Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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26 )lUlliflciv
War-Time Fashion Revivals.
U'h;i- mint of our friends arc lone
ing to slip into the comfortable look
ing feminalls which mark the latest
advance in garments iur
others are harking back to the days
of our grandmothers for inspiration
in clothing, remaps your gianu
ninthrr told vou how, when they
were young, a new calico dress was
considered better than silk and was
almost as expensive, uressea m a
full skirt of fancy printed calico the
women of pioneer times attended all
sorts of functions from weddings to
r.inirhain has become the desidera
tum of every well-dressed modem
woman and tales are told and vouched
for, too, by reliable people, of ging
ham dresses made in Omaha for the
trifling sum of Just on the heels
ot the glorified gingnam comes uic
revival of old-fashioned organdie. All
sorts of organdie frocks are being
shown ready made or being con-strui-tit
hv nur fashionable modistes.
As some one jocularly remarked,
"Th simnle tub frocks of 1917,
which cannot be tubbed, cost all the
Let- way from a hundred up.
.Hand emDroioery ana rcai in.
of marvelous value are combined with
the simple organdie to make these ex
pensive lrocks. Mrs. Lnaries nouniic
has a pretty white embroidered one,
Mrs. John L. Kennedy has one with
one with real lace on it and Mrs.
George Braudeis has been seen in a
perfectly charming model. i
Another ancient fashion revival,
really more ancient than ginghams or
organdies is the steel mirror. Was
it-the Egyptian or the Roman matrons
who gazed at their fair reflections in
mirrors of polished metal? You'vi no
doubt read that these were remarkably
clear reflectors and that archaeolo
gists who discover them in ruins say
they are iar superior to moaern glass.
The story is that the metal mirror
came from China, where dainty Chin
ese ladies used themwitn a coat 01
white metal over the surface to give re
flection a proper color. Be that as it
may, these metal mirrors are being
shown now in small sizes under the
rtUirnisi-H name of trench mirrors.
Manv young women are said to be
purchasing these small, compact mir
rors for presentations to their depart
ing soldier boys.
Guess Weight of Cakes.
Forty-eight cakes made by the best
cake makers in Omaha have been do
nated for the ice cream concession at
Hie war relief awn fete at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kennedy
Saturday afternoon. Mrs. H. C. Sum-
ney and Mrs. James Kichardson, who
arc in eharce of the booth, are en
thusiastic about the generous offers
of cake which people have made, two
special cakes, one a surprise, win DC
placed on display so that people may
guess their weight. The person guess
ing nearest to the correct weight will
receive the cake as his prize.
Mrs Kuinnrv savs that no one need
fear he has to spend a great deal of
money at the fete. Each small con
tribution will help and the return for
the money will be greater than could
be had anywhere else. Tables orna
mented with baskets of flowers will
be set in an open marquee and a corps
of assistants clad in white will serve.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Wednesday night Dr. and Mrs. D.
T. Quigley will have four dinner
guests. Mrs. E. V. Armstrong had
live luncheon guests today.
At the Country Club.
Air. and Mrs. E. T. Swobe will en
tertain eight guests at dinner at the
Country club Wednesday night.
Wednesday afternoon Miss Anne Gif
ford will entertain twelve guests at
luncheon in honor of Miss Stella
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountze have
reservations for a party of twelve on
the Fourth of Jnly.
At the Field Club.
Mrs. H. S. Daniel had luncheon res
ervations at the Field club Monday
and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Claassen at
Mrs. John H. Shary entertained at
luncheon at the club today preceding
the weekly bridge tournament.
Wedding Surprises Friends.
A genuine surprise was the mar
riage Monday afternoon of Mrs. Allen
M. Robinson to Mr. John T. Wilkes
of Detroit, Mich., formerly of Omaha.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. T. J. Mackay at the home of the
bride. Mr. Wilkes had as his best
man, Mr. Gould Dietz. whose wife is
a cousin.
Through the rooms were large bas
kets of beautiful peonies and on the
serving table pink roses and larkspur
were used. The bride wore her tail
ored suit of blue poiret twill with vest
of white pique. Her blouse was of
apricot chiffon and blue taffeta em
broidered with blue. She carried Mrs.
Ward roses. Her hat was of apricot
shade trimmed with blue.
Mrs. Putnam of Lincoln, an aunt
of Mrs. Dietz, came to Omaha for the
ceremony and was one of the twenty
relatives and intimate friends who
were present. Mr. and Mrs.- Wilkes
left late in the afternoon for the east.
They will be at home after August 1
at the Plaza in Detroit. Mrs. Robin
son is a sisier oi ivirs. w. n. wneeier
oi xms city.
Money Raised by Benefits.
- Girls of the Philathea club of the
First Christian church netted $60 from
their refreshment booth at the audi
torium during the Sunday school con
vention. Mrs. E. G. Jones had charge
of the work and the members of the
class assisted her.
Seventy-five dollars were taken in
at the benefit card party for the
rrrr Awn
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Fitzirerald an
nounced the engaeement of the for-
mer's daughter, Ruth Marie, to Mr.
tverett Mail burke, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Burke, at a family din
ner at their home Monday night. Both
families are old-time residents of
Umaha. ihe young people were
graduated from Central High school,
miss fitzgcrald later completed
courpe at Dana Hall and Mr. Burke
attended the university of Nebraska,
where he became a member of the
Beta Xheta Pi fratcrmtv.
The wedding date was originally set
for June, but because of the war has
been indefinitely postponed. Mr.
Burke has been appointed sergeant in
the quartermasters reserve corps and
expects to be called at any time.
The dinner was a family affair, in
eluding the parents of the young peo
pie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burke, Mr.
and Mrs. r. I. titzgerald. Miss lose
phine Williams and three out-of-town
triends, who motored over for the an
nouncement dinner. Miss Alice Fitz
gerald of Grinnell. fa.: Miss Kathrvn
Crocker and Mr. Donald Lynch of
t-eaar Kapids, la.
nurses' club which was given by Mrs.
y.. u Kyan and Mrs. rl. Luikart at
Happy Hollow club Monday after
noon, llnrty-tive tables were set
and other guests did not o av. Mrs.
Charles Martin sang and little Miss
Frances Earenfight danced. Twenty
four prizes were given, including such
novel things as a, pattern shirt waist,
an order for a tailored shirt waist, a
kodak and a saving bank with a nest
egg of -$1 in it. Mrs. Charles Bone
was first prize winner and selected a
wicker garden stand. Mrs. H. B.
Whiteliouse won a large American
flag. Mrs. John H. Shary won the
handsome door prize, a print of the
"Goose Girl."
On the Calendar.
Mrs. 1. P. Suber will entertain the
St. Tames' Orphanage Sewing circle
at a social and card party at her home
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
With the Travelers.
Mr. Richard Metcalfe is in the east
on business.
Mr. W. C. Fleury has gone for a
three months' trip to Toronto and the
Muskoka lakes, Ontario, Can.
Mrs. E. W. Gunther is in Cleveland,
O., and is not expected home for over
a week.
Second Canning Class
For Colored Women Held
Twenty members of the Progressive
club of Zion T-ptist church composed
the second and last class of the col
ored women's canning school at the
Central High sch il Tuesday morn
ing. Mrs. Byron Clark acted as demon
strator, while Mrs. L. M. Lord and
Mrs. L. J. Healey taught the women
how to can tomatoes, beans, spinach,
beets and asparagus.
"So energetic were the workers that
they accomplished in half a day what
classes last week did at both morning
and afternoon classes," said Mrs.
All vegetables canned by this morn
ing's class will be used at the church
dinners, which are held frequently for
the purpose of enlarging the building
fund. The church has never been re
built since the tornado.
Omaha Streets Are to Be
Marked Like New York
Omaha's downtown ornamental
street lighting system will be equipped
with street designation signs similar
in design to those used on Fifth av
enue, New York City.
J. E. Davidson, general manager of
the Nebraska Power company, ad
vised the city commissioners that he
expects to have the new downtown
system in operation before September
and he promised the street signs re
ferred to. These signs will indicate
streets both ways and the lettering
:n l - i -.1- :
win uc ui enamel wun iron iramc.
Alleges Husband Spends
All His Money on Himself
"He is lavish in his expenditures for
his own personal needs, but refuses
to provide for me and our child."
says Hazel G. Marvin, suing David M.
Marvin lor divorce m district court.
They were married in Omaha Atitrust
31, 1913.
jftom&jSconomics department
Canning by the Cold Pack
Method. j
several people who did not have
the opportunity of attending the
canning school held recently have
asked for information about the cun
ning of vegetables. This article is
based on the canning school instruc
tion and government pamphlets.
The cold pack method, which owes
its name to the fact that the jars are
packed with cold material, has been
popularized recently through the
boys' and girls' canning clubs which
the government is promoting in rural
districts. The method is highly en
dorsed by the government because
1. Product better
2. Surest way to can vegetables.
3. Safest way no preservatives.
4. Saves time.
5. Takes drudgery out of canning.
There is no doubt about the su
perior appearance and quality of
toods canned by tins method. The
results of the girls' and boys' can
ning club work have been products
rivaling in appearance the superior
uranns in commercially canned
goods. The saving of drudeerv is
uue io uie iact mat much ot the
work over a hot stove is avoided, as
will be brought out in the general
The main steps in the cold nack
process are as follows:
1. Select hrm. fresh products. The
condition of the food is of great im
portance, for it is impossible to turn
out good canned goods from inferior
fresh material. The vegetables should
be in their prime and as fresh from
the field as possible. This latter con
dition is a hard one to meet in the
city, unless one is supplied direct
from the farm or noes to market
early on the day that the canning is
to be done. At any rate, the food
should always be canned the day
when purchased.
i. Wash.
3. Scald or blanch. This third stcn
is the first departure from the older
methods of canning. "Scaldine" is
self-explanatory; "blanching" means
steaming or boiling for few min
utes. The purposes of blanching are
to eliminate acids and acrid flavors.
'to reduce bulk and to start the flow
of the coloring matter, which flow is
later checked by the cold dip, thus
making a bright colored product in
Time table for cold pack canning process:
Kind of vegetable. lllanchlnt.
ANparduuH. . . , Steam 1ft mill.
Ileus ,w Holt T mln.
HeU Hull 5 mln,
I'lirrolp, , . , Boll I mln.
t'orn ,. Boll 5 mln. on i-
Pan . . . Boll ? mln.
Spina, h ami ot her
H'-eeli Steam 20 mln.
Tomatoes Si-alil ; in'ii
llie end. Scalding accomplishes the
same results except that the milk is
not materially lessened. In addition
scalding loosens the skins.
4. Cold dip. To cold dip. plunge
the blanched food into a large kettle
of cold water for one or two minutes.
The purposes of cold dipping are to
make the vegetable tinner and of
better texture, and to set the color.
5. Remove skins, in some cases.
6. Pack in sterilized jars.
7. Pour on boiling water to one
fourth inch of top of jar.
8. Add oik teaspoon salt to one
9. Put on rubber, cover and partly
seal. If Mason jars arc used, the
cover should he screwed on until it
just catches. If the thumb and little
ringer are used for the tightening
there will be no danger of screwing
too tight. If a spring top jar is used
the top wire should be put in place,
but the catch or lower wire should
be left up.
10. Process. To process set in a
large vessel on a false bottom and
cover with water two inches over the
lops of the jars and bring to boil,
keeping the jars in water as long as
time table attached calls for.
11. Remove and seal tight imme
diately. 12. Store ill a cool dark place. '
Large vessels should be used, for
they save time and labor.
For Blanching A wire basket or a
piece of cheesecloth may be used.
The basket is more easily handled.
For Processing A wash boiler with
1 4 home
- hour.
1 1 hour.
I l, hours.
- hum
Readers are cordially invited to
ask Miss Gross any questions
about household economy upon
which she may possibly give help
ful advice; they are also invited to
give suggestions from their expe
rience that may be helpful to
others meeting the same problems.
Old Glory Bread
Mrs. George M. Revnolds. 1444
Lake Shore drive, Chicago, is the
first woman of the Illinois division of
the woman's committee, National
Council of Defense, to respond in a
practical way to the plea received
yesterday from Herbert C. Hoover,
lanuiiat ioou administrator at wasn
ngton. '
Mr. Hoover stated that to meet the
need for wheat for the allies the
American consumption must be cut
down by the substitution of other
cereals. Mrs. Reynolds, patriotically
inclined, sought the woman's defense
committee and obtained a recipe for
Old Glory bread, which she then
tested out in her own kitchen, don
ning a professional looking white
apron and working with a will.
"Bread is a hobby of mine," said
Mrs. Reynolds, "a W I think there is
nothing so good as home made bread.
We have always had three kinds in
our bread box and now we shall have
Old Glory.' " .
the recipe for Old Glory, which
being much used in France at pres
ent, toiiows;
1 cup rye flour,
3 cups whole wheat flour,
8 cups white flour,
4 cups water,
1 teaspoon salt,
3 tablespoons shortening,
1 yeast cake.
In response also to Mr. Hoover's
message Miss Isabel Bevicr, chair
man of the conservation department
of the committee, at once issued an
authentic list of wheat substitutes
Your Limbs
Unsightly Hair
White Stockings
Most women do not realize that super
fluous hatr on the limbs shows through
dark colored stockings as veil as white.
This makes it plain why well groomed
women use De Miracle for removing hair
from the limbs as well as the face,
neck, arms and under arms. Pastes,
rub-on preparations
and imitations of
Be Miracle will
usually, remove any
growth of hair from
the surface of the
akin, but only De
Miracle has the
Accredited to the University of Minnesota
An ideal Boarding School for your son. Five com
plete courses: Pre-Academic, Academic, Collegiate,
Commercial1 and Agricultural. Careful mental, phys
ical and religious training. Surroundings beautiful. Lo
cation healthful for study and athletics. Campus 120
Write for Year Book
Address, The Registrar,
Terrace Heights, Winona, Minn.
iwer to devitalize
air. It doei this
By anaorptlon, In
other words, ft at
tacks hair under
the skin as well as
on the akin and
actually retards Its
growth. Avoid dls
appointment, buy
De Miracle bv name.
and you will get the only depilatory that
has a binding guarantee In each package
which entitles you to your money if It
falls. In 60c, J1.00 and 12.00 bottles at
your dealer's, or direct, postpaid in plain
wrapper. De Miracle Chemical Co., Dept.
A-2, Park Ave, and 129th St., New York,
"I cannot praise
it enough." Genu
ine uaaastnea of
the hlg-aeet char
De Miracle. Be
ware of so-called
endorsement of
bogus magaslnee,
which are used
to exploit the
aale of question
able depilatories.
Welcome News
For Bunion Sufferers
If you are suffering from an obnox
ious Bunion no matter how large or
painful it may be eome here and get
a full box of the celebrated Bunion
Comfort Plasters try one or two plas
ters, as per direction, and if you do not
get almost instant relief and feel perfectly
satisfied, bring back the remainder and
get your iull money back. You need
not pay one cent if "Bunion Comfort"
does not prove entirely satisfactory. Why
continue to go about with swollen, mis
shapen feet? Why say that Bunions
can t be cured, when here is a guaranteed
remedy easily applied no cutting
no pads or plates but a wonderfully
medicated plaster that works like magic
which may be used in place of part
of the white flour for bread making.
The list follows:
Whole wheat,
Rvc flour,
Oat meal,
Red Dog flour made from
, Bread crumbs.
Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, who re
lumed on Thursday from .Washing
ton, stated yesterday that the house
keepers there were responding also to
the pica for conservation by advocat
ing the use of one-fifth corn meal to
replace flour in the bread. They are
also advocating the use of much fish
instead of meat, as fish cannot be sent
to the allies. One meatless day and
one wheatless day is the rule in the
capital, according to Mrs. Fairbank.
Chicago Tribune,
(.'old lMpt.liiK
" nun.
I mill.
I lltltl.
1 mln.
2 mln.
I'llt oil vol.,
1 mln.
mln. ! liouti.
1 mill Kilt Jul. llli nun.
hill Walt'! ,M ui
nuto Jult'i.
a tight cover is very ati.itanor
the cover ot the boiler is not tiRht a
piece oi cloth should be placed lie-'
tw ecu the cover and the boiler to ;
prevent loss oi steam. A special
false bottom may he purchased or '
made at home, or one may he im
provised. A cake cooler or an open ;
wire refrigerator shelf may serve for
a false bottom, if the rack is set up
off the Aoltom. Individual wire :
holders for the jars may be used. A !
commercial false bottom costs 75
cents and one dozen individual jar
noiners cost i. i ney are more
easily handled.
Kxcept with the individual jar
holders, a lifter must be used to re
move the jars as soon as they have
been processed. An ordinary large
skimmer with t lie handle at right an
gles is a good litter.
Containers Either Mason or
spring top jars may be used, pro
vided they are perfect. New white
rubbers should always bo I used.
Tests for jars:
Mason Jars I'lasc llie top on the
jar without the rubber. Turn it down
tight. If the thumb nail can be in
serted between Ihe lop and I lie glass,
the top is usually defective.
Glass Top Jars IMacc the glass
top on the jar without the rubber.
Tap around the outer edge of the lop
witn the linger. It tile top rocks, it
is defective. Another test is to feel
the edge of the glass too with the
finger. It should feel perfectly
In the following table Ihe lime is
counted always from the beginning
of boiling. The jars should be packed
tightly except for peas, beans and
corn, which swell somewhat in the
processing. When packing insert a
knife between the side of the jar and
the material being packed, to allow
the escape of air bubbles. Do not
prepare more than two jars at one
time if you wish a perfect product.
Begin to process as soon as the jars
are packed.
In the cold pack method llie jars
and covers arc sterilized as for any
other kind of canning. They should
be boiled for twenty minutes and the
rubbers dipped into boiling waler just
before using. If the jars are old they
may be started in hot water; if new
they should he tempered, that is,
started in cold water.
Pure Milk and Cream
From a Modern Dairy
Surely you would rather have your orders filled by s dairy that
supplies fresh, pure milk and cream at reasonable prices one that
can meet metropolitan requirements.
Can be distinguished by their rich, sweet flavor. Our methods permit
the sale of only the best that can be obtained in the dairy line.
For example: Large motor trucks bring the milk daily from
large, inviting farms. That's the place to get all good eatables. High
priced grazing land near the city can't interfere with Alamito quality.
Alamito Milk ii pait.uriied. If you want safe milk for the house
hold, be sure that it's pasteurized. Especially fine for the babe and
growing children.
Our "before bre.kfait" delivery is a real convenience. Alamito
Milk furnishes the nourishment you need to begin the day.
Ask your grocer for Alamito or phone us Douglas 409.
To Our Patrons
Your criticism can further improve Alamito aorvico and
quality. If anything i not ontiraly aatlafactory, tall ua about it.
Tha fault will bo corrected and you'll fat the benefit. Your
ramacka will alio help ua ta plaaaa our new customers.
Alamito Dairy Co.
Douglas 409
How Long
Should Your
Shoes Wear?
Many shoes will wear a
considerable length of
time, but they will lose
their s h p e their
dressy app.sranc van
means not only the
lasting power of the
materials, but the con
servation of Quality
and Style.
Drexel Shoes
For Women
will outlast other shoes
and they will always
look stylish. They re
tain their ahapa. Their
materiala are the best,
and therefore you have
wearing qualities in
style as well as in ma
terials. We carry all sizes,
styles and shapes
therefore can fit all
normal feet. Notice the
sizes we carry in stock
all the time:
AAA-E Siiea 2 ta 9.
Mail orders solicited.
Shoe Co.
Specials in Meats and Groceries for Wednesday at
Clmit'f Stpci- Sirloin or Porterhouse
Sli-ak. w lb 25c
Choir Stcr Short Cut SStk. lb. .22',.
Kxtm Tn Pork Chop, lb 25c
Cholo Stwr Shoulder StMk, lb 20c
Choir Stw Boiling flenf, h 15c
Rxtrn Fancy Brick Ch, lb 29c
SnjriiT Currrt BrkfMt Baron, lb..34,c
Strirtly Suit Mr Ciirfd KeiiaUr Hum
tutf or wliule per lb 20lC
Bent OrnnulMted SugHr, 12 lb 98c
All Brand Crcamfry Butter, lb 3Bc
Ginger Snaps'. 2 lbs... for.... 25c
Home Mud Peanut Butler, lb 25c
Frnh Sofia or Oyiter Crackeri. 2 lbs. 2Bc
in l n.
I' 4 I bit.
Wnhinton'i Bent Flour. . .$3.45
Washington' Bent Flour, . .$1.75
Kxtra Fnry Younr Vetl Breast or Stew,
per lb., at ,15c
Rxtra Faney Pork Tenderloin, lb.,.. 40c
Strictly Fresh Spare Hibi, lb 13 Vie
IJvt Turtrv, per lb 12V,t
Horn Mad Weinara or Frankfurta, per
lb., at ITa
Extra Lean Sugar Cured Breakfast
Bacon, per lb 37'C
Pure Lard, per lb 25c
Kimo Corn, per can . 1 7 Vie
Our Regular 85c Coffee, lb 25c
Kxtra Fancy Santoa Coffee, lb Vic
Pure Windmill Preserves, regular 35c
seller, per Jar 25c
Snwtay, per can 2Sc
t-lh, pkg. Uncolored Japan Tea Siftinga
for ISc
KsIph Fancy IIimI Loganberries, box. .15c
Kxtra Fancy Black Loganberries, 2 boxea
for 25c
Extra Fancy Strawberries, per box, !7Vc
r.xtra ranry Apricots, t dosen....
Kxtra Fancy Pearlies, per dosen...
laarge Kgg Plants, 2 for
Kxtra Large New Potatoes, peck..
Large Head Lettuce, 2 bunches...
Large Leaf Lettuce. .1 bunehe for.
Homegrown Beets, S bunches for. .
Homegrown Turnips, t bunches for.. Be
Thin Skinned Lemons, dozen 20c
Green Gage Plums, dosen Sc
Homegrown Gooseberries, box, 10c IS'ae
Kxtra Fancy Canteloupea, $ for 25c
Large Watermelons, each. 40c. BOc
Extra Fancy Tomatoes, basket 25c
Yellow or White Onions, lb ,..4c
Homegrown Peas, 4 quarts for... ... 35c
Homegrown Carrots, 9 bunches for. ..6c
Solid Cabbage, per lb 3t
Visit Our Ice Cream Parlor and Lunch Room Ice Cream Sundaes and Sedaa always Bfl
Dellcla Ice Cream, per quart, 3 Be par pint, 20c.
All orders south of Dodge Street leave the store at 10 A. M, .
All orders northwest of Dodge Street leave the store at 2 P. M.
All country ordere promptly attended to Largest mall order house In the middle west
. ,6c
. .6c
1407 nouatJLS
.ate anir
AND M4T AtatatxaTT M
b 4m4a.v awoeatv
rwai -xpocai wtrr a
r I
m JlMli
JtffQm year, of continuous narthv
Mr, '3 success notanaipar- 1 3sV
I I "snt, but an arub. If
I lm tohe remedy. It', V 7-l
fffr "or ten ttmaa it, Ijf
I-, weiht in tia ,nd V. f
I Iff Vou can have it oa If f
1 ' 1 luaranteed trial todir. V I
Haines Drug Co., N. W. Cor.
15th and Douglas Sts.
go hand in hand at this store.
Our merchandise must al
ways be up to the high mark
and service has been our hobby
for years.
. ,- J: HARVEY GREEN. Proa.
16th and Howard, Douglaa 846.
Inspection V4 V A
For Your
Protection" '
You Should
Learn the Difference
When you order "just ham" from
your dealer you are most likely to
get just ordinary ham ordinary in
quality and flavor. But you are
certain to get the best if you will
simply specify and insist upon Puritan.
The Puritan standard of quality and
taste is so high that only one ham in
ten is selected to bear the Puritan
Ask for Puritan. You'll know then
"The Taste Tells"
F. W. CONRON, Branch Manager,
1321 Jonaa St., Omaha.
Telaphon. Douglas 2401
If your dealer
doesn't handle
Puritan telephone
Puritan Hams and Bacon are smoked daily in our
Omaha plant, insuring fresh, brightly smoked meats
at all times. . .