I '4 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 15, 1917. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD DUN DEE PROPERTIES FOR SALE, BUT WE WANT PARTICULAR. -LY TO CALL YOUR ATTEN TION TO DAY TO 6101 IZARD ST., brand new, brick and stucco exterior, with tils roof, cement ter race porch, entrance vestibule, large living room across the entire front with fire piece, bullt-m bookcases, French doors upenlng Into beautiful dining; room, with Frer.ch windows; oak cove and paneling, oak finish and oak floor downstairs. Real handy kitchen, not big but convenient, small breakfast nook, one-piece porcelain Ink, gas stove, refrigerator room. Sec ond floor has three fine bedrooms with lots of windows; every one of thera will be as cool and airy as a sleeping porch; tile bath with pedestal lavatory, solid base tub, clothes chute, linen closet. Finished Httlc, plastered basement, partitioned off furnace, room and coal room; extra toilet, laundry room. Full lot This la a DANDY place, can be bought RIGHT. House all decorated, fine fixtures. Let us show you this place and tell you just what we ran do on It. D. V. SHOLES CO., (Realtors) 916 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Pout. 40. Dundee's New Development Lies west of 48th Street and south of Dodge Street. Tt li convenient to the business district of Omaha. ' It is reached by Farnam Street and the Lincoln Highway less than 20 minutes by street car from 16th and Farnam. Xo other residence addition Is so favor ably located. Here a man may have a homcf ousting 13,500, and yet be Just as thoroughly pro tected as the man who builds a home of many times this size. The lots are large and low In price. The terms are easy. ' Let us show you this addition, . Let us explain to you our terms. Let us send Jjou our new booklet. GEORGE AND COMPANY REALTORS, Douglas ;3. 02 City Nat. Ek. Bldg. 3 DUNDEE HOMES UNDER CONSTRCTION Tiesa are three dlfforent houses at different locations and prices. (t7,50O, 112,000 end IIT.UOO.) They are nearly completed, but the Individual ideas of a purchaser can he put Into any of them. Best locations. Beat materials. Pressed brick and Kellastone stucco. Hardwood floors aud finish, gunrooms and sleeping porches. Tile, asbestos and shingle roofs. Fireplaces, Vapor heat and furnace heat. Guaranteed plumbing and heating. Clothes chutes. Built-in features. Kitchen cabinets and bookcase. French doors. At tics finished In two houses. Two have breakfast rooms. One has two bath rooms. Bath rooms and vestibule have tile floors. We wish to sell these houses. , CLARK REALTY CO. til Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. Hit Residence H. HI. DUNDEE STUCCO HOME This la a good t-story 1 modern house, having f rooms and sleeping porch, with living room across tha entire front, with brick flreplfa and bullt-ln bookoases; attractive dining room and bullt-ln buffet; convenient kitchen and front and rear vestibules first floor; finished In oak ex cept kitchen; t comer bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch second floor; fntihed In white enamel, with birch mahogany doors and oak floors throughout. This house Is built only a few years, la in ex oellent condition and located on a north front 50-ft, lot, only H block from Happy Hollow circle and lh block from Dun da school, Price 15,160. Reasonable term. It Will pay you to Investigate this proposition. GEORGE AND COMPANY . It City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 750. , (REALTORS) DUNDEE HOME, TWO BLOCKS FROM HAPPY HOLLOW CLUB. Attractive, modern house with Inrga liv ing room with brick fireplace, aunroom, sleeping porch and all-modern conven iences. Lot 40x149 feet, with garage. Price $7,100. This property la lH blocks from Bt. car, exceptionally well located and protected by building restrictions. Full particulars on request. ' J. H. DUMONT & CO, REALTORS. 41 41-18 Veellne Bldg. Phone Douglaa 490. FA I RACK E3 and New Brownell Hall die. trlct; five-acre block, aa Indicated on plat. Adjoining 3. L. Kennedy's 130.001 tentative building sits. To be (old for any reasonable offer. Its true value will not be considered by the owner. The question la what you will glva for It. ,' Owner requires quick money to meet a pressing obligation and means business, or this ad would not appear. Will con sider a clear house that will stand a loan, r, J. CAN AN, 910 MeCagua Bldg, DUNDEE BARGAIN Bix rooms, nearly new. Oak floor and finish. Fine location In best part of Dun dee; paving paid; pries $3,960; easy tertns. Call Walnut H0. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located loir on easy terms. Mod. em, attractive home.. Before buying be aura ana see GEORGE & CO., Miscellaneous. 10 ACRES. Located high, sightly, gently sloping. 1 mile west of loth St. car Una at Flor ence, J'i miles north or orphanage. Will aell chicken, wagons, harness. There la house of 1 rooms up and two down, barn chicken house, well and cistern, St ap ple tree, at plum tree, 26 cherry tree. on acre of grape, tt acre raspberries, on acre alfalfa, grove of walnut trees. acres In cultivation. Vary rich black oil. Ideal bom. Prim $4.(00. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors. Doug. !71t. 191 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. TWO serve on 66th, near Lake tit., few min utes' walk to Benson car. No improve Bient II.? 50, 1100 cash, balance 415.00 montn. A ciose-in mti lerro.- INTER-STATE REALTY CO, 02I-J0 City National. Doaalss 82. Sunday Walnut itit. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell on email cash payment; have parties waiting. Western Real Bute, 411 Karbach Blk. P. MOT, ARNDT TAYLOR can aaslat you. lilt Laird Bt. Webster 1081. LIST you i and C-room bouse with Ed ward F. William Co, 101 Omaha, Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your ( and 4-room house with us, WB SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 4. - REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND BPECULATIVB PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET BOW, REALTORS, ? First National Bank BMr. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. CITY and farm loan pormptly made. Rate . ana f per cent. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO . 212 Bo'-th 17th. Omaha. Neb 5 ll.tina MTUK., bearing (pet, semi-annually; secured by property valued at $4.n. Talreadge-LoomU lar. Co., '. O. W. Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. t PER CKNT to S per cent on best clses rily residences l.i s mounts 13.000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Fsrnam fit. MONET to loan on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv Co., Omaha. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgag loan. City National Bank Bldg, SIX per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha, real estate. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 634 Keeltne Bldg. 61I0PEN & CO.. PRIVATE MONET. FARM and city losns, i, 6 "4 aud 6 per cent, W. H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg. Doug. ira. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG, U2 Bran- dels Theater Bldg. D. 6. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO,, 101 Omsna Nat. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. 1100 TO 110.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg., 18th anil Farnnm en Of MONEY HARRISON & MORTON, ' O ! Onnaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Cf 1 IO CI TV LOANS GARvIN BROS.. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. OKLAHOMA OIL A few well known business men of ' Muskogee, Oklahoma, have associated themselves together and purchased an 10 acre proven oil lease In the Boynton pool right up against producing wells. They have organized the St. Anthony Petroleum Company, capitalised at 116,008 divided Into 1,600 share of the par value of 110 each. The proceeds from the sale of this stock will be used to develop this lease, and only enough will he sold to drill and equip one well, then the production from It should take care of further develop ment. No man controls this company. It being a mutual proposition for all con cerned. This I a rare opportunity of becoming Interested in a very high-class oil proposition backed by men whose hon esty and Integrity cannot be questioned. Drilling oh this lease will be commenced just as soon a a sufficient amount of stock 'ha been sold. Better send your check now far a many shares as you can afford at 110 per (hare, for It won't laat long. If In doubt write for further de tails, or write any bank in Muskogee about us. ST, ANTHONY PETROLEUM CO. 413 Phoenix Bldg., Muskogee, Okl. LISTED and unllMlod stocks. Investment securities. Industrial slocks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDO & CO., 160 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Abstracts of Title. ITort Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., XV.CI1 305 8. nth Ht.. around floor. Bonded by Mas. Bonding and Ins. Co. Miscellaneous. Foil reliable new In all oil fields in the U. B read the Petroleum Journal, Wich ita, Kan.; published at the doorway of the great MId-Cnntlnent field. On year, 14; alx months, 12. Bend your check to day. 1 GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay Insurance companies. 810 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 480 ACRES atarn Colorado farm, ISO acre , oroKen. only an acre, j erms. ' 8. fi. 4 R. B. MONTGOMERY, 617 City National Hank Bldg. Michigan Lands. LAND FOR EVERYBODY In the Bwlgart tract, Michigan, you can get good land for general farming, stock, dairying, poultry, fruit, vegetables, at lit to $26 per acre. Term 19 to 1100 down and 14 to IIS monthly on 10, 10, 40 and 10 aor tracts. Good towns, school, mar ks to, roads, excellent transportation. Writ today for big free booklet. Swl gart Lajid Co., J-l'JU First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, III. Minnesota Lands. 160-ACRE mhIiIo f h i hi. ull lu crop, large new buildings, only 166 per acre, easy terms'. Box s, Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri Lands. JO-ACRE MISSOURI FARM; 100 tillable, balance good pasture land, good corn aud bluograaa land; 120,000 Improvements; abundant water; $500 a month Income for five years from coal; oil prospect good; adjoins thrltty town 1,100 peoplo; two railroad stations; splendid community. Prio 180 an acre. The coal will pay for farm twice over. J. H. Lipscomb, 611 R. A. Long Bldg., Kansas Ol'.y, Mo, Nebraska Lands. Ranch Bargain. Terms 1,200 arm and 640 acre school lease In Cherry County, Nebraln, shallow water district, deepest wells 60 fed. Home. IV to 11 feet to water. Land uhlrrlgntes. Splendid hay land, enough for all slock purposes. All Improvements and Im plement go with place. Ha mndo fortune for owner. He will retire $12.00 per acre. . INTER-STATE REALTY CO., !-10 City Natl. Douglas B862. WESTERN WHEAT LAND. Mr. Renter,, why not own your own farm t Our Golden Prairie farms in southeastern Wyoming and Kimball coun ty, Nebraska, on the main Una of the U. P. R. R. For sale on easy terms; 1500 cash, a quarter down, balance long time at per cent. Prlcea range from lis to 136 an acre. Liberal commission paid agents. Writ O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. 1 1014 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1715. FOR SALE; A ISO-sore farm In Fierce county. Neb., at a bargain; 140 acre In cultivation; fair buildings. For particular writ to Box 216, Uolateln. Ia. REAL ESTATE BUNGALOWS MINNE LUSA We have built and sold a great .many fine bungalows in this beautiful addition and have several of them now being built. Come out and see how thoroughly they are constructed, v They are modern in architecture, finish and equipment. FIREPLACES built-in bookcases, buifet, etc. , " ; 3,400 to $4,000. .. We are selling them on easy terms By buy ing now you can get choice of COLOR, FIX TURES and DECORATIONS. ; Come out today and see why they sell before they are completed. , Sundays call M. 0. Headley, Colfax 3482 or F. L. GALLUP Colfax 120: : Charles W. Martin & Co., 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank FARMLAND RANCH LANDS - Nebraska Lands. WB have several very finely Improved farm In Buffalo county. Nebraska, that we' are going to sell immediately. - We have purchased what la known the "17a J Ranch" . at Kearney, comprising over 4,000 acre of land; 2,000 acre of thla land lies In a body. This w are going to keep and make It the finest show place In the state of Nebraska. How ever, there are several farms that 11 on to two mile from the main body of land, complete going farms, with complete sets of Improvements, fenced and In cultiva tion, that we are going to sell at a bar gain. We offered these farms laat week to a few people who live adjoining them and sold over 160,000 worth to th neigh bors, but the neighbors cannot buy til of them. There are still four or five first class farm ranging from 200 to 400 acres, priced at 146 to $60 an acre, that are wonderful bargain. If you want to secure a wonderful bargain, get on the train and go to Kearney at one. Wire F. E. Stewart, In care of the Btlckel Lum ber Co., at Kearney, that you, are going: he will meet you with a machine and sheer you the land. The first people who see thee farms and re really looking for bargain in an Improved farm In eastern central Nebraska will buy them. Th crops are on th ground and will speak for themselves. Do not stop to write, but get on the train, go down- to Kearney and look this ground over. WOODS BROTHERS, Lincoln, N"b. Bor'llBt. 100,000 ACRES 110 TO 126 PER ACRE. LARGE OR SMALL TRACTS. Highly productive land located In No braska, East Texas. Missouri, Arkansas and Northern Louisiana; can make pay ment on large part; $2 per acr cash; balanc to suit. WHITE AND HOOVER. 464 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 40. FOR SALE Choice Improved quarter, ( miles to town, on phone and mall rout; 1(U acre In cultivation; crop last year paid for lanil it grew on; terms. E. M. Hellyer. Republican. Neb. 10 ACRES Irrigated, fine, level, black land, near Bridgeport. Neb., very cheap, terms; crop goes with land. S. S. A R. E. MONTGOMERY; 627 City National Bank Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payment 6 acre up. " We farm th farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 16th and Howard St., Omaha, Douglas (371. FOR SALE On quarter Section land, well Improved, 7 hi mile (outh of Lodgepole, Neb. Writ or call the owner, C J. Bchad. wLodgepole, Neb, 160-A. ALL level land, no sand: Improved, iuu.i ..ill ..n w iHiu.n. wiv easy term balance. Bog 6664. Bee. Oregon Lands. Irrigated Lands. Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon, v If A RLE V J. HOOKER, $40 First National Bank Bldg. ' Omaha, Nebraska. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east Texas, $26 an aor. Oet my free book, W. B. FRANK. 201 Neville Block, Omaha. Wyoming Lands. SOUTH-EASTERN WYOMING. GOLDEN PRAIRIE. Improved 1(0 acre at $2$ an acre, $1, 600 cash, balance $271 a, year until paid up. House, barn, well, windmill, chicken house, cave, etc., and nlc grov of tree, fenced and crosc fenced. About 16 acre) ' in cultivation. Eight mile from Pin Bluff, lx mile frmo Albln, School hou across th road. 1 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors. Doug. 716. -1011 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. 350-Acre Farm, $11,500 Crops, Horses, 26 Cows And heifer, 8 bulla, calves, mule, poultry, tool, machinery, two engine, etc., eto. thrown In by owner If taken aoon a he Is called to another state, A good part of the 160 acre of rich tillage 1 In smooth, fertile river bottom; 60-cosr, wire-fenced, spring-watered pasture and a ' valuable woodland; fine 2-story 10-room house; ' telephone, mall delivered; a few step to school; only two miles to depot, village and high school; 16-ft stock barn; (Uo ' and hay barn. Ice house and large con- V crete milk house; 11,600 take all. Easy terms to the right man. For traveling In struction to sec this money-making prop erty se page 13 our Summer Catalogue, Just ouu- Write today for your free copy. K. A. Strout Farm Agency Dept. 1073 205 South lftth St., Omaha Neb, MINN. NO. DAKOTA MONT. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT & SOLD I can aell you farm or sell you on no matter where you live, as I have the real connections. I specialise In Improved and unimproved land In th above state. CKg.wtto, Box a, . Graf ton, N, D. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ben T. Turney and wife to Thomas Lynn, wirt street 160 feet west of Nineteenth street, north aide, (Ox , "1 $ 1 Julius E. 1. Iu.it) and wife to Bankers Really Investment Co., Thirty-ninth street, 40 feet north of Miami, went slda, 401106.4 1 William A. Foster, referee, to Nathan Somherg, Ames avenue, 100 feet west of Forty-second street, north side.. S00 Alice IS. Rothory to J. F. Rudowsky, -VAIlny atreet, 100 feet west of Twenty-ninth street, north side, 60x128.1 $26 Charles Gruenlg and wife to Omaha Hanjtary Supply Co., southeast cor ner Thirteenth and Dodge street, 00x132 1 Barker Co. to William R. Nichols, northwest corner Forty-fifth and Military avenue. Irregular approxi mate, 40xH0 1 Carl C. Bock house to Francl Norton et al. Ninth street 132 feet south of Bancroft street, west eld", 33x132.. TOO MONEY TO LOAN I'L'ltMTLHli, plautu and notea as security, $40, mo.. H.. goods, total coat, $3.60. $40. t mo. endorsed notes, total cost, $2.6$. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOC11STV. 133 Rose Bldg.. 14th and Farnam. Ty. (((. LEGAL RATES LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or mora Easy payment. v Utmost privacy, 140 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2216, OMAHA LOAN COMPANI. REAL ESTATE Bldg., .Tyler 187 AUTOMOBILES '. -A . REBUILT OVERLAND IS A SAFE USED REBUILT OVERLANDS: 5- -1916 Model 83 - 5-1916 Overland 3-1916 Overland 2-1-1-1- -1916 Overland -1915 Overland 1916 Overland -1916 Overland . The following cars are in opd con dition, but not rebuilt: 1-1914 Hudson 37 Touring 1-1916 Saxon Roadster 1-1914 Chandler, 6 cly. Touring 1- 1915 Chandler, 6 cyl. Touring ' . 2-1915 Maxwell Touring 2- 1916 Maxwell Touring 1-1915 Commerce Truck 1-1912 -Cadillac Touring ' 171915 Paige Touring ' 1-1914 Apperson Touring 1-1916 Metz Touring and many others. Willys-Overland, Inc. 2047 Farnam St. OPEN SUNDAYS "Our Business 'Reputation Stands Back of Every ' Used Car We ell" NATIONAL 1014, 4-cylinder, 4-passenger ear of low sport type. Over hauled, repainted dark gray with red striping. An excep tionally fine car of high grade make, for $850 CADILLAC . 1913, 4-cylinder, 5-passenger touring car in good shape, for $500 HUDSON SUPER-SIX 7-passenger touring car. This car has been driven only 5,000 miles and has practically brand new Firestone non-skid tires all around. Two bumpers front and rear. In excellent condi tion and has been given good care...' $1,250 PIERCE-ARROW SPEEDSTER 1 A high grade, 36 h. p., 6-cylinder touring chassis, built over as a speedster, for $500 KISSEL-KAR v , 1913 6-cylinder, 7-passenger touring car, electric lights and ' starter; a good standard make for a small price '. . $350 CHALMERS 1915 7-passenger, 6-cylinder tion. An ideal touring car is a bargain, at RAUCH & LANG ELECTRIC Paint and chassis in remarkably fine shape. Equipped with Goodyear cord tires-all around. Seat covers. With brand new set of batteries i STEVENS-DURYEA 1912 7-passeriger touring car equipped with electric lights and starter, bumper and one extra tire. Paint and nickeled parts in fine condition $500 Orr Motor Sales Co. HARNEY 414. 4 0TH AND FARNAM STS. A postcard will bring any car to your house. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE LARGEST DEALERS IN USED CARS WEST OF CHICAGO Overland roadster Chevrolet touring Maxwell touring..... Overland touring..,; Mitchell Six touring...... Apperson touring Dixie touring Buick Six touring Maxwell touring Cole touring Studebaker touring....... Franklin limousine Mitchell touring Overland touring Pullman Stx touring Apperson touring.. ..1475 ., 36 .. 260 .. 225 .. 3o .. 450 .. 450 .. 50 .. 350 .. 60s .. S50 ,.-210 .. 464 .. 200 .. 450 .. 375 t:o Farnam St. Opens Sundays. ' Open Evenings. Tel. Douglas 3310. - TOU WEED TIRES AND TTJBE3 REPAIRED. DON'T TOUT ALL RIGHT. WB DO THE BEST WORK , . .. IN TOWN. TRT US. " ' THE TIRE SHOP, ' 85 IS FARNAM. OCGLASi 478. UNl'SUAl, bargains In slightly used tires; r expert tire and tube repairs. O. Ic . Tire Vuk-anUing Co., 21:3 Leavenworth. Tyler KfMY. v AUTOMOBILES - CAR TO BUY. Touring 83 Touring" 75-B Touring 75-B Roadster 80 Coupe 83 Panel Touring 75-B Express Touring Tel. D. 3292-L AND EVENINGS touring car in excellent condi with plenty of power. This car $500 $850 .N jr UNUSUAL BARGAINS . . IN USED CARS Interstate Touring Car .. 500.00 Mollne Touring Car 350.00 Chalmers' Touring Car 400.00 Stoarna Touring Car 300 00 Hudson 6-40 Touring Car S50.00 Hudson (-64 Tour!:.. Car 660.00 Hudson (-40 Limousine 1,400.00 Overland Touring Car. ........... 100.00 Mitchell Touring Car 1,000.00 Pierce Limousine 800.00 Super-Six Touring Car............ 1,400.00 Hudson 4-40. Sedan 1,400.00 Buick Touring Car.............. 750.00 Volte Touring Car... 100.00 GUY L. SMITH, "Service First" 5683-65-67 Farnam St. Douglas 1870. MAXWKUi SALES AND SERVICE. , New Cars on Hand. . We Have Also One 1914 Maxwell.. ISJ5 One 11 Maxwell $360 1S15 (-cyl. Studebaker $500 A trial will convince you that these care are right . OMAHA GARAGE CO.. 2010-14 Harney St. Service Car Always Ready. FOLDING sent. Meal for smaU auto. Bar gain. I'houe Uar. 69S3. AUTOMOBILES FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! When Better Ford Values Are Offered TTe Will Offer Them. The Biggest snd Best Bunch In the City to Flck From. '17 Ford tour, lots of extras f 376 '17 Ford tour., a good buy 346 '17 Ford tour., run 2.000 miles...... 389 '16 Ford tour., looks and runs good. 276 '1 Ford tour., a good buy,.;....... 235 '16 Ford tour., good shape.; 226 '16 Ford tour., needs some work.... 21S '15 Ford roadster, a good one 239 '16 Ford roadster, new body 235 Ford roadster, '17 body 260 '14 Ford chassis, new tires 160 We are the Used Ford Men snd Always Have a Good Buncji to Pick From. All afs Sold With Money-Back-U-Not-Satisfied Guarantee." '14 Reo tour., starter and lights. . .6260 15 Maxwell rdstr., starter and Its.. 85 '12 Franklin tour., good shape...... 200 '12 Regal roadster, good buy 100 Parts for 100 .Dlffejent Cars at 60 Cents on the Dollar. "OPEN SUNDAY TILL NOON. AUTO SALVAGE & 1 EXCHANGE. Douglas 9070. 110 S. 17 th St. "AUTO EXCHANGE CO. BARGAINS The prices on practically all new cars have advanced, making used cars more valuable. You cannot afford to buy a used car until you see our line. Ford touring, good running order. ,. .2150 Ford tour., thoroughly" overhauled, new fenders 200 Ford touring, 1916, new tires 295 Metx runabout 100 Buick runabout, elec. . lights and starter, newly painted 350 Chalmers 30, 1913 195 Oldsmobile speedster, classy and fast 260 Case "40" speedster 195 Paige touring 150 Overland touring, fine running or der 1" Apperson tour., elec. lights, and starter, newly painted 60 Scrlpps Booth Four 50 Buick C S7 tour., new .tires 660 Buick Six touring, newly painted.... 650 Chandler Six, 1916 couplet 750 Bcripps-Booth, nearly new... bargain Presto tanks,- large slxe...... $4.50 Large band horns ,...$2.26 AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2107 FARNAM DOUGLAS 6033, J THREE Fords with 1-ton attachment. In good condition; very cheap. One 1914 Chalmers six, very cheap. One 2-ton truck, very cheap. One used Ford delivery car, fine condition. ANDREW MURPHT SON 14th and Jackson St.. Omaha, Neb. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 220 Farnam. Douglas S310. 1914 Chevrolet $350 1910 Overland Roadster 475 1910 Empire Touring 400 1916 Maxwell Touring 875 CARS FOR HIRE. Will rent you a car. Vith or without driver. Best service. Getter rates. Also best tube repairing In city. bee Us. 218 . 19th St Tel. P. 7390. ' 1916 FORD TOURING, used very little, per fect condition, speedmeter, aurmountable wheel, shock absorber, etc., $350. 1914 Ford Roadster, good running condition, needs paint, $250. Crosatown Garage, SIS 8. 24th St. " - TRADE your old battery In on a guaranteed Ever-ready storage battery. Free Inspec tion of any battery. Ever-ready Storage Battery Co., 1206 Farnam St. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 2212-16 Harney St- - Douglas 863. Almost any make at reasonable prices. MT 1915 Mitchell Touring Car, electric lights and starter; Just overhauled; new tires. A bargain at $375. Phone . Har- ney 1901 after 6 p, m. CROSSTOWN GARAGE, 315 S. 24th St. Douglas 4443. Careful repairing, quick orvlce; carbon burning, 60a per cylinder. Radiator repairing, welding, etc. WAIITED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex- change Co., 2107 Farnam St Doug. 4035. I WANT to trade my furniture of seven rooms for Ford touring car or Carter Car. Box 6591, Omaha Bee, TELL & BINKLEY. WE BUT AND SELL USED FORDS. 2318 Harney St. Doug. 1640. 1917 Ford and 1917 Buick. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. 80th and Harney. Douglas 5261. BUY Lee Punctureproof Pneumatic Tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Supply Co.. 2061 Farnam St BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It," Southeast cor- ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2562. WANT modern six auto for clear Brownell Hall district lots. Canan. McCague Bldg. WE are the used Ford men. Auto Salvage A Exchange. 110 S. 17th. Wanted. WANTED to buy Ford car, state price and particulars. 1622 8. 27th. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED. STRAHLB & ANDERSON. INC. 316 S. lth St. Douglaa 6488. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. "Omana's Reliable Starer Repair Shop." 2230 Farnam St. Douglaa 9S77. Tires and Supplies. UNUSUAL BARGAINS Hi slightly used tires; 30x3, $5 and up; 20x3tt, $6.50 and up; 33x3, $7.60 and up. Expert tube and tire repairing. G. & O. TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO.. 2423 Leavenworth. Tyler 1S61-W. TIRE price wreckers. This lu no 3 in 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 11034 Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for uiagneto we can't repair. Coils repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18th. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L K Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains lu used machines. Victor H. Koos, "The Motorcycle Mau," 27th and Leavenworth. THE Cleveland Lightweight is the simplest, best constructed and most economical mo torcy !p- easy terms. Plott Bros., 3259 FariiHin. FOR SALE Twin Harle -Davidson 3-speed electric equipped motorcycle. Call S. 2021 or S. 2394. Ask for Earl D. Burton. FOR SALE A new Indian bicycle, with a new Smith motor wheel attached; price, $65. Address Box Y 101, Bee. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER? T.ateft and Most Scientific Treatment for all Diseases. Dr. Charled Barnes. 613-524 Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours, 9 a. m. to i p. m.; 7:30 to 1:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 BEE BLDG PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and othe rectal diseases without surgical op erations. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal disease and testimonials. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. 304 Bee Bids'. PR. EAPES. 201 Paxton Blk. Doug. 6728. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No poln. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent Rma.. 204 Rose Bldg. D. 1186. Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERG. 8AN1TARIUM. Lady attendant 1554 Harney. D. 7296. Dm. Johnston. 1325 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 6629. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 84?T Horses Live Stock Vehicles FOR SALE Two mares, or trade. Webster 621. George Seheschy. HORSES for sale. 1713 Webster St, PERSONAL I CURED myself of Tubereuli'sts" A re markable story of a druggist.affl icted Willi Tuberculosis, who states' he cured him self with a simple treatment, vhlch any one msv use at home under plain direc tions. Pleasant, sootliinsr. Relieves cough ing quickly. Ease suffering. Write for It Addillne, 1221 Carilal Tst Bldg., to- lumbus, Ohio. THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old doming, lurimuio, sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1U0-1112-1114 Dodge St. PERSONAL Partita knowing whereabouts of Mrs. Edith May Hyuo win pu"'' her daughter, Mips Irene Hyde, .533 re pew St.. Denver. Colo. Was last heard et in 1907 at 420 24th Ave., Omaha, Neb. $10 reward. LUNG TROUBLE Learn of a remarkable discovery, knowu as tarDoiao, inn used with wonderful success at Cliff Dale camp Convincing proofs FREE. Ameri can Dispensary Co., Dept. A, Indianapolis, inn. FREE COPY "Special Oil Edition." all about wonderful opportunities Pyramid-La Barge Wyomfr.g oil field, government oil claims, homesteads, school, sheep and cattle grax tng land. Kemmerer Republican, Kem merer. Wyo. ANYONE having a claim against the Inter national Acad, or Music must present im same on or before the 1st of Aug., 1917. Delinquent lessons must be taken before that date, as Mr. Mansfield Is leaving ANYONE knowing the location of one Georse Young. When last neara oi was at Tarklo, Mo., about two years ago. Mrs. George Young, 612 8th Ave., Shenandoah, Ia. . . BAXH3 and massage. Central Bath Insti tute, 1506 Harney St Doug. 7097. Ojien eveiunBa. , MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths snd evenings. massage, 379 Brat. Thea. mog. v. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and manl- rur nr.. 518 Paxton Bin. nra Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 13. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Best care. 2605 Bristol, weo. zu. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4416 N. K8th St. Phone Colfax 2042. BATHS, massage. 1S03 Farnam. Room t Phone Douglas 8751. Manicuring, massage and scalp treatment 702 S. 24th, bet 10 and 5 lor appt. iy. iwj. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 63 is. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbacn hik. rtea tici. E. BROTT, Mass., 2120 Harney. Dg. 8526. POULTRY Anconas. ANCONAS, SINGLE COMB OMAHA AND Kearney State show winners; eggs. $1.75, $260 setting. J. D. Pope. Lindsay. Neb. Leghorns. WHITE LEGHORN laying hens, cockerels, hatching eggs, two-weeks-old chicks; also booking orders for 24th of July chicks. Call Flo. 218. T. Gradman ggg Factory. BARRON'S WORLD'S BEST LAYERS: English White Leghorn eggg reasonable. Andy MlkKelaon, utica, rieo. vnlTMd1 St CTDATN SINGLE - COMB White Leghorns; 15 eggs, 11; 100 (eggs, $5. Harold L,ong, jNeison, ntn. u-cir f.-MT BBnwV r.F.OHORNS 75 . i,vaw-vw w .. - cents per setting. 14.60 per hundred. F. L. Hayek, L.inwooq, iseo. EiKni.E.m(B WHITE LEGHORN eggs, 14.50 per hundred; 85 per cent guar anteed fertile. J. H. Plettrer, Exeter, Neb. Orpingtons. " SINGLE-COMB "WHITE ORPINGTON eggs, $1, 16; $4.50. 100; Kellerstraaa strain. William Havekost. nooper, neo. BUFF ORPINGTON EGGS, 6 CENTS each. Hena weigh aa high as eight pounds. Mrs. Tockey, Kilver Creek, Neb. tilNGLE-COMB WHITE ORPINGTON eggs for hatching. $1.25 per 15. $6 per 100. Wm. Langbehn, Avoca. la. Kivnr.E.rnM a BIIPF ORPINGTON eggs, $6 per. 100. Mrs.. Henry Martin, Ed it' vine, wen. KlNOLE-COifi -1 WHITE ORPINGTON eggs; fifteen, $1; fifty, $3; hundred, $5. J. A. Russell, Corning, lowa. tuis-i.' ORPINGTON EGGS FOR HATCH - lng from choice selected stock, $1, 16; $5, 100. Mrs. Harry Overturff, Llbertyvllle. la. Rhode Island Reds. HARRISON'S Non-sitting, Single-Comb Reds (250-egg strain). Mating list gives facts free. Harrison "The Redman," Stroma- burg. Neb. EGGS FROM CHOICE DARK RED AND heavy-boned Single-Cjmb Reds at $2 and $3 per 13. H. R. Schaefers, Mowens. nep. nnsR-rnww ncna EGOS FROM BEST pens, $2 per 15; flock, $4 per 100, Glea Wilson, Blair, let. ni5v Dnuniun nv.r KGOS. FOL'li mated pens; range flock, $6 per 100. Esther Nelson, Phillips, Neb. EGGS ROSE-COME -REDS, $4.60 PER 100, utility stock, farm range. . Mrs. Edd Dllley, Friend. Neb single-com: led eggs selected pen, $1.60 per 15; flock, $4, 300, from Pio neer' Reds. Mrs. John Hall, Valley, Neb. W. E. Briggs. Springfield, Neb. Rocks. HILLCREfcST Barred Rocks (Bradley Strain) Fawn and White Indian - Runner ducks. Eggs, 100 $5- setting, $1. V. 1. Gantt, Crete, Neb. WHITE ROCKJ, large, vigorous, farm raised, good layers; eggs, $1.60 setting, $6 for 100; satisfaction guaranteed. N. E. ' Dalley, Hornlck, la. lruiTP -pr.v--rl1TW 'RAftC TCftGtt FROM high storing stock (Flshels), farm ige; 100. $j; 60. $3; 16, $1.50. C. L Shaw, Plalu- view, ret. TUnuPfinM'S BTNlT.F.T A ft R R I Rock eggs, $4, 100; pen, $1.50, 15; cockerel mated, large type. E. E. Royer, Dal'is Center, Ia. THOMPSON strain Barred Rocks, best pen eggs, $1.50 per 15. $6 per 100, prepaid. T. H. Kaldenberg, Pella, la. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS FOR hatcl lng the better kind $3, $5 and $S per 15. Dr. Fllppln, Stromsburg, Neb. WHITE ROCKS BLUE-R1BBC . WIN nera In four states. Send for .natlng llf. Williams Poultry Farm, Cedar Bluffs, Neb. WHITE Rock eggs pure-bred, good layers, $1.60 per 15, $5 jer 100. Fr J Kroeger. Carroll, Ja. HIGH-QUALITY BARRED ROCK EGGS, $4 per 100; good laying strain. Ben John son, Fairfield, Neb. Wyandottes. GREEN LAWN POULTRY FARM, RI5 gal White Wyandottes, pen 1, 15 eggs, $2.60; pens 2 and 3, $1.50, or $5 per 100. Henry Kelt, Fairmont, Neb. IF YOU WANT THE BEST SILVER WY andottes, Barred Rocks or White-Crested Black Polish, breeding stock or eggs, write to William Nelcrs. Box C. Cascade, Iowa. Miscellaneous. BUTTERCUPS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. I BOOKLET. WM. FREISE, LA CROSSE, WIS. PET STOCK BELGIAN Carneau pigeons, red and red sp!ash?d, Uie kind that raise big squabs: $2.26 rr mated pairs, the breeders bred for the purpose. Write to Redwing Pigeon Lofts, Atwood. Kan. Persistent Advertising is thejoad to Success. ARE YOUR HENS PAYING? Are your hens always in the pink of condition? Do they lay regularly, or by spurts?. Do they lay during, the moult? Do your hatching eggs run 90 per cent fertile? Do you hatch 90 per cent or better every time? Do yon raise to maturity 90 per cent of the chicks? Do you cull the non-layers from your flock? Do the hens average an egg every other day the year 'round? . Do you follow any system or well-defined plan throughout your work? Do you always sell on the best market? Do you know all the important points in poultry culture? Are you profiting during summer, fall and winter as in spring? The Lee Poultry Library, five book lets, tells how to get these results how to make poultry pay. The thirty years' experience of an expert in thia line, written so you will enjoy it and will find it helpful.- Send S cents stamps to cover mailing and state how many chickens you have. No rharse for books. Send now. Geo. H, . Lee Co., 1115 Harney, Omaha. Jtfefc, Advertisement Tftif yt-f '