Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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    6 A
THE OMAHA MjinuaV BEh: JUL liy. iim.
Man Suggests Putting Name
and Serial Number in Wind- i
shield; Could Not
Change This. ,
According to Secretary C. (.'. K'il
liur jof the Toledo Automobile club,
all of the makers, sellers and buyers
of motor cars, together with the
country's chemists ami sellers of
windshield glass, must combine
against the auto thief if motor car
thievery is to be abolished.
At the American Automobile asso
ciation annual' meeting Mr. Kilbury
addressed the assemblage on the ever
live and hard-to-be-met problem of
stamping out car thievery and pre
sented a suggestion that calls for nation-wide
co-operation on the part
of every person interested in elim
inating the car thief.
Mr. Kilbury's idea is to place, by
chemical process, the serial number of
the car and the name of the owner's
home town upon the windshield
and that each owner should
a card hearing Ins name, al
and the serial number of his'
Pathf ined Hotel at Fremont Opens
1 y
F H I r 0 tin. 'ktll
'J .(Tin d o n-P
' f '(MM- 1S!' '
4 .
J',-'S " s--i
Inner Tube Giveo
The Elephant Test
"John" and "Jim," two of the larg
fst Kingling elephants, failed to ob
serve the proverbial "whoa" the other
day when, they were hitched to a
35xSM Goodrich Brown tube. 'They
might have had visions of dragging
:ach other arpund the Ringling'circus
lot-in Akron, but if they did, they
oon proved the contrary, for when
they had stretched the tube almost
Iwenty-four feet the chains by which
it was coupled to their harness cut
:he tough rubber until the tube 'Met
?o." Jim heaved a painful grunt as the
end of the tube containing the valve
stem struck him. This was the first
Overfilling Battery as
Bad as Not Filling at All
"Overfilling your battery with
water is as bad as not filling it at
all," says Mr. Koscngren. the Willard
expert. "When the cells are too full,
rough riding or the rapid charging of
the battery which comes from long
sustained or rapid driving, forces the
electrolyte to overflow and run into
the bottom of the battery box. And
it is only a short time before the acid
electrolyte has eaten out the bottom
of the box."
In filling the battery, cover the top
of the plates with about onehalf inch
of water. More than this is unneces
sary. Export of Canadian
Wheat to U. S. Barred
Winnipeg, Man., July 27. The
board of grain Hupervisors for Canada
late today issued an order prohibiting
the-export of Canadian wheat to the
United States without permission of
the board. The order stipulates that
it is to govern the remainder of the
present crop and until further notice.
Hotel I'aihfinder will be formally
opened to the public tomorrow. The
opening ceremonies will resolve
themselves into a week of festivities
and social events.
Monday will be inspection day, the
general public will be invited to take
a look at the building and its furnish
ings, there will be no formalities that
day, nor will there be any parties of
any kind.
Tuesday will be stockholders' day,
and the ladies of the building com
pany will hold an informal reception
during the afternoon. The evening
will be taken up with the owners'
banquet. This dinner will be fol
lowed by a dance and entertainment.
Wednesday, August 1. will be Com
mercial club day, the ladies of the
Commercial club will hold an after
noon tea, iit the evening the men will
have dinner.
Thursday has been designated as
society day. The afternoon will be
given over to the children for enter
tainment and a demonstration of so
cial dancing. The evening will be for
spejeial parties, who may engage tables
for their families and friends. These
parties will be entertained with a
table d'hote dinner by reservation
only, followed by dancing and enter
tainment. Friday Host McFaddan has invited
the Omaha and Nebraska Hotel asso
ciations to be his guests at a dinner,
and from the acceptances there will
be a 'representative crowd present.
Saturday has been set aside as tra
ding men's day. The evening will
be given over to dinner, dancing and
Fremont citizens are proud of their
new hotel,, which has cost nearly a
quarter of a million dollars, and is
owned entirely by local capital, there
being nearly 300 stockholders.
The architects of the Fremont firm
of A. H. Dyer & Co., Mr. Fred Craig
of the above having given his entire
attention to the job. J. C. Mardis &
Co. of. Omaha are the general con
tractors. .
The building has been leased for
a term of twenty years to R. D. Mc
Fadden, who ' has been on the job
since April 1, giving his attention to
the decorations and furnishings. Tn
decorations have been done by George
Campen of Fremont, and the entire
Motorist Attention
Th OHIUINAI, Tlr.l not y a lend
ing Tire Patch.
r I! K :
The cheapest, easiest, beat and moat
aecure way to repair tubei without vul
canizing. Practically any repair from a
puncture to a eut aeventeen inchea long
can be repaired in five mtnutea; no heat
required; tube can be replaced in caning
and ued immediately. You follow fhe
directiona in applying the patch and we
stand behind every repair you make. We
absolutely guarantee you auecesa or your
money back.
Our Mottoi Quality and Service.
Outfit Complete
S3 Square Inchea 80c
73 Square Inchea $1.00
120 Square Inchea $1.50
Larpe sheet for garage use, 20x28.
"EVERLOC" menda all kinds of rub
ber goods and will hold forever. Over
1,000,000 satisfied uaers.
Ask your jobber, your dealer, or send
direct to
Jos. Brinkhaus M"Bifett.rr'
116 South 17th. Omaha, Neb.'
Refuse All Subatitutea. Oouglaa 3234.
25.5 Miles
Per Gal. of Gas
234 stock piodel Saxon "Sixes" travel
70,200 miles July 18 and set grand
' average of 25.5 miles per gal. of gas.
Our Entry Averaged 23 5-10 Miles Per Pal.
To give a national demonstration of the
remarkable gasoline economy of Saxon
"Six," 234 Saxan dealers joined in a
300-mile drive; July 18. A grand average
of 25.5 miles per gallon of gasoline was
registered for the 70,200 miles of travel.
Consider that this run took place in 234
different parts of the country, under
234 different sets of conditions, over
234 different kinds of roads.
Consider that these 234 cars were stock
model Saxon "Sixes", not "tuned up"
special cars, not cars with "doped" gaso
line. That proves that this 25.5 miles per gal
lon of gasoline Is , the ordinary, the
average performance of 234 Saxon
"Sixes taken right ouj of stock.
And it proves, as nothing else would
prove, the gasoline economy your
-Saxon "Six" will give you. No other car
in its class can match this record.
Furthermore, these 234 Saxon "Sixes"
averaged 175 miles per quart of oil.
And not a single instance of mechanical
trouble occurred throughout the entire
70,200 miles.
.Ther is the proof that Saxon "Six" is
your kind of a car. Price, f. o. b. De
troit, $935..
Noyes-Killy Motor Go.
206-68 Farntrn Street
Factory Distfibutora ,
Omaha, Neb.
furnishings .have, hcen supplied by
Fremont business houses.
Hotel Pathfinder fills Fremont's
long felt want for a social center and
consistent with this idea Mr. McFad
den has engaged Miss Maud Jorgen
sen, a graduate pupil and assistant of
Mr. Willard L. Chambers Dancing
academy of Omaha, to act as dancing
and social directress.
During opening ve"ek Miss Jorgen
sen will have assisting with her the
Missess Mary Myers, Mildred Jacks
and Charlotte Pierce, all young girls
from the Chambers' academy, also
pupls of hers.
On society night Mr. V. E. Cham
bers will assist Miss' Jorgcnsen in
demonstration dancing.
i Has Been Tried on Snows of
Michigan and Perfected;
Operation Cost About
Same as Truck.
'"Watch Your Autos,"
The Elephants Are Coming
"Watch your auto, the circus is
coming," is the caution given out by
Chief of Pobce Dunn. "It used to
be that circuses had shooters who
wouul tell spectators to watch their
horses, the elephants are coming,"
but now things are different.
The chief said that after every cir
cus a large .number of persons re
ported the loss of their cars.
There will be an extra detail of
police and plain clothes men who will
circulate among the crowd at the cir
cus ground.
Flower Flag at Hanscom
Park is Torn Up by Roots
v Commissioner Hummel is consider
ably exercised over the work of some
vandal in Hanscom park who tore
out the stars in the large waving or
namental flower bed which resem
bled a.i American flag.
"The man or persons who dese
crated the flag should be given life,"
the commissioi er stated.
Beside uprooting the stars, a num
ber of the stripes were spoiled by the
flowers being torn out by the roots.
The ornamental flower flag was one
of the beauty spots at the park.
Built on absolutely original lines, a
motor sled has been tried out in the
snows of Michigan and found to be
an unqualified success inspite of its
startling appearance, says C. W.
Francis of the C. W. Francis Truck
company, Instead of being propelled
by some type of wheel with chain or
roughened surface to grip the ice and
snow, this vehicle is driven by four
motor-operated drums or cylinders,
which taper at the front and are
equipped with a number of spiral
flanges. These cylinders revolve, but
their course is at right angles to the
direcfion taken by the sled, and the
screW-like action of the spiral run
ners sends the machine forward with
remarkable speed and tractive power.
Mixed Flour,Food to .
Be Called "Liberty Bread"
Washington, July 28. Liberty
bread is the term to be encouraged
by the food administration as ap
plied to substitutes for wheat flour
rather than the phrase "war bread"
used in other warring countries.
"The name 'war bread' gives the
impression that there is something in
ferior about the breads made of sub
stitutes for wheat," says an announce
ment. The fact is that breads made
from wheat substitutes are healthful,
and just as tasty as those made from
Use of substitutes will be encour
aged at the food training camps to be
held in connection with fairs and ex
positions in the near future.
'Seasonable Temperature
1 After Middle of Week
! Washington, July 28. Weather
predictions for the week beginning
, Sunday issued by the weather bureau
; today follow!:
Plains states and upper and middle
Mississippi valleys: Generally fair,
except fo widely scattered thunder
showers. Warm first part of week,
probably seasonable temperature after
Wednesday or Thursday.
Rocky mountain and plateau re
gions: Fair except for widely scat
tered thunder showers. Temperature
near or below seasonal average.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Guardsmen on Border to BTe
Close to Masonic Temple
Knights Templar headquarters will
i be within easy reach of the National
! Guard boys who are Knights Templar
I w hen they go to Deming, N. M., to
Francis E. White, secretary of the
grand lodge of Masons in Omaha, has
received a letter from Edward Rem
ington, recorder at Deming. lle asks
White to notify the boys in his juris
diction that the Asylum of McGrorty,
commandry No. 4, Knights Templar,
is within one mile of where the boys
will be encamped, that the drawbridge
will be down and the portcullis up
to the guardsmen who are knights.
Franklin Speedster
Completely Overhauled and Repainted.
Equipped with Osgood" Lens
Tires as good as new j
Six-Cylinder Motor
Call LaDue Flatiron Hotel. Phone Douglas 2787
any evening between 7 and 8.
ww a a mm c m in m wem vi riu ua
AWnlffm fffflfl nflff ffftfl ifwfivfVr! I rFTffl rf
The Qualstq Goes Clear Through
.....iMii.n. j m.ik. ...... , . ui.i,il,m,nm;ii tu,ian ii i i n 1 1 ii u u ii ui iu ; u i i n mi mi ui i mn'M.TTUTT.mMrn itttt rrrri rm tth rr n
, I ; .3':;
Touring Car
Fleur ie lys
This Test Talks
Probably the most exacting and decisive com
petitive fuel economy road test ever held in
America took place on June 22-23.
The course was from Los Angeles, Cal., to
Camp Gurry in the Yosemite National Park -a
distance of 370 miles over grilling mountain
routes and under a burning summer sun.
Fourteen makes of cars competed each boast
ing unusually economical operation BUT
The record of this cup-winning Dort a regu
lar standard car was 25.96 miles per gallon
of gasoline nearly 26 miles per gallon.
Not only pin-money cost of operation but un
usually good looks, comfort, power in plenty,
sturdiness and long life, characterize the Dort.
Touring car or Roadster, $725; Sedanet, $845;
Sedan, $1095.
- Zti X' pit fB$Wl
2211-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Flint, Mich, U. S. A.