THK BEE: bMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917. 12 LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Cattle Break Sharply as the Western and Southern " Grass Stuff Begins to Arrive. Omihi, Jim SI, HIT. Receipts were. Cattle. Hon. Sheep. Official Monday 640 7.3BS 2,247 ofriclal Tuendtiy t.Oilt 12,781 4,046 Official Wedntredajr ... 2.14S 1.1,010 4,091 Estimate Thursday.,.. t.SOO 15,1(00 MOO Kour dsyi thfi week. 20,617 41,006 .6,m Kour days last wk. 13.383 31,444 16,876 Kour day 2 wks. sgo.3r.,02 30,72s K,&20 Four days I wks. ano.J3.300 10,626 C,73 Four dan 4 wks ago. 21 714 30,842 13,647 Kour days laat yar. .. 14,464 43,31 40,33 R!elpta and disposition of Itve stock at the Union 8 lock yarda for twenty-four hour ending at 2 o'clock yealerday afternoon: RECKIPTI4 CAK8. N Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. H'r'i. C. M. at fit. P fc b . Wabash lit,. Missouri Paelflc., 4ft fl 1 Union Psctflc 21 45 11 J C. 4k N. W., east 4 .. 1 C. N. W , west... 17 76 6 C, Ht. P., M. fc O.. 1Z 20 .. C B. A east... i I 1 ., ('.. B. Q., weat.. 30 49 1 C R. I. P., eaat. 7 7 .. V., R. I. P. weat. 4 1 .. llllnola Contra) 4 1 .. 1 Chi. OU Western... 1 2 .. ; , Total ...164 223 22 2 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Ho kb, Bbeep. Moirls A Co 143 3,168 696 Hwlft i Co.... 384 1.677 1,662 Cudehy Packing Co 1,017 2.611 312 Armour Co 676 2,722 603 Hchwerti Co 1H6 .... J. W. Murphy 2,414 Lincoln Packing Co.... 1 .... Kohr Packing Cq 262 .... Armour, Kanaaa City... 114 Cudahy. Kanaaa City... 364 ... .... Denton, Vanaant A Luah 10 ' .... .... Hill A Bon 2 F. B. Lewie 72 J. B. Root A Co........ 18 .... .... Werthelmer 4 Degen... 218 Sullivan Broe 6 .... Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... I - Christie 1 .... Huff mas ..,....,.. t Roth 2t Meyers 21 John Harvey .... I Icneen A Lungren 36 .... Pat O'Day., 7 Other buyer. , 'too .... 193 Total 4,472 , 14,343 4.140 Cattle There was a fair run of cattle tor it Thursday, about 1,100 head, and the four da ye aupply thla week baa fallen only about 1.000 abort of laat week's heavy run, Pol lowing Wednesday's somewhat demor alised trade the market today was tn much the same condition with bids unevenly lower all around. Choice beeves were compara tively scarce, but receipts Included an un utually large percentage of half fat and graaay light and medium weight stuff. Karly bide were all of 10 to 16 cants lower than yesterday and good weight steers are , now selling 26 to 86 rente lower than a week ago, while the decline on the yearling! has been anywhere from 86 to 76 cents. There la usually a sharp break In the fat tattle market every season about the time the western and southern grass cattle be gtn to run, and that seems to be what Is the matter with the trade this week. The market on cows and heifers wae also demoralised, with the grassy and half fat cows selling 10 to 16 cents lower than yqtrday and anywhere from 60 cents to 1 11.60 lower than a week or ten days ago. Veal calves are a little lower for the weak and there has been a further decline In the market for bulla. tags and rough stock generally. Trsde In ttockers and feeders has been very light this week, and while supplies have been small, the demand has been even smaller, and the trend of values has been lower. Prices are anywhere from 60 cents to 31 lower than they were t week or tin days ego, Quotations on Cattle Oood to choice beeves. 113.86013.00; fair to good beeves, 113.004)13.76; common to fair beeves, 310.60 441.76; good to choice yearlings, $12,609 13.36; fair tn good yearlings, 211.71012.26: . common to fair yearlings, t9.760U.6O; good to cholco heifers, f I0.26O11.00; good to choice cows. t0.60O10.60; fair to good cows, 28. 0002.00; common to fslr cows, 28.009 1.00: prim feeding steers. t1O.OO0U.OO; (food to choice feeders, 20.00010. 00; fair to good feeders. t0.OO09.OO; common to fslr feeders, 17. 000. 00: good to choice stock ere, lbu01O.6O; stock heifers. 21.26 0 10.60; oefc cows. 27.00010.00: stock calves, 21.00 M0. 00; veal oalvce, 210.00 0 14.60; bulla, eiHRH, etc., 27 00010.60. Representative sales; ' BE! Elf ' 8TKRRS, .. A v. pr. No. At. Pr. 466 fl 00 33 142 18 76 . 9H2 3 36 .1006 10 00 .1111 10 60 U 861 I 60 1 1060 10 60 68 90S 11 00 33 1164 12 40 30 1231 12 30 6..... :'0 H8t 12 3S 30, 1162 12 70 COWS. 2...... ..1021 t 26 1. 3 ti 7 00 I. 0. ...... .1102 2 25 1. 7 llil 3 90 4. .1129 4 10 . 190 T 36 .1010 3 60 .1117 10 00 , 403 t 20 . 3K0 1 60 . tn it ti . 326 It Tt . 326 IS 26 CALVES. . 290 T 60 3. , 3C.0 10 00 1. , 250 1H0 3. , 220 12 60 2, 240 13 00 2. Hogs Teale rday's decline In th bog mar--,ket was duplicated hers today, packers eon iinulng very bearish and beating prices town another 100 16o. Some hogs th thtpners bought early were barely 10c lowur, but their purchases wera hardly large enough to have much affeot on the . trade. When packers started out they were talk ing declines of aa much aa 16020c, but Itiey gradually raised their handa, and move ment finally started on a 10016c basis. At one time In the middle of the trade It looked as though further riecllnes might be en forced, but after half an hour or so In which very little waa done the market H came back and towards th close waa fairly active at prices that were fully as good aa had been paid at any time. In fact, aoine sellers thought that later rounds were the beat of the day. By a little after If o'clock practically everything had been cleaned up. Bulk of ths offerings sold at 214.700 li.00, a narrower spread of 114. 76014. 00 catching the long strings. Several loads of good heavies sold up to 216.20, the top. Today's reak leaves prlrea generally ir . 40c lower than last week's clone and the lowest It has been at nee April 2. Th break has been very Irregular and tn spots, particularly among (he least desirable daises, 60o declines have been enforced since laat Saturday. Representative sales: No. At. 8h. Pr. No. Av 8h. Pr. 240 14 66 62. .170 ...14 60 73.. rot 89. .314 140 14 V 40..39 V 63..2i. 14 76 1J 86 14 If. 7, .138 ... 14 80 28. .311 ... 14 00 70..2M 130 16 00 0. .202 80 It 10 84, .220 70. .108 it.. 296 It 16 68. .317 140 16 20 Sheep Offerings of sheep and lambs were the heaviest of ths week to date, twenty one loada, or In the neighborhood of 6.000 head being reported In. The four days' total amounts' to 16,288 hesd, which Is a1 few hundred hesd smaller than for either last week of two weeks ago, and a shortage of 2w,A00 head as compared with a year ago. Yesterday's prices -tiers proved to be by far ths highest of any of the western markets, and with more breadth to offerings the trade reacted today. As a general things lambs were a big quarter lower, opening sales being S6c below yesterday's closing rounds while soms of the stuff thst sold later In ths morning was If anything down a little more than that. This means thst yesterday's upturn was Just about all wiped out, though prices were still higher than at any of the other markets. Clipped lambs were again almost entirely larking. A good many springers were on offer, fair to good native gelling mainly at a sp ead of 317.00018.26, while a string of Idabng sold at 318.40. This shipment ws by ths way the first of any slae to, be received on this market from that elate. Almost everything haa crossed the scales by shorty after 10:3. The same Irregularity that was noted fn lambs was In evidence tq th mutton trade. While some of the earlier business was done at prices thst looked right close to steady the general tono of the market waa easier, and there were sales that look ed aa much aa Jfco lower. Decent to good native ewes that came tn with springers old largely at tt.:60t.7t. while good Idaho brought th day's top of 910.00. Idaho yearlings wer cashed at 213.00. Quotations on sheep and lambs:' Lambs, shorn handy, tlt.36014.00; lambs, shorn, heavy, 9lt.OO016.76i spring lambs. 216.80O 18.40; spring lambs, culls, tlt.OO01l.tO; lambs, feeders, 3 1 4. 00 1 1. 36 : yearl I n gs. shorn. 113.00013.00; wethers, horn, 310.00 011.60; owes, shorn, tt.00010.00; owes, culls, shorn, $6.0001.60, Representative aales; i No. Ar. Pr. I J12 native spring lambs 02 212 26 i 16 cull spring iambs ......... 44 11 go 146 native shorn feeding owes,., to JO native spring lambs 69 T to 11 00 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Corn Prices Continue to Soar, While Wheat Market Suf fers a Further De cline. Omaha, June 28, 1017, The cash grain situation was much the same aa It has been for the past seversl days, the demand for wheat being very dull and the market suffering further de clines, while the demand for ceh corn was excellent and prices on this cereal con tlnued to advance lo new high lev1s. The whf-at market ludrtr waa extremely weak, whh the No. 3 grade of hard winter selling rrom steady to 3 cents under ye' tenlay nominal quotations, while the No. 3 hard sold fully 7 cents under ths auotattona or in nrev oua iav. There were no of mlied or durum wheat reported, but thii waa due to the fart that almoKt all of the oirermga were or ine hard winter variety. which was more In demand than either the mixed or durum. The corn market waa strong, with uriees nuoted 1U in 3 nt, higher, and while there waa not much avl. dence of demand for ex port com. the loc demand eaaliy was strong enough to take car of the offerings, which were rather targe, me total arrival! for the dav twin vara. n rms corn was again nuoted premium prices. No. 3 grade selling around wnna me wo. 2 ye now brought 21.6a '4 to 21.89 and the mixed sold from 1.81 K to 21.69. The oat! market waa ver active, and sellers reported a good demand ior mis cereat. wim lisht arr va a prices quoted about 1 cent higher f Rye was extremely weak at a decline of about cents, wniie barley was a so weak, md was quoted nominally cents to 6 cents Clearances werei Wheat and rimte .vu.vvu tn,., worn, ju.vuu ou: oats, nam. Primary wheat recelnta were, ill find h. ana aniumenta 378. ooo bu.. tvaimi an,uuu w, nu snipmenta or. 6U4.OO0 bu. Primary com recelnta war lia Htm and shipments 644,000 bu., against receipts r. iva.vw du, ana shipments oi 440.000 bu. rrimarr oats recelnta Were Af enn hit and ahtpments 347,000 bii., sgnlnnt receipts ui bu. ana snipments or 740,000 bu. mi r nr. CARLOT ItKCEIPTB. Wheat. Corn Oats. Chicago Minneapolis l-uluth Omaha , 27 103 II .194 . t K annas City IouU .... .. 21 ..636 21 42 Winnipeg .... These sales were reported; Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 12.28 vmr. i,ao. no. a nam w ntv 1 - vara, f, 4n. wo, nam winter: 2-1 ear, 23.20; 2-6 car, 22 00. No. 2 soring; car, 82.16. Sample spring: U car, 21.00. nir-B, Mi i car taninnara' iht.t Corn NO. I White: I eara. 91 Mil. V 2 white: 1 oar. IMI; 2 cars. 21.68. No! yejiow: i car,,i.i?; j car. II H V cars, 31.684. No( 1 yeltowi 1 car, 31.63 1 car, 2164. No. mixed: 1 car (shin per' welghlT, fi.fli; 4 cars, 11.88: 2 cars, ei.Qnn; e cars.'a. no. a m cars, tl 8; 2 cars, 2l BSi 1 car, 21.68V i""' ; iniaeu; i oar, fl.SBJ S cars, 1,8. no. mueu: g cars, f 1.68. No, 6 mixed i car, si.ei, earn pie mixed i 3-6 car. 91. "a. Oats No. I white: 1 car, 31c. Standard car, use, no, 8 white: t cars. 69 cars, ssajc. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 68 Vie. Omaha Cash Prlrea: h.. z.a4Vz.s; no. 3 hard, I2.270Z.8O; No. hard. 22.0002.20. Corn No. 3 white. 81.60 wi.v'm no. a wnite. ii.iiun ii; Nn white, 31.801.68i: No. 6 white, 21670 i.woi no. e wnne( fi.soi.S7u; No. 3 yel low, 3l.67HOl.6B: No. 2 veliow. niiua t.wwi iTu. jrennw, II.1ID .iitt NO. a yel. ISO. fi yellow. It K7 47U:No. 3 mixed. 81 48U tt No. mixed, t1IH0l 88; No. 4 mixed, 21680 'van. riv. a mixey,; JVO, mixed, fl.37 01.67Ui. Oats No. 3 white, 8H440u; standard, 8069ct No. 3 white, "l"Ci no. wnit, 6806BUjc. Barley- Malting. 3I.l20l.l8: No. 1 feed. 11 AAA 06. Ay No. 2. 23.2292.26: No. 2. 13 2 W-a. Art. Open. High. Low.Closs. Yes 1 02 t 02 201 03 206 I 12 1 12 182 1 12 ISO f Hf V t lGtK t 4J 1694 1 4 1 47 14ft 1 47 147U 1 02 1 02 102 1 02 107 84 24 24i 144 214J M , 64 tlS 64 4 61 Hi 64 64 I IIS U Wbt. July Hep, Corn. July Sep. Dee. Oata. July Sep. Dec. Chicago cloalng prices, turn la had Th Bee oy 4ogan a tsryan, aiocK ana grain brokers, bio Bwin Dixieenm street, umane: High. Low. Close. Tos 192 U0 I 01 202 1 ti 183 156 1 68 H 1 47 H 1 Ofl'i 1 09 ' 24 64 47 39 8S tt 66 21 26 31 20 I 91 65 21 72: 156H 141 UT 1094 10t 48 63 1074 108 24Ti 12 ei 67 .83 60 31 SO 39 40 21 16 21 40 80 30 32 60 II 39 21 47 '21 66 21 66 31 80 21 67 CHICAGO tiHAJN AND PROVISIONS. Notice That FuUro Trading Would Boon CostM Cauaes Light Activity la Wheat, Chicago, June 28. Authoritative notice that even restricted trading In wheat for future delivery soon would be a thing of in pei cauaaa Dullness iti tnat oereal to fade away to a shadow today. At the close the market was steady, lo to 4o net lowor, with July quoted at 12 .01 and September at 21.81. Corn finished unchanged to He higher and oats up H0o to 202 o. Pro visions scored gains of a shad to 6c. Jntereat of wheat traders centered al most wholly in Questions as to ths methods to ne adopted for government oontrol of food supplies. Jttght at the outset prices dropped quit sharply on account of prospects of immediate embargoes to reduce exports to European neutrals. l-ater announcement that th ad m Inlet ration at Washington would completely dominate th distribution of wheat, both for domestic and export pur poses, and that option dealings in wheat would be ahollehed, brought the market nearly to a standatlll. Business In the future delivery ceased altogether for an Interval, but no further decline was noted in valuea. Although no action has been taken lo remove the maximum price limit on corn and no such action Is contemplated, the corn market made a temporary upturn, owing partly to mlitaken Inferences that complete removal of all checks on high prices of corn might be looked for. Slgna of active demand from exporters tended aiao to give strength to the market, but rains In Kanaaa, where drouth had been com plained of, counted tn favor of the bears. Oats, like corn, developed a tendency to jump, owing more or leu to wrong conclu sions that the maximum price limit on corn might be cancelled. Besides, crop reports were leas favorable than recently hae been the rase and there was continued llbetal buying on seaboard account. Support from packers mora than over came declined In the provlelon market. The transient weakneai waa associated with the mall nets of shipments as compared with a yesr sgo. Cash Prices Wheal: Nos. I and t red and Nos. 2 and 3 hard nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 21. 7401. 74; No. I yellow, 9J1.T4 01.74U,; No. 4 yellow. 91.72. Oats: No. 3 white, 09070c; standard. S470c, By nominal. Barley, 81. 10 1.40. Seeds; Timo thy, tt.OO07.T5; clover, tl2.OO017.OO. Pro viiiom: Pork, 939.36; lard, 921. 20021.27; rlba. 921. 27021.07. Butter Unsettled; creamery, 33 037a. Kggs Receipts, 17.712 caaei; unchanged. , Potatoes Receipts, 46 cars; unchanged. Poultry Alive higher; fowls, l01tc Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sinus City, Juno 28. Cattle Receipts, 9, 000 head; market eak; beef steers. 49.000 18.60; fat cows and helfera, 27-600 11.36; canners, 26.bO07.6O; etocken and feeders, 97.000 26; calves, 99.00012.60: bulls, stags, etc., 97.00010.00; feeding cows and heifers, 96.80 01.60. Hogi Receipts, lo.OflO head; market 100 16c lowr; light, 8l4.6O0ifi.OQ; mixed. tl6.00 018.10; heavy. 916.10016.36; plga, 912.760 13.36; bulk of galea. tl4.7O018.OO, Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 709 head market, weak. St. Joseph Live stock Market. Ht. Joseph. Juno 28. battle Recalnta. 1. 000 head; market alow and lower; ateers 39.00013.36; bows and helfera, 36.00013. 26 calvea, t 00014.09. . Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head : market slow; prospects, 10e lower; top, 916.60; bulk or m m. iie.BoeBia.oe. Sheen and Lambs Receipts, 1,300 bead; prospects. 26e lower: lambs., 912.60016.76: ewes, 94.0009.76. " Art. Open. HI Wht July I 01 I Sept. 1 tt 1 Corn. July 1 68i i Sept, 1 46H 1 Deo. 1 08 1 May 1 01 1 Oats. July 23 Sept ta i Deo. tttt Pork. July 39 30 31 Sept. SI 40 2t Lard. July 21 17 31 Sept. 21 43 21 Ribs. July 31 20 31 Sept. 81 66 31 NEW YORK STOCKS f , Loosening of Money Fails to Have Sxpected Effect and Irregularity Marks Wall Street Session. N"w Tmk, .Tune 26. Although monetary conditions continued to relax and th first payment on the Liberty loan was made without dlaturbance today's stock market experienced a very Irregular session of Im paired priced, attributed mainly to technical Influenr-es. For the first time In more than a fortnight call loans opened under ( per cent snd time money was In Increasing sup ply. The weakened poet t Ion of numerous spe cialties, notably mo ton and utilities, and re newed concern urged the attitude of the government toward war prices and taxes. Impelled further liquidation and consider able short selling. Extreme declines In ac tive stocks ran from 2 to almoat 10 points, depreealnn extending to minor specialties of no iperlfio clHsalf tea Hon. Tnitid mates Steel, Bethlehem Steel and kindred laaues were carried down 1 tn 3 polnta. Final quotations were at or near the lowest of the day. KKperlsl points of weakness Included StudebHker, common and preferred, Chand ler and Oonersl Motors, at gross reversals of 3 to 6 points; Industrial Alcohol, which made a drop of t to 160; Ohio Uas, ; Brooklyn Union Oas, 11. to 106 on a single ale; Wilson company, 4; International Paper. 6: Malting, preferred. 6; Distillers Securities, 2; Texas company, 8. and Mex ican Petroleum. 2. Ralls, coppers, shippings. Central Leather and tobaucos held relatively better than moat other shares, but averaged 1 to 2 points on moderate offerings. Total aales. 790,000 shares. Favorable May statements submitted by Union Pacific and Baltimore A Ohio, the prosperous Industrial conditions Indicated In the annual report of the American Car and Foundry company and the May foreign trade exhibit seemed to exert no Influence. liondn were Irregular. Total aales. par value, t2.420.O0O. All sales or Liberty 3a were at par or better. United States reg- latereu a roae per cent on call. Number of sales and ranae of nrlcea of leading stocks; Sales. High. Low. Close. 800 23 03 02 49 4t 48 8.400 78 78 77 2,809 72 TO 70 3,300 107 106 106 9,100 121 118 113 , 122 400 80 80 30 1.900 88 81 81 1,000 101 100 100 Am. Beet Sugar..,, American Can.,,, Am. Car A Fdry... Am, Locomotive... Am. Smelt. A Rfg. Am. Sugar Rfg Am. TeL A Tel.... Am. z. Lead A fl. Anaconda Conner.. Atchison A. O. A W. L S. S. 2,600 113 110 110 1,600 74 74 73 400 41 40 40 Baltimore A Ohio Butt A Sun. Coo.. Cal, Petroleum.... Canadian Paclfle., 1,400 169 168 168 Central Leather.,. 11,100 26 98 96 Chesapeake A Ohio 1,900 41 30 40 A St. P.. 74 300 111 110 109 01 C. A N. W O, R. I, A P. etfs. Chin Copper. .... Colo, Fuel A r... 800 00 4,700 66 22 32 38 46 21 86 64 62 iit 63 81 86 42 20 . 26 160 112 Corn. Products Rfg, , i;rucihie Hteel 66.000 Cuba Cane Sugar., 2,400 Dlatlllers' Securities 2,ft0 on, 14 36 rl l.toO Oeneral Electric.,. General .Motors..,. 7,300 117 112 Or. North., ofd.. 600 107 107 107 1,300 32 21 31 Or. North Ore, ctfi. Illinois central Inaplr. Copper 2,600 Inter. M. M. ofd.. 8.H00 ..... 103 42 42 82 82 Inter. Nickel 7,600 Inter. Paper 9,100 38 28 98 39 39 22 4 C. Sou them Kennecott Copper.. 2,200 46 44 Louis. A Nash...x 127 47 23 40 30 94 23 92 87 Maxwell Motors, . . 3,800 Mex. Petroleum,.,. T.200 Miami Copper 34 Missouri Pacific... 8,300 22 20 Montana Power... Nevada Copper,.,, 700 28 N. T. Central 1.700 02 N. T., N. H. A H... 200 27 Norfolk A Wentern 2,600 224 Northern Pacific. 900 103 93 92 37 131 IS 102 102 Pacific Mall....... 400 29 21 88 rennsyivania Pittsburgh Coal..,. 200 10.600 1,600 10,900 4.900 400 600 1,100 48,700 63 67 28 07 92 27 3& 27 63 66 28 96 . 90 26 94 37 63 66 28 nay con. Con...,. Reading Rep, Iron A Steel., Shattuok Arls. Cop, Southern Pacific, Southern Railway, ID 93 2 94 27 Studebaker Corp... 73 47 Texas Co 1.300 210 108 208 136U 136 Union Pac-tfio 1,600 1S7 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 26,900 159 150 161 U. S. Steel 210,100 131 129 129 U. S. Steel. Did.... 2.600 117 1 1 7 i 117 Utah Copper 1,109 110 110 109 Wabssh pfd. 'B",, 36 Weatern Union .... 200 93 93 93 Westlnghouse Elec. 3.609 63 61 61 Total sales for the day 790,000 shares. New York Money Market. New Tork. Juna i 8. Mercantile naner. 906 per cent) sterling, exchange, 60 day bills, 4.73; commercial 90-day bills on banks, 4.71: commercial 0-day bills, i.71; demand, 4.76; cables, 4.76 7-1 1. Oliver oar, ?c. Mexican dollars, 61 c. bonds Government, firm: railroad. Ir regular. Tlmo loans Easier: 20 days. 20 dava and six months, 606. Csll mohsy Finn; high, 2; low, 4; ruling rate. 9: last loan. 6: closina bid. 4: offered at t. U. S. 2s, reg ,. 99 Tnt. M. M. fls... 20 2s coupon ,, 98 K. C. S. ref. fis 86 U U. 8. 2s, reg..,. 98 L. A N, un. 4s .. 91 3a coupon .. 98 M. K. AT.lst 4s 68H U. S. 4s, reg ...106 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 69 "4. coupon -..10644 Mont. Power 6s. 96 'Panama 3s .... 60 N. T. C. deb. ts.106 Am, For. See 6s 06 Nor. Pac. 4s... 87 Am. T A T ctt 6s 98 Nor. Pac. 3s ... 42 Anglo-Fr. ts ... 11 'Ore. 8. L. raf ts 97 Arm. A Co. 4a 89Pao. T. A T. 6s. 96 A tch. gen. 4s... 81 Pen. Con. 4s..l0Q B. A O., 4a .... 8ftPen. gen. 4s. 96 Con. Leath. 6s... 09 Reading gen. 4s 90 ten. Paclflo 1st 83St.L.AS.F. adj. 6s 66 . A O. cv. 6s.. 88 So. Pac. ov. 6a.. 99 B. A Q. jt. 4s 96 "So. Pao. ref. 4s 8G M.aat.r g.4i 4ao. ay. &s 97 it, i. m r. 71 " rex, rac. 1st so A So. ref. 4s T8Un. Paclflo 4s. 92 u. r it. u.rer. m otiftun. rac. cv. es.. ss D. of Can. 6a '31 90 U. 8. Rubber 6s. 86 Krte gen. 4s .... 82 U S, Steel as. .104 uen Mocmc is ,ius waoasn jsc ,,,.inu Qt. No. lit 4. 94Wet. Union 4 91 . v. rei. s ... as -tsia. New York General Market. New York. June 28. Flour Weaker: spring patents, 213.40012.66; winter patents. 11.90012.16: winter straights, 311.660 11. 80; Kansas straights, t iz.i&0i3.4O. Wheat Spot, easy; No. I hard. 82.31 f. o. b., to arrive. Corn Spot, firm: No. 3 yellow, 11.86, e. t. f New Tork. Oats Apot. stronger: standard. 160 76 e. reed Eaiy; weatern bran, loo-lo. aacRi, 32.50; standard mlddlngs, 93f.60: city bran, 136.00. Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice. 910, 3O025o; 1916, 408c; Pacific coast, 914. 9011o: 1916. 708c. Hideo Quiet; Bogota, 42 c: Central America, 42 c. Provisions rvjrK, firmer; mess, 91.909 43.60. Lard, easier: middle west, 920.700 20.30. Butter Unsettled; receipts, 14,404 tubs; creamery higher than extras, 3803lt!; reamery extras (93 score), tvci firsts, 36 037c; seconds, 160360. ggs Firm; receipts, 21,988 eases; iresrt gathered extras. 26 037c; fresh ga t hered, storage packed firsts, 240S6c; fresh gath ered firsts, 33034c; seconds, 91032c, Cheese Firm: receipts, 6,247 boxes; stste fresh specials, 93023o; stats, average run. 2 80. Poultry Live weak: chickens, goossc; fowls. 23c: turkeys, 14c. Dressed firm; chickens, 2O037o; fowls, 190I6o; tur keys, 18 0360. City Live Stock Market. Kansas City. Juna 22. Cattle Receipt!, 000; market steady. Prims - fed steers. tlS.lO01l.IS; dressed beef steers, 11.209 z.Zft; western steers, ir.eovis.ze; cewi, 60O10.60.V heifers, in.-OWl J.eo; slot-Here and feeders. 7.60t 10.60; bulla, 27.0OQ2.O0i calves, 27.00912.60. Hose Receipts, T.200; xnarnet tower: bulk, 110,60 16. f0; heavy, $12.40014.60; packers and butchers. tlfctOff Uffbt 4.40A11.00: Blsiu 111. 00411.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,000; market lower; lambs, tU.ooftlT.76; yearling, tll.ou n.f.o, wethers. i9.Q0cri9.Q0, awes, sa.ev 10-tW. St. Louis Live Stock Market. fit. Louis, June 28. Cattle Receipts. 3U0; market lower; native beet steers, 27.60 13.20; yearllnaa, 22.60911St; cows, 26.M 10.60: stockers and feeders, 2$. 0002.20; prime southern beet steers, 2B.O0B12.26; beef cows and helfera, 14.1202.00; prime yearllnfs, steers and helfera, f 7.600.0.00; native calves, 26.OO01B.26. Hoes Receipts, 4.200: market steady; light, 21100016.20; pits, 210.00016.30; mixed and butchers, 2l6.9O016.O6; Rood heavy. 210.90011. 70; bulk. 16.1Q01M0. Sheen and Lambs Recelnts. 2.100: market steady; cupped 213. 00016.00; cup- nd lannekianA. ...rin imh am as nn. la aoaiKAA- hnnif. trod 07.90. toffee Market. New Tork, June 28. Coffee futures were quiet today and showed rather a steadier tone after recent liquidation. The opening was unchanged to 2 points lower, but there were very few sellers around the ring and prices rallied later with September selling up from 7.60c to 7.64c and December from 7.72c to 7.76c on covering The market eloaed net unchanged to 2 points higher. Sales. 12.770 bass. June and July. 7.46c August, T.66c; September, 7.64c; October. 7.66c: November. 7.71c: December. 7.7 January, 7.80c; February, 7.86c; March 7.80c; April, 7.94c-; May. 7. tie. Spot, dull; Rio In, 909c; Santos 4s. 10. Offers of Santos wers reported In the cost and freight market at 9c, London credit. Sales of Rio 7s. were reported st 8.06c, American credits. The official cables howed no change in the Brazilian spot markets with Santos futures unchanged to 26 rels lower. Chicago Llvo Stork Market. Chicago. Juu 28. Cattle Receipts, 6,000, market 'slow; native beef cattle, 26.600 13. "6; Hookers and feeders, 26-7600.80; cows and heifers, 96.76011.80; calves, 21100 016.60. Hogi Receipts, 16,000; market unsettled: 10c lower to 6c higher than yeeterday'a average. Bulk, 914.60016.46; light, 214. 00 016.20; mixed, 914.304H6.7S; heavy, 114.30 016. 8&; rough, 2H3O014.6O; pigs, 910.760 14.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 12,000; mar ket weak; wethers, 98.60011.30; ewes, 18.00 010.26; lambs, 910.76016.26; springs, 913-00 018.00. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, June 38. Flour 60c lower; fancy patents quoted at 912.76: first clears at 910,76; second clears at 17.60, Barley 88c091. 30. Kye22.2302.26. Bran- 228.00029.00. Wheat July, 92-24; September, $1.74. Cash: No. 1 hard, 92.4402.49; No. 1 north ern, 92.2402.43; No. 2 northern, 92.240 2.34. Corn No. 2 yellow, 21-47 01.68. Oats No. 2 white. 47066a. Flaxseed 92 702.92. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, June 26. Evaporated Apples Dull; fancy, 12013u; choice. r 110 11 c; prime, 11c. Dried Fruits Prunes, steady, on moderate government orders; California, ll013c; Oregon, ll012c. Apricots, staady, on moderate government orders; fancy, 220 23c. Peaches, steady, on moderate govern ment orders; standard, 10c; choice, 11c; fancy, 14c, Raisins, steady, on moderate government orders; loose Muscatels, 70 9c; choice to fancy seeded, 8 ft 9; seed leu, 10 011c; London laweri, 91.80. Metal Market. New Tork, June 28. Metals: Lead, eaey: pot, 11 c. Spelter; Dull; spot, Eaat Ht. Louis delivery, 9c. Copper: Firm; elec trolytic spot and nearby, 932.00033.000 nom inal; August and later, 229.00ih)31.00. Iron: Firm; No. 1 northern, 22.00063.00; No. 2, 261.00O&3.00. Tin: Easy; spot, 261.76062.00. At London Spot copper 130; futures', 1121, 10s; electrolytic, 142; spot tin, 249; futures, 247. Lead' Spot, 30, 10s; futures, 29, lOg. Spelter; Spot, 164, futures 50. Sugar Market, New Tork. June 38. Sugar Raw firm: centrifugal, 6.33c; molassea, 6.46c. Refined firm: fine granulated, 97-6007. 76c. Futures opened firm on covering and, buying by outside Interests as well aa considerable In quiry from trade sources. At noon prices were 9 to 10 points higher. Futures closed firm and 1214 points higher. Sales, 29.260 tons. July, 6.37c; September, 6.64c; December, 6.43c; Janu ary, 1.13c. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City. June 28. Wheat No. 2 hard, 32.8802. 68; No. 2 red, 92.1602.26; July, 92-04; September. 91-94. Corn No. 2 mixed. 91.4801.69; No. 2 white, 91.7001.71; No. 2 yellow, 91-690 1.70; July, 91.64; September, 9"40 1.44. Oats No. Z white, 72072c; No. mixed, 97 c. - St. T-euls Grain Market. St. T.ouls, June 98. Wheat No. t red, 92.40; No. 2 hard, nominal; July, 91-99; Sep tember, 91.83. Corn No. t, 1.7301.73: No. 8 while, 91.76; September, 91.48; December, 91.08. Oats No. 3. -7173c; No. 2 white, nominal. London Htock Market. London, Juno 28. American s.curltiei barely moved from parity on the stook exchange today. Silver Bar, 39d per ounce. Money 444 per cent. Discount Rateii Short bills. i per cent; three month.' bills, i per cent. K.w ork Dry Market. New York. June 28. Cotton goods wele firm, a further rise in branded bleached cottons being reported. Yarns wer. firm and burlap, quiet and firm. Mens wear lines for spring ar, being opened. :i:HNj:ii;i:!.H-;:J!i ''ill! '.NrD'iiii',;!!!: Mili.iili.uiii.JMi:::!:!:::!:;;-;.!!' Ffrl The Sold in brown bottles or on draught at fountains, clubs and restaurants Manufactured pRgJ) KRUG PRODUCTS CO. PHONE TYLER 420 Meyer Phone Tyler 2889 NEW STREET NAMES IN TWOSUBURBS City and Postoffice Authorities Flan Changes to Avoid Dn plication With Omaha Proper. Municipal and postoffice officials have co-operated in the preparation of a tentative plan to correct the streets of Florence and Benson to conform with the general street scheme of Greater Omaha and also to eliminate duplication of street names. Thirteen streets of Florence, having names corresponding to other streets in Omaha, will be recommended to be changed as follows: Davenport to McKinley. Pacific and Jackson streets to Hunt street and Howell avenue, in honor of A. B. Hunt and R. B. Howell of the water plant, as these streets lead to Minne Lusa pumping station. Jefferson to Tucker, tor F. S. Tucker, mayor of Morence many years, and who recent ly lost his place on account ot annexa tion. Madison, Harrison and Monroe to Mormon. Brigham and Young, memory of the early Mormons who made their headquarters in Florence. Adams street will be changed to Key- nolds, in nonor of Captain Reynolds, whose name is closely identitied with the early history of the water plant. Faniam is to be changed to King and Washington to Craig avenue, the lat ter for J. Y. Craig, superintendent of rorest Lawn cemetery. . Briggs will be changed to Jfotter. lavlor to Web er and Spring to Plant, in memory of old settlers. To Conform With Omaha. It is further proposed to have a north and south streets in Florence conform with the numbered streets of Omaha, which will necessitate changing Main street to Thirtieth street. The names of Omaha's east and west streets will be extended through to the west limits of Benson, with the exception that part of Main street in Military avenue will bear the latter name and the remainder will be known aa Maple street. Benson's numbered streets will conform to those of Omaha proper. The street half a mile west of Fifty-second Tarpentln. and Bosln. Savannah, June - 28. Turpentine Firm, 3S ',c; sales, l4 bbls.; receipts, 328 bbls.s shipments, 1 bbls.: stock, Sp,92. bbls. Rosin Firm; aales, 1,647 bbls.; receipts, 1,072 bbls.; shipments, 84 bbls.; stock. 6M42 bbls. Quote: B. 88.35; D, 3M095.45; 13. 15.60; F. 85.68; O, 86.6005.85; H, 16.70; I, 85.76: K. 85.8506.10: M. 86.10; N, 36.78; Vi'Q. 86.80; WW, 3.80lt7.00. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. T.tncoln.' Nub.. June 28. The last week waa favorable for the growth of vegeta tion and the progress of farm work . The temperature averaged one dogre. above normal. . Bhowers occurred In nearly all parts of the stata, but the rainfall was tight, less than a qusrter Inch In most of th, southern and western counties. It was heavier, ranging from half inch to one end one-half Inches In (he central and northeaNtern counties. was an abun. tlanoe of sunshine and corn made a rapid growth, but 1. still backward. The stand is unusually good, cultivation has pro. ceeded well and th. orop is mostly clear of weeds. Oata Is In excellent condition exoept tn the southwestern counties, where dry weather ha caused them to head short. Wheat ha. grown well, but would be bene fited by rain ia the southern counties, as v td also gardens anil potatoes. The first cutting of alfalfa Is about finished In the oentral and southern counties and progressed well In the northern. The crop was secured with little damage from rain. Pastures are good and grass In meadows haa grown well. O. A. LOVELAND. Meteorologist. ;', ilMVl! !ii;iSii!iii;!iS!!i!iSiiiiaBi;i!i Beverage You Like Its sparkling clearness and snap give it the zest that your appetite and palate. DISTRIBUTORS Mercantile Company Have a Case SPUD PRICES DROP SIXTY CENTS BDSHEI Some Omaha Grocers Make Reduction in Potato Rates, Following Cut in Chicago Wholesale Quotations. Potatoes dropped 60 cents a bushel in some of the leading grocery stores in Omaha yesterday shortly after noon, after the report came out they had dropped that much in the whole sale market in Chicago. Some grocery stores in Omaha held the prices up and refused to make any cut. Charles Trimble of Trimble Broth ers' Commission company at noon said there Had been no drop in the prices in Omaha. Some buyers, how ever, found their grocers willing to make the cut in the afternoon and give them the advantage of the drop in the wholesale market. From Wichita, Kan., came the re port yesterday that while potatoes were still selling for $4 a bushel in that city, they were selling for $1-50 a bushel in Oklahoma City, a short distance from tllWe. The freight be tween the two cities is only 18 cents a bushel. Potatoes, the Wichita Eagle says, are offered in Oklahoma and Texas, with no buyers, while they sell in Wichita at $1 a peck. street in Benson will be Sixtieth street and the farthest street on the west city limits will be Seventy-second street. The city engineering department has these proposed street' change plans. City Commissioner Jardine will be pleased to consider sugges tions from citizens who may have ideas other than those outlined. These changes will be embodied in an ordinance and presented to the city council at an early date. BEE PHOTO ENGRAVINGS FOR NEWSPAPERS FINE JOB WORK Anythinf Etched on Copper or Zinc Artists. Engravers, Electrotypers and Photographer Boo EngraThif Dept., 103 Bee Big. Omaha AJILSKMEMS. SEASON'S FORMAL OPENING LAKEVIEW PARK " TOMORROW DANCING LAMP'S ORCHESTRA Prsliminsry Season Now On. Here's the Drink You Have Been Expecting delightful awakens fully satisfies Sent Home 321 fcafaamiaaaUyM PMQTOrl.AVS. gSfv- Y Sat, June 30th By special request " CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IN "THE COMMON LAW" SUNDAY, JULY 1ST to 41 P. M. WILLIAM DESMOND IN "PADDY O'HARA." (FIRST SHOWING IN OMAHA) ANY SEAT 10c ANY TIME DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN "Wild and Woolly" Matin. Price. Same As Night Evening at 7, 8:30, 10. Today and Saturday VALESKA SURATT THESIREN" MUSE HOUSE PETERS "HEIR OF THE AGES" Roscoe "FATTY" Arbuckle 'THE ROUGH HOUSE' Guaranteed to make any thing laugh from . mummy to . sphinx. Today and Saturday K1NGSLEY BENEDICT EILEEN SEDGWICK "MAN AND BEAST." AMUSKMKiTS. EMPRESS GARDEN OMAHA'S FINEST RESTAURANT AND AMUSEMENT CENTER MLLE. MARION IN CLASSIC DANCES ASSISTED BY MARTINEZ RANDALL HELEN McCORMACK Entertainment that "Entertains" ADAMS' So Different JAZZ BAND Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. -! IB .a w your South 14th St. 4 -1 1