THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 29. 1917. 5 A Brie.) City News Hu R.miI Print It N. Umood Preo. Metal tilts, prvssw'k. Jubilee Mtg. Co. Elec Faiw. ..50 -Burgess-Granden. Platinum Wedding; Klncs Edholra. Try tlie noonday 35-cent lunrlicon at the Empress Garden, amidst pleas ant surroundings, music and entertain mentAdvertisement. ! fill rklT-riiOTML-'Tkrla ITucfnn suing: George W. Huston for divorce in district court, alleges cruelty. They were married in Council Bluffs Way 10, 1916. Boys' Band to Give Concert The Eoys' Municipal band, G. Bouricius director, will give a patriotic concert at Hansconi park next Sunday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. Bedford Goes Fishing E. W. Bed ford of Bedford-Johnston company is one of the fortunate realtors to es cape the present hot wave. He has just left for Saratoga, Wyo., where he will spend three weeks camping and trout nsmng. Iave For Lake Okoboji Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cuscaden and children, Gertrude and Henry, left for Lake Okoboji. They will make the trip by auto. Beside spending part of their time at Okoboji, they plan to motor to .Minnesota Social on School Grounds The New port Belvidere Improvement club will give an ice cream social . Thursday evening at 8 p. m. in tffe spacious grounds of the Belvidere school,' at lhirty-sixth street and Kansas avenue. Music will be furnished by the mu nicipul band. Adair in Boston W. R. Adair, see retary of the Omaha Loan and Build ing association, is in Boston to attend the national convention of tha Ucited States League of Local Building and Loan Associations. The magnitude of the organization is shown b the total assets or member associations, $1,484, 205,875. Men's Society to Meet The Men's society of the Zlon Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wallin, Thirty-eighth and Ham ilton streets, on Tuesday evening July 31. Subject for " discussion, "The Church Member and the Stranger at Church." Introduced by P. A. Ed quist and Emil Helsing. The Bee's Free Milk and Ice Fund Officers of the First ' - National Are Changed Changes were made in the official family 'of the .First National bank following the resignation of Assistant Cashier O. T. pastman to accept the position, of manager of the Omaha branch of the Federal Reserve bank. J. H. Bexten, was auditor and be comes assistant cashier. E. L. Droste was also made assistant cashier, and T. S. Miles becomes auditor. Droste has been head paying teller for a num ber of years. Miles has been chief clerk. J. H. Bexten, who has now been promoted to assistant cashier, is the oldest employe of the bank. He came to the First National as bookkeeper in 1886, thirty-one years ago. Prior to that time, since 1880, he was con fidential , bookkeeper for Haines Brothers Iniplement company. He has had charge of the credit depart ment since 1904. Before that he was discount and collecting clerk for the bank for seventeen years. Bee Want Ads produce results. "I live 160 miles away but am send ing a little to help buy milk for babies in the poor families,' writes Dr. D. E. Maxwell of Cedar Rapids, Neb. A considerable part of The Bee's fund for poor babies comes from out side of Omaha. These out-of-town people realize the hardships that little ones have in poor families during the hot weather. The demands upon the fund are very great. Won't you help? Your contribution may easily be the means of saving a baby s life. Every case is investigated carefully by visiting nurses. You may be sure that every cent you give will be used for buying pure, fresh milk for some baby that is famishing for it. Bring or send any sum from 10 cents to $5 to The Bee office. Previously acknowledged $193.00 Dr. Maxwell, Cedar Rapids.. 2.50 Mary D. Learned 2.00 H. R. Martin 2.00 T. W. Mcintosh, Meadow Grove, Neb 1.00 Total $200.50 Three Soldiers from Fort Crook Married in Omaha Leroy E. Lattin, 21 years old, non commissioned officer in the National Guard, now at Fort Crook, and Miss Grace Van Beck, 20 years old. both of Omaha, were married today by Rev. S. H. Yerian. Another guardsman, William T. Gut- chow, of Blair,-26 years old, and Miss Georgia Lutz of Blair, were married in the court house by Acting County Judge bundblad. Harold M. Foole, a private in the regular army, stationed at Fort Logan, Colo., obtained a license to wed Miss Vera V. Norris of Denison, la. Both young people are 21 years old. Wonderful Quiet is Prevalent at City Hall The aftermath of the police hear ing is being felt at the city hall. Now that the probe is over commissioners and department ataches are taking things as easy as possible. Many of the officials are lining up extended va cation trips, while a few others plan 'to take short intermittent jaunts dur ing the hot? weather. Executives of Commercial Club Adjourn for Summer The executive committee of the commercial club has adjourned for the rest of the summer, subject to the call or tne chair, mere will doubtless be some special meetings called, how ever, since many important matters this year demand the attention of the committee. Weighmaster on South Side Sends Resignation E. II. Roberts, weighmaster at Rail road avenue and Washington street, South Side has sent in his resignation to the city council. The weighmaster gives no reason for quitting the city work. Dietz Memorial Will Hold Service for Soldier Boys The Dietz Memorial Sunday school will honor its members who have en listed and who were selettcd for the first national army. A special patriotic program will be given this morning, starting at 9:45. Among the numbers will be a recitation by Elva Oviatt. "The Stars and Stripes;" a recitation by Emma Wendell, "The Ship of State." and a reading by Willie Saunders, "The Flag of Our Country." One of the features of the program will be patriotic songs to be sung. by members ot the junior Sunday school class. A short address will be given by Dr. Dawson, pastor. ' Workers of Germany For Peace by Compromise Amsterdam, July 28. According to the Berlin Vorwaerts, a resolution has been passed at a conference of the free trades' unions of Germany, recording satisfaction that the Reichstag ou July 19, in the name of the German nation voted peace by compromise. The resolution also declared the workers of Germany are willing and determined to hasten the end of the war on that basis, A Beautiful Enlarged Portrait 19c BRING to us any bust photo, postal card or cabinet picture, while this offer is open, and we will enlarge it to a beautiful 14x20 convex portrait, bust style, for 19c. This offer is for a limited period, only. Burgess-Nash Company. VERYBODYS STORE Burgess-Mash M?m. EVERYBODYS STORE Sunday, July 29, 1917. -STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- -Phone D. 137. Announcing r An Extraordinary Clearaway onday of Women's and Misses' TThTD) K7 1 I I I l I ! Involving the Very Smartest Models and Most Favored Materials at but a Fraction of Original Price at $2.95, $4.95, $6.95 and $8,95 IT'S indeed -a most unusual offering one that is certain ta bring forth a great re sponse. The dresses which represent the greater portion of our regular stock are all late models, in a wide variety of styles, including such splendid materials as Ginghams, Voiles, Linens, Georgettes, Nets . and Georgette and Taffeta Combinations Plaids, stripes, figures and solid colors, some are beautifully trimmed with laces and embroideries, while others are finished ,with braids. There's a dress for any occasion, and the value is most extreme. , . Women's Silk and Georgette Combination Dresses Specially Reduced for Monday to $12.95 IN this group are included the finer and much higher priced models of taffeta silks and georgette combinations. Plain colors and a few fancies. All sizes for women and misses, specially reduced for Monday to $12.95. Bures-Nali Co. Second Floor BURGESS-ta UJNHUIY. ttVERYBODYk STORE" Sunday, July 29, 1917.. -STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- -Phone D. 137. First Notice of the now eagerly looked forward to Burgess-Nash August Sale Of Furs which will this year (for the greater convenience of the large iiumber of customers attending the early days of the sale) be preceded by Two Days' Inspection being Monday and Tues day of next week, July 30 and 31 on which dates the en tire stock of furs will be found bearing the iiew sale tags representing Reductions of 20 to 33 All who wish to do so may inspect the whole display on these two days, and if they wish, make their selections and give orders for such pieces as they will want sent home alter August 1st. lhese advance or ders to date as of 'Au gust 1st. The sale this year will be somewhat larger and in many re spects better than any othr that we have held. Be Sure and Take Plenty of Kodak Films START on your vacation with a plentiful supply of films. Our Kodak Department carries an excellent line and we assure you they are fresh, we will also do your developing and finish ing at a small expense. Films left before 12:30 p. m. ready next day at 11:30. Films left before 4:30 p. m. ready next day at 3; 30. Ask us questions about your kodak troubles. We will 'be glad to help you. Burgets-Nath Co. Main Floor DOWN STAIRS STORE INDICATORS pointing the 1 way to sure and safe econ omy. Wash Goods, 9V2c Consisting of fine voiles, rice cloth, rice voiles and batistes. Monday, Ql yard J2C Modette at 15c Modette wash goods in stripes and figures, strictly fast colors, ! j" yard IOC Sport Skirting, 9c Sport stripe skirtings, good selection of color- Q ing, at, yard C Batistes at 10V2c Mill lengths to 10 yards of batistes, 40 inches wide, special, at, 1 fi 1 yard 1U$C White Poplins, 19c 36-inch mercerized pop lins, high finish, 2 to 6 yards in length, White Madras, 19c 32-inch white madras in stripes and checks for shirt waists and blouses, Marquisette at 25c 36-inch marquisette, white and ecru, for summer cur tains, at, Ottt yard OC Swiss Curtains, 98c Ruffled swiss curtains, 3 yards long, 36 inches QQ wide, pair 2OC Child's Dresses, 59c Children's wash dresses, good quality ging- PQ ham, 6 to 14 years. . JS7C Wash Dresses, $3.95 Women's summer mar quisette, voile and lawn one piece dresses, sport stripes and. dots, do Qj special .......vOJJO Burgos-Nat Co. Down Stair Store Monday Another Day of Wonderful Values In This- Great Closing-Out Sale of Representing Reductions of 20 to 50 VRE 97 t'R Vl NO one with a furniture need of any sort can afford to overlook this most un usual opportunity to save generously. Our entire stock on the floor and in the warehouse has been reduced and reticketed with the one thought in mind -to close out every piece in the very shortest possible time. i And Remember This Every piece of furniture that is included is our regular stock, not made and bought especially for sale purposes, but furniture that is the latest style, fully meas uring up to the Burgess-Nash standard of quality. Furniture suitable for any room in the house, on the lawn or porch, offered to you at sweeping price reductions. 1 ' Burfaa-Naah Co. Third Floor Clearaway Of Fancy Voiles at 29c FANCY voiles and jacquards with small floral designs, stripes, dots and figures, 36 to 40 inches wide, very special at 29c yard. Sport Skirting, 19c range of smart new patterns, including large rings, polka dots and stripes, 36 inches wide, specially reduced for a cleara way, at, 19c the yard. Burgets-Naah Co. Main Floor Free Lessons In Knitting WE have a competent instruc tor who will show you tho various ways of knitting, and her services are offered to you without charge. The need of warm sweaters, helmets, wristlets, etc., by the soldiers in France the coming fall and winter has been the cause for the organization of many knitting societies. Fleuher's Yarns in Ball Complete line, new colors, no delaying in winding and no tangling of skeins. Knitting Needles, 35c Pair 10-inch amber or white, sizes 3, 4, 5, 7, 9. Also 14-inch knitting needles, amber, pink, blue or white, sizes 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, at 50c pair. Knitting Yarns, Shetland Floss Teazel yarn, Germantown, Saxony, in balls, etc., all the newest shades for selection. Burceaa-Naah Co. Third Floor New Tub Silk Blouses Delightfully Fresh, Specially Priced $1.95 rriHEY'RE just the sort "of blouse you -L need for vacation or general warm weather wear, and you'll be most agree ably pleased at the values offered. Made of superior quality of tub silk, every ii ami new, m a variety or distinctive and good looking models. With box plaits, tucks and hemstitching, Btnart collars, long sleeves, etc. The colors are flesh and maize, als white, extreme values Saturday at $1.95. Burgeai-Naah Co. Second Floor "STANDARD" Rotary Sewing Machines Priced Ffom $35.00 to $70.00 ' rpilE "Standard" Rotary is indeed a wonderful sew A ing machine round shuttle really two ma chines in one lock or chain stitch, instantly inter changeableneedle set straight, ball bearing stand, easv and frflonf. fun ning. Guaranteed for a lifetime and sold on terms as low as $2.00 Down, $1.00 per Week Special Monday Al'C,arke" rotary wing machine (used), $25.00. , 1J'on-rd" rotary Bewin machine (used), $32.50. ' "Standard" electric sewing machine V,?Kn Vibrator" wing machine (used), $22.50. ' Burntas-Naah Co. Fourth Floor Free Demonstration How To Save Food First Aids to the Allied Arts of Preserving and Canning GOOD preservation is the first principle of economy and the "first law of war " It s the problem which women are meeting with enthusiasm and efficiency Can ning and preserving are most important w ays of conserving the food. supply. We have anticipated the needs of the right utensils, have gathered generously and rec! ommend them to you. jCSl vy " c- you Wire extension strainer, very handy, special value at 25c. r Universal food chopper, No. O size, priced at $1.25. Glass fruit jar funnel, complete with strainer, very special at 19c. Wood Spoons, large size, at 15c Pure aluminum preserving kettles, 8-quart size, $1.25; 10-quart size, $1.50. Frames for drying fruits and vegetables, each 45c. Six-inch electric fans for drying purposes, $4.95. Waxed containers for dried fruits and vege tables, pint or quart size, 5c. i Boiler racks, each 65c. Quart tin cans, dozen, 69c. Special free demon stration on how to preserve 'or dry fruits and v e g e t a b les daily, 9 A. M. to 12 M. Jelly bags on wire frames, spe cial 35c. s Parowax bar, 10c. Genuine Boyd fruit jar covers, dozen at 30c. Tin top jelly glasses, per dozen, 19c. ' Glass jelly moulds, per doz., 30c Handy fruit jar holders, made of galvanized iron, each 10c. fruit Jars Ball Brothers' mason fruit jars, complete with rubber rings and porcelain-lined caps: Pint size, dozen, 65c; quart size, dozen, 75c. -galIon size, dozen, $1.10. (Best quality white rubber fruit jar rings, dozen, 8c. Canning outfit made of galvanized iron, con sists of large kettle with tight-fitting cover, wire rack and jar lifter, the outfit, $1.65. Jar litter, each 12c I Burfcat-Nath Co. Down Stairs Storo. '