THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1917. 11 FOR RENT APARTMENTS South. FIVE-ROOM, (team betted apartment, The Chula Vista, (Otfc an Poppleton, $46. Coo rad Young, $33 Brandeia Theater. Doug- las 1571. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT. FLATS. Colored tenants wanted tor I and t room flats; $13.60 and IIS; South Bide, Somber. Tyler 78(. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Buine Prop'ty Stores. fOR RENT Building, suitable for whole, sal or storage purposes, 3 floors and ce. nent basement floors 15x120 ft Good levator and convenient arrangement for loading; might consider renting one or more floors separata; building well lo cated and available August 1. Nebraska A Iowa Mercantile Co.. 1315 Howard St. Tel. P. 1068. NEW, modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 15th fits. Low rent Garage building, 13$ N. 40th 8t Single, . IK.O0: double. 110.00. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAMST. TUfctifTl ATtT.m Btnra num. modem front. metal celling, steam heat, 624-636 So. 34th, St; size 32x00: can be subdivided; low rent Conrad Toung. 332 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglao 1671. LOW-PRICED modern offices. Far nam Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (Old 1st Nat Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CU ITier dvv. STAR P! WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Building. -SMALL modern store room, steam heat 161$ Capitol Ave. Coprad Toung, 222 Brandeia Tt.eater. pougiae inn. OpBAN store. lth St.. near postoHica. $7&. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office apace, Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. Mcuagu. inv. to. Garages and Barns. SMALL garage centrally located. 125. E. H. BENNER CO.. D. 8406. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Flats. WB want more houses and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If vou want to keep your places rented see Payne Slater Co.. "Omaha's Rental Men." 010 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016- MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO" . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. : 319 N. 11th St Phone Doug ' las 894, FIDELITY service JWEE Phone Douglas 388 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16tti ana jacKson bis, METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel, D. lit. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. ' Separate locked rooms for houeehold goods and pianos; moving, packing and OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO . 161 S. 16th St Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service la moving, packing and storing, call Tyler S30 or Douglas 4338. V r J Van and two men, Maggara $1.25 per hour. Packlne. van anu oiuioso v... ....., ', Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1490 fi t5L",L",r Express. Co., Moving . yi tXUULJ Packing and Storage. HOT Farnam St. Web. 2748, Pout. 14 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. THE HEIRS HAVE DECIDED TO SELL For cash or good security one of the finest s Improved. 481-s.cre stock farms lr. i Lewis Township, Pottawattamie county, Iowa. 8 milor southeast of Council Bluffs. New 11 room house, modern: barn for 20 head of horses and 50 tons of hay; electric lighted-, granary, haysbed, garage, hog houses, good chicken house, feed lot and sell feeder. Plenty of good water and ruhning wator in pastures. .. . . .. Also 300 acres first class high bottom land located near Island Park la., six miles south of Council Bluffs; good five room house and other good Imp'ovemente. All under, cultivation. Will divide thl . If d"oned' 3-story brick building 160 West One 2-story brick building 60 S. Main. One 2-story brick building EU S. Main. Nine-room house, 030 4th Ave; all mod ern; Urge corner lot; nice 4-room house, S0 South th St. .',.. Address Lock Box 393, Council Bluffs, la. Louisiana Lands. FOR SALE: Land in W.. Calcaaion Parish, La. Timber, marsh and high land. Ad dress M. C. Roderick, Himount, Lake Charles, La. Nebraska Lands. Farm 3 Miles t West of Omaha, 14 Mile From ' Dodge Paved Road. 40 acres, with S-story 7-room house; barn for horses and 16 cows with' 20 ton hay mow ; corn crib and granary, 34x33 ft.; hog house, chicken house, cave, S wells and cistern. 10 acres extra fine blue grass pasture; 6 acres alfalfa, 3 ores fruit, balance garden and farm land. Extra fine soli.. Price $26,000, terms $10,000 cash, .balance at 6 per cent. Owner must change climate. Will sell ' crop, and. live stock and "give Jmmedlate possession, if desired. J. H. DUMONT & CO. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. 718-ACRK ranch, Holt County, fair improve ment, $30; 1,440 cares, Thomas County, $13.50; 660 acres, Cherry .County, Improved, $30; 1,000 acres, Burt County, Improved, exchange for ranch or city property up to $35,000. Price, $SB,000. If you want a farm or ranch see GANGESTAD, $4$ Bee Bldg. Douglas 3477. FOR SALE. A 330-acre farm in Pierce county. Neb., at a bargain; 160 acres In cultivation; - fair buildings. For particulars write to Box 316. Holsteln, la. - ? SO ACRES Irrigated, fine, level, black land, near Bridgeport, Neb., very cheap, terms; crop goes with land. B. 8. A R. E. MONTGOMERY. 827 City National Bank BMg. SMALL Nebraska farma on easy payments i acres up. We farm tha farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 15th and Howard St.. Omaha. Douglas 9371. FOR SALE One quarter section land, well Improved, 7 miles south of Lodgepole, Neb. Write or call the owtoer, C J. Schad. Lodgepole. Neb. FOR SALE Beet large body hlgl. grade, medium priced land In Nebraska; very Jttle mono, required. C Bradley, Wol- baeh. Neb. North Dakota Lands. ALFALFA LANDS BARGAINS. 130 acres nice level alfalfa land In Sar gent county, N. D. Price $25.00 per acre. ' . 160 acres splendid grazing land ( miles from DeLamere, N. D. Price $15.00 per ' acre.- 160 acres nice level land six miles from Steele, N. D. Price $18.76 per acre. Several finely Improved quarter and half section farms; heavy soil, with clay sub soil; good buildings; artesian wells and . good fences; at around $55.00 per acre. Write at once for map and full par ticulars. H. J. JOHNSON LAND CATTLE CO., Oakes, N. D. Miscellaneous. 350-Acre Farm, $11,500 Crops, Horses, 26 Cows and heifers, 3 bulls, calves, mule, poultry, tools, machinery, two enge, etc., etc., thrown In by owner if taken soon, as be is called to another state. A good part of the 150 acrs of rich tillage Is In smooth fertile river bottom; 60-cow, wire-fenced spring-watered pasture and a valuable woodland; fine 3-story, 10-room house, telephone, mail delivered; a few steps to school: only two miles to depot village . and high school: 15-ft. stock barn, silo and hay barn. Icehouse and large con- . erete inllkhouse; $11,600 takes all; easy terms to the right man; for traveling In structions to see this money-making prop rty see page' 13 of our Summer Cata- 'oue. Just out Write today for your free cony. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept. J973. 205 S. Uth St. Omaha, Neb. FARM AD RANCH LANDS Oregon Lands. ALFALFA C to t tons per acre yearly. JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT HARLEY J. HOOKER 140 First Nat Bank Bldg. Omaha. Nebraska. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east Texas, $25 an acre. Get my free book. W. S. FRANK. 301 Neville Block. Omaha. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5. 6'i and t per cent Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Duraont'A Co.. 410-41$ Keellne Bldg., 17th and Harney. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years. Interest 6 per cent, 6 per cent and C per cent, PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. $100 TO $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. CITY and farm loan pormptly made. Rates t, 6 and per cent Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 213 South 17th. Omaha, Neb. $1,000 MTGE., bearing S pet, semi-annually; secured by property valued at $4,000. Talmadge-Loomis Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort ' gages. Kloke Inv Co., Omaha. Money on hand for mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgages secured by . Omaha real estate. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. SHOPEN A CO., PRIVATE MONEY. FARM and city loans, 6, 5 and 6 per cent W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. LOW RATES-MS. O. CARLBERO, 318 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. NO DELAF l. CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. MONET HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment securities, industrial stocks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDO & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank BMg. Abstracts of Title. LTn, Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IVcIX 805 S. 17th St, ground floor. Bonded by Mais. Bonding and In. Co. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay Insurance companies. 610 Brandeia Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4 and 6-room cottage to sell on small payment down, balance monthly. ALLEN & BARRETT, 61$ Be Bldg. Doug. 7768. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; bav parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 3607. LIST you 6 and 6-room bouses with Ed ward F. William Co., 801-803 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 430. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 496. WANT to Buy 40 acres of farm and pasture land. Box 168, Independence, Kan. ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 182$ Laird St. Webste- 2039. . ! , REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West BEST BARGAIN IN BEMIS PARK Nine rooms, strictly modern; built for a home, with quarter-sawed oak finish; hot water heat finished attic, complete basement plastered; full lot, on Lafay ette Ave Blvd., near 38th; garage. Non-resident owner has cut the price to $6,000 for quick sale. The house alone coat better than $6,000 and the. lot Is worth $2,000. Investigate at once. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. . Douglas 3963. 919-20 City Nat YOUR search for a home will be over when you see 2911 N. 45th St. A mere word de scription cannot do it Justice. It Is just finished and ready to move Into. One of the big surprise is our price ($3,660): Key next door, or our auto , is always at your ervio:' . ... t RASP BROS., THE REALTORS,". 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. HOME BARGAIN la West Farnam .district, room, trlotly modern; hot water heat; lot 48x 111; fruit trees and shrubbery. - Owner leaving city and offer this tor quick sale at $4,300. Terms. '' Phone Owner, Harney" 6734. NEAR VARNAM. on' 34th St., -r. strictly modern home, oak finish; hot water heat lavatory on first floor; splendid location; $7,000. F. D. WEAD, $10 S. 18th 8t 112 SO. 36TH ST. 8-r. and sleeping porch, fine condition, great bargain If sold quick ly. Owner leave city. Reas. terms. H. 3266. North. NEW BUNGALOW. BARGAIN Located high an! sightly, 33d, near De catur street. We sold seven In this loca tion last season. Has five room, closets and bath, full basement, large, roomy porch. All decorated with high grade paper, tile In kitchen and bath. Shade and electrlo fixture. Oak finish in liv ing and dlhlng room, pedestal opening with bookcases. " Price $2,925. Substantlsl first payment, balance monthly Ilk rent Call for appointment. TRAVER BROS., Phone D. 688$. $19 First Nat. Bank. NEW BUNGALOWS .. i 27th and Grand Ave. Have Just completed S new and at tractive bungalows at $7th and Grand Ave. Strictly modern, oak finish, en ameled bath rooms, nicely decorated, beautiful fixtures, best of plumbing; kitchen with bullt-ln features, refrigera tor room, etc. Have Just sold 2 of these bungalows to satisfied clients and have 3 left Prices: $3,450 to $3,750; one-tenth cash, balance Ilk rent This I your op portunity to secure a new and up-to-the-minute bungalow on exceptionally easy term.. HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. TyW BEAUTIFUL HOME FORCED SALE SEVEN-ROOM STUCCO Located on a choice corner, south and east front Has long living room with French doors, leading Into sun room, book cases and colonnade. Larg dining room, with buffet butler' pantry to kitchen Three extra large bedrooms, exceptionally complete bath room. Full basement, with plenty of windows, laun dry tubs, etc. The woodwork Is all the finest selected oak, waxed finish. The house was built by day labor throughout Just one year old. The owner is asking $6,000, which Is at least $1,000 less than It could be duplicated. For appointment call ' OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-3 Om. Nafl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 49f,. FOR $3,500 YOU CAN BUY A $4,500 HOUSE Six-room semi-bungalow, nearly new, all beautiful Oak finish, French doors to sunroom, bookcases, all the bullt-ln fea ture In kitchen, white enamel finish In bedrooms. Full cemented basement. Lot 60x130. This Is a dandy. When can you see it? OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. NORTH SIDE Seven-room house, all modern, full sited lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty is on Burdette. easy walk to 30th or 34th car. Wtll give some on a bar gain. Owner left city. ALFRED THOMAS 30$ Farnam Bldg. THIS REAL ATTRACTIVE 3-R00M BUNGALOW $100 Down $17 Monthly Bungalow, brand new. Lot lays well. Living room; with bullt-ln Murphy bed. Bedroom, kitchen and pantry. Fin porch. Flower boxes. Electric lights. Large basement; good well. Located near 40th and Blnney St. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE FOR ONLY $3,650 To buy a full two-story, six-room, hot water heated home, strictly modern, 60x 130-foot lot beautiful maple shade, west of Kountie park, about two blocks to the 34th street car service. Immediate pos session. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-1 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. NEW BUNGALOW. WAVERLY PARK ADD. 6 rooms, all on one floor; stairway to floored attic; 3 bedrooms; oak finish in living rooms: nicely decorated; full ce ment basement; east front lot 40x125; Just one block west of Fontenelle Blvd., south of Bedford Ave. Price $3,800. $300 down, balance terms. C. G. CARLBERG. 310-313 Bramteis Theater Bldg. South. A REAL HOME BARGAIN Six-room house, modern. In splendid condition; garage and paved streets. Price $3,600; $500 down take it. BIG 4 REALTY CO., Doug. $486. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Two 8-room flat In four apartments, all permanently rented, on paved itreet In good repair. At 6435 and 6427 8. 31st St., South Sid. Will be aold to th highest bidder on the premises, Wednesday, July 26, atf 11 a. m. If you want to buy good income prop, rty at your own price come to thl sale. For further information call, V JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. Red 8285 or Harney 4673. W. H. GRIFFITH, Owner. ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot; fin condition; live In one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,730. Very easy terms. No. 2433 South 20tb St. NORMS & NORRIS, 400 Be Building. Phone Douglas 4170. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, 5 large light room. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $3,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3,660. Call Douglas 1723 day, Walnut 16S0 evenings. Miscellaneous. Do You Want a New Home? ' If so, I can sell you a lot In a grow ing district, where, property. 1 tnqreas- lng In .value and- all new homes, . The sewer', water, gas and walks are all In and paid In full, located pear a good car line and school. You can select the lot that suits you on Small Gash int and I will build a house to .suit you, I hava a lumber yard and mill and let large plumbing and heating contracts, thus I can save you money and' give you Just what you want, ON VERY EASY TERMS. CALL WALNUT 789. HOME BUYERS, I READ THIS: High-class home will be sold right. Acre of ground facing on Beautiful park; handy to 3 car line. Has quarter-sawed oak downstairs. Second floor. Urge tiled bathroom, large airy bedrooms, large sleeping porch. Hot water and furnace heat combined; 33 shade trees. Nonresident here this week and wants to sell. Call or address GRAHAM-PETERS CO.. 829 Omaha Nat Bank. Phone Red 653. Evenings, Walnut 1103, $100 DOWN. $25 A MONTH. Just lilted, a 6-room house, strictly modern except heat. Oak floor through out Paved street, paving (aid. Priced- at $1,900; a genuine bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. 637 Omnha Nat Bk. Bldg. . 1781. 4-ROO.M Handle on $300 cash, balance pay ment. GANGESTAD, Suite 248 Bee Bldg. Dougla 8477. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Real Estate and Insurance, 1820 Farnam St. D. 1064. A TRACT of ground laying ideal forpouItry raising; 250-ft frontage: price $810; $50 cash, 813.50 monthly. Call D. 3596. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 443 Bee Bldg., Douglas 8097. R. S. TRUMBULL, . . 130$ 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1714, Templeton-Olson Co., Bee Bldg. Tyler 3020. Qeneml real estate, Insurance. Rentals. REAL ESTATE B'ness Prpty H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Investment SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY ft SON. REALTORS. 620 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange QUARTER section Minnesota land, 4 miles northwest of Windom; 120 acres in erops, fenced snd cross-fenced; good, black sandy loam, about 20 miles from Iowa line. Farm Is rented, 2-6 delivered. Price $126 per acre. Want improved 80 acre. Must be within 60 mile of Omaha, or good Income Omaha property. LUND. 420 ROSE BLDO. TYLER T68. 7-ROOM house and cash for farm. 6 six-room house for farm or ranch. 640 Cherry county improved for house or merchandise. GATE CITY LAND CO.. t. 9350. 332 Paxton Blk. WILL exchange equity of $15,000 in quarter section near Fullerton, Neb., and equity of $13,000 on quarter section near Blue Springs. Neb., for clear city property or mortgages. Address Box 6707, Bee. WILL sacrifice 4 lots cities of Calgary and Medicine Hat. Alberta, Canada; total as sessment $1,000.00; for lots Omaha or eq uity in bungalow Omaha. Phone Mrs. MilnK, Douglas 1284. CLEAR flat renting $97 mo.; exch. acreage; $10,000: fine condition. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. ' $21-80 City National. -- Douglas 8862. 1 4-ftOOM modern, exchange equity for car or . diamond; - - . . ....... GANGESTAD. Suite 248 Bee Bldg. Dougla 8177. Payme REAL ESTATE To Exchange DRUG STORES Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota, for cash or clear land. S. J. Olmem. Minneapolis. Minn. 4-KOOM house, equity $300. Exchange tor automobile or lot. GANGESTAD. Suite 348 Bee Bldg. Douglas 347. SEVEN-ROOM residence on N. 37th St. for on In Council Bluffs. Mrs. B.. 719 Mill St., Council Bluffs. la. 160 ACRES, well Improved, every acre good land. N. E. Neb., will rak some trad. O. A. Kull. Oakland. Neb. $50 AN acre buy ISO-acre farm 16 miles from Omaha. Inquire 413 Rarog Blk. TeL Doug. 4311. Residence phone Doug. 1775. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINXB LI'S A 300 dif ferent buyers decided that it wa th best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come cut today you will understand why the other are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lota. Price $320, only 11 cash and 50 cent per week. Doug. 3398. CUMING Near 29th St.. 23 or 44 feet; must be sold to close estate. Grlmmol, 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. The Last Five-Room Bungalow on an Acre to Be Purchased for $250 Down and $26.50 Per Month In Benson Gardens All in Crop. Thl l attractive, brand new. on a fine corner, and only one block from Free Jitney and Macadam road. House Is ex tra well lighted and ventilated. Cement basement; electrlo lights; good well; 1.58 acres can ba bad adjoining; crops con sist of beans, peas, beets, tomatoes, corn, etc. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Mun ville. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. FOR SALE 6-room modern house and 1 lots In Benson; will sacrifice for quick sale. Write F. A. Robinson, (1(V North 18th street, Fort Dodge, la- for terms. Dundee. ' TRADE .YOUR VACANT LOT Why pay rent and hold that vacant lot which you now own, if you cannot afford to build, when you have an op portunity to exchange your lot a$ a down payment on a good two-story, new 7-room modern house in Dundee, ready for immediate possession, of fered at a price much less than it could be duplicated for today. Price, $4,500; balance monthly, like rent. This is an excellent opportunity to get a bargain.. Let us know what you have to offer. We will gladly' show the property by appointment. GEORGE & COMPANY, Doug. 756. 902 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. REALTORS. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Wall located lot on easy term. Mod. ern, attractive heme. Before buying be ure and aee GEORGE & CO., i HOMES and home sites in Dundee, PHULER A CART. 304 Keellne. D. 6074. South Side. A FINE 15-ACRE TRACT H mile of South-Omaha Stock Tarda. A bargain for quick sale. CONGDON.& CRANEY. Doug. 3493. H21 Paxton Block. POULTRY AND PET STOCK TWELVE thoroughbred chickens for sale. 6014 Underwood Ave. I AM BRINGING A MESSAGE ; From S. and C. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Harry M. Christie to Robert S. Odell, Blnney street, 10.44V feet east of Thirtieth street, north ldc, 37x137.86 Robert S. Odell and Wife to H. Jose $ (50 phine Clement, Blnney street, 10.44 feet east of thirtieth street, north side, 37x137.85 J Mary A. Klebba to Louis Klebba, C'harle street, seventy-five feet east of Thirty-first street, north lde, 36x127.6 William R. Alexander to Winter Bylee, Emmet street, seventy-four feet west of Twentieth street, north side, 80x124 , James Black and wife to Lulah Wal ter 8tewart, Thirty-fourth street, 160 feet south of Kansas avenue, west side, 40x124.5 Henry A. Senn to E. H. H. Michael. Worthington street, 166 feet east of Tenth street, north side, 60x130 Abraham Mlnkln, et al, to Arthur Theodore, Harney street, 130 feet east of Forty-first Street, south side, 60x130 Mary Oerba Bernstein and husband to Nathan Somberg, northwest corner Twenty-third and Mason, 68x111.... George P. Beml to Mary E. Wood, Dupont street, 220 feet west of Twenty-ninth street, south side, 1x125 Omaha Lumber and Coal company to Alphons M. Kuhl, southeast corner Cottner and Main street, Benson, 128x135 Herman Abraham and wife to A. M. Herald, et al. trustee, Twenty fourth street, ninety -six feet south of Burdette street, east side, 68x130. Harvey J. Grove and wife to Harry Knudsen, Orphanage street, Benson, 166 feet north of Main street, east Ids, 40x146 Elizabeth Emerlck to John N. Frenacr, northeast corner Twenty-lgh.h and California streets, 26x160 . William Edward Martin to John N. Frenser, Fourteenth street, - sixty , feet south of Capitol avenue, east side, (0x06 Abrahsm Mlnkln, et al, to Arthur Theodore, Harney street, furty-eight feet east of Forty-fourth street, north side, 48x132., ,. !00 185 1 1 1 160 1.500 1,600 3M0 of' LIVE SM MARKET Limited Run of Cattle Contin ues, With Result that De mand and Prices Rule Strong. Omaha, .July IS. 1917. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4,076 7.179 3,409 Official Tuesday 4.494 16,(!9 7.J46 Estimate Wednesday.. 1,800 14.730 5.800 Three days this week.. 10,924 $8.1:5 16,(14 6am daya last wk.. 11,71$ 34.97.1 35,041 Sam day 1 wks. ago. 1.149 11,(99 $,111 Bam days 1 wks. ago. 17,117 11.303 10.1X 8am days 4 wks. ago 11,1(9 38,314 9.(49 8eme day last year... 11,(76 10,15( 11.144 Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hour ending at $ o'clock p. m., yesterday: RECEIPTS -CARLOADS. . Cattle. Hog. Sheep. H'r's C. M. & St. P 1 17 Wabash 1 4 Missouri Paclfio .. $7 3 Union Paolflo .... 4 '.'l CAN. W east ..6 27 C. A N. W., west ... 11 TO ... u C. St. P. M. O... 18 it C. B. & Q., east .... 10 4 s C. B. & Q west .. !1 ao 3 C. R. I. A P., cast.. 10 18 C. R. I. A P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 4 ... .,. Chi. Ot. West S 6 Total receipts ...115 $10 54 11 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. 194 . 4 1.041 1,1(1 Morris & Co , S44 3.373 Swift & Co. 345 44 433 3.(15 S.C74 8.707 189 1,907 Cudahy Pack. Co. Armour & Co. . . . Schwarts & Co. . . . J. W. Murphy .... Lincoln Pack. Co. , 8. O. Pack. Co Wilson Armour. Denver . . Swift, K. C Ben. Van. & Lush . Hill & Son F. B. Lewis J. B. Root & Co. .. Wert. & Degen Ellis Sullivan Bros Higgln Huffman ..... Roth Meyers ., John Harvey Dennis A Francis ., Jensen A Lungren Cudahy, K. C Morris. K. C Pat O'Day Other buyers 50 14 115 381 37 85 60 60 12 43 23 li 3 28 5 210 (1 478 63 ( 338 1,414 Totals 3,328 15,365 8,011 Cattle Another very limited run of cat tl showed up today, about 1,800 head, and th three days' supply ha been decidedly mailer than for the first half of last week or th corresponding Week last year. Nat urally there ha been Considerable Improve ment In th demand for cattle as well a In price and it took buyer but a short time to clean up the limited offerings today. Prices were generally strong to 10c higher than Tuesday and the three day' advance has been 1525o higher for any thing at all desirable in the way of beef steers. Some prime 1, 380-pound beeves brought $11.85 today, which Is a new high mark for th reason and tha highest price ever paid in Omaha for a full load of cattl. Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice beeves, $18.75018.86; fair to good beeves, $13.0013.75; common to fair beeves, $10.00 CP 11.50; good to choice yearlings, $13.86 13.35; fair to good yearlings, $12. 00913.(0; common to fair yearlings. $9.76011.60; good to choice grass beeves, U0.7u (f 1 1.76 ; fair to good grass beeves, $9.50610.60; common to fair grass beeves, $8.369.35; good to choice heifer,' $9.60010.50; good to oholca row, $8.601.76; fair to good cow, $7.6068.$0 common to fair cows, $$.00ft7.6O; good t choice feeder, $8.7609.(0: fair to good feed ers, $7.76(y$.6t; common to fair feeder, $6.767.60s good to choice stocker1, $8.00 9.00; stock heifers, $7.00 8.00; stock cow, $(.50iS7.50: stock calve $(.60Q(.00 veal calves, $9.00913.60; bulls, stags, etc, $(.60O (.60. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr; 23 630 $7 80 7 830 $7 $0 11 768 8 10 5 724 8 (0 IT (17 1 SO 1076 11 $6 41 ...1000 13 40 18 11M 13 It 10 1..1094 11 76 11. ...... .1101 13 66 33. 13t 1$ 85 8TEER8 AND HEIFERS. 11. ...... .1070 1$ 30 19 70S II 40 I (60 11 $5 11 760 13 15 11 86$ 11 35 HEIFERS. t 831 ( 00 9 703 ( $6 1 7 7 00 13 000 T $0 Ill 8 00 .3 (00 I t 2 780 9 (0 COWS. . 1 1 ! 8 30..... 3 . $70 ; . 800 . $70 .101$ . 851 .1146 6 76 76 7 (0 I (0 I 60 8. 926 943 1098 1060 (0 7 (0 7 (6 8 35 8 (0 3. 3. 30. 6. .1168 $ 75 3... 1446 10 16 BULLS. 1 170 ( 75 1 1120 7 $0 1 180 8 00 1 1360 10 49 CALVES. 1. 310 1 60 1........ 300 ( 76 1 880 11 $5 1 170 13 00 1 200 11 25 3........ 260 13 60 1 180 13 75 3 1(5 13 00 Hogs There wa almost heavy a sup ply of hog here thl morning a on the previous day, the run being estimated at 317 car, or 14,750 head. This makes the offerings for th first half of the week 18,326 head, a compared with' 34,178 a week ago, 18,(99 two weeks ago and 20, 1M a year go. So far thl week supplies have been the largest In quite a while. . Buyers had things all their own way again this morning and another big decline was an assured faot from the very outset. Heavy supplies both here and at Chicago weak ened value all around th loop. Locally most of th hog old from a dime to 30o lower and the general market Was a big 16o lower, being, In fact, th lowest since th latter part of March. Representative sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. e$s.267 ... $14 $0 10. .240 ... Pr. $14 25 14 40 14 60 14 (0 14 80 14 9$ 16 06 1$ $( 68. .246 70. .278 36. .231 (3. .340 81. .319 34. .201 (0..K7 40 40 14 36 33. .328 73. .249 79. .208 91. .198 (3. .270 66. .210 101. .233 14 45 14 65 14 76 14 90. 16 00 1$ 3$ "to 40 110 40 Quotation en sheep and lamb: Lambs, good to choice, $16.26 16.10; lambs, fair to good, $14.7611.26; lambs, culls, $13.0014. 7(; lambs, feeders, $14.3(915.26; yearlings, fed westerns, $10.76fl 11.G0; yearlings, range, $10.00 10J6; rtarltngs, feeders, $10,600 11.76; wethers, fair to choice, $1.00QI10.36 ewes, fair to cholc, IS. 00(5)8. 76; culls and feeder, $(.0096.60. No. Av. Pr. 10( National lamb 75 $15 40 870 Oregon feeding yealings. . .78 11 75 28 cull feeding yearling 78 9 60 Kansas City Live fttock Market. Kansas Cltyi July 18. Cattle Receipts, 13,000; market stea'ly to 16c higher; prim fed steers, (12.604 13. SO; dressed beef steers, $10.00913,050; western steers, n.ooffl 12.H0; rows, $6.0099.60; heifers, $7.60913.00; Blockers snd feeders, $6.60i$lL60; bulls, $6.609$. $0 calves, 7.00913.60. Hogs Receipts. 8,(00; market lower; bulk 14.(0015.40; heavy, $16.20916.50; packers, (14.(0015.46; lights, $14.30915.15; pls, $13.00014.10. tiheep and Lambs Reeetpts, 1,600; market higher; ' lambs, $14.9015 15.60; yearlings (10.OO4H1.60; wethers, $8.60910.00; ewes, $8.3699.25. loux Cltr live Ktock Market. Slonx City, la., July 18 Cattle Receipts, 1,008 head: market 10916c higher; beet steers. $$.60911.75; fat row and heifer, $7.00911.60; cnnr. $6.6097.25; stocker and fedr, $7,009( 25; calves, $8.00(13.60; bulls, tga, etc., $7.00910.00; feeding cow and heifer, $6.2598 00. Hois Receipts, 11.000 head; market, 16c lower; light, $14.60914.76; mixed, $14.f.9 16.10; heavy, $14.00916.26; pigs, $11769 13.00; bulk of sales $14.35914.76. Sheep and Lambs: Receipts, 300 head; market strong. ' London Ktork and Bond. London, July 18. There were occasional sales of low-srlced American stocks on th exchange today. Sliver Bar, 40 a per ounce. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS James M. Kieer to Olga Kiser, Deca tur street, 300 feet west of Twenty ninth street,. south aide, (0x127... 1 Grace B. Putin an and husband to Lil lian H. Austin, Burt street, 100 feet east of Fifty-first street, south aide, 60x115 1 Norma D. Colfax and husband to Mary E. Ellsworth, Redlck avenue. 133 feet west ot Thirty-first street, south side. 122x293 4.730 Eva Rogerson and husband to John AV. Reel, Thirty-ninth street, 240 feet north of Bedford avenue, east aide, 40x134 1 Richard R. Evans and wife to Paul W, Kuhns, northeast corner Fifty- ' third avenue and Farnam street, 100x125 1 Richard R. Efans and wife to Paul . W. Kuhns, Fifty-third avenue, 100 feet north of Farnam street, east side, 135x240 1 GRAIN ANDPRODDCE Trade in Corn Excellent and Priceg Soar to New Levels; Wheat Trade Contin ues Dull Omaha, July 13, 1917. The cs.ih wheat situation continued dull and featureless, with extremely light arrl vl, but th trade in corn was excel lent and prices on this cereal . soared to new high levels. In th wheat market the local milling demand which has been In evidence during the last few days was entirely lacking and up to noon there had not been enough ale reported to give a definite Idea of th chang In value, but some of th trader were of th opinion that th mar ket wa nominally from 5 9 To higher. The position of th corn market wa In marked contrast to that of wheat and, although arrival ot this cereal were mod erately heavy, the demand wa unusually active and teller had no difficulty what ever In getting rid ot their offering at advanced prloea. Th eom market gen erally was quoted from 4 97a hither, th heavier advance being mad in whit corn, with premium on thi variety ranging from 697a over the yellow and mixed grades, respectively. All the sales of white corn ot th bat ter quality were mad tt price ranging from (3.0093.0$ per bushel, while the yel low sold from $1.95 91. 97 and th mixed old generally at $1.93H 9l.($H. Th oat market followed th advene In the other cereal and ruled from Hlo higher, Th demand for oat waa fairly active, but th trad was limited on ac count of light arrival, the total receipt of thl cereal being gonly thirteen car. Rye and barley arrival were unimpar tant and these markets wer quoted nomi nally unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were 40(,000 bush els and shipments 181.000 bushels, sgalnst receipt f 1,455,000 bushels and shipments of 170,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were (83,000 bush els and shipment 426,000 bushels, against receipt of (((,000 bushels and shipment of 477,000 bushels last year. Primary oat receipts wer 1 64.000 bush els and shipments $15,000 bushels, against receipt ot (10,000 bushel and shipments ot 718,000. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Qat. Chicago 10 113 146 Minneapolis (4 Duluth 6 Omaha 3 (1 13 Kanaaa City 108 14 1 St. Louis 71 (5 33 Winnipeg 115 The sale were reported todayi Wheat No, $ hard winter: car (ship per' weights), $3.48. Rye Sample: 1-5 car (shipper's weights), $3.00. Com No. 1 white: 1 cr. $2.02. No. 1 white: (( can, ($.01; 1 $-5 car. $3.00. No. 1 yellow: 1 cars, $1.(7; 1 cars, $!.((; 11-5 car $1.96. No. $ yellow! 1 car, $1.9(. No. 3 mixed (near white), (1.17; 1 car, $1.94: 7 Cars, $1.93Vj; $ cars, 1.911 8 3-6 cars, $1.93; 3-3 car, $1.(3. No. $ mixed: 3-( car, (near white), $1.00; 1 car, near yellow), $1.(6; 3 car, $l.(3Hi $ cars, $1.(3. No. 4 mixed; 1 car (near yellow), $1.94; 1 cars, 1.93H! $ ears$. $1.9SU. No, ( mlxd: 1 1 car, $1.92 Vi. Sampl mixed: 1 car (shipper's wtlghts), $1.93; 1 car, $1.11; 1 car (hot), $1.8(. Oats Standard: 1 car, 74 He No, $ whit 1 car, 74H; 4 car, 74o. No, 4 white; 1 car, 71 He. Sample white: 1 car,' 74M! 1 oar (shipper weight), 7Jic; 1-$ ear, 7$t4o; 2-i car, 78Ho. Omaha Cash Price Wheat: No, $ hard, $3.6062.87: No. 1 hard. $8.4793.(1 Corn: No. I whit, (3.0093.02; No. 1. white, $3.00 93.01: No. 4 whit, (1.993.00; no. ( wnite, $l.891.9l: No. ( white, $1.(791. $$l N6, 1 yellow, $1.(697,(7;' No, $ yellow, $t.(5 1.96; No. 4 yellow, $1.I61.15H; No. 6 yel low, $l.94H 91.96; ''No. ( yellow, $1.(40 1.94V4; No. 1 mixed, $1.(39114: No. I mixed. $1.9891.!!: No. i mixed, $1.929 1.9S No. 1 mixed, $1.9! 91 93; No. $ mixed, $1.9ll.3. Oalet No. t white 744 975c: standard, 74974e; No. $ white, T49?4c; No, I whit, 73H973440. Barley; Mailing, $1.1(1.43; No. 1 feed, $1.3691 30. Rye; No. , $3.3691 31.' No. 1, $3.1391.35. . . Local rang Of options: Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Tes. Wht. 1 . I " July , I 11 I 13 321' I 11 211 Sep. I 00 I 00 100 1 00 191 Corn. . I Sep . 1 $0 1 (I 1( 1 (3 1(( Dee.. 1 11 1 14 1 11 1 14 109 Oat. Sep. 64 66 H HH $H $4 Dec. ; lt (7 (( 6(4j (( Chicago closing prices, furnished Th Be by Logan Bryan, itoeit and grain broxra, (1$ South Sixteenth street Omahat Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes. Wht, " I July 1 17 IK 317 1 16 307 Bspt, 1 It t tt 196 3 06 1(( Corn. Sept, 1 (014 1 t UK 1 (0 1(0 Deo. Ml 1 1( 112 'i 1 14 ll$ May 1 13 1 14 110 1 12 111 Oat. July 88 8(U (IS ( (( Sept. 64 66 64 66 64S Deo. WA $7 56 (( (( Pork. . July 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 60 Sept. $$ $( $$ (0 39 (0 1$ (( 31 $0 Lard. July 10 46 20 46 :0. $0 20 37 !0 $1 Sept. 10 71 10 76 20 ( 20 (3 tt 10 Rib. July 21 12 31 86 2113 11113143 Sept. $1 60 31 67 31 40 11 MH 21 87 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Official Confirmation of Crop Dsmag la Thre States Hoist Price, Chicago, July ' 18. Officially confirmed crop damage In Texas, Oklahoma and part of Kansas hoisted the corn market today, but waa partly offset later by a renewal of peace talk. The close was unsettled at H 910 net advance, with September at $1.(0 and December at (1.1491. 144. Wheat mad a steep rl of 18 9 Ho, hut th amount ot business wa inaignlflcent Price finished steady at th topmost point of the day, $$.!( for July and $1.0$ for September. Oats galnad 91c and pro vision fall baok 6o to 17 o. Bull had th advantage most of th time In th corn market, although aoon after th opening and Just at th oloa iharp setbaok took place. During th Initial trans actions most trader appeared to be gov rned by opinion from om expert that owing to lack ot warmth and sunshine th crop a a whole was not making teaaonabl progress. Soon, however, isntlment largely changed a result of prediction from St. Louis that th Missouri crop this Mason would exceed the bumper yield of 1103 and that condition would b bearish also in Kan, Oklahoma, Nebraika and Illinois. A ttrong advene ensued, nevertheless in th last half of th aesalon, mainly a a result of th government' weekly crop re port verifying previous Indefinite advice of trlou Injury aouthwest. Bearish effect which pc gossip brought about In th corn market in the final fifteen minute of trading were baaed chiefly on a Munich report that the German chanoellor would declare before the Reich stag tomorrow for a policy of no annexa tion. Regardles of peace rumors, though, corn for Immediate delivery went to a new high prlc record No. 3 yejlow at $3.04 a bushel. Announcement from Washington that th winter wheat harvest wa ten day to two week behind lh average time and that spring wheat from Montana westward was suffering greatly for moisture, seemed to be a tour of much uneasiness on the part of Mattered shorts. Urgent bid did not (licit any offers until lOo had been addad to value and there wa a prospect of th ad vance being doubled. Likelihood f a speedy enactment fixing a minimum price counted apparently to some degree as a bullish flurtuator, Oat wer governed by th action of corn, deeplte the faot that crop report could hardly hav been better from states of larg production. Provision lacked support. The main rea- on wa a decline In hog quotation. Some uneasiness developed also In recard ta no.. (Ible labor troubles-at the stock yards here. tnicago isn rrioee Wheat: No. 2 red, No. 3 red, No. 3 hard, No. I hard, nominal. Corn: No. 3 yellow, $2. 0298.04; No. 3 yellow, $2.03; No. 4 yellow. $3.03. Oats: No. 1 white, 7577c; standard, 7(9770. Ry: No. 3 old, $3.10. Barley: $1.869160. Seeds; Timothy, $4.0097.60; olover, $13.00917.00. Provisions: Pork. $40.40; lard, $20,129:0.42; ribs, $31.06921.(0. Butter Easier; creamery, 34 9 87 0. Eggs Receipts, $7,1(4 case; unchanged. Potatoes Lower; reclpt, (0 cars; Vir ginia, barrel, $5.6096.76; Kansas, Kentucky, Tsnnesse and Illinois, sack, $1.7591. $6. Poultry Allv unchanged. 1 1 Kansas City General Market.' Kanaa City, July 1$. Wheat No. 2 hard. $3.4893.65; No. 2 red. $3.3003.17: July, $3.34 bid; September, $3.04 bid. Corn No. $ mixed. $1.9291.94: No. 2 white, $3.0092.03; No. 2 yellow, $1.(4; July. $1.10; September, $1.(1 bid. Oats No. 3 white, 7(97(o; No. 3 mixed, 73974c. Butter Creamery. 3t!c; first, 34c; seo- nils, 85c; packing, 32c. ' Eggs Firsts. 310; second,-3 6c ' Poultry Hen, JJ; rooler, 18e;. brllers, 36c. , NEW YORK STOCKS Shorts Attack Susceptible Stocks in Fairly Successful Effort to Depress En tire List. New Tork, July 18. The superficial char acter of prevailing stock market conditions' waa strikingly illustrated today when the shorts resumed their attack upon th more susceptible stocks In a fairly successful ef fort to depress the entire ltst. St. Paul wa the main objective of th bear, declining 5 points to 67 on ru mors which cast doubt on th maintenance of the present rate of dividend. Other divi dend paying rails yielded 1 to 3 points, with no appreciable recoveries. Motors also olalmed the attention of pro fessional traders, the Maxwell group falling 1 to 8 points. Reversals otherwise were con fined to some ot the oil, minor equipments and specialties, at gross recessions of 1 ta $ ' point. In general, the day' operation were least noteworthy ot any reoent period, both a to volume and variety of Issue traded In. Representative industrials and the more popular war descriptions held compara tively steady until the final hour, when the weight of selling became too strong to b resisted. The few featuree ot trngth wr lim ited to stocks of little potential value ee market leaders, these Including the various Issues which derive their chief support from pool. United Stat Steel' eours wa typical of that followed by other prominent stocks. ' 6 tee) (old up to 131 and closed at 120. a net loss of 1 point. Total sale amount ad to (40,000 shares. Ruble dropped to th new minimum et 51 H. Renewal ot call loan at t par cent, although th rt dropped to 3.. offered lit tle hop of Immediate relaxation In local monetary condition. Th strength ot Denver A Rio Grand re funding 6s, which rose over 4 points, was the feature of the irregular bond market. The Liberty Issue ranged from 99.41 to 99.45. Total sales ot bonds (par value) aggregated $3,680,000. United State coupon and registered 1 declined per cant on call. Number of sales and rang of price ot leading atocks: . Bales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar... 400 (1 90 90 Am. Can ',. 400 4H 47 47.. Am. Car tt Fdry... 700 76 76 76 Am, Locomotive .. 900 71 70 70 Am. Smalt, ft Rfg. 1,100 103 103 103 Am. Sugar Rfg... 13,100 114V 132 122 Am. Tel. Tel... $00 121 120 ISO. Am. Z. L. A Hteel 1,100 14 $3 13 Anaconda Copper.. .( 800 78 77 77 Atchison L800 101 100 V 100' At. G. ft W. I. S. S. 1,600 10$ 101 108 U Raltlmore Ohio 1,600 73 714 71 Butt ft Sup. Cop. 800 18 17 17 Cel. Petroleum 100 11 18 11V. Canadian Pacific .. 3,600 16! 141161 Central Leather... 4,400 (' 83 (34 Chesapeake ft Ohio 1,800 $1 (0 $0 C, M. ft St. P 13,30$ 73 (7 (7 Chicago ft N. W.. ; 108 C. R. I. ft P. Ctfs. . (00 (3 (1 (1 Chlno Copper 400 63 63 $2 Colo. Fuel ft Iron. 7,00 60 41 48 Corn Prod. Rfg... 11,600 14 834 34 Crucible Steel.,.,. 14,100 (1 71 79 Cuba Csn Sugar.. 1.800 43 41 41 DIs. Sccurltl 14.400 28 34 35V Erie 3,100 36 16- 36V Oen. Electrlo 3,400 16( 168 151H General Motor.... 1,100 117 111 116 V Ot. North pfd..... 1.100 101 10(v; 10$ -Ot North.' Or ctfs. 1,70$ 14 11 (!, Illinois Central.... 101 Insplr. Copper 8.00ft tt (4 16 Int. M. M. pfd.... 10,M 164 (4 84 Inter. Nickel . .... 100 (9 39 . if Inter.' Paper..... , $4 K. C. Southern 31 Kenrmcott Copper... $,000 43 43 41 Louis, ft Nasll...,'. 117 Maxwell Motors... 14,000 18 -31 i 13.. Mex. Petroleum.., 4,300 95 (14 II . Miami Copper .... 1,300 40 v, $(i 11 Missouri Paclfio... 7,100 85 82 834 Nevada Copper.,., i 700 It 31 11 N. T. Central..;. , 5.800 (0 88 . (( N. T., N. H. A H... 2,000 38 6 84', Norfolk ft Western 100 lit 111 133 Northern Paclfio,, 1,800 101 100i 101 Paclfio Mall ...... 100 17 87 38 Pennsylvania ..... (00 (3 6J (1 Pittsburgh Coal .. 1,100 64 61 63 Ray Con. Copper.. 1,10 17 18 16 Reading ' 1,100 tt (6 (6 Rep. Iron A Steel.,,, 1,60018 (( (( Shattuck Art. Cop 14 Southern' Pacific. 1,700 $3' (1 ( Southern Railway 11 300 38 27 37 8tudebakej' Corp. (i200 68 68 '4 (6 Texa Co 1,300 189 1(5 18(i. Union Paclfio .... 4,400 13(i 114 1344 IT. S. Ind. Alcohol (,(00 169 167 159 U. 8. Steel. 125,100 122 V 110. 130; U. S. Steel, pfd.... 400 111 1171 117 Utah Copper ..... 4,800 J04 1C1 103 Wabaih pfd. "B" 38 West. Union '. 1300 13 13 14 Wtstlnghoua Eiec. 1.700 49 48 414, Total sales for the day (40,000 (harm. , ' Coffee Market, Kw York, July 1(. -Coffee futuree opened 1 point higher to 1 point lower, and Sep tember aold down to 7.910 and December tn 1.05c The market later recovered all it loss on trad buying which .Induced a firm -close at $ to 11 point net advance. On th rally September sold up to 1.00a and Deoemher to 1.13c 8alca, .31,350 bag; July, 7.90s;-August, 7. (6c; September. 1.01c; October, 1.05c; November, 1.09c; December, l.llo; January, l.llo) February, 1.13c; March. 8.37c; April, . $.$2o; . May, 1.17c; June, 1.41c. Spot, steady; Rio It, $ci Santo 4. 10c There were few coat and freight off ers. A bid ot $.80o for Santos ( and 4s. London credit, was accepted. Victoria' 7 and $a were offered at (.10c, American ered- Its. The official cable reported primary market unchanged,, St. Xoul Uv Stock Market, St. Louis, July 18. Cattle Reoeipt, (,$00 head; market, higher; native beef steer. $7.(0913.76; yearling steers and heifers, $6.60 913.60; cow, $4,009 10,60; tockr and feed ers, $4.0099.60!: prime southern beef' steers, $(.00913.361 beef cow and halters, $4.3691.00: prim yearling ter and heif er. $7.(0910.00; natlv calves, $8.00914.00. Hog Receipts, 1,600 head; markat, lower: . light, $14.75915.25; pig. $10.00914.26; mixed and butcher, '$14,90915.56; good heavy, $16.40915.65; bulk, $16.00915.4$.' Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 4,1(0; market, higher; lambs, $14.0091 2$l ewe $8,009 $.60: tanners, $4.0094,10; chopper; $8.00 -''..,. St. Joseph Llv Stock Market. St, Joseph, July 1$. Cattle Receipts. 2,000 head; market strong; ter. $$.(09 . 13.36; cow and blfri, $6.75913.26; calves, $7.00912.(0. , . Hogs Receipt. (,000 head; market lower; top, $16.(0; bulk of sales, $14.(09 15.30. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, (00 head; market higher; lamb, $11.25915,60; wes, $5.0099 00. Metal Market. New York, July 18. Metal Lead, weak: spot, $(.60 asked. Spelter, dull; spot, East Ht. i.ouia delivery, it.60 asked. Copper: Nominal; larg dealer out of th market. amall lot of second and August and later , aeuveries, 923.50027.00. iron, firm and un changed. Tin, firm; spot, (62.26. At London Copper! Spot, 1130; futures, 1129 10s; electrolytic 142. Tin: Spot, 1239 1 10s. Lead: Spot, ($0 10; futures, 29 10s. Spelter: Spot, 164; future,' 1(0. Chicago LIt Stook Market. Chicago, July 1$. Cattle Receipts, 15,000 head; market, firm; native beef cat tle, $8.40914.06; western ateers, $8.65911.60: stocker and feeders $6.269(.40; cowa and heifers, $5.80911.80;' calves, $9.(0914.26. . Hogs Receipts, 29,000 head; market, weak, 16c below yesterday's average. Bulk, $14.36915 35; light, $14.30915,20; - mixed, $14.15915.60; heavy, $14.00915.50; rough, $14.00914.26; pigs. $11.25914.23. Sheep and Lambs Reoeipt. 9,000 head; market, firm; wethers, $7.75911.00; ewes, $7.0099.25; ramba $9.60915.(0. Turpentine and Roein. Savannah, July !(. Turpentine Firm: (7c. Sales. 244 barrels: receipts. 110: shipments, 666; atocks, 36,373. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,131 barrel; receipts, 1,136; shipments, 703; stock, 78,6(1. . Quote: A, B, C, D, al, F. $3.10; G, $1.30; I, $6.36: K, $5.30; M. $6.10; N, $6.20; WU, $6.70; WW, $.$0. St. Loul Oral Market. St. Loul. July 18. Wheat No. 1 red. $2.27; No, 1 hard nominal; July, $3.10; September, $1.98. Corn No. 1, $1.9591 97; No. 1 mute. $3.04; September, $1.66; December,. $1.14. - Oata No. !, 7(o: No. 1 whit nominal., Ece Wants-Ads Produce Results. Wall No. 3 Down Foot Only a Few Days Left To Buy at 25c Share PAWHUSKA OIL Sleek sees ee Naw Vers Cork Meaday. July ti Wire year erere. Writ It psrliealara. Wall sew recla. Mar rllllaa Blf profit sestl- kllltlii, , , I - HARRY LEFKOVITS 74 Broadway. ; New York City.