'I iiiu tLii ; OMAHA, Want Ad Rates (Ousting Six Word to tie Um) No A Ukaa for leu than two lints. : CASH WITH ORDER la par Ha 1 ma 7 par Una. .1 or mora consecutive Insertions CHARGE par Una 1 tima is par Una. .1 or mora consecutive insertion 7e par una .. eonseeuuva insertions SITUATIONS WANTED It par Una par wsak CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES It par lta each Insertion (Minimum ehsrge, SO cents.) Foraicn Rata Cash With OnUr. (Count Sis Words to Una.) Help Wantad f 12a par Hna 1 Mm. tSSLmSSL JET JSK. LZLST Finaneiil consecutiv insertions. (e per lis 1 time. All Other Classification 8e per lina or mora aonieeutlva insertions. CBB TBB TELEPHONE It yon cannot eon venlently bring or send In roar ads. Ask (or Want Ad Taker and you wilt re ceive the same food service aa when de livering your sd at this office, PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB EVINTNO EDITIONS. ......1 1:00 M MORNING EDITIONS......... 10:00 P. M Contract Rate on Application. Movie Program Downtown. PRINCESS, 1317 DOUQLAS PEARL WHITE. In CHAPTER NO. 4. of THE FATAL RING." North ALAMO, 24TH AND FORT HAROLD LOCKVVOOD, and MAT ALLISON, In THE RIVER OP ROMANCE." ALHAMBRA, 24TH AND PARKER ANTONIO MORENO, in THE MAGNIFICENT MEDDLER' DIAMOND, 24TH AND LAKE GOOD PROGRAM TODAY AND COMEDY ALSO. GRAND, 1TH AND BINNET ENID BENNETT, in "HAPPINESS. LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP ALICE JOYCE, and HARRT MORET, In "THE QUESTION," South. APOLLO, 18TH AND LEAVENWORTH HAZEL DAWN, in "NIOBE." Boulevard, isd and leavenwOrth NORMA TALMADGE, in "THE SOCIAL. SECRETARY." ROHLFF. 16TH AND LEAVENWORTH I WILLIAM NIGH, in "THE BLUE STREAK." West DUNDEE, BIST AND UNDERWOOD BESSIE BARRISCALE, in "THE SNARL." South Side. MAOIC. ! 24TH ANdT ONE GOOD PICTURE AND A REFINED COMEDY. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES aRR Bertha, aged 41, July 80, 1317,' She 1 survived by three eleters, Mrs. Mio Ass minn, Mr. Emllln Ebnet, wife of the late John Ebnet Mrs. Augustus Zelgler, all of Omaha; four brothers, Carl of Tacoma, , Wash., Will of Bait Lake City, Emll and Fred of Omaha. Deceteed was a member of St Mary's Magdalene Court, W. C. O. F. Funeral from residence of her sister, 4014 Charles St., Wedneeday, 8:11 a. m to St Mary' Magdalen church, I a. m. Interment German Catholic cemetery. MEMBERS of Covert Lodge. No. 11, A. ?. II, U., are requested to meet at Masonic temple, Sixteenth and Capitol avenue Wednesday, August 1, 1817, at 10 o'clock p. m. to assist in conducting the funeral service for our late brother Fred W. Schnurr. Services at Stack ft Falcon er' parlor. Twenty-fourth and Harney, at 1 o'clock p. m. Burial West Lawn cemetery. . -, (Signed) CHAr. t. johnbqn. 6'CONNKLL John O., aged (0 years, I a, m.. July 31. 1917. at 140 N. 42d St. Funeral .will be held at St. Cecelia' Cathedral, Thursday morning at I o'clock. Burial In Holy Bepulcher. CARLETON Miles H., aged 77 yeare, July 28. 1817. Funeral from residence ef O. L. Barton, 1721 N. 46th St., Wednesday afternoon at 1:80. Interment Forest Lawn, LARSON Wilbur E., aged 7. 1623 N. 19th Funeral from Crosby' parlors, 1611 N14th St., 10 a, rjMWedneeday, m FUNERAL DIRECTORS. & L. DODDER CO., Funeral Dlreotors. ' P a. Fero. Mgr., 13d and Cuming It. Phone Dougla 677. Auto ambulance, SULBB 4k RIEPEN, undertaker and em- balmera, 701 8,10th. Douglaa 1241. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer. 1424 Leavenworth. Doug. 1069. v' FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florist? Telegraph Delivery association, wa are In position to deliver flowers on short notice anywhere in the united state or canaaa. Hees A Bwoboda, Florists. Fontenell Florist. LEE L. LARMON 1114 Dougla 8t Dougla 8244. LARGEST assortment of freeh flowers, L. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. Parker flower shop, 411 s. io. d. aioa. THE FERNERY. 601 B, 10th St. Doug, 2980, BATH, National Florlat. 1304 Farnsm 8t DONAGHUB 1121 Harney Doug. 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Leo and Martha Dlers. 2619 Hickory street boys John and Annie Novak, 4311 South Forty-second street boy; Martin and Barbara Pleetlna, 1413 North Nineteenth treet girl; J. 8. and Lillian Smutlng, 8616 . South Thirty-third (treet girl; Abe and Helen Walk, 1420 North Twentieth street girl; H. Earl and Pearl Bhaw, 4708 North Twenty-ninth (treet boy; Aurena and Loulee Cunningham. 3601 South Nineteenth etreet, girl; Henry J. and Francis Mitchell, 6224 North Fourteenth street boy: Joseph U and Rose Pfeffer. Twentieth and Dorcas streets, girl; Edward and Marie Hlavaeek, ' 1619 P street boy; Emll and Mary Polan, Forty-fourth and J streets, boy; John and Beraflna Krizanac, (433 South Twenty-third street, boy; Wllllamand Marl Jansa, 2466 South Fifth treet, poy; chin ana xuen urn, 101 Bouth Twelfth street hoy. Deaths Mrs. Peter Besen, 66, 2709 Devon- t port street; Theodore Coffey, 69, hospital Clair Lovely, 21, 3001 Chicago street; Marie Lambkin, 47, 1113 Vinton etreet; Mary M Skinner, (2. 4614 North Fourteentn street Fslth C Warren. 38. Ill South Thirty eighth street; Marlon L. Hill. 1. 2618 North Nineteenth street: Eva Parker, 18, hospital Oeorg Slegal, 14, Sixteenth and Center etreets; H. B. Drake. (2, hospital: Barbara Water. months, 108 South. Fifty-second " ' trt- , , f M , um MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marrlaga licenses were tesued to the fol lowing couples: Nam and Residence. Age Rav Van War, Omaha 21 Alta Ralston, Kearney, Neb 20 .Tame W. McEIIlgott Omaha 20 Blanch Frisk. Omaha 12 Walter Furlong. Omaha .............. 20 Marl Deryeker, Omaha 11 Karl Richards. Glenwood, la. ........ 26 Margaret C Mllkkelsen, Omaha.. Joseph Cttta. Omaha . Anna Cbromy. Omaha John Garfield. Omaha 16 Mary KUh, Omaha William Rubin. Omaha 2T Emma Bloss, Omaha...... 84 David Lone, ron tsoage, . ......... Helen Reuben. Omaha 19 Fred W. B&rsell, Omaha 20 Elsie Bunco, Fontenelle, Neb..... 11 BUILDING PERMITS. Building permit have been Issued to the following; ' F. i.. Fltxgerald. 1817-11 Leavenworth treet fireproof garage. $46,000; Charle Gruenlg, 2404 Fowler (venue, brick dwelling. 37,OOj Charle Gruenlg, 1604 Fowler avenue, frame dwelling, 31.600; Richard Krallcek. 1411 Canton (treet repair. (600. ATTRACTIONS WANTED Ferri wheel or merry-go-round ' and concession for our home coming, August 16, 14, 17. Cehrlee Moon, Ellatoa. . Iowa. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS AUTOMOBILE STOLEN A Buick. D-45, HIS model, was stolen from Norwich. la., Friday. The motor num her was 103057. the frame number 105035. The iront cushion on driver's side was mashed down some. There bed been a bumper on car, which had been taken off. leaving- marks where It had been. Owner will five 1100 for return of car, and 1100 reward for Information leading to conviction of thief. LINOO BROTHERS, Norwich, la. P. S. Finder notify O. H. Whltmore, sheriff ft Page county, at Clarlnda, la. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Pereona having tost some article would do well to call up the office, of the Omaha ft Council Bluffe Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Many articles each day are turned la and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. ' LOST Strayed, Saturday Eva., brown and white Scotch collie; full grown; answers to name of "Sandy.'' Call Douglas 0141 between and 11, mornings. , IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. If yon find anything of valus the honest way la to advertise for the owner. LOST Ladlee' open-faced gold watch, either at Rlvervtew park ball grounds or be tween there and German home. Liberal reward. Frank Holmes, 2101 F St. South tilt. STRAYED One yearling red heifer. If seen or round Telephone A. H. Baker, Benson T47-W. FOUND On Dodge Sts between 60th and mt a silk skirt. Call Room 30( City Hsll. LOST Black Boston terrlor pup with screw ism, itewarq. 401 8. 36th St. LOST Small diamond ring. Webster 1170. Kewara. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. . ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, rugs or stoves until you have seen us first. We offer you a 325,000 STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE FUR NITURE, RUGS, STOVES and COM PLETE HOME OUTFITS for practlo l!y your own price. We are forced to vacate our four-story w-rehouse. and It entire content must be sold at one. Sale take place at our ales room at the corner of 14th and Dodge etreets. Do not fall to attnd. It Is n opportunity of a lifetime. Hundred bava already taken adv . tage of this wondsrful opportunity. Why don't you 7 STATE FURNITURE CO., D, 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge 8ts.. Omsha BARGAINS In furniture. Ice boies. gas stoves, rug, beda, china and kitchen cabi nets, tsble. c he I re, buffets, dresiera, trunks, auttcaies. Full line of poultry net ting, eoreen. 1839-47 N. 14th. Web 1607. ICE CREAM tablee, off. fur., chalre. refrlg., ice cooler, garden nose, poren furniture, Vtotrola and pianos. Loyal Furn. Co., 223 N. 10th. City Furn. Co., 107 S. 14th. RUSH right down and get your ehare of all kinds furniture at eacrlflce. 509 N. lth. Pianos &. Musical Instruments. WO WILL buy a 1660 Weber piano; practl- iuy new. can walnut 2825. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES t Wa rent, repair, sell needle and part at all aewlng machines, MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Hth and Harney Bis. Doug. 1(81. Typewriters and Supplier TYPEWRITERS aold, rented and repaired. neo an unver typewriter I month for 86. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1006 Farnam. , CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, , lo Farnam. Dougla 4131. All makes. Guaranteed Typewriters. 310 and up. Writ tor list Midland Typ, Co.. 1404 Dodge, y Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers sTeain renovated and made up In freeh ticks ost half the prlc of new pillow. Cell ue for samples of ticking and price, 1807 Cum ing. Douglas 3467. WEHAVEmrved to new location. We buy, en ana man aeeks, safes, showcases, helving, etc Omaha Fixture k Supply Co., 8, W.Cor. 11th ft Doug. Bta. Phone D 3784. FOR SALE One 86 by 4 tt O. D. non-skid casing, aiigntiy used; fully guaranteed. mono Douglas too, Mr. Barry. FOR SALE 1 alec, fan and several pieces of noor matting, raxton Phar., 14th and Har, DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1817. LATE cherries. Ihtn'i fruit farm. Walnut 1988. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL trad tor 1917 Ford car or cash. ( room, completely furnished for light housekeeping; all filled house: brings 170 per month ana give owner l-room apt ta live In. Phone Doug. 7484. FILMS developed, lOo a roll; one-day aerv- UK, Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., mtu ana xisrney. - WANTED TO BUY WB WILL PAT CASH FOR A MILLING MACHINE OR BHAPER. TELL 4k tsinni.uir, 3911 HARNEY BT. DESKS DESKS DESKS ew desks, used desks, bought old and irsoea. j. c Keea. U07 Farnam. D. 6164. nrn rT nTUTMn and shoes WE PAY THE HI3HEST PRICES. DOUGLAS 6021. JENKINS Pays highest orlcea for clothe. shoes, trunks. et,: Red 1397. Res., Doug. 8083. WANTED A tent for gospel work by the eaivation army, captain J. A. Mace, 1711 uavenport. can Douglas 0030. DESMONDS 409 8. 16th St. SOL BERGMAN ft CO. WANTED t buy, slightly used 1917 Viri touring car. Bouth 4860. CASH paid for diamonds. Estates ap crnlaed Reese Jewelry Co.. 403 8. 16th. BOOKS Bought. Kleeer. Loyal Hotel Bldg BOOKS bought. 4.0 & 16th. Tyler 3836 ANNOUNCEMENTS Acccrdeon Pleating. ACCORD EON, sldo. knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all sties and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO Opposite Brandel Store. 100-108 Brown Bldg. Dougla 1938. VAN ARMAN Drees Planting and Button CO., 330-7 Faxton Hlk Douglas 1103. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., 838 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 1169. Baths. MASSEUSE, bathe, manicuring, physical cult. Miss walker, 324 Neville Blk. D. 4297. R1TTKNHOU8E Sanitarium. all kinds baths, 210-214 Baird Blk., 17th ft Dougls. CENTRAL Bath Institute. Douglas 7097 1606 Harney OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 323 Neville Block, 16th and Harney St. Doug. 7881. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha 81a Bakerie.. j ORT MAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. Ill N. 16TH BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS." Billiards and Pocket Tablet. KUH SALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom and pocket, with complete outfit (160; econd-hand table at re duced prlcee: bowling alley and aupplle easy payments Cigar (tor flxturea specialty Bend for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK E-COLLENDER CO.. 407-8 Bouth 10th 8t Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD et BON, 1021 Cuming. Ty.l32. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 900 let Nat Bk Bldg. Phone Tyler 161. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evidence secured In ell eeaes. Tyler 11J6. 8 D. JOLLY. 618 PaxYon" Red 7401. Dressmaking, Tf'RRY I'reeemeklng Cn . fih end Farnam DRESSMAKING, work auar D. 410, ANNOUNCEMENTS Chiropodist. Carrie 3. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4"S87. Fixtures and Wiring. riTTPlfTM E'ectrlo washing machines, V J AtlVm eleetrio Irons and areadlng lamp. 2222 Cuming St. Doug. 261(. Furs Stored. FURS (tored, cleaned and remodeled, V price. Furs dyed. H. Rothaols, Furrier. Harney 2743 2811 Leavenworth. Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds hats cleaned and rebiocked; la dlee' hats specialty 1610 Harney. R. 4673. Household Specialties. C, F. ADAMS. 623 8. 14th. D. 2007. Under new management We wsnt 'to see old friends and meet new. Open Sat. eve. Tour credit I good. Agent wanted. Insurance. BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN. 1 13-14 City Nat Bk.'Bldg. Dottg. 2811. Machinery and Engines. FOR BALE At a bargain, rotary hydraullo well drill, or will trade for email kerosene tractor. Box T (0. Bee. Jewelry, Diamonds tand Watches. FOR GRADUATION Watches and rings t Friedman', 1211 Douglaa Lumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beeme. columns, bilck. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 2834. Masseures. MASSAGE, ebropody Alta Head, 203-14 Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. D, 346$. Central Bath Inst., 1504 Harney. Doug. 7097. Osteopaths. MRS, J, R. Mustek, sulphur, seam and euca lyptue bathe, 402-3 Roee Bldg. Ty. !33. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert Welding on All Metala. H. W. LEVERING, 301 8. 12th 8t D. 3171. Roofing. Omaha Rooting .Co., comp., gravel, asphalt ntngi pattern roofing 4k shingle coating. All kinds of repairing. 323 Bee Bldg. D. 3043 Patent Attorneys. ' PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Infer national Patent Co., 183 Brsndele.D. (1. 8T URGES A 8TURGES, U. 8. and foreign patents snd trademarks. 830 Bee Bldg. Pianos for Rent 13.30 per mo. A Hoepe Co., 1613 Douglas. Printing and Office Supplies Waters-Barn hurt Ptg Co.. 624 8. 13th 8t. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. 5c SHINE 5c A "Tin coolest place,ln town. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full drees suits for rent. 300 N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 8128. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing. Dougla Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 044. Trunks and Traveling Bags. WE make them ourcelvee; why pay two profits for Inferior good when you can cat high grade goods at first coat . ALFRED CORNISH CO., Mfrs, of Harness, Saddles and Traveling Oonds, 1210 Farnam St. - Towel Supplies , Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8, 11th. D. 828. Trusses. "CLKCO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W. Q. Cleveland Co., 1410-18 Harney St Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, 1800 FARNAM. BUSINESS CHANCES 11,000 will buy share In a well paying manufacturing business. Stock carries with department managership. Only a hustler need apply. BIG 4 REALTY CO., Doug, 3436. 1016-K W. O. W. Bldg. FOR BALE Bakery and confectionery, with good fountain business In connection: lo cated In one of the beet town in the state and In a good location In the town. Cheap If taken soon. Box Y 123, Bee. 8 POWERS, (-A machinee, practically new. Tour choice at (1(6, other maehlne from (26 up; two Fort Wayne Compenaarc at 336. Com quick If you want It -Mgr., 10 Bromley Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MOTION picture machine (new and re built); theater (upplled." Omaha Film Exchange, 108 8. 14th St. MOVING PICTURE mschtnes, new and re- built, all make; supplies, Westsrn Sup ply Co. 101 Nat Bldg. FOR BALE Only variety store In county seat town, doing a good business. Ad dress Box T 118, Bee. MONEY-MAKING shos repair buslnees for sal. Nebraeka town. Address F, V. Knlest, Omaha. DRUG store. A small surburban store doing good business. Address P. O. Box 4(1. Lincoln, Neb. , GROCERY, meat market, for sale. Wilt tand close Investigation. 1861 Leaven worth Bt. t A BIG opportunity; axcluelve territory, auto specialty; small capital required. Call Tue day, W. V. Hanks, Banford Hotel. TO GET in or out of buslnees call on GANG EST AD, 143 Bee Bldg. Doug, 3477. TOUR buelneea or real estate handled for ale. F. V, Knlest, Bea Bldg., Omaha. HOTEL for sale or trade. No opposition. Hotel Spalding. Bpaldlng. Nob. DOWD BALE AND AUCTION Coj 1124 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3286. Rooming Houses for Sale. STRICTLY modern, beautifully furntahed 13- rm. house; excellent location: nlc ahady lawn ; every room occupied ; only reason for selling, poor health; terma Write 6978, Bee. FOR SALE Modern rooming houee; nicely furnished; reasonable. Call morntnga, 10 N. 19th.' Red 6883. 1-ROOM rooming house,' full bf roomers; must sell on account bf sickness, 617 S. 17th Bt Douglas 4041. AUTOMOBILES A BIG SAVINQ Can b mad now on any, used ear wa have In atock. Our new cars will shortly be advanced In price, which will make the used vers even better value than they are at present PACKARD 14-31 ROADSTER Small - cylinder, 118-inch wheel base, eleetrio lights and starter, with twln-ix typ headlight. This car will last for year and can be resold at any tlm for very little loss; biggest part of depreciation ha already been. suf fered ( 1(0 PACKARD 10 TOURING Thl is our 1911 4-cyllnder model, eeven-patien-ger touring car. We will overhaul this car and guarantee It to be In good condition for.. ..........( 760 CADILLAC 1811 TOURING A good car. In good condition: an Ideal car for touring that will stand plenty of hard work ........I (00 STEVENS-DURYEA 1911 TOURING Equipped with Northeast starting and lighting system, bumper and good tires; paint and nickeled parts In exceptionally fine shsps. Tou must sea and drive this car to ap- ' predate what aremarkable bargain It is for .77... ( HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURING This car has been ueed but (.800 miles and ha been driven carefully by the owner; equipped with bumper and Firestone non-skid tires. On of the best appearing cars w have (00 to offer (1.200 STEARNS-KNIQHT EIGHT ROAD STER Has been used sine th first of the year. May we give you . demonstration and show th easy riding qualities of this car T........ (1,300 PACKARD USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Tel. Harney 414.' 40th arid Farnam 8t. A post card will bring any car to your house. BOYLAN AUTO PARTS CO., WB TAKE 'EM APART AND SELL THE PIECES. Boot cash paid tor your eld car, or If i you need part w have them. All kinds of extra equipment " We have th following used car for ale: 1 Chalmer K track, fine condition. .(100 1 Moltne Dreadheught truck, bargain (128 1 Btudebaker apeedeter .....(1(0 1 Oakland 41. a good buy (226 Oldemoblle Autocrat good order (260 Second-hand tires and tube, Including mt 39X60 u. at ipecial prices. AUTOMOBILES. ' OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT. THE SAFEST USED CAR MARKET IN THE WORLD. Tou are protected In your selection of a nsed car from our large and varied stock, for our allowance prlcee are conservative and our eelling prices correspondingly low. (1918 Overland 83 touring. 31916 Overland 76-B touring. 3 1116 Overland 76-B roads t' -. 11916 Overland 80 coupe. 11914 Overland 61 panel delivery. 1 1814 Overland 76-B express. . 11914 Hudson 17 touring. 11916 Baton roadster. 1 1914 Chandler, 6-cyllnder touring. ; 11916 Chandler, (-cylinder touring. 2 1S16 Maxwell touring. - 21916 Maxwell touring. 11916 Commerce truck. 11912 Cadillac touring. 1 1916 Paige touring. 11912 Apperson touring. 11916 Met touring. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., J047 Farnam 8t Tel D. 1292-L. Open Sunday and Evenings. , YOU '- MEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED, DON'T TOU 7 ALL RIGHT. WE DO THE BEST WORK IN TOWN. TRT US. THE TIRE SHOP, 2611 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 4878. CARS FOR HIRE. WIL rent you a car, with or without driver. Beet servlc. Better rate. Also best tube repairing In city". Sea U. Ill B. 19th St. Tel. D. 7390. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 1109 Farnam. Dougla 1310. 1914 Moon 8960 19K Maxwell 3360 1916 Maxwell (260 191( Chevrolet (360 AUTOMOBILES on monthly payment of (10 per month It you Join my club. Only A limited number taken; 36 cent for membership and contract. B. Hlatt Bel ton, Tex. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept 2213-K Harney St Douglas 863. AI;not any make at reasonable prtcee. UNUSUAL bargains In slightly used tires, sxpert tlr and tuba repair. G. ft G. Tire ft Vulcanizing Co., 2423 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. ,- DOUGLAS 4442. Croestown .Garage, 216 S. 14th; 1(14 Continental touring car, atarter, dem. rime. Needs minor repairs, (110. WAITED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 1107 Farnam St Doug. (036. SEVERAL real snaps In used car. Cash or monthly payments. Standard Motor Car Co., 2020-22 Farnam. MY 1(16 Mitchell touring car, electric lights and starter; just overhsuled; new tires; a bargain at (376. Phone Harney 1901. TELL ft BINKLEY. WB BUT AND BELL USED FORDS. 1818 Harney St. Doug. 1640. 1917 FORD and 1917 Bulck. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., 10th and Harney. Dougla 6161. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. . Every Ready Battery Station, 1205 Far nam. 1 FORD roadster, 1 Ford touring car, 1 Studabaker and 1 Rlaselcar. Colfax (86. WANT modern tlx auto for clear Brownell Hall district lot. Canan. McCague Bldg. BKRTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It." ner 10th and Harney fits. Southeast cor Douglas 1661. WE ara the used Ford men. Auto Salvage ft Exchange. 110 S. 17th. SEE the new Sandow truck at the Omaha garage. 2010 Harney. GOOD bargains In used Fords. 4001 S. 24th. Tel South 4360. Wanted. WANTED Ford chassle, (76 down, (26 a month. 2783 8. 16th St Jacobean, be tween ( and ( p. m. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED. ATJTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO., formerly Btrahle A Anderson, 214 S. 19th St. Douglas 6483. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. "Omaha's Reliable Starer Repair Phop." . (2(0 Farnam St Dougla 9877. " Tires and Supplies. TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 1 In 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. UOtVtj Jackeon. Agt. wsnted. Omaha, Neb. BUY Lea Punctureproot Pneumatic Tires and eliminate your tire trouble, Powell Supply Co.. 1061 Farnam St. Auto Repairing and Painting. 100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th. Motorcycle and Bicycles HAR LEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor H. Roo. "Th Motorcyel Man," 37th and Leavenworth. THE CLEVELAND Lightweight mark a new ara In motorcycle construction. Buy It Easy terms. Plott Broe., 1268 Farnam. MEDICAL DR. ft R. TARRY, 140 BEE BLDG PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. S. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and eth rectal dlseaees, without surgical op erations. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal disease and testimonials. WHT SUFFER T Lateat and Most Scientific Treatment for all Disease. Dr. Charle 4 Barnee. (11-624 Roee Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He Is curing thou sands. WHY NOT TOU 7 Delsy are dan gerous. If yon can't call, write. Hours, (a. m. to 6 p. m.; 7:30 to 3:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgici I operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray. 30( Be Bldg. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'e Dent Rms 808 Rose Bldg. D. 3186. Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERG. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant 1666 Harney. D. 7396. Pre. Johnston, 1326 W O. W. Bldg. P. 6629. PrJCIjiwrence. Baird Bldg D 8441. PERSONAL WANTED To locate Clifford M. Beebee. recently of I 'ncoln. Neb., and reported to have young daughter In Omaha. Mr. Beebee or his daughter can obtain In , formation greatly to their advantage, by communicating with the undersigned. Any person havtag information as to the Whereabouts of Mr. Beebee or hi daugh ter Is requested to address GOUDGB, ROBINSON ft HUGHES, attorneys. In vestment building. Los Angeles, Califor nia. THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licit your bid clothing, furniture, maga. sine. W collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect onr new horn. 1110-1112-llle Dodge 8t ANY person knowing whereabouts of Llzsie 8earl and children, Lily, Theodore. Mary and Billy Searl, pleaee writ Orant Searl, Chadron, Neb. Box 60. A SHOWER bath, cool refreshing; special summer price. 60c Central Bath In.. 1606 Harney. D. 7097. MANICURING, massage and scalp treat ment 102 & 14th. bet It and ( tor appt Tyler 1038. MISS FISHER, eulphur, steam baths and massage, 379 Bra.-!. Thea. Bldg. D. 1659. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 80S Ksrbaeh Blk. Red 3737 LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mant. curing. 818 Paxton Blk Red 1400. BATH and maesage. 1802 Farnam Room 1. Phone Pouglas 1761. St ALL RIGHT private maternity horn. Best ears. 1606 Bristol. Web. 1908. PRIVATE licenced maternity home. 44X4 N. 18th St Phone Colfax 3048 SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4371 MISS WEST, manicure, message! 310 N. 17th. E BROTT. Mass., 1180 Harney. Dg. 96:6. Manicuring and mass 1622 Farnam. R, 11 HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED A igood married man on a ranch. Everything furnished. Address & P. Howard. North Platte, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. REGISTERED PHARMACIST desires ta change from Idaho to city or town In Nebraska. Aged 2( years, alngle, exempt from draft; 12 years' experience In retail drug buslnesa Good window and show case man. A No. 1 references. Address Box Y. 124, Bee. A MAN 86 years old, twelvs years' a teacher, for past flvs year a teacher of bookkeep ing, would like a position a bookkeeper or assistant; beat of references; eastern Nebraska preferred. Address Box Y-110, tsee. WANTED Position ss manager of grain elevator, 19 years of experience, best ref ereace; go anywhere. Address T 126, care Bee. YOUNG man want position a chauffeur. Private family or light truck; good ref erences, can DOUg. 7668. COLORED man, cook, want a job In or out of the city. Address Box 6696. Be. BY BARBER, 18 mo. experience. City. Rea sonable wages. Box 6001, Bea. Female. COLORED lady desires office or hotel work. Experienced. First class reference. D. (004. WANTED, washing, sweeping ft dusting in small family. Call ( or 10 p. m. Red 7164. PLAIN and fancy sewing. Harney 8802. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Washing, sweeping ft dusting In small family. Call ( or 10 p. m. Red 7164. WASHING and ironing at home. Har. 4608. EXP, laundrees. fine cloths specialty. H. 1904. Bun, wash., men's cloth, specially. Col 3492. Day work for Wed., Thurs. ft Fri. D. 4997. BUNDLE washing. Call Webster 1(91. EXP. lady wants day work. Web. 6627. DAT work wanted. Webster 2327. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. OIL SALESMAN, (100; Specialty Salesman, (86; Credit man, (126; Bkpr., (100; Three Bkprs.. (76-86; Offic Clk (6(; Typist (76; Office Clerk, (40. THE MARTI CO., 1817 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR temporary work, men used to making up statements; good writer and flgurers and thoss accustomed to telephone terms preferred; state age, experience and" sal ary expected. Address Box 6966, Bee. WHT FAY for a position? Stenographers, register with us FREE OF CHARGE and we' will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 109 South 19th St SENIOR accountant, (176. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. WE need Stenographers and Bookkeepers. "WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st Nat Bank. Profession and Trades. Wanted An experienced cellar foreman, one thor oughly familiar with curing and smoking of high grade select meat food products. Mail references, state ex perience and salary re quired. Universal Pack ing Co., Fresno, Cal. Wanted Foreman for Can ned Meat Department, must be thoroughly experienced in the canning of all meat products. State experience, salary required, and for ward references. Univer sal Packing Co., Fresno, Cal. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ATJTO REPAIR MAN. TELL ft BINKLEY, 2318 HAR NEY ST. . WANTED Experienced tire repair man at once; will pay top wage and treat yon . right; permanent position for the right man. Larkln Tkra and Rubber Company, Cherokee, la. CAR carpenters and repairers; eteady wook on au wooa cox car; good piece work chedule; material delivered at car. Shef field Car and Equipment Co., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Cabinet maker for store fixture factory on account Increasing capacity. Call at one or writ H. Ehrllch ft Son mig, to., at. Joseph, Mo. WANTED Drug clerk with one or two years experience, high school graduate preferred, a E. Beachler ft Son, Scrlbner, Neb. LINEMEN wanted for telegraph gangs on u. r. a. a.; gooa pay ana accommoda tion. P. F. Frner. 409 U. P. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Experienced storags battery man for repair work. Apply Battry Vim o., us e. zuin at, WANTED First class tinner. Steady em ployment, good wages. Hall Bros. Co., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Men to deliver ice. Apply Omaha Io and Cold Storage Co., (th and Jones. WANTED Experienced engineer and flre man. "S" Omaha Bea. Council Bluffs. la: LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or wrus naroer college. 1134 Douglas St WANTED A printer who knows the busl- nwa. dibit -rriDune. UNION carpenters for Wyoming, 60o per hr. Emerald Labor Agency. 822 H S. 10th. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced salesman with Ford car for saleswork In Omaha and vicinity; good alary. R. a O'Dell, 1317-11 W. O. W. Bldg. Call Doug. 3621 for appoint ment , WANTED Completing the organisation of a tate-wlde sales fores. I need two atock aalesmen. Must be live wires and bacon getters. Easy ellln-r proposition, . per manency and big earning power assured. See O. L. Wright Flatiron hotel, before 10 a. m. WANTED A young, aggressive msn, who ha had some shoe experience, to olli-lt the shoemaker trade In Omaha and Council Bluffs with a line otsole leather and shoe finding. Address. Bo Y-100. Bee. A BIG opportunity; exclusive territory; auto specialty; amall capital required. Call Tuesday. W. V. Hanks, Banford Hotel. Hotels and Restaurants. CAMP COOKS (man and wife) wanted for R. R. boarding outfit service, (70 and up. also flunkeys, (30 and up. Call or wrtto 3. F. Dawson, Room 3, U. P. Commissary, 11th and Leavenworth Sta Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work and good pay. Apply Sunderland Broe Co South Yard: 30th and Hickory 8treets West Yard: 42d and -Isard Btreeta. WANTED Driver for grocery wagon; good wages. E. Buffett. 8001 Underwood Ave. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men. women, learn th barber trade: few weeks completes; pay whlls learning. Catalogue free. Ratea now on, Call or write. 110 South 14th 8t Omaha. - LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more than make your expenses while learning. Wage or percentage. We don't over charge yew to begin. 1403 Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 407 8. 10th and 2069 Farnam. Miscellaneous. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the ton; good pay and ataady work. Apply Sunderland Bros, Co. North Yard 24th and Taylor afreets South Yard 10th and Hickory atreeta. West Yard 42d and isard etreets LABORERS wanted: work In coal and building material yard. Apply Sunder land Brothers Company. 4tb and Taylor Sta ATTENTION, farmers I If you wsnt help we can supply you. Bluff City Employ, ment Boreau. 414H W Broadway P. 411 LABORERS wanted: steady work; good wagea Apply Sunderland Bros Co.. west vard 42d and Isard fits LABORERS. 17Vo per hour; breakere and loaders, piece r, up to (7 per day. National Stone Company, Louisville, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. JL BKPR., and cashier, (65; Office Clerk, 33 5 Comptometer Opr.. (60; Fourteen Stenos. (28-(76; P. B. X. Opr., (36. Many others. U FILING FEB. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WHT PAY for a position? Stenogranhere. register with u FREE OF CHARGE and w will place you, REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY J09 South 19th St, City. STENOGRAPHERS, (40 to (S6; Bkkprs., ou to 366; office clerks, (38 to (50 typists, (40 to (50. WATTS REF. CO., 1188 1st Nat. Bank. TWO or three girls temporarily to work In office on statements snd Invoices. State age, experience and salary expected. Ad' drees Box 6967, Bee. SEVERAL good steno positions open now. See us at once. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE, BLDG. STENOGRAPHER, contractor. (76. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. B NEED stenographers, bookaeeper and office clerkt Co-Operatlve Reference Co MULTIGRAPH operator. 404 City Nat Bank Bias, uougiss 4171. Professions and Trades. WANTED Operators and lspector on Mina wage and opportunity for promotion. Ideal working conditions, cool, light and sanitary rooms In which to work. Apply to Mr. Anderson, M. E. Smith ft Co., y sua uougias ot entrance. 1HST-CLA8S experienced niano.nlRver. wants position with orchestra. Wal. 1892. Saleswomen and Solicitors. r.iniEaw. . ,ui ., , tB"u, wu m ua-iiunaa ad vertising campaign, and can use several neat aoDearins' ladle tor hn,... t t...... campaign, t Straight salary. Michael Nel- wn. rontenene Motel. LADIES To demonstrate for lftrffA Mit.rn corporation. Experience not necessary, Jut determination to succeed essential. unlimited opportunity for advancement eaiary to oegin 313 per week. Michael Nel oo r.onteneu Hotel. 1 Household and Domestic- nmuiu-A competent girl of good ap pearance' for general housework In family of 1; good home and wagea; position per mane"t I satisfactory. 1805 Lothrop St. Poll Wka,A C7Q ..J Interview jpuge or personal WANTED At . - - - vw,"cBui 11 1 iur gen - ... "...., o Biaa.11 cniidren. Good wages. Apply 3322 Harney. Harney 1736. WANTED Girl for general housework'; 35tn Ave. Harnev 071 WANTED A competent general girl, must i j B wages; reference re WANTED Girl for general housework. Call GIL anted; en- housework; furnish ref, xi. noam, Leavenworth St. WANTED Girl for general housework, Call titti ii cy jidSD, AN experienced cook, reference reqiilred " " p. am t. .Harney 121 Miscellaneous. WANTED Girls to work in shows and con- .""""i sieaay employment and good 'wage paid girls. Cnn t ' frei8 ,vL" Proamn. all this week, Mil EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE " DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeDlnr. hni-fh.nri . ,. ing, telegraphy, civil service all commerl Ctal and Enirllah hnn.hu r1. ..i . . v.i.wBug ireo. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1665. nth and Harnev fits. . .VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Au EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg '""- e.u. JJOUsTiafl ft 911 FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY SOTH AND FARNAM. Special low rate to permanent (meat. HOTEL COOL rooms for summer, (2 wk.: ant' BI ff UUL"-- ctUTEi Co. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS I If you fall to find th room you desire among these ads call at Tha Bee offloe fnr DAnm ri., i complete description of Vacant rooma In iJ.ru on me city, new Hats Issued every week. STRICTLY modern, large, cool front room, iiowiy luruisnea, newiy papered, hot, also Ice water; only (( to respectable gentle wan; clean, quiet, homelike place; must see to appreciate; walking distance; car Hi blocks. 713 North 22d. GENTLEMEN If you are looking for a '"i 'ra in moaern, private home, ti io car, can narney 1083 TWO beautifully furnished front rooms, moueru, private lamuy, board next door. 841 Park . Ave. Harnev 463S. 2114 HARNEY STJ Nlcelv furnl.h.rf rooma for sleeping or housekeeping; rea- unaDie; close in. Ked 3884 2712 JACKSON Newly furnished, modern; iv""" lamuy; rererences. Harney 8622. 313 PARKE AVE. Nicely furn. small room, mou warning aig--ea80tiame, Har. 4953. MODERN room for gentlemen; private """7. wanting aieiance. uougiag 6335 818 S. 19TH ST.. walking distance, nicely mrmeneq room, mooern, 2 week. LARGE south, well furnished room, private lining; wsimng O'St. H. 1060. Housekeeping Rooms. NICELY furnished bed Nroom with use of uming room ana Kltcnen. Suitable for young married couple. Private family. 668 8. 26th Ave. 2501 FARNAM Large front room, first noor; just decorated; cool and strictly modern. Harney 2706. 3 OR 3 housekeeping apartments in heart oi cuy; reaaonaoie. Douglas 8591. SUITE Clean, cool, nicely furnished, south iiuiitj paoy welcome, zguz Dodge 'WO and three housekeeping rooms. 410 N. 23d. Apply 2013 Chicsgo LIGHT housekeeping room. 2114 Chicago Housekeeping and sleeping rail Red 8298. 611 HOWARD, nice housskpg. rms Reas. Board and Room. COOL, south room, 2 exposurea: home" cook ing and privileges. Bemla Park. Walnut3522 LARGE cool front room wl(h alcove; ex cellent onarq. f none Harney 1796. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHEr APARTMENTS. The Hylaid at 18th and Nicholas Sts. Modern, newly furnished apartments, (3,60 to (7 per week. Including light, water, heat, Janitor and maid services. Phone Webster 4067. Attractive club rooms, including ( rooms. ance nan ana. kitchen. Victor H. Roos. 2701 Leavenworth. FOR RENT HOUSES West. BRICK, 116 North 25th St., 12 rms., (65. JUHN ti. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 4. S117 BURT ST., 6 rms., all modern. (25.00. K. H. Ben ner Co. Douglas 8406. SEVEN-ROOM dwelling on car line; barn; u per montn. Walnut 327. 128 S. S6TH 8T (50. 130 8. 35th St. 840. rnone uwner, vougias 1321. . SEVEN-ROOM cottage, modern. 623 South ist Bt. Harney 647. 10-ROOM. house, modern. Harney 647. North. FOR RENT Five-room, all modern, new bungalow: (30 per month; 1811 N. S2d St. Traver Bros., - 819 First National Bank Bldg. Douglas 4886. 7 RMS., mod., newly papered and painted: good location; adults preferred. tVbe. 7060. 6-ROOM. modern bouse, with garage, 326 a montjt 3921 Fowler Ave. Colfax 1923 3384 BINNEY ST.. 6 rms., all mod., (26 00 E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8408 South. 17119 8. 28th St., 6 rms.. mod. ax. ht. (20 E. H. BENNER CO.. D. 8406 6-ROOM cottage, part modern. (15. 2502 Pierce Bt. Red 1881. MOD 4-r. Apt. Ha- 4141 or Wal. 2267. Miscellaneous. . FOR RENT. Brand new (-room all modern brick resldenca within walking distance. Corner lot Traver Brothers. 619 First National Bank Bldg, - . Houses In aU parte of tha city CREIGH, SONS ft CO, 606 Be Bid. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4- r., 2505 Pierce St (15.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 5- r.. 3214 Corby St (35 00 6- r.. 666 8. 2Sth St. (30 00 4-r 3016 Dewey Ave. 337 (0 (r 219 Park Ave (22,60 8-r., 3901 N. 17th St (30 00 !0-r.. 2221 Dodge St (40 00 (-r 115 S. 25th Ave (45 00 FLATS STRICTLY MODERN. 6-r 207 S. 30th St (25.00 PORTER ft SHOTWELL. 102 a 17th St Dougla (011, Office with Home Builders. 918 SO. 31ST, ( rooms, (20. 1461 Ptnkney, ( rooms, (27.60. (409 No. 14th St. ( rooms, (27.50. 2912 Dodge, 6 rooms, (35. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. 8-ROOMS, garage, sleeping porcfi, hot water, heat, janitor service. 1408 Davenport. ST. CLAIR, 24th and Harney. 3-room apt Call Har. (47. APARTMENTS, all sixes and prices, plen dld location, 24t i and Farnam. D. 1471. ONE elegant 4 and 6 -room apt, walking diet Phone Webster 7211 or 4(28. North. STEAM heated. (18 and up, summer ratea, near P. O. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. ESTABROOK apartment (25. Modern. Seven rooms, (25. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. - South. FIREPROOP APARTMENTS y v ' TRAVERTON, ' , 14TH AND LANDON COUHT. ,. Close In, every convenience, best servlc completely furnished. Catering anly t people of refined taste. W. T. GRAHAM, DOUGLAS 1538. ' Miscellaneous. FOR RENT. FLATS. " Colored tenants wanted for I and ( room flats; (12.50 and (16: South Bid. Somberg. Tyler 785. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FINE MODERN STORE BUILDING Full basement large modern front wltM six large living rooms; all nodern, on second floor. Located close In. Good lo cation for almost any kind of business. Owner says to rent the whole building at (35 per month. Act quickly If you want mm. van uougias aiu or walnut 1708. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, metal celling, steam heat 624-626 So. 16th St; size (2x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 121 Brandel mugr. JLiougia 1B71. CONFECTIONERY AND DELICATESSEN paying Business, located on west Farnam St Will bear close Inspection. NATHAN SOMBERG, 1305 First Nafl Bank. Tyler 785. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth reeta. Low rant JOHN W. ROBBIN3, 1(01 FARNAM ST. LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam'' Bldg.. 13th and Farnam, (Old 1st Nat Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO.. Tyler (00. STORE for rem. WORLD REALTY CO, Bun Theater Building. SMALL modern store room, steam heat. ion wapuoi aw conrad Young. 121 j.f.,iupig ibBHBr. JLIOUgia 1671, Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Baird Bldg., 17th and -Lruugio. .ucvague inv. Ml. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want mora houses and apartments to "' " mat we nave practically cleared up our big list 1 conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented see Payne ft Slater Co., Omaha' Rental Men, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 10K. Business Property. STORE, 16th St. near postofflce, (75 month": a4(ha (OC n n x i i - . r.a. u. jr. oieooina, 1610 Chicago. MOVING AND STORAGE CiUKDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St Phone Doug- ins etoej. PTnCT TTiV RENTAL fvDDT5 i iiyjLuni i Jim, ,- A IVCiCJ Phone Dougla 288 for complete list of vacant bouses and apart ments, also tor storage, moving, tutu aim jacKSOn BtS. METROPOLITAN VAN AND" STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Tour rajvlnt, your packing, your storage. lain Office, Central Furniture Stor. 17th and Howard. Tel. D. 7788 FIREPROOP WABKirmTnin Separate locked ' room for household goods and pianos;- moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE) CO., 802 8. 16th St. Dougla 4161. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and torlng, call Tyler 230 or Dougla 4S38, Maggard tSS&'E van and Hf nrn em c.n UnH. D.i.t storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1498 J C REEF) " EPre! Co., Movln .'..TV. JXCjEjU Packing and Uorag. ' rarnam est WeD. 3748 DOUg. 6146. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans. Mortgages. CITY and farm loana pormptiy made. Rate . on uu per cent. Reasonable com. mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO, nig soutn I7tn. omaha. Neb. FARM and .city loans, running from fiv w iwvuijr year, interest s per cent 5H per cent and ( per cent. PETERS TRUST m rarnam gt umBM, NeO MONEY to loan on Improved farm and rancnes. we also ouy good farm mort- gages. Kioke Inv Co.. Oma ha. Money on hand for mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldg. (1.000 MTG.. bearing ( pet semi-annually. secured oy property valued at (4.500. Tal-mage-Loomls Inv. Co.. W. O, W. Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgages secured by umana real estate, s. ti. Lougee. Inc. 638 Keellne Bldg. 81.6U0.00 MT'GE, bearing ( pet seml-annaul- ly. secured by property valued at (5.000. Talmage-Loomla Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. 8HOPEN ft CO., PRIVATE MONET. FARM and city loane, 6. 6M, and ( per cent w H. Tbomas. Keellne Bldg Doug. 1448 LOW RATES C. G CARLBERO. (13 Bran- dels Theater Brag D 685. OMAHA HOMD8. EAST NEB FARMS. O'KEEFE R E CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat. 8100 TO 810 000 MADE promptly F D. wead. wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS W T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg MONEY HARRISON ft MORTON. 316 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BR08.. Om.N'at. Bk Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stocks Investment securities, tndustrlsl storks ROBERT C DRUESEDOW & CO., sen 'mans national Bank Bldg I.0HO SHARES Onahman Iron stock for sale. aiso i.ooo sultana Mines at 45c C E. Updike. (10 Andrus Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Abstracts ot Title. !auu Title. Guarantee and Abstract Co., l.Cl I J06 H 17th St . Bronnil flon. Bonded by Mass Bonding and Ins. Co. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON. represent prompt pay Insurance companies, (It Brandel Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. a. -