Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Words to the Line) Ho ad taken for 1 thn two line. CASH WITH ORDER He per line '. ' 7e per line.. or more consecutive Insertions. CHARGE 9c per line 1 tlm- He per line. . or more consecutive insertion. 7e per line 30 consecutive insertion SITUATIONS WANTED lie per lint . .per CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES per line cb Insertion. (.Minimum charge, Jucents) Foreign Rate Caah. With Order. (Count Sis Words to Une.) i Help Wanted Agents Want f lie oer line 1 time. Agents Hamcu , , ., or ,uort ;usinr.-u Chances 1'lnaiidal consecutlvt Insertions. i'e per line 1 time. te iter line 3 or more IcuiiMicutlve insertions All Oilier Claoslficstloi.a USE TUB TELEPHONE If uu cannot con venlentiy bring or tend lu your want ads Asl, for Want Ad Taker and you wlil revc Ive the same good service as vrhon Oc llrering jour want ad al this office. PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMN'S CLOSE KVBSINO KIMTIONJ Vo oo P 1L MORNING EDITIONS, y 1-09 Contract Rates 00 Application Attractions WANTED 'trl ! inueii.v lone for Bhady Lake, t'plumbus. N.b.. Wednesday, Augu.it 29. Occasion, b g dls trict farmers' union i-lt-iiic No srajnbllnc Ofvicea. Admission free. Write Harold Kramer. Columbus. J""- FLORISfs. iFIiNO a member of the National llorlsta Telegraph Deliver association, w r In iosltlon to deliver flowers at short notice inywhlre In the CnMed States or Canada, A Bwoboda. florists. LEE L LARMON fconUfieU 1PI a1s1ss it4 Dourlas f4t Douglas '244. LARGEST .srtment of trh 'lo": L. HEiDERSOJ5J9j ARAMj yXR ERFLO WE ft SHOP. 411 S. ! I- THKfNjRYTI fiATHMlojisfjorTrTit04 Farnamjt . ATNAQHyK. lwHarney. fwug 1001 . FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 1 "StacOalconer - lndrndent tTtidertakers, 24 ft Hsr. D.t7. E L. IODDER rCO., Funeral Direciora. T E. Tore, Mgt., W end Cuming Sis., Phone Douelae 7T. Auto ambulsnce. HULSE K1EPE.N, undertakers ana em balmere. T01 B.lth. Doug'J..!; J0iWATENTLF7MAN, undertaker and embalmer, 2624 l?d?2tt - nr -.1. . t 11 LOST-FOUNDREWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL llLurmm." , BAILWAI COMPANY. Persons hiving lost some ertlele would do well to cell up the office of the Omaha i Council Bluffs Street Railway company "0 ascertain whether they left It In the tr.."far,...i.. ..ch day are turned In end the company Is .nxloui to restore them to the rightful ownwr. IF' YOU lose anything end will vertlie It km vau will eurcly recover It If found bv VhoVst U'son. It .u. f 1-4 .ntW of value tns neuesi, kj for the ownei , , 111-. .U aillt bttB with round siive bundle: Inside on little chain was purs. l.C' tlcw.rd. Mrs. W. 8. Keellne, 04 Olt-n Ave., Council TIlufN, f VOT I Strayed Sunday eve, w liOnll ir.ih. brown and white Scotch rollte. Full grown. hr Cut on hind foot. Address Bo 9202, Bee. ll.wanl. r7TS7T..i.' iii sues with short chain i, j a 1 ----- In Brandels' stores. Howard. Colfax 436. T.. ... ...iiitiiininr uiciuiw ictisr. H.tturn S605 Pierce SI. TjoHTPrlrowTTln. Llbaat reward, FOR SALlMi$celIanMUi ""Furniture and Household Goods ATTENTION. PimviTIlRE BUYERS. Do not buy any Mrnltum, rugs or stoves unt you have seen us first. We of or you i I5S.M? STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE FUR KTI'uW RI.GS. STOVES and COM- PLKTB HOME OUTFITS tor practically jour own price. ... We are forced to vacate our fouc-ilory - .nri its entire eontenta jnust i so d at once. Sale take, place at euf tha eorner of 14'r am fTod. atreets. Do not fall to attend It is an opportunity of a lifetime. ... ,.... already taken advan tags of this wonderful opportunity. . Why Vr riTRNITURE CO.. I T) laiT. Car. 14th and Dodge Sts.. Omaha, KiVoiiwa 1,1 furniture. Ice boxes, ga stove, 'rugs. beds, china and kHch.nc.bl "1. ..t,!.- Silrs. buffets, dressers, trunk suitcase.. Full line of poultry net 1lng. .em 1II8J9J; "J-l SrSH rlKhb down and get your snare o. ... t,ntii at aacrlflce. 90S r. lOlTllEAM Ubles. off. fur., ohalrs, rofrlg., ;,! hose, oori'h Mr.. Vlctrols. piano.. Y.oy.l Fur. CO., X23 N.,l. City Furn, t-o. 107 S. 1. TTi-ii- !.,.! i.,rf- irch swing, library tablo, 'iiAen table, tor isle ch.p. Ha?ney ". Piano and Musical Instruments. foil SALB the following high grade planoa In first class oonuiiivo: , One-Hardman. One Gabler. One Checkering & Eons. One R. S. Howard. , , . Charlei H. Thatcher Piano Repair Factor. Douglas 50'. FIRST CLASS piano; good bargain If taken at once. Write Box 5307. Omaha Bee. . t Sewing Machines. "Dewing machines TTe rent, repair, sell needle and part. st .U -win. XEBRACKA CYCLE 0.. ' ISth .nd Hsrney Sts. t'of 16'.- Clothinf; and Furs. FOR SALE -Ladles' geuuliie Iluslaii I'uiiJ' VUll. " , Cameras and Kodaks. FOR SALE i-lncU Kodak film tank. 00m olete. very little ussd snd In best coiull tlon. Make mifn- '9" Typewriters and SuppUeV TYPEWIUTElia sold, rented snd repalrjo. , KetU un Oliver typowrltor 3 months for S6 'Ceutral Typewriter Etchangc. UOj , Farnain. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER , , 1905 Farnam. Douglas 4121. All makes. Guaranteed Typewriter. 110 and up. Write for list. 'Midland Typ. Co.. 1404 Dodge, Store and Office Fixtures. A UAUGA1N FOR SALE AN "ADDKESSAGRAPII Addressing machine. In first-class con dition. Communicate with NATIONAL SUPPLY COMPANY. T,lncoln. Neb. FOR SALE SiX-driwtf Natleual cash reg ister: fu'l cabinet and tip to dutc. W., H. Ickwpod. Hebron. Neb. Machinery and Engines. NEW Bowser gasoline outsldo pump tank; a barguln. Box C2C9. Bee. and Miscellaneous. BARGAIN for cash, vant to sell my equity In household goods and grand ptaho. Cost new five months ago, 1650 and 1700. re spectively. Eoolty worth 1385. Will sell for 1209. Rent of apartment paid until September I. Good reason fur aclllug. 411 at 1613 Maple, after p. in OMAliX PILLOW' CO. Feathers steam renovated and made up in fresh tick, coat half the price of new pillows. Call us for samples of ticking and prises. 1907 Cum mg Douglss 24C7. AVE if AVE Biovtal to new location. We buy, ell and make desks, safes, showcases. shelving, etc Omaha Fixture & Supply Oo 8 VT Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone D, 9724. "oVO pieces of household furniture, nearly uewr sncniice oriental ru.. --s. I'OR BALE Steam cooker. 14-o.t. it' to. tar canning vegetables and fruit. 13. U. 4743. "7Rf"l37DLlNG WOOD. ACME ' BOX 1MPANY.HAKNKY 1837. SWAPPERS' COLUMN "'-.ild developed. 10c a roil; one-day rv tre. Kane.KoJak Studio. Neville Blk.. ub atid ilarnc,. i WILL tritde Lew dressing table end chair, i ivory finish, for baby buggy or rue. Web. 1 ass. - FOR SALE or exchanjt. One high grade piano. will exchange for F'ntlns and I decorating. Box 6319, Bee. ! MISCELLANEOUS article, to trade for mu ! sieal instruments, Frjedman. 1211 Douglas. jFTVKPA88k"N''JEU 1915 Overland for a second-hand Ford roaaHTcr.v.aa WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New d.-sfcs, used desks,' bought, sold and I 'nided. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. P. 6)64. rT T rT fTU1in AND SHOES KJUU jUJ I Ull WE PA r THE HIGHEST PRICES, DOUGLAS 6021. JENKINS Pays highest prices for clothes, shoes, trunks, Doug. 6881, Ken- Doug. 8092. DIAMONDS BOL tllV co. WANTED ,Tf BUY Slightly used 117 Ford touring car. 8outU 4350. CASH paid for diamonds, praised. Reese Jewelry Co. Estates ap 403 S. 161 h. WILL buy golf clubs and bag. Call Benson 3,',4-J. evenings. f WANTED- A 191" Ford touring body. Ad dress Box Y 147, ,Bee. BiXjKH bought. Klewer, lxyal Hotel Bldg. ROOKS bought. 610 S. 16t"li. Tyler 2SS6. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. Al'f'URDKOX, sld". knife, sunburnt, box ploatlng, rovered buttons, all sizes and styles;- hemstitching, picot edging, eye lot cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. Opposite Brandels Store. S00-J18 Brown Bldg. Douglas 1986. VAN-ARMAN Dress p'leatlng and Button Co.. l-7 Psxtnn Blk. Douglas 3109. Accountants. "Dworak-Ure Audit Co., SJ Ramge Hldg. Phone Doug. 2169. Baths. tLRCTRIC trestniont; baths; fwedi:-h mas sage. Cnntrul Institute lnOS Harney Douglaa 7097. MAHSEHHK, haihs, manicuring. physical edit. Miss Walk"r, 224 Neville hik. u. sasi. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 2! Neville Block. 16th and Harney Sts. Doug, nil. BraiT and Iron" Foundries. Psxton-Mltohell Co.. 27th and Martha HtsK Bakeries ORTMAN'S NF.W KNOr.ANn BAKERY, !12 N. 1TH. BRANCHES T'UBI. IC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OOnns." Carpenters and Contractors I.KSSAIID A SON'. 2"2I Cuming, Ty. 16S2. Chiropodist Carrie J. Bnrfortl, !:) 1'axton Blk.. U. 4687. Detectives OMAHA DKTEt'TIVE ASSOCIATION. 900 1st. Nat. Ilk. Illtlg. Phone Tjier ztriu. JAMES ALLAN, H2 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all rasesTyler 1136. 8. D. JOLLY, Mil Paxton. Bed 7401. Dressmaking TERRY Dressmaking- Co., 20th and Farnam. DREiSs MAKING, work guar. D. 4)60. Fixtpres and Wiring' fvFTTTT'XT Electric washing machine.., IJUXvIVlll tl-rirlc Irona and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming Bt. Doug. 2619. Furs Stored I'URH stored, cleaned and remodeled, m price. Furs dyed. If. ; Jtotnnois, urrer, Harney 973. 2H lieavenworth. Hat Cleaners HATS denned and rublm-Ued. 1520 Harney. "Household Specialities C. F. ADAMS. 23 B. lth. V unaer new managemen). Ave want in see 01a friend, and meet new. Open Sat. eve., Your credit is good. Agents wanted Insurance invi-y-n l.iri: OF LINCOLN- 919.14 Cttv Nat. Mk. Bldg, Doug. 2119 Lumber L!"?8!'!!"11! SAVE H ALF in" beams, columns, brick. H. (irosj Lumb-rjmjWreck Co. Web. 9s4, Machinery and Engines FOR SALE At a bargain, rotary hydraulic well drill, or will trade for small kerosen. tractor. Box Y 96. Bee. Massueres MASSAGE, chiropody. Alta Head, 208-14 Halrd Bldg, nthtidjrulaspJDl. CenTraTliatn Inst. 1606 Harney. Doug. 7097. mThH HOI.LeND, 222-1 Neville Block. Osteopaths Mr.. J. R. Mustek, sulphur, aleaiu nd euca lyptua bath., 402-3 Rohm Bldg. Ty, 9363. Oxy-Acctylene Welding Expert "Weiriinj? on All Metals rt. W. LEVERING,-309 8. 12th St..D. 9679. PATENTS procured, bought and eold. Inter national Patent Co., 693 Brandel., D 6691. STURGES STURGKS. U. 8, and foreign patents and trademarks. 830 Bee Bldg. Pianos for Rent 13-50 per 1110. A. Hoapa Co.. 1513 pougla.. Printing and Office Supplies W'aters-Barnhart Ptg. Co. 5.24 8. 13th Bt, Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. uhoe Cleaners. 57SfflNElc AMER. SHINING PARLOR. 1604 Harnsy Bt. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dres. gulls for rent. 20 N. 17th. John reiaman. v. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcementa and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Pougla. 44. Trunks and Traveling Bags. WB make them ourselves; why pay two profit, for Inferior Hoods when you can (61 nigu graoe goous m ll.tUKI) CMJKN1SII CO.. Mfis. of Harness, Saddle, and Traveling Goods, 1210 Farnam St. Towel Supplies. ! Oiifsha TowelfSup'phT'iOT lHh. V. 62. Trusses. ''CL KCcV'Cl'IM FOKT TUUSSHS. Ferfoct Fit Guaranteed. I T,, -Q. i'leveland Co., 1410-12 Harney M Where to Eat. T.t home-cookkd meals. NEW DELICATESSEN. lUii FARNAM, MEALS 60 and 16c, 103 S, 13th St. can Lunch Room. Aluori BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE. ' Two bowling- alleys, lu first-class con dition. NOW Installed In Ellis' Club rooms. These alleys are a bargain. " For Information address George Cow, ton. secretary H. P. O. Elks, Grand Is land, Neb. - , FOR SALE. tp-to-date cafe and tco Cream parlor, eVerythlng uew In connection with lead ing tiotel In town Of S.00 In Nebraska Addretw Box Y 138, umatta Dee. S "POWERS. 6-A inachlnee, practically now. Your choice st 1165. other machines from 125 up: two Fort Wayne Compensuroe at 133. Come quick IT you. want 11. .Hgr., 310 Bromley BUlg., Oitiulia Neb. 11.500 BUYS plcturo show In county seat town of 2,009 population; capacity, ;uu ront12- per month. Will stand lureetl gallon. Palace Theater, Adel, la iiiiTlONt nictur. uiachlno (uew and re bnlltl: theaters supplied. ' Omaha Film Exchange, 10S H. 4th St. niKURt LOCATION lu good thriving town, no competition. Write Monde Steele, Coon Rapids, Iowa. Tttu-CHAIR barber shop; good business good furniture Other tnislneaa.' 703 1, West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE Half Interest state right fea ture film, now playing, salary. Box I3S4. Bee. MOVING PICTURE machine, new and re built, all make.; supplies. Ws.tsru Sup ply Co.. 201 Nat. Bldg. . SALOJN In 81. Pauf. bluing good business good locatlou: good stock snd showing profit. Address Box T 146. Bee. TO GET lu or out of buslnesa cull on OA NO EST A D. 248 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477, Mt CIGAR store ",r sale cheap.,, Leaving elty. Douglas 3180. - - YoCR business or real estate handled for sale. V. V. Knleet, Bee Bldg., Oman a. DOWD PALE AND AUCTION CO., 1134 W. O. W. Bfug. Bed 1215. " SWAPPERS COLUMN BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU want to buy a thriving business lu ! a good final! town. Address Bee. N'o. . Rooming; Houses for Sale SITUATIONS WANTED Male. REGISTERED PHARMACIST desires to change from Idaho to city or town in Nebrabka. Aged 25 yers. single, exempt from draft; 12 years' experience In retail urug business. Good window and sbow- ' esse man. A-No. 1 references. Address Box T 124, Be". YOUNO man wants J'tb driving car, private family preferred. Will work year round. Oood reference. Douglas 7658. EXP. man wants Janitor or housework, 10 1 veara: A-l city reference. Write Box 3446. Tiee. WANTED Position as chauffeur. Private family. Box 6180 Bee. COLORED man, cook, wants a Job lu or out of city. Address lio x 5696. Bee. Wanted Odd Jobs for aft, work. Wal. 1674 Female. GRADUATE in litstltuiionul management from au accredited school desires a posi tion as matron or housekeeper n a club, hosotlal or dormitory. Box Y-143, Bee. WANTED Pocltlon as companion by mid dle-aged woman; no objection to travel. Box 1'94, Bee. ' WANTED Poaltlon as housekeeper, r.y middle-aged lady, for widower witn cnn dren. Can glx-o good r-f. Box 3456. Bee. WANTED Position by lady, plain sewing or children's sewing. Jnll walnut zass. WANTED Posillon as assistant bookkeeper. Call Doug. 8t;4.or write 1906 Capitol Ave. WANTED Position on private switchboard. Experienced operator. Box 6170 Bee. WANTED to care for rooming house, four rooms. Mrs. Brady, Douglii7iir WANTED Position ss housekeeper for widower. 1901 Center St. WANTED Plate as P. B. X. operator ex- prlenced. Pouglns 547 J. Laundry and Day Work. LADY wishes pos. as companion to laiiy; will aslst with light housework, i, buu. Young ml. girl, Com. High s hool grad., de- Ires position of steno. Box tiass, nee, SITUATION wanted by an exp. colored laun- dress, laundryorcleanlng. wen. j.u. WANTED Small bundle washing; day work. 2222 Iznrd. DoUBl ".r DANISH woman wants laundry work. Take two days each wek. Walnut Mt, DAY work jtnd bumlle washing: will call for and deliver. weoster ,110.1 IF YOU want a good woman to work a few hour, a day caiitoiiaxsiin. YTrNOcoIired woman wants day work; no wnshlnar. Webster 6546. DAY w'kTfor WeCajl7 p. m.. Wal. 3176! Day wk. col, lady. Mrs. Harrington. Wb. 6443 WANTED Day work, any kind. liar. 2669. BUNDLE washing and Ufty work. Web. 1727. Wantfd. laundry and day work. Ty. .'Qia-w . WAN'FEI) Day work, bundll wanh, W. 6546. 1XP. launilrpss, fln clot he spflally. H. 1!"4 Hun, wash., men's clothes specialty. Co. 34Li. W A N T El) Day work. Cu 1 1 Webster OJO HIINiTlB washing. CaU Webster 1391. EXP. lady wants day work. Web. 6627. DAY work and laundry, Harney 6U93. DAY work wanted. Webster 2327. Hotels and Restaurants. A position os a' working housekeeper In a small hotel, or in rooming hjiuseJDjJfJISg. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. T WHY PAY for a position Stenographers, register with us FREE OF CHARGE and we will plsce you. KEM1NGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 209 South lth St. FOR POSITIONS AS STENOS. BKPRfl.. OR CLK, ED RECOMMENDS THE ROGERS KEF. BUREAU. 540 PAXXTON BLOCK. NO FILING FEE. CALL on the Co-Operatlve Reference Co., for drug and commercial positions. 1010 City Nat. Bnnk BUlg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Three shirt inspectors and five hlrt pressers; steady employ nut and (tractive wsaes. Apply Mrs. Doebeck. M. K. rjmlth & Co., 9th snd Douglas Sts. entrance. CAR rorpenlers and repairers; steady worn on all wood box cars; goon piece m aehedute; material delivered at cars. Shef field Car and Equipment Co., Kansas City, Mo. ' WANTED A trunk maker that can work on fibre and case work. Retail snop. Frelllng and Btelnte. 1803 Farnam. WANTED Several meat cuttera. top wages to right party. Washington Maraei, Pougls. iVAKTRU Tailor, and .hoeinaker.; apply at once to Captain Clinton urome, souto eidt eorner of Municipal Auditorium. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber college. wniw nu BARBER wanted; good Job for good man. 65 per. 114 guarantee. !. il. crane, nra Oak. Ia. , WANTED Men to deliver Ice. Apply Omaha Ice and Cold storage co ota anu Jones. UNION carpenters for Wyoming, 90o per hr. Emerald Labor Agency, saai r. iin. TWO young men for factory work, Omaha Bog Company, Esst omana. Sales men and Solicitors. Wanted Agents who can deliver the goods, to assist me in sellinp: 95 improved farms in the corn belt of Minnesota. Level prairie lands, close to railroad towns, where crops are trood. bier commissions to capable agents. Address N. Halsey, St. Paul, Minne sota. WANTED A youna man to act as sales man, who has ambitions Tor a position as sales manager. Address Box Y 144, nee SIDELINE man to carry our 13-suect cal endar, aim advertising loiueis. iv. v, Smith Co., Denver, Colo. Agents- and Canvassers. HUSTLERS, get my auto monogram sys tem; an honest money getter write touay. Monogram King, 300 N. Broadway, Okla homa Cfty, Okla. Boys. WANTED Office boy, 17 years of ago. Must come well recommended. Answer in own hundwrlttng, giving references. Good chance tor advancement. Address 6338. Bee. Teamsters -nd Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Apply Sunderland uros. co. South Yagd: 20th and rilCKory oireevs. West Yard 42d and NIsard Streets. WANTED Teamsters and laborers, secure steady Job for the winter. Updike Lumber and Coal Co.. 45th and Dodge. WANTED Driver for grocery wagon; good wage. K. Ituffett, tool ynflcrwooti Ave Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men, women, learn tho harbor trade: few week, completes: pay while learning. Vatwloguo free. Rates now on. Call or write. 110 South 14th St.. Omaha. BOTH -Men and women to learn tho harbor trade. Special rates. Call or write, mvj Dodge. TRI-CITY BARRF.R COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 S, :oth and 2059 Farnam. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A middle aged man for yard work around hotel. Must be awe to mux cows and willing to work. Wages 940 per month with board .and room. Address Geo. F- Steven., care the Hotel Steven. Bone steel. H. D. ' - Miscellaneous. SHOVELEKS wauled Wuiiload coal by the , ton; good pay and steady work. Apply ' Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard 24th and Taylor streets. South Yard JOth and Hickory streets. -West Yard 42d and Isard streets. LABORERS wanted; work lu coal and building material yards. Apply Sunder land Brother Company. J4th and Taylor 61. ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help I w can .upply you. Bluff City Employ mnt Birrean.,916A W. Broadway. P. 431 WANTED Young men to work on trains. Apply 114 8. 10th St. THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, AUGUST HELP WANTED MALE. ! Miscellaneous. LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co., west yard, 42d and Ix-ro bib. STEAM shovel laborers. 46th and Leaven worth Sts.. $3.50 per day. board 15.(10. UKt 4- Oifford Const. Co. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WASTED IMMEDIATELY Men. women; government war jobs: 1100 month; list free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 237 O. Rochester, x. Y. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WHY PAT for a position? Stenographers, register with OS FHEE OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, !S0 So. lth St., City. STENoB. bookkeeper, clerks, EU recommends The Rogers Kef. Bureau. mw i-axion block. Have several good positions. No filing fe. WANTED Two experienced .lady Btenog- raphers at once. Kellable Lana ad atract Co., Akron, Colo. WANTED At once, lady etcnographer and bookkeeper In department store, box i 139 Hce. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeeper.-ana offb-e clerks. Co-Operatlve Reference CO. Professions and Trades. WANTED Sewing machine operators. Piece work. Experience unnecessary, umana Aulo Top Co.. 709 . 16th St. WANTED Several meat salesladies. Ap ply at Wawhlnglnn Market. 14W Douglas. WANTED Girl, (colored preferred), -Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Marcy. LKARN bartter trade. 1402 Dodge St.' Household and Domestic. WANTED An Intelligent Catholic young lady aged from 20 to 25 to assist with housework and act as a companion to young lady: rcf. required. Carl H. 1762 or call In person to 136 N. Sl.t Ave. GOOD girl for light housework; dandy home for the right girl. Good treatment. Phone Harney 42K6. Address 823 South 29th St. WANTED Agreeable, elderly lady for com,, panlon to traveling man's wife; light housework. Phone Harney 8339. . GOOD Girl for house work; small home, two in .family. .Call at 114 N. 30th St. Do not phone. UJJii, lor general iiouseworn, mihuj v. ."uj no washing or ironing. 3267. 4817 Douglas St. X nuiiu v. atom WANTED Reliable white girl to care for baby; one with experience preferred. Room 605 Sanford Hotel WANTED Good girl for general house work; good wages. Telephone Doug. 3797. WANTED A girl to assist with house keeper. Oood home. 1526 N. 19. Well. 12119. WANTED Girl for general housework: two In family. 3323 Dodge. Harney 3:i6ti, WANTED Lady to caro for children in her own home. Box 3443. Bee. WANTED Woman for housework.' small family ; no laund ry. Tel. tValnu t 36hi . GIRL for general housework 1329 S. 29th St Harney 1546, WANTE iood laundress on Mondays. Call Homey 4862. WANTED Girl Harney 607. for general housework, Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Woman .cook at hotel. KTueger,- Wlsner, Neb. A. J. Experienced waitress wanted. Club Cafe. Miscellaneous. WANTED A competent chapcrone for woman'a fraternity house at tho State University, for the coming school year. Address 348 E. Sixth. Fremont. Neb. EDUCATIONAL VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Business Administration. Advertising. Finance and Investments. Banking. A tn weeks' course in above subjects, bv brofcBsors from the University of Ne- braifka, begina June 18th. Day sessions for women. Evening sessions for men and women. Two forty-flve-mlnute lectures each week In each subject Take any one or all. Tuition 113.50 per course, each snhlect. Tho business world needs wom$n. Enter any Monday for Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and other courses ot train tn, fnp business. Dav classes meet between I ' and I Evening claases between 6:80 and 5. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BOVI.ES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL. . N1GI1T SCHOOL. ' Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, tyewrlt tng. tolegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branchea. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLECT!, Douglaa 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL ilOTli AND FARNAM- Special low rate, to permanent guest.. COOL room, for summer, $3 ween; Apts. with kitchenette. OGDEN huthi coun cil Bluffs. ' -r Furnished Rooms ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERSI If you fail to find the room you desire among these ad. call at The Boe office for a Boom List Gives complete description of vacant room. In all part, of the ctly. New Hsa I'"el every week. BROWN'S BACHELOR APTS., 612 N. 21ST ! a 1 FURNISHED APT. SINGLE ROOM8 FOR BACHELORS; RUNNING WATER & ELKO. FAIN iw cvrrti n. DANDY ROOMS 1608 V4 Cass, cool, modern rooms, under new management, uougiasr oio. 811 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished small - room, modern, walking distance or con v.nlent to Farnam car; reasonable. Har ney 4958. v iriniB-nw aanttarv furnished rooms. ior man nnlv. Bt the Sunshine Apt. 108 N. 17th. $2.50 per week. iii.-iT..'i is furnished rooms. West Far nam district. Address 'Box S4B3, Omaha. Neb. ' ' H iNSCOM PARK Two nice rooms for gen tlemen; modern home; near fine boarding house. Harney FOR RENT Two well furnished room. In rnn.1 neighborhood: one block from car line. 837 Harney St. Harney 2836. NICELY-fur. frout nil. in private family, on car line, 13: good location. Web. 1 1 66. ' LARGE southeast room In private family; Hernia tiark: reasonable Harney 51. NEATLY furnished room, home privilege., one block from car line. Har. 1784. 7m .'AvrrtiL AVE. Nicely furnished room, modem; close In. Red 888. 8 SS SO, 23D ST., nice, furnace-heated room, 11.75 weekly; wanting aistunoe, S209 IMJUG LAS Furnished" sleeping rooms, $3 to 15 a week. Doug, ssit. NICELY furnished room for rent, gentlemen preferred, 3. Harney wi. Housekeeping Rooms. n u'r .MARY'S Two south rooms lu el, wailrtntr distance. D. 7956. TWO und three housekeeping rooms. 410 X sad. Apply 3013 cnicago. 516 S 231 Clean. Jrroom housekeeping apartment. 83 to $3 per week. Doug. 9302. 31 j v CALIFORNIA, 2 and turn, modern, main floor: nice yard. Har. 4001. 331 J DOUGLAS ST. Nicely furnished house keeping room, mooern 2026 CALIF., 3-vm.. apt-, aoutlt frout: 4 large windows. Gas rango and Ice box. Housekeoplng and sleeping rms. Red 829 1611 HOWARD, nice hou'sukep. rms. Reas. Board and Rooms. BOARD and room In a private home, for two men willing to share large room; 604 South 36th St.. Harney 6164. 648 CAPITOL AVE. Good locatlou; $6 and un: home baking; walking distance. BOARD end room. Individual service. Mrs. Harold. 134 S, 24th St. , Unfurnished Rooms. 1 rooms for housekeeping; water and gas; 18.6 a mo. 1937 R 15th St. Web. 6268. Rooms -Wanted. YOUNG lady wants board and room with private family lu Dundee. Box T 142. Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENTS The Hyland. I8th and Nicholas. Steam heat and electric lights, newly furnished apts., 13.59 to 17 per week. Including ItghS water, heat, Janitor and maid servlr . Webster 4067, , ' . I $8. S-ROOM mod. brick flat, ground uoor. 2011 W illi. Ave. wciwier sjis. 13 1917 FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. 7-ROOM, 2430 Plere. mod- except furnace; i Baby Grand Piano. 927.50. Hustings , Harden. 1614 Harney, Tyler 50 FOR RENT HOUSES West. 1 3117 BURT ST.. ! mis., all modern, 925.00. E. H. Benner Co.. Douglas 406. SIX rooms modern, garage. Walnut Hill for 122.50. Phone Walnut 2727. 129 N. 37TH ST. 6-room house, modern but heat. IIS. D. 2802. 7-ROOM house and barn on car line, 12 month: write Box 655. Bee. SIX rooms, all modern, walking distance, adults. Harney 2049. ' 5-ROOM house, moUern but heat, newly decorated. 115. 274NSeward St. D. 2802. 10-KOoM house, modern. Harney 647. 1 North. 142.50 2103 Lothrop; -r., hot water heat, garage Vacant September 15. WORfiD F.EALTY COMPANY," Realtor.. Douglas 634J Sun Theater Butldlng 5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; large corner yard, 118 per monin. water paio. 2702 Corby St. WebMter 3383. ONE of the prettiest 8-room bouses m Omaha; strictly modern; Sl-4 unerman Ave., corner Spencer. Phone Web. 2667. 284 BINNEY ST., 6 rms.. all mod.. Uo.OU. . K. H. BENNER CO.. v. 736 PARKER 6-r. house, mod. ex. heat, nesr school. Reas. Web. 2826. South. 1729 d. 2bth St.. 6 rms.. mod. ex. ht E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. 3118 LEAVENWORTH 6 rooms, moaern 1 except heat, 116.00. Doug. 6947. 7-BoriM. ull modem, hot water heat, 15. I 1147 Park Ave. HarTey 1829. ) 5-ROOM modern house, with .sleeping porch. 2556 Jones. Red 4789. 6-ROOM cottage on boulevard; nicely lo cated: only $15. 2626 Soutn lltn street. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 8-r. 503 Martha St $15.50 6-r. 630 So. 24th Ave 115.00 4-r. 2605 Pleroe St. 115.00 j. r 1909 California St $30.00 STRICTLY MODERN. g-r. 219 Park Ave ,.$22.60 6-r. 566 So. 38th St $30.00 6-r. 3214 Corby St $26.00 6- r. 3016 Dewey Ave. $37.60 7- r. 1302 No. 45th St. $30.00 8- r. 3901 No. 17th St $0.00 9.r.10tl4 So. 37th St 346.00 10- r. 2221 Dodge St. $40.00 11- r. 2621 Harney St $60.00 ' FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. 6-r.207 So. 30th St $25.00 6-r. 2412 Seward St , $20.00 FLAT VoriKRN EXCEPT It EAT. 10-r. TOfi So. 13th St. . $45.00 PORTER & BHOTWELL. 202 So. 17th St. , Douglas "EXl:KI.I.ENT HOMES FOR RENT AT 662 South 26th avenue. 6 room., east front corner, brick, $37 60. 664 South 26th avenue. 6 rooms, $35,00. 2120 Emmet street, 10 rooms, and garage. $45.00. - ' All of these In A-No. 1 condition. Douglas 6886. 6886. 819 First Nat. Bk. BtVlg. 918 SO 31ST. 6-r.. $20. 621 So. 24th Ave., 6-r., 27.li. 1461 Pinkney, 6-r., $27.60. 2913 Iodge. 6-r., $36. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tvler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. 1 4-room flat. 1005 N. 29th St $17.60 1 3-room flat. 1006 N. 29th St. ..-22.60 1 6-room cottage. 121 N. 37th St.. 16.00 A. W. TOT.AND CO., D, 6707. f.93-6 Brandels Bldg. 903 N. 17th St.. 6-r. mod. apt $27.60 2820 N. 31st St., 6-r. mod. ex. ht.. 115.00 1I0S N. 22d St., 4-r. mod. ex. ht....$15.00 RASP BROS!, 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721, Houses In all parts of the city. CREIGH, SONS ft CO., 508 Bee Eldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. THE HELEN, 2464 HARNEY ST. Beautiful apartments In fireproof build ng, wnlklng distance. Irving Sorenson, Doug. 6790. 5-n. NEW mod. flat, close in, easily heated, Paxton Court, gas range, refrigerator fur nished, $32.60. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Kar. Ty. 50. MAEWOOD APT. 26th and Harney. 2 rooms and bath; htgh-class, $27.61). tsiovcr &. Spain. Douglas 3962 APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. i' Mis. MOD. 4-r. Apt, Har. 4141 or Wal. 2267. South. FOR KENT 5-room lower St. Loul. flat 638 P. 26th Ave.,. East rront ana very desirable. Tel. Walnut 2377. 6-R . 2613 Woolworth. good flat, water paid, vacnnt Aug. 16; $23.ft0. ' HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. PETERS TRUST COMPANY Specialists In 'Apartment Management FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. BANK FLOOR A nice large room, suitable for light wholesale business. Also some nice offices. Located In the Bromley Building at 210 8. 13th St. I. N. HAMMOND. Agent. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, . "All Ca metal celling, steam neat, 16th St.; alia 82x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglaa 1571. LOW-PRICED modorn offices, Fafmim Bldg., 13th and Farnam, toia rirst Bank-Bldg.) ,, FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler 500, . NEW, modern stores on Leavenwortn, oe tween 24th and 25th 8ts. Low rent. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1803 FARNAM. auii.r. .,1,1,1 rn store room, steam heat 1513 Csnttol Ave. Conrad Young, 822 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571. MODERN store 16th St.. near postofflce, $76. O. P. Stebbtns. 1610 Chicago. TWO-8TORY brick building, 2709 Leaven worth, treasonable, rent. Doug. 6947, Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague 1 nr. co. T " WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments ant Houses. WANTED To Rent 4 to 6-room house or apt. Farrnlly of two. Firai-ciass neignuor hood. Walnut 1785. ALLEN & BARRETT can flud a tenant for vour house. Doug. 7768 Bee JHiag. Furnished Apartments and Houses. w iVTi-n Room and board In private re fined home by young lady that can offer - references. Would like to take care of iimall children evenings for, part of rent, Box 3354. Bee. WANTED Hcusckceplng suite; must be nwi.rn reasonable and everything fur nished. One with piano preferred. Write Box S443 Boe. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug laa 894. - "-METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert aervice: prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Malii Office. Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 77S5. FIDELITY SERVICE FREE Phone Douglas 2S8 for complete list of vacant house, and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, 16th and Jackson Sts FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room, for household gooda and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 803 S. 16th St ' Pougla. 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Pougla. 4388 T7rr)PI.ri Express Co., Moving J. Jt AViJLiiy Packing and Storage. 130T Farnam 3t. Wob. 2748. Doug. 6148 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West Country Club Sacrifice ! Six Rooms Modern, Garage Full lot, new house; owner move, to New York this week and says cut price from $3,760 to 12.760; 1950 cash will ban die; only one block to car. two blocks to school. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 dm. Nat'I Bank Bldg. Tyler 491. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. SACRIFICE SALE Of My $35,000 residence. I am going to sell, make me an offer . Easiest of terms accepted. F. J. FITZGERALD, Bee Building. D. 240 4313. ! West Farnam District Re.idence. aeven-rooms, three on first floor oak, four on second white enamel, hot water heat.' tiled vestibule and bath. Reasonable terms if desired. ' . ALFRED THOMAS. 308 Farnam Bldg. $2,000 For five-room modern house, ten min utes' walk, west of 16th and Farnam St.. Easv terms. COCHRAN. 760 Omaha tjmt. Bk. Bldg. North. THE MODEL BUNGALOW 09 MINNE LUSA. 2886 Newport, built, decorated and furnished complete by Orchard Wilhelm Co. This beautiful lit'tbihome has fulfilled Its purpose as an Advertisement and is now te be sold at slightly under cost price. For full details and terms apply Orchard & Wilhelm Co., advertising department. $300 DOWN, $35 A MONTH FAIRMONT ADDITION. , 6-room. semi-bungalow, located on Fon tenelle Boulevard. Oa finish and oak floors. Large lot, east front, one block from car line.- If looking for something brand new and a bargain, don't fall to see thi. . . Tayne Investment Company, (Realtors.) Omaha Net. Bk. Bldg T. 1781. New North Side Home Price Only $3,300 Five nice rooms and 'bath, strictly mod- n.it finish, attractively decorated, bookcases, fireplaces, china cupboards, rtoubJo riosets off each bedroom; full cement basement; guaranteed fur nace; only one block to school, two blocks to parks and car. Tnia noma is u uumj for the price. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat'I Bank Bldg. Tyler 498 A REAL BARGAIN. iTf.v tt.rwtm hninfv modern except heat, tlr pmn ted cellar, east front paved .it ement walk: located lu the eleven hundred block on N. 26th St., rented for $20 per month, tenant ha. been In said property for about I yeay; pnco f,.v . see me at once. 8 O. NORDQUIST. ' '322 Nevlllo Blk. 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. i-pnoM hunnlnw. nearly new, lor .aie, Will take cheap auto a. part of first . navment: hoUBe has fireplace, DUItei, kit-hen cahlnet. cement basement, fur nace and electric ugnis. win acii cnv If taken at once. Phone vnainut, ovii. Wrlto Box 6622. Bee. rtARCAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. S-rm. house, 2 lots all fenced, large chicken house 10x30; a dandy place to raise chickens. Some fruit. Colfax 846. 1516 SHERMAN avenue, 13 rooms, $33.00. JOHN N. rRGN,KH, uuimiiftn om- South. A bargain: TRACT, 182x264, minus 16-foot alley; Im provements cannot be duplicated for less than $15,000; on Martha street between 13th and 14th street.. House. 14 rooms, in eir.llent condition. Will aell for 110, 000 cash, because family now consulting of only five persons DOUGLAS 6666, MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. atunen construction. 6 large light room. oak floor., oak and enamel finish. Price $1,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3,650. Call Douglaa 1722 days. Walnut 1580 evening.. ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot fine condition; nve in one mi rant the other. Price tor ootn. !, Very easy terms. No. 2438 S. 20th St. NORRI3 4 NORRIS. 400 Bee BWlg. Phone Pougla. 4270. VERY desirable 8-r. house. West Hanscom n-rk dls.: la dry. Into 3-r. apts., but would make a fine home; good reason for sell lng. Box 6554, Bee, R. S. TRUMBULL, 130S 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1784. Miscellaneous. A TRACT of ground laying Ideal for poultry raising; 260-ft, frontage; price ssius t caBh. $12.50 monthly. Call D. 2696. SPLENDID brick residence to trade for lm proved farm near Omaha. , G. P. Steb, bins. 1610 cnicago. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Real Estate and Insurance, 1320 Farnam 8t. D- 1064. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATETo Exchange ti-tr.i. evi-h.nire for clear city property, in one or all. 160 acres near Fullerton, Neb. lmnrnved. at 1150 per acre; 160 acres r Beatrice. Neb., at $130 per acre 110 acres Irrigated land near Garden City, Kan., at $125 per acre. Phone Owner, Harney 927. SHERIDAN, Dawes, Hock and Dundy Co Improved ranches, clear, ior aaie or change. S. B. ft R. K MONTGOMERY. Douglas 4810. 527 City Nat. Bank Bldg. $50 AN acre buy. 130-acre farm 15 mile. frnm Omaha. InoUlre Itamce Bia. lei, Doug. 4213. Re.idence phone Dong. 6775, WANTED A lot or a used Ford for equity of $300 to 60 acre, of unimproved wiscou' ln land. Mrs. Lawson. .sun virt m, ACRES 160 Well improved: value $13,000 in.n fniim. ts.ooo: trade ior maso, Is Stephen Merc. Co., Garnctt. Han. INVEST (DATE mV system; Omaha Realty Trading Co.. 18 Patterson Blk. Tyler REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN, Dundee nilvnRE PROPERTIES. n-.n mmferl lota on easy terms. Mod, em, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see , GEORGE & CO.. ntTxr)F.E HOME. Ten rooms, all modern, 482S Cass St., on car line, 2 lots on corner. Full basement Hot water heat sleeping porch, large trees: barn for two autos. Cholceat loca tion in city. -Easy terms. Walnut 1920. DUNDEE For sale by owner, -r. house, sleeping porch, fireplace, breakfast room, Phone Walnut 1621, HOMES and home altes la Dundee, SHULER & CARY. .04 Keellne, D. B074. REAL ESTATE' WANTED WE have several good reliable buyer for t and 6-room house, and bungalow, with $200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Omahs Nat Bank Bldg. LISTING houses to rent oi aell on mall ch payment.; have' parties waiting, 'estern Real Estate. 411 Karbach Blk. D. 8607. IF you want Quick action on your prop erty, list It with roe. LUND. 420 ROSE BLDG. TYLER .J$ LIST your 6 and -rooro houses with Ed ward F. Wtlllams Co- J01-808 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 430. ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1823 Laird St webste IW3 FINANCIAL 'Real Estate. Loans. Mortgages. CITY and farm loans pormpUy made. Rates 5. 6 and t per cent Ressonabls com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th, Omaha, Neb. FINANCIAL 51 ' MTGK.. bearing 6 per cent s. ml-ua-nually. secured by property valued t 14.250. Talmase-Loomis lnv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. FARM and city loaus. running from five to twenty yeara. Interest 5 per cent, ob Per cent and per cent. PETERS TRUSJ CO., 1622 Farnam au, mu. g"- MONEY to loan on Unprovea terms anu ranches. Kjokci nvestnellt Co.. Omaha. H. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgages securea D. Omaha real estate. E. H. Lougec, - Inc. 6SS Keellne Bldg. 1 SHOPEN CO.. PRIVATE MONEY. FARM and slty loans. 6. 5H and per cent. W. H. Thoma.. Keellne Bldg. Dou16ii LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. Sl Bran del. Theater Bldg. D. 685. ' OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FAUMb. O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1018 Omahaat1 1100 TO $10,000 MADE promptly F. D- Weed, Wead Bldg.. Hth and Faro.m Sis NO DELAY IV CLOSING LOANS W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg 5 MONEY HARRISON ec MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat. Banh Bldg. 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS, Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment securities. Industrial- stocks. ROBERT C DRUESEDOW & CO.. 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay lnsursnoe companies. 610 Brandels Bide. Omaha. Neb FARM AND RANCH LANDS" j Canadian Lands. 20 ACRES Alberta farm, with hr.es, slock. Implements, $23 per acre, l'osiomce oos J98, Calgary. Alberta. ' Minnesota Lands. 240 AGRE8 45 MILES from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-nan under cultivation; balance used for pas ture and hay: can practically all be cul tivated: good aoll: good set building., this land will produce- 60 .bushels of corn per acre: country Is thickly settled; complete set of machinery, 27 head of stock, con sisting of 11 cow. balance 1 and rear olds: 4 good horses. 25 hogs, chicken, and everything 00 th farm goes at 165 per acre; 16,000 cash; Immedtte possession, cafl be had. Schwab Bros.. 102$ Plymouth. Bldg.. Minneapolis Minn Idaho Lands. LEFT Few choice homesteads for farming In Idaho. Hall, 203 Bonna Blag., isoise. Idaho. : Nebraska Lands. RANCH BARGAINS, NEBRASKA 3,840 Acres. Lincoln county, all fenced, solid body, good Improvements, 4 miles loading station, main line Union Pacific. 400 acres corn, 300 acres small grairl. Bal ance hav and pasture. Price $12.50. terms. . A PATZMAN. 628 Securities Bldg., 40-ACR fuVin for sale or trade, $5 per acre; 8 miles from Tryon, ?.cd.. county seat of McPherson county, U mile from school. R. V. D. Fulr improvements, wtnklmlll and well. If interested nddresa T. H. Armstrong. North Platte. Neb. 0QAcrcs, McPherson county, near county aeil. well Krassed. all fenced. One large and- one small set of improvements, about 240 acre. In cultivation. Price 111.60 per ere, good terms. ' . A A PATZMAN. 528 Securities Bldg, SMALL Nebraska farm, on easy payments 5 acre. up. We farm tne tarra we sei you. The Hungerford potato urowera association. 15th and Howard Sta.. Omaha. Douglas 9371. 400-AC'RE stock farm, located 1 mile front town, $10,000 Improvements, vvoum In slock of goods ss part payment. W. H. Harding, Meadow Grove, Neb. . SEE uafor western Nebraska wheat lands. You will save money Dy ouying tuiuwu vn. White- Hoover. Omaha Nat'I ' 'g. 160 ACRES Improved, two miles from town; a bargain at 14u. Wrlto Box zuo, oaaianu, Neb. ' Oregon Lands. . FREE MAP Ot' ihe northwest Bnd Jordan Valley project. -. - . . ' i Excursion August 28th. Free sleeper. A farm home and business combined u. .-Ill .Hltani.. Vfi.rlv In value.. Learn your rlgh's under tho different $ acts. HARLEY J. HOOKER. 940 First Nat l Bank Hldg., Omaha, Neb. - Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, eaat Te-as. $25 an acre. Gel my free book. - j W B FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Oman.. FARM LAND WANTED WANT TO BUY Improved 80-acre farm I within 20 mile, of Omaha. Box 6333, AUTOMOBILES. YOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED DON'T YOU? " ALL RIGHT. WE DO THE BEST WQIiK IN TOWN. TRY US. THE TIRE SHOP, 2518 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 478. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2209 Farnam. Douglas 3310. ScVlpps-Booth roadster at a sacrifice. 16 Chevrolet. '"!";'- ; 16 Maxwell 3-,i U J Moon Six aacntice CARS FOR HIRE. Will -rent you a car, with or without driver. Best service. Better rates. Also best tube repairing in city. v See Us. 218 S. 19th St. .- Tel. P. 7390. TIRES at half price. Jobbers In new tires and tubes. KAIMAN'S TIRE SHOP. Will repair your tires the best. Nebraska Tire and Vulcanizing Ce., 1721 Cuming. Doug las 6838. ' ELIMINATE PUNCTURES, BLOWOUTS, RIM CUTS. MAXOLITE3 are GUARAN TEED to do this. T. J. Garvey' Maso llte station, 291.0 Leavenworth C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 312-16 HarneV St.' Dougla. 853. Almost any make at reasonable prices. CUT down your tire expense by having tbein repaired at O. & O. Tire and Vulc Co. Also bargalna In used Urea. 2415 Leav. T. 1261-W. . s . . MODEL 36 CHALMERS. Five-passenger, electric lights and .tarter. In good shape. Can b een at the Auditorium garage, or call Doug. 894H. MAKE your tires trouble-proof by uins Maxatlres. T. J. Garvey' Vulcanising and Maxatlre Station, 2910 Leav. Har. 1608. CROSSTOWN Garage, D. 4442. 815 a 24th. 40 H. P. motor comp., starter, gen. and new 12-v. battery. $65. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds of tire repairing work guar- an teed. Douglas 7652. 1109 Douglas St. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; ffb delay. Auto Ex change 'Co., 2197 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. TELL Ss. BINKLEY. WE BUY AND SELL CSED FORDS. 2318 Harney St. - Dong. 1540. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO & CARRIAGE WKS. - 25th Ave. and Leavenworth St. Tyler 701. PACKARD Twin Six Tounlng car; brand new: never ha. been used.' Bargain. Phone .Douglas 7964. OAKLAND light six. 1916 model. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. ; 20th and Harney. Douglas- 6251. FOR SALE Mitchell 6-passenger touring car. excellent condition; tire, nearly new. $600. Phone South 2014. I FORD roadster, 1 Ford touring car. 2 Studebaker. and.J Kisselcar. Colfa 86, BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everyready Battery Station. 1206 Farnam- 1916 MAXWELL TOURING CAR; good condition: 8350.0". Phone Walnut 2041. BERTSCHY :"Kan-Fix-It," Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2652. PACKARD 30, & bargain. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., ' 20th and Harney. Douglas BMt. WANT modern si- nuto for clear Brewuell Hall district lots. Canan, McCague Bldg NEW and slightly used tires. Trawver Auto Salvage and Exchange. 110 S. 17th. CASE-40 Late model , ruu 8u0 miles, $S0u. Carl Changstrom, 2020 Farnam. FOR SALE A 1-ton truck, first claaa condition.- A bargain. Florence 131. SEE the new gandow truck at the Omaha garage. 2010 Harney. FOR SALE One Ford car. Inuv'.u Bean. Wall Paper Co., i.ust Harney, FORD car for sale, 1912 model. Doug. 75Q. Wanted. B.IXTED Ford chassis, $75 down. $2S month. 2731 S. 16th l, JacobseiV be twecn I and 8 p. oi.