want to so old friend and meet new. Open Sat. eve. Your credit Is good. Agents wanted. Insurance BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN 313-H City J-iaL hK Wgt Duu,-, lilt. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lumber and Building Materials SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Ores Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 3S84. Machinery- and Engines FOR SALK At a bargain, rotary hydraulic well drill, or will trade for small kerosene tractor. Box Y 96. Bee. Massueres MASSAGE, chiropody. Alta Head. 308-14 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. V. S4hg. Central Bath Inst. 1506 ifarney. Doug. 7097. MISS HOLLAND, 312-3 Neville Block. Osteopaths Mrs. J. R. Mualck, sulphur, steam and euca lyptus baths. 402-3 Rose Bldg. Ty. 3363. Oxy-Acetylene Welding Expert Weiding on All Metals rt. W. LEVERING. 809 B.12th St. D. 8678. Patent Attorneys PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Intel - natlnnaj Patent Co.. 6S3 Brandels. l 6691. STUKUES at STL'HOES, U. 8. and foreign ps tents and trademarks. 830 Bee Bldg. Pianos for Rent $3.60 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 1613 Dougla. Printing and Office Supplies Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co. 624 8. 13th St. 1 Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1313 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. 5c SHINE 5c WHITE SHOES A 8PECIALTY AMER. SHINING PA F LOR. 1604 Harney St. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rent. 306 N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 3128. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Trunks and Traveling Bags. WE make them ourselves; why pay Iwo profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at cost. ALFRED CORNISH CO., Mfrs. of Harness. Saddles and Traveling Ooods, 1310 Farnam St. jrowelSupplies. OmaHa Tuel -Supply, 2lj79l. HitT). 28l Trusses. "CLECO'' COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W, O. CI-v e land Co., 1410-13 Harney St. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NBW DELICATESSEN, 1806 FARNAM.f MEALS 6c and 16c, 103 S. IZtb 6U" Amerl can Lunch Room. BUSINESS CHANCES MOVIE SHOW SNAP I I . . a . - . . . . . ... n rteuraBKa' town or 1U.UUU, aoing Tin business; has excellent fixtures and Is1' wen rciuippeci. seats 460. Fo quick sale Price 13,000. LUND. 420 Rose Bldg. Tyler T68. FOR SALE Drug store In one of the flneat county seat towns In Nebraska, fine stock, nice fixtures. A rare bargain If taken at once. Have to ell on account health. Want to retire. Address, Box 34, Hebron, Neb. 3 POW'fRS, 6-A madhlnea, practically new. Your choice at f 166. other machine from 126 up; two Fort Wayne Compensarcs at 336, Come quick If you want It. Mgr., 110 Bromley Bldg., Omaha Neb. FOR SALE One of the best located res t In th olty; doing a good business; soda fountain In connection; will trade for good desirable lot; good reaon for gelling, Ty ler 1BIS-W. 3136 Evans. 31,600 BUYS picture show In county seat town or population; capacity, 960; I rent, 125 per month. Will stand Investl gatlon. Palace Theater, Adel, la. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Patent to ex change for land or automobile and part cash or cash sal. Edw, Anderson, Over ton, Men, MOTION picture machine (new and re- Dunti: theater supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 8. 14th St. BAKERY LOCATION In good thriving town, no competition. Writ Meade Btei-le. Coon Rapids. Iowa. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., 301 Nat. Bldg. TO GET In or out ot business call on OANQESTAD. 148 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. MY CIOAR store for sale cheap. Leaving city. Douglas 3180. TOUR business or real estate handled for sale. F. V. Knlest, Be Bldg., Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 w. u. W. Bldg. Red 3386. iF YOU want to buy-a thriving business In a good small town. Address Bee. No. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. FORDS! FORDS1 FORDS! We got more Fords than anybody In town with a price on 'em that's right Don't take our word for It, but come down and look 'em over, and If you buy bn and are not satisfied with It, bring It back and get your money. Two 1917 Ford touring cars. Three 1919 Ford touring cars. Three 1916 Ford touring car. Cms 1914 Ford roadster. On 1915 Ford chassis. Trawver Auto Salvage and Exchange. Douglss 9070. 110 8. 17th. von NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED DON'T YOU 7 ALL RIGHT. WE DO THE BEST WORK IN TOWN. TRY l'& THE TIRE SHOP, 3619 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 487S. AUTO CLJSARLNU HOUSE. 1209 Farnam. Douglas 1310. Bcrlpps-Booth roadster at a sacrifice. 16 Chevrolet ...9325 16 Maxwell 1326 Moon 8lx Sacrifice CARS FOR HIRE. Will rent you a car, with or jwtthout driver, Best service. Better rates. Also beat tub repairing In city. Be Us. 119 8. 19th St. Tel. D. 7399. TilKS at half price. Jobbers In new tire and tubes. KA1MAN S TIRB SHOP, WIU repair your tire th best. Nebraska Tire and Vulcanising Co., 1731 Cuming. Doug la 6831. 2-lN' l VULCANIZING CO., 161 Davenport- Second-hand tire and tube a Tire and tub repairing. Second-hand car and auto parts. Doug. 2914. ELIMINATE PUNCTURES, BLOWOUTS, RIM CUTa M AXOTIRES are GUARAN TEED to de this. T. J. Carrey's Maxo lite station. 3910 Leavenworth. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. i t'sed Car Dept. !2i:-16 Harney St. Douglas 153. Almost any make tt reasonable prices. CUT down your tire expense by having them repaired at u. U. Tire and Vulc Co. Barg. In used tire. 3416 Lear. T. 1261-W. CROSSTOWN Oarage, D. 4443. 316 8. 84th. 40 H. P. motor comp., starter, gen. and new 13-v. battery. 365. GUARANTEE TIRB AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds ot tire repairing work guar anteed. Douglas 7663. 1109 Douglas St WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 3107 Farnam St. Doug. 6036 TELL A BINKLEY. WE BUY AND SELL VSED FORDS. SStS Harney -St. Doug. 1640. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN . BODIES. WM. PFK1FFER AUTO .A CARRIAGE WKS. 36th Ave. ami Leavenworth St. Tyler 701. OAKLAND light six. 1916 model. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. SOth and Harney. Douglas 6251. BARGAINS in ued cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. JAS. MATHE, patent vulcantaer manufac turer; expert tire repairing. 3369 Farnam St. Phone Harney 48S0. . Used- Car Dept. WILLYS-OVERLAND, ING, t047 Farnam St. TV S?.T.. I FORD roadster, i Ford touring car, 3 BtunebsHers and 1 Klsselcar. Colfax 956. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED, Everyready Battery Station, ISO Farnam 1916 MAXWELL TOURING CAR; good condition: 3350 00, Phone Walnut 3041. BEKTSCHY "Kan-Flx-It." Southeast cor ner 30th and Harney Sts. Douglas 3663. WANT modern six auto for clear Brownell Hall district lots. Canan, McCagu Bldg NEW and slightly used tires. Trawver Auto Salvage and Eerhange, 110 8. 17th. CASE-40 Late model , run 600 miles, 1300. tail Changatrom. 3020 rstfam. FOR SALE 191 Ford touring car. Call Harney 4U. 3S36 8. 35th Ave. FOR SALE On Ford car. Inqc,'. Ceard Wall Tsptr Cb., litt lUrnty. AUTOMOBILES. J HELP WANTED-MALE. I for salk Two Ford trucks; good con- Stores and Offices. dltlon. Harney 2342. WHV PAT for a position 7 Stenographers. GOOD bargains In used Fords. 4001 8. 24th. register with us FREE OF CHARGE and Tel. South 4360. we wl P,,ce you. I FORD car for sale. IMS model. Doug. 7508. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. ;ft9 South 19th 8t. ! Wanteg. BKPR., 10; lumber yard mgr.. 7i; hard- WANTED Ford chassis, 176 down, 125 a wart cerU 65. jeiger clerk, $75; stock month. 2733 S. ltitb. St Jacobaen. be- cler' $65. tween and a p. m. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 XT. O. W. Bldg. Auto Repairing and Painting. bookkeepers, $75 to 385: stenographers. II'OO reward for magneto" we caTTTFeialrT "ten- "lc9 clerk- Coll. repaired. Baysdorfcr, 210 N. 18th. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. Electric Starters and Repairs. bookkeeper and clerk, $85. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Service Co. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., (Former Strahle & Anderson). 316 8. 19th 136 First National Bank Bldg. St. Douglas 8488. CALL on the Co-Operative Reference Co., ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO., for drug and commercial positions. 1016 "Omaha's Reliable Starter Repair Shop." City Nat. Bank Bldg. . ,. 3-30 Farnam st- Si"-""8 9:77- . I Professions and Trades. Tires and Supplies. f : ; 1 TIRE price wreckers. This la no 2 In 1 tire. . " COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, ' ' , " ' ,. 1103 Vi Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb. BUY Lee Punctureproof - Pneumatic TtTe. WD-ro SJEi JnEnlS? ? and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell "Jlli'1,? Runnlv Cn sosi I'.m.m attractive wages. Apply Mrs, Doebeck, "gPjy c- 8061 Jag!" Ht- M. e. Smith & Co., th and Douglas Sts. eittrance. - , Motorcycles and Bicyclei v H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. i - .-.ii .Z ,.- ,i, T, " ..T-h. vnin.,...i.. n.n ti,i, mttA "AMLli A married mas fur work on a ?J fh ' feeding ranch, prefer man who .eavenwortn. has had experlence in feeding and hand- WE want to (how you the simplest and ling stock; comfortable house; room tor most reliable motorcycle on the market. small family; furnished; references, i Plntt Bros.. 3259 Farnarn, ' KENT A BURKE CO., Genoa, Neb. WAITED Lighting fixture mechanics. PFRSONAl Must bo experienced bench men and flx- ture hangers. The Korsmeyer Co., 138 S. THE Salvation Amy .industrial Homo so- 10th. Lincoln. Neb. N llctts your old clothing, furniture, maga- WANTED A first class stair and cabinet jlnea. We collect We distribute. Phone niak(.r. Wages 60 cents per hour., The Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call McAllister Lumber A 8uppiy Co.. Boulder, and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Colo. v V "' T7C Ti T-z r-lT-3 BARBER wanted at once. Steady job for A YOUNG man with wife and baby left for Mll 16 guarantee, 60 per cent over a trip In a car a year ago. Baggage l2; or 7U per ent. Will Hinea, Coin, la. consisted of trunk, basket for baby, vlo- t-t 1 . ,. lln and clock hung In top of car. Car OLNG man about 17 or 18 to All butter wired for electric lights. Reward offered and eggs from a wagon Must be a hustler, by big relatives for information concern- H. L. Jacobaen. -733 South 16th St. Ing them. Address Box Y 148, Bee. WANTED A trunk maker that can work IMPORTANT on flr "id cas work. Retail Shop. M. M. King, musician ' and Elk, left Frelllng and gtelnle. 1803 Farnam. Alliance July 26 for Omaha, Neb. Wire WANTED A . good horseshoer at once, address A. Drew, Rnwllns, Wyo., den. Steady Job for the right man. Apply Del. Surrounding papers please copy. at 3"th and Spauldlng. A SHOWER bath, cool refreshing: special WANTED Two experienced window shade summer price, 60c. Central Bath In., makers. Apply at once. John Beno com- 1508 Harney. D. 7097. pany. Council Bluffs. MANICURING, massage and scalp treat- BRICKLAYERS WANTED Wyoming Sugar ment 702 8. 24th, bet 10 and t for appt Co., Worland. Wvoming. Rate 31.00 per Tyler 1038. . y hour, steady work. - MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam bath. and WANTED Several meat cutters, top wages massage. 379 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1669. to right party. Washington Market, 1407 MAE BRUGMAN, eclentiflo masseuse and Douglas. ; baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. WANTED Men to deliver Ice. Apply MISS SMITH, massulst. Rlttenhouse aanir Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co.. 6th and tarlum' 210-214 Balrd Blk. D. 3448. .Tones. LUELLA WEBSTEK. massage and manl- LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call curing. 618 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. or write Barber College. 1124 Douglae St. BATH and massage. 1802 Farnam St UNION carpenters for Wyoming, 60c per nr. Room 2. Phone Douglas 8761. Emerald Labor Agency. 322V, S. 10th. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Beit TWO oun men tor factory work, Omaha care. 2606 Bristol Weh. 2908. t Bex Company. East Omaha. private licensed maternity home. 4416 Nf ' Salesmen and Solicitors. 8th St Phone Colfax 2042 Tjf 7 j 1 1 T SCIENTIFIC massage. 62dBee Bldg. Phone Wanted AgeillS WHO Call ManmVand mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. ddiver the gOOdS, tO aSSlSt MISS WEsfTmanlcure. massage. ' 210 N. Kth! lTie 111 Selling 90 lmprOVed E. BROTT, Mass.. 702 So. 18th. fg COH1 Mt Of MEDICAL .Minnesota. Level prairie nRPp TAPPV landS' ClSe t0 ranroad vn. su. ix. iaiuvi, towns, where crops are 240 bee bldo v good, big commissions to piles, fistula cured. capable agents. Address Dr. E. R. Tarry cureg piles, fistula and N. HalseV St Paill Mlline- othe rectal diseases without surgical op- - lialOK:J t V 1 tul AUllUiC rations. Cure guaranteed and no money SOtfl paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal disease and testimonials. : : SALESMEN WTtrTe.?lFnFtEfRorT .W.StrWK THREE- MEN WHO ARE AT Barnes, 61S-624 Rose Bldg. Examination PRESENT EMPLOYED AS SALESMEN. aadrHleoT'Tou"':..'.?. MUST BB mE!? 0P E AND goroua If 'you can't call, write. Houra, PROVE SAME BY REFERENCES. WE a. m. to 6 p. ra.; 7:30 to 1:10 t-venings. HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY OP A LIKE Sunday by appointment. TIME FOR THE RIGHT KIND OF MEN. 1 ONLY THOSE OF ABSOLUTELY. RUPTURE successfully treated without a PROVEN ABILITY NEED AFPLY. CALL urglci . operation. Call or write Dr. 1217 W. O. W. BLDG,, AT I A, M Frank H. Wray. 308 Bee Bldg. TUESDAY. v Dentists. j , Dr. Bradbury. No palnTtll W. O. W. Bldg. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN Taffa Dent Rme.. 808 Rose Bldg! D. 2188: T "J&JRBJ1?.7. NATIONALLY AD- iJ-r VERT1SED SPECIALTY TO MERCH- Chiropractors. ants on easy payment plan. Drs. Johnston. 1325 W O W. Bldg P, 662s" PROPOSITION WILL POSITIVELY n, t . ' , ' t : MAKE A CASH PROFIT TO PUR. Dr. J. C Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. P. 8481. CHASER. ALREADY BECOMING STANDARD EQUIPMENT. POSSIBLE SITUATIONS WANTED. ."SWSP IffK&tt u.i. : PROMPTLY. LEADS FURNISHED. , CHOICE TERRITORY NOW OPEN. REGISTERED PHARMACIST desires to THIS IS A PERMANENT, PROFITABLE change from Idaho to city or town In CONNECTION FOR THE RIGHT MEN. Nebraska. Aged 25 years, single, exempt 'PHONE FOR APPOINTMRNT, HOTEL from draft: 12 years' experience In retail FONTENELLB AFTER 9 A. M., TUES drug business. Good window and show- DAY. ASK FOR MR. WORKMAN, caae man. A-No. 1 references. Address : 124' Be" WANTED Completing the organization of a ENERGETIC man, aged 33, retail expert- state-wide sales force. I need twe stock - ence, wants position aa clerk or collector. salesmen. Must be live wires and bacon References. John Martin, 1619 Spring St. getters. Easy selling proposition, per EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position manency and big earning power assured. In private family in city or country; raf. See - L- Wright, Fiatiron hotel, before Mike Lehto. 109 N. 20th St. 10 a. m. MAN partly crippled, but can work, wants - Job collecting, tending phone, or as watch- FOLR men, 35 to 35 years of age, to sell man. Phone Colfax 1865. "Home Comfort Steel Ranges" from rvo . : r ' : wagon. Salary and expenses paid. Good year. A i tIZT eb 1or advancement Call in person, years, A-l city reference. Write Box 3446, E- w, stewarti Care of j, F. McCort : 1 '" Audubon, Iowa, transportation paid to By experienced gas tractor operator; any Audubon If employed, make. Writ. C, Patterson, care Y. M, WANTED Rellablo middle aged man to : ' represent "The Youths Companion"; VYANTLD to care for rooming house for steady employment to right man: with rooms. Brady. Douglas 7072. guarantee to start: for an Interview, ad- COLORED man, cook, wants a Job In or dre 6'H. Bee. First-class refer eut of city. Address Box 6696. Bee. ences required. Wanted Odd jobs'for aft. work. Wal. 1674- WANTED Two neat appearing men to do p . business among the best people In the female. . city. SIS per week to start. Call be- WANTED Position In strict, Catholio fam- ,ore ' m- 3 to 4 p. m. 312 lly as tutor or nurse for children, have Balrd Block. . had high school and normal training and WANTED A young man fS act as sales have some knowledge of music. Can give nan, who has ambitions for a position as best of references as to character and sales manager. Address Box Y 144, Bee, qualifications. Box Y 161. Bee. YOUNG men, to sell Rumford Baking GRADUATE In Institutional management Powder house to house, Inquire between 7 ' from an accredited school desires a posl- and 9 j. m. 4549 Seward. tton as matron or housekeeper lu a club, WANTED Experienced salesman In dTui hospital or dormitory. Box Y-143. Bee. trade t0 handle boI and label Box WANTED Poaltton aa housekeeper, by Y. 149 Bee. .. middle-aged lady, for widower with chll- p. dren. Can give good ref. Box 3456. Bee. DOyS. WIDOW with two children wants place as WANTED Office boy, 17 years of age. Must housekeeper, in or out of city. Colfax come we" recommended. Answer, in own 3775. US N. 89th St. handwriting, giving references. Good WANTKD-Positlon'by lad, plain sewing for advancement Address 6338. or children's sewing. Call Walnut 2328. : v , ... .,, . h , . j - BOY wanted: fine chance to learn good Z',H n of .tinn 5 "fc. tra5e: elgllth gTtie """ Preferred. sires position of steno. Box 6188. Bee. Apply Be, compoalng room atter , p. m. WANTED Position on private switchboard. Bee Bldg. Experienced operator. Bo 6179 Bee. US boys wanted at Hotel Blackstone. Apply THREE years' office experience. Call ; to Mr. Smallhold. w!l;kFr!l'p '"C" r- teamsters -nd Chauffeurs. WANTED Position aa housekeeper lor - widower. 1901 Center St TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and ... . tt, rr . good pay. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. ED7P1 ! Pcrator - - South Yard: 20th and Hickory Streets. perlenced. Iouglas 6475. West Yard: 42d and .Ixard Streets. Press king wanted to do at home. Web. 6346. WANTED Driver for grocery wagTn; good Laundry and Day Work. wage., k. Buffett. 6001 underwood Ave SPLENDID laundry work by ex. white lady. Trade Schools. Try me. Prices reasonable. Webster 1316.' MQLER BARBER COLLEGE. RELIABLE laundresa wants work to take Men, women, learn the barber trade: home. Work guaranteed. Web. 4309. w weeks completes: ?y while learning. . . , , . , ; , 1 "' ; i 1 Catalogue free. Rates now on. Call or DAM Ml Vioniau wanta laundry work. Take wrtte, uo Soutn ,4tn r,., Omaha. two days eaHi week, walnut 2349. ' ; : r, , , - ., . . , ,i BOTH Men and women to learn the barber lr h .nt.e U" w.i.W.!",h J?a "l,c'"1 trad... Special rates. Call or write. 1402 for and aeuvwr. ectster 88p3. Dodge IF YOU want a good woman to v.rk a few TRl-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. hour a da? fatt Colfax 366t. i , .. .- , J- ,, ' . - . - AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. WANTED Small bundle washing; day work. n7 a .otn and j05 Farnam. 2223 Ixard. Douglas 912L YOUNG colored woman wants day work; no ,; Miscellaneous. washing. Webster 6646. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the WANTED Day work, bundle wash. W. 6646. ton; good pay ami steady work. Apply Reliable col. lady wanlslfay work. 077261? !,Tu,d"1ind, Br?j Co, , . . . . ' ,. - -Noh Yard 24t and Taylor streets. DAY wk. for Wed. Call 7 p. m.. Wal. 3176. , South Yard 20th and Hickory streets. Day wk. col, lady. Mrs. Harrington. Wb. 6443 West Yard 43d and Izard streets. Wanted, laundry and day work.. Ty. 013-w" LABORERS wanted: work In coal and Bun. wash., mena clothes specialty Co. $42. ! u,!dl .T'l"?1 rds- .,?ply JT." , . " -, . . land Brothers Company. 24th and Tayloi EXP, lady watyts day work. Web. 6637. StS- . DAT work and laundry.. Harney 6093. ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help DAY work wanted. Webster 2327. we can supply you. Bluff City Employ- Hotel and Restaurants. J??!9' S1 "';y- ; , - ; WANTED Young men. to work on traina A position as. a working housekeeper In a Applv 814 8. 10th St small hotel, or In rooming house.'D. "658. - : ,, ' ; ; -t ,ni , , . LABORERS wanted: steady work: good .. wages. Apply -Sunderland Bros. Co.. west MONEY TO LOAN ". ;d ,nd Trd su. 7- STEAM shovel laborers. 46th and- Leaven- FLKN1TURB. plan, and no ea as ecurtty. worth st so per da).. $i.09. 340, t mo.. IL goods, total cost. I2.6u. . . ctfford Const Co 340. mo. endorse not., total coat. I2.S0. J.tst v.itfora i onst. o. Smaller, large am'ti proportronate rite. Persistent Advertising U the Koad PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. to Cu.c(t(is 432 Row Bldg.. 16th. and Farnam. Ty. CBS. JUU"', LEGAL RATES LOA.SS . $:4.9 1240.0. or more. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Kasy payments. - Utmost privacy. . - rrr 14 Paxton Bldg. ' -Tel. Doug. ;:3i FOR SALF-Boston bull pup. Web. i,9i. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 271S N. 26tb S. , HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WHY PAY for a position? Stenographers, register with us FREE OF CHARGE and we will' place you. . REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 209 So. 19th St.. City-. STENOG., 176;' stenog.., 966; etenog, 345; bkpr., S0; hkpr.. 965; bkpr., 960; typist, 340: ledger elk., 160; office elk., 940. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. 3 BOOKKEEPERS 970-976 Clerk 970 SEE THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. STENO. a-d clerk, small office. 366. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., -736 First National Bank Bldg. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and office clerks. Co-Operative Reference Co. ASST. bookkeeper, auto firm, 960. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. BLDO. Professions jmd Trades. WANTED Sewing machine operators.Piece work. unnecessary. Omaha 'Auto Top Co.. 709 S. 16th St. WANTED Women with business experience who understand discipline to do usher work. Orpheum Theater. WANTED Several meat salesladies. Ap ply at Washington Market. 1407 Douglas. LEARN brhcr trade. 1403 Dodgo St. Household and Domestic. WANTED An Intelligent Catholic young . lady aged from 20 to 36 to assist with housework and act as a companion to young lady; ref. required. Call II. 1763 or call in person to 136 N. 31st Ave.. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Must give reference. Will pay best of wages. Telephone Harney 4263 or call at 1138 a 33d St. . EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; no washing; highest wages for competent help only. 420 ". 48th St. Walnut 892. GOOD girl for light housework; dandy home for the right girl. Good treatment. Phone Harney 4285. Addrees 823 South 39th St. WANTED A competent girl for general " housework in a suburban home with all T.1 nil .1 , pnnv.nla.nMi H ' ci 1 . . t ,fl? 1 WANTED Agreeable, elderly lady for com panion to traveling man's wife; light housework. Phone Harney 6333. GOOD Girl for house work; small home, two In family. Call at 114 N. SOth St. Do not phone. WANTED RellaMo white firl to care for baby; one with experience preferred. Room 606 Sanford Hotel WANTED A girl to assist with house keeper. Good home. 1626 N. 19. Web. 1209. WANTED Girl for general housework; two in family. 3322 Do"dge. Harney 3366. WANTED Woman for housework, small family; no laundry. Tel. Walnut 8661. WANTED A good girl for general houae work; no laundry. 401 South 38th St. GIRL for general housework.. 1329 S. 39th St Harney 1546. WANTED Girl for general Harney 607. housework. WANTED Girl for general housework. Harney 507. Hotels and Restaurants. Experienced waitress wanted. Club Cafe. Miscellaneous WOMAN Christian, Protestant, free to travel, good education 'and personality necessary; .excellent Income, permanent; state age, references, phone. Address W. A. Pottlnger. Glnn Bldg., Chicago. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLBQE DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, "shorthand, stenotypy, tyewrit Ing, telegraphy, civil service all' commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1665. 18th and H.trney Sts. ' VAN SANT SCHOOL OF 5USINE8ST DAY AND EVENIIj SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 20. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. iHARLEY HOTEL JiOTH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent guests. COOL rooms far summer, t2 week; Apts. with kitchenette. OGDEN HOTEL, Coun cil Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS I If you fall ta find the room you desire among these ads call at The : Bee office for a Room List Give cpmplete description of vacant rooms in all part ot the ctly. New list Issued every week. BROWN'S BACHELOR APTS-6ia N. J18T 8T. 2. 3 & 4 FURNISHED APT. SINGLE ROOMS FOR BACHELORS; RUNNING WATER & ELEC. FAN IN EVERY RM. FURNISHED room for refined young lady, block from i car lines; breakfast If de sired; home privileges; (10 month. 4511 N. 25th Ave. Phone Colfax' 2588. 313 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished loom, modern, walking distance, or convenient to Farnam car; reasonable. Harney 4963. MODERN, sanitary furnished rooms, for men only, at the Sunshine Apt 60S N. 17th. 32.60 per week. FOR RENT Two well furnished room In good neighborhood; one bloek from car line. 8347 Harney St. Harney 2836. FOR RENT A front room in private fam ily; gentlemen preferred. 222&r Jones St. Douglas 3770. NICELY fur. front rm. In private family, on car line, $2; good location. tWeb. 1766. 2407 CAPITOL AVE. Nicely furnished room, modern: close In. Red 6186. DESIRABLE front room for two; gentle men preferred. 2204 Howard. 3309 DOUGLAS Furnished sleeping room, 33 to 95 a week. Doug. 6977. NICELY furnished room for rent, gentlemen preferred. 33.- Harney 6011. 1611 Howard, nicely furnished rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. 1520 S. 24TH Cozy front room for light housekeeping. Gas, electric lightB. water furnished. On oar line. Walking distance. Price 33.60. TWO rooms and bath, furnished, with fuel and gas, to a couple for slight service. 2423 S. 24th St. Douglas 7163. s SUITE of clean nicely furnished rooms, no objection to small children. 2902 Dodge, 2614 ST. MARYT S Two south rooms In modern flat, walking distance. D. 7956. 616 S. 22D Clean, 2-room housekeeping apartment. 33 to 35 per week. Doug. 9302. 2026 CALIF., 2-rm., apt., south front; 4 large windows. Gas range and Ice box. . 3013 CHICAGO 3 rins., furnished complete, mod. private home. Ref. Har. 6626. S121tt CALIFORNIA, 2 and 3 turn, modern, main floor; nice yard. Har. 4001. TWO and three housekeeping rooms, 410 N. 22d. Apply 2013 Chicago. 313 DOUGLAS ST. Nicely furnished house keeping room, modern. FIVE partly modem, good yard, shade. Webster 6178. 1611 HOWARD, nice housekep. rms. Reas. Board and Rooms. BOARD and room in a private home, for two men willing to share large room; 604 South S5th St., Harnev 6164. BOARD and room. Individual service. Mra. Herold, 124 S. 24th St. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 rooms for housekeeping; water and gas; .50 a mo. 1837 S. 15th St. Web. 6258. Rooms Wanted. YOUNG lady wants, board and room with private family in Dundee. Box Y 142. Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENTS The Hyland, 18th and Nicholas. Steam - heat and electric lights, newly furnished apts., 93.50 to 37 per week. Including Ugh, water, heat, janitor and maid servi' . Webster 4067. 1001 PARK AVE. 2 and 3-rooin apt; clean and cozy; all modern. Harney 6610. Houses. 7-ROOM. 2420 Pierce, mod. except furnace; Baby Grand Piano. 327.60. Hastings & Hevden. 114 Harney1. Tyler 50. -R.. Siii Pacific, Field -lub district. 345. Hastings & Heyden. 1614 Harney. Ty. 60. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 117 HURT ST., a rms., all modcru. 335 00. E. H. Benner Co., Douglas 8416 SIX room3 modern, garage. Walnut Hill for 122.50. Phone Walnut 3727. 129 N. 37TH ST. 5-room house, modern bnt heat. 319. I. 2802. SIX rooms, all modern, walking distance, adults. Harney 2049. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. 5-ROOM house, modern but heat newly decorated. 315. 3704 Seward St. P. 3802. 10-ROOM house, niadern. Harney 647. North. 942.60 2103 Lothrop; inf.. hot water heat, garage Vacant September 15. WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Realtors. Douglas 6343 San Theater Building 2820 N. 31ST ST. 6-r. part mod 315 1108 N. 22d St. 4r. flat. mod. ex. heat.. 315 RASP BROS.. 210 K eeline Bid g. Tyler 721. 5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; large corner yaro, 13 per wuuiu, n.iw 2702 Corby St. Webster 3863. ONE of the prettiest 8-room houses 4n Omaha; strictly modefn; 312 Sherman Ave., corner Spencer. Phone Web. 2657. NICE five-room cottage, modern except heat; large yard and shade. 3921 N. S2d St.. 20. Call Harney 1733. 2864 B1N.NEY ST.. 6 rms., all mod., 325.M. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. THREE-ROOM house, close Ui car line, rea sonable. Colfax 104. SIX-ROOM cottage for rent at 4219 Decatnr. Tel. Walnut 1S88. South. 1729 S. 28rh St., 6 rms.. mod. ex. ht. T.'O. E. H. BENNER CO.. D. 8406. 7-ROOM, all modern, hot water beat, IS",. 1147 Park Ave. Harney 1829. 6-ROOM modern house, with sleeping puf"ch. 2556 Jones. Red 4789. -6-ROOM cottage on boulevard; nicely lo- cated; only $15. 252G South 11th street. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-r. 503 Martha St 312.50 6-r. 530 S. 24th St 319.00 4-r. 2505 Pierce St ,..$15.0 9-r. 1909 California 330.09 STRICTLY MODERN. 8-r. 219 Park Ave $22.50 6-r. 566 S. 28tl St $30.00 6-r. 3214 Corby St $25.00 6- r. 3016 Dewey Ave $37.60 7- r. 1302 N. 45th Rt $20.00 8- r. 3901 N. 17th St $30.00 9- r. 1004 S. 37th St $45.00 11-r. 222t Dodge St $40.00 11-r. 262f Harney St $60.00 FLATS STRICTLY MODERN. 6-r. 207 S. 30th St $25.00 -r. 2411 Seward St $20.00 FLATS MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. . 10- r. 705 S. 13th St.. 2 firs $45.00 s PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Phono Doug. 5013. EXCELLENT HOMES FOR RENT AT 652 South 26th avenue, t rooms, east front corner, brick, $37 60. 664 South 6th avenue, 6 rooms, $35.00. 2120 Emmet street, 10 rooms and garage, - $45.00. 6-room nil- modern bungalow, 3336 So. 17th St.. $30. All. of these In A-No. 1 condition. TRAVER BROTHERS, Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat. Bk. BWr. HOUSES ALL MODERN I $20.00 918 South 31st Street, 6-room. 37.60 317 North 26th Street 6-room. 27.50 627 S. 24th Ave.. 6-room. . 35.00 2913 Dodge. 6-room. Ask us for others. ARMSTRONG- WALSH CO. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. -R. APARTMENT, $25. Winter rate $35, steam heat. Others $18 and up. . G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. 7-R. mod. house, partly furnished, oaJT- floors, with or without garage, $30. Ty. 60. Houses in all parts of the city. CREIGH. SONS & CO.. 608 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. THE -HELEN. 1464 HARNEY ST. Beautiful apartments In fireproof build ing, walking distance. Irving Sorenson, .Doug. 6790. 5-R. NEW mod. flat, close in, easily heated, Paxton Court, gas range, refrigerator fur ' nlshed, $32.50. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 90. MAEWOOD APT. 26th and Harney. 3 rooms and bath; high-class, $27.50. Glover & Spain, Douglas 3962. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. D 1472. MOD. 4-r .Apt. Har. 4141 or Harney 1730. 7-R. APT. FOR $25 SUMMER. 2117 No. 16th. Just think this Includes heat, water and janitor service and this large number of rooms. Hastings (k Heyden. 1614 Harney. Ty. 60. ELEGANT 6-room apartment, strictly mod' ern; steam heat; Janitor service; will dec orate. 2501 Sherman Ave. Webster 4526. ESTABROOK apt. or offfce lacing 16th Bt. $36 month. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. South. VICTORIA $25. S19 So. !7th Ave., close la, 2 rooms with built-in bed, practically new, $27.60, Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney. Ty. 60. 6-R. 2613 Woolworth, good flat, water paid. vacant Aug.115; $23.50. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Har. Ty. 80. PETERS TRUST COMPANY Specialists In Apartment Management. 6-R., 3614 Woolworth, good con., Just va cated, modern, water paid, $23.50. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney. Ty.l0. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. BANK FLOOR A nice large room, suitahjf for light wholesale business. Also bom nice offices. Located in the Bromlgt Building at 210 S. 13th St I. N. HAMMOND, Agent. DESIRABLE store room, modern front metal celling, steam heat 624-626 So. , 16th St.; size 32x60; can be subdivided; low rent Conrad Young, 822 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (Old First Nit. Bank Bldg.) I FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler 600. NEW, modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 25th Sts. Low rent. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1803 FARNAM, SMALL modern store room, steam beat, 1613 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, 122 Brandels1 Theater. Douglas 1571. TWO-STORY brick building. 1709 Leaven worth. Reasonable rent. Douglas 6947, MODERN store, cor. ltth and Cass. Choice location. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. MODERN store 16th St., near postofflce. $76. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. H. A. WOLF, RealtoV, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. . McCague Inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented see Payne & Slater Co.r Omaha Rental Men, 616 Omsha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. ALLEN & BARRETT can find a tenant for your house. Doug. 7768' Bee Bldg. Furnished Apartments and Hovses. WANTED Housekeeping suite;' must be modem, reasonable and everything fur nished. One with -piano preferred. Write Box 3445 Bee. WANTED Furnished' bouse with six or eeven rooms. Modern. In Dundee. Tele phone Walnut $582. N Miscellaneous. LIST your homes with us for rent The demand is good and we have a waiting ilst J. II. DUMONT A CO. (Realtors!, 418 Kceline Bldg. Phone D. 690. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Tacklig, Btorago and moving. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug las 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Tour moving, jour pacUing. your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7783. i7Tn TTT TTV rental iTipirir Li iiyumi i SERVICE X' ItliJ Phone Dougl 28 fur complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Alxfor storage, moving. l"th -and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 302 S. 16th J5t. Douglas 4169. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing, call Tytrr ;8'ior Douglas 4338. I P T? iTPfS Express Co.. Moving J. Jt JVlJj-jJ- Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam Si. Web. :74. Doug. 6140. i Dec Want Ads Produce Results. ' f If sngtMsT" '' .. i