Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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JULY 7, 1917.
Jv; July 6
To Sing on Great Lakes.
A Council Bluffs girl. Miss Allegra
Fuller, well known in Omaha musical
circles, leaves soon to spend a highly
interesting summer on the Great
Lakes. This petite young woman is
a member of a family of young people
who devote a large part of their time
' to music Since high school days Miss
Allegra Fuller, with her sister, Miss
Eleanor Fuller, and her brother, Mr.
Edwin Fuller, have been in great de
mand among their friends because of
their musical ability.
Just as Miss Sybil Nelson and a
party of her friends combined a pleas
ure trip with an opportunity to exer
cise their talents this winter, so Miss
Fuller will enjoy her summer vaca
tion in a musical way. She is to be
mistress cf ceremonies and soloist on
board the steamship America, sailing
on the Great Lakes. For each of the
seven weeks of her trip she has care
fully planned her programs. Because
she is a patriotic little person she has
, devoted one week's programs to pa
triotic songs. Another week she will
give a Red Cross program and will
fill the remainder of the time with
concerts of colonial, popular, operatic,
Hawaiian and Japanese music.
At Happy Hollow Club.
The initial women's bridge ' party,
held at Happy Hollow club Thursday
afternoon, was a success in numbers
and in the enjoyment of the guests.
Eight tables were filled for the game
and Mrs. A. V. Shotwell won first
prize. Mrs. J. E. Pulver was second
prize winner, Mrs. Riffles third, Mrs.
Louis Platner fourth and Mrs. John
Campbell fifth.
The prizes were a pair of silk stock
ings, a satsuma bowl, a. set of fancy
letters for bridge tables and two sil
ver candlesticks. The next party will
he held on Thursday two weeks hence.
Tables are set in the open ball room.
Mrs. F. J. Jumper will have charge of
the parties from this time on.
The Red Cross auxiliary will have
its first meeting on Wednesday. Those
who wish to atttend the meeting may
come for part or all of the time.
Mrs. Ra. mond C. Helm of Duluth
had seven guests at luncheon at the
club today.
B. A. Wilcox has a reservation for
nine guests at the Saturday night
dinner-dan i.
At the Field Club.
Thursday night small dinner parties
were entertained at the Field club by
Mrs. V. R. Jeep, Albert Kahn and
Harley Contnt. '
Mrs. I. J. Dunn will have three
guests and C. L. Modessat, eight, at
the Saturday night dinner-dance.
At the Country Club.
Reservations for the Saturday night
dinner-dance at the Country club
have been made by Gurdon W. Wat
tles for fourteen guests, by Harley
G. Moorhead for six and Arthur Eng.
lish for seven.
Events of the Day.
The Altar guild and other young
people of St. Paul's Episcopal church
will be entertained by Miss Ysger to
night. .......
Mrs. W. C. Crosby entertained at
luncheon at the Blackstone today in
honor of Mrs. Frank Shepherd of
Kansas City and Miss Adele Wagner
f I.lnrnln. who are her house guests.
Next week Mrs. R. F. Heyden will"
give a luncheon in their honor, oar
den flowers formed the table decora
tions. : ,
Engagement Announced.
Announcement has been made In
Galen, 111., by Judge and Mrs. James
S. Baume of the engagement of their
' daughter Ruth to Mr. Franklin H.
Stryker, ion of Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Stryker of the South Side.
Miss Baume is a graduate of Wells
Aurora. N. Y.. and a sorority
girl Mr. Stryker has the degree of
bachelor of arts from Chicago uni
versity and law degree from the
same school He also spent a year
at Harvard law school He is a
graduate of the S6uth Side High
.AmI r,H a member of the Phi
Potatoes Take Another Drop,
i With More to Follow
Potatoes have taken another drop
in price in the last week, but they are
still far from the prices of year or
two ago, in spite of the fact that every
house seems to have its potato patch
and the acreage and promised crop
for this year is bigger than it has
ever been before. New potatoes are
now selling in the Omaha markets
at about 70 cents to 80 cents a peck,
but dealera tay they wilt go a good
deal lower as aoon as the new crop
begins to be gathered in appreciable
quantities. . ,
All the usual summer vegetables
are extremely plentiful and this good
weather has grven them a succulent
ua1irv that la aooetizine.
Watermelons and cantaloupes are
appearing in increasing quantities on
the market and the prices are com
ing down aomewhat Cantaloupes are
now about 15 cents or two for 25
cents. Watermelons sell at 3 to 3J4
cents a pound and are fine and ripe.
Fruits are beginning to appear that
have' not been seen here for some
months. Peaches made their appear
ance this week and plums came in at
about the same time. They are of
good quality, but not very large yet
Apricots are also here.
Strawberries, the late ones of the
summer, are here. They come from
the Hood river district, Oregon. The
first strawberries to come to Omaha
- You're looking out for the
health of yourself end ur
when erdr ALAMITO Milk.
Not only ivtft and frcta, bat
putouriaod m(.
Thnc't no "water" In Alimlto
Milk; no danacrou die bac
teria. H't tht dairy milk jou
tan aafely feed tba babe.
Delivered before breakfiet .
Telephone Daiiflae 409.
( 1
T '
' J
$ -
t ' - t
'S ' , f fit'-'
Mrs. Milton T. Barlow entertained
an informal luncheon party of eight
guests at the Country club today for
her sister and niece, Mrs. Edward
Brooke and Miss Genevieve Brooke
of Portland, who stopped in Omaha
for the day.
Kappa Tsi and an honorary law fra
ternity. He is at present at Fort
Snelling in the officers' reserve train
ing corps, where he has bceen as
signed to the field artillery. For this
reason the plans for the marriage arc
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Austin have
been registered at the Hotel McAlphln
in New York during the last week.
Mrs. A. L. Frederick of Central
City, formerly Miss Verna Mathews,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. A.
Misses Mildred and Gladys Walker
have gone to Chicago to spend sev
eral weeks studying at the Chicago
School of Industrial Arts. They will
make an extended visit with relatives
in Michigan and the east after a trip
on the Great Lakes. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Mullen have
taken an apartment at the Black
stone. Pleasures Past.
The Misses Marjorie Cole and Vera
Held gave a party Friday night in
honor of their guest, Miss Hazel
Haun of Lee. Neb., at the home of
the former. ,
"Mrs.. Carl Swanland entertained
Thursday afternoon for Miss Olga
LeNoir of Newman Grove and Miss
Leah McConnell of Albion.
The Misses Mildred and Frances
McGrath were entertained informally
Thursday at a novel party called
"Just an Evening," with Miss Agnes
M. Dietrich acting as hostess.
Regular Swimming Classes
Conducted at Lake Manawa
Regular classes in swimming have
been started at Manawa Park beach
under the supervision of Glen L. Wil
liams, athletic and swimming instruc
tor at Bellevue college. Williams is
proving his claims that he can teach
swimming in fifteen lessons, as a
number of his students have "gradu
ated" in less time than that. Manawa
beachj because the lake is so full of
water this season, is caring for hun
dreds of swimmers every warm day
and more are expected as the weather
grows hotter.
are from Florida in the early spring
or late winter. Then the supply
comes from places farther and farther
north until the home grown ones
come on. These didn't amount to
much this year. And now the last
are coming from Oregon.
A larce suodIv of home grown cher
riea for Dies and preserves is on the
market now. Raspberriesblackber
ries, loganberries, gooseberries and
blueberries are on hand and now is
the time to preserve them or to treat
the family with berry pies.
Oranges and grapefruit keep com
Ing right along, as usual, summer as
well ss winter, rineappies are especi
ally good now.
Home Dreseed Spring Chiekeni, lb., STVie
Home I) reined Spring Oucki, lb 30c
Home Dreaeed Fat Kent, lb 33c
Strictly Freih Pork Tenderloin, lb. . ,40e
Extra Lean Pork Chops, lb.. ZSc
Cudahy'a Puritan Sugar Cured Hami
half or whole per lb ae
Choice Steer Pot Roatt. lb. . . .ISe, 17Vte .
Choice Steer Boiling Beef, lb. .12ic, 18c
Beat Granulated Sugar. 1! lbs., for $1.00
All Brands of Creamery Butter, lb...3Sc
Red Kidney or Chilli Beans, t lbs... 25c
Kamo Corn, per can ITVsC
Tscoma Biscuits, per pkg .Be
14 lbs. Washington's Best Flour.. 11.80
48 lbs. Gold Medal Flour, lb $3.80
Extra Fancy Black Raspberries, box, ISc
Large Sweet Cantaloupes; 2 tor. .... .ISe
Home Grown Gooseberries, box 10c
Extra Sweet Watermelons, lb. ...... .3c
Large Mew Potatoes, IS lbs. to the peck.
at 70c
Extra Fancy Old Potatoes, peck 4Sc
Thin Skinned Lemons, dosen ...30c
Extra Large Navel Oranges, per dosen,
st........... , ..25c and 40c
Visit Our lea Cream Farlor and Lunch Ream Ice Cream Sundaes and Soda always Be
Delicto Ice Cream, par sjuart, 38c per pint, 20c
All orders southwest of Dodge Street leave the atore at 10 A. M.
All orders northwest of Dodge Street leave the store at 2 P. M.
All country orders promptly attended to Largest mail order house in the middle west.
The Picturesque Small Hat
O F vivid apple green, deftly
set off with touches of
black, is this sailor hat.
Lest one get the impression of
too great severity, it develops
its crown on curving and gen
erous bell lines.' Beneath it a
Jersey scarf of green and black
stripes waves black pompons to
the breezes. Any suit in the
world would look jaunty and
attractive with these little ac
cessories to set it off.
Jiome Scovom'cs department
The "Something
Extra" in Foods
There was a time when we con
tented ourselves in all discussions of
food values with a statement of the
amount of heat measured in calories,
that foods gave to the body. The
question of heat, Or fuel value, is still
a very vital one; but we find there
are other considerations of enormous
importance. Because these minor
points are just being investigated, and
all knowledge of them is in the ex
perimental stage, we hesitate to
classify them, or give them scientific
names, and include them in the term
"accessory substances." They are also
called "vitamines." It is the accessory
substances which give flavor to foods,
largely; and it is the accessory' sub
stances that make the dirterence De
tween good and poor health in some
almost entirely on polished rice; and
among them a disease of the nerves,
polyneuritis, is prevalent. A diet of
unpolished rice, or of polished rice
plus meat or beans, conquers the
disease of polyneuritis. Hence it
would appear that the husks of rice
contain something absolutely neces
sary to life and health, a something
which must be supplied in other ways
if the husks are discarded. Similarly
on long ocean voyages in earlier days,
scurvy was wont to break out. The
diet then was chiefly dried and canned
foods. Adding fresh food to the diet,
such as potatoes, or lime juice, cured
the scurvy. Other "deficiency dis
eases," or diseases caused by lacks in
food are being investigated.
The average American family, with
a liberal food supply, has no need
to fear any of these deficiency
diseases. With our present state of
information concerning them, we can
say positively that a varied diet is a
sure prevention. There are, however,
certain practical applications to be
drawn. One is that we cannot meas
ure "food" values by heat value alone,
as is so frequently assumed. An
other point to know is that these sub
stances are probably sensitive to heat;
which fact gives an added importance
Thousands testify
Hor lick's
The Original
Malted tYlilk
Upbuilds and sustains the body
No Cooking or Milk required
Used for Y3 of a Century
Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price.
Choice Steer Short Cute or Sirloin Steak,
per lb., at 22V,c
Choice Steer Porterhouse or ' T-bone
Steake, per lb 39c
Choice Steer Shoulder Steaka, lb.. 17 Vic
Choice Steer Rib Roaat. lb 20c
Strictly Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon,
per lb., at 34 Vie
Strictly Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon,
extra lean, per lb.. 37V'c
Crystal White Soap, bars.. 2Sc
Regular SSe Coffee, per lb 2Sc
Extra Fancy Santos Coffee, lb 22 Vic
Vncolored Japan Tea Sittings, lb....lSc
Extra Fancy Pill Pickles, dsen ISe
American or Brick Cheese, lb....... 30c
Windmill Brand Catsup, t bottles. ..2Sc
Dried Onions, 8 for ....10
Extra Fancy Tomatoes, basket. .. .25c
Extra Large Grape Fruit, 2 for.... ISc
Extra Fancy Loganberries, box..... 1 Be
Home Grown Cherries, box..,. 10c
Wax or Green Beans, 2 qts. ...... .28c
Large Leaf Lettuce, S bunches 5c
Home Grown Cabbage, head.. Be and 10c
Home Grown Beets, S bunches for... 10c
Home Grown Carrots, 3 bunches Be
Home Grown Cucumbers, 2 for 15c
TINY fronds of burnt goose
circle about the crown of
this brown" lisere hat in a
cheery-looking little procession.)
Satin swathes the full crown and
ties at the front into an orna
ment, which seems rather un
decided as to whether it ought
to be cocarde or a bow. This
unique little hat will attract a
great deal of attention.
Readers ire cordially invited to
ak Miss Gross any questions
about household economy upon
which she may possibly give help
ful advice; they are also invited to
give suggestions from their expe
rience that may be helpful to
others meeting the same problems.
to including some raw food in any
dietary. In providing food for charity
cases, it has frequently been consid
ered an extravagance to give fresh
fruits and vegetables, because they
are not as "filling" as the heavier
foods. Though the fruits and vege
tables may not be "filling," they are
absolutely essential to good health.
If we rely entirely on canned and
dried foods, that is, foods which have
been kept for some time, we are apt
to have a diet lacking in accessory
substances. That point, again, may
seem a far-fetched caution to the
average American family, Yet I was
told recently of a woman who did
not use fresh foods much, because
the canned things saved so much
laborl Let us hope she is the grand
To repeat a point made above, the
absolute necessity for some uncooked
food in the diet furnishes an added
point in favor of salads and fruit des
serts. The other points in their favor
have been discussed in this column
IV" M"li
Fresh Dressed Chickens, lb 18V5c
Pig Pork Butts, lb..... 22c
Steer Pot Roaat. lb J7"jc
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 19",c
Young Veal Roast, lb 14',c
Young Veal Chops, lb 18VC
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb. . . . . .22',c
Choice Mutton Legs, lb .....lSVsC
Choice Mutton Chops, lb lS'je
Choice Mutton Roast, lb IS'ic
1910 Harney Street.
: $L61
48-lb. sack
24-lb. sack
All flour in five (5) sack
Masea Zinc Lids, plat, 65c; quarts, 75c;
Vi -gallon 91-08
SUGAR (Oar Standard package Is 10
peuada) 83c
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg 12c
1 6.0a. can Condensed Milk ........ 12c
Gum, all brands w carry, 4c; 3 for 10c
Peanut Butter, lb 20c
Macaroni, Spaghetti, Needles, pkg.... 8c
Japan Rice (whole grains), lb.. ...... .8e
Carolina Head Rice (long grains), lb., 10c
Pyramid Washing Powder, large 28c pkg.,
our price , . 19c
Guaranteed to satisfy.
Sunbrite Cleanser, 4c can; 3 for. ...10c
Same quality aold for 10c.
D. C. Soap, for 23c
Case (100 bars!. Pearl White Soap, S3.8S
Sticky Fly Paper, 7 double sheets. ... 10c
iiiK.f r IT ripir. aouniv hwi... .iuc
2-lb. can Nice Tomatoes 15c
FI 01 If
THIS quaint little cavalier
hat combines purple
straw, lemon yellow silk
Jersey and handkerchief points
of purple chiffon in an ascend
ing series, which starts at the
brim facing and only ends when
the crown has climbed as far
upward as it dare without as
piring to steeple proportions. A
purple lacing holds the silk Jer
sey together and sends merry
little ends out to.greet the hand
kerchief points. .
before, but they cannot be stressed
too much. We need mineral matter,
or ash, which occurs in fresh fruits
and vegetables, for building the struc
ture of the body, and for regulating
the body. We can get this mineral
matter from milk, eggs, the hulls of
grains, and some too important
sources; but fruits and green vege
tables are too important sources to
be neglected.
Another great value of fruity and
green vegetables is to furnish "rough
age" to the diet. The cellulose, or the
woody fiber, of plant foods has re
ceived the name of roughage, because
it is not digested in the body, but
serves as a scourer in removing the
body wastes. The beautiful dream of
concentrated food in pellets can never
be a reality, according to our present
knowlege. For a healthy body needs
something non-digestible to help in
the elimination of wastes. This cel
lulose also adds bulk to the diet an
addition which is valuable to give the
feeling of satisfaction after a meal.
A person who is dieting to reduce can
eat large quantities of food which is
not digested, without adding the food
value he is avoiding.
For the Bath
Things that add
greatly to the i
value as well as
to the comfort "
of the bath f-
oll marked at
low prices
Sponges 5
ZSc to $1.50
Shower Sprays .98c to $7.50 m
Bath Caps 25c to $1.25
16th and Howard. Douglas 84S.
LB. lc
Spare Ribs, lb 14V4c
Extra Lean Regular Hams, lb 24 ',e
Sugar Cured Hams, lb ....21Vc
No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb 35c
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 32 Vie
From 8 to 9 P. M. Lamb Chops, lb., 10c
From 9 to 10 P. M. Pork Chops, lb., 18c
Deliveries made to all parts of the city.
Mail Order Filled at These Prices.
Douglas 2793.
N Makes Better Bread Than New Wheat
O Flour- Raises Better -Saves Trouble
W Healthier- Makes Better Pies and Cakes
48.ib. sck $3.24
..cW $1.64
lets, of 48 lbs. each, 3c sack less
Tall 1-lb. cans Salmon. 17c: 19c: 2Sc
Tooth Picks, 4c pkg. 3 for 10c
Independent Coffee, a 35c grade, steel cut,
gas roasted, our price 30c
Ice .Tea, especially blended, lb 29c
Breakfast Cocoa, lb. 20c
Farina (like Cr. of Wheat), ISc
Bran, 100-lb. aack $2.00
Bulk Oatmeal, 4 lbs. for 23c
Table Salt, Be sack, 4c; 10c aack... 7c
23c sack 19c
Chloride of Lime, a disinfectant. .. ,12c
Armour' Catsup, large 22c
Small 13c
Yeast Foam, 4c; 3 for 10c
Tip Baking Powder, 1-lb. can ISc
Matches, 5c; 3 for 13c
Almond Nut Meat, lb. 63c
Glass Wash Boards 39c
10c pkg. Best Soda 7c
36 Clothes Pins Sc
Cider Vinegar, gallon 21c
i ww.
"White Vinegar, gallon 16c
You Will Find
The Novelty Co.'s
Stock Must Be
Sold Quick
Only a short time left to completely sell out this entire
stock. Not a dollar's worth of merchandise will be moved
to our handsome new store now under construction on
Sixteenth street, near Douglas. Mr. H. Bernstein promises
to the public one of the most complete and up-to-date
stores in Greater Omaha, selling only such wearables as
can be found by high class merchants.
Special Prices for Saturday at 1409
Men's Palm Beach
Suits. $10 J A JT
Men' Worsted Suit,
$1650 A7 AT
It .'.
Men' Worsted Suit.
$20.00 AA 7J
ItT'. v9fv
Men' Shoes All
Women' Corsets
Three Big Lot at
48c, 89c
Women's Apron
Two Big Lot, at
39c, 59c
Women' Hat Two
Two Big Lot, at
39c, 89c
Big Line of Women'
Muslin Underwear at
Sell-Out Prices.
I IS If lie Bi Sfllc j
The Only Hotel
in Omaha
So situated and planned as to provide reel sum
mer comfort. It crowns the hilltop at 36th and
Fsrnam streets, has a magnificent lawn of its
own, and is surrounded by the lawns, trees, open
apsces and wide, pleasant streets of the city's
most exclusive residential district. It is cool and
delightful at the Blackstone when it is stifling
down town. Of a hot night, think of dining on
the roof, eight stories above ground, where the
choicest viands, a wonderful outlook and a cool
ing breexe makes dining a delight instead of a
trial. Or, of an evening, there is dancing be
neath the stars with a cooling drink between
whiles. The Blackstone offers comfort, repose,
elegance and merriment to a degree not obtain
able elsewhere in the city. All outside room?,
fhower and tub baths, roomy closets, perfect
service. Rates ressonable.
The Blackstone
Steer Pot Roast, lb 17Vic
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 19V2e
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb 22Vac
Pig Pork Roast, lb 19V,c
Pig Pork Butts, lb 22V4c
Young Veal Roast, lb 14V.C
Young Veal Chops, lb ISVjc
Choice Mutton Chops, lb 18V,c
Choice Mutton Roast, lb IS'sc
Spare Ribs, lb 1434c
113 South 16th Street.
48-lb. sack
24-lb. sack
No better flour milled.
Pompeian Olive Oil, s pints 23c
1 pint, 45c; 1 quart 85c
Vt gallon 1JM
This olive oil took first prize at world'
Big loaves ef Good Bread 9c
Nice. Clean, Dried Peaches, lb 14c
Good Sound Cabbage, lb 4c
Cantaloupes. Sc; 6 for 25c
NEW SPUDS 15 lbs. to peck, 70c : 75c
Cedar Oil Polish, 91.00 sue. 72c; 50c
- sise, 36c; 25c size 19c
Big bottle Household Ammonia 8c
50 feet Sisal Rope Clothes Line 11c
Res Lye (extra handy lid on can), ..6c
Crepe Napkins, 100 for 15c
Phosphate, Cherry. Orange or Grape, 9c;
3 far 25c
Edina Washing Powder, a dandy Naphtha
Powder. Make hardest water soft, 4c
pkg., 3 for 10e
Borax, 12-Mule Team, 1-lb. pkg 12c
Men's, Women's and
ChildVeiTs Shots,
Clothing and Furnish
ing Goods Must Go
Clean Stock for the
New Store Are the
Women's Shoe and
All Style
All to go
Women's Novelty
All to go.
Children's Slippers
Worth $1.50
All to
Women's Voile
Waists. Value AA
to $1.50 All JJJJQ
Extra Lean Regular Hams, lb....24Vtc
Sugar Cured Hams, lb 21VC
No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb 35 ',c
Sugar-Cured Bacon, lb 32c
From 8 to 0 P. M. Pork Chops, lb., ISe
-From 9 to 10 P. M. Country Sausage,
per lb., at 10c
Deliveries made to all parts of the city.
Mail Orders Filled at These Prices.
Dougla 2307.
48-lb. sack $3.29
24-lb. sack
Why not now?
Best Native Veal
Stew, lb 15c
Roast, lb 18c, 20c
Chops, lb 25c
Steak, lb 30c
Fresh Country Eggs, dozen 33c
Fancy Creamery Butter, lb 41c
No. 1 Creamery Butter, tub or carton, 40c
Tanhouser A snappy, foamy, soft drink.
You can buy it ice cold at any Basket
Store, per bottle 9c
3 for 25c
le rebate on bottles.
Soda Pop, vail flavors, 4c; 3 for ....10c
Applju, large 19c
Small 9c
Logu 24c
1407 HOUGLlAS stj
Alamito Dairy Co.
.hc tosr um-ro &ATM
40 MMT A44KT 'M
rum Atioote wtrr