THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1917. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. DANDY NEW BUNGALOW Five rooms, ill modern; stairway to floored attic; oak finish In ltvltiir rooms: full cement basement; nice east front lot: located high and tightly; just north of Clatrmont addition on 47th Ave., exterior U part frame and stucco; just being com pleted. Price 13.100; $100 down, balance monthly. C G. CARLBERG (Realtor), sin.iis nrandels Theater-Blflg. 1160 CASH, per mo., will buy a classy new stucco bungalow. 6-r. and bath, strict ly modern; oak finish, furnace heat; built in buffet and cupboards; dandy lot, one block to car and school. Price 12,950. HASP BROS, 510 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 7S1. South. Beautiful Leavenworth Bungalow BRAND NEW Built By Day Labor Fire nice rooms and bath; bookcases, buffet, sun room, with French doors; oak finish and oak floors throughout; mighty complete kitchen; finest of fixtures; shsvles and hardware; full floored attic; full cement basement; nice terrace and lawn. If you want a real horn built on honor, don't fall to see this. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-3 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg, Tyler 496. SOUTH SIDE (-room, modern, full !-story house; oak finish; located at 1(19 8. 26th St., 1 blk. to crosstown car line. Price reduced to 13,500 for quick sale. Terms. . HIATT COMPANY, (Realtors) 245-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. ONE 6-room and ene 4-room cottage, both on on lot; fine condition; live In one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,750. Very easy terms. No. 2433 South 10th St. NORRI3 & NORRI8. 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4370. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, 5 large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price 13,600. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3.(30. Call Douglas 1733 days, Walnut 1680 evenings. STRICTLY modern bungalow, 6 rooms, 22nd and Ames Ave. Webster 4233. Miscellaneous. A DANDY FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW Just the thing for the man who has a little money saved up and who would rather be making payments on a home than be paying rent. This house Is modern throughout; has furnace heat, full cement basement, and basement has floor drain and cltv sewer. The principal rooms are finished In oak. The kitchen, both bedrooms and the bath room, are finished la edge-sawed hard pine. The kitchen has built-in kitchen cab inet. The location is at S7th and Binney Sts., which is paved, and has all modern im provements. There are two car lines, one two blocks west and another four blocks cast, Theii la a public school two blocks west, or a parochial school five blocks east, and there are several churches with in easy walking distance. This house, which Is In excellent condi tion. Is being offered at a price and on terms which make it a real bargain. PRICE $2,300 Terms $150 Cash, Balance $21.50 per month. Phone Douglas 2926 for further in formation any time Monday. A NEW HOUSE On V2 Acre, Within Thirty Blocks of Postoff ice $100 Down, $16.50 Monthly Brand new 2-room bungalow, nice porch, bedroom, kitchen, closet and pantry, full basement. A good place for Incubator. There Is also an up-to-date poultry house, with nests, roosts, proper windows, ce ment base, etc. This place will care for I, 000 chickens a year. Good well. Within s minutes? walk to car. Price II, 650.- Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. I-room, nearly new bungalow, located In northwest part of town;' oak floors and oak finish In living room and dlntntr room; full cement basement; furnace heat; large lot; block and a half from car line. Priced at $2,(60, or will take a good Ford and cash difference. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 137 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. P. ,1781. A TRACT of ground laying Ideal for poultry raising; 290-ft. frontage; pries 1810; 150 cash, 312.60 monthly. Call D. 2696. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 442 Bee Bldg., Douglas 3097. R. S. TRUMBULL. IIIMsSmi'i1? Nflt' tk'l P'l 17,'.ll REAL ESTATE Investment " "... 7 SHARES SECURED BY DOWN TOWN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF OMAHA Guaranteed to net 7 per cent and to participate further In the profits. PORTER & SHOTWELL, Sales Agents 202 South 17th St., Omshs,-Neb REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE DEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND - SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET ec BON, REALTORS. 30 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange MONEY MAKER. Aif up-to-date 26-room hotel In a city of 3,000 population; nice blue grass lawn, gas, electric lights, city water; close to depot of two railroads, only ons other hotel In city; this property is clear, What have you to offer. This property Is va cant at present. Address Geo. Antlll, Blair, Neb. QUARTER seftion Minnesota land, 4 miles northwest of Wlndom: 120 acres In crops. fenced and cross-fenced; good, black sandy loam, about 20 miles from Iowa ' line. Farm la rented, 3-6 delivered. Price 1126 tier acre. Wants improved 80 acres. Must be within 60 miles of Omaha, or good Income Omaha property. LUND, 430 ROSE BLDO. TILER 763. WILL exchange a number of residence In come properties, some new and others nearly new; also some vacant Soma are clear of Inoumbrance and eome incum bered about 40 per cent, want clear land. TRAVER BROTHERS. 11 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 6888. DRUGSTORES Iowa and Minnesota. South Dakota, for cash or clear land. 6. .T. Olmem, Minneapolis, Minn 180 ACRES, well Improved, every acre good land. N. E. Neb., win taxo some iraae. O. A. Kuil. Oakland, Neb. 160 AN acre buys 130-acre farm 16 miles front Omaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel. aVeus. 4211. Residence shone Doug. tlli. REAL ESTATE -Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINSKLVsTloT" dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proportion en the market and they backed their judgment by buylnf lota. IF TOU will come out today yea will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 117. BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lota Price 6330. only 13 cash and 10 centa per week. Doug. 3331. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE STUCCO HOME AT A SACRIFICE This Is one of those unusually well built two-story homes, having six large rooms and sleeping porch, large living room with, brick fireplace and satin walnut finish. Oarage. Fine shade trees. East front cor ner lot Convenient to car line. This property can be bought at bargain price if taken advantage of at once as the owner has opportunity to make excellent business Investment and will sacrifice this place to obtain the desired results. Call us up about this at once if you are In tMted and we will arrange to show U t you by appointment. GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 763. DUNDEE 35,000 6 -room bungalow type with liv ing room, dining room, bedroom or den on first floor. Two food bedrooms and bath above. Oak floors. White enamel woodwork. Fireplace. Lot 60x139. Located near 61st and Capitol Ave. 36.500 Brick and stucco. Big living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three unusually tine bedrooms, en closed sleeping porch and bath on second. Fine location. Lot 60x136. Best house in the district for the money. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1630. REALTORS. 333 Rose Bldg. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod. em, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO., HAVE calls for Dundee homes, and would like exclusive listings on a few bungalows and houses from 33.600 to 313,000. C. A. Grlmmel, 843 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. HOMES and home sites In Dundu'. SHULER & CART. 204 Keellne. D. 6074. Miscellaneous. AN INVESTMENT WORTHWHILE An 8-acre tract right In city. Worth 31,000 more than ' we ask. Can be sub divided into 1-acre tracts or Into city lo(s. Wo must sell to settle an estate. All clear. No trades. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. 920-30 City Nat. Bank. Doug. 8843. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 3607. WOULD like to rent ten to forty acres, with fair improvements. I want possession of house first of September. Box T 07, Bee. LIST you 6 and 6-room houses with Ed ward F. Williams Co., 801 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your & and 6-room houses with. us. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 496. ARNDT & TATLOR can assist you. 1825 Laird St. Webster 2031. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. 6 PER CENT to 6 pr cent on best class city residences In amounts 32,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam St. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Imr. Co., Omaha. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgages secured .by Omaha real estate. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 638 Keeline Bldg. SHOPEN & CO., PRIVATE MONET. $4,000 MTGE., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by property valued at 116,000. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Blrig. FARM and city loans, 6, 6H and ( per cent. W. H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. LOW RATES C. G, CARLBERG, 312 Bran. del Theater Blag, p. . OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omsha Nst. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bid. 3100 TO 310,000 MADE promptly. F. D. wead. wesd Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bts. CI MONEY HARRISON & MORTON, O 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Of CITY O LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stocks, investment securities. Industrial storks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOV." & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank Blrig. FOR 8ALE 1,200 shares Uncle Sam Oil stock, 60c per share; probably worth 13 soon; must sell, need cash. Walter Bom mer, Utlrs. Neb, Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, represent prompt pay Insurance companies. 610 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Abstracts of Title. TZivv Title, Guarantee and Abstraot Co., jos a. 17th St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REAL ESTATE We Have a Number of Flats, Terraces and Apartment Houses That Will Pay 8 to 10 Net On Selling Price If your money Is not earning this mount you should Investigate these build ings and take advantage of this offer to buy well located, high class brick Invest ments. Tou can buy In amount! from $4,000 and up. It you have not all cash, loans at a very low rate of Interest can be arranged for the balance of purchase price. For further particular call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Benson, Hastings &Heyden (Realtors) 1614 Harney Street. REAL ESTATE B'neti Pr'pty H. A. WOLF, Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist owntowj buwlriita property. .x. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 480 ACRES eastern Colorado farm, 120 acres broken, only 33 an acre. Terms. S. S. 4 R. E, MONTGOMERY, 627 City National Bank Bldg. Michigan Land's. LANDTOR EVERYBODY In the 8wlgart tract, Michigan, you can Set good land for general farming, stock, dairying, poultry, Irult, vegetables, at $16 to $36 per aero. Term $6 to $100 down and $4 to $16 monthly on 10, 20, 40 and SO acre tracts. Good towns, schools, mar kets, roads, excellent transportation. Write today for big free booklet. Swl gart Land Co., J-1352 First National Bank nidi. Chicago, III. Nebraska Lands. 300.00C ACRES $10 TO $36 PER ACRE. Highly productive land located In Ne braska, East Texas. Missouri, Arkansas and Northern Louisiana; can make pay ments on large part, $2 per acre rash; balance te suit; 10-acr tracts hi Texas, Missouri or Louisiana, $10 cash and $3 monthly. WHITE AND HOOVER. 454 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. T. 40. FOR SALE. A $!0-aor farm In Pierce county. Neb., at a bargain; 160 acres In cultivation; fair buildings. For particulars write to Box 216, Holsteln. la. FOR SALE Choice improved quarter, 6 miles to town, on phone and mail route; 100 acres In cultivation; crop last year paid for land It grew on; terms. E. M. Hellyer, Republican. Neb. 80 ACRES Irrigated, tine, level, black land, near Bridgeport, Neb., very cheap, terms; crop goss with land. 8. 8. R. E. MONTGOMERY. 687 City National Bank Bldg. TEN sections of land In Keith county for sale at (20 to $30 per acre; some extra choice farm land. Good location for col ony. The Welpton Investment Co., Ogal lala. Neb. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 acres up. We farm the farm weisell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 16tb and Howard Sis., Omuha. Douglas 9371. MY 360 acres range, water, hay, plow land. Box 131, Alliance, Neb. ' Oregon Lands. Irrigated Lands. Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon, HARLEY J. HOOKER. $40 First National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east Texas, $26 an acre. Get my free book W. 8. FRANK, 201 Neville Block, Omaha. Wyoming Lands. 160 ACRES of first-clans land, well im proved, 60 acres in alfalfa, 80 acres under plow. 8urs crops, $75 per acre, excep tionally easy terms; 2 years without in terest on deferred payments; discount for cash BIG FOUR REALTY CO., 1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 8486. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITItRK. nlunr., nn. . ..,.u,. $40, mo.. H. goods, total cost, $3.60. 340, mo. endorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, large ain'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 183 Rose Bids:.. 16th and Farnam, Ty. 666. LEGAL RATES LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 340 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2286. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. POULTRY AND PET STOCK AIRDALE puppies, pedigreed. Colfax 1670. ueorge 8.Cackley. 6833 Florenre Blvd. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS attle A. Waggoner to Arthur L, Springer, southwest corner Thirtieth street and Poooleton avenue. 60x1423 1 Tom Schults and wife to Stanlslsw Stefanskl and wife. Forty -second street, 248 feet north of L street, west side, 62x133 1.300 Orlando W. Helvey and wife to Oust Llnd, Nineteenth street, 160 feet south of Missouri avenue, west side, 46x130 2.200 Nells M. Morrill and husband to Mary ualkoveo. Twentieth street, 100 feet north of H street, west side, 60t 130 ...... 3.600 George W. King and wife to Rsy H. wise, Myrtle avenue, 88 feet east of Thirty-fourth strset. south side, 44 xl43 4.000 Andrew T. Tolley to Elizabeth Oullstt, Thirty-sixth street, 43 feet north of W street, east Side. 44x116 200 Alice J. Unangst to Grace T. Robblns et al. Twenty-seventh street, 60 feet south of Blondo strset, east side, 46x88 1 Emma 8. Free to Arthur Theodore. Seward street, 100 feet east of Forty-first street, south side, 60x130.. 1 Peter C. Cramer asjtl wife to Clarence R. Nelson, Elllston avenue, 33 feet east of Twenty-seventh street, outh side, 31x133 3.100 Cstherine H. Uhlrlch and husband to Norma D. Colfax, Twenty-fourth street, 40 feet south of Grant street, west aide, 40x120 3,600 Norma D. Colfax and husband to Wil liam H. Crutchfleld, Twenty-fourth street, 40 feet south of Grant street, west side, 40x132 3,700 I. 8. Leavltt and wife to William T. Bredln, Blondo street, 60 feet west of Forty-aeventh street, north side, 60x182.6 200 Pauline Dunn and husband to Clara A. Hamilton, California street. 100 feet west of Forty-ninth strest, north side. 60x128 6,00.0 Robert Tabor and wife to Elisabeth M. Ryner, Walnut street, 260 feet west of Thirty-third street north side, 60x133.81 1 Charles F. Bergstrom and wife to Sam Rablola, Laird street, 62 feet east of Twenty-second street, north side, 60x62 1.400 Charles E. Norton and wife to Pearl L. Norton, Twenty-eighth street, to feet south of Capitol avenue, east side, 46x60 1 Nina C. H. Johnson and husband to John W. Newell, Twenty-third street, 67 V, feet south-of Burt strest, east side. 32x76 1,900 Sadie C. Bennett to George C. Ess-. lln, Maple street, 150 feet west of Nineteenth street, south side, 80x $1 1,260 Kansas City live Stock Market. Kansss City, July 10. Cattle Receipts. 13.000 head; market strong; prime fed steers, $13.60)13.60; dressed beef steers. $9.60012.26; western steers, 17. 10(7(12. Ml; cows, $5.761910.00; heifers. $7.60 1 2.60; stockers ana feeders, .35Ol0.00; bulls, $6.768.60; calves, $7.n014.00. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; market lower; bulk of Ssles. 314.76016.65; heavy. $16. 60 15.70 : packers and butchers, $15.10 916.60; lights, .5t) lt.zj; pigs, II. uu 014.00. Sheen and Lambs Receipts, steady; lambs, $15.0016.75; yearlings, ItO.OOO 13.00; wethers, ll.60f9.60; ewes, $8.00131 ,00. St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis. July 10. Cattle Receipts. 6.800 head: market higher: native beef steers, 17.60013.76; yearling steers and heif ers. $8.60013.60; cows, $6.00010.50: stork era and feeders, $6.0009.60; prime southern beef steers, $8.00012.25: beef cows snd heifers, $4.2609.00; prime yearlings, $7.60 610.00; native calves, $6.00014.60. Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head; market tower; lights, $14.90016.46; pigs, $10.00 14.60: mixed and butcners, M.nuro id.ub; good heavy, $16.56016.66; bulk of sales, $15.00015.65. Sheen and Lsmbs Receipts, 4,000 head; market strong; lambs, 114.60(f!16.76; ewes, $8.5009.00; cannera, $4.0005.00; choppers, $6.0006.50. Chicago L4ts Mock Market. Chicago, July 10. Cattle Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady; nstlve beef cattle. 18.40014.00; stockers snd feeders, $6.30(3) 9.60; cows and heifers. $6.40011.90; calves, $10.26015.00. Hogs Receipts, 19,000 head; market weak, mostly 30o under yesterday's aversga; bulk of sales, $14.60015.40; lights, $14.00015.80; mixed, $14.20016.60; heavy, $14.00015.60; rough, $14.00014.35; pigs, $10.76013.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 head; market steady; wethers, $7.76011.00; ewes, $7.0009.26; lambs. $9.60016.00. St. Joseph live Stock Market. "St. Joseph. July 10. Cattle Receipts. 2.- 000 head; market steady; steers. $3,600 18.25; cows and heifers, $6.75012.00; calves, 88.00013.00. ITogs Market 14A16C lower; top, $15.70; bulk or sales, l5.oogi5.ZB. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 1,300 hesd market 26c lower; lambs. 811.60015.60 awes, 1.0009.76. LIVE ST0CK MARKET Packers and Shippers yBoth Anxious to Buy Cattle at Strong Prices, but Hogs Fall Off. Omaha, July 10. 1917. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3,816 8.403 8.177 Estimate Tuesday 3,600 16,000 7,600 Two days this week.. T.326 38.403 16.677 Same days last wsek.. 8,14 16,619 6.338 Same days I w'ks ago. 13.66 20.196 6.293 Same days 3 w'ks ego. 11.998 16.253 7.03 Same days 4 w'ks ago. 11. 646 12,271 8,380 Same days last year.. 9.34$ 17,468 16,363 Total sales for the day, (78,000 shares. Receipts and diaposltion of live stock at L'nlon stock yards, Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending st 3 o'clock yesterday. RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C M. A St. P 3 6 Wabash 1 Missouri Paclflo ....26 J Vnlon Pacific 25 67 II 1 C. ft N. W east.... 10 16 C. N. W., west.... 24 76 1 C . St. P., M. ft O....I.I 30 . ,. C, B. ft Q , east.,.. 14 2 3 . . '., B. ft Q., west... .21 32 1 .. C, R. I. ft P., east.. 17 17 1 C., R. 1, ft P., west.. 3 2 .. ,. Illinois central ,3 .. ,. Chicago Gt. West 6 Total receipts.... 13 341 30 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co 613 2,693 (66 Swift and Co ,.477 3,767 2.437 Cudahy Packing Co.. 637 5,197 985 Armour A Co 1,169 3.002 1,873 Schwsrti ft Co 1.007 J. W. Murphy 1.660 Morrell R Lincoln Packing Co.... 81 S. O. Packing Co 19 Swift from Denver 433 Swift from K. C 64 Cudahy from K. C... 128 Swift from Ft. Worth 85 Cudahy fr. Ft. Worth 356 ITlll ft Son ,.. 4 F, B. Lewis..'... 6 4 Kills ft Co 23 J. B. Root ft Co 121 Werthelmer ft Degen. . 31 Sullivan Bros 86 Hlgglns 21 Huffman 26 Roth 35 Meyers 26 Olsssberg 4 John Harvey ........ 156 Kohr Packing Co 100 U. S. Packing Co 68 Pat O'Day 7 Other buyers ........ 186 2.064 Totals , 4,254 16,384 3,246 Cattle There waa a very moderate run of cattle for Tuesday, and the two days' supply falls several hundred short of a week ago. Included In the offerings were a num ber of very desirable beeves and both ship pers and packers were anxious for these at prices strong to lOo higher than Monday. Choice heavy beevea sold up to $13.65, and prime yearlings brought $13.00013.10, On the ordinary run of short fed steers the trade was not very active and prices gen erally about steady. Cows and heifers were In limited supply and quotably unchanged, and there was very little doing In stockers and feeders, prices being In substantially the same notches thai thev have been In several days. Quotations on cattle; Good to choice beeves, $12.40013.65; fair to good beeves, $11.50012.26: common to fair besves, $9.76 011.60; good to choice yearlings, $12,000 13.00; fair to good yearlings, $11.00011.76; roinmon to fair yearlings, $9.50010.76; good to choice grass beeves, 110.76OU.76; fair to good grass besves, $9.50010.60; common to fslr grass beeves, $8.2509.25; good to choice heifers, 19.5010.50; good to choice cows, $8.6009.50; fair to good cows, $7.60 8.50; common to fair cows, $5.0007.60: good to choice feeders, $8.7509.50; fair to good feeders, $7.76 8.60; common to fair feeders, $6.7507.60; good to choice stock ers, $8.0009.00; stock heifers, $7.0008.00; stock cows, $6.6007.60; tock calve, $6.60 01.00; vesl calves. $10.00013.50; bulls, stags, etc, $5.6009.50. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av, Pr. 11........ 630 $6 25 1........ 60 $7 SI 770 10 2G 2 1140 It 00 13 899 It 25 6 814 11 60 2 775 11 75 31 118t 12 00 5 ...1200 12 2,i 22 1130 12 30 22 1230 12 86 26 780 12 40 23.. 8S5 12 50 39 1311 12 95 40 1096 13 00 84 1461 13 66 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 6 868 7 70 ( 698 11 26 8........ 675 11 60 2 765 13 00 23. ....... 839 13 15 ' 21.....,., $22 12 60 36 930 13 00 ' 81.,, 821 13 10 HEIFERS. 5 768, 7 20 ' 2........ 25 T 40 1 390 10 60 1........ 20 11 60 COWS. 2 940 8 00 1 840 10 2i....... 960 6 60 1 740 6 0 21 910 7 40 3 1263 8 10 4 967 8 26 t 1185 I 16 1 1110 60 BULLS. 1 1010 75 1 1810 T 25 1 1360 7 60 6.., 466 8 00 1........1380 8 10 1 1260 I 26 1 1060 60 CALVES. 2 360 8 60 4 222 11 7S 17 276 12 50 6........ 166 13 76 Hogs Hog supplies were very liberal again today, the run being large even for a Tuesday. A total of some 224 cars, or 15,000 hesd, waa reported In, bringing the offerings for the two days up to 28,402 hesd.. This Is 7,000 smaller than last Week, more than 8,000 heavier than two weeks ago and a gain of about 8,000 as compared with the same days a year ago. Yesterday's sharp decline Was nearly du plicated this morning. All other points wired lower prices: most markets were well supplied and with so liberal a local sunnly packers were In complete control of the trade and bought most of their hogs at prices that were generally 160200 lower than yesterday. Killer buyers slowly raised their hands and when they finally began Setting soma hogs It was at prices that were' 15030a lower than yesterday's average. Fsellns became better and trsdlng more active as the morning advanced and a great many droves sold at prices that wsre not over 16c lower, whl e towards the close prices were the best of the day, being in most cases at least a nickel better than early, or not over 10c to at the outside 10015a below yesterday, and packers said that some of their last purchases showed even lees decline than that. Representative sales: No. AV. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 80,. 190 ... $14 60 70. .213 80 $14 60 73. .263 80 14 66 '66. .24 80 14 70 66. .237 80 14 80 66. .222 160 14 86 60. .266 160 14 90 61. .30 80 14 5 60. .281 $0 16 00 43. .266 ... 16 10 89. .257 ... 15 20 Sheen Lambs had another draggy session of It, hardly any rangers changing hands until the latter part of the morning, while noon clearance waa poor. Prices again showed a lower trend. On the natives the trade was very uneven, sales for the most part looking weak to 26c lower, though In a annt or two nrlces were fully sieany 10, If anything, stronger. Small packages of natlces, lots or a deck or less, soia an the way from $14.75 to $16.76. Most of the rangers sold up to midday were 25o to possibly 35o lower. Early In the day packers had placed bids that were a flat half dollar lower, but they had to raise that before sellers would let to of anything. One airing of good Idahos thai was bought at $16.65 was similar to lambs that brought $16.O01.OO yesterday. Other Idahos at $16.60 went almost without sort ing and, considering this, were no more than 25c off. Several cars remained In sellers' hands at midday. ' Quotations on cheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $16.60015.76; lamps, tair 10 tood, $15.00016.60; lambs, culls, $13,009 16.00; labs, feeders, $14.60015.60; yearlings, fed westerns. 111.50013.00: yearlings, range. $10.00010.76; wethers, fair to choice, $9.00 010.00; ewes, fair to choice, $8.0008.76; ewes, culls and feeders, $6.0008.60, Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 18 native lambs 6 $13 10 606 Idaho lambs (1 $16.50 Sioux City Lite Stork Market. Sioux City. July 10. Cattle Receipts, 1.210 head; market steady to lOo higher; beef steers. 18.00011.60: fat cows and hair ers, 17.26011.00; canners, 15.257.25; stock- era and feeders. 17.0008.00: calves, sn.uvsj 13.60; bulls, stags, etc., K.00010.00: feed- Inr cows and heifers. 16.0008.00. Hoes Receipts, 1,500 head; market 10 I5o lower; light, $14.66014.16; mixed, 114.75 014.15; heavy, $14.40015.10; pigs, $13.76 011.25) bulk of sales,. $14.65014.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, $00 head; market ateady. St. Louis Grain Markets. St. Louis. July 10. Wheat No. 2 red $2.1(02.22; No. t hard, nominal; July, $2.01; September, $1,884' Corn No. 2. 11.854 01.86; No. t white $1.86; September, $1,614; December, $1214. Oats No. I and No. S white, nominal. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Local Cash Demand for Corn is Stimulated by Excellent Shipping Demand; Wheat Continues Dull. Omaha, July 10, 1917. The demand tor cash wheat was extremely dull today and while arrivals were very light there were not eliough sales reported to give the exact range of values, although some of the tradera were Inclined to the belief that prices on this cereal were firm. The trade was confined mainly to the corn market and the local cash demand waa stimulated by an excellent shipping de mand end moet of the offerings, which continued very light, were disposed of long before the olose of the cash session. Prices on corn scored good advancee, the market ruling from 3o to So above yester day's levels and the premium on white corn widening about a half to a cent over the yellow and mixed grades, respectively. No. i white corn sold around $1.3191.814, No. 1 yellow brought from $1.7 to $1.79 and the better grades of mixed ranged In price from $1.71 to $1.79 H. The oats demand was limited, but, as arrivals were very light, the tradera did not experience difficulty In getting rid of their samples at prices ruling from steady to half cent higher. There were no receipts of rye and barley and prices on these cereals were quoted nominally unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 831.000 bu,; corn, 171,000 bu.; oats, 306, 000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 191.000 bu. and shipments of 267,000 bu., against re ceipts of 709,000 bu. and shipments of 378,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 634.000 bu. and shipments of 605,000 bu.. against re ceipts of 803,000 bu. and shipments of 411, 000 bu. last year. Primary oata receipts wars 691,000 bu. and shipments of 730,000 bu.. against re ceipts of 640,000 bu. and shipments of 433,- 000 bu. last year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Coin. Oata. Chicago 24 IS 309 Minneapolis 72 Duluth , 1 Omaha an 15 Kansas City 16 84 St. Louis 15 42 $5 Winnipeg 673 These sales were reported today; ' Wheal Sample hard winter: 1 car, $1.75. Corn No. 2 white: 1 cars, $1.81: 1 oar, $1.81 H; 6 cars, $1.81. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, $1.79i 3 cars. $1.79. No. I mixed: 1 car, $1.79 4; 1 cars. $1.79; t cars. $1.7$. No. 1 mixed: 1 car. $1.76. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1,781,; 1 cars. $1.78. Oata No. white: 1 car, 71c. Standard: 1 car, 704o. No. $ white: 2 cars, 70Hc; 1 oar, 70Hc, No. 4 white: 1 car, 70S4C Sam ple white: 1 cars, 68 He. No. 1 mlisd: tl car (black), Sc. ' Cash rrloes Wheat: No. 2 hard. $1 $40 2.37; No. 8 hard. $2.1201.26. Corn: No. 3 white, $l.$10I.81t; No. 8 white, $1,810 1.S1H; No. 4 white, 3t.8OH01.81; No. 6 white, $1.8001.104; No. li white, $1.71 1.80; No. 2 yellow, 81.7901.79V,; No. 1 yet low, $1,7801.1914; No. 4 yellow, $1.7840 1.79; No. 6 yellow, $1.7801.78 4; No. 1 yel low, $1.77 401.784; No. 2 mixed, $1.78 1.79'i; No. 1 mixed. $1.77 4 01-784; No. 4 mixed. $1.77 4 1 78 4; No. 6 mixed, $1,77 4 1.7S; No. 6 mixed, $1.771. 78. Oats: No. 2 white, 7071c; stsndard, 704704o; No. 1 white.. 70 0 70 4c; No. 4 white, 694 704C. Barley: Malting, $1.1201.27; No. 1 feed, $1'.0B1.17. Rye: No. 2, $2.1201.14; No. 1. $2.8101.11. Local range of options: 'Art. I Open. High jLow.j Close. TesT Wht. . I 1 July 1 07 1 07 207 1 07 207 Sep. 1 90 1 90 190 1 90 110 Corn. July 1 61 1 63 163 1 68 16$ Sep. 1 64 1 674 64 1 674 164 Dec. 1 16 1 194 116 1 114 1164 Oats. July 16 4 664 $64 $4 644 Sep. 64 4 66 4 644 6S 144 Dec. 664 674 664 674 664 Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art, Open. I High. Low. Close. Yes. Wht. July 2 03 1 05 202 . 2 034 2014 Sep. 1 91 1 114; 191 1 01 1104 Corn. Sep. 1 664 1 674 1644 1 674 16414 Dec. 1 17 1 214 116 1 214 117 May 1 164 1 M 115 1 20 4 U64 Oats. July 64H 67 644 664 144 Sep. 65 664 644 664 (44 Dec. 664 67 ! 66 4 67 4 614 Pork. July 40 60 40 10 40 60 40 60 40 10 Sep. 40 10 40 10 40 05 40 27 4 1 11 Lard. July 10 90 21 16 20 90 21 10 20 10 Sep. $1 10 21 40 . 21 07 21 314 11 16 Ribs. July 21 66 21 86 21 65 21 81 11 10 Sep. 21 60 21 5 21 67 21 34 II 66 CHICAGO UKAIN MARKET. Reports That German Chancellor Has Dis carded Peace Measures Bends Prices Cp. Chicago, July 10. Assertions that ths German chancellor said peace was far dis tant had much to do with a general ad vance, which took place today In the value of grain and provisions. Net gains were corn 14o to 44c wheat 4o to lo, oats 4o to 2c, and provisions 17o to 60o, Although the corn market developed con siderable strength before word wee re ceived of the purported declaration by the German spokesman, prices began to soar In earnest thereafter and the December option registered a new high price record for the season, the market finishing at the topmost point reached. Unwelcome dry hot weather In the southwest tended materially to handicap, the bears and so too did a gen eral sentiment that the government crop report had sot proved as flattering In some Important respects as the trade was In clined to look for. Virtual cessation of buying of oats gave soms Independent stfength to the oats mar ket. The bulge In corn values counted fur ther as a stimulus. Wheat reflected the upward movement of Other grain. Later, however, something of setback waa witnessed that seemed to be due to reports of strenuous opposition to sundry feature of the food control bill In the senate. News of the smoothing or th way for the measure did not arrive until after wheat trading was ended for the day. Provisions rose with corn. Lower quota tions on hogs had a depressing influence at the outset, hut not of a lasting char aoter. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat; Nos.l and 1 red and Nos. 1 snd 8 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 1 yellow, 1.1601.864: No. 8 yellow, $1.1501.86; No. 4 yellow, 11.16. Oats: No, i white. 73734o; standara, 73j7.ho. Rve. nominal. Barley. 11.1601.46. Seeds: Timothy, $4.0007.60; clover, $tl.0017.00. Provisions: Pork, $40.60; lard, 2i.i)!c :i."; rlhs. $21,62421.00. Butter Higher; creamery, nnrseo. Eggs Receipts, 17,868 rases. Potatoes Higher: receipts, 10 cars: Vir ginia, barrels, $7.6008 60; California, $3.66 $.76; Tennessee. $$.6002.60. Poultry Alive, lower; towis, noisv4e. Cotton Market. i,t TafV Tnlv 10 rriHnn Futures opened steady; July, 2.86c; October, 2.20c; Deoember, 39. Ho; January, 26.42c; March, If .. ih. mtmmAv .llltv. 97A0p OrV tober, 16.16c; December, as.jse; January, 11.47a; March, S6.71o. Sjot quiet; middling, JT.800. TV,. AAM,n market etoaad ateadv at a net advance of 1 to It points. Liverpool, July 10. Cotton -Spot Ire lim ited request, prices 10 points higher; Amer ican, middling, fair, 19.9d; good middling, l.66d; middling, 19.26d: low middling, 18.80d; good ordinary, 17.86d; ordinary, If.ina. Bales, i.vvv Dates. . Kansas City Oene-al Market. Kansas City, July 10. Wheat No. 1 hard, $3.3303.45; No. S red, $2.1003.15: July, $2.03; September, $1.89. Corn No. 3 mixed, $1.8301.84; Ne. 3 white. $1.84H01.6; No. 3 yellow, $1.$$ 1.134; July, $l.$34i September, $1,174- Oats No. 1 white, 71 4 74c; No. J mixed, 7J4 073C Butter Creamery, I60; firsts, 14o; sec onds, 83c: pecking, 30 4 0. Eggs Firsts, 80c; seconds, 24c. Poultry Roosters, 13c; hens, 17c; broil ers, 2428o. Minneapolis Grain Market, Ulnneennlla. July 10. Wheat July. 12.25V4: Sentember. 11.90 4. Cash: No. 1 hard. 12.454 2.304: No. 1 northern, 11.114 1.464; No. 1 northern, 1J. 25402. 864. Corn No. 1 yellow, $1.3001.31. Oats No. 1 white; 61070c. Flaxseed 12.7149M44. Flour Unchanged. . Barley $1.1601.60. Rye $8,360)1 37. Bran $30.0003200. New York Dry Goods Market. New York. July 10. Dry Ooode Trading 1n dry goods lines at wholesale was more moderste in character today, but prices . . . -,r flnn f n r hnvna Are com- nil, uriu . i . j ....... lng In to the markets for spring goods, but they are operating cautiously. , NEW YORK STOCKS Tone of Market Improved and Advances of From Two to Five Points Retained at Close. New Tork, July 10. Various developments contributed to the Improved tone of today's broad and active market, extreme galna of I to 5 points in numerous Issues being fully retained at the close. Th better crop outlook, Increasing rec ognition of benefits to th railroads from reoent rain, rail concessions and further de clines In time and call money wtre factors of more than passing Importance. Washington advices which pointed to an early solution of war tax and porflt prob lems and the continued success of the allies movement on the eastern war front also helped to stimulate speculative ssntlmsnr. These favorable augurle were neutralised In a measure by unofficial reports of a bond Issue In the near future and a reduc tion of over half a million tons In unfilled orders of the V. 8. 8teel corporation for June. Rails wers active at advances of 1 to 3 points, St. Paul common and prefered, the Pacifies and dealers showing greatest strength. Low grade carriers later Joined In the movement. U. B. Steel made a gross gain of 1 points from Its low price of the morning and Bethlehem Crucible and Lackawanna Steels and Republlo Iron advance 11 4 to 1 points with other equipments, the ehipplngs and motors. Metals moved Irregularly most of th time and specialties, particularly Industrial Alcohol and Tobaccos, reflected the greater activity of pools. Alcohol rose 6 4 points to 157 4: American Sumatra 3 points; Amer ican Tobacco ,8, United Cigar stores 4, and Tobacco Products IS. Sales 676.000 shares. Heavy dealings In Liberty 3 4's, ail th big Individual lot selling at par, was ths outstsndlng feature of the firm bond mar ket. Internationals added for the most part to yesterday's stronger trend. Total sales, par value $4,100,000. U. 8. bonds of older laauss were unchanged on call. Foreign ex change was featured by the greater strength of franca and rubles. Number of sales apd quotations on lead ing stocks: Salea High Low Close Attier. Beet Sugar 114 A mer. Can .... 1,200 49 44 44 Am. C. and F... 1.600 77 76 764 Am. I.oeo. .... 1,600 704 49i 70 Am. S. ft R. .. 1,700 1064 104 1054 Am. Sugar Ref... 1.300 114 118 4 Ho Am. T. ft T. .. 300 1304 1204 130 Am. Z. L. ft S. 200 30 4 30 4 30 4 Ana. Copper .. 8.600 714 79 4 7 4 Atchison 1,300 1004 100 1004 At. U ft W I B 8 1,300 1044 1014 1044 B. ft 0 1,00 714 70 714 Butte ft 8 Cop. 300 40 30 4 40 Call. Petroleum 19 Canadian Pao 169 Central Leather 6,400 19 814 89 4 C. ft O. : 1,200 69 69 4 69 4 C. M. ft St. P. .. 8.100 704 704 C, ft N. W 1084 C R. I. A P. ctfs 67 Chlno Copper .. 1,400 66 64 4 64 4 Colo. F. ft I. .. 200 10 4 60 60 4 Corn Pro. Ref. 856,000 364 364 364 Crucible Hterl ..388.000 864 834 154 Cuba Cane 8ug. 1,300 42 434 434 Distiller's Sea. 1,600 81 !H, 114 Erl 1,400 164 264 General Electric 167 General Motors 121,000 1164 1134 114 at. N. pfd 700 101 102 4 101 O, N. Ore Ctfs. . 1,600 31 334 124 Illinois Central 103 4 Insp. Copper ,. 1.800 61 60 4 6O4 Int. M. M. Pfd.. 1.100 16 14 14 Int. Nickel 11 Int, Paper 334 K. C. Southern 400 21 314 11 Kenn. Copper .. 1,400 444 44 44 L. ft N 126 Maxwell Motors 300 47 4 47 48 Max. Petroleum 1,800 I84 16 174 Miami Copper .. 600 41 41 40 Mo. Paclflo ....151,000 11 . 11 11 Montana Power , ,, 14 Nevada Copper 1,000 13 23 33 N. Y. Central ., , 600 18 684 $84 NTNHAH.. 600 814 164 164 N. ft Western .. 900 121 1214 1104 No. Pacific ... 1,100 100 ' 984 100 Paolflo Mall.... 600 174 17 264 Paclflo T. ft T 26 Pennsylvania .. 1,200 134 61 824 Pittsburgh Coal 199,000 68 4 66 (7 4 Ray Con. Cop. .. 1,100 16 37 17 Reading .. ,.,.1 18.000 96U 94 964 Rep. 1, ft 8 119,000 934 90 11 Hhat. Aris. Cop. 1,000 16 16 25 So. Pacific .... 1,400 934 134 98 So. Railway ... 2,400 16 184 16 Studabaker Cor.. 140,000 10 61 10 Texas Co 1 100 1914 193 1934 Union Paclflo .. ,600 1364 1344 134 V. 8. Ind. Al. .. 1,700 1674 1634 167 II. 8. Steel 171,800 126 124 126 U. 8. Steel Pfd. 400 116 111 111 Utah Copper .. . 1,300 1014 107 1014 Wabash Pfd 'IV 600 26 It 16 Western Union 800 114 11 , II West. Electric. 1,000 104 41 10 Mew York Money Market. New Tork, July 10. Prime Mercantile Paper 4 I per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills. 14.71; commerclsl slxty-dsy bills on bsnks, 14.11) commercial sixty-day bills, $4,714; demand, $4,711-11; cables. $4,76 7-16. Silver Bar, 7401 Mexican dollar, 6140. Bond Government, steady; railroad, firm. . Tim Loans Easier; sixty and ninety days, 404 4 V" cent; six months, 44 4 per cent. Call Money Essler; highest, 3 4 per cent; lowest. 2 4 per cent; ruling rate, 14 per cent; last loan. 14 per cent; closing bids, 14 per cent; offered at 14 per cnt. U. 8. 2. reg... 74K. C. S. ref. 4s 11 do coupon... 174b. ft N. unl. 4. 14 17. S. Is, reg.. 98M., K. T. 1st 4s 8 do coupon.... mo. ran. gen. 4s b U. 8. 4s, rf ...104 4Mont. Powsr 6s. 964 do coupon.... 104 i4N. r. c. deb. 6.104li Pan. 9s coupon. 80 N. Pao. 4 87 4 Am. For. Beo. fts do as , i A. T. A T. elt. 6s 0. 8. L. ref. 4s. 67 Anglo-French 6s 34Pac. T. A T. 6s. 974 Armour ft Co 44a 90Penn, con. 44s. 101 Atchison gen. 4s. 83 do gen. 44s.. 104 Bait, ft Ohio 4s 85ttRad1ng gsn. 4s. ovi Can. Leather 6s 9948. L, ft 8. F. a 6s 664 Central Pao. 1st. 62 8. Pso. ev. 6s.. 98 Chea. ft O. cv. 6s 884 do rsf. 4s.... 864 C. H. ft O. J. 4s 96 4 8. Railway 6s.. 97 CM&8Pg44 964Tx. ft Pao. 1st. 98 C. R. I ft P. r r 4s 71 unlon Pacif 10 4s i 4 Colo, ft 8. r. 44 74 do ev. 4s 89 D. ft R. a. r. 6s 6 u. B. Rubber 5s. 114 Dom. of Can. la. 96 4 U. 8. Stsel ls.,1044 Erie fen. 4 61 Wabash 1st 11 Gen. Else. 6S..102 4W. Union 44.. 934 Gt. N. 1st 44s. 96 HI Cent. ref. 4s 6 'Bid. Offered. Int. M. M. Is... 90 New York General Market. New Tork, July 10. Flour: Market quiet; sprlnf patent, $11.65011.90; winter pat ents, $11.80011.66; winter straights, $10.90 11.16; Kansas straights, $11. 66011. 90. Wheat Spot firm; No. 1 hard, $2.33 f. 0. b. New Tork. Corn Spot strong; No. t yellow, $1.17 f. o. b. New York. Oats Spot firmer; standard, 794010c. Feed Firm; wsstern bran, 100 pound sacks, $36.50; standard middlings, 100 pound sacks, $41.60; city bran, 100 pound sacks, $36.00. Hops Quiet; state medium to choice, 1916, 30 35c; 1016, 68o; Paclflo coait, 1916, 9011c; 1916, 706o. Hides Quiet; Bogota, 43o; Central America, 43 4 0. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67o; sec onds, 56c. Provisions Fork, steady; mess, $41.00 43.60; family, $43.00044.00; short clear, $42.00043.60. Lard, dull; middle west, $30.10 nominal. Tallow Easy; city aptolal loos, 17 40 asked. Wool Firm; domestic fiasco XX Ohio, 69060c. Rice Stesdy; fsncy head, 3$c; blue rose, 78c. Butter Market firm: receipts, 16,001 tubs; creamery, higher than extras, !9404c; creamery extras, (92 score), 89 4c; firsts, 3840394o; ssconds, !60!6e. Eggs Market unsettled; receipts, 26,206 cases; free gathered firsts, !738c; fresh gathered storage packed firsts, 86 0 364c; freh gathered firsts, 344354c; seconds, 324034c. Cheese Msrket Irregular; receipts, T.132; state feah specials, 2424c; do. average run, 23 c. Poultry Live, market firm; no prices quoted. Dressed, market weak; chickens, 1826c; fowls, 1825o; turkeys, 18032c. ' ( offej Market. New Tork, July 10. Coffee An opening of 10 to 14 points In the coffee futures market was again attributed to scattered covering inspired by the more hopeful view of peace possibilities. Buying, however, was re stricted by reports of a slightly easier tone In ths cost and freight market and after sailing at 7. 860 early, Deoember contracts eased off to 7. 860 under realising, Ths market closed net unchanged to 1 points higher. Bales, 19,600 bags: July, 7.68o; August, 7.63o; September, 7.74c; Ootober, 7.76c; November, 7.83o; December, 7.87c; January, 7.92o; February, 7.96c; March, 8.OI0; April, 8.06c; May, 8.11c; June, 8.16c, Spot, dull; Rio 7a, 8 40; 6antoa 4s, 10c. It was reported that Rio 7s had sold at 8.05c In the coat and freight market, American credits. Offers of Santos grades were said to be held at about yesterday's prices. The official cables reported an advance of 76 reis at Rio. Santos spots were unchanged and futures unchanged to 76 rels higher. WILKERSON HELD FOR GRAND JURY Villisca Ax Murder Detective Is Bound Over at Corning on Conspiracy Charge ; Citi zens Offer Security. Corning, Ia Joly 10. (Special Tele gram.) J. N. Wilkerion, the detective who has been investigating the Villis ca ax murder, was arraigned today on charge of conspiracy to rob State Senator F. F. Jones' store at Villjsca waived examination to await action of the grand jury and was held for the September grand jury in $1,000 bail. The state decided to introduce its witnesses, not wishing to take any chance that they might disappear be for the grand jury reached the case. While waiting for the state wit nesses to appear Wilkerson said he did not concede guilt and desired priv ilege of entering a demurrer. Many Witnesses Appear. About twenty witnesses corroborat ed various details of the story told by the -three men who testified that Wil kerson employed them to rob the Jones store. Attorney General Havner objected to Wilkerson'a request to de mur or argue the case, on the ground that Wilkerson had waived his rights and there was nothing for court to do but to hold the defendant. Wilkerson made a dramatic speech. He said Havner was obsessed with the idea that he was the state of Iowa. He demanded privileges of citizen. . '"Who is F. F. Jones that hfc is so high and mighty that evidence must not be secured gainst him de manded Wilkerson. Then ensued a tilt between the at torney general and the defendant. Havner claimed Wilkerson must not be allowed to insult the court and at tack citizens, but must confine himself to an argument on why he .should not be held. ' Wilkersota sakl the state had staged a vaudeville entertainment; that, he had a right to attempt to secure evi dence in his capacity of detective, and cited a decision of the supreme court -in support of his contention. Backed By Neighbors. Justice Shepperd fixed Wilkerson's bond at $1,000 to the grand jury. Twenty-five Montgomery county resi dents immediately Thiy 1 declared they would sign for $100,000 if necessary. There is much feeling in Montgomery county, Wilkerson was cheered when he spoke, Havner also was cheered. Members of Wilkerson and Jones factions were present and the court room was packed to the doors. . Attempt Made to Free -Interned German Sailors Atlanta, Ga., July 10. An investiga tion is being made tonight at Fort McPherson, in an effort to place re sponsibility for what appears to have been an attempt to liberate 400 Ger man sailors interned here. Officers admitted that they had dis covered that the wire barricade which extends around the quarters occupied by the prisoners had been cut Sunday night.. In one place a hole large, enough to allow the passage of a man's body was found. OMAHA GENERA, HAXKET, f Butter Paoklng stock, lis. ' . '" Eggs No. 1 fresh, ' 11.16 easel No. , 17.30 cssei oraoked, 11.70 cass. Live Poultry Broilers. IVi to m lbs., 6oi broilers, 1 to I lbs., H0o; broilers, S to li Ins., lie; hens. 17c; old roosters snd stags, 18o; poor chtcksns. to; geese, to; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 23a; capons, over 1 lbs., 34c; gulneaa, 16o; scusbs, 1 1.60 4. 00 per dos.; pigeons, 11.20 per dol. - , Fish Fresh trout, No. 1, any- slse, 17c; whltsflih, 16c; black baas, O. 0., 1 6c ( me dium, 12c croppies, 13llo; yellow pike, 13o; pickerel, large dresssd, 10c; round. Ic; carp, dresssd, 10c: bullheads, 17c; buffalo, dresssd, 13c: halibut, llo .cattish, large, lie; small, 10c; black ood, aabla fish, for steaks, llo: salmon, red, 18c; pink, 11c. Wholesale Prices of beef Cuts Rlhs: No. 1, 10c; No. 1, 11c; No. I, lim. Loins: No. 1, lo; No. I, Uttot No. 3. IS He Chucks: No. 1, 16c; No. 2, 16o; No. 1, llftc Plates; No. 1, 1 4 H c ; No. 1, 14c; No.-1, lltfc. Rounds: No. 1, 20c; No. 1, litto; No. 3. 16Hc. Fruits Oranges, 288s, 324s. bog, 11.75: 100, lit, 360s, 14.00; 120, 150. 170, 200, $4.15. Lemons, fsncy 300, 360, 17.00; choice 100, 360, $6.60. Grapefruit, 14s, 14.76; 46s, 11.00; 64s, 16.60; 64s. 10s, 16s, 16. 00. Apricots, crata, 12.36. Peaches, box, 11.65. Plums, crate, 13.2602.40. Prunes, crate, 11.66. Cantaloupes, stsndards, Crate, 14.00; ponies, orate, $1.00- flats, era's, 1J.30. Watermelons, lb., Is. Vegetables New potatoes, lb., 1c; cabJ bags, lb., 4c; asparsgus, iox.. 60c; lettuce, hesd, crate, 11.30; doien, 80c: cucumbers, baskst, 11,75; tomatoes, crste. 11.75; onions. Texas, crate, 11.76; wax, 12.25; red, lb., Sc. Bananas, lb., te. - ' Omshst Hay Market. . Receipts todsy wsre isi'ger, dsmsnd light; market lowar on prairie hay. Alfalfa steady. Choice upland prairie hay, 814.00 17.00; No. 1, 114. 00O16.00; No. 1, I7.00O9.00; No. 1. $4. 00O6.00; No. 1 midland, 613. 000 14 00: No. 3, $6.0006.00; No. 1 lowland, $S.00t 1.00; No. 2. $3.0006.00: No. 8, S4.0Stf E.00. New slfslfs, choice, $18.00019.00: No.. 1, 116. 00ftl7.00; standard. 113.00OU 00; No. 2, 311. 00913.00; No. 1, $7.0091.00. Straw, oat, $8.0008.60; wheat, $7.00 01.60, New York Sugar Market. - New Tork, July 10. Bugar Raw: Market' quiet; centrifugal, 1.83c; molasses, 1.46c; re fined, ateady; fine granulated, T. 60 O 8.00c; futures opened a point lower under liquida tion, but later advanced on a fair demand from shorts and Cuban Interests. At noon prices were 2 points higher. Closed steady and. unchanged to I points higher; sales, 1.160 tons; September, 6.40c; December, t.24c; January, 4.93c; March, 4.76c. Closed easy and 107 points lower; sales. 10.660 tons; September, t.27o; December, 6.36o; January, 4.12c; March. 4.75c. Metal Market. New Tork, July 10. Metals Lead, quiet; spot, $11.26 asked. Spelter, quiet; spot. East 6t Louis delivery, $1.7609.00. Copper, quiet; electrolytic, spot and nearby, $31,000 83.00, nominal; August and later, $28.60 21.00. Iron, firm; No. 1 northern, $61,600 63.60. Tin; firm: spot, 163.75 bid. At London Copper, spot, 1130; futures. 129 10s; electrolytic, 142. Tin, spot, i24fl 10s; futures, 242 10s. Lead, spot, 130 10s: futures, 29 10s. Spelter, spot, 54; futures, 50. Turpentine and Rosin, Savannah, July 10. Turpentine, market firm, 36c; sales, 484 barrels; receipts, 790 barrels; shipments, 414 barrels; stock, 13,604 barrels. Rosin Market firm; sales,-1,111 barrels; receipts. 3,014 barrels; shipments, 1,261 bar rels: stock, 73J60 barrels.' Quote: A,B, 15.0006.10; CD. $6.0506.10; E, 15.10; F, 16.1005.16; O, $5.1006.15; H, $5.1006.20; I, $6.1506.20; K, $5.2006 66: M. $6.6005.10; N, $6.40; WG, $.506.65; WW, $6.71. i Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit, Now Tork, July 11. Evaporated apples, market dull; fancy, 12013c; choice, 11 llHc: prime. 10Ol0o. Dried Fruits Prunes, waiting; Call- fornlas, llUOUVic; Oregons, 11 1214c. Apricots, msrket quiet; fancy, 2323e. Peaches, market quiet; standard, 10e; choice, Ho; fancy 14c Raisins, market steady; loose muscateles. T09o; choice to fancy seeded, 8Otc; seedless, 10 ',4 0 11c; London layers, 11.80. London Stocks and Bonds. London, July 10. American securities jwere dull on the Stock exchange today. I Silver Bar, 40 1-164 per ounce. Discount Rstes Short bills, 4 per eent; three-month bills, 4 13-11 per cent.