THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 81. 1917. of your own power to save up enough material for a lasting fire with a deep, warm glow in its heart. Man ners and morals don't change fashions any decent boy or girl would be ashamed even to think of doing in December do not become magically transmuted into respectability by the with the seasons, the things wiixn stars ana snaaows 01 juiy. What the Large Hat Is Doing IJi July 30 ft 1 V Has Thrilling Eastern Trip. Of all the travelers returning from' the east none can tell of more thrilling experiences than Mrs. Frederick C Cole who returned last week from a five weeks' stay in the east. The trip was made to obtain information and inspiration for her work as chairman of the civil service reform committee of the General Feaeration of Woman's Clubs. In Washington Mrs. Cole had two of the most interesting experiences accorded to a modern woman. She saw the disturbing pickets -around the White House grounds arrested and taken to the workhouse and she had a personal interview with the Honor able Jeannette Rankin of the house of representatives. At a suffrage confer ence at 'headquarters in Washington, she met Mrs. Goethals, wife of Colo- nel Goethals, who was pouring tea. Boston and Cambridge were the hub around which' Mrs. Cole revolved during most of her visit in the east. While in Cambridge she was the house guest of Richard Henry Dana and his sister, Mrs. Skinner. Mrs. Skinner is an interesting figure be cause of her literary connections. When a child she studied under the same governess as the daughters of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Long fellow's sister, Lady Mcintosh, sent over from London her own nursery governess when her children grew up and Longfellow, the poet, asked a number of the neighbor children, among them Mrs. Skinner, to share the splendid governess with his own little girls. When she was 12 years old she went to Berlin and there studied under her own foreign gov erness. At the outbreak of war Mrs. Skinner and her husband were in Switzerland and in common with other travelers were marooned there for over a year. An important German family was stopping at the same hotel and could neither receive word from friends or relatives at home nor send any com munication to them. Their board was .toA fnr nno vear bv the Ger- man consul in Switzerland, so that they were kept by the hotel. i nnfnn Mrs Cole attended the great fiftieth anniversary service at the Episcopal Theological seminary. She was entertained at the Woman s City club of Boston, which was found ed in 1815. She stayed in one of the old Bull finch houses in the Mount Vernon district' in Boston For a day she visited with Miss L. F. W. Perkins, who was the instigator of the move ment for civil service reform in the General Federation of Woman s Clubs. With a Wellesley alumni she went to Wellesley for a day. She saw the annual play at Radcliffe with friends from Watertown, Mass. With other friends she attended yard night at Harvard. The scene was indescribably gay with the thousands of people thronging and dancing be neath. as many Japanese lanterns, but the touch of modern was lent to the picture by the many khaki costumes which interspersed the crowd. Mrs. Cole returned by way of New York and Chicago. She visited Mrs. William F. Conyne of Warren, and brought her home to Omaha with her for a three weeks visit. Mrs. Conyne's daughter, Norma, is at the Three Arts club in Chicago, where Miss Helen Eastman and a number ot other Omaha girls have' been during the last year. ; At the Country Club. Supper parties at the .Country club Sunday night were popular among those of the Country club set who . mi vacation trios. nave noi n 7i" t, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Baldnge had a party of nine, Mr. and Mrs. Jt. i . t. nnA Xr and Mrs. Mil- ton Barlow, seven. Smaller parties were guests of Messrs. Henry Doorly, .... tv TT-.f-.J T T Stewart. 2a'. .. lard, D. A. Baum, Clarence Peters Barton Millard, C. A. Carr of Fort Omaha, W. H. Lowe and R. W. Gard ner. . . o t oVa Pniintrv Club . t:r- U. rliih tbe last few social IUC at t , days has been given over largely to the entertainment of .special parties arranged for the Sioux City, la. golf ers who spent aaiuraay mm uu u j ...; f th Sevmnur men. Saturday night a banquet ami dancing ..... ami Sundav many Daily waa " ' i smaller dinner patties were arranged. saturaay nigm .-----man entertained six guests at dinner, pink and white snap dragons being used as a centerpiece with nut cups to match. ... . Other diners were Miss Anne Prange, who had seven guests; Dr. H A. Wahl, twenty-three; Messrs. W. Bavinger, five; Grant Parsons, four- Roy Dennis, four, W- B- ,A8g. seven. Judge J. W. Woodrough had a party of tine. At the Field Club. . Sunday night supper parties at the Field club were many. Few exceeded five in number of guests Hosts were Messrs J. -W. Towle, g E. Griffey Ed Slater, V. H. O Sheat, Jack f rimHbleM T- lXT Smith F P. Loomis, L. G. Lovvry, w! P. Thomas, W. H. Head, Righter Wood, Earl Buck, H. L,. Arnold, R. R Raineyi "' Harley Conant, Albert Cahn. Johri Barnes, Carl Swanson and Dr. B. B. Davis. At Happy Hollow Club. Mrs., fa HAS INTERESTING TIME VIS- ITING IN EAST. I X x ML 0 s x 1 , LITTLE check gingham, a hat ot peanut nore, gopa tasie m combining the two and you have this charming midsum mer chapeau. A ,LofT A cor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hamilton of Peoria. 111., former Omaha people, and will be remem bered here as Miss Jean Hamilton. Rev. Percival is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Percival of this city. A rail has hppn sent tn him from the church at Colon, Neb., which he has accepted. He will arrive September 1 in Omaha enroute to his new charge. Picnic Postponed. Td annual Siirdav school and Oar ish picnic of St. Paul's Episcopal church will be held Friday afternoon and evening at Riverview park. There will h arhlptir events besides swim ming and boating. The picnic was to have heen held on Tuesday, but WaS postponed on account of the funeral of Mrs. reter iiesen, wnicn win oe held from the church on Wednesday morning at 1U o clock. At Carter Lake Club. fice SiVne Anderson crave a swim ming and dinner party at Carter Lake club bunday. On the Calender. TVi. ("rilnmhian club will trivC i card party at Lyceum hall, Twenty eernnd an d Locust streets. Wednes day at 2:30. The hostesses will be MaHamea H A. Masdll ana A. D VA.i .UU.I.M ... ... i ' ' I 4. IOl l J ... - Miss Helen Walker will entertain tm.ntv criiecfQ at a dinner-dance Thursday night in the Blackstone roof trarden. Dinner will be served in the oriental room. Events of the Day. Mrs A W Carnenter entertained five guests at luncheon at the made " VJ " " . j . .... . Mr, H. A. Holahan win nave six o-tioct-o ar a siinner nartv tonieht in the Oriental room at the Blackstone. On Vacation Trips. Miss Selda Brown left Saturday night to spend three weeks in New York. Mr Tnhn S McAtee returned Fn Aiv frnm Illinois, where she has been with Dr. McAtee since his entrance into the training camp. Mrs W. F.. Callahan and her daush ters, Mary Ann and Lucy, will motor to Okoboji next week to remain unu school opens in September. CHANTILLY lace of open pattern is the connecting link between a soft draped crown and flange of black satin. A heavy tassel adorns the brim. WONDERFUL shade of heliotrope hemp is the fore ground of a midsummer hat against which birds ot smoke and slate color beat their wings. A illBllBIISllillllli As to Summer Morals A i -c:ul. haH a four- Mrs. f. aimer v j -- - , . some luncheon at Happy otlow club SdVy Mrs. Cuthbert Vmcent wil have sixteen guests, at luncheon at the club Tuesday. - Miss Florence Darr will have fifteen guests at lunch eon Thursday. ! i ; Supper parties at the club for Tues day night-at .the Battle, cabaret wUl be entertained by . Messrs. R. M. Switzler, C E. Wagner, Yale Hol land, w'H. Pale, W, W. Hoye, How ard Goodrich, John. Parrish, J. J. Jumper; A. P. Overgaard, H. I. Ad ams, I." W. Porter, R. Russell, J. H. Hussie, A. B. McConnell and J. H. Negele. - a .1.. T. Pltih A Bn: ofDr A. V. Hennessey and Mrs. Hennessey of Council Blurts a dinner was given Sunday night at m pi,,ff "Rnwinsr associa- tion Dr. Hennessey, who has many Omaha friends, leaves soon to enter KnA in his honor numer- ous affairs have been given by his business associates ana tnenas. (Ill 111 flUHVMMWW horn to Rev. and Mrs. George A Percival in Capt Vincent, N. Y., last Thursday. Mrs. Percival Demand for Ice Cream Here is Unprecedented Ice cream is being manufactured in Omaha at the present time as never before in the city's history. Practi cally the entire state, together with Omaha, is consuming more ice cream at present than the prominent manu fartnrere of this ritv ran make. "Ever since a week ago 3turday we have been absolutely snowed un der with ice cream orders, and our nutnmrrc out in the state are heinir supplied with what you might term 'Ice Cream Soecials."' declared one prominent manufacturer. "The hot weather naturally drives the perspir ing individual to the ice cream coun ter for relief." The ice cream factories are working both night and day at full capacity. Many emergency arrangements have been installed to overcome the heavy j j demand. Eastern and central Iowa is being supplied from the Council Bhifis branches of local toncerns. Two Paxton & Gallagher Employes Are Married Timid descended tinon th firm of Pavtrin At riallaorher aturdav Titlv haw, w j ."o i .... j j j J 21, and chose as his marks Miss Anna Peters, a stenoeraoher i for the firm. and Elmer "H. Raber, who has been in their employ since 1913. The two were married by the Rev. CI H. Fleming of the Covenant Pres byterian church, at the parsonage. After the service a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride parents, Mr. and .Mrs. F. F. Peters. The voune oeoole will make their home in Omaha. R RCATRTPK PATRTfAX. "I'll have to diet," laughed Fanny. "I've just bought the cutest little one piece jersey bathing suit and I won't look a bit cute in it unless I lose ten pounds. i-veryone smiled in inenaiy wise. Fannv is such an adorahlv slim and boyish little thing so pert and dainty that the picture she conjures up in any pose or mooa is cnarmmg. cui the picture of a little jersey bathing suit so scant ana au-reveaiing inai one must reduce a sylph to a sliver that she may wear it, is not charming. The greatest of all my nature-loves is the ocean. When the white-crested waves rome nnnnflinc in on a tawnv beach or the gentle blue waters lap up over tne wnite sana i teei mat perfect beauty has been achieved. There maw he more cranrienr in snow capped mountains; green banks slop ing down to a winaing river may De more romantic. Rut the ocean has a glorious, inspiring and ever-changing wonder ana i oDject to seeing u marred by vain mortals I nri . i - :j:..:j...i ...i, i nere is a lypc ui uiuiviuuoi wuv wants to write his name on the treasure-hung walls of the Vatican. "Sac rilegiousl" you exclaim. Almost the same epithet applies to the cheap weakling who exploits himself vainly and brashly against any of the lovely backgrounds of nature. There is a list ot ottenses eivenver to summer time and violently annoy- mir to all who possess one wnir oi good taste. . The beach is desecrated by immodest costumes and the greater immodesty ot men ana wonren louing around in easy familiarity which would strike them as little short of vile if the stage settings were some body s living room I You get into an open street car of a summer evening and behold numer ous couples behaving themselves as it it were the moment after she had said "Yes." and they had the sheltered veranda all to themselves. A girl friend of mine went to a summer resort recently on an excur sion boat and she intormea me tne oAvt daw that she reallv felt COIlSOicU- ous and almost guilty of bad taste. f.iieti whv . - "Jack and I wefe the only, couple on. board who weren't spooning," said she. "It sort ot seemea as n we nwsr think ourselves better than anybody elce and whenever anvbodv StOODCd to shift around to the other side, so he could support his sweetheart witn his right arm instead of his left, they Stared at us sort of reproachfully and critically as if they thought there was something vtfy wrong with us. I began to wonder if there were and I think Jack did, tool" I wonder if other boys and girls who generally behave themselves de cently, respectably and with perfect good taste yield to the lure of sum mer "informality," because it seems to be taken for granted that every body will do it. " Modesty and self-respect are not matters of the clock or the season. In a country where in a drawing room a woman instinctively behaves ( with circumspection, why should that same woman fairly glory in a chance to cast all the rules ot gooa taste asiae out on the beach? Really, a bathing suit can be both decent and pretty, though small is the proportion of humans who seem to thing so. -Can anybody explain why she would probably feel foolish and con spicuous, and a little as if she were debasing her finest emotions, if she wre to sit out on the front porch at home and "make love" for the neigh bors to see, and should proceed out to the beach or the park and go through the same process' for a world of strangers to see? .Things are either costly or cheap, fine or coarse, sacred or profane, because most of us in our intensity, skip the shades and grades between. t Between that almost sacred re pression which makes a boy love his mother and struggle awkwardly to find some way of showing it ,and that profane exuberance which makes htni spend hours on an excursion boat m advertising the charm some girl hae for him, there lie alt 'the shades of human emotion. You can't, you won t debase a fine thing. The sort of love which seethes and surges and eddies for all the world to see, because it is summer and emo tional temperatures run nign, goes down to zero alonsr with the climatic conditions of winter. Does any tine boy or gin hkc mc idea of making a fool of himself or herself? That is what you do when you drop modesty as excess baggage along wnn uie warm garim-ms oi winter. Dont make cheap love or cheaply flaunt your charms in sum mer because everybody around you is doing it and you like to advertise that you have as much to recom mend you, and as much lure to win a sweetheart as thev have. If VOU are attractive, you don't have to prove . r 'il it; n you are not you can i: There's nothing really romantic ahontvticense or vuliraritv. You can't build a house on a mud foundation aid expect it to stand, iou cant evolve love that will last on emotions which blow hither and thither and consume the material on which they feed. Throw all sorts of little, cheap.'trashy emotions into love's conflagration, and it burns up and out like a bonfire. But you can't warm your house of life with a bonfire. When you lower your standard of modesty and decency you put it nut CASH SUIT SALE Jersey Suits, Silk Suits, Woolen Suits, Silk Coats, Woolen Coats, Sweaters. F. W. THORNE CO., 1811 FAKNAM SI. mm If It Is good enough to 11t a n d e r it Is 50 od enonph to fight for. ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN Between 18 and 52 years old should be protected In the strongest g and best home Institution In the world. g The Woodmen Oi the World Information furnished free. Call Col. C. I Mather, Tel. Doug- j las 4570. 803 W. O. W. Bldg. H JOHN T. YATES, W. A. FRASER, If Sovereign Clerk. Sovereign Commander. g Convertible Assets, $83,000,000. 820,000 Members. M'HWr Ml Wil;iri,i.i i:i!!ii:liiiil!iliii!liiiniii!iiiniiii!iliiiiiililllilllliililitl!IH!lliIIIMt IF YOUR HEALTH I - a I Is Worth Anything j I TAKE CARE OF IT ! Si 'i I Brown Park Mineral I t s Springs ! i ? 25th and O Sts., South Side. Phone South 879. REMEMBER 1 s i 1 You get a natural Mineral Water Bath when you come to us. Brown Park Mineral Water is just as it comes from' f Mother Earth, and is good to drink. ( 1 I HUNDREDS are treated here every week. g ARE YOU one of those taking advantage of our aervice? I Recommended by Physicians. DR. JOHN A. NIEMAN, Osteopathic Physician in Charge I t'iiHianti:aMani.M.ikii:tiliiM:aiiaHiMilrii'liiM(i::,i!!ttntnanaiaMliisnluMMIMi:iii(:luiiua!iai!!'i ASK FOR and GET IHIorllck's The Original Malted Milk tabstltutM Cost YOU Same Prka MOVIE ACTRESSES AND THEIR HAIR Did it ever occur to you that every movie actress you have seen has love ly hair, while the most popular count their curls as their chief beauty? In fact, many are leading ladies Just be cause of their attractive locks. In quiry among them discloses the fact that they bring out all the natural beauty of their hair by careful sham pooing, not with any soap or make- Hf Jinf with a imnl mlYturft. hv DUUV MMH ... V- J putting a teaspoonful of canthrox (which they get from the druggist) in a win ftf hat. water and annlvinbr this instead of soap. This full cup of snampoo liquid is enougn so it is easy to apply it to an me nair instead ox the hair dries rapidly with uniform color. Dandruff excess oil and dirt ova diaanlval and ontirdv Hisanneni The hair is so fluffy that it looks much heavier than it is, while its lustre and softness i delightful. Advertisement- DRAFTED!! It Let Father Do the Washing Once And he'll iniiit upon getting on of our Electric Washers and Wringers before the next wash day. All Makes All Prices EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Fifteen Modeli Wathers Ten Modela Cleaners. 2,000 Washing Machines and 600 Vacuum Cleaners in us in Omaha and our service depart ment back of every machine Our ferric department aatiifiet. - ! A 308 SOUTH 18TH ST. Phone Tyler 1011. Opposite Court Houie Lawn. m YEARS WHAT?- Your teeth are sound today, but are you insuring them against timeP Today's neglect means toothache tomorrowperhaps painful operations, perhaps the loss of a tooth. Better arrange today to make that long-postponed visit to the dentist Better decide today on a dentifrice which is both safe and efficient. What should you expect of a dentifrice? First, that it cleanse, and cleanse pleasantly. Second, that it be free from sharp crystals which scratch and wear away the enamel. Third, that its makers refrain from making impossible "germicidal" claims. S. S. White Tooth Paste conforms to all three requirements. It is a pure, wholesome, non-medicated cleanser, deliciously flavored, and as pleasant to use as it is efficient. Your druggist has it. Sign and mail the coupon below for a copy of our booklet "Good Teeth; How They Grow And How To Keep Them." THE S5.WHITE DENTAL MFG. CO. MOUTH AMD TOILET PREPARATIONS 211 SOUTH TWELFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA COUPON f Imh cn4 an a tev, Horn Ta ketp Tb.m, i tunpl i Toota