THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY AUGUST 2, 1917. WANTED TO RENT Business Property. l'ORE, 16th St. near postofftce. $75 month; office. 125. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving, lit N. tlth 6L Phono Doug las $94. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service: prompt attention. Tout mvtnt. your packing, your atoraga. lain Office. Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard Tel. D 7786 ?mi7T irpv RENTAL TPPI?l? .' A.L.MJ JLU A A JERV1CE Phone Douglas 188 for complete Uat of vacant houses and apart menu. Also for storage, moving 16th and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, .packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. lOt 8. 16th St. t ' Douglas 4168. Grlobe Van and Storage Co. r"or seal service In moving, packing and storing-, call Tyler 130 or Douglas 4338. Jp PTTIPT Express -Co.. Moving . Kj. IXUllilJ Packing and orage 1207 Far nam St Web 8148 Doug 6146 FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. 2IT7 and farm loans pormptiy made. Kates 6. 6 and 6 pec cent Reasonable com mission. -.,--- UNITED STATES TRUST CO, 212 South 17th, Omaha. Neb. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years. Interest I per cent, 6H per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb MONET to loan on Improved - farms and ranches. We alsa buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv Co.. Omaha. H. W BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. $l?tl00 MTG- bearing 6 pet semi-annually, secured by property valued at $4,600. Tal ma ge-Loom Is Inv.. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. BIX per cent, first mortgages secured by Omaha real estate. E. H. Looses. Inc., 658 Keellne Bldg - $1,600.00 MT'GE, bearing 6 pet semt-annaul-ly;,. secured by property valued at $6,000 Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. BHOPEN ft CO.. PRIVATE MONEY. FARM and city loans, 6, 6 Mi and 6 per cent W H Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 101J Omaha Nat. $100 TO $10,000 MADE promptly F D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS W T GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg 07 MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. IO 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. CITY GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. O LOANS Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted atocka. Investment securities. Industrial stocks. ROBERT C DRUESEDOW or CO., 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg Abstracts of Title. " yQ Title. Guarantee and Abstract Co., CVcII 305 s. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding, and Ins. Co. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay Insurance companies. 110 ' Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE. plano and notea aa security. $40. 6 mo., H. goods, total cost. $3.50. $40. 6 mo. endorsed notes, total coat. $2.60. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 412 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. Legal rates ' loans 424.00 $240.00 or more. Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 140 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2296. 1MAHA LOAN COMPANY FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. . Sacrifice Colorado Irrigated 640 acres Routt county. Colorado. Lo cated two miles shipping station. All fenced and cross-fenced Cedar posts and barbed wire Two sets Improvements; all can be Irrigated; water limited: rights fully paid; system laid ouf by govern ment engineer. Owned by eastern man. Such land Is held at $46 to $50 per acre, but can make price of $27.44 per acre for quick sale. Might take a piece of smaller clear property at cash price as part payment Address C B. Couch. Brown Palace Hotel. Denver. BAGAIN in Colorado ranch. Owner engaged In other business and will sell email ranch consisting of 3,20 acres owned and 810 acres leased land, situated within 6 miles of county seat. Only 14 feet to plenty of" water' nd pest grass In the world. i For further particulars address owner, Elbert Lewis, Akron, Colo. Minnesota Lands. 240 ACRES 46 MILES from Minneapolis! near two good railroad towna; one-half under cultivation: balance used for pas ture and bay; can practically all be cul tivated: good soil good set buildings, this land will produce 60 bushels of corn per acre; country Is thickly settled; complete set of machinery 27 4ead of stock, con sisting of 11 cows balance 1 and 2 year olds; 4 good horses. 26 bogs, chickens and everything ep ths farm goes at 65 Pr acre; $6,000 cash, Immedlte possession can be bad. Schwab Bros.. 102$ Plymouth Biflg., Minneapolis minn Nebraska Lands. CHOICE LAND. Must be sold to settle an estate. N. N. B. Sec. 26. and N. N. W. Bee. 25. T. 16. R. 10. Four miles from Elk horn. For price and particulars. J. A. Gibbons or State' Bank. Elkhorn. Neb. FOR SALE. A 320-acre farm In Pierce county, Neb., at a bargain; 160 acres In cultivation; fair buildings. For particulars write to Box 215, Holsteln. la-.. . JMALL Nebraska farma on eaay payments 6 acres ng..JaTa farm ..the farm we sell yon. The Hungerford Potato rowers' association. 15th and Howard Sts.. .Omaha Douglas 2871.- - - r : - ' . : . : . FOR SALE Best large body high grade, medium priced ! tend 'tn -Nebraska! very little money required. : C. Bra-dley. Wol- bacn, wen. - EASTERN Nebraska farms.' . A, Glbbo Elkhorn, Neb Oregon Lands. ALFALFA : I to tons per acre yearly. JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT HARLEY J. HOOKER 140 First Nat. Bank Bldg. . Omaha, Nebraska. "Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east Texas. $25 an acrs. Get my free book. W 8. FRANK, 201 Neville Block. Omaha. Miscellaneous. 135-Acre Farm, $5,600 Corn Crop 2,000 , Bushels Last season and has averaged 200 bush els tomatoes to the acre (1600 worth last year). Only half mile to village, high school, milk station, canning factory and auto bus line for passengers and freight to city of (00.000, over state road all ths -way. 75 acrea dark loam soil in .high state of cultivation, balance valuable woodland and wire fenced pasture. Bearing orchard of apples, pears, cherries and peaches. Two-story house with telephone, fine shade and pleasant views. Slate roofed barn. Owner having other business makes quick sale price of $5,600, and If taken soon throws tn pair horses, cows, hogs, poul try, farm tools, etc.. etc. For details see page 26. Strout's Farm Catalogue. Copy mailed free. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept. 2072, 205 South 18th St., Omaha, Neb. ' REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; bsve psrtles watting Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk D. 8607. LIST you 6 and 6-room houses with Ed wsrd F. Wllllsms Co.. 801-802 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WE 8ELL THEM OSBORNE REALTY Co.. Tyler 426. ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1826 . talrd St. Wtbstu 2032.1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West MODERN, WEST FARNAM HOME Lot 66x124; good modern 8 -room house, 2 blacks from Blackstone hotel. Owner wants an offer. Immediate ' possession. Phone Doug. 4810 or address (27 City Nat. Rank. NEAR 35th and Faruain. two modern resi dences, 7 rooms snd sleeping -porch each. Both for $8.6(10 F D. Wead. 310 S. 18th. North NORTH SIDE BARGAIN Fine, ( rooms, with fine sleeping room, screened-in front porch, plastered cellar, extra fine plumbing; .large garage, 24x40; garage rents for $25 per month, almost enough to carry property. Price, $4,250; cash, $750. balance easy. All in finest kind repair. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Douglas 1722. (42 Paxton Block. NORTH SIDE Seven-room uouse, all modern, full sized lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty la on Burdette, easy walk to 20th or 24th car. Will give some one a bai galn. Owner left city. ALFRED THOMAS 308 Farnam Bldg. QWNER ASKING $6,000' Beautiful jStucco Home Seven large rooms and bath Including fine sun room, all the built-in features, exceptional .plumbing, finest of materials and workmanship, all built by day labor. Located on choice corner lot, south and east exposure, one block to car, close to schools and churches and Kountze park. For appointment to see, call OSBORNE REALTY COMPANY, 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. 6-ROOM, strictly modern bungalow, lo cated .in the northwest part of the city, with two large lots. Extra lot Is covered with eight kinds of fruit. Chicken house and fenced. South front, paved street. Owner leaving city will sacrlf IciXor quick sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 637 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. DANDY NEW BUNGALOW S rooms with stairway to floored attic, nloely decorated, oak finish in living rooms, white enameled bath room, full cement basement, 40 ft. east front lot, located high and sightly on 47th Ave. , one block west of Fontenelle Blvd. and south of Bedford Ave. Price j$3.400, 6250 down, balance terms. Be a home owner. C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. PRICE ONLY $2,750 Choice East Front Lot Six rooms and bath, strictly modern; best value we know of for the price; one block .to car; $600 down will handle. OSBORNE REALTY COMPANY, 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. NEW STUCCO bungalow, 6-r. and bath, strictly mod.. - bullt-ln buffet and cup boards, oak finish, rooms all decorated, full basement, furnace heat, lot 40x128 ft., one block to school and car. Prloecut to $2,(60, easy terms. , RASP BROS.. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. South MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction. 6 large light rooms Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $3,800 Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3,650 Call Douglas 1722 days. Walnut 1680 evenings. ONE 6-room and one 4 -room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; live in one ana rent the other. Price for both, $2,760. Very easy terms. No. 2438 South 20th St NORRIS 4 NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270. Miscellaneous. NEW OAK FINISH- I have as pretty a little fcouse as you can find in Omaha with the living room and dining room finished in natural oak, and floors are polished oa throughout, the other rooms 'are white enamel. The basement is full 7 ft. wiyi oement floor with floor drain and hot and cold water. The lot Is 40x130; 2 blocks from car line, 4 blocks from school and ( blocks from prettiest park In Omaha. CALL WALNUT 677 ' ' WHY PAY RENT? $200.00 will buy a five-room, up-to-date, strictly modern bungalow, balance Just like rent. See me at once. C. A. GRIMMEL. Phone Douglas 1616. I HAVE a splendid lot In Evanston, also one in Mlnne Lusa, which I will sell at a bargain. Telephone Tyler izsv. A TRACT of ground laying ideal for poultry raising, 250-ft frot.tage: price $810: 450 cash. $12.60 monthly Csll D 2606 W FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Real Estate and .nsu ranee. 1220 Farnam St D- 1064- Templeton-Olson Co. Bee Bldg Tyler 2020. General real estate. Insurance. Rentals. R. 6 TRUMBULL. 1306 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1734. REAL ESTATE B-nen Pr'pty H, A- WOLF. Realtor. Wars Blk Specialist in downtown business property REAL ESTATE To Exchange QUARTER section Minnesota land, 4 -miles northwest of Wlndom; 120 acres in crops, fenced and cross-fenced; good, black sandy loam, about 20 miles from Iowa line. Farm Is rented. 2-5 delivered. Price $126 per acre. Wants Improved 80 acres. Must be within 60 miles of Omaha, or good Income Omaha property. LUND. 420 ROSE BLDG. TYLER 75S. SHERIDAN, Dawes. Rock and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, clear.- for sals or ex change. ' ' S S. AY R B. MONTGOMERY. Douglas 4810. 627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. DRUG STORES South Dakota, for cash or clear land. 8 J Olmem, Minneapolis, Minn $200.00 EQUIT Y in good - residence lot at 80th and Hamilton St. to trade for Ford In good condition. Call H. 8236. " 160 ACRES, well Improved, every acre good land. N E. Neb., will take some trade. O A. Kull. Oakland, Neb. $50 AN acre buys 130-acre farm 16 miles from Omaha: Inquire 432 Ramge Blk Tel. Doug. 4212 Residence phone Doug. 776. WANTED A lot or a used Ford tor equity of $600 in 60 acres of unimproved Wiscon sin Isnd. Mrs Lawsori. 2802 Wirt St. REAL ESTATE Investment SEE -US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P TUKEY & SON. REALTORS ,620 First National Ben- Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. CARTER LAKE Summer Home Sites . Beautiful building sites on west shore of Carter Lake, in Wavecrest Addition, south of Carter Lake Club. Prices, $390 and up. HIATT COMPANY 245-7-2 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. AFTER looking at MINNS LUSA 200 dlf ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they hacked their judgment by buying lota. IF YOU will come out 'today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lots. Price $220, only $2 cash and CO cents per- week, Doug. 1322. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. COMPLETE HOUSE ACRE CROPS READY TO MOVE IN $250 DOWN $26.50 MONTHLY This house Is a brand new (-room bun galow on a corner acre, and only one block to free Jitney and paved road; large living room, dining room, kitchen; 1 bed rooms and bath: a full cement basement. This houss is different and we want you to see It. The crop consists of beans, peas, beets, tomatoes and other vegeta bles, and it's doing fine. Call Tyler 0 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. Dundee. DUNDEE, $5,750 Seven rooms, modern; living room ar rangement with sun room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; three large bedrooms snd sleeping porch on the 2d floor; full basement; practically new; oak floors throughout: garage and driveway; convenient to car. GLOVER & SPAIN. (REALTORS) Douglas 2963. 919-20 City National. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located tots on easy terms. Mod. ern. attractive bomea Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO.. HOMES and home sites In Dundee. SHULER A CAR. 204 Keellne. D. (074. FARM LAND WANTED N WE HAVE inquiries for farms wltblu twenty miles of Omaha. White & Hoover, Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4.0, Horses Live Stock Vehicles TWO extra good rfolateln cows, one fresh with calf; other milking two months. Two tuberculin tested. Gus Volatedt, 6 J en and Woolworth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jacob P. Auer et al to Frank L. Homan, Nineteenth street, 98 feet south of I street, east aide, 50x1(0. .$2,10$ Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Banker Realty Investment company. Forty sixth street. 800 feet south Of Miami street, west side, 60x135............ $,000 Louis J. Bradley And wife to Grove Wharton Const company, Camden avenue, 890.6 feet east of Thirtieth street. vsouth side, 40x116 9,000 Nells Madsen to Arthur Mitchell et al, Charles street, 20 feet east of Twenty-fifth street, south side, 25x82 ,. 1.600 Marie Egyed to Bessie Webber, Atlas street, 840 feet west of T,entb street, south side. 48x120 1,600 John Howard and wife -to Archibald G. Lehmer. Nineteenth street, .200 feet .south of Central boulevard, -west side, 60x130 2,1(0 The Shtill Land company to Alexander MacDonald. southeast corner Twenty-sixth and Hickory streets, 67x127. 1460 Lillian B. Mason to Carl A. Carlson, Dewey avenue, 92 feet east of Forty second street, south side, 46x140,. 1,250 New fork Money Market, New York, Aug. l.Money-nOn call, earner; high, V4 per cent; low, IV, per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last" loan, 2tt per cent; closing bid, ,2 per cent; pt fared at 2 ',4 per cent. ' Time Loam Steady; sixty '4aya, 4Q4K per cent; -ninety days, 44M per cent;-six months, per cent. ' Prime Mercantile Paper 4 -per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills, $4.72; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.71 ; rommerclal sixty-day bills, $4.71)1; demand, $4,75 9-16; cables, (4.76 7-16. Silver Bar, 79c; Mexican dollars, 61 c. U. S. 2s reg... S6K. C. S. ref. 6s 82H U. S. 2s coupon. 96L. ft N. un. 4s. 90V U. S. 3s reg... U 'M.K.& T. 1st 4s 68 U. S. 3s coupon. 99 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 69Vs U. 8. 4s reg,..104V4tMont. Power 6s 94 U. S. 4s ooupon .'104 V4 N.- Y. C. deb. 6S.103V4 Pan. 3s coupon 85 No. Pac. 4a..... 87 "4 Am. F. S 6s... 95No. Pac. 3s.... 63 ti A. T. ft T. elt. 6s 87!40. S. L. ref. 4s 87 Anglo-French 6s 93 H Pac. T. ft T. 8814 Ar. & Co. 4s.. 90 Pa. con. 4S...101V Atch. gen. 4s... 88Pa. gen. 4Hs... 94 B. ft O. 4s..... 94 V.Reading gen. 4a 90 Cen. Leather 6s. 97&S L ft S F adj. 6s 66 Cen, Paclfia 1st. 83So. Pac cv. 6s.. 98 V4 C. ft O. cv. 6s.. 8714tSo. Pac. ref. 4s 87 C. B. ft Q., Jt 4s 963o. Ry. 6s 9814 C. MStPgen4s 93 T. ft Pac. let.. 93 C. R. I. &P.ref . 4s 70Unlon Pac. .48. . 91 C ft 8. ref. 4 Vis 78 V, Union Pac. ov. 4s 88 i D. ft R. G. ref. 6s 60 V. fi. Rubber (s 85 D. of C, 6s 1931 86 ViU. S. Steel fie... 104 Erie gen. 4s..., 60 Wabash 1st ....100 Gen. Elec. 6s... 101 VI West Upton 4Vis 3 Gt. No. 1st 4 Vis 95VBid. i. C. ref. 4s. ... 84Kfferad. Int M. M. jfis.. 93 f Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin, At Omaha, for the twenty-four hours end ing Wednesday, August 1: Terap'ture, Rain Stations. HlRh. Low. fall. Ashland 102 65 .35 Auburn ..........106 46 .08 Broken Bow 95 0 .00 Columbus .... 94 66 .4)0 Culbertson '.. ..100 ;' 64 .00 Falrbury ..105 65 .44 Fairmont ....... i......... 100 . 69 . 01 Grand Island 92 66 . . .00 Hartington . 9 64 .10 Hastings 94 . 60 .40 Holdrege 97 (6 .00 Lincoln .101 - 44 .19 North Loup (2 60 .00 North Platte 92 62 .00 Qakdale 86 58 .31 ..Omaha .,..101 67 .(6 O'Neill ..... 88 (1 .02 Red Cloud 97 n .Op Tekamah ...100 61 .66 Valentine 66 48 .40 Showers occurred In Iowa, greater por tions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, .eastern por tions of South Dakota and Nebraska, north eastern and much of southern Kansas, north western and north central Oklahoma, and northwestern Missouri. The amounts -were mostly light to moderate, . except over one Inch fell at one station each tn Minnesota, Iowa and Oklahoma. Maximum tempera tures Tuesday exoeeded 90, exoept in the northwestern states, and were 100 or above In southern portions of Iowa, Nebraska and northern portions of Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. Cooler weather Is now over spreading the plains states and the middle Missouri end upper Mississippi valleys. . U A. WELSH. Meteorologist. Coffee Market. K.v Tnrlr Aue 1 Coa The market for coffee futures was very quiet today and there was very little change In prices. The opening was nominally unchanged to 2 points lower, but the only business reported was at a slight advance with December selling at 7.65c and of March at 7.97c during the morning. ' The close was a point or two off, with prices net unchanged to 2 points higher. Sales. ,000 bags: August, 7.9o; September, 7.75c; Ootouer, 7.18c; November, 7.81c; December, 7.84c; January, T.88o; Feb ruary, 7.93c; March, 7.97o; Aprllj. $.02c; May, 8.07c; June, 8.12e. Snot, aulet; Rto 7s, 9 Vic; Santos 4s. 10 Vic More offers were rer-orted tn the cost ,and freight market -ranging from about .40c to 9.60a for Santos 4s, London credits. The official cables -reported no change In the Brazilian markets except Santos futures, which were unchanged to 2,5 tela lower. - St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis. Aug. 1. Cattle Receipts. 6,700 head; market, lower; native -beef steen, 7.5013.60; yearling steers and heifers, $8.50010.00; cows, $6.00010.60; storkers and feeders, $6.00 9. fiO; prime southern beef steers, (8.0012.26; beef ,oows and heifers. $4.25.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.5010.00; native calves, $6i00 13 00. Hos--Recelpts, 8.000 head; market, strong: lights. 16.4515,s0; pigs, $10.(0 15.00; mixed and butchers, $15,50l(iOo; rood heavv, $15.9516.05; bulk of sales. $15 60(S16.95. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,400 head; market steady: lambs. 26050c lower: lambs. $10.609H4.00: wes, $8 OO0'8.(O;J canners, $4.004.&0; choppers, $6.OOV.60. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Aug, Cattle Receipts. 18,000 head; market weak; native beef, 17.(00 14.00: .western steers, $8.15(911.40: stockerg and feeders, -$5.75e9.00; cows anil .heifers, $4.30411.60; calves, $8.504713.00. , Hogs Receipts, 24.000 head; market steady; bulk of sales, 116 10rl6 10; light, 14,016J5; mixed, $14.J16.26; heavy, $14.4516 80; rough, 614.46 14.70,; Jigs, $11 5014.20. Sheep and Larnhs Receipts, 9.000 head; market weak; wethers. $7.6Oi10.651 .ewes, 6.359.00; Iambi, $9,50015.00, LIVE STOCK MARKET ' Cows and Heifers, as Well at Stackers and Feeders, Are in Good Proand ; Prices Are Strong. Omaha. August 1, 1917. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 9.991 .4t 11.85 Official Tuesday (.604 11,300 10.401 Estimate Wednesday.. 1,700 9.809 1600 Three days this week. .18.296 29,679 29.786 Same days last week..),6S8 32,905 19,129 Same days 3 w'ks ago. 12,014 37,(94 16,335 Same day t w'ks ago. 11,723 34.47$ $6,043 Same days 4 w'ks ago. 8,149 14.699 6.333 Same days last year.. 14,337 4.0$ ,04 Receipts and disposition of live' stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, for twenty four hours ending at S p. m. yeeterday: RECEIPTS CARiA ADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. P.. M. ftt. JP IS.. Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Paolflc 33 (9 (1 C. .ft N. W.. east 4 9 1 C. ft N. W.. west 19 61 3 C. St. P., M. ft 0 6 12 O., B. A Q., east S I C.v B. ft Q west 16 If C, R. I. ft P., east 6 t C. R. I. ft P., west 1 Illinois Central 2 t Chicago Great Western ( Total receipts J48 29 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hefts'. Sheep. Morris & Co 319 1.898 269 Swift & Co 690 1,760 476 Cudahy Packing Co.. 775 2.643 721 Armour & Co 878 2,530 1.313 Schwartz ft Co 218 J. W. Murphy 1.41 Carr (6 Lincoln Packing Co.. 4 Wilson Packing Co... (0 Cudahy. K. C. ....... 146 Hill ft Son 61 F. B. Lewis 80 J. B. Root ft Co 69 Rosenstock Bros 98 F. G. Kellogg 95 Werthelmer ft Degen 109 Ellis ft Co 14 Bothschlld ft Krebs.. 88 o. ft Kan. Calf Co.. 14 Hlggln '. 7 Huffman , 6 Roth .r.. 21 Meyer , 21 Banner Bros. ........ 23 John Harvey 73 s Jensen ft Lungren.... 89 Jat O'Day 1 Other buyers (17 1 6,028 Total 4,028 10,031 9,597 .Cattle Receipts were comparatively light today, the recent sharp decline In prices having a tendency to shut off supplies. Tuesday's fain also had a tendency to check shipping, as well as to Intprova the demand for the cattle and the general trf.Qe was in a better frame of mind. - Beef steers were not materially stroncer than yesterday, ths best cattle selling around 118.O04J'13.0, but cows and heifers, ss well aa 0tockena and feeders, were tn better de mand at steady to stronger prices all around. . -Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. $12.50 14.00; fair to good beeves, $11.6fl12.60: common to fair beeves, $9.60 if 11.00; good to choice yearlings, $18.60 13.(0; fair to good yearlings, $11.50012.(0; common to fair yearlings. $9.00g11.00; gobd to choice grass beeves, $10.26011.60: fair to good grass beeves, $8.0009.50; com mon to fair grass be ves, 36.00(97.76; good to choice heifers, I9.0010.00: good to choice cows, $8.009.00; fair to good cows. $7.00w7.76; common to fair cows, $5.00( 7.00; good to choice feeders, $8.0039.00; fair to good feeders, $7.0007.76; common to fair feeders, 6.oog6.;5; good to choice stockers. $7,6048.60; stock heifers, $6.60 7.50: stock cows, $5.(007.00; stock calves, $6'.509.00; veal calves, $9.00013.00; bulla. stags, etc., $8.0009.(0. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. - Pr. No. Av, Pr. 6....... 780 $5 60 3 (70 $5 99 8 47 ( 16 32 731 6 36 6,......,770 ( 40 36 1012 6 75 8....... 983 7 26 24 975 7 65 9 1196 8 10 38 1069 9 09 28 1023 9 25 15. ...... 1.031 10 00 8 976 10 (0 18. ......1108 10 65 29 1079 11 10 44.. .....1060 11 25 1. ...... .1090 1L 60 17., .....1206 11 75 18 1812 12 80 48.. 1264 13 00 21 1083 13 40 WESTERNS. Jr. J. Barkle South Dakota. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4cowe....l080 ( 60 19 cows..., 969 6 15 K. M. Stuart Wyoming. 4 cows... .1206 8 10 (cows... .1328 8 36 M. E. Bennett South Dakota. II cows.... 9l 6 75 lcalf 234 9 00 W. E. Bennett South Dakota. 6 heifers. . 796 6 75 II, C. South South Dakota. 23 steers., 694 7 00 E. P. Wood South Dakota, 24 steers.. 793 7 10 , W. W. Fish South Dakota. 14 steers.. 1009 7 00 (steers.. 972 T 00 NEBRASKA. 14 steers., 640 6 50 6 steers. .1005 6 76 SO steers.. 710 6 60 12 calves. .. 230 ( 00 J,T heifers.. 631 J 00 IDAHO. 15 cows... .1086 J 60 32 cows. . ., (93 ( (0 48 cows.... 981 4 46 lpws. . .. 827 ( (0 ORBGON. 88 bulls.... M3 4 5 88 00WS....1P53 6 90 47 steers.. .1111 0 SOUTH DAKOTA 86 steers... 82 6 25 12 steers... 71 6 75 WYOMING. 11 cows.... 979 6 75 foowa.... 1037 6 26 6 5 steers... 1026 60 Bogs The hog market was the best seen In some -time, .both aa to general condition of the trade and the highness .of prices. Receipts were fair, but .demand was broad from both packers and shippers, and the -trade -opened as much as lOfi'SOo higher, while before the close .some bogs sold 26c higher. Everything was cleaned up be fore O'clock, bulk selling at $14.76 15.00, with the heat kinds op up to $15.80, the top. Representative sales: v No. A v. Sh. Pr. No. At. Sh;' Pr. , 28. .252 ...14 60 56. .282 ...$14 70 48. .283 - 40 14 76 (1..324 ... 14 80 ' (2. .305 ... 14 65 63. .260 .,,14 90 62.. 388 40 46 00 64. .261 110 1( 10 56.. 901 110 16 20 25. .280 ... 15 90 69 .-290 . . Jfl .15 .40 . 52.. 235 70 15 60 " 64., 196 40 16.(6 56. .224 ... 15 80 ' PIGS. " . 41.:t42 11 IS , Sheept Jt lambs were a quarter lower again today, and for that matter so were most of the feeders. Sellers did not cut loose until late In the morning, but In the end they had to sell most of the killer of ferings around $14.60, as against $14.76 yesterday. A few light feeders wer nearly steady, one bunch reaching $16.10, but bulk of the feeder lamb offerings is showing Just aa much decline this week as the killers, and most galea are being made at $14.50 and under. 5 ' Fat sheep were most too scarce to really make a market Trade waa quotably steady, a few ewes reaching $9.00. Feeder sheep are down Just as mueh as lambs this week, and feeding ewes that were bringing $7.00 97.(0 last week are being bought under $7.00. Breeding awes are for ths most part an unknown quality, none of conse quence having been hers. Cannsr swes are weak at last week's low prices, most of them selling today around $3.5094.(0. Quotations pn sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, JH 40 14. 60; lambs, fair to good, $14.26014,40; lambs, culls, $13,00 14.25; lambs, feeders. $14.00(916.10; year lings, fair to -choice, $9. 60 (10.60; yearlings, feeders, $1.0010.60; wethers, fair to choice, $8.6009.00; ewes, culls .and feeders. $3.0007.00; ewes, breeders, all ages, $7.50 16.00. Representative gales: No. Av. Pr. 66 Idaho canner ewes 89 $4 00 140 Idaho feeder lambs ., 62 14 90 338 Idaho feeder lambs 63 14 76 37 cull feeder lambs... 66 14 15 (4 Idaho lambs 64 14 60 91 Idaho lamhg 7. 14 60 166 Idaho feeder lambs 62 16 20 K annas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 16,000 head;' market steady; grass ers weak to 16o tower; prime fed steers. 613.00013.75: dressed beef steers, $10,000 12.76; western steers, $9.00012.60; cows. 66.2609.00; heifers, $7.60012.60; storkers and feeders, $6.76010.00; bulls, $6.0007.60; Calves, $6.60011.00. .HogSr-xReceipts, - 10,000 head; market higher; pigs 60c lower; bulk of sales, $15.25 016.06;' heavy, $15.90016.15; packers and butchers, $15.40016.06; light, $14.90015.70; pigs, $10.00013.00. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head; market lower: lambs, $13.76014.60; yearlings, (9.00 011.00; wethers, $8.60 0 10.00; ewes, $8,000 .2S. Sloox City Live Htock Market. Bloux City. Aug. 1. Cattle Receipts, 800 head; market strong; beef steers, $7,600 12.60: fat cows and heifers, 67.00011.00; canners, $6.0006.60; stockers and feeders, 46.6008.76; calves, $6.0008.00; bulls. siags, .etc., sn.uutyi9.vv-, lecwna " heifers. 48.7607.(0. Hogs Receipts, 6.000 head; market 10c higher; light $14.76016.25; mixed, $14,760 16.00; heavy, $14.60016.66: pigs, $12,600 13.00; bulk of sales, $14.(6016.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 700 head; market weak. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Cash Wheat Market is Quiet, With Light Arrivals; De mand for Corn Very Brisk. Omaha. Aug. 1. 1917. The rash wheat market was very quiet today, with light arrivals, but the trade in corn was excellent and the local market Ltd all other markets lo the receipt of this rereal, the total arrivals being 114 cars, which was forty-six cars In excess of the amount seoeived by Chicago, the nearest competitor. The tone of the rash wheat market was a trifle easier, with prices quoted from steady to 2c lower, and while the de mand was very limited it seeined strong enough to take care of the extremely light offerings. The corn market was strong and prices on this cereal continued to soar to new high level, the better grades of white corn reaching a high mark of IS 12. while the fellow sold around 62-26 02.2614 and the mixed grades ranged from 4- 240 $.26Vi, with a few choice cars selling at high as $2 J9V,. The local demand for corn of all grades was very brisk, and srhlle buyers paid premium prices for white corn they did not neglect the yellow and mixed and practically all of the samples that ap peared on the tables were disposed of at a comparatively early hour at prices rul ing from IVstPltaO above the market of the previous day. The oats market was very weak, at a range of 102c lower, and ths demand for this cereal was rather quiet. Rye was dull, with no arrivals, while barley was fairly active, with light arri vals, and prices on this article ruled about 6c higher. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to 193,000 bu.; corn, 70,000 bu.; oats, 391,000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were (34,000 bu. and shipments of 363.000 bu., against re ceipts of 2,401.009 bu. and shipments of 1,113,000 bu.. last year. Primary cora receipts were (36,000 bu. and shipments of 392,000 bu., sgatnst re ceipts of 971,000 bu. and shipments of (87.000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 608.0O6 bu. aud shipments of 480,000' bu., against re ceipts of J, 439,000 bu. and - shlpmeuts of sss.vvo ou. last rer. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 13 (8 87 Minneapolis ,.114 ... ... Duluth I Omaha 6 314 38 Kansas City 168 13 31 St. Louis 417 46 66 Winnipeg 176 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $2.78. No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $2.78: 1 cgr, $3.T4.. No. $ spring: 1 car, 2.?0. jBariey no. I: 1 car. $1.35. Corn No. 3 white: 6 6-6 cars, (2.32. Sam ple white: 1 car. 62.21. Mo. 1 yellow: 1 car, $2.26. No. 2 yellow: 3 cars, $2.2Vi; 4 oars, $3.20; I oar, (2.26V4. No. $ yellow: 1 car, $2.26; 1 car, $3.26; 1 car, $3.26 Vi. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $3.25,. No. 1 mixed: 1 oaf, $2.24. No. 3 mixed: $ cars (near white), $2.29Vi; 6 ram, 62.24); 4 3- oars, 62.6V; 6 cars, $2.26: 3 oars, 32.24V,. No. 8 mixed: 2 cars. 42.36V; I 1-5 oars. 62 26. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (near white), 62.29; i cars, 6 8. 2.5 U; 3 cgrs, 62.26; 1 oar (shipper's weights), I2.Z4H: 1 car, 92.14. f.o. 6 mixed; 1 car (shipper's weights), 6S.E6V4. No. 6 mixed: 8-6 car, $2.86; I Car, $2.21 Vi. Sample mixed: 1 car, $3.23. Oats No. 3 while: 3-5 car, 73o. No. ( white: 1-6 cars, 73c. No. 4 white: 1 3-6 oars, 70c. Sample white: i cars. 660; 3 oars (new), 680. ' , Omaha Cash Prlcesn-Wheat : No. I bard, (2.7603.78. No. 8 hard. $2.7303.76. Corn; No. t white, 6J51Vi0S.S3. No. 6 white. $2.8103.32: No.. 4 white, $2.31 6 2.81 V4. No. 6 white, 42 80V4 0331. No. 4 white. 62 380 2.69. No. I yellow, $2.85Vs2.8o4. No. I yellow, 2.25)02.26V4. No, 4 yellow. ,$285 02.26. No. 6 yellow, 61.650S.2Vi. No. 4 yclTow, 62.2402.25. No. i mixed, 63.24 Vs ?6Vi. No. $ mUed, $2.84V02.4(V. No. 4 mixed, $2.2402.36Vk. No. 6 mixed, $2,23 Vi 2-S4ii No. 4 mixed, 42 22V402.23 V,. Oats; No; 1 white, 78 Vi 074c. Standard, 13 0 730. No. 8 white. f073o. No. white, 9071c. Barley: malting, $1.2501.36. No. 1 feed. $1.1001.16. Rye: No. 2. $1.O01.2. No. 3, $1.8901.90. Local range of option: Art I Open. I High. ' I Low.) Gloss. Tea Wht. j " Sep. $ 16 I 16 316 $ 16 216 Corn. Sep. ll 111 111 1 63 161 Deo. i II 1 14 116 1 16 116 May 1 l i 34 M 1 l n Oats. Sep. 62 62 63 63 63 Dap, f 62 62H 62 634, Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers. I The New , 1 si m x sw sEsa saw ,.au I Is Here A car of popular price in which a new, four-cylinder, valve-in-the-head motorat tains a degree of power and efficiency hitherto unknown in combination. This Harroun motor rates at but 16 horsepower for tax ation but develops over 43 horsepower on dynamometer test The Harxoun car's ap pointments are complete. Its PIfXQ Western Motor ?ar Company Western Pistributors 2054 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. PboM DtmgU 4904. CHAS. R. HANNAN, JR., President. WALTER .5. JOHNSON, Secretary and Sales . V. ABBOTT, Vic President BfMCiHwVL-ncoln. Hooper, HstUmt, NebrMLa9 and S15 South Sixteenth street. Omnhnj Art Open I High, i Low. I Close. I Yes Wht Sep. Corn. Sep. Dec. May On is &vp. Deo. Pork. Sep. Lard Sep. Oct It lbs. Sep. Oct. I 18 i $ 20n( I t 16 I?" I 1164 l-17V :116V, 1 16', 1 15Vi 1 lV!U5t, 1 i6V,in I 16 69 tow 40 SO 21 17 21 1$ 23 07 51 97 (8fe 59 58' 69' (94., 60S (0 40 75 31 15 21 10 21 95 51 90 40 751 40 76 40 70 21 051 (1 26 21 15 21 17 2 10 21 30 21 921 22 00 90 21 95 1 90 1 s; ti CU1CAC.0 CHAIN MARKET. Rains Throughout Cora Belt With rromUe of Crop Cause Sharp Break In Tit Chicago. Aug. 1. -Welcome rains In Kan sas and other 4g states where the slae of ths corn crop 1 a matter of vital im portance, broke prices sharply today tn tho corn market here. The flnleh was lc to 2c net lower at $1 16H to $1 16 Decem ber, and $1 13 to 61.14 May. Wheat sained lc and closed unsottlcd with September $2.18. Oats declined c to lHc net. The outcome In provisions ranged from 60 loss to a like advance. Downward swing In ths value of corn began a soon a the market opened. At tention centered at once on the fact that much needed moisture and lower temp erature had supplanted the drouth and host, which was withering the Kansas crop. Bearish sentiment received further em phasis, however, from reports showing that the cooler showery weather was shared by Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois. An other notable Influence against the bull was an nswrtlon from a leading toxpart that ,the total yield of ewe tn the United States -this season promised to be as much as 3,176,000, 000 bushels to 8,200.000,000 bushels. Action of the directors of the board In prohibiting all fresh dealings in the September delivery counted likewise throughout ,the day a a weight on price. Wheat trading waa confined to scattered transactions In the September delivery. Prices svsraged s little higher, chiefly owing to estimates that the domestic crop would be 2,000,000 bushels short of what had been expected a month ago. In this connection it waa the most of -the damage In the spring crop region had been offset by enlarged yields In the winter crop belt. Oat declined with corn. Threshing re turns continued excellent and reports at hand suggested that the total crop this sea son might exceed laat year' by nearly 260,. (000.000 bushels. Buying that waa ascribed to packers rallied the provision market from an early setback. The temporary weakness resulted from sympathy with corn and tram an X peoted bearish showing in the monthly re port on warehouse atocks of provision here. Cash prices: Whest No. I red, 42.66; No. $ red and No's 3 and 3 hard, nominal. Corn No. 6 yellow, $2.32 08.88; No. 3 yellow. $2.3203 33; No. 4 yellow, nom inal. Oat No. 3 white, 78081c; standard, 8O0HI. Rye No. 8, J 10W2 16. Jiarlny $1.3501.6$. Timothy $4.0007.(0. Clover tl2.OOWI7.tfO. Pork $40.75. Lard $20900 21.00. Ribs $21.76083.85. New York General Market. New York, Aug. 1. Flour Unsettled; spring patents, $13.16013 40; winter patents, $ 14 90 0 1 1.16 ; winter straights, $10.(6 0 10.80; Kansas straights. 613.16 0130. Wheat Spot, nominal. Corn Spot, firm; No. 1 yellow, 43.45, and No. 3 mixed, $2.4$, both c. L f. New York. Oats Spot, essy; standard, 60 o. Feed Firm: cltr hran. 100-lb. saotu. 42c: standard middlings, $60.00; city bran. Jtl.PO; an in iuu-io. sarKs. Rye Dull; No. (. western, 11.66. 0, t. f. Nsw York, Hops Firm; state common to choice, 1916, 30036c; 1916, 08o; -Paclfls Coast, 1916. 10013c; 1916, 708c. Hides Steady; Bogota, 43a; Central America, 42 c. Leather Firm; hemlock first, 67oj gee onds, 46c. Pork Klrmi me, 648. 00043. M: family, $43.00044.00; short clor, $40.00042.50. Lard Firm; middle west, $31.00 0 31.16, Tallow Quiet; eity apecla!, loo, 15o. Wool-tQu!t; domestic fleece, X Ohio, 660. Rica Firm; fancy head, 60$ Mo; blue roo. 70740 - ' Minneapolis Grata Market. Minneapolis Aug. J.-ee-Wheat Sentemberi $3.14. Cash: No. ;1 northern, 8.6ff6.O0,; No. 2 .northern, 49.6002.-96. Corn 'No. yellow, 49.1408. 84. Oats No, I white, 7077o. Flaxseed 43.8008.35. Flour-i-Unohangnd Barley 61.16 1.46. Rye $2.0403.06, Bran $36.61)0300. Option Jflarket. New York. Aug. Cotton Futurss opened steady; Ootober, bs.sio; wecemner, 33.0No; January, 31,60c; Mreh, t-3.0c; May, 34.T8C t TH cotton markot cloned t -J4.Sc and with the general list nloslng steady at 6 not advance oi a to 11 points, weight is below that of any other car of similar capacity. Its interior , is uniisualjy roomy. Its finish and uphol stery are comparable only to cars of much greater price. v Designed by flay Harroun and to be built in quantity under his supervision, by the latest automatic, machinery, in the new plants of the Har roun Motors Corporation at Wayne, Michigan. your Order Now for Deliyrjr in August and September HEW YORK STOCKS Continuation of Extreme Eeat Contributes to Further Car- tailacjt ,of Iwdicff. New York, Aug. 1. Continuance of th extreme heat contributed larg'ly to the further curtailment of stock market trading todey, dealing f .tiling to 365,000 shares, the smallest total since the early months ol the yuiir. The extraordinary exhibit of the United Slates Kteel corporation for the - second quarter, with Hs significant appropriation for war taxes and profit,, was almost the one topic In financial quarter, and acted a a brake upon bearish activity. With two exemptions Coatral Leather and Industrial Alcohol In which gross advances of about 8 points were scored, pries change extended trem fractions to barely 8 points, though mainly upward. -United States Steel registered the maxi mum of 124, reacted a point and closed at 124 U, a net gain of s point. Other steal and the more active equipment, and war spec laities followed the course of their loader In ,tite main. Rails, shipping and metals were featureless most of the session, although a broad Inquiry for low-priced or reorganised transportation issues devel oped before the close, lmportnnt railroads submitted June statement of earnings, some of which left much to be desired from ,the bull standpoint. Engagements of gold tor export again as sumed large proportions, ti.OuO.OOO being transferred to 6an -Francisco tor shipment -to Japan, 41,200,000 being -consigned to Spain and $500,000 going to an unnamed port. Foreign exchange showed no alteration except for a hardening of rates to the Scan djlnavlan countries. Bonds were firm. The Liberty Issue moved In the narrow range of 99.40 to 99.43. Total salus, par value, $2,676,000. Culled States -bandar old Issues, were u.Q. changed on call. Number of sales and quotations on leading atocks were: Sales. High. Low. Close. 600 $2 91 91 200 48 49 48 200 76H 76 76 Vi 200 73 72 72 V 1,600 103 103 103 Amer. Beet Sugar. . Amor. Can ...... Am. C. ft F Amer. Loco. .... Amer. 9. ft R. ... Amer. S. Ref Amer. T. AT. .. . mm m. a 3,100 128 131 132 Vi 700 118 lit 118 4, Alii. 4 -u. re 0. ...... 23 Anaconda Cop. 1,300 77 77 T7? V Atchison 99 ti A. G. ft W. I. 41. . 400 108 105 168 Vi U. ft O. 406 69 49 69 B. ft S. Copper , ,. 26 Cel. Petroleum 18 Vi Can. Pacific 196 111 10 10 Can. Leather .... 11,000 i 88 41 C. ft O. 700 60 69 60tf U. at. ft St. r. .... 1,699 69 19 9V C ft N. W. 108 V 1.900 34 34 84 Vi 4,400 (6 66 6-4 W (0 1.104 .14 14 34 W C. R. 1. ft P. ctf., Chtno Copper .... Colo. T. ft I. ...... Corn. Pro. Ref. ., Crucible Steel .... Cuba Cane .Sugar,, l,4 12 1 81 1,(00 ,40 391 39V Dlst See 400 37 44 V f'M lVt Ert 1,000 46 34 34 Gsn. Eleotrlo 154 V' (Inn. Motor 2,806 116 lt 114Vi' Ot. No. pfd 104 W Gt. No. )r ett.. 260 ,13 11 63 r Illlnol Central J 101 Insp. Copper ..... 1,(90 16 (6 69 -Int M. M. pfd ... '3,304 88 47 47Vfi Int Nickel 1,100 48 Is 44 Vt ttV Int Papsr 84 K. C. Southern ..' 300 13 98 -r- 42 Kennecott Copper 300 4 41 43$ U k M t , Maxwell Motors .. , Meg. Petroleum ., Miami Copper .... Mo. PaoMlo ...... Montana Power ... 300 ,124 -134 134 300,44 34 341 100 :'(. I( 99V 700 46 38 V IJ0O (2 4.14. - "ioo 'ii "i Nevad.a -Copper ... J. Y. Central 400 38 It1j 86 Va! N. Y.. ,N. H. ft H.. ..... ..... 16 Nor. ft West. ..... 121 1 No. Paotfto ...... 400 101 101 101 ! I'aolflo Mall 66 Pennsylvania .. .. 1.400 48 61 634' ..,. k..k rm K 1AA tatU. KElf EA ti.1 Ray Con. Copper., 600 38 38 16 Reading .'. 1.906 94 14 1 . . 64tf Rep. Iron ft Steal. 3,900 61 61 1V4 SO. Facltto ....... iOO 44 94 5 4 So. Railway...... 1,(00 27 16 47 Htudshaker Corp.. 1.400 66 66 65 Texas Co 606 137 166 1874a .Upton Paqlfle .... ' 600 135ji 136 135V4 it. p. ina. Aiconqi T.soo 10 ihi 164a, ,W. a Steal 66,800 194 133 164 IT. B. Steel pfd... ,400 .119 116 119 Utah Copper .... 400 104 104 404 -Wabash pfd 'b... 1,600 27 16 S&H -west, union yjii West ,KWnti;l! . .,. . 406 41 48 4s: Total .sales for the day, 2(6,000 shares. New York Produoe Market. ' New Tork, Kui. lir-Butter Firm; reoelpt 13,794 tub. Creamery higher ,tlin extra, 39j04O, -orenrbery extra (11 more,) 3IWo; finis, ttlfj23; .seconds, 37Vi0 38 Vic iKggs -Irregular; receipts, 4,064 cases.! Fresh gathered e.Mrn $940c; .extra firsts,, 17 3e; frts. 44026a; -second,, 40033c. .U. n-e Manager . nd General Manager. Wichita, KaiM