1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 8. 191' 3 B V: Council Bluffs Social Activities Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Moore, who nave been spending a few days with Mrs. Moore s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Garner, left on Monday for their new home in Fremont, Neb. .Mrs. J. H. Beveridge was the- guest of honor at a four course luncheon given on Monday at the Young Wom en's Christian .association. All pres ent and former board members, thirty-two in all. gathered to honor the reliring president. The first gen eral secretary of the association, Miss Fagundas. was also present. Mrs. Stymest Stevenson was toastmaster and a number of delightful speeches were made. Following the toasts Mrs. Pace presented Mrs. Beveridge with a set of silver teaspoons, in be half of the association. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Swift of Harlan and Mrs. Fred Glade and children of Grand Island. Neb., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Winhcld Mayne on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. 11. I. Clark inter- 4amed at an out-of-door dinner a the home, Lvercreen farm, on th lourth. Monday cvenine the three circle of Oriole girls, the Zenith, the Daisy and die Happy Thought, gave a picnic at the park. 1 lie occasion was th second anniversary of the crganiza tion of Oriole girls in the city. A short business meeting was held and the following officers were elected fcupenntenent. Mrs. Nellie Hansen Monitors, Zenith circle, Miss lose phine Scott; Daisy circle, Mrs. T. J nuth; Happv Thought, Mrs. i heo dore Beck. Games and a picnic lunc! iollowed the business session. Miss Helen Meacham and Mr George W. Drayton were quietly mar ried at the home of the bride s pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Meacham on Saturday, June 30. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. O. ."Mucken bruck of the First Christian church and was witnessed by only the inti mate friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Davton will make their home for ihe present at 707 East Pierce street Mr. and Mrs. William Irwine have announced the marriage of their daughter, Grace, to Mr. Claude Sparks, on July 3, at Atlantic, la. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H O. Spelman of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Sparks is assistant to Secretary Blake of the Chamber of Commerce and a member of hos pital unit K. He and his bride will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Irwine until the unit is called out Mr. and Mrs. Painter Knox have , left for Boston, where Mr. Knox will attend the Elks convention Thev expect to be gone about three x weeks and visit other places of in terest before their return. The regular weekly match of the Women's Golf club was played on Ihursday instead of Wednesday, on account of the Fourth. The prize of fered by Mrs. Coppock was won by Miss Sara Beasley and Mrs. Edward Wickham, Mrs. B. O. Bruington and Miss Shirley Moore tied in the put ting mach. A later date will be set lor playing it out. Miss Day has of fered a prize for the eighteen-hole medal play with handicaps next week, Clarence Thurston of Onawa, a student at the University of Iowa, is the guest of Miss Margaret Brown, 01 Benton street. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Sprague and niece, Miss Mary Car ter returned from a .'isit in Illinois They were accompanied by another niece, Miss Porter, who will spend a few days here before going to Mon tana to make her home. Miss Car ter left for her home in Oklahoma Miss Mantie Mangum and her sister, Mrs. R. J. Woods, left Tues day for Portland, Ore., to attend the N. E. A. convention, after which they will spend the summer at Gleichan, Alberta. Canada. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gowens enter tained at a very delightful family party on Wednesday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Gowens of Mis souri Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kisby and Mrs. E. .Kisby of Glen wood and Mr. and Mrs. Will Kisby of Malvern. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rapp left Tues day in their car to spend the rest of the summer at the lakes. They were accompanied by Mr. James Martin. Mrs. Martin went by train and will stop at Burlington to visit relatives. Florence Social Items Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brisbin will leave the first of the week for Kan sas City to visit relatives. They will make the trip by auto. Miss Zerlina Knsbin, who has been visiting there for some time will return with them. Gerald Mancini spent Thursday and Friday at Nebraska City, Neb. T. R. Jacobson of Sioux City, la., spent the Fourth in Florence visiting relatives and friends. Miss Edna Price has been spending the past week at Arcadia, Neb., visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Siert and fam ily motored to Blair Sunday to visit with relatives. Milton Nelson and Gerald Siert who have been spending some time in the western part of the state, re turned home the first of the week. William Rich and Frank Craig have gone to Schuyler, Neb., where they will spend the rest of the sum mer. Miss Doris Cole left the last of the week for Tecumseh, Neb., where she will spend several weeks visiting with relatives. Mrs. William Kindred left the first of the week for Alta, la., where she will visit with her daughter for some time. Among those who spent the Fourth at Blair were: John Renninger and son Norman, Mr. and Mrs. John Crane, Mr. and Mrs. John Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Tucker and Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson. E. L. ?latz spent Sunday and Mon day at Nebraska City on business. . James Nicholson, who is spending the summer at Webb City, la., re turned to Florence to spend the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adams and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Latta of Indianapolis, who have been visiting at Aurelia, la., re returned home Tuseday. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Green spent Wednesday at Valley, Neb. Hugh Suttie and son, James, spent Monday at Waterloo, Neb. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Avery spent .Wednesday at Millard, Neb., the guest f Dr. Avery's patents. Mr. and -Mrs. J. H, Adams enter tained Thursday at a six o'clock din Bsr, when their guests were Mr. and RED CROSS TEAM OF FALLS CITY Captains: Mrs. H. R. Miner, Mrs. T. J. Gist, Mrs. I. C. Maust and Mrs. Maria Wherry. Team: Top row, reading left to right: Misses Dorothy Miner, Elizabeth Gist, Nellie Lee Holt, Kate Heacock, Suzaine Brecht, Helen Bassett and An nie Margaret Gist. Bottom row: Misses Edith Brittian, Constance Lyford, Gladys Harris, Thelma Windle, Florence Lyford and Gladys Holland. s rv "'v-tiMwlf ill I i 1 it A (V itf' t V V Sa iv. V; . fl.j If ' ' 1 4 vv ' Mrs. Ray McKay of Omaha, Mrs. Jessie Hasen and daughter, Marjorie, of Mitchell, S. D., and Air. Lingenfcl ler of Salem, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kindred spent Wednesday at Blair, Neb., vis iting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Brcnnenian and family motored to Macedonia, la., Sunday and spent the day with relatives, returning Monday. Carrol Rogers, Walter Larson, Al Frassinet and Tulsa Parker spent the Fourth at Nebraska City. ' Mr. and Mrs. Press Gnodwin of Missouri Valley, la., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wall this week. Miss Mary Wall returned Wednes day from a few days visit with friends at Calhoun. Father Barret entertained a large party of friends on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Mencke and family motored to Blair Wednesday. Mr. Mencke returned Thursday but Mrs. Mencke will spend some time there visiting with relatives. Miss David left the first of the week to spend a couple of weeks vis iting with friends at Hermosia, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Thompson mo tored to Nebras' . City Sunday, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs William Tucker. Benson, Social Gossip Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Sioux City, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pence on Tuesday. The members of the Presbyterian church will hold a reception at the church Tuesday evening, in honor of Rev. nd Mrs. McCIung, who have returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. E. J. Crews will leace on Mon day for an extended visit with friends in Dakota City. Mrs. Olive Tutt of Shenandoah, la., is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. S. Trullinger. Union church services will be held on the Baptist church lawn this eve ning at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Howard Lessard entertained at dinner on Sunday. Covers were laid for three guests. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith, and a son to Mr. andMr. and Mrs. Ems during the last week. H. Knudsen is at home from the Methodist hospital, where he was taken a week ago. Mrs. Leona Smith of Crawford, Neb., spent a few days here,' being called by the death of her mother, Mrs. M. Bailey. Rev. and Mrs. McCIung have re turned from ttheir wedding trip. Mrs. e. Ebener has gone to her home in Denver, Colo., after an ex tended visit here. Mrs. A. Larson of Lincoln will spend the summer at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Jorgenson. 1 Misses Kuth Kyan and Harriet Ragg of Los Angles, Cal., will spend the summer months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan. Mrs. Gorton Roth entertained dur ing the last week in honor of Miss Nellie Magrew of Scotia, Neb. Mrs. C. S. Moulthrop has returned home from the Methodist hospital, where she underwent an operation. Rev. A. H. Eggleton of Creston, Neb., made a short visit last week at the home of Rev. Mr. Calvert. The members of the Luther league BEST DIAMOND, WATCH AND JEWELRY VALUES IN OMAHA. If you want to look prosperous, wear a fine genuine Diamond. Besides, it is the best investment you can make. Diamonds have steadily increased in value for many years, and will continue to do so for years to come. They are of the same value everywhere. Loftis Seven Diamond A ClmtarRbg. vV,'' ine uiamonua are rTo mounted ma aa to look like one large single stone. Handsomest and most showy ring for the Least Money. Marvels of Beauty at 50. $76, $100 and $125. Credit Terms, I1.2S, $1.85. $2.60 and $3 per week. The secret of the rare beauty of this ring lies in the perfectly matched stones, all of the Diamonds being uniform in size and brilliancy, thus producing the appearance of a large, handsome Solitaire. Ring is 14 Karat Solid Gold; Diamonds mounted in platinum. Men's Favorite 167 Men's Diamond Ring, 6 prong Tooth mount ing. 14k solid gold, at... $75 $1.85 a Week. npFTIS .Mi ( EXTRA IV VALUE jj AVll,l. held their annual picnic Tuesday eve ning at Miller park. Mrs. V. B. Kinney entertained last week for Miss Ruth Kinney of Fond du Lac, Wis. The Augustina Ladies' Aid society will be entertained next Thursday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Ncls Anderson. Mrs. H. C. Forgey has returned home from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Lyndon, 111. Mrs. Charles Cline entrctained twelve guests at her home last Mon day in honor of her birthday anniversary. Dundee Society Notes Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Johnston left Monday evening for a business and pleasure trip to McArthur, O., where Mr. Johnston also made a Fourth of July address. Mrs. W. H. Kearns left the first of the week for an extended visit in Minneapolis. Janet Foster has been visiting her grandmother in Pawnee City. Mrs. T. L. Combs entertained at the Commercial club at luncheon Monday in honor of Mrs. Edward King of Tacoma, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Beard have gone to the northern lakes for the summer. Henrietta Mosier of Lincoln was the guest the last week of Mrs. H. R. Follmer and children. The Dundee Women's Bowling club met Tuesday at Happy Hollow for luncheon and the game. Miss Esther Westerfield has been visiting friends in Central City, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. George Wynn and children of Korea are guests of Rev. and Mrs. James J. Lampe. Ruth Winship of Chicago is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters." Ruth Godfrey of Galena, III., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leslie. West Ambler Social Activities Miss Marie Carlson came home from Holdrege, Neb., on Friday last, to spend a few weeks with her moth er, Mrs. 0. Carlson. Mrs. John Wisler left the last of the week. to spend a few weeks with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. F. C. Jensen . entertained at dinner on Tuesday fqr Mrs. E. J. Dale and daughter, Miss Debbie, of Council Bluffs, arid Miss V. Vuermuh len of North Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas are spending the week with relatives in Wahoo, Neb. Edward Harney of Horwich, la., is spending the week with H. G. Clag gett and family. The Misses Viola Sorenson and Ethel Garrison autoed with friends to Valley to spend the Fourth. Mrs. Ola Carlson left Tuesday for Harlan, la., to spend a few weeks with her son Fred, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen left" last Wednesday in their auto for Cedar Creek, where they will camp for three weeks. Miss May Blackett has as her guest this week Miss Frances Bowman of Benson. Christ Lang, accompanied his aged father, John Lang, here from Portal, MILITARY WRIST WATCH $10 The most useful gift for the soldier and nurse answer ing the call to service 260 Military Wrist Watch, leather strap, unbreakable glass: high-grade Full Jewel movement. Specially priced in Solid Nickel Case, $10; terms, $1 a Month. In Solid Sterling Silver Case. $15: terms, $1.50 a Month. In 14 Karat Solid Gold Case, $25; terms, $2.50 a Month. The Old Reliable, Original Diamond and Watch Credit House ' Main Floor City National Bank Block. 409 South Sixteenth St., Corner Sixteenth and Harney Sts., Omaha -Opposite Burgess-Nash Co. Department Stora. S. D., and are guests of his sister Mrs. D. Givens, and family. Frank Davie left the fust of the week to spend a month with his fattier at Spooncr, Wis. The home of Air. and Mrs. Frank Pollock in East Ambler was brigtened Wednesday by the advent of a son. Miss Margery Walker and twin sis ter Grace, are spending the week with relatives at Goehner, Neb. Mrs. George Conn of Papillion was the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Conn. Tuesday, and was accompanied home by his ser Washington, who has been here for a month. Al Trudson of Chicago arrived this week as guest of his old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gamer. iwr. ana Airs, .rtnur rung nave as .their guests this week the Misses Creda and Myrtle Fleshman of Man lev. Neb. Vill Bo wman of Fremont was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammond. Mrs. William Carbury and grand son Everett Gantz, left Friday even ing for Mullen, Neb., to spend a few weeks on the ranch of her sister Mrs. S. Perkins, and family. D. Givins and E. E. Dowline and families auoed to Valley on Sunday to attend the Epworth League insti tute. Mrs. Frank Marshall entertained at dinner Monday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoefener and daughter Louise, of Minden, la.; Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Weist and daughter Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Jensen. Miss Marie Carlson and brother George, gave a dinner Wednesday in honor 'of her house guests, Mrs. W. P. Miller and Miss Hazel Steinberg of Lincoln, and the Misses Marie An derson and Leola Stein of North Omaha. Miss Ethel Hammond entertained at dinner Wednesday for the Misses Dorothy Gibson, Velma Dean, Edna Anderson and V erna Drury, her house guests. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gantz had a family reunion at their suburban home near Lckerman Wednesday when their sons J. H. and B. E. Gantz and families and daughter Mrs. F. C Hensman, and family, seventeen in all, were present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cochayne. T. and A. J. Wisler, Mrs. Oscar Grant, Mrs. M. Heitz, Lylc Gilmore, Glen and George Wisler and the Misses Carrie, Helen and Mildred Wisler went on a fishing party to the James Gilmore ranch near Gretna last Wednesday. The West Side Women's Christian Temperance union will meet at Forty eighth and Leavenworth streets next Thursday at 10:15 a. m. and go in a body to the home of Mrs. Sam Mor ris, their secretary, near Benson, to do Ked Cross work. Mrs. M. McDonald entertained the West Side Kensington club at her home on Wednesday. The following memhers were present: Mesdames Oeorgc Nicklen, George Baldwin, S Jonas, M. Hecht, M. Potts and G, Gerkiv Ralston Social Notes The Ralston tub factory is now lo cated in the Rogers motor building, They will be ready for operation by July 10 and will employ twenty-five men. Mrs. Nausler spent three weeks at the home of her son at Homestead. The Fourth of July celebration held 658 Loftw Perfec tion Diamond Ring. 14k solid gold. value $50 $1.25 a Week 1175 La Valliere, fine solid gold, one brilliant Diamond, one real Pearl, fifteen-inch solid gold neck chain $16.75 $1.65 a Month 11SO Ear Screws, 1 4k solid gold, 2 fine Diamonds, at $90 $9 a Month Phone Douglas 1444 and Our Salesman Will Call. Call or Write for Cataloi 903. Open Daily Until 9 P. M. I V Saturdays Until 9:30 at Ralston was very largely attended and everyone had an enjoyable time. Miss Opal Raines went to Burling ton Junction, Mo., for a week's visit with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Yates of Omaha spent Sunday at the McCormick home. Miss Bessie Alexander spent few days with her brother, Paul, at Lin coln last week. Misses Mable Connor, Gladys Hayes and Ethel Class left last Mon day to attend the Epworth league in stitute at Valley. South Side Social Activities Miss Katherine Launing is spending her vacation at Gretna, Neb. Mrs. Jack Murphy lias returned from a short vacation with her grand parents at Bartlett, Neb. Miss Vclma Good of Ontario, Can ada, is the guest of South Side friends. Rev. ami Mrs. C. J. Dunhtim of San Diego, Cal., visited with Miss Grace Stihvell tliis week en route home after an extended eastern trip. While east they attended Mr. Dunhum's class re union at Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blessing arc rejoicing over a new son. Mrs. Bles sing was formerly Miss Ann Higgins. Mrs. Mert Mornl lias returned Ironi a visit with her parents. St. Martins guild will meet tins week at the parish house to sew for the Red Cross. The Dorcas society will meet Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Andersen, 3-15 North Twen- ty-hve avenue. The afternoon will be spent in preparing baby clothes for immediate distribution. The First South Side Congrega tional church will hold a rummage sale Saturday at Twenty-fourth and Q streets. Ihe annual Fourth of July break fast was given in Spring Lake park at 5 o'clock the morning of the Fourth, breakfast being cooked over campfire. I hose present were Viola Williams, Ilazle Barrett, Catherine Crawford, Helen Tyncr, Marie Krug, Helen Wcstcolt. Mrs. E. R. Knight entertained with birthday dinner Fridav in honor of her son, Day's, third birthday. A birthday cake with three candles formed the centerpiece. Covers were placed for seven. Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Day celebrated their twenty-first wedding anniversary with a dinner. The table decorations were in pink. Mrs. Mary Drury, who attended the original wedding at Clin ton, la., was the guest of honor. An encashment of much interest to South Side people has been announced in that of Hird Stryker, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stryker. and Miss Rutin Baume of Galena. 111., daughter ot Judge and Mrs. James Baume of that place. As Mr. Stryker is now train ing at Fort Snelling, no definite wed ding arrangements have been made. Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, sister of Mrs. John Marcel!, and Dr. M. Cala-1 han surprised their friends, by being quietly married Wednesday at St. Peter's church. They left for a visit to the groom's parents at Rock Island, 111. As a wedding present the groom's parents gave them a lake trip, where they now are enjoying their honey moon. They will make their home in Omaha after August 1. A romance that started in the first grade at Corrigan school culminated Wednesday in the wedding of Miss Verle Good and Bernard Augustine. Miss Good is the daughter of Frank Good, ' rmer city clerk of South Omaha, but now living at Ontario, Can. Accompanied by her sister, Miss Velma Good, she came from Canada and was met by Mr. Augustine at Des Moines, la., who accompanied them to Omaha. They were married by the Rev. Yerian of the English Lu theran church. Miss Vclma Good and Herbert Fanek were the attendants. A reception followed at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Augustine. The house was beau tifully decorated with garden flowers. Mrs. Augustine was assisted by Mes dames Kalhorn and Petersen. 'About seventy-five guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Augustine will make their home at South Side. Drugs and Toilet Articles 5 For Home and Individual By trading at one of five Sherman & McConnell drug stores you will save much time as well as money as our stocks comprise all the articles in our line for which any demand is being made in this locality. As we in almost all cases pur chase direct from manufacturers or importers, we can guarantee freshness and genuineness, and make the price a low one. Toilet Goods At Deeply Cut Prices Harriet Hubbard Ayer's Luxuria Face Cream, 60c jar for... 29c 25c Face Ease Lotion, for... 14c 25c Foot Powder, for 14c The exquisite Dorothy Vernon line of Toilet Waters, Soaps and Face Creams at deeply cut prices. 50c Pixapoo Liquid Tar Shampoo, for 29c 50c White Cross Toilet Powder, for 29c 50c Bay Rum, for 39c Williams' Talcum Powder, all kinds, can 12c Azurea or La Trefle, Imported Powder, box .95c Mavis Talcum, in the tall red boxes mighty nice 25c Milkweed Cream will give any woman the beauty which is more at tractive than regu lar features; the beauty of a fair, glowing, clear and healthy skin. Tt i i ' 50c Milkweed Cream, this week. Sherman Cor. 16th and Dodge. Cor. 24th and Farnam ikt) West End ALLEGES SOLDIERS ANNOYMUGHTER Mother Discovers, However, When Police Come, that Offspring is Wedded to Warrior. A call for the police to quell some soldiers who were reported to be fighting with some women turned out to be a domestic tangle in the Elliott household, 2020 Lake street, in which a daughter. Margaret, played the lead ing figure. The chief point in the un raveling was the announcement by the daughter to her parents that she was married to Paul Workman, Fort Oma ha soldier, over whom the trouble started. i When the police arrived on the scene, they were sent after the daugh ter, who was in the company of J. L. heckcr, another soldier troin the fort. They were procecdiitg down the street a few blocks from the house, alter several encounters with the girl's sisters and father. Becker was play ing the role of intermediary for Workman. The police brought the pair back to the house, and a family session was held before Sergeant Dil lon and the officers. The girl leaned on the arm of Becker while the mother explained. The mother told the police that her daughter had been annoyed by several soldiers despite of repeated warning that their attentions were unwelcome. She accused Becker of giving the girl letters from Workman, who she claims is now in the guardhouse at the fort. The mother objected stren uously to the tone of the letters, many of them beginning with endear ing terms, such as "Dear Wife." Here the xirl interposed with, "I am his wife." The parents and the girl's sisters registered surprise and several kfhds of shock. The mother told the police that the daughter was only "15 years old. The girl insisted that she was 17. Sergeant Dillon decided that the whole mixup should be thrashed out by a judge. At the parents' sugges tion the girl and escort were taken down to central station and booked for disturbing the peace. The par ents say they will seek annulment of the marriage. Educators Will Develop Plans to Assist in War (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Portland, Ore., July 7. Plans for further participation in the nation's war work will be laid by several thou sand school teachers at the 1917 con vention of the National Educational association, the preliminary sessions of which opened here today. Every train is bringing delegates CLOSING OUT We are doling out all our new model WUte Enamel Itefrlgerators and Ice Boxes at big! sacrifice la prtces, and starting t A ft Pr In with car $&M Ice Box for $iay yl With proportional tlo-ent nrieef reit Ton cannot afford to mlsi the bar salni we offer If rov want an lee Box. Gai Store, Baby Baggr. Bags, Bed or In the Fornltare line. 8-lneh pout Beds, eell ere rrw here the from f&60 to$12.00, on sale here at.. .85.89 Sacrifice Furniture Salqfo We are forced to eell the balance of the $35,000 stock of hlgh-trade FURNITURE. RUGS and STOVES Of the Big Four-Story 12th Si Warehonie Which It on Sale In Onr Salesroom, Corner 14th and Dodge. Follow the example of rear Mends and aelghtora aa4 ' ehaae from aa daring this big aale. Ther have aarad a ay and 7a can, too. The bargains we after eaaaot ha daallaated aaj iihsss OCTFIT OTJB H01f at FBCTJLLTJ2fiTJW faUOL SFBCIaX ATTgXTION 10 OVT Ot-T&ttH BtJTEBa. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY Phnne Douglas 1817. Corner 14th and Dodge, Omaha, Ken. ti..ni.aiiinn juanaan auma J .'. " J Hf'niiiiaii aim urn, wi-iinnii mi " - ' ' T ' ii "a in j " 'ti . 3raa j Store Notes I The "Owl" is all "dolled up" now in its new 16th and Farnam location Entrance both north and west of the Burlington Route. Colonel Prather, manager of the "Harvard Pharmacy" Our 24th and Farnam Drug Store, says 24th street is destined to be the Broadway of Omaha. The West End Pharmacy, our new store at 49th and Dodge, is getting better every day here again you can save time and money by trading at a Sherman ic McConnell Drug Store. The 19th and Farnam store is more "handsome and commodi ous" than ever. The "old original," at 1 6th and Dodge Just come and "watch the wheels go round." Bring your "grist," we can grind it. It corrects complexion , faults For a radiantly natural complex ion of lingering and lasting ef fect.apply Ingram's Milkweed Cream; of Velveola Souveraine Face Powder add the finishing touch. i ' " Mtr l .34c & McConnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th 1 0lU I7- Pharmacy. J amain VCommodioue. Pharmacy (New), 49th and from all sections of the nation to at tend the main meetings next week. Association officials do not expect the war to cripple attendance greatly. Preparedness, patriotism and Amer icanism, the subjects around which the program has been built, will be expounded by speakers prominent in national educational and civic work. Today the National Council, an ex ecutive subsidiary organization, met to listen to talks on "Agricultural Preparedness and Food Conserva tion." Direct from war-torn France, where he studied methods France is using to conduct its schools' during the war, is coming J. H. Finlcy, state commis sioner of education of New York, to talk to the delegates. P. P. Claxton, United States com missioner of education, is coming from Washington to speak on "The Relation of the Kindergarten to Na tional Life." Other speakers include Caroline Hedger, Americanization committee worker of Chicago; Josephine Corliss , Preston, superintendent of publje in struction of the state of Washington; Sara H. Fancy of the Seward Park school of New York; Edgar B. Piper, , editor of the Portland Oregonian; v Ella F'lagg Young, former superinten dent of Chicago's schools; Laura Force, principal of the Lincoln school of Denver, and Henry Suzzalo, presi dent of the University of Washington. He Wanted a License. A younB Swede appeared at the county Jui1k's office and asked for license. "What kind of a license?" asked the Judge. "A hunting license?" "No," was the answer. "Aye tank aye hane hunting long enough. Aye want mar riiiB license." Freeman's Journal. Superfluous Hair Disappears Quickly The safest and) surest way to remove uperfluoua hair is to attack it under the Kkin ns well aa on the nkln, ' Only Da Miracle works on this principle, because it it, quickly absorbed by the skin and alone contains certain Ingredients which Rive It the power to rob hair of Its vitality its Ufa miatalntng force. Imitations ot De Miracle, the original liquid depilatory, are an worthless as pastes and rub-on preparations, be cause they only re move hair from the surface of the skin. Well groomed wo men always use De Miracle for remov ing hair from limbs and under arms. Be eure to buy De Mir acle by name and you will avoid die? appointment. Fur- fhrmnrA vmi will VOGUE says 1 know of ob better. Geaoine maaraalnea at the highest character endorse only De Sliraele. Beware of ao-called en dorsements e t bosrns magaslaea which are used to exploit the aale f questionable depilatories. get the onfy depilatory that oontalna ft binding guarantee which entitles you to your money If It fails. In 60c, $1.00 and $3.00 bottles, at your dealer!, or direct, postpaid, in plain wrapper, D Miracle Chemical Co., Dept. A-5, Parle Ave. and 129th St. New York. ATTENTION! Furniture Bargain Seekers ra the nnythlngUs frl Proprietary Medicines At Reduced Prices Listerine ...,15c, 19c, 43c, 79c 35c Genuine Castoria, for.... 21c 50c Syrup of Figs, for 34c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, 34c and 74c Kilmer's Swamp Root, 45c and 89c Sal Hepatica, 19c, 39c and 74c 50c Pape's Diapepsin, for... 29c Scott's Emulsion . . . .48c and 94c 35c Limestone Phosphate, for 24c Lavoris 25c, 45c and 89c Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, per Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, per can 19c 50c Doan's Kidney Pills, for. 34c 50c Gran. Eff. Phosph. Soda, 34c The above prices for Monday maybe longer. Candy Department We heartily agree with the new city ordinance and sell candies in factory sealed packages. Lig gett's fine confections principally. Household Items 25c Liberty Cleaner, for . ... ,14c 35c Household size Machine and Lawn Mower Oil, for 24c 10c Whiz Hand Cleaner, per can 6c 25c "Rat Nip" Paste Rat Killer, for 14c Cigars Call at our cigar cases and we'll convince you that we can save you "time and money," even on cigarsi and Farnam (The Owl.) Handsome. Dodge. . ii 3sn mw2? 33 1 - i . w