THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 191T. XV :, : ; " " ll NATION-WIDE TESTS BY FRANKLIN CARS Official Gasoline Experiments Staged in All Sections of United States; Pelton Enters Auto. An official gasoline test will be staged by Franklin dealers all over the United States Friday, July 13. The following rules governing the test have been received by II. Pelton of the Franklin Motor Car company of Omaha. A trial run observing the rules in every instance will be made today in a Series 9 Franklin car owned by Dr. J. Res Bell of Omaha. The trial car will endeavor to make a run from Omaha to Fremont, Neb., on one gal lon of gasoline. The following are the rules of the test: Equipment Test to be made with Franklin Scries 9, strictly stock model touring car. Tires to be inflated to at least forty pounds. Car to carry reg ular stock equipment only. Fuel One gallon of ordinary grade of gasoline testing between 60 and 65 degrees. Certificate of the quality of the gasoline to be had from deafer. Use one gallon gasoline from meas ure certified to by local sealer of weights and measures. ' Observers Test to be supervised by two disinterested persons of un questionable standing, preferably an officer of local automobile club, a rep resentative of the press or some high city official. Passenger Load Driver and two observers, one to sit in -front with the driver. Route Course laid out so driver can return to starting point. Start to be made from place of business, automobile club headquarters or from a prominent hotel or equally well known place and cover a well-known route so the mileage shown by speed ometer may be checked tip from com mon knowledge. Weight Car to be weighed on city scales immediately after test is' com pleted and while the three occupants are still in the car. Speed For maximum economy maintain as near twenty-five miles per hour as possible except when coasting. Coasting has always been Vowed in official economy trials. Report The results to be attested to by driver and observers before a notary public on attached certificates furnished in duplicate for the pur pose. 'Fighting fourth" JWill Be First to Go Into Service When the call comei for the Ne braska National Guard to begin active service, the fourth regiment will be the first in the field, according to Col onel Baehr of the "Fighting Fourth." In view of the fact that the men of the Fourth are better trained and better organized than either of the other two regiments, they will doubt less be the firstnralled into the serv ice, the colonel said. The Fourth and Fifth regiments served on the border, but the Fourth at this time is much nearer the war strength mark than the Fifth, Colonel Baehr is now out in the state inspecting the guard preparatory to mobilizing the three regiment in Omaha. NEW MANAGER FOR BLACKSTONE HOTEL W. B. Smith, Formerlj of Rad- dison of Minneapolis, Takes Charge of Omaha Resi dential Hotel. Announcement has been made at the offices of'the Blackstone hotel of the accession to the management by W. B. Smith, well known throughout the middle west by reason of his many years in the hotel business in this section. r5 II it - t - v ' 1,186 Happy Kiddies Wore Bee Fourth of July Hats Report of the distribution to the children of Fourth of July red, white and blue paper hats through The Bee's new branch offices show that the1 original supply of 1,000 was. soon exhausted and the total was 1,186. The hats were given out for 3 cents each the absolute whole sale cost. Mr. Smith, who comes from Minne apolis to Omaha, has been identified for several years with the manage ment of the Raddison hotel and allied properties. Mr. Smith during the last season was in charge of Glen Morris inn, one of the most prominent of Minneapolis' finer resort hotels. Mr. Smith is most enthusiastic about Omaha's Blackstone, hotel, which he says is regarded among ho tel men everywhere as one of the fin est hotels, in its every appointment, in the entire country. Mrs. Smith accompanied Mr. Smith to Omaha and they have established their residence at the Blackstone, where they expect to remain. Painfully Burned When , Oil in Furnace Explodes An explosion of gasoline, with which he was starting a fire,, severe ly burned Jake Kronowski, employe of the Bee Hive Cleaning establish ment, 1941 Vinton street. He was taken to St. Joseph hospital, where the injuries were dressed. Shortly before noon Kronowski threw gasoline into the furnace in which he thought there was no fire, and turned to get a match. An ex plosion followed, painfully burning his tace and arms. I he fact that he had turned away undoubtedly saved his eyesight. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. . NINE-YEAR-OLD LAD RUN DOWN BY AUTO Little Melvin Brinner Probably Fatally Hurt When Struck by Car, Which Speeds Away. Little Melvin Brinner, 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brin ner, 1224 William street, was run over and probably fatally injured by an automobile at Sixteenth and Jackson streets at 10:30 this morning. Witnesses of the accident say the automobile was turning north on Six teenth when the boy, who was stand ing on the crossing, was struck. The driver of the machine imme diately speeded up after the accident and was lost in the traffic of Six teenth street, witnesses say. Police have the number of the machine and an arrest is expected. Mrs. R. J. Isbell. 3040 South Twen ty-third street, picked the;boy up in her machine and rushed him to the Clarkson hospital. He is still un conscious. . Police latter arrested W. E. Iter, 1248 South Tenth street, son of P. E. Her, formerly proprietor of the Wil low Springs distillery. He is being held for investigation. Leg Broken When Motor Car Runs Into Motorcycle Rider W. E. Wolfe, 1944 South Fifty-first street, employe in the city engineering department, suffered a broken leg when the motorcyclehe was riding was run down by a Star Express com pany auto, driven by Andy Kelberg, 4221 South Twenty-second street. Kelberg was arrested. It is said he was driving on the wrong side of the street. ii'li'liiliiliilnii'iiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiWiiiiinniHiiii'iiiiiiiiMj I SAFETY 1 FIRST Has been one of our aims for years. Experienced and careful ? help, with competent equip- "f ment to handlayour moving, 1 packing and Btorage puts us in the "SAFETY FIRST" class. 1 Omaha Van & : Storage Co. m i . IlllilllKllllillliliillllllllllllllllilllllllllilNIIJHI.IINIIillllUllli Phont Douglas 4163 806 S. 16th St. nr M IU1 ill TV on inJ Jza 13 of Shoes and Slippers At f ahor's Jig Shoe Store 1512 Douglas Street This Sale Means Money To You Be Here Early Saturday White Canvas Two-Strap Pumns. hirrh or Inw VippIs go fn this sale $2.48 Beautiful Colored Boots, with cloth tops to match, a -big. value' QA QQ at ... Men! Be here Saturday. English or High Toe Ox fords, all go at Barefoot Sandals for Boys, Big Boys, Girls or Little Girls go in this great sale for 23 This Patent Colonial Pump, as illustrated, sold for $6.00; special at Panor's Big Sale (heel 214 inches high, of leather) Ladies' White Pumps with the new low Louis heels, real fine canvas go at the Sr .'i sv Heel sXfy--0 $3.98 .. ' r53 nBBBBBaBBaBaBi Buy Your Children's Shoes Where You Can Save the Most Money Our Children's Department Alive With Bargains Misses' Mary Jane Pumps, patent or dull leather-CI 0 ers,allgoatvl0 Child's Barefoot Sandals, sizes up & 98c Misses' White Can vas Mary Jane goT:.a,.'.$1.38 White Canvas But ton Shoes, sizes to a8t.g... 98c Every Color, Every Style, Every Weave for Everybody. brandeis Stores The Moving Stairway Takes You Right Up to the Clothing Department. 6 fVc3- Coming or Going Your Clothing Reflects Your Personality Buy the Best You Can Get And when you adopt that attitude, there is no question about choice Hart Schaf f ner & Marx is Highest Grade 1 When you buy clothes, do not simply step up to a mir ror, take a quick glance at a front view and then decide that this is the Suit for you. You know just as many people see your back as those who see you coming toward them and the impression you make either going or coming these days is largely due to the clothes you wear and how they fit. I ell H ART Schaffner & Marx have made a close study, not only of clothes, but of needs of the men who will wear them thus they supply the VERY BEST styles for everyone young men, college men, business men, older men, bankers, brokers, whoever they may be THE CORRECT WEAR FOR ALL MEN. When you slip into a suit here the triple mirror gives back just one impres sion ALL RIGHT front, back and EVERYWHERE. QO WHEN YOU DISCOVER, in the inside pocket of the Coat you buy that little label, which is such a small thing to look for, but such a big thing to find Hart Schaffner & Marx Label you can quickly decide that THESE ARE THE CLOTHES FOR YOU for they re present the master efforts of recognized master tailors, backed up by the guarantee of the biggest clothing or ganization in this country, and that in turn backed up by our guarantee. At $18, $20, $22.50,' $25, $30 to $40 We are offering suits that are made of the very best of all summer materials Spartan Plaids, Club CheJts, Copper Shades, Irridescent Weaves, Tans, Browns, Olives, Blues, Greens, Silver Grays, Ox fords, etc. In Belt styles, Inverted Plait styles, Norfolk Soft Roll Sacks, etc. all perfectly tailored. Hart Schaffner &' Marx Two-Piece Suits, $15 and $18 In Dixie Weaves and Mohairs, sizes for men and young men. Other makes in Cool Cloths and Mohair Suits, $10 and $12.50. Palm Beach Suits, at $5.00 to $10.00. -' -'"'1 " - IV- " v- i - -c- :' V Men's Athletic Ribbed Union Suits, 95c Short sleevs, ankle length; short sleeves, knee length; and no sleeves, knee length. Made of Ribbed Lisle, Fancy Nainsook, Crepe and Mercerized Soisette Cloth; they have trousers and button over flap seat, assuring comfort to the wearer. Men's Shirts, at $1.15 Each Made with soft French cuffs, in patterns of every color, silk striped crepes, satin striped madras, repps, poplins and Jacquard weaves; all colors strictly fast. Shirts generously cut and well made. Men's High Grade, Satin Striped, Luxurious Silk Shirts, at $2.95 Patterns that were carefully selected. Made of duraVe quality 1 silk; neat and pronounced striped patterns to suit any taste. Neck band style with soft cuffs; all sizes, 14 to 17. Men's Silk Crepe and Broadcloth Silk Shirts, $5.50 and $6.50 Exclusive patterns in men's equal to custom made Silk Shirts, made of very fine quality all silk crepe and silk broadcloth; every shirt well tailored, perfect in fit and finish. Here Are Best Furnishings and Complete Stocks for Easy Choice Now' that we are in the midst of hot weather, no man can longer hesitate about getting his wardrobe in such shape that he will enjoy the .utmost of comfort. We are ready with the best of the best Furnishings, in most complete assortments full stocks guarantee you perfect satisfaction. Men's Shirts, at 95c Each Hundreds of new patterns, collar attached and neckband style; also Men's Sport Shirts, in plain and colored styles and neat stripes. Men's Solid Leather Belts, 50c and $1.00 Of carefully stitched stock, in black, gray and tan; plain and leather covered buckles; for men of all sizes, 30 to 48. Men's Hose, 25c Pair Silk and Silk Fibre and Fancy Striped Lisle; all the new Spring shades for low shoe wear. Many in this lot worth 50c a pair. 200 Dozen Men's Half Hose, 19c Pair riain colors, In white, black, gray, gray and champagne, etc; run of the mill quality; all sizes, 9 to 11, special at this price. Men's Summer Scarfs, 50c Bought especially for this sale and just right for Summer wear; beautiful patterns in all the newest weaves of silk. Men's Worsted and Cotton Bathing Suits Plain and fancy stripesT Webber and California makes, at 85c, to $4.95. t "' - vv,, , Men's Hats in the Clearance Sale WE HAVE GROUPED TOGETHER for quick dispersal, Hats that you must have right now for comfort and good style, and repriced them in a way to make them go in a jiffy. Men's Straw Hats, about 60 dozen, Split Braids, Sennits and Yeddos, Alpine, Optimo and Yacht AQq styles, now. at Men's Silk Top Outing Hats, combi nation brims, also White Duck Madagasgar and Palm 39c Beach Hats, now at OiC Men's Straw Hats, Special Purchase, 98c We have been extremely fortunate in obtaining, right at the time of this Sale, a remarkable stock of the best style Straw Hats, at such a price concession, that we are able to quote this extremely small price. High grade Sennits and Italian Braids, Telescope, Alpine a,nd Yacht Qgc styles, made to sell for as much as $2.50, now, at v r Panama Hats, at $1.95 About 50 dozen Men's Jap anese and Toyo Panamas, all the newest Summer styles, made with fancy sash bands, all sizes, all in one lot, now, at $1.95 Boys' Headwear, 39c Boys' and Children's Rah Rah, plain and fancy colors, also Straw Hats, in all the new shapes, to be closed out, at 39 Boys' and Children's Play Hats, 19c Plain and fancy colors, to be closed out, at, each..,19 Main Floor Men's Low Shoes Clearance Men's Oxfords, about 200 pairs, in Tan Rus sia Calf, Dull Black Calf, lace, blucher and button styles, English lasts, round toes and hig toe lasts, short lines of regular stock, former prices $4to$6 Now, at $3.45 Mala Floor, Man' Building Sporting Goods at Clearance Prices Here are yery exceptional opportuni at exceptional prices. $35.00 Bicycles, at $25.00. Beautiful enameled, in black, blue or maroon. New Departure Coaster Brake, straight grain maple rims, guaranteed tires, mud guards; new model tiandle bars with rubber grips. Standard rubber pedals. $58.00 Racine Canoe, $35.00 16 and 18 feet long, with or without keel, no better canoe made. Here is a REAL opportun ity. Take one down to the lake. Base Ball Uniforms HALF PRICE Boys' and Men's Base Ball Uniforms, most all sizes to choose from, at HALF4RICE. tics to obtain best grade Sporting Goods $1.50 Base Ball Gloves, 95c Leather Base Ball Gloves, good, serviceable quality. $3 High Grade "Putters," $1.50 Choice of about 100 of these high grade Putters GOLFERS, TAKE NOTICE. $7 and $8 Tennis Rackets, $5.00 All our high grade Tennis Rackets that have sold at S7.00 and S8.00, now, at $5.00. $1 and $1.25 Base Ball Bats, 65c Louisville Slugger Base Ball Bats, in a final roundup. Main Floor, Men' Building