f THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE - 25, 1917. Bee Want Ads FLORISTS, BEING a member of tha National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, we are In position' to deliver flower on short nolle anywhere in me umtea or uanaaa. Hem A nwnnoaa. r lorist. Fontenclle Florists. LEE L. LARMON 1914 Dougls St. Pougla 8244. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. L HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM PARK BR Flower whop. 411 8. 16th. P. 1102. THE FERNERY, 601 a. 16lh St. Doug. 2N. B AT it, National Florist. 1804 Farnam St. A. DONAOIIUE. 1622 Harney, Doug. 1001, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS "OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET .RAILWAY COM FA NT Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Hallway Company to aacertalo whether they left It In the st re"! car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. IF YOU loss anything: and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. It you find anything of value, the honest way Is to advertise ; for the owner. LoSTA JtROWN LEATHER GRIP. NAM K, . "ALBERT FRY, KVANH, COI.O.," ON OUTSIDE KN D8. CONTAINS CLOTHING. ETC. REWARD IF RETURNED TO BOX B120, BEK. LUST leather hill fold pooketbook con taining $26 currency, money badly needed, . Please return. Reward. Write Box 5(14, 9 Omsha Bus. Phon Webster 26fi4. STRAYED or stolen, large, eltowlh brown Bull Dor answering to the name of "Frits." Small white spot on back of meek. Reward. Phone Tyler 1747-W. STRAYED or stolen, black and tan alrdale, short hair, male, months old. Answers to the nam of Don, Phone Harney 1130. Reward, LOST Pair of Sure-On nose Klasaea In case, between 11th and 16th Harney. Col. 1244. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, runs or stoves until yno have aeon us first We effnr you a ?S.0(t STOCK OF HIGH-GRAMS FIJR . N'lTURM, RUOH, WTOVEH and COM FLHTH HO MB OUTFITS for practically your own price. We are forced to vacate our four-story warehouse, and Ita entire contents must be sold at once. Bala takes place at our sales room at tha corner of 14th and Lodge streets. Do not fall to attend. It 1 sn opportunity of a lifetime. Hundreds have already taken advan tage of this wondarful opportunity. Why don't you? STATE FURNITURE (TO., D. 1317. Cor. 17th and podge His. Omaha AUCTION! AUCTION! Tha Shrlner Apartments, 21 rooms of gnnd furniture will be soil at auction Friday, June 29. at 10 a. m., , At 26TH AND HARNKY HTK. Watch Thursday paper for details, JAMES U DOWU, Auctioneer, BARGAINS In furniture, Ice, boxes, gas stoves, rugs, beds, china and kitchen cabi nets, tables chairs, buffets, dressers, trunks, suitcases. Full line of poultry net w ting, screen. 1831-47 N. 2J th. Web. 1607. "BIO AUCTION BALE Of Furniture At ' lllft Harney Street -Tomorrow at 1:30 p. in. JAM ICS In DOWD, Auctioneer. ICE CREAM tablea off, fur., chairs, rofrlg., Ice coolers, garden hose, porch furniture, Viotrolas and pianos. Loyal Furn. Co., 221 : N. 16th. City Furn. Co., 107 So. 14th, JTOR SALE Large gas stove In food con dition; suitable for boarding house or res taurant. Phone Dougas 4611. HUSH right down and get your share of all kinds furniture at sacrifice. (09 N. 16th. FOR 8 AMD Refrigerator, go-cart and din ing table. 4021 N. 26th. Pianos and Musical instruments. HEB1 HAW! Not . tune your piano, tuner. Web. 126S donkey, but a flah to Charles L, Fish, piano FOR SALE Fin old violin, I1&; also American mandolin harp, 9 3, Frank Karet, 1243 South 12th St. jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. FOR UHADUATION Watrhea and rings at Friedman's. 1211 Douglas. " lumber and Building Materials. HAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. M. Out Lumber and, Wreck. Co. Web. ISM. Printing and Office Supplies. Watnrs-Barnhardt Ptg. Co. 634 Bo, 13th St Cameras and Kodaks. ture. Green'l Pharmacy, 26th, and Howard. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom and pocket, with complete outfit, $160; second-hand tables at re duced prices: bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar store fixtures a specialty. Bend for catstogue. THIS ' BRUNSWICK-BALKH-CGLLENDEIt CO-407-1 South 10th St. Sewing Machines, SEWING MACHINES w. r.nt, repair, ll ntidlu and part, f all levin, rnachlnaa. MICKEU'S NEBRASKA CICLB CO., lCtb. and Uarnty Hta. Taug. 166S. Trunks and Traveling Bm, - Vb make lham ourselves. Why pay two profits for Inferior rood,, when yos call get blah .rede good, at flrat eoet . ALFRED CORNISH CO., Mlrs. of Harneee, 8addl and Traveling Typewriter and Supplies. TITEWRITKRS aold, noted and repaired. . Rtot en Ollnr. frpewrltar I month, for IS. Ceatrai Typewriter Sichance, llot Farnam. . , tluarant.ed Typewriter,, 110 and up. Writ, . for llit. Midland Typ. Co.. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathera ateam renovated and mad. up In fresh tleka coet balf the price of new plllowa. Cell ue for samplMi of ticking and prlcea 107 Cum Ing. Pout laa 1467. WB UAVB niovvd to now location. We buy, and maka deaka, aefea, ahowcaaea, ab.lvlng, ate. Omaha Fixture and Supply v !' -w- Cor- llt Deuglaa Sta, yhone Poug. 8"t4. DRT KINDLINO WOOD. ACMg " '-- BOX COMPANY. HAHNBT 18J7.N UOOD bicycle for tale, reasonable. Call uougle, 766,. SWAPPERS COLUMN FOR" SALIC trade, a .merry -go-round. pool table and ta electrlo ttiano. ail in iirat-ciass conaiuon. Address Box It. Ben nlngton, Neb.B , , , , , , WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESlS New deska, ueed dnbe, bootht, aold and .r.m-q. j. nwq. imt ramam. , u. ,i,t. WANTED TO BUT Set of eecond-bend bank futures, aultable for email room. Mend description and price wanted. Ad lrs Lock llrawer B, Valentine. Neb. OLD CLOTHING wSMSB ti him kwt PHlfCB, DOUQLA8 0M. O UlH O ci0thes, shoes, trunks, etc. Red S37. Rcs Doug. 03S. DIAMONDS 40S S. 16th St. SOL iBKRGMAN & CO WANTED Household goods lo help fill car to Los Angeles. B. W. Uarih, Teoumath, Neb CASH paid for diamonds. Estates ap pralsed, Rccwe Jewelry Co.. 403 S. Hth. iFALSK titeUi. $1 per set' up." Vail to H. Vsnaiitlpe. Hot Decatur. Omaha, Neb. WANTED A 3-wheel basket buggy. Omaha National Bank Bldg. WANTED to buy. slightly used 1917 Ford , touring car. Bouth 43HO. BOOKS Bought. Ktenfr. Loyal Hotel Bldg. HIGH prlr pAid for old L'lothoa. 1. 4714. HOOK: jhiuKht.ti,0 s. Hiiti.' rylorqa.. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeoo Pleating. v ACCORD KON, std, kntr. sunburst, box pleating, oovrfd buttoim. all mim and styles; hemstitching, pli-ot edging, eye- . let cut work, buttonholes, piMinanla. 1DBAL BUTTON AND PLBATINU CO.. Urnosltee Braudvls Store. 300-Stln Brown Bldg. Douglns 1039. Van ARMAN Dress Pleating and Uuttuu Co., 339-7 Pax ton Blk. Doutflo 2109. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., 63S Rsmae BMg. Phone Doug. 2161. Baths. MASSEL'SK. bathe, manicuring, physical cult, tills Walker, Neville H1K. L. e-'S7 RITTKNHOL'fiB Henltarlum, ail kinds baths. :iO-2I Bolrd Blk.. 17th Pouglss. CENTRAL Bath Doualaa 70f7. Institute, 1506 Harney. Kstntla Roycc. mass., chlr. 7SH Neville Blk. Blacksmiths. Blarksmlthlng, Inwn 'mower shsrpen'g. lawn mowers for sale. A. Hmlth ft lion. W. 2671. Brass and Iron Founderies. Pailon-Mltchell Co., 27th end Martha 8ts OI.KKN & HCLIimR, 1107 Jackson. f. 7491 Fakeries. ORTMAN'S NKW ENdLAND BAKERT. 21! N, 16TH. BRANC1IK8 PL'BLIO MARKET AND HAVDKN 1IROTHKKH. Ol'R MOTTO "BUTTBtt BAKKD OOODS. Carpenters and Contractors. LERSAHI) HON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1022. Chiropodist, Carrie .7. Burford, 620 Paxtun Blk. R. 4(187. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVB AHSOCIATION. 00 1st Nst. Rk. Bldg. Phono, Tyler 2010. JAMlttj ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Tyler lias. H. II. .KH.I.V. 1112 Paston. Red 7401. Dressmaking. MRS. R. T. Slottaa, H. 27th. Tlnr. 0922. Exp. dressmaker. Bcwlng by day, Wal. asjl. MIKHSMAKINc ausrantrsd. Douglas 6147. TKHRY Dressmaking Co., 30th and Farnam. Furs Stored. FITRH stored, cleaned and remodeled. price. Furs dyed. If. Ruthhols, Furrier. Harny 2763. 2K11 Lesvenworth. Insurance, BANKERR- LIFE t'K LINCOLN, 618-14 City Nat. Bk. Bids. Doug. 281t. Fixtures and Wirins. TlTT'DVTXT Klectrie wsshlng machines. a-rvjAVAa.Al'S electric lrona and readtna Ismps. 2223 Cuming Ft. Doug. 3616. Hat Cleaners. ALL kind, bata cleaned and reblocked: la. dies' nsts specially. 1020 Harney. Jt. 4073. Masseures. UAfWAOK, chiropody. Alia Head, 201-11 Ralrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. D. 3451 FI1KD C. ALLEN, aclenllflu masscurl Hwcd- Uh massage and vapor oaths, 1617 Dodge. Crnlral Bath Inst., I&06 llarifcy. Doug. 70S7. MIHS WKST, manicure, niassaae. 210 N. 17. MIWS HOLLAND, 223 Neville Blk. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert Wclrlim on All Metals. H. W. LP1VERINO. 806 H. 12thBt. V. 267! Patent Attorneys. STURQES A UTUROES, U. H. and foreign patents and tiadipiarks. 330 Bea Bldg. PATKNTH procured, boualit and sold. Inter. nsllonel Patent t:o., 0H3 Hranll. D. snsi. Lawn Mowers Sharpened. CARI, JARL, 1703 lavenworth Ht. D. 4877. Osteopaths. Mrs. J. R. Mualck, aulpher, steam and nuoa lyptus natha. 402-3 Rose King. Ty. 236.1. Rautime. Lssra to plar popular music In 14 lesion,. 3Sia N, 2lth. J'h. wen. 3066 arter 6 p. m. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dresa aulta for rent. 206 N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 8128. Pianos for Rent. 13.86 per mo. A. Hoops Co., 6tl Douglas. Taxi. . TAXI, D. 730O NEB. SERVICE GARAGE Tailors. CRONBTROM'8 PANTALORIUM Room I, Patterson Blk., 17th and Far nam. Pouglaa 6407. J, Cronatrom, Mer chant Tailor; cleaning, preaalng and re pairing. Rooting. Omaha Roofing Co., comp., gravel, aaphalt shingle pattern roofing a nhlngle coating. All kinds of repairing, 626 Bee llldg. D. 8043 Safes. QAITPQ BARGAINS, 1211 Farnam. O-rVT && j. j. Derlaht 8afa Co. Shoe Parlors. SHINIS, alean, bronse. 1823 Farnam. towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 107 . 11th. P. III. Wedding Stationery. WRDDINO announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Where to Est. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN. 1101 FARNAM. BURBOUOH'S CAFB. OMAHA, NEB. (Service.) LINCOLN, NEB. sie o. 18tD. 131 b. istn pt. OMAHA RESTAURANT. 106 N. loth. Clean meals. 6o and 26c. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE. Moving picture theater In town of 1,300. seals M, only show In town; clearing 140 to 141 weakly; reason for selling, have other Interests; will take K.800 it taken at once; l,000 cash, balanoa terms. Ad dress T-iC, Pee. DRUG STORE FOR SALE. Suburhan drug store. Annual sales $14, 000. Will Invoice about 97,000. Splendid location, tn high grade residence section. Kins soda fountain and cigar trade. Ad dress Box 40S7, Bee. PJCTURH SHOW and alrdome for sale In live Kansaa town, population 4,500. A bar gain If taken at once. Address B, lit Kaat 84th St., Kansas City Mix FOR RENT Snap for Immediate action; restaurant, all furnished and a good trade, growing business; rent ISK per month. Sickness. 2431 lesvenworth, Pouglaa 6313. . OARAGE) and filling station. 8es Florence tiaraget Florence, sickness reason lor sell ing. HOTEL BAROOIS. 10 rooms and bar for lease or sal 91.000 cash will handle lease. Mrs. M. & Nicholson. Hotel Ray. Peoria. 111. If YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Busch ttorghoir, ltd World-Herald Bldg. Phono IX 9211. A BLACKSMITH shop with full equipment for sale or trade for real estate, wish a quick sal. Box 64. Bee. MOTION plotura machines (new and re- BuiitM theaters supplied. Oman. Film Bachange. 109 S. 14th St. MOV1NO PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup- ply CO.. 901 Nat. Bldg. CLEAN' stojjc gen. mdse. and grocery." Sell or might trade. W. Pray, Kddyvllle. Neb. 70 GET in or out of business call on GANG EST AD, 498 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477, r'guarantoe' sale" of any business or real as tate. F. v. Knlest, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. RESTAURANT For sale; take auto Id part. I owe fare, sob n. .tun, umana. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3389. rOR HALE Old eatabllshed two-chair bar ber shop. Call Walnut 1906. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and accountant open lor poaltion; ramillar wan all details of office work; references, etc.. A-1. Box M66, Hee. By fairly experienced, middle aged man, as bookkeeper, auditor or sales manager In local office. Box 3379. Bee. FIRST-CLASS carpenter and mason, handy at anything; can also drive car; would leave city. Box 0009, Bee. TOUNO man wants position as chauffeur. private family preierret , good reierences. Call Douglas Tfl&l. RELIABLB young man wants any kind of work from 1 to 9 p. m. Box tl67. Omaha Bea. STENOGRAPHER with five years' experi ence desires position by July 1. Box 217. Creston. la. PRINTER wants work as compositor In country newspaper for summer. Box 9093. Be. WHITEWASHING Window washed, ruga biat?n. screens repaired, hung. Wal. 184a. IK YOU want anything done telephone Sparks, the handy man. at Walnut 1140. WANTED Work ott farm by experlencud fur m hand. K. A. Whiter, Manilla, la. HOUSB aud lawn man; wall papor cleaned. Douglas 9f94. William Delaney. FINK paint carpet and paper cleaolug at rut piit'es. Doug. 7841. FOR plowing ft cultivating. Call Doug. Female. WASH1NU takon by the bundle, all bundles at M e?nta or above. Call Colfax l2M, SITUATIONS WANTED Female. A OU1ET. refined colored lady wishes a po sition bs housekeeper for bachelors or taking care ot bachelors' apis, uox ttioi, Hoc, RELIABLE colored woman wants day work or bundle washing. Harney 411S, GIRL 19 wants amall children to care for during day. Doug. 1669. EXP. lady want position as housekeeper in small family, no laundry. Ref. W eb. 6040, Laundry and Day Work. DAY wo.lt and washing. Mrs. J. O. Col EXP. laundress, fine cloths specialty, 1L 1904. DAY work, houseclaaiilng. col, lady. D. 4379. WORK, day or wepk. Mrs. Cramer. Dg. 9979. BL'N'DLK washing or day work. Doug. 7084, LAUNDRY to tako homn. Wrbafer 2S99. WANTKD Day work. Douglas 4337. BUNDLE washing. Call Walnut 2C9. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. I CAN qualify and nan In t hi-viral nifn with references to traffic positions, paying $125 per month, up. Under new freight rate lints, box anil, i,e, Pro fe si, ions and Trades. flUI'KKIN'TKNDKNT WANTKD FOR COAt AND BUILDING MATERIAL YARD. MUWT 14 K MIDDLE-AGED MA V WITH KXPER1KNCK IN HANDLING MBN AM KEEPING UEfORDS. APPLY IN OWN HANDWRITING, STATING AGE. KM PLOYMKNT FOR LAHT FIVE YEARS. SALARY WANTED AND WHRN YOU CAN BKGIN WORK. PERSONAL IN TKRVIBW WILL BK REQUESTED IK APPLICATION IS SATISFACTORY. ADDRKSS BOX NO. 6112, BEE MGR. FOR TUB OMAHA MUSICAL CLUB. Wanted A flrit clans manager for the Omaha Musical club, corner 17th and Cass Hts. Must give the best or reierences. Phone Webster 7211. WANTED Journeyman electrical workers. scale 76c, eight hours; no labor troubles; plenty of work guaranteed; wire applica tion to Natona County Electrlo Co., Cas per. Wyo, CABINET Makers Vanfed First-class only. jteauy worn, waana o i"-8 iiuui. j-aiutj-,iOur day. Whltcomb Cabinet Co., Kansas city. DRUG POSITIONS ALL HTATF.. CO-OPERATIVK REKERENCK CO., 1015-10 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED FOUR F f KHT-C I , A HS AUTOMO- BILK REPAIR MEN. TELL BINK- LEY AUTO GARAGE, 2319 HARNEY. LEARN barber trade; low rntes now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Douglas St. WANTED Cabinet mHker for furniture re pair shop. Apply 2331 Leavenworth. WANTED Experienced elevator carpen ters. 413 U. B. B., Sioux City, la. ' Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN accustomed to making big money. We' have openings lor three agxrenslvo specialty (talesmen travel and sell our advertising service to bank era and merchants. Clean, dignified, legl mate and establtHhed business; exclusive territory; commissions paid dally or week ly; experience In our line, while 'desir able, not necenaary. Call 9 to 13, except Sunday. H. A, McQlvern. Room 101, Hotel Rome. WE desire the services of experienced sales men, men with good appearance and sd dreae; two excellent territories opened, one In Iowa and one In Nebraska. A splendid opportunity for an energetic, ambitious man and s splendid future for a producer. Ask for Mr. McGovern. The Adder Machine Co., 203 Woodmen of the World Bldg., Omaha, WANTED Three men of ability, willing to face the public, position pays inree dol lars a day to start, ('all before 9 a. m. or after 3 p. m., 912 Balrd Bldg., and ask for Mr. DuBols, . WANTED Experienced book men to take up selling of new publications. Best of territory and leads furnished. Apply F. D. Browning, 312 Balrd Bldg.. Omaha, Neb, SALESMAN WANTED. Call 023 8. 16th St. HoteU and Restaurants, DISHWASHER and bus boys wanted. Club Cafe, 1907 Farnam. WAITERS and waitresses wanted. Must have experience and references. Club Cafe, 1607 Farnam. WANTED 25 cooks for the Sixth .Nebraska infantry. Apply 1012 Farnam. WANTED Porters, Apply at Fontcnelle Ho tel ) Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTEQ-Steady work and gooo pay. Apply mmaeriana Bros. o, Bouth Yard: 20th and Hickory Streets. West Yard: 42d and Tard Streets. Boys. BOYS earn good wagea while- learning iraae, just like being paia to go to school. Must be 19 years old. GORDON-LAWLESS CO.. 3th and Dodge. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men, women, learn the barber trade; few weeks completes; pay while learning. Catalogue free. Rates now1 on. Call or wrlte HO South 1 th St., Omaha. LEARN barber trade; bs Independent; more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1403 Dodge St. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 S. XOth and SO 69 Farnam. Miscellaneous. SHOVELERS wanted to unload coal by the ton; good pay and steady work. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard 34th and Taylor streets. South Yard 30th and Hickory streets. West Yard 4 I'd and Izard streets. LABORERS, drivers. eto for grading and quarry worn; long joo; steady employ ment; wages tBe per hour and up. Na tional Stone Co., Louisville, Neb. Omaha office, 913 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Teamsters and laborers, steady work for right ment. Updike Lumber and Coal Co.. Walnut 300, 45th and Dodge Sta. ATTENTION, farmers! If you want help we oan supply you. uiurr city ismpioy- ment Bureau. 914 Mj W. Broadway. P. 431 LABORERS wanted ; steady work ; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. CO., west yard. 43d and Ixard Sts. WANTED Man with car, $300 a month. Call In pBtion. 668 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. LABORERS for Lewlaton, Mont. Shlplally. rree rare, wmernia Liso. ami- Jjj-r a. m. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Namea men and women wishing government positions, 970 month. Hun dred war appointments. Box Y 49, Bee. WANTED Salesmen, both men and women. fair education, and good salary. Apply 929 First Nat. Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and office clerks, Co -Operative Reference Co. Professions and Trades. EXPERIENCED fitter wanted to work in ladles' ready-to-wear store) 910 per week and steady work. Write and gKe refer ences to the New York Store, Deadwood. S. D. WANTED Girl for Ice cream parlor and sort drinks. 1103 South Utri. LEARN barber trade. 1403 Dodge St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. fcXPKHIENCKD lady cai.vasn.tir for house- to-house work to solicit and advertise a product of merit, 933 8. 13th St., between 9 and 10 a. m. WANTED Tsn ladles to solicit local work; guarantee 919 per week. H. Y. Wilson, 379 Brandtls Theater Bldg. Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent girl for general nouseworK, goou cook; no wasning; ref erences. Mrs. A. B. Warren, Telephone iiarncy arw. COMPETENT girl for general housework. man samite , iiu launurr n um. UU wages. Mrs. II, II, Fish, 33U Wool worth Ave. WANTKD An Osuwrienccd white nurse maid or woman, with references; good wages. Box 6102, Bee. WANTED Uood girl for general housework; one w no can go name nights. Phone Wal nut 2-44. '((08 N. 43d St. A GOOD girl wantvd at 114 N. 30th Ht. Please call. Don't phone. Small home - and small family. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED A c Updike, 2614 unipctcnt cook, Mrs. N. B. Jackson St. TeL Harney 1924. COMPETENT girl for general housework. MIDDLE-AOKQ woman for general bouse- work. 2770 Webster St. A GOOD white cook and second girl. Wat. 1710. 4822 (,'aiiS Sr. Miscellaneous. WANTED Good flat and rough dry uorter, steady position, good wagea. Nolen Laun dry Co., Sioux city, la. EDUCATIONAL VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, nuslness Administration. Advertising. Finance and Investments. Banking. A tc-n weeks' course In above subjects, by professors from the Unl. of Nebraska, begins June nth. Day sessions for women, Evening HPHsions for men and women. Two forty-fiva minute lectures each week In each HUb.lnct. Take any one or all. Tuition 912.60 per rourse. each subject, The buttliieBi) world needs women. Enter any Monday for Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping and other courses of train ing for business. Day clauses meet between 9 and 1. Evening rlenses between 9:30 and 9. 220 Omsha National Bnn-k Bldg. BOYLKS COLT, EG E DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every dny Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 156D. 18th knd Harney Sts. PRIVATE, tutoring by a college giduate. w in give reierence. i.;au nar. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 20TH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent gutits. HOTEL COOT rooms for summer. 92 wk.';"aplsi witn micneneue. uulb. nuir,u, u. Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find thoroom you deHire among these ads call at The lfte office for a Room ListGives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, solid mahogany furniture; private home; facing Turner park; walking distance; Ideal place for summer; no other roomers; no chil dren; gentleman only. Box 6601, Bee, FURNISHED room for rent for two gen tlemen, or man and wife; private family; board If preferred; no other boarders; on car line; references, 2411 S. 34th St. WILL rent my newly furnished front parlor very reasonable to respectable gentleman; strictly modern; newly papered; quiet and homelike place. 7JZ is. zzdHt, LARGE, beautifully furnished room and Bleeping porcn, eunauiu ir iwu, in muu ern private home; walking distance. Tyler 1970. HANSCOM Park Din tr let Large, beautifully furnished front room; breakfast optional; two gentlemen preferred. Harney 4305. TWO furnlahed sleeping rooms for one or two persons In private home, ail modern. 2128 Plnkney St. Phone Webster 2624. VERY dealrable, cool room, large porches, lawn and shade; board optional. Walking distance. Harney 3473. COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms, private family, on Farnam line; reierences re quired. Walnut 1204. 1602 N. 17TH ST. Large, cool room in modern flat, suitable for one or two gen tlemen; reasonable. Call Webster 7619. ROOM with breakfast. Suitable for one or two ladles. Close to car and walking distance; reasonable. Harney 3141. TWO elegantly furnished front rooms for gentlemen In modern nome oa car line, also garage space. Webster 6305. 621 S. 32D AVE. Cool, quiet room In new Harney 1966. - NICELY furnished front - room In private family; Ideal location. Telephone Web ster 179. FURNISHED room, alcove. 2 large closets. near 3 car lines. Harney 618. 2712 JACKSON ST. Modern, southwest ex posure; references required. Harney 3632. NICELY furnished room, modem; very rea sonable; walking distance. Douglas 8011. THE SCR ANTON, furnished rooms. Dg. 7468. FURNISHED room for one or two gentle men, private home. Webster 3476. NICELY furnished rooms; close In. 2661 8. Mary's Ave. Red 8344. NICELY furnished front room In private family. WebBter 6043. 214 S. 26TH ST. Cool, clean rooms for gen tlemen. Tyler 2974. 1611 HOWARD Furn. rms.. 32.60 week up. H ousekeeping Rooms. 2919 WEBSTER For two, large front room; modern home; excellent board; nice neighborhood; no other roomers. Harney 1633. 647 S. 24TH AYE. Two nicely furnished front housekeeping rooms; everything fur nlahed; cheap. Red 4929. 4160 CASS ST. Two large, clean rooms for summer; sewing machine; good shade; 815. Walnut 2608. 221 N. 2&TH ST. Three front rooms; every thing furnished; clean, cool. Ice, gas, elec tric light: walking distance, Douglas 8209. .COS DEWEY AVE. 2 modern, nicely fur nished front rooms, close in; laundry privileges. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with kitchenette. In private family. Red 2661. 2111 Cali fornia St. 1063 PARK Two and three-room suites, strictly modern flat; laundry. Harney 3991. 2012 NO. 1BTH ST., nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms, fi.so and 93 hm week; laundry privileges. Webster 7819. TWO cool housekeeping rooms, 3. 221S Leavenworth St. 2309 DOUGLAS Two modern housekeeping rooms; no children. Call .Douglas 8591. lflll HOW ARD, nice houaekpg. rma. Reae! Board and Rooms. BOARD with or without room; reasonable. "Grey Gables,- 302 North zotb St. Doug las 4420. FURNISHED room with board; modern apartment; Hanscom Park district; busi ness woman preferred. Harney 2746. BOARD and room for two young men; good car service ana warning distance, nar- ney 6702. Unfurnished Rooms. 4 ROOMS, unfurnished, in modern, desirable home near Rlvervlew park; gas range, Zd floor: no children. Tyler 793-W. TWO or three unfurnished rooms; very cosy. Call Webster 1403. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ONE or two rooms and kitchenette, fur nished, In modern nome, north part of vity. Phone or call evenings. 2811 vBrlstot St. Tel. Web. 2534. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment with sleeping porch; near Turner para. Har ney 634 APARTMENTS, all atxrs and prices, splen did location, Z4th ana Farnam. D. 1473. Mod. 4-r. Apt. Har. 4141 or Wal. 2257. Houses. ENTIRE lower floor of a cool, roomy house. completely furnished; terms low; fine res idential district; walking distance, 2632 Capitol Ave. Douglas 4537, FOR RENT For. the summer, beautifully furnished bungalow In Dundee; garage and garden; south sleeping porch. Wal nut 1T86, FOR RENT 9-room modern bungalow fur nished; nice neighborhood; near car. isoi Plnkney Bt. FURNISHED house for rent In Weat Far- nam Plat. 4S8 N. 3th Ave. Harney 3591. FOR RENT HOUSES West. FOR RENT Modern cottage, near Clare- mont, on two car Unci Tel. V.amut 3490. 128 SO, 25TII St. 130 So. Sbth SjX' 914. rnone uwncr, iwugias am. SIX rooms, all modern, adults only, TeL Harney 2049. 167 DAVENPORT ST., 9 rooms, 936. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 3406. North. i your rent !25? Pay me that and buy a home; 6-room, mod., large lot, near Miller l-MTH, W a 1 K r r, tO.HX 11. Pi H - FIVE rponis and bath, all modern, floored attic, sleeping porcn ana garage. v(5 Ames Ave, , Phone Colfax 1374. FOR RENT HOUSES North. FOR RENT 7-roonu strictly modern house, 7 cherry trses and garden patch, fall Colfax 330. 8-ROOM house, modern, with steeping porch and garage, at .431 Spauldlng. &-ROOM and bath, newly decorated and painted, 915. 2702 Seward St. Tel. Red 18m. 9-ROOM modern cottage, chicken yard and shed, loth and Dorras. Hr"y fll03- 926 . 007 rms., all modern, Bemls Park. 3020 Hamilton. Walnut 2342. FIVE-ROOM modem house. Webster 671. 8 -ROOM cottage, modern, lull Cass St. South. 6-KoOM bouse, modern except furnace. 623 8. 34th Ave. Phone ll, 4355. Houttes In all parts of the fity, CREIGH. SONS CO.. 518 Bee Bldg. JWiiceUwjy us. FOR RENTAPARTMENTS West. ST. CLAIR. 24th and Harney, 3-room apt. Call Har. 947. S-ROOMS, garage, sleeping porch, hot water. heat. Janitor service, 2408 Day, nport. FOUR dandy rooms, Douglas and Park Ave. 810.00. Phone Webster 2373. Mod, fur. 4-r. Apt. Har. 4141 or Wal. 2557. North. MODERN, four rooms, steam boated, 318 and up. Close In. O. V. Slebbins. 1910 ('htcajro. FOR RENT New four and five-room apt., alt modern, steam heated In winter, 26th and Blondo. Webster 1902. . STEAM heated, $18 and up, summer rates. near P. O. G. P. fUbbtns, 1610 Chicago. 4-ROuM modern apt., steam heat; summer rate. 930. 1814 Maple St. Red 1881. South. FINE -room flat, -walking distance, 939. Douglas 7211, 811 Worthlngton Plsce. ALL modern six-room flat. 662 So, 26tb Ave. Phone Colfax 1374. APT. to sub-lease at 2222 Howard. See janitor. NEW modern apartment, S large rooms, 120 per month; heat furnished, Harney 1669. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. TEN-RM, modern, close-in, 930. Doug. 2160. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE store room, modern front. metal ceiling, steam heat, 624-036 so. 16th St.; else 32x60: can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 323 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam. (Old 1st Nat Bank Bldg.) FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler 800. STORE for rent, - WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Building. SMALL modern store room, steam heat. 1 613 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, $32 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1671, RESTAURANT, with fixtures, gas stoves, stools, at 107 So. I6tn at. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg.. 17tb and Douglas, McCague Inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. WIS hava several good tenanta for all mod ern houses and apartments. F. D. WEAD, 111 8. 18th St. Doug. 171. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF- WARBHOUSR Packing, ,torag. and moving. Ill N. 11th 8t. l'hone Doug 'las 396. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete Hat of Vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage.- moving. 16th arid Jackson Sta. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th andj Howard. Tel. D. 7799. Maggatd JS,S 22, Van and storage uo Moving, racKing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1499. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CQ., 902 S. 16th St. Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co For real service tn moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 qt Douglas 4338. JT PtTTTFi Express Co., Moving . J, AJJJJlJ Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web- 2JT48, Doug. 0148. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAM HOME I rooms, brand new and all modern, oak finish downstairs, white enamel kitcben. 4 bedrooms, all In white enamel; good at tic; rooms all decorated; corner lot. south front. Price only $6,760. $1,000 cash balance monthly. THE BYRON REED CO., Phon. Doug. 867. 811 g, th. North. NORTH SIDE Seven-room house, all modern, full slxed lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty Is on Burdotte , easy walk to 20th or 24th car. Will give some one bar gain. Owner left city. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. YOURcottuge as first payment on this new 2-story, 6-r, bungalow, oak finish on first floor, birch woodwork with maple floors on second floor; roofft just decorated; stair to 3d floor; outside of bouse just painted; dandy lot; near 24th and Plnkney Sta. Price $4,600. Very easy terms or lot as first payment. RASP BROS., 210 Kerllne Bldg. Tyler 721 South. UNbl 6-room and one 4 -room oottagu. both on one lot; fine ooudltloa; live In one and rent the otber. Price for both. $2,760. Very easy terms. No. 2433 South 20th SL NORRIS ft NORRIS. 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, $ large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and eosmel finish. Price 83,600. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3,660. Call Douglas 113$ days. Walnut 1680 evenings. A VERY neat little homu on the South Side. Frlco $600. Terms: $100 cash and $10 per montlL Tel. Doug. 2596. STRICTLY modern bungalow. S rooms, 22nd and Ames Ave. Webster 4223. Miscellaneous A 5-Room Modern Bunga low as Part Payment for a 7-Room House. We have a 6-room modern bungalow built about three years, snd two lots 46x 136 ft. each, to exchange for a seven room house. Must be good location, all modern and In good repair. Will not con sider old houses and price not to exceed $6,600. Price of our bungalow and two lots I $3,600. HIATT CO., S45-7-9 Omaha Nat. .Bank. Tyler 00. I. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Inaur Mica. 42 Bee Bldg. Pouglaa 1087 R. H TRUMBULL. 1306 tt Na Bk Bldg O 1714 REAL ESTATE B'neis Pr'pty a A. WOLF, Realtor, War. Blk. Specialist ln downtown business propsrt. REAL ESTATE Investment . APART11KNT. ITS.666 Income 13 par cent; on. year Old; very line location: mortaaae liA.OOV anil will accept 880.006 In trade; bal ance ceab or negotiable pnpera. ' C.U.KINS CO., Dour'a, 1313. City Mat. Bank Bldf. REAL ESTATE Investment AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Close-In Improved Real Estate Invest ment, at 19th and Charles Strreels. TUESDAY, JUNE 24TH, AT 10 A. M. Sale taker piave on the premises, 4J ft. frontage on th Florence Blvd., (19th St), and 74-foot frontage on Charles Street. Buildings consist of one 2 -story brick store building with 9 living; rooms up stairs, facing 191 h St.; 1 frame store building, facing )9th St.: 2 six-room resi dences, facing Charles Street The above property Is permanently rented and brings a good Income. Owner very old and don't care to bother with rental property. Property clear of all Incumbrance and will be aold on above date wun no re- atpft-ttnna. Terms: Casli when papers are delivered to purchaser. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. MRS. SOPHIE DOLLOW, Owner. DOUBLE FLAT BARGAIN. Frame, four apartments. Rents for 950 to l0 per month. Needs repair. Clone In. Chanca to make some money, si.obu. W. T. GRAHAM. Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange wilt. Hvi-hanvA jl number of residence In come properties, some new and others nearly new; also some vacant. Some are cl-ar of incumbrance and some incumbered about 40 por ct-nt. Want clar land. TRAVKRH BROTH KRS, 819 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 6886, 10,000 ACRES In Cherry county to trude for il etock of Implements. 320 acres, Improved and fenced, for sate Or trade, .160 acres farm land, highly Improved, good rich soil. Apply Bok Y 76. nee. HAVE client with 940 acres good land In eastern Montana. Clear, worth 99,000 three mlloa from good railroad 'own. Want 9 to 9-rootx. modern Omaha resi dence, valued 94,00!! to 99,000, Joseph Pick, 2219 Evan St. Web. 4966. A UOOD hotel with three lots; only hotel in town; has 19 rooms, steam heat and In ' good shiipe. Price 96,000.00;. will want a little cash and western land. O. A. Kull, Oakland, Neb. 960 AN acre buys 130-acre farm, 16 miles from Omaha, inquire 413 Ramge Bin. Tel. unug 4 is 13 Healdence pnone iwut S776 REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. DANDY LOl. 90x116, two street frontages: easy terms, call Douglas 1064 or evening Harney 4i6. 30 BEAUTIFUL lots, 92 cash, 60c per week $160 and up. Near 24th and Sprague. Douglas 3392. ' BEAUTIFUL 60-ruOi iot. Price $220. only 33 flanh ant? i0 cents per week poug 1301 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. " Well located lota on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. B&fore buying; he sure and see GEORGE & CO. HOMES and home altea In Dundee. SHULEB & CARI. 164 Keelln.. O. 1074. REAL ESTATE Other Cities BUY REAL ESTATE IN . OLIVER THE NEW STEEL CITY. The city with a future. Near the U. S. Steel Corp.- $25,000,000 plant, , which is almost completed. Lots are NOW $250. Write now for information. FRANK J. GIFFORD, 301-2 Commercial Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell an unitl! cash payments; have parties waiting, western Real Estate. 413 Karbach .Blk. P. 3607. LIST yofir 6 and 6-room houses with Ed ward t wiinanis jo.. 9VL umana iNat. Bank Bldff. D. 420. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WB BELL THKJL OSBORNB REALTY Co.. Tyler 496. WANT to buy furnished rooming bouse, 16 or 20 rooms. Must bs a bargain. Box 5146, Bee. 6-R. HOME, strictly mod,. Wist Farnam district. F. D. Wead. 3in S. ism St. FINANCIAL $1,000 MTOE., bearing 9 pet. semi-annually, secured by property valued at $6,400. Tal-mage-Loomts lnv. To., W. O. W. Bldp. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. THE best security for your money is a good 5 or 0 per cent ftirm mortgage; fourteen years expedience making real estate loans no losses. White & Hoover, Omaha Nat'l FARM MORTGAGES, Well secured bearing 6 pet. Interest. HARLEY J. HOOK1R, 40 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler 2668. S PER CENT to 0 per cent en best class city residences in amounts 2,ooo up; also Tarm loans. Kcnaonabie commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St. FOR SALE. Ten shares of Ralaton Realty Co. at one-half par value. Address M. S. Dean, 1826 Peoples Pas Bldg., Chicago, III. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kioife inv. to,, umana. H. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. SHOPEN ft CO., PRIVATE MONET. 10,000 6 H PER CENT first mortgage se cured Dy rarm worm tzb.vuu, near umana. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 538 Keellne BUg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l FARM and city loans, 6, 6ty and 6 per cent. W. H. Tliomas. Keellne Bldg. Doug. 16,8. ,KO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 60t Bee Bldg. 8100 to 810.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. isth and Farnam Sts :0 MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. ' 10 816 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. C CL CITY U 10 LOAN! GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERO. 313 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. Stocks and ffondl. LISTED and unlisted storks. Investment securities. Industrial stocks. -ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Abstracts of Title. YT.rit- Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., t-"1 306 S. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and In. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. . GALLAGHER & NELSON r. -present prompt pay Insurance com nanlea. 610 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 33.000-ACRE ranch. 76 per cent good farm land, all good grass land: K. R. runs through track. $26,000 worth of Improve m nts; fin for colonisation; good terms. Kit Carson Horn Builders, Kit Carson, Colo. 480 ACRES eastern Colorado farm, 120 acres broken, only $6 an acre. Terms. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 67 City National Bank Bldg. Idaho Lands. IDAHO LANDS IN BOISE VALLEY. FOR SALE WB HAVE A LARGE LIST OF IRRIGATED AND NONIRRI GATED LANDS IN GRAIN, ALFALFA AND STOCK RANCHES. ALSO 10, 20 K AND 4-A('K rKL.NO AlV l- AKl'Llii VU- nuinita . i. r t T-ij itnn ivpnulf 4 TlnV PRICES AND TERMS. GEO. H. WETTER A CO., BOISE, IDAHO. Iowa Lands. A BARGAIN. Improved Harrison county. Iowa, 160 acre farm for sal on easy terraA Prtoe $140 por acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY 6R0 rand els Bid. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS $6 down; $5 monthly, buy 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $300. Address Box 80S Excelsior Sort FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. DON'T FAIL TO INVESTIGATE THIS. K , . 160 affres of well Improved, perfectly level land, located 34 miles of Battle Creels and TH mile of Norfolk, in high stale of cultivation. An excellent quarter fur $i3i per acre. BIG 4 REALTY CO.. 1010-16 W. O W. Bldg. Poug. 3416. !4u AC1UJ1. tiupruvud, only t miles from Emerson. Neb.; every acre good farm land; there Is about 12 acres pasture that will feed two head per acre; about acre alfalfa and 20 acre clover, and a dandy orchard and grove, at only $146 per acre, on easy terms. . O. A. KuU, Oakland. Neb. 1,:0 ACRES, N. W. Loup Co.; 2 set Im provements. 160 s. fenced on each sec tion, $3.60 per acre. $1,400 mtg. pet. Bal crhU. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. $20-30 City Nat. Doug. $861 SO ACRES Irrigated, fin, level black land, near Brtdgtport, Neb., very cheap, terms; crop goes with land. S, 8. & It. E. MONTGOMERY, 627 City National Bank Bldg. SiiALL NebriisKa farm on easy payments 6 acre up. W farm the farm we H you. Th Hnngtrford Potato Growers' Association. 16th and Howard Sta Ota ha, Douglas $371. i 130-ACRE Improved farm 3r miles from Benson. Weil situated and with good roads. F. D WEAD. 310 8. 18th St Wead Bldg. ' South Dakota Lands. 3 DO ACRES of good black loam auil and clay subsoil; good buildings; near town of 10, 000, Bouth Dakota. Write us for price and futher particulars. Mid-West Land Co., 1057 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 1166. FOR SALE: Cheap, 4S0 acres. Fall River county; three buildings, five alfalfa, forty broke, fenced, all alfalfa land, seven mile east Bmithwlck, South Dakota. E, J. Daw son, t'hadron. Neb. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land. East Texas, $2 an sore. Get my free book. W R FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha. Miscellaneous. LAND, any size tracts. Wrlto us your wants. Ledbetter ft Henry, Birch Tree, Mo. FARM LANDS FOR RENT WILL buy western Neb., Colo., Wyo. land. For attention, give full description, with numbers, W. Sledentopf, Route 3, Mo dale, la. AUTOMOBILES CROSSTOWN GARAGE. SIS So. 24th St. Douglas 4442. Apperson "45", starter and light, I tire and rims, good condition, $216.00. Parts for Hup 20, Hudson 20, Interstate 35, Apperson, Oldsmoblle, etc . Used tires rheap. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2209 Farnam. Douglas 3310. 1016 Bulck "Light Six" Roadster. .. ,$6T5 1016 Overland Roadster 475 1910 Empire Touring 400 1916 Maxwell Touring 376 TIRE REPAIRING. Flrst-c!as work at reasonable price. THE TIRE SHOP, . ?. F. Crow. 2618 Farnam. Doug. 4871. 1 WE will trad you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. 30th and Harney Douglas 8261. FOR SALE Cinders for driveway and walk. Douglas 1387. TRADE your old battery in on a guaran teed Ever-ready Btornge buttery. Free in spection of any battery. Ever-ready Stor ago Battery Co.. 120C Farnam St. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 2316-1$ Farnam St. Douglas S3. i unos i any mane at reasonablo prices. fOU SALE Model 60 2-passengcr Stanley Steamer, like- new, unaurpaaspd power, speed .ind ouse of operation, a bargain. Cleon Hklllman. Pleasanton, Nob. STUDEBAKER six, "17, fine condition; go ing west; price $850. Douglas 9003. 16"5 South 2fith flt. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Y,k change Co.. 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 025. TELL & BINKLEY WE BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. "18 Harney St., Doug. 1640. WANT modem six auto for rUnr Rrnwn,.Tl Hall district lota. Canan. McCngue Bldg. BERTSCHV "Kan-Fix-It," Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2652. BARGAINS In used Ford cars ilolmea-Ad- -"LV0--1 J'1-" . 34th. Phone S. 271. WE are the used Ford men. Auto Salvage ft Exchange. 110 8. J7th. Auto Livery and Garages. Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. " THIS 18 NO. 2 JN 1 TIRE. Second-hand tires and tubes; expert tire and tube repairing. Douglas 8872. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1403 Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omsha, Neb. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALT. If A ITCD DjvOa iDor. STRAHLE ft ANDERSON. INC. 216 S. 19th St. Dour!-! S4!tf. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO?" Jumna a a-.enaoie.oiarier rtepair Shop." 2230 Farnam St. Dourlas 837T Auto Repairing and Paintinsr. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair' r-Lmirt-tt. payaqorrer. 310 W. 18th. Motorcycles and Bicycles " FQR SALE On a 1917 model Indian motor! " v.a,i. 4U6t!,cu, variier ana otner accessories. Has been run only -160 miles Price reasonable. Machine In Omaha For particulars write Arthur Rackliffe, Box C, HARLEY- DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES ' e-o in uauii macnines. Victor It. Roos. "The Motorcycle Man," $7th snd MUST- SELL AT ONCE Harley-Davldson uu.hi. Biniom new, nui sou reasonable. F. E. Cossalrt, room 16, th Creightoa Block. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianox and notes aa security. y V Jl, BlVUB, lotai COB I, 3.W. $40, b ino endorsed notes, total cost, $2.60, Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. 132 Rose Bldg.. 16tlfand Farnam. Ty. 666. LEGAL RATE inivi $24.00 $240.00 or more Easy payments. , Utmost privacy. 340 Paxton Blk. Tel, Doug 2286 OMAHA LOAJf COMPANY.' POULTRY AND PET STOCK ENGLISH coach dog, light black spot, $ MEDICAL WHY SUFFER? Latest and Most Scientific i rtjaimtjni. ror an uiseaaes. Dr. Charles Barnes. 613-524 Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He Is curing thou aund. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours 9 a. m. to I p. m,; 7:30 to 9:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment, DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 BEE BLDG. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula1 ana other rectal disease without surgical op erations. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal disease and teitlmonlals. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation, call or write Dr Frank H. Wray. 306 Bee Bldg. DR. EADES, 201 Paxton Blk. Doug, 672$ Chiropractors. Dra. Johnston, 13,5 W. O. W. Bldg. D. DR. KNOLLENBERG. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant. 3th and Farnam. D. "205 Dr. J. C. Lawrnnce, Balrd Bldg. D. S461. Dr. Frances I'awson. 802 Roae Bldg. T. -3ft 6 , Dentis'ts. Dr. Bradbury. So pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Tuft's Dent, Rmfl.. 80 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. PERSONAL TO V'HOJI IT MAY CONCERN: Mrs. Elaa Phelps has sold bar entire interest In the Central Bath Institute and I now In ne way connected wlthithis Institution. Cen tral Bath Institute, Etta M. Sturgcs, Man ager, ii0 Harney St, 1i