THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JULY 3. 191. Use for Homes During Summer. With the beginning of warmer weather we have been chronicling the departure of many well-to-do dwell ers in Omaha to summer homes on the shore of Lake Minnetonka, on the eastern coast, on ranches in the foot- hills of the Rockies and everywhere that the atmosphere promises to be cooler and more agreeable than here at home. Their going has left idle a great many delightful homes which are far cooler than hose in which a vast majority of the population lives. This fact was realized by a Chi cago woman, Mrs. Arthur Ryerson, and she made it the occasion for car rying on a charity which a writer of that city has called "so beautiful and appealing that if she doesn't have imitators it will be because the mil lenium is too far off to be realized." In her artistic and attractive new house which overlooks the green groves and smooth lawns of the north end of Lincoln park she is hostess to twenty-two fragile, pale and wist ful little convalescents, heart cases from the Children's Memorial hos pital, and their attendant nurses. Although her green paneled draw ing room is the most perfect expres sion of the Georgian period that David Adler could design, although her molded ceilings are pure Adam, although her dark floors are of a pol ish an ancient royal palace might envy, they are not too fine for the twenty-two little white iron beds she installed there before she went east. Neighbors who objected to the project when approached beforehand, tor she had to have the consent of her neighbors before she could do a transcendently Christian act, have since written her to say that it is a lovely sight to see the enjoyment of these frail invalids as they sit on the balconies of the mansion or are wheeled into the sunshine and shade of the park's fragrant paths. It may he that some Omaha people purses and hearts are both of generous size will be moved to put their own homes to some such use during the summer months. dinner-dance and Mrs. C. G. Camp bell will have a party of eight. Two Surprise Weddings. t Two weddings of South Side young people which have not been made public occurred within the last two weeks. One was the marriage of Dr. Y.. F. Shanhan, South Side police surgeon, to Miss Margaret Fitzger ald, which took place last Wednesday at St. Peter's church. The young peo ple left today for a wedding visit in Rock Island, 111., the home of the bridegroom. The other wedding took place two weeks ago, but the honeymoon had an unfortunate end. Miss Nellie Har old, niece of Mrs. Roy H. Dennis, of the South Side, and Mr. Minor Hull were the principals. They had left Omaha on their wedding trip, but after two days the bride was taken with smallpox and had to be brought back to the detention hospital in this c'rty, where she will be confined for at least two weeks longer, although her condition is much improved. In il- meantime the bridegroom stays at tli. hotel and makes daily trips to talk beneath her window. He was im mediately vaccinated and will not contract the disease. Mr. and Mrs. Hull will make their home in North Platte. , At the Country Club. Dr. and Mrs. F. N. Conner enter tained at supper at the club Sunday night. Messrs. and Mesdames: W. F. Gurley and F. H. Gaines, Miss Lilla Gui-ley of Washington. D. C, and Dr. W. O. Bridges. Mrs. S. S. Caldwell had a family party of nine with her at the club. Mr. Wilson H. Lowe had seven guests. Mr. J. De Forest Richards had a party of nine. Fartie s of six or less were the guests of E. M. Martin, Mrs. Eva K. Wallace, H. H. Baldrige, J. E. Fitzgerald, O. C. Redick, . J. E. Ludlow, W. A. C. Johnson, Barton Millard, W. H. McCord, Miss Eugenic Patterson. J. P. Webster, D. A. Baum, Fred T. Hamilton and Sam Burns. Mrs C. Will Hamilton will have even luncheon guests Tuesday. Res ervation ipr the Fourth of July din ner dance have been made by Dr. W. O. Bridges for a party of twelve, by Mr. George H. Kelly for ten guests and by Mr. E. G. McGilton for eight gufsts. At Seymour Lake Country Club. Mr. and Mfs. C. A. Mangum enter tained at dinner Sunday night, having eight guests in their party. One of the pleasant Sunday events was a picnic party vat the Samuel J. Bell cottage. Another dinner party included Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dudley, Mr. S. E. Mathson and Mr. W. R. Overmire. Small parties were entertained by Mr, C. I. Vollmer, Miss Dorothv Ad kins, Mr. J. H. Kopietz, Mr. J. F. Carey, Miss Mary Connor, Mr. H. L. Goldstone and Mr. Byron Clow. Mrs. W. H. Cheek entertained at a kensington-tea this afternoon, having twenty-four guests. At the Field Club. Mrs. A. V. Shotwell took advantage of the war relief lawn fete at Binnie Brae Saturday to buy all prizes for the Tuesday afternoon bridge tourna ment at the Field club. Particularly appropriate to this season of the year was the picnic basket which was pur chased, as well as the garden basket filled with tools. A handsome Jap anese silk bag with jade handles and an hors d'euvre dish will be other prizes. The largest number of play ers that has attended this year is ex pected Tuesday. Mrs. Herman Cohen is the first to make luncheon reserva tions. She ill have a party of five. Twenty-five golfers had luncheon at the club Sunday. At night the sup per parties were with Messrs. Will Herdman, F. W. Kayser. F. S. Pol lard, T. B. Coleman, rC.m A. Robinson, Jack Sharpe, C. W. Bridges, Carl Swanson and H. A. Wahl. Carter Lake Club. At Sundav night supper the largest party included a number of the fam ous men who will take part in the speedway races on the Fourth. As their guests, Mr. and Mrs. K. t. nay ward entertained. Messrs. and Mes dames Guv L. Smith and J. W Weaver. Messr. Ralp Mulford, Billy Tavlor, Fred Wagner and A. J. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Childs had with them Miss Mildred Smith and Mr Louis Soecht. A sDecial Fourth of July dinner will replace the fortnightly cottagers' din ner ednesday night. In and Out of .he Bee Hive. Mrs. John E. Marsh left Sunday for San Francisco to visit her brother, Mr. Thomas Robbins, and Mrs. Rob bins for three months. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shackleford and daughter have taken an apartment at the Blackstone. Mr. Charles E. Blanchard of Min neapolis is stopping at the Blackstone for a tew days. Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. F. A. Grant and their three attractive daughters have arrived in Omaha and are stopping at the blackstone temp orarily. This is the third time that Colonel Grant has relieved Colonel Gonzales S. Bingham at' a quarter master's depot, but the first oppor tunity that he has had to meet him. Miss Marjorie Cavers left Sunday night for Chicago, where she will visit with school friends for two weeks Her father Mr. J. A. Cavers, and Mr E. S. Westbrook left Sunday night for Aew ork. Mrs. L. S West brook left today for a short stay at Prvor Lake, Minn. From there she will go to Chicago to meet Miss Cav ers and the two will join Mr. Cavers and Mr. Westbrook m New York, The party will then spend some time visiting in New London, Conn.; Bos ton and Atlantic City, and will return to Omaha the latter part of July. Dur ing the absence of his father and sister Mr. Keith Cavers will remain- in Omaha. Gossip of Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Millard have as their guests tor two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin of Shelbyville, Kv. Mr. and Mrs. Max Burkenroad will receive informally from 4 to 10 Tues day in honor of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Burkenroad of New York City, who are making a fortnight's visit here. Mr. Leslie Burk enroad gives a dinner for eight in the Blackstone roof gardens for them to night. Fly a Flag as You Drive Through Omaha Streets One of the latest and best ap pliances for flying a flag on the motor car is being shown and sold by the Brandeis stores exclusively for Omaha. It is called "Flaglite" and can be attached to any motor car in a few minutes. It fastens to the can over the radiator and a beautiful silk flag is fastened firmly over a cup shape receptacle that contains an elec tric light bulb which throws the light upward and upon the flag, showing it up clearly as it flies. This can be fit ted to the electrical appliances of any machine. Another important feature is the iact that this appliance can easily be converted into a trouble light in a jiffy when you need it, doing away with the necessity for the mo torist carrying a flash light. It is one of the best ideas brought out thus far for patriotic purposes. Less Contagious Diseases During June Than in May Health department comparative fig ures for May and June pf this year ' T Diphtheria Scarlet fever Measles Typhoid (ever Smallpox Chlckenpox Cerebro spinal meningitis. The Grenadine Dress YOUR great-grandmother would recognize the , . uL name of this material but its beautiful, silky -pi-" iM1h1;IwI weave was not known in her time. Tan Gren- Iff f$:' Im'BtMwVAw adine is the foundation of this exquisitely beauti- 43ajy' 'tMiKfpiiTOall ful midsummer frock. Filet lace makes the sleeves 'IfS;MIw!1'M and extends itself into the collar and sides of the l&lHlulttt ttf-ErWliiwCT ' frock with the suggestion of an Eton jacket. Filet, OTslWlraSfflwlil' 'too, makes the bottom of the skirt and as Paris f fpif sees it, the filet trails on the floor when it isn't JJ ifffplffi j climbing up shyly toward the ankles. However, the ffl 1iP$lutW a American woman who chooses this remarkably lffeW I smart frock for her "best summer dress" will cut K$$i$M it off neatly "round-about." The picture hat which W '7OT11mM if sets off the dress so beautifully is an enormous ifffi aPf iKMfflliffi J Canotier of black tulle, satin or velvet, as you please, f Wfff I broadening at the sides and using little swirls of IQ 'lliGlifi I .Paradise gracefully to emphasize it, elongation. June. . 7 . 8 .193 , 1 . 33 . 27 May 7 161 37S 1 37 41 1 Index Membership Cards Seven pa triotic high pchool girls under the supervision of Miss Edith Partridge, a teacher at Farnani school, volunteered to index 30,000 Red Cross membership cards. Those who began work at the Red Cross headquarters are as fol lows: Misses Mary Ure, Gladys Rice, Dorothy Johnson, Lois Thompson, Mil dred Benson, Margaret Snyder and Emily Ross. Three Bathing Suits There are three types of bathing suits to choose from this season. There are bathing suits and swimming suits and suits for those individuals who have a liking for sand and rocks and a profound distaste for water. Among the bathing costumes ex hibited one finds all three types; but there is noticeable a pleasing rap proachment between the swimming suits, and these intended for display on the shore. Apparently one, need not choose twixt the utilitarian and the orna mental. One may combine the two, and moreover one may do it without distracting the attention of the entire beach crowd. Of course it is possible to obtain the conservative and practical bathing suits of dark colored silk or satin upon the ordinary lines, and some of these are good looking. But for the woman who wants individuality in her bathing costume there are other things. The rather amazing garb evolved last season, apparently in a Bakst dream, had piquant and attractive fea tures, but was a bit too spectacular for folk of fastidious tastes. This year the same designer who was responsi ble for those picturesque but exclam atory earlier models has produced better things. Ihe practical ana tne piquant are combined and many a modern maid will pay the prices of such suits without a murmur. Tussors. tub' satin and various other silks and near silks are repre sented among these cotsumes. ror Beautiful Hair Tinting Nothing so robs a woman of her good looks and attractiveness as gray, streaked or faded hair. And there Is no mora reason or sens In tol- wife rating unat tractive hair than there Is In wearing unbe coming gowns. The one hair stain that stands supreme Is "Brow natone." It Is simple and easy to use. No S.HAVM mixing. Just i.mMV V comb or brush 'lsi ! u lnt0 your halr Ev ggjL. It cannot be de. V T"7, !, t.t. will not rub or wash off. acts Instantly and Is absolutely harmless. , "Brownatone" will give any shade deslreo from light golden brown to black. Tour druggist sells "Brownatone" or will got It for you. A sample and a booklet will be mailed you upon receipt of 10 cents, and your orders will be filled direct from our laboratories It you prefer. Mention shade desired. Two sizes 2Bc and $1.00. Insist on "Brownatone" at your hair dresser's. Prepared by the Kenton Pharmacol Co., 6:9 Coppln Wrtg., Covington, Ky. ' Sold and guaranteed In Omaha by Sher man & MoConnell Drug Stores and other leading dealers. Advertisement. At Happy Hollow Club. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. King, who are stopping in Omaha for a short visit enroute from Atlanta, Ga., to their home in Tacoma, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mickel gave a dinner at Happy Hollow club Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Durkee are en tertaining a party of twenty-one of the office force of the P. and O. Plow company, of which Mr. Durkee is manager, at dinner at the club tonight. Friday Mrs. G. V. Johnston has reservations for a luncheon party of fifteen at the club. Mrs. Don ;T. Lee wij entertain at the Tuesday night FOR THE AUTO RACES JULY FOURTH we have especially pre pared a TABLE D'HOTE DINNER which we will serve from 11 a. m. until 9 p. m. ONE DOLLAR HOTEL LOYAL some of the best models jersey is often chosen, the finest,. softest, loveli est of wool jersey, lifcjit in weight, elastic easily dried, so friendly to dye stuffs that it takes exceptionally good color tones. Out of this jersey ate fashioned one-piece swimming suits, easy and comfortable, allowing utter freedom of movement, and usually accom panied for convention's sake by over robes that may be worn or shed at the wearer's will and accordingly as one purposes actual swimming or mere splashing and beach play. Gold atd dark blue, green and dark blue, purple and gray, gray and flame, purple and cerise these are some of the color schemes, but where the re lieving color is emphatic it is used sparingly and skillfully;, just a narrow binding of it here, a button . of it there, a gay tassel or a splash of bright embroidery. Of bathing hats and caps it is dif ficult to write. One must see them in order to appreciate them. Many are little, close, high-crowned affairs of jersey or silk vith soft brims rolling up against the crowns and faced with contrasting colors. Some have gay draped crowns and drooping brims. Others are closely draped caps of picturesque shape with tabs falling flatly over the ears and soft narrow scarfs fastened closely around the head. Still others are in the fashionable beret shape a plait, a quirk, a button, a tassel, a dash of color lend distinction. Capes of plain, one-tone jersey with bordering bands, collar and a cap of big block check iii the color of the suit and some contrasting color make excellent combinations. For instance one good looking model noted was of black and gold. Brooklyn hagle. ASK FOR and GET Mor lick's The Original Malted Milk Substitutes Cost YOU Sam Pile Food Speculators Scored In Omaha Pulpits Sunday Patriotism and conservation were the keynotes of sermons in many Omaha churches yesterday. This was in accordance with the request of President Wilson and rood Adminis trator Hoover. Rev. A. A. DeLarme at the First Baptist church declared "there is no greater criminal in the world than the food speculator." Rev. John Flockhart of M. An drew's Episcopal church, said: "Don't put off saving until tomorrow. Start now. There is no time to lose." Rev. John Poucher of Trinity Meth odist, Rev. Oscar Autritt of the Ger man Bapitist, Rev. Fred VV. Leavitt of the Plymouth Congregational and Rev. Fred Clark of the First Congre gational, Rev. Titus Lowe of tht First Methodist were among the.min isters who preached upon patriotism and food conservation. Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results. Reputation Established, A Future Guarantee We dare not jeopardize our priceless asset, Good Reputation, for a transitory Profit. We dare not misrepresent our goods or our endorsements. Consider this well! Reputation is the safeguard of inexperience. "Avoid those that make false claims." Whether or not a man has expert knowledge of Diamonds, Watches and Jew elry, he is safe if he puts his trust in merchants of good reputa tion. Why take a chance with Bmall or unknown dealers when your credit is good with Loftis Bros. & Co., The Old Reliable, Orixinai Diamond and Watch Credit House, 409 South Sixteenth Street, Es tablished 1858. This business, "the largest of its kind in the world," is a monu ment to the proverb, "Honesty is the Best Policy." CO 1 v i I , 01 COLORADO ROCKIES IVhen It's Hot and you want to get away froi.i your business to recuperate come to Denver and cool Colorado. Enjoy a combination of rest and recreation with scenic attractions unequaled anywhere else in America. You have never enjoyed a real vacation until you spend your summer outing in picturesque Colorado America's Vacation Para dise. Visit Denver's New Mountain Parks and Rocky Moun tain National Park (Estes), 38 other Rail, Auto and Trolley Scenic and Sightseeing Trips; 14 one-day trips. Fishing, Camping and' Mountain Climbing. Low summer rates on all railroads. Write for Free Booklets SMH that tells where to go, what to see, what it costs and how to enjoy from one to twenty-eight days in cool, sunny Colo rado, the Playground of the Nation. Questions Cheerfully Answered &5rc immi mmm mmmi 155 West Madison St CHICAGO, ILL. 17thSfreet DertTW.Colo. OR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING BRANCH BUREAUS: 909 H Grand At., 123 E. Pike Peak Ave., KANSAS CITY, MO. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO, STORE CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY. Jt'LY 4TH Cool Clothes for "The 4th" Wonder Values (T T took a lot of courage a few years I ago to wear light colored, light weight clothes to business all men were slaves in those days," remarks a man with a memory. No man need be a slave to a heavy, stuffy, uncomfortable, hot suit any more. We're featur ing a great special 'department devoted to featherweight suits, involving every practical style, weave and color that best makers produce. Genuine Palm Beach Suits, $5.00 to $9.00 Cool Crash and Mohair Suits, $7.50 to $15 Straw Hat Shop of Omaha ' Every comer of the earth that originates tropical head wear has contributed its share to our wonderful stocks. Genuine Panama, Bangkok Hatf. Si to SIO 84 to $6 Madagascari, 31.50 Porto Ricant, 33 HaU, 81.50 Split and Sennit Yacht Hati, 31.50 to S t White Duck and Felt Hats, 50d Silk and Cloth Hatt and Cap., at 501 to 32 Silk Shirts, Sport Shirts, Union Suits. Bathing Suits for Men and, Boys Cool Footwear for "The Fourth" Tropical Worsted Suits, $7.50 to $25. True Blue Serge Suits, i $15 to $35 .CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Lemons a dozen WJiy Be Without Lemonade Any Time (4th of July) With Lemon At This Price? Doctor Recommend Them For HealthFine For Complexion. FIREWORKS AH Kinds W Mention a Ftw. Cap Pistol, at 4c Baloons, at Be 2-ball Roman Candle,, 7 tor Sc 4-kall Roman Candles, 4 (or 8c 6-bll Roman Candles, straight 2c 10-ball Roman Candle, straight 4c 15-ball Raman Candles, straight 8c 2- Inch Salutes, box, Be; 2 for.. Be 3- Inch Salutes, box, 5r; 7 Itr. .., 9c New Spuds, peck, IS lbs. . . .'Or sni 75c Soda, 10c pkj. ' 7c Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles, pk(....Cc Rice, Fancy Whole Japan, lb 6 Rice, Fancy Head, long grains, lb. .. .10s Breakfast Cocoa, per lb 20c Ice Tea, per lb 29c Yeast Foam, 4c i 3 for , ..10c Cum, 4c t 3 pkgs.. for ...10c 10-lb. Standard Pkg. Sugar 83c Cider Vinegar, gallon 21c Matches, 5c ( 3 for 13c Pearl White Soap (100 bar) $3.85 Shredded Wheat Biscuits 12c FLOUR We still have old wheat flour It make I better bread than new wheat floor. Economy Brand, 44 lb.. $3.10 Cesh Habit Brand, 48 lb ..$3.44 Tip Brand, 48 lb ....$3.49 Cold Medal, 48 lb $3.49 Bulk Oatmeal, 4 lb.. 25c Instant Postum .....27c and 45e S.ilmori, tall, I -lb. can.'. . ,17c, 19c, 2Sc 14-lb. sack Table Salt 19c Chloride Lime, per can.. 12c , MEAT DEPARTMENT ' Wr .ndl nothing but very best quality of meat. Count! Egg, guaranteed fresh, dog. .33c Crisea 41c 82c $1.64 Sawtav, 28c. 86c, $1.12 Rest Full Cream Cheese, lb 30c Best Full Brick Cheese, lb 30c Tanhauser. a snappy, soft drink. .... .9c 3 for i........28e Applju, small, 9c large.,. 19c Ugu, crushed from l-oganoei-rie. ., .c Open 4th of July 7 to 11 A. M. The BASKET STORES M. D. D. D. 3. IN THE prevention of disease the work of the dentist is fully as important a$ that of the doctor. . Indigestion and constipation frequently disappear after the dentist has put hit patient's mouth in Order. Rheumatism is often cured by the removal of an abscess from the root of a decayed molar. Your dentist can serve you not only by filling cavities, and so removing sources of infection, but by telling you how to nse a tooth .brush, and what to expect from a dentifrice. S. S. White Tooth Paste is a pure, whole, eome, non-medicated cleanser, made by the world's best known makei of dental equipment and supplies. Your druggist ha it Sipund mail the coupon below for our booklet, "Good Teeth; How They Grow And How To Keep Tbem." THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFci CO. MOUTH AND TOILET PREPARATIONS 211 SOUTH 12th ST. PHILADELPHIA SlSffllTE TOOTHPASTE COUPON ,&frM I.