Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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    I V1 June 21 iyenUlUficUu
Four June Weddings.
Fpur youthful and charming brides
were married Wednesday night before
the showers of rain could fall to cast
about them the damp of an ancient
superstition, "Sad is the bride that
the rain falls on." Two were quiet
home weddings, at which only the inv
mediate families and a few close
friends were present. The other two
were church weddings, followed by
more private wedding gatherings, one
a dinner, the other a reception, ,
One of the prettiest of these wed
dings and the one which was a com
plete surprise was that ot Miss Alice
Louise Rushton. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Rushton, and Mr. Joseph
Winger Seacrest of Lincoln. Friends
were not expecting the marriage until
September. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks
performed the ceremony at the home
of the bride's parents. There were no
bridal attendants. Just before the
ceremony Mr. Leslie Putt, cousin of
the bride, sang "I Love You Truly,;'
and Mrs. Howard Rushton played the
Lohengrin wedding march.
The bride's gown was of white
satin, made with court train, em
broidered in pearls. 1 Her long tulle
veil was held in place by a bandeau
of pearls. She carried a shower bou
quet of bride's roses and tiny pink
The decorations throughout the
rooms were in shades of rose. Bas
kets of pink peonies adorned the hall
and library, while in the dining room
were red Richmond roses. The
mantel in the living room was gar
landed with smilax and pink roses
and banked with palms and pedestal
vases of Russell roses.
The bride is a graduate of the
Omaha High school. She spent a year
at Miss Mason's school in Tarrytown,
N. Y., and later took work at Smith.
The bridegroom is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Seacrest of Lincoln,
He was a studenfat the University
of Nebraska and also at Dartmouth,
where he became a member of the
Phi Delta Theta fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Seacrest will spend a
few weeks at Lake Okoboji, and on
their return will make their home in
Lincoln, where the groom is con
nected with the Nebraska State
Journal. They will be at home to
their friends after September 1.
A large family wedding was that
at which Miss Katharine Davenport
was united in marriage with Mr.
George Loran Howell. The cere
mony was performed at 8 o'clock
Wednesday night at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freder
ick W. Clarke, by Rev. Titus Lowe.
Before the ceremony Mrs. Thomas
Kelly sang and Mr. Kelly played the
wedding march.
Pink and white peonies were used
throughout the house. Ribbons were
stretched by Misses Alice Crandell,
cousin of the bride, and Frances How
ell, sister of the bridegroom. Mr.
Guy Howell was best man and the
bride was given in marriage by her
. The bridal gown was of white net
lac ieaded in Oriental Jesigaind
made over white georgette crepe
trimmed with princess lace. The
neck was V-shaped and the skirt was
short and full. Her mist-of-tulle veil
was caught under a cap of pearls,
held in place at each side by a caba
chon of seed pearls. She carried a
shower of white roses and lilies of
the valley.
The bridal table was set in the sun
Porch and there during the evening
a buffet supper was served. Sweet
heart roses and lilies of the valley
decorated the table and all the young
friends of the bride assisted. '
At. midnight Mr. and Mrs. Howell
left for Manitou and Colorado
Springs, where they will spend their
honeymoon. In the fall they will be
at home in Omaha. Mrs. Howell's
going-away ( suit was of dark navy
blue made dn severely tailored lines.
With it she wore a blouse of gray
georgette crepe and a hat of the
same with underfacings of blue geor
gette. All her accessories, shoes,
gloves and so on, were gray.
. Mrs. Ralph Crandell and family of
Chapman, Neb., were out-of-town
At almost the same time that the
nuptial knot was being tied for these
two brides the marriage of Miss Mil
dred Cooper, daughter" of Mr. and
Mrs. George Mum ford Cooper, to Mr.
Leo Brent Bozcll was being solem
nized at St. Barnaba's church by Rev.
Lloyd B. Holsapple. Miss Marie Al
len of Minneapolis had come to act
as maid of honor at the ceremony.
The bride wore a draped gown of
Chantilly lace with court train of
white satin. Her veil was held in
place with a satin band, upon which
orange blossoms were caught. She
carried a shower of bride's roses and
white sweet peas. Her attendant wore
a pale green gown of tulle over satin.
A tulle hat to match was trimmed
with pink rosebuds. She carried lav
ender sweet peas. .
Mr. Flavel Robertson of Kansas
City was best man and Mr. John Ray
ley and Mr. Earle Allen were ush
ers. Immediately after the ceremony
a wedding supper was served to the
bridal party at the Blackstone. Mr.
and Mrs. Bozell left for Chicago and
will be at home after a short wed
ding trip in Omaha.
The fourth bride of 8 o'clock
Wednesday night was Miss Lulu Lu
cille O'Connor, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph O'Connor, whose mar
riage to Mr. Lee H. Stirling was sol
emnized at the North Side Christian
Church by Rev. G. L. Peters. White
and pink roses and peonies were com
bined with palms and ferns in the
decoration of the church. Three lit
tle girls, Misses Helen Rose, Lois
Curtis and Helen Burton, dressed in
white frocks with pink sashes, acted
as ushers. Misses Frances Wiles and
Elizabeth Youngman in similar frocks
stretched ribbons for the bridal
The bride wore a gown of ivory
satin combined with chiffon and
trimmed with pearls. Her cap veil
was held in place with a bandeau'
of pearls. She carried a shower of
bridal roses and white sweet peas.
Little Miss Dorothy O'Connor was
ring bearer and flower girl. She was
dressed in white with pink sash and
ribbons and carried the ring in a
lily buried in a basket of rose petals.
Miss Nellie O'Connor was maid of
honor. She wore old rose crepe de
chine and -carried red roses. Miss
Pauline Nesbit wore yellow chiffon
and carried yellow roses and Miss
Lillian O'Connor wore pink georgette
crepe and carried pink roses. All the
gowns were finished with girdles of
Mr. Stirling had three attendants,
Mr. Guy Snyder, best man, and Mr.
Cook Rettinger and Mr. Alfred Chard
of Lincoln. A reception for fifty
guests at the bride's home followed
the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Stirling
will spend their honeymoon in Den
ver and Colorado Springs. They will
be at home after July 15 in this city.
The bride wore a suit of gray and a
gray hat with pink trimmings to
Mrs. Arthur D. Brandeis Re-Weds.
A wedding in whose announce
ment many Omaha people will be
greatly interested is that which took
place in Malba, Long Island, at noon
today, by which Mrs. Zerlina Bran
deis, widow of the late Arthur D.
Brandeis cf this city, became the wife
of Mr. Joseph Helfman. Mrs. Bran
deis was for many years active in
Omaha social and charitable circles,
but has more lately resided in New
York Lity and at her country place in
New Jersey, while Mr. Helfman is
said to be a wealthy capitalist, recent
ly retired from 'the iirm of Parke,
Davis & Co., of Detroit, with
acquaintance going back to the bride's
girlhood days in Uetroit.
Mr. J. L. Ervine Brandeis went east
with his wife for the occasion and
his sister, Miss Leola Brandeis, was
also present. The older daughter,
Mrs. Irving Stern, has been living in
Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Helfman will
make their home in California and
will stop in Omaha on a visit while en
route to the coast.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mrs. L. C. Gibson is giving a luncfl
eon party at the club tomorrow for
Mrs. E. G. Edwards, who has re
cently returned from California.
Mrs. Ed Phelan entertained the
eight members of Ker bridge club at
luncheon today.
Mrs. Mary E. Van Gieson will have
ten guests at dinner at the ciud to
night. R. O. Robinson will have
seven guests and Dr. W. P. Wherry
Mrs. W. C. Ramsay had eighteen
in a luncheon party at the club today.
Informal Entertaining.
The J. F. W. club had a social meet
ing tint afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Jason C. Youngs. Nineteen
members and two guests, one of whom
was Miss Bessie Browne, were pres
ent. This was the last gathering .of
the club until after Ak-bar-ben. (
Miss Agnes Moran entertained at
luncheon today in honor of Mrs. M.
Guil'oyle, a recent bride. Her guests
were Miss Mary Holland, Miss Myrtle
Drahos and Mrs. Guilfoyle.
Miss Helen McCaffrey invited a few
old schoolmates of her guest, Miss
Catherine O'Connell of Chicago, to
take tea with her this afternoon.
G. M. Ribbel had five guests at
luncheon at the Country club today
and J. De Forrest Richards will have
six at dinner.
Affairs for Brides.
Miss, Eugenie Patterson and Miss
Marion Kuhn entertained six tables
at bridge at the Omaha club today
for Miss Stella Thummel. Next
Wednesday Miss Anne Gifford will
give a luncheon at the Country club
for the samt bride-to-be.
Mrs. Fred W. Thomas entertained
three tables at bridge at her home this
afternoon for Miss Martha Dale, the
latest of the June brides. Peonies in
all shades were used to decorate the
Notes About Omahans.
Mr. Howard C. Wilson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Wilson, has returned
from Pittsburgh, where he has been
attending Carnegie Tech.
Mrs. S. Goetz and Miss Laura
Goetz left Wednesday night for Cin
cinnati, where they were called by
the death of a relative.
Mrs. Edwin Vaughn Glaser of St.
Louis is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jay
Mrs. Sam Kramer of New York
has come to spend two weeks with
her parents, Mr. ; and Mrs. Nathan
With the Travelers.
Mrs. William J. Browne and Miss
Anne C. Browne leave today for Long
Beach, Cal., for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloomfield
Brown and their small daughter left
this afternoon for San Francisco,
where they will spend a few days be
fore returning to their home in Hon
olulu. Registering at the Hotel McAlpin
from Omaha during the last week
have been Mr. Albert A. Klein, Miss
Under the Sign of the Red Cross in France
Th Red Cross in Franc, with Aid of
By Marian Bonaall Davis.
As a volunteer in France Mrs. Davis
got vivid mpretsiom ot the part Amer
ica' t great Aumantrarian agency has
played and is to play in the ioopM tear.
In the money that ia pouring out to
meet the demand ot the American Red
Crosa for 1100,000.000 there are mem
ories, devotions, tributes.
The ttgn ot the Red Cross, to one who
has worked under it, calls up countless
images. 8ometimes It is old shoes shoes
to old that the; let in the mud and water
of the trenches. Tbe owners, coming in
on stretchers and In stockinged (cot,
guard them proteetingly, thinking they
most do duty again. How many pro
cessions there are ot; pale facet and old
hoe I
Widow of the lata Arthur D.
Brandeis is now Mrs. Joseph Helf
man. Photo taken for The Bee
on her last visit to Omaha,
Myrtle H. Custer and Mrs. F. S.
Tea for Miss Doane.
Miss Martha Noble entertained at
an informal tea this afternoon in
honor of Miss Lois Doane of San
Diego, Cal., the guest of MissiDoro
thy Wright. Miss Doane is enroute
home from Oberlin college, where
she was graduated this year and is a
college friend of Miss Noble's.
Meeting Postponed.
George Crook Woman's Relief
corps will not meet until the second
Friday in July because of Red Cross
Record Attendance at
Creighton Summer School
Creightou university opened its
fifth annual summer session Wednes
day with 156 pupils in attendance.
Fifteen have been registered for
master of arts, sciences and literature
degrees. Twenty-four states are rep
resented in the enrollment.
To the course this year has been
added elocution, under the supervis
ion of Miss Lillian Fitch of Ann
Morgan school at Chicago. This
year, as heretofore, there will be an
interesting series of entertainment
programs. The teaching staff is the
same as that ot last year.
Now They Say There Was No
Quorum for the Election
Because not enoigh members to
constitute a quorum attended the
meeting of the Political Equality
league Monday night, the officers
elected at that time cannot be in
stalled. A meeting will be called soon
to re-elect the executive board and to
transact business in regard to the
future work of the organization.
Rev. G. A. Tressler Heads
Synod of the Lutherans
Chicago, June 21. The Rev. G. A.
Tressler of Springfield, O., was
elected president at the first meeting
of the general synod of the Evangeli
cal Lutheran church here today.
Plans for the union of the general
synod, the united synod of the south
and the general council of the Evan
gelical Lutheran church were pre
sented by a committee, but will not be
acted upon until Friday.
Woman's League Note.
The Wotn an' lea sue haa distributed fin
book and magazines at the forti up to tbe
preient time.
Arrannemente are being merle by the
Womao'a league to give a, erlea of hand
concert at the two fort. Plans are blng
ma1e by Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm for the flrat
one Sunday.
Mr. and Mn. Thomas Kelly will give a
munical program at Fort Omaha end con
duct a community singing concert among
the aoldtera Sunday night at 7 o'clock In
the Toung Men's Christian aaaoclatlon. Thla
repreaenta the ftnt effort of the Woman'
league to furnish entertainment to the men
at the fort. Thrt committee in charge am
membara of the social and welfttf detach
ment of the leaguf, and Include ,M"Mrlame
Lowrte C'hllda, C. M. Wilhelm. George .lou
lyn, Charlea Offut, Luther Kountz, Victor
Roar-water and Miss Arabella Kimball.
Bee Wants-Ads 1'roduce Results.
th. Amaricin Rad Croee, Hu Halnad Send Thai Departing Men Beck to the
Trenches with Smiling Hearts.
Sometime! an linage that cornea to one that red bade on the casta of relief sup-
woman la a giant negro, John Brown, plies unloaded at the dorks, on the tides
(rora Texas, whom she found In a French ot the motor ambulances, over the can
hospital. John Brown had come over to teens where homeless soldiers may sleep,
France as a groom to several' hundred over the shelter (or children the sign
cavalry horses. Arrived there, he said he
thought "it was up to him to do hie bit"
He joined the Foreign (region, (ought
bravely and was severely wounded.
Very often the Image is of a patrician
woman, wearing the Red Cross on her
arm, performing the humblest services
(or other privates carrying their poor
shoos; (or other oegroet sharing the
agony ot the fight the Cingalese.
The Red Crosa (lag flying from the
choolhouse that Is now a hospital in the
main street of the village that looks to
sound asleep without its men; the em
blem on the arm of a surgeon working
miraclea of science on shattered bodies;
Are You Doing Your Bit?
"How shall I do my , bit?" write
Anna and Mabel and Zaidee (not to
mention all the other means and ex
tremes of alphabet and statjon). "I
am twenty-two and have a good home
and enough money, so that I am
nicely taken care of and have never
needed to do any work. But now
that our country is at war I am ready
to do my share. Shall 1 take up
"Do you think it would be a good
plan for me to prepare to go to the
front with the Red Cross? Of course,
I suppose there are a number of other
things you can suggest, but nursing
and farming seem much the most im
portant tasks. Will you advise me
how to go about one or the other?"
Sometimes investigation discloses
the fact that Anna is a puny little
creature who has been treated like
a hothouse plant. I may find that
Mabel is subject to nervous neaa
aches if she gets into the hot sun
light and that Zaidel fainted once
when she tried to wash a ait in her
brother's hand.
At least half the girls who want
to be nurses or "farmerites" are
physically and temperamentally nnfit
for the job. The romance of tilling
the soil and of making crops grow
in rapid and intelligent rotation is
well worth the while of any woman
who brings the proper equipment of
health and muscle to her work.
Nursing is a glorious task if you
are fitted to be a nurse. But if roll
ing bandages bores you, the menial
tasks which must be done in any sick
room make you ill, and washing up
hospital corridors with disinfectant ia
not a part of your picture of nuraing,
you Sad better give that up at once,
even if you are five feet eight and
weigh 150. '
Farming is not a matter of cute lit
tle overalls, nor is the chief factor in
nursing wearing a Red Cross uniform
with charm and distinction. You have
to be fit, temperamentally and phys
ically fit, in order to do either well.
And of the girls who long to show
their patriotism and their loyalty to
their country and to "do their bit," I
fear that not one in ten is fit to cul
tivate the soil effectively or nurse the
wounded in any manner whatever.
Rolling bandages, buying Liberty
bonds, arranging benefits for the
wounded are all splendid things to
which women must continue their
generous and intelligent contribution.
But how about the girl who has no
money to spend, who has no social
pinnacles from which to arrange
matinees and bazaars, who is not af
filiated with any society which is do
ing big things, and who is not vet
trained for nay sort of service? She
thinks at once of the hospital or the
farm and prepares to take a course
which will make her fit to work in
one or the other. For her I have a
suggestion to offer.
In any large city there are from
one hundred to one thousand girls
who want to do their bit. And the
small town may, have its offering of
anywhere from one to one hundred
zealous but untrained young women.
The most practical thing they can do
is to become office workers. After
the draft there will be numerous
vacancies in the clerical forces of all
our large offices. Not in the melo
drama of making munitions or oper
ating large machines, but in the
everyday work of our business offices
lies the chance for the girl who wants
conscientiously to "do her bit."
The hard-working, clever girl who
will apply herself unremittingly can
hope to learn typewriting and stenog
raphy in two months. It takes the
average girl from five to eight
months but in war times any ot us
ought to be ready to make an honest
effort to speed up a bit.
There will be in offices such posi
tions as telephone operators, file
clerks, bookkeepers, secretaries and
all the routine office "jobs" requiring
either intelligence and willingness
plus no training or a great deal of pa
tience ana perserverance plus a little
22. 1917.
multiplies into a myriad banners.
The Ked Crosses are there, and will be
there in greater numbers, because tittle
children have emptied precious pennies
from their savings banks, young tchool
girls gone without their treats, young
hoys given money bard earned, men and
women given generously and thought
In every civilized country now men
and women, and children are pouring out
gifts of money and service to the Red
Cross. In every civilized country the
ones at home look up to tt with comfort
and with hope, and daily growing devo-
Hon, aa the young men go out to fight
training, or much of both. But be
tween now and Christmas the girls
who really want to do their bit can
prepare. The positions which will
need the work of these girls who have
never worked before will probably
bring from $6 to $18 a week.
Let us take $12 as our average.
Now, even if war time necessity
makes these girls who have never be
fore had to do any work feel that
they must be wage earners, there
probably will be no pressing sudden
need of their salaries.
This, then, is how they can do
their bit. Train at once for office po
sition which will not require great
physical force, ardous efforts in
strange fields or Iohr and dangerous
journeys to foreign shores. Train
for Business, girls. Prepare to he a
Volunteer Army of Office Workers
Let me give you some figures. Sup
pose one thousand of you in New
York get positions averaging twelve
dollars a week. You are tilling the
places of young men who were called
to the front young men whose
salaries were needed, young men who
may be leaving behind them families
who are going to suffer because of
pride and patriotism and who are go
ing to be actually in need. You, how
oin "While Sewing Machine Club No. 2"
' Now Forming Fifty Members Only
II Will BP PI 'III H 1 .9MSkMIWmKDaaBn
Join and
Remember, there arc a score of points In favc.i
be shown and explained to better advantage, than
TOLD of in an advertisement. If you find yourself
unable to visit tbe store, phone Douglas 1662 and a
"Club" man will call and explain at your HOME.
Cor. 15th & Harney Sis., Omaha
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs
Mr. and Mrs. Thrift
Awarded Gold Medal San Francisco' 1915
Grand Prize, San Diego, 1916
ever, do not need the twelve dollars
a week which you are earning.
Then why not do your bit in this
wise? Give half of it to form a fund
which shall take care of the families
of our soldier boys.
If in towns of lesser sire theije are
lilile bands of girls numbering from
ten to .one hundred; if Chicago has
two hundred gir' volunteers, and if
out in Dillon, Mont., or down in
Austin, Tex., there are one or two
or three 1 feel that it is in no way
extravagant to estimate that here
in America there must be at least ten
thousand girls whose families are of
such means that the daughters are
not needed as wage earners. Ambi
lion and education fit these girls to
become clerical wojkers in our
Mow. all you girls who want to do
your bit, why can you not work out
my susgestion? If there ,is one uf
you in the town if there be ten or
ten thousand-can you not plan to en
ter at once on a course in business
college or into such training as will
make you a competent office worker,
ready to take the place of the men
at the front? Can you not act as
substitutes in the held of home worV
for the boys who have to go to the
Think over my suggestion, will not
training in offices and turning in one
half of your salary be a splendid,
vital, interesting and truly patriotic
way of proving that the women nf
America are ready to "do their bit"?
Sacred Heart High Girls
Are Given Their Diplomas
The Sacred Heart High school held
its commencement exercises Wednes
day night in the Sacred Heart tyceum,
Twenty-second and Locust streets.
Rev. Thomas F. Wallace of Creigh
ton university addressed the gradu
ates. A musical and literary program
was opened with an essay by Mary
Ryan, one of the graduates. Miss Ar
line McCreary gave a violin solo and
Miss Ann Rossiter a reading, "The
Angels Story."
An essay, "America's First Flower
of Sanctity," by Miss Elizabeth Don
nelly, and a reading by Miss Mary
Koewler were also a part of the en
tertainment. A duet by Miss Arline
McCreary and Miss Margaret Dug
dale, and a quartet selection by mem
bers of the glee club completed the
program. The class of 191 follows:
MIshpi Mini..
Ann, Margaret Conntlly,
MHmarnt HlRck, Arlln. McCreary,
Clnlrn Coffey. Marguerite O'Ponnell,
Haal Connelly. Mary Roberta,
Kllaahelh Donnelly, Ann Rneeltar,
Mary Louta Koewler, Mary Ryan.
Camping Site for Auto.
Parties in Elmwood Park
Representatives of the Commercial
club and the Omaha Automobile
club went to Elmwood park Thursday
morning to select a camping site for
auto parties visiting Omaha this sea
son. City Commissioner Hummel has ar
ranged for water and comfort na
tion facilities and other ifUerestt will
furnish cooking outfits and extend
courtesies to the moforing visitors.
The Omaha Auto club will imme
diately post large signs on the main
highways leading into Omaha desig
nating Elmwood park as a camp
ground 'for tourists. The signs will
be placed on steel standards.
The Auto club has advocated this
idea more than a year and the officer!
extended their thanks to Commission
er Hummel. Campers can use the
grounds immedjately but it will be a
week before signs are in piace,
To be sure! Tbe FIRST "Club" of 100 fiUed up
la a Jiffy. So will "Club No. 2" when the womenfolk
of Omaha fully realize that they may buy a NEW
LIFT MACHINE on a down payment of only J5c,
and that tbe heaviest payment they EVER need
make Is but 11.60. EVERYBODY will want to join a
"White Club" If there be more "White Clubs" to Join.
Come In and see where you pay only $39.20 for the
machine when you have It alt paid for; see where
you may have an additional 10c on each payment
you make In advance. Come. Join. There may be
no more ("Clubs1' after this one.
Make sure they get the best quality for the
same money. Try a 10c tin "Orange Label"
Cups for a Cent
Don't Hide Them With a Vellt Kanova
Them With the Othlne Preemption.
This prescription for the removal
of freckles was writen by i promi
nent physician and is usually so suc
cessful in removing f recklea and giv
ing a clear, beautiful complexion
that It is sold by any druggist under
guarantee to refund the money if
it fails.
Don't hide your freckles under a
veil; get an c :i-e of othine double
strength and remove them. Even
the first few applications should show
a wonderful improvement, aome of
the lighter freckles vanishing en
tirely. ,
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double strength othine; it ia thii
that ia told on the money-back guar
antee. Advertisement.
A Beautiful Girl
f German Spy Plot!
In Next Sunday'i
Chicago TribuM
Minim itrngth
4lfcU. titrvoui, run
dwn paoplt 1 00 pur
sent In tan Ux in
tntny ImUneat. 1100
forfeit If It fails at par
full explanation hi Ian
rtlH aoon to apptar
m thii papr. Aik rour
doetor or druffgtat about
Sherman A MeConnall Draff Storta always
carry it in stock
WEB. 202
New Home Treatment
for Banishing Hairs
(Beauty Topics) j
With the aid of a delatone caste,
it is an easy master for any Woman to
remove every trace of hair or fuzz
from face, neck and arms. Enough
of the powdered delatone and water
is mixed into a thick paste and spread
on the hairy surface for about 2
minutes, then rubbed off and the akin
washed. This completely removes the
hair, bat to avoid disappointment,
get the delatone in an original pack-
e. Advertisement.