THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1917. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. STRICTLY modern bungalow, & room. 22nd nd Amci Ave. Wsbster 4!2S. Miscellaneous. TRACT of ground layln Ideal for poultry raisin-; 11.0-ft. frontage; prlc $810; $50 cash, 111.(0 monthly, call D. J. B. ROBINSON, Rsal Estate and Insur ance, 442 Bee Bldg., Pouirtaa 807. R. 8. TRUMBULL, nSlit Nat. Bk. Bldf. T. 1711. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE SEE U8 FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET & SON. REALTORS, !A First National Bank Bids. REAL ESTATE To Exchange MONEY MAKER. An up-to-date 2 6 -room hotel In a city of 3,000 population; nice blue grass lawn, sat, tltotrle lights, city water; close to depot of two railroads, only one other hotel In city; this property la clear. What have you to offer. This property Is va cant at present Address Geo. Anttll, Blair, Neb. QUARTER section Minnesota land. 4 miles northwest of Windoin; 120 acres Id crops, fenoed and cross-fenced; good, black sandy loam, about 20 miles from- Iowa line. Farm is rented. 2-5 delivered. Price )126 per acr: Wants Improved 80 acres. Must be within 50 miles of Omaha, or good income Omaha property. LUND, 420 ROSE BL1K1. TYLER 753. WILL exchange a number of residence in come properties, some new and others nearly new; also some vacant. Some are clear of Incumbrance and some Incum bered about 40 per cent. Want clear land. TRAVER BROTHERS. 8t First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 6880. DRUG STORES Iowa and Minnesota, South Dakota, for cash or clear land. S. J. Olmem, Minneapolis, Minn. 160 ACRES, well improved, every acre good land. N. E. Neb., will take some trade. O. A. Kull. Oakland. Neb. $50 AN acre buys 130-acre farm 15 miles from Qmaha. Inquire 433 Rarage Blk. Tel. Doug. 4212. Residence phone Doug. 6775. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 300 dif ,. -ferent buyers decided that it was the best propostion on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lota, IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler I 7. BEAUTIFUL 50-foet lots. Price $220, only $3 cash and 50 cents per week. Doug. 3392. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW ONE ACRE IN CROPS ON PAVED ROAD $200 Down $24.50 Per Month Owner Moving to Chicago This place la on Benson Gardens Free Jitney route. House practically new; crops -put In and cared for by owner; crops include potatoes, tomatoes, wax beans, navy beans, sweet corn, peas, beets, lettuce,, squash, pumpkin, cucumbers, musk melons, carrots, onions, rutabagas, etc. One dozen young fruit trees, 2 dozen Rhode Island Red bens and 1 '4 doaen small frys. Owner has been called to Chi cago and will sell at cost and give ail crops and poultry free. Call Tyler SO and ask for Mr. Manville. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors) I14 Harney fit. AN IDEAL SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AND INCOME ' - 10 acres. . 7-room modern, house, barn, well and mill, ice house, etc; cherries, ber ries, apples, grapes and plenty vacant for garden; one strip can be plotted Into build ing lots; big Income from fruit this year; harvesting now; let us show you today; a sight worth seeing. Priced right. Some trade. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 29-30 City Nat. Douglas 882. Dundee. DUNDEE STtCCO HOME I AT A SACRIFICE This is one of those unusually well built two-story homes, having six large rooms and sleeping porch, largo living room with brick fireplace and satin walnut finish. Garage. Fine shade trees. East front cor ner lot. Convenient to car line. This property can be bought at bargain price if , taken advantage pf at once as the : owner has opportunity to make excellent business Investment and will sacrifice thU place to obtain the desired results. Call us up about this at once if you are In terested and we will arrange to show it to you by appointment. GEORGE & CO., .902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 756. " Dundee Special $5,400 .Near 52d Street Seven rooms, modern, GARAGE AND DRIVEWAY. Large living room with beam ceiling, fireplace and built-in book cases. Dining room and kitchen finished In mission oak; 4 good bedrooms on sec ond floor; attic on third floor. , Full base ment, stationary tubs and extra toilet. High and sightly south front lot. Non resident owner says sell. GLOVER & SPAIN, . (REALTORS.) uglas 3962. 919-20 City National. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod. ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE ft CO., HAVE calls for Duhtfee homes, and would like exclusive listiixrc on a, few bungalows and houses from 33.500 to 312,000. C. A. Grlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. HOMES and home sites in Dundee. SHULER & CARY, 204 Keellne. D. 6074. South Side. FARM NEAR OMAHA STOCKYARDS 223 acres, well Improved, adjoins town 12 miles from Omaha: 8 miles from etock yards; paved road to Omaha; R. R. depot and trackage 30 rods from buildings; extra good corn and alfalfa land. Price t'lQ per acre. Easy terms. J.H. DUMpNT & CO., 416-11 Keeline Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. Miscellaneous. ACREAGE Tlve acres north of Krufr park, located at 54th and Grand Ave. High and sightly, location. Cheapest property in this loca tion. Price $2,600. Terms. HIATT COMPANY, (REALTORS) 457-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 0. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE If your property Is mortgaged and you want cash for your equity and will tell cheap, I will buy It Give full descrip tion, location and price, and will call and see It. Box 6544, Bee. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 30T, rVOULD like to rent ten to forty acres, with fair improvements. I want possession of house first of September. Box Y 97, Bee. LIST you 5 and 6 -room houses with Ed ward F. Williams Co.. 801 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your 5 and 6-room houses with ua. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 496. ARNDT ft TAYLOR can assist you. Laird Bt Webster 1031. 1825 FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages, CITY AND FARM LOANS t. m and ( per cent Also first mort ages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H Dumont Co., 413-411 Keellne Bldg., 17th and Harney. CITY and farm loans pormplly made. Rates S, 6 4 and S per cent Reasonable com mission. , UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th. Omaha. Neb. 5 PER CE.T to ( per cent on beat class city resldeneea la amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 182! Farnam 8t MONEY to loan .on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv Co., Omaha. Money on hand for mortgage loans. VllJT nHUUHl ) II Ik niu SIX per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha real estate. E. H. Lougee. Inc., 53 Keellne Bldg. SHOPEN A CO.. PRIVATE MONEY. 34,000 MTGE., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by property valued at $16,000. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. BMg. FARM and city loans. 5, 6H and 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG, 313 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEKFK R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. NO DELAY IX CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. $100 TO 310.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam 8ts. MONEY HARRISON & MORTON, 91$ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 5 7 CITY lG LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stocks, t Investment securities, Industrial stocks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOV & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank BMg. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay Insurance companies. 610 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Abstracts of Title. "Z or- Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., XVcir 306 S. 17th 8t., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 4S0 ACRES eastern Colorado farm. 120 acres broken, only $S an acre. Terms. S. S. ft B. E. MONTGOMERY, 627 City National Bank Bldg. Nebraska Lands. a. 300,000 ACRES $10 TO $26 PER ACRE. LARGE OR SMALL TRACTS. Highly productive land located in Ne braska, East Texas. Missouri, Arkansas and Northern Louisiana: can make pay ments on large part; $2 per acre cash; balance to suit. WHITE AND HOOVER. 454 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 40. FOR SALE. A 320-acre farm In Pierce county. Neb., at a bargain; 160 acres In cultivation; fair buildings. For particulars .write to Box 216, Holsteln, la. FOR SALE Choice improved quarter, t miles to town, on phone and mall route; 103 acres in cultivation; crop last year paid for land It grew on: terms. E. M. Hellyer, Republican, Neb. 80 ACRES irrigated, fine, level, black tend, near Bridgeport, Neb., very cheap, terms; crop goes with land. S. S, ft R. E. MONTGOMERY, 627 City National Bank Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' , association, 15th and Howard Sts.. Omaha. ' Douglas 9371. FOR BALE Best large body hlgi- grade, medium priced land In Nebraska; very -Ittlo mono, required. C Bradley, Wol bach, Neb. MY 960 acres range, water, hay, plow land. Box 1391, Alliance, Neb. Oregon Lands. Irrigated Lands. Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon. HARLEY 3. HOOKER, 140 First National Bank Bldg. Omaha. Nebraska. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east Texas, $25 an acre. Get my free book. W. 8. FRANK, 301 Neville Block, Omaha. Wyoming Lands. 160 ACRES of first-class land, well 1m- proved, 50 acres In alfalfa, 30 aorea under plow. Sure crops. $75 per acre, excep tionally easy terms; 2 years without In terest on deferred payments; discount for cash BIG FOUR REALTY CO., 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg, Doug. 3486. Miscellaneous. New Farm Catalogue, Just Out 400 money-making farms, throughout a dozen states, described In detail with directions to see them. Tools, machinery, livestock and growing crops Included, with many to settle estates quickly. On page 18 read about a home farm of 70 acres, 9-room house, barn and poultry house, only 2 miles to creamery and village for $1,000, with $300 down. On page 6 is a money-maker of 175 acres bordering big lake, elevation nearly 2,000 feet, 10-room housa with bath, two furnished cottages, lurgo barns, 18 boats, etc., etc., all going for $3,000, with $700 down. On page 27 there Is a 199-acre farm, with two sets buildings, that had an income of $2,700 last year. City owner says sell for $4,000. Write today for your free copy of this big new catalogue of the live farm bargains. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept 3072, 205 South 18th St., Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, planoa and notes as security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total coat, $3..r0. $40, 6 mo. endorsed notes, total coat, $2.60. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 132 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam, Ty. 666. LEGAL RATES LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 340 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2295. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. Bee Want Ads produce results. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Edith C. Baxter and husband, et al to Carrie D. Palmer, Chicago street, ' 198 feet east of Twenty-seventh street, south side, 66x148 $2,100 Robert Hamilton and wife to Pauline Irunn, northwest corner of Fifty third avenue and Dodge street, 91x150 $.500 Home Builders Investment company to Mary Olsen, Browne street, 160 feet east of Forty-sixth street, north side, 80x128 1,875 Adam Wurtz and wife to Chistian 3. Hald, Thirty-sixth avenue, 200 feet north of Bedford avenue, east side, 80x134 375 Julia Gtlltn and husband to Ella I,. Kearney, Mercer boulevard, 200 feet north of Lincoln boulevard, east side, 60x130 2,100 Y. W. C. A. to Melville D. Cameron, St., Mary's avenue, 180 feet west of Seventeenth street, irregular piece 2,000 A. B. Darlow to Darlow Advertising company, northwest corner of Thirty-sixth and Frances, 60x126 1 Jennie M. Gibbons et al to Clyde C. Bundblad, ' Northeast corner of Eighth and William street, 60x120.. 1 Sterling Realty company to Jesse P. Howe, northwest corner of Nine teenth and Howard street, 84.6x136. 1 Minnie Matson Blackett and husband to Frank Weare, Bauman stroet, 42 feet east of Twenty-eighth ave nue. north side, 44x130 1,000 Frank Weare and wife to Minnie Mat son Blackett, southeast corner of Twenty-fifth avenue and Webster avenue, 32x132 3,600 Pete Grgurlch and wife to Mllle Smld, V atreet. 60 feet east of Thirty- fourth street, south side, (0x129... 121 Agnes Andrews to William J. An drews, Twentieth street, 226 feet nors of M atreet. east aide, MttxISO, 1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Choice Heavy Cattle Hold Their Own, but Sheep Sellers Are Forced to Concede An other Slump. Omaha. July 11, 191T. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday s,m 3,403 9.177 Official Tuesday .... 4,334 15,740 8,233 Estimate Wednesday . 3,100 11,000 7,600 Three days this week 11,559 35,143 24,906 Same days last week 8,149 16.699 6,338 Same days 3 wks. ago. 17,817 33,305 10,386 Same days 3 wks. ago. 18,159 28,224 9.969 Same days 4 wks. ago. 19,187 30,894 9,631 Sams days last year.. 13,921 26,633 21,229 Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, for twenty-four hours ending at S o'clock yesterday. RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. ft St. P 7 8 Wabash 3 Missouri Parlfio ..23 1 Union Pacific 39 37 17 ... C. A N. W., east ..7 6 C. N. W.. wet .. 22 61 ... 1 C. St, P. M. ft O. 15 6 ... 1 C. B. ft Q., west .. .'. 20 7 C, B. ft 4 . west .. 6 20 C, R. I. & P., east 7 It 7 C, R. I. ft P.. west 2 Illinois Central ... 2 5 Chicago Ot, West. 2 4 Total receipts .141 161 32 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co 483 1,483 209 Swift and Co 443 2.493 1.892 Cudahy Packing Co.. 483 2.629 2,199 Armour ft Co 650 3.183 779 Schwartz ft Co 407 J. W. Murphy 2,104 Lincoln Packing Co.. 15 ..... 8. O. Packing Co 17 Cudahy from K. C... 264 ..... Swift from K. C 48 ..... ..... Wilson Packing Co... 64 Hill ft Son 8 P. B. Lewis 64 J. B. Root ft Co 36 2,880 Ellis ft Co 8 11,198 Rosenstock Bros 8,943 Sullivan Bros 3 Higglns 1 Huffman 14 , Meyers 2:1 Glassberg 3 ., John Harvey 110 Other buyers 210 $,864 Totals 2,880 11,198 8,943 Cattle Receipts of cattle continue of very moderate proportions with the quality of the offerings running to the extreme. There were about 3.100 head here today, beef steers making up the big bulk ot the sup ply, and the demand for them was fully as good as It has been any time lately. Choice heavy cattle sold at $13.66, the same as on yesterday, and a new top of $13.30 was reg istered for prime yearlings. Common half fat and grassy stuff was slow sale at rather uneven prices. There was little activity to the market for cows and heifers as supplies were lim ited and demand was not very urgent from any quarter. Prices were In much the same notches as Tuesday and everything was cleaned up In good season. Veal calves wer a shade stronger than the first of the week, and the same is true of bulls, stags, etc. There was little doing In s lookers and feeders, and prices were quotably unchanged at the recent decline. Quotations on cattle; Good to choice beeves. $12,406)13.55; fair to good beeves. $11.6012.25; common to fair beeves, $9.76 11.50; good to choice yearlings, $12.00 13.00; fair to good yearlings, $11.00(8)11.75; common to fair yearlings, $9.5010.75; good to choice grass beeves, $10.7511.76; fair to good grass beeves, $9.5010.60; common to fair grass beeves, $8.25 9.26; good to choice heifers, $9.5010.60; good to choice cows, $8.60.60; fair to good cows, $7.60 8.60; common to fair cows, $5.007.EO; good to choice feeders, 38.75 9.60; fair to good feeders, $7.768.60; common to fair feeders, $6.767.60; good to choice stock era, $8.009.00; stock heifers, $7.00j'8.00; stock cows, $6.507.50; stock calves, $6.60 9.00; veal calves, $10.0013.60; bulls, stags, etc, $5.5099.60. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 6....... 896 $11 25 20 1060 $11 60 16 1050 11 75 26 ..1106 13 00 13 1169 12 10 13 1117 12 36 28 1082 13 65 11 1392 12 60 4 1327 12 75 28 1449 13 40 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 3 1066 11 26 16 893 11 35 32 746 11 76 6.. 1268 13 25 31 838 13 30 HEIFERS. 1 860 8 25 7 852 8 85 1 460 76 1 930 10 50 COWS. 2 900 00 1 780 6 25 2 985 6 60 1 1090 7 00 6 1024 7 60 1 18 796 7 75 1 940 8 00 12. ......1060 8 25 1 960 I 00 6 1020 t 16 BULLS. 1 1000 6 00 1 (30 25 1 790 60 1 870 7 00 1 1120 H 60 1 1250 I 75 1. 1960 9 60 CALVES. 4 300 11 00 1 190 13 00 1 140 13 25 1 ISO 13 (0 Hogs Hog prices reacted somewhat this morning under the Influence of stronger advices from other markets and a good shipping demand here, and part of yester day's decltne was regained. Quality was the big factor In the trade and good butch era which are In best demand from all quarters sold at the high end of a steady to 10c higher trade. More hogs sold 610c higher than any other way. Shippers opened the trade by buying rather freely at figures that were a nickel to mostly lOo higher, and In ex treme cases even more than that. Packers did little on early rounds, their early bids having a lower tendency, but under the in fluence of good shipping competition, killers raised their offers on the better kinds, fin ally paying prices that were e nickel to In spots lOo higher for the decent to good grades. Representative sales: No. Ay. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 18. .222 ... $14 66 17. .328 ... 614 60 21. .278 ... 14 65 57. .290 80 14 70 67. .259 80 14 75 46. .278 80 14 80 62. .245 ... 14 S5 63. .262 ... 14 90 68. .278 80 14 95 86. .198 ... 16 00 70. .248 200 15 05 66. .284 ... 15 10 65. .220 80 15 20 45. .193 ... 15 25 60. .304 ... 15 30 Sheep The run of sheen and lambs was of about the same sue as Tuesday's, re ceipts Deing estimated at thirty cars, or 7.500 head. As has been the the case all this week, rangers made up the long end of the offerings. The total for the flrat half of the weak Is 24,905 head, as com pared with 6,338 last week, 10,368 two weeks ago and 21,229 a year ago. Arriv als so far this week are largor than for any similar period since the last week of April. Sellers had to concede another price slump with the best grace they could this morning. Receipts were of pretty decent size and packers, using a sluggish, over- supplied eastern dressed mutton and lamb trail.! as a club dominated the market. Odd bunches of natives sold at prices that were not quotably changed from yesterday, but they were so scarce as to have little ef fect on the general market, and range stock wss lower from the outset. For the bulk of the natives and all the rangers the market was a 15tf2oe lower affair. Prices of rangers on paper wero not over 10c lower In com cases, but sorting was more severe than yesterday. Eor the bulk of the western offerings It was a $15.40 market, that price being also as high as was paid In the range class. A small pack age of strictly good natives was canned at $15 60, with the bulk of the native offer ings downwardfrom $15.25. In old sheep there was no quotable change, there being. In fact, not enough mature stock here to furnish a basis for comparisons. A few ewes sold as high as $8.50, and grass yearlings from local ter ritory went at $11.00. Quotations on Hheep and Lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $15.2615.50; lambs, fair to good, $14.7515.25; lambs, culls, $13. 00(g) 15.00; lambs, feeders, $1 4.25 4t 16.15 ; year lings, fed western. 310.76SC11.60; yearlings, range. $10.00&10.75; wethers, fair to choice, 39.005flo.00; ewes, fair to choice, $8.00$ 8,75; ewes, culls and feeders, $6.00 8.60. Representative sales; No. Av. Pr. 820 Idaho lambs 8 $16 (0 846 Idaho lambs (7 15 60 1,200 Oregon lambs 73 15 60 79 Idaho feeder lambs 69 15 40 75 Idaho feeder lambs 67 16 40 350 Oregon feeder lambs ..... 68 15 00 Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City. July 11. Cattle -Receipts. 9.000 head; market steady; prime fed steers. 112.60 13.60; dressed beet steers, $9.80 a1 12. 26: western steers. $8.0012.0O; cows, $6.76(910.00; heifers, $7.60012.50; stockers and feeders, 16.60Q9.60; bulls, $6.60 3 8.00; calves, $7.00014.00. Hogs Receipts. 7.000 head; market steady; bulk of sales, $14.75 'ff 15.60; heavy, $16.601015.70; packers and butchers, $16. 1)0 it) 15.60; lights, $14.6016.30; pigs, $13.00 14.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2.400 head; market steady; lambs, $14.7iQl16.(0; 'year lings, $10.0011.50; wethers, $8.60910.00; wes, $8.e09.25. GRAIN ANHRODUCE No Improvement in Cash Wheat Situation, With Demand Continuing Dull at Strong Prices. Omaha, July tl, 191T. There was practically no Improvement in the cash wheat situation today and, while the market for this cereal was firm with price quoted from steady to Jo above the market of the previous day, the demand waa exceedingly, dull and the only sales reported were those made to millers, who were picking up enough stuff for their Immediate needs. . No. 1 hard wheat sold up to $2.31, No. 3 hard sold from $2.37 0 2.30, No. hard ranged in price from $3.8393.38, and one car ot choice No. 4 hard also brought $3.28. The corn market was strong, with prices ruling from 3 to 5o above yesterday's levels and sellers reported a keen inquiry for all grades of this cereal with the white variety selling at a wide premulm over the yellow and mixed. No. 3 white corn sold generally at $1.86. the same grade ot yellow ranged from $1.83 to $1.84 and the No. 1 grade of mixed corn ranged In price from $I.8t to $1.83. with the bulk going at $1.83 at $1.83. The oata market was a trifle draggy and while the demand for this cereal was rather slow the offerings were very light and most of the samples were reported sold. The oats market followed the advance In the other cereals and ruled from V, to "o higher, the better grades selling up to 71 Sic while the bulk of the offerings, which graded No. 3 white, sold at 71c. Rye and barley were dull with light ar rivals and prices on these cereals were quoted steady. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to i3S,(K0 bu. ; eorn, 68,000 bu.; oats, 401,000 bu. Prlmarr wheat receipts were 261,000 bu. and shipments 305,000 bu.. against receipt of 836,000 bu. and shipments of 1,024,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 619,000 bu. and shipments 629,000 bu., against receipts of 869.000 bu. and shipments of 490,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were. 603,000 bu. and shipments 119,000 bu.. against reelpts of 776,000 bu. and shipments of 867,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. ' Wheat. Corn. Oals. Chicago 38 107 81 Minneapolis 67 .. ., Duluth 3 Omaha 6 67 Zi Kansas City 41 12 19 St. Louis It 39 27 Wlnnlpes 349 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $2.31. ..o. 2 hard winter: 1 car. $2.30; 1-6 car, $2.27; No. 2 hard winter: 1 3-6 cars, $2.28; 3-6 car, $2.22. No. 4 hard winter; 1 car, $2.28. Sample hard winter: 2-5 car, $1.60. No. 1 white spring: 1 car (soft), $2.15. No. 3 white spring: 1 car (soft), $2.15; 2-5 car (soft). $2.10. Rye No. 4: I cars, $2.23. Corn No. 2 white: t 3-6 cars, $1.86. No. 3 white: V4 car, $1.86. No. 3 yeUW! 3 2-5 cars. $1.4; 1 car, $1.83ti; I ' ,ar, $1.83. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.88 V,. Ko. a mixed: 9 cars, $1.83; 4 cars, $1.82; 1 car, $1.81. No. 3 mixed: IV, cars, $1.83. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.83. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 31.82H; 1 car, $1.82. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1,824. Oats No. S white: 1 car, 71 We. No. g white: 7 cars, 71c, No. 4 white: 4 cars, 704ic. Sampla white: 1 car, 70o. Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, $2.25 2.30; No. 3 hard, 12.21 8.28. Corn: No. 2 white, $1.85V1.86; No. 8 white, $1.85(U 1.86; No. 4 white, $1.86 1.85 V, ; No. 5 white, $1.34tt1.86; No. 6 white, $1.841.84H ; No. 2 yellow, $1.8301.84; No. 3 yellow, $l.831.83tt; No. 4 yellow, $I.82tt1.8Stt ; No. 6 yellow, $1.82ft1.88; No. 6 yellow, $1.821.82H; No. 2 mixed, $1.B11.83; No. 3 mixed, $1.81(91.83; No. 4 mixed, $1.81 1.83; No. 6 mixed, $1.811.82H; No. 4 mixed, $1.8101.82. Oats: No. 2 white, 71 Ut'71'.ic; standard, 7171o; No. S white, 70 71c: No. 4 white, 707014c Barley: Malting, $1.161.30; No. 1 feed, $1.10)1.18. Rye: No. 2, $2.32412.34; No. 3, $2.31 2.83. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 316 8outh Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. Open. High, Low. Close, Yes, WhL July t 08 H 3 05 203 3 03 203Vi Sep. 1 91 1 91 189 1 91H 191 Corn. Sep. 1 674 1 166U 1 59U 157H Dec. 121 12444 118 1 21 12H4 May 1 20 1 24 118 Vi 1 21 120 Oata. July 674 (8 (6 68 66 Sep. 66 57 66U 56 66 Dec. 17 68 67 68 67 Pork. July 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 Sep. 40 10 40 82 40 10 40 25 4,0 27 Lard. July 21 00 21 10 21 00 tl 07 21 10 Ribs. Sep. 21 85 21 85 21 SO 21 70 21 85 Sep. 21 90 I 21 90 21 66 21 82 21 93 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. War Emergency Market Curbing Causes Nervous Market la Chicago 4 orn Pit. Chicago, July 11. 'Nswly Instituted war emergency curbs on trading at Kansas City and St. Louis, together with a prospective additional check on transactions here brought about' nervousness today In the corn market. After breaking all higher price records for ths season quotations closed unsettled at o to 2o net advance, with September $1.69 to $1.69, and De cember, $1.21 to $1.21. Wheat finished c off to a Ilk advance at $2.03 tor July and $1.91 for September. Oats gained c to 2c, and provisions were unchanged to lOo lower. Buying on the part of shorts carried corn prices sharply upgrade and then a break ensued on word that a meeting of the Chicago Board of Trade director had been called. Rains In Texas and Oklahoma failed to offset reports that Irreparable damage had been done in Oklahoma and that a drouth area extended northward to the Dakotas. Wheat swayed with corn, but kept with in narrow limits. Harvesting of winter wheat was said to be making favorable prog ress and there also were advices of Im provement In the general condition of the spring crop. In the oats crowd the chlof Influence was the fact that despite numerous fluctuations the corn market averaged higher. Bearish field reports regarding oats were thus more than counterbalanced. Provisions received only meager support. Some of the bost recent buyers were con spicuous In the selling. Cash trade was said to be disappointing as to volume. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: Nos. 2 and 3 red, nominal; No. 2 hard, $2.26; No. t hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $1.90 1.91; No 3 yellow, $1.90(01. 91; No. 4 yel low, nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, 74 75e; standard, 76&76c. Rye: No. 2, $2.41. Barley, $1. 161. 20. , Seeds: Timothy, $4.00 67.60; clover. $12.00 17.00. Provisions: Pork, $40.60; lard, $21.02 &21. 12 Vi i ribs, $21.3722.12. Hutter firm; creamery, 34ft 3c. Kkku Higher; receipts, 12,087 casns; firsts, 3132c; ordinary firsts, 29(p 30 Vic j at mark, cases Included, 2732c. Potatoes Receipts, 20 cars; unchangod. Poultry Alive, unchanged. Monr City Live Htock Market. Sioux City, la., July 11. f.'ittle Receipts, 1.500 head; market steady to 10c higher; beef steers, $9.0013.50; fat cows and heif ers, $7.26011.60; canners, $5.50ig7.25; stockers and feeders, $7.0008.00; calves, $8.00f&13.50; bulls, stags, etc., $6.5071)10.00; feeding cows and heifers, $6.00(5)8.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,500 head; market 10c higher; light, $14.7615.00; mixed. $14.85 O16.10; heavy, $14.6015.20; pigs, $12.75 13.25; bulk ot sales, $14.60 15.10. .Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head; market steady. St, Joseph Live Htock Market. fit. Joseph, July 11. Cattlf! Receipts, 1,600 head; market strong; steers, $8.50$ 13.25; cows and heifers, $5.76(12.00; calves, $7.00 12.60. Hogs Receipts, i 7,000 head: market steady to 6c higher; top, $16.70; bulk of sales, $14.6015.4O. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2,600 head; market, prospects lower; lambs, $11.60(5) 15.60; ewes, $6.0009.50. Minneapolis (iraln Market. Minneapolis, July 11. Wheat: July, $2.28; September, $1.90; Cash: No. 1 hard, $2.60 2.66: No. 1 northern, $2,4502.60; No. 2 northern, $2.36$ 2.40. Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.82tl 83, Oats No. 3 white. 7172c. Flax Seed $2.932. 98.- Flour Unchanged. Barley $1. 181. 65. Rye $2.33 fit 2.36. Bran $a0.O033.00. Kansas City General Market. 1 Kansf.s City, July 11. Wheat No. 2 hard, $2.333.44; No, 2 red, $2.172.19; July, $2.04; September, $1.89. . Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.871.88; Ko. 2 white, Jl. 87&1.S7; No, 3 yellow, $1.88; July, tl.84; September, $1.60. Oats No. 3 white, 7872c; No. 3 mixed, 68 71c. Butte Creamery, 86c; flreta, 84o; sec onds, 32c packing, 30c. Eggs Firsts, 30c; seconds, 24c. Poultry Roosters, 13c; bens, 17o; broil ers, 24928c. NEW YORK STOCKS Additional Gains of One to Six Points in Wall Street Due to Technical Considerations. New York, July It. Additional gains of 1 to ( points were made In today's stock market dealings, with nominal recessions In the last hour on realising, seemed to originate mainly from technical considera tions. Traders proceeded on the theory that the market had arrived at an over sold condition. United States 6leel made an extreme gain of almost 3 points at 126 '. half of which was forfeited at the end. Bethlehem, Lackawanna and Crucible Steels gained as much or more, with Great Northern ore. Republic Iron, Colorado Fuel, Cast Iron Pipe, Harvester and Steel Sundries. The more prominent equipments, metals, sugars, oils and tobaccos rose 1 to 3 point. Ship pings were consistently strong. Ralls wer comparatively dull, but strong. Parities averaging advances of 1 to 1 points. Total sales 760,000 (hares. Bonds war steady except for the Liberty lasuo, which ranged from par to 99 40-60, an odd lot selling at 99 46-60. Total sales, par value. $3,966,000. United State old Issues were unchanged on call. Number ot sales and rang of prices of the leading stocks: Sales, High; Low. Close. Amer. Beet Sugar 92 American Can .... 4,100 60 49Va 60 Amer. C. ft K 1,500 77 77 77 Amer. Locomotive. 63.00 73 70 73 Amer. 8. A R 20,300 107 105 106 Amer. Sugar Ret., 2,600 120 119 119 Amer. T. ft T 120 Amer. Z.. L. ft 8. 400 31 31 30 Anaconda Copper.. It. 600 81 79 80 Atchison 1,100 100 100 100U A.. G. ft W. 1 9.100 110 106 110 Bal. ft Ohio 3.100 71 71 71 Butta A Sup. Cop.. 200 39 39 40 Calif. Petroleum 19 Canadian Pacific. 1,300 160 169 159 Central Leather ., 6,200 91 89 (0 Ches. ft Ohio 1,100 60 60 60 Chi, Mil. ft St, P.. 3,400 71 70 71 Chi. ft N. W 600 108 108 108 C. R. I. ft P. ctf 66 Chltio Copper .... 1,200 66 64 64 Colo. V. & I ljoo 63 61 61 Com Products Ref. S1.200 27 36 36 Crucible Steel 17.800 87 85 86 Cuba Can Sugar.. 8.800 43 42 42 Distillers' Secur... 2,200 21 31 21 Erie 1,600 25 26 26 tlenurel Electric... 400 ld 158 158 General Motor ... 26,600 121 lU' 120 Great No. pfd 2,600 106 104 104 Gt. No. Ore ctfs... 10,600 31 32 33 Illinois Central 101 Inslpratlon Copper. 7.700 62 60 61 Int. M. M. pfd 49.700 88 84 88 Inter Nickel .... 100 40 39 39 Intemat. Paper ... 300 36 35 35 K. C. Southern..., 33 Kennecott Copper.. 3,600 44 43 44 Louis, ft Nash 128 Maxwell Motors 48 Mex. Petroleum .. 8.400 98 98 97 Miami Copper .... 4,600 41 40 40'i Missouri Paclfio ., , 81 Montana Power .... 94 Nevada Copper ... 1,000 23 23 23 New York Central. 3,700 90 89 90 N. Y., N. II. ft H. 600 86 36 26 Norfolk ft Western 900 132 121 121 Northern Paclfio .. 1,100 101 100 99 Paclfio Mall 800 28 27 28 Pennsylvania 1,400 62 62 52 Pittsburgh Coal .. 10,400 68 67 68 Ray Cons. Copper 900 28 28 28 Reading 7,100 96 95 96 Republlo I. A 8... 14,100 92 91 92 Shattuck Arl. Cop. , 26 Southern Paclfio , 800 93 93 98 Southern Railway. 1,100 27 26 26 Studebaker Corp. , 13,600 61 60 61 Texas Co 1,900 191 193 1S Union Paclfio .... 8,300 136 135 136 U. B. Ind. Alcohol. 13,600 169 166 169 U. 8. Steel 129,400 128 126 127 U. 8. Steel pfd.... 1,200 118 117 111 Utah Copper ..... 1,400 lu9 108 108 Wabash pfd B. ... 1,000 26 26 26 Western Union 33 Westlnghousa Elec. 1,900 60 60 60 Total sales for the day, 760,000 share. New York Money Market. New York, July 11. Prim Mercantile Paper 4 OS per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills, $4.72; commercial sixty-day bill on banks, $4.71) commercial sixty-day bills, $4,71; demand, $4.76; cables, 4.76 7-16. Silver Bar, 80c; Mexican dollars, 2o. Bonds Government, steady; railroad, firm. Tim Loans Easier; sixty days, 3 04 per cent; ninety days, 44 per cent; sit months, 4 4 per cant. Call Money Steady; highest, $ per cent; lowest, 3 per cent; ruling rates, 3 per cent: last loan, 3 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. U. 8. 2 resj.... 97Int, M. M. s.. 91 do coupon ,. 97K. C. S, ref. 6s 81 U. 8. 3s reg... 98 L. ft N. un. 4s.. 91 do coupon .. 98 M K ft T 1st 4 69 U. 8. 4s reg... 104 Mo. Pao. gen. 4s 69 do coupon ..104 Mont. Power 6s.. 96 Pan. 8 coupon 90 N, Y. C. d. 6s. .104 Am. F. 8. 6s.... 86 North, Pao. 4s.. 87 A. T. A T. e. 6s 99 do 3s (2 Anglo-French 6s 93 Or. 8. L. r. 4s.. 87 Arm. ft Co. 4s 90 P. T. ft T. 6s.. 97 Atchison f. 4s.. 88Penn. c. 4s .101 B. ft O. 4s.... 86 do gen. 4s.. 95 ('en. Leath. 6s.. 911 Reading gen. 4s 90 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 83 S L ft 8 F a 6s 64 C. ft O. c. 6s.. 88 So. Pac. c. 6s.. 98 C. B. ft Q. ). 4s 96 do rof. 4s.... 86 tCMft8Pg4s 94So. Ry. (s C R I ft P r 4s 71Tex. ft Pac. 1st 93 C. ft 8. r. 4 78 Union Paclfio 4s 91 D. ft R. G. r. 6s 64 do cv. 4s..., 89 Dom. of Can. 6s 95CJ. 8. Rubber 6s.. 86 Erie gen. 4 61 U. 8. Steel ss..!04 Gen. Elec. 5s. ... 102 Wabash 1st ....100 Ot. No. 1st 4s 95West. Un. 4s 93 till. Cen. ref. 4s 85 Bid. tOffered. New York General Market. New York, July 1 1. Flour Market quiet; spring patents, $11.65&ll,90; winter pat ents, $ll.3011.65: winter straights, $10.90 4j11.16; Kansas straights, $11.6611.90. Wheat Spot, steady; No. ,2 hard, $2.23, f. 0. b., New York. Corn Spot, firm; No. 3 yellow, $2.00, f. 0. b., New York. Oats Spot, strong; standard, 82 c. Feed Firm; western bran. 100 pound sacks, $35.60; standard middlings, 100 pounds racks, $41,50; city bran, lOo pound sacks, $36.00. Hops Quiet; slate, medium to choice, 1916, 3036c; 1915, 6(&8c; Pacific coast, 1916, 9611c; 1915, 7&8c, Hides Quiet; Bogota, 43c; Central America, 42 c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67o; sec onds, 55c, Provisions Pork, stnady; mess, $42.00 42.60; family, $43 00 44.00; short clear, $42.00S4.6O. Lard, dull; middle west, $20.00)22.00, nominal. Tallow Easy; city special loose, 17o asked. Wool Firm; domestic fleec XX Ohio, 6960c. Rice Steady; fanjiy head, $8c; blue rose, 74Mc. Butter Steady; receipts. 18,08$ tubs; creamery, higher than extras, 3940c; creamery extras (93 siorel, 39c; firsts, 38'a39c; seconds, a'(t3fcc. Eggs Weak; receipts, 13,858 cases; fresh gathered extras, 873Ke; fresh gath ered storage packed firsts, not quoted; fresh gathered firsts, 3384o; seconds, 81 ii)38c. Cheese Firm; receipts, 5,094 boxes; state fresh specials, 2424c; slate, aver age run, 23&22c. Poultry Alive, firm; no prices settled. Dressed, steady; prices unchanged. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, July 11. Cattle Receipts, 17,009 head; market unsettled; native beef cattle, $8 404j)14,00; stockers nd feeders, $6,309 9.50; cows and heifers, $5.40jjj) 11.90; calves, $10.2516.00. Hogs Receipts, 12,000 head; market weak, at 5c above yesterday's average; bulk of sales, $14.60015.60; lights, $14.0015.40; mixed, I4 26UT 16,65; heavy, $14. 1615.70; rough, $14.1614.40. pigs, $10.76013.85. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 13,000 head; market weak; wethers, $7.76'W11.00; ewes, $7.0029.25; lambs, $10.00016.76, fit. Louis Lira Stock Market. St. Louis. July 11. Cattlo Receipts, 5,400 head; market higher; native beef steers, I7.6013.65; yearlings, 38.6013.60; cows, $8.O0tf 10.60; stockera and feeders, $6,000 9.60; prime southern beef steers, $8.00i8i 12.26; beef cows and heifers, $4,263)9.00; prime yearlings, $7.50(10.00; natlva calves, $6.00514.60. Hogs Receipts, 9.000 head; market low. er; lights, $14.7d'16.30; pigs, $10.00014.60; mixed and butchers, $14.76016.60: good heavy, fl6.4091i.60; bulk of salsa, $14..$6(fi 15.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,800 head; market steady; lambs, $14.60fl)l6.60; ewes, $8.009.00; canners, $4. 0045, 00; choppers, $.00a$.60. fit. Iritis Grain Market. St. Louis. July 11. Wheat: N . 2 red, $2.20; No, 2 hard. $2.25; July, $2.03; Sep tember, $1.89. Cnrr V,- 9 ll Hit- Ktt. 2 White. 81.90: September, $1.63; December, $1.21. Oats Nos. i snu t wniie, nominal. Kvpnrated Apple and Dried Fruit, New Y',rk. July 11. Evaporated apples, steady; fancy, 1212c; choice, llHc; prime, 1010c. Dried Fruits Prunes, unsettled; Cali fornia, ll13c; Oregon, ll01ia Apricots, quiet; fancy, 22B23c. Peaches, quiet: Mandard, 10c; choice, 11c; fancy, 14c. Raisins, toady; loose murateles, 74?9c; choice lo fancy, seeded. 89c; seedless, lOttftllc; London layers, $1.80. Coffee Market. New York. July ll. Coffee futures opened steady at unchanged price to an advance of 2 points, but the buying created by the more optimistic view of peace proapect seemed to have pretty well run It course snd prices soon turned easier under realis ing. A less favorable view of the German political news may have been a factor, but the market was also Influenced by reports of freer cost and freight offers from Santos and December contracts eased off from 7.8TO to 7.81c, with the general list closing at a not decline ot 1 to 6 nlnt. Sales 13,000 bags. July, 7.62c; August, 7.61c; September, 7.69c; Octobar, 7.73c; November. 7.77c; De cember, 7.61c; January, 7.86c; February, 7.01c; March, 7 97c; April, 3.02c; May. 8.07c; June. 8.12c. Spot, dull: Rio 7s. I'ic; Santos 4s. 10c Offers of Santos 3s were reported In the cost and freight market at 9.75e to 9.96c, and 4s at 9 30o to 9.650 London credits. Rio 7s were reported Bt 8.35o London cred its. The official rabies reported no change In the Brazilian markets except for Santos futures, which were 60 to tb rels higher. Turpentine and Koaln. Savannah, July 11. Oils Turpentine, tlrm, 3 lie; sales. 245 bbls.; receipt. 413 obis. ; shipments, 233 bbis.; stocks, 33,184 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales, 679 bbls.; receipts, 1,033 bbis.; shipments, 711 bbls.; stocks. 72. 653 bbls. Quotations:: A, H. $5.00; C, D, $5.0005.05; E, $5.O0J5 10; K, $5.0006.15; G, $6.00(5.16: II, $5.00(16.15: I, 13.10Sf5.20; K. 5 15 5.25; M, $5.503r5.60; N, $6.20 4.30; WG, IS.SSffO.EO; WW. $6.6004.66. New Tork Iry Goods Market. New York, July 11. Cotton goods and ysrns were firm and qulst today, Buyers were operating moderately In with fabrics for spring. Burlaps were firm. Wool goods wer firm and quiet. A Stcurod Saf Constrvatlv Invtttmcnt Paying 8 net income yield Income 3 times dividend require ments, and derived from public utilities and oil lands of which less than 1 acre in every 300 acres has been developed. Tre mendous promise of enormously increased earnings in the immedi ate future. Officers and directors are young, aggressive, responsible and honest. We advise purchase at $15.00 per share of stock in Mid Continent Consolidated Oil & Utilities Corporation Send for our free leaflet C-4 "PROOF OF VALUE" !! South La Salle Straat, Chlso, III. Long Dlitance Phon Harrison 4992 PIIOTOI'LATS. iiiiiiMiiiiiniiiHiiinnnniHiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiHiiMMmMmiHimiiiu. .... .. 4 t"TM mm iMHtftoH mm I Jane and Katherine Lee ' I "TWO LITTLE IMPS" ARE WE E Our Latest Picture You Should See s 1 TODAY, FRIDAY OR SATURDEE J 1 ' It's Full of Fun At The BEST WORK WE'VE EVER DONE Special Children's Matinee OCmmEleven to One-Saturday" "OC niiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniitniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiimiiu AMLNEMENTH. Three Day Starting Today Little Donna's CIRCUS With "Chin Chin," Small est Performing Elephant In the World. THE LARNEDS "Nonene On Wheels." DAN AHEARN The Boy From Your Neighborhood. BANDY AND FIELDS In Songs and Dance. FEATURE PHOTOPLAY FLORENCE LABADIE "The Woman in White" How a diabolical iclieme i frustrated and love's triumph U assured is told in a manner which reveal the author mil terhand. CUB COMEDY, featuring GEORGES OVEY. Bee Want Ads Bring Best Results, i ii iH hi hi' IiAiI la if i Omaha Hay Market. Receipt today wer larger, demand light' market lower on prairie hay. Alfalfa steady Cholc upland prairl hay, f 13.00 17.00 No. 1. $14.00915.00; No. 3. $7.0009.00; N 3. $4-0006.00; No. 1 midland. $13.00(914.00 No. 2. $6.0098.00; No. 1 lowland. $8,009$ 9.00; No. 2. $5.006.00: No. 3, $4.Ot06.O. New alfalfa, choice, $18.00 19.00; No. 1, $16. OOii 17.00; standard, $13.00916. Mt No. 2, $tl.00f) 13.00; No. 8, $7.0009.00. Straw, oat. $8.0008.60; wheat, $7.0007.60. TIRES TBRES Immediate Shipment of Such Scarce Sizes at 30x3 30x3 1 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 35x413 36x412 All types and styles t of tread in our three brands. CONGRESS DIAMOND RACINE Heavy advance in price expected momentarily. Buy your season's require-". ments NOW and , SAVE MONEY. Ask us for inter esting prices. LIN IN GEE? IMPLEMENT COMPANY Omaha, Neb., Doug. 109. PHOTOPLAYS. U Vi r-r r " . N its " t ' 1 MM.. A A ' HS And the Rex Beach's The Barrier I WALLACE REID I I "BIG "TIMBER" I H Victor Moor Comedy. . I Last Times Today HARRY CAREY -m- "LOVE'S LARIAT' AMUSEMENTS. BASE BALL OMAHA VS. ST. JOSEPH 'July 11.12.13 v ROURKE PARK Friday, July 13 Ladies' Day Game Called at 3s IS LAKEV1EW PARK Dancing Lamp's Orchestra Jack Rabbit Coaster , '- ' And Other Attraction ' Book Your Picnic Now. , So CarfareCarter Lake Cars. 1 WlMlilM$$lw