THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUNE 15. 1917. BrieJ City News Hot Root Print It N.w botcoo Press. Metal die, pressVk. Jubilee Mfg. Co. Kloc Fails. i.oO Burgesa-Granden. riutluum Wedding Rlufcs -Edholra. Judge Grants Petition Krank Cal lahan was freed from Rose Callahan uy Judge Day, sitting In divorce court Try the noonday 35-cent luncheon at me .mpress uarden. amidst pleas ant surroundings, music and entertain, metu. Advertisement Alleges Cruelly and MUconducb cruelty and misconduct are alleged by Bohunill Plos, suing Marie Plos for divorce In district court. Flics Divorce Suit Nellie Anderson, suing Noah Anderson for divorce In district court, alleges he drove her out of their home. They were married in Howard county, .Missouri, Novem ber 26, 1908. Rolarlans Go to Atlanta Twenty Oman Kotanans leave, Friday night for Atlanta; Cia., where the annual convention will be held. Here they will be joined by a delegation of ten Lincoln Rolarlans and together they win go east over tne Northwestern. BOY SCOUTS REPORT TO THEROTARIANS Announced That Youngsters Have Sold Over One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol lars in Bonds. At a meeting of Rotarians yester day, Scout Master English announced that up to and including Tuesday, Omaha Boy Scouts had succeeded in disposing o $134,300 of Liberty bonds. Slips were parsed around, on which the Rotarians pledged pur chases of the bonds at once. These pledges totaled $14,550. . "Defects of our School System" oc cupied a large portion of the talk by Dr. George D. Strayer of the Co lumbia university at the Rotary club's luncheon at the Fontenelle. The doctor has been making a survey of the Omaha schools. "Conditions here are no better than those that accompanied the fire at Peabody, Mass., not long ago, when hundreds of school children lost their lives," said Dr. Strayer, Placing Fire Escapes. "Self-complacency 'was the direct cause of that holocaust. A fire escape reached by a window or one that leads down over a window on which there is no steel door, or in which there is not wired glass, is worth lit tle or nothing. Flames shooting out from lower windows will never fail to entrap those coming down. The play ing space is also inadequate in many school yards. I see, especially in the congested districts, the children are being deprived of the greatest oppor tunity we can afford them, that of healthful exercises, and this is far more essential than any branch of the course they study." The doctor asserted that the toilet facilities are exceptionally poor, and that drinking fountains are in many cases misplaced. i Omaha Water Good. "The water in Omaha, however, ac cording to the very closest of chemi cal analysis? is the best by far of any in this country." added the doctor. "The best investment you can make is the money you invest in the boys and girls of Omaha." The Rotary club promised such support of the inten tions of the Board of Education as is necessary. i Dr. Henry L. Akin, who leaves soon to take up his duties at Fort Riley, Kan., was given a Rotarian "send off." After the expressions of well wishes from the members of the club, he was presented with a gold wrist watch. New officers installed were: W. H. Clarke, president: J. W. Welch, first vice president; O. S. Goodrich, sec ond vice president; Walter G. Silver, treasurer, and Dan Johnson, secretary. Guardsman Lucas Injured by Train Edward Lucas, 18, 1823 Spencer street, Fourth Nebraska National Guardsman, Company B, was run over by Burlington train, No. 21, at the west end of the Union Pacific bridgeWednesday at 7:30 o'clock, and his injuries will, in all probability, prove fatal. Both of his legs were crushed. He was taken to St. Cath erine's hospital, where his left leg was amputated below the knee. The right leg was badly crushed below the inkle. His condition was so weak ened from the amputation, that it was not believed he' could long survive. Lucas was not on duty at the time of the accident. He had left the camp on the east side of the Missouri river and with an officer's permit to cross the bridge, he was walking west along the side of the track. Before he realized its presence, the train was nearly upon him. He made a quick effort to clear the tracks, hut in passing over them, his foot hit a rail, and threw him to the ground, with his feet upon the track. Whether he was stunned from the fall is not known, but before he was able to pick himself up again, the train bore down upon him. He was picked up and the govern ment physician, Dr. Hall, and Major Birkner of Fort Crook, were sum moned and administered temporary aid. He was immediately operated upon at the hospital, but little hope is held for his recovery. Miss Corinne Elliott Graduated at Dana Hall Wellesley, Mass., June 14. (Special Telegram.) Among the graduates from fashionable Dana Hall school today was Missi Corinne Elliott of Omaha. Previous to receiving her de gree from Principal Cook, Miss Elliott appeared in the outdoor per formance of "Much Ado Abouth Noth ing." She intends to enter the fresh man class at Wellesley college next lall. Germany Again Melting Church Bells Into Guns Copenhagen (Via London), June 14. Hamburg has just bidden a touch ing farewell to the noted chimes in two principal churches, St. Nicholas and M. refers, Ironi which the bells have been expropriated under a gen eral order, seizing all German church bells to be melted into cannon. Great crowds joincd'in hymns which organ ists played for the last time on the bells. The chimes will provide aboui thirty tons of gun metal. HAPPENINGS IN THEJACIC CITY High School Seniors Present Their Class Play and Please Those Who Are in Attendance. The South High senior class play. "The Thread of Destiny," was pre sented last night at the South High school auditorium and was enthusias tically received. Members of the cast carried their parts like footlight vet erans. The leading roles were taken by Hope Hibbard, Elmer Tissell, Berla Hoden, Carrie Hutchison, James Bradford and Milton Christiansen. who, with the entire cast, interpreted their lines cleverly. Following is -the cast of characters: Kanny , B.rth. Hoden George Washington James Bradford Betty Montgomery Carrie Hutchison Kdiih Sherman leeske Tucker Mrs. Montgomery Martha Adam Colonel Montgomery.. Milton ChrletlHnstn Virginia Montgomery Hope Hibbard Beverly Montgomery Willard Graner Sally Ann Sadie Rothhnlts Lttura Lee Clare McMillan Tom Randolph Bernard Walsh Martha Helen Llchnotky Husan Lela Hunter Jana Magna Home John Merlval Dudley Inghram Marcella K.rn Williams Marlon Marjorie Mullen Mammy Dinah .Elsie Bush Peyton Balloy Kftner Tlaaell Uncle Blily Harold Caldteell Louise Lawton Ellen Schneider Ralph Francis Leonard Voborll Madge Toung Helen Lichnnsky A unlnn scout Fay Card Miss Mellasy Helen Bush Bishop-Lee. Miss Jeanne Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Lee, 38J7 South Twenty-third street, was married at the home of the bride's parents Tues day afternoon at 4 o'clock, to Robert H. Bishop. Immediate friends and rel atives were witnesses of the cere mony, performed by Rev. C. C. Wil son of the Grr.ce Methodist church. Harold Lec, Pontiac, III., and Miss Pearl Culp were attendants. After the wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Bishop departed for Kansas City for a two weeks' honeymoon trip. They will be at home at 2122 F street after July 1. The out-of-town guests were A. A. Bishop. Gladbrook. la.: Harold Lee and Mrs. Amanda Hubbard, Pontiac, 111. Give Farewell Reception. Mrs. M. G. Zerbe and Miss Fannie Davison Sage gave a farewell recep tion at the home of Miss Sage, 4520 South Ninteenth street, Monday eve ning in honor of William Smith, who left Tuesday for the cavalry training camp. The guests were: ' Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Wheeler, Mrs. Delia P. Sage, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Zerbe, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Sturrock, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gerbyshire, Misses Mabel Lee, Grace Sturrock, Madge Sturrock, Ruth Gerbyshire, Hazel Zerbe. Bess Sturrock. Messrs. William Smith, Byron Demorest, John oioomquist, Kussell Derbyshire and Mason S, Zerbe. N Joseph Bowman Dead. Joseph Bowman, who was struck by a freight train, June 5, on the Bur lington right-of-way, died yesterday afternoon at St. Catherine's hospital. He Was a government inspector in the Armour oackinf plant. Surviving is a familr consisting of hie wife anrl two children, who live at 5520 South Forty. eigntn-eignth street, South Side. The funeral will be held at 2 p. m. Friday and the body will be placed in the receiving vault at Forest Lawn cemetery. Later burial will take nlare at Hope, Ind. Magle City fioaslp. Miss Annetta Hesby left for Peru, Neb., where ah will take a course in teacher's normal training during- the summer ses sion or the State Normal. South Omaha Lodge No. 148, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Alpha Rebekah Lodge, No. 44, will hold memorial services in Oraceland Park cemetery Sunday. Lester Knudson, giving his address aa Chicago, was picked up at Twenty-eighth and Q streets about mldntght. He was sit ting on the sidewalk talklnr to hlmneif and aeemod to be demented or doped. A defective oil stove caused a fire alarm to be turned in from 3627 T street. The damage was slight. The building Is owned by Lot Fgram and occupied by Mrs. Cute Price. The funeral of Edward Kennedy, who died Tuesday at the home of hie v Joseph Madden, 3807 R street, will be held inursaay morning at the Heafey A Heafey chapel, to St. Mary's church at t o'clock. Burial will be in St. Mary's cemetery. De. ceased la survived by two sisters who reside In Omaha and two brothers, in Butte, Mont. Quietly Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary At their comfortable home, 1813 Binney street, Mr. .and Mrs. John W. McCune quietly observed their golden wedding anniversary. Three of then four children being away, there was no celebration of the event. How ever, during the day and evening they were showered with letters and tele grams from friends, all conveying con gratulations and wishing them years of health and prosperity. Mr. McCune was connected with the Union Pacific forty-three years and retired from active service seven years ago. Since then he has been en joying life, he and his wife spending considerable of their time with their two sons who live in Wyoming, and a daughter, who resides at Salt Lake City. Their fourth child, a daughter, Miss Juliet, is a teacher in the public schools. Although Mr. McCune is 78 years of age, and his wife somewhat young er, they are both in perfect health and as active as most people of 40 to 45. Mr. McCune entered the employ of the Union Pacific in 1866 and worked in the shops practically all the time until his retirement. He was one of the first subscribers to The Bee and since the first issue, has never missed a copy of the paper unless he was out of the city. Fort on Red Sea Taken By British Squadron London, Tune 14. Fort Saliff. on the east shore of the Red Sea, has been captured by British- warships, it was officially announced this evening. I DOCT Ul TOASTIES ALWAYS TOUCH THE SPOT-EVEN WHEN YOU'RE NOT f HUNGRY " 1 WOMEN TO PLAY BIG PART IN WORLD WAR Feminine Help Essential if Vic tory Is to Be Won by Allies, Says Attorney Fle-harty. That the great world war is not a man's contest and that woman's con tribution ta the country is just as po tent as man's in winning victory for America and the allies, was the gist of the talk by H. B. Flcharty, assis tant city attorney, before the Woman Voters' Conservaiion league yesterday at the home of Mrs. A. C. Anderson. Conservaiion of the gigantic and heroic ideals of America is the prin cipal work of women during the war. "The influence of mothers in urging their sons to answer the call to the colors, and the correct interpretation of their duly rests upon the con sciences of you women,' said Mr. Fle harty. "The atlilude and mind of the mother is largely influential in deter mining the ideals of the son. "Do not teach hatred of the Ger man people to your children. Tell them there, is no room for hatred of those who are subject to the imperial government. Do not let national spirit eclipse your vision so that the idea of humanity means America alone. Think in terms cf all humanity." Must Stand for Morality. Mrs. Rose Ohaus of the Board of Public Welfare made an appeal to the women for conservation of unsul lied womanhood during the war. After the war there must be no accusation against American morality. "We must profit by Europe's expe rience. In 1915, in one British train ing camp, there were 20,000 fathers of illegitimate children," said the speaker. "Our country, which is en gaged in a righteous war, must be free from shame and our men must be honorable warriors." A message was sent to Secretary Baker asking that the rule be en forced at all times that immorat con ditions and saloons be abolished from training camps. A committee will be appointed to investigate the sale of cigarets and the maintenance of gambling parlors that minors visit. The following membership commit" tee which will boost the club was ap pointed: Mesdames Mary E. Howe. Thor Jorgensen, Nellie Evans, Frances Fol lansbee and Stella Wilson. The Board of Education gave per mission to hold conservation meeting in the auditoriums of school houses. The next meeting will be a joint session with Frances Willard chap ter of the Women's Christian Temper ance Union, June 27, at the home ot Mrs. C. J. Roberts. Rev. John Calvert Heads The Omaha Cricket Club Rev. John Calvert was elected pres ident of the Omaha Cricket club at the annual meeting held at the city hall. Dr. Roome was made vice pres ident and T. B. Hoyle secretary and treasurer. John Douglas was select ed captain of the club's cricket team and George Vaughn vice captain. Douglas, Hoyle, Vaughn and Ken worthy were named as an executive and team committee. Practice will be held on the Miller park pitch each Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon. The Omaha cricketers play Lincoln at Lincoln July 4, and Sioux City a few weeks later. Omaha Fire Department Beats Bensonites to Blaze The advantages of metropolitan life were demonstrated last night when the home of Mrs. Lydia Schade, 5618 Arthur street, took fire. Two fire companies responded to the call, one from the neighborhood, which was formerly known as Benson, and a company from Dundee. Although the Benson company is camped but a few blocks from the scene of the alarm, the Omaha company was the first to arrive at the fire. Only slight damage was done by the fire. Use "Gets-It," Lift Corn Right Off Shrivels, Looen nd It Gone I "Jutt taking the lid off that's how nay you can lift a com off your to aftr it hai bn treated with tha wonderful dfi covery, 'GetiIt.' " Hunt the wide world over and you'll find nothing no magic, fimple and easy aa "Gets-It " You folks who have -o-o-r End Cora S2w7 Stop Pate If "Cits4t" wrapped your toes In bandages to look like bundles, who have used salvea that turned your toes raw and sore, and used plasters that would shift from their place and never "pet" the corn, and who have dug and picked at your coma with knives and settlors and perhaps made them bleed. Just quit these old and painful ways and try "Geti It" just once. You put 2 or 8 drops on, and It dries at once. There's nothing to stick. You can put your ahoe and stocking right on again. The pain in all gone. Then the corn dies a painless, shriveling death, it loosens from your toe, and off it comes, "Gete-It" is the biggest selling com remedy in the world today. Therc'a none other as good. "Gets-It" la sold by druggists everywhere. 2Se a bottle, or sent oiprecetpt of price by E. Lawrence A Co., Chicago, III, Sold In Otnirha and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by Sherman A Me Connell Drug Co.'s Stores. Advertisement. Just One Applicationa and the Hairs Vanish (Modes of Today) A harmless, yet very effective treatment is here (riven for the quick removal of hairy growths: Mix enough powdered aelatone and water to cover the undesirable hairs, apply paste and after 2 or 3 minutes re move, wash the skin and the hairn have vanished. One application usual ly is sufficient, but to be certain of results, buy the delatone in an origi nal package. Advertisement. Burgess-Wash Company. "EVERYBODY STORE" Thuraday, June 14, 1917. - STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Phone Douglaa 137. "We Must Have Another Humdinger of a Day Friday in the DOWN STAIRS STORE" Said the Salesmanager--So Here's the Makins" of It Pretty New Models in Summer Dresses $3.95 OU'LL really be sur prised at the attrac tiveness of these pretty summer dresses offered so special for $3.95 Made in a variety of models of voiles, crepes, linones, rice cloths and mulls. Big rango of selec tion. Just the sort of dress suit able for most any occasion, and we consider them very specially priced, Friday, at $3.95. Burs.M-Ns.h Co. Down Stairs Storo Summer Business Hours BEGINNING next Monday, June 18th, and until further notice, this store will be closed daily at 5 o'clock excepting Saturdays, which, as usual, 9 P. M. The opening hour will continue to be 8:30 A. M. We believe this extra hour each day of mental and phy sical rest during the hented term will enable our hun dreds of employes to render you better, more intelligent and more courteous service than ever before. Pretty New Summer Waists at 49c A TTRACTIVELY made of voiles and organdie, in sports and trimmed models. The voile waists have em broidered voile bands down front, low neck, long sleeves. The sports models of organdie. with collars, cuffs and tie of striped and figured material, in assorted colors. Burfss.-Na.h Co. Down Stair. Storo Women's Summer Weight Union Suits 29 c TTERE'S, indeed, a remark--- able special for Friday one that will indeed interest many. Womens union suits with ' low neck and sleeves, cuffs or lace trimmed, extra size, at 29c Union Suits, 39c For women, white cotton, with low neck and sleeveless, lace trimmed. Burgess-N..h Co. Down SUIrs Storo Uncommon Values Are These Children's Dresses at 95c MADE of good quality ging ham, in pretty checks, plaids and stripes; middy jacket and waisted styles, white col lars and cuffs, belts and pock ets. There are all sizes for ages 6 to 14 years. When you see them you'll want several, for the values are certainly very unusual, at 96c. Burtc.N..h Co. Down Sj.irs Storo Embroideries, 25c Dainty patterns on fine Swiss cloth, 27 to 36 inches wide, special, 25c a yard. Flouncings, 39c Embroidered voile and Swiss, some embroidered ith dainty colors, pink, blue, rose and green, 40 Inches wide, 39c a yard. Fancy Braids, 2Vic One big lot fancy braids from a dress manufacturer, including black, white and colored fringes, silk and cot ton. 2lic a yard. Dress Pattern, $1.15 Wash voile dress patterns In pretty styles and every wanted color, 6 yards In a piece; Friday, $1.15 a pat tern. Skirt Pattern, 89c Smart figured and striped wash skirt patterns, 8 yards In each pattern; Fri day, at 89c each. Madras Suiting, 17V2c Neat stripe, in colors, 36 Inches wide; suitable for middy blouses, wash suits and skirts; special, at 17 He a yard. Wash Goods, 5c Large assortment of wash goods, in short lengths, voile and batistes, 1 to 5 yards in a piece; Friday, 5c a yard. Apron Gingham, 9Vc Amoskeag gingham in all the different size checks, brown and blue, 9 He a yard. Fancy Voiles, 17c 40-inch voiles In a range of patterns, stripes and floral designs, light shades; Fri day, 17c a yard. Rice Voiles, lOVic Large selection of colors and styles, for waists and dresses; special, at 10 He. Women's Hose, 12lac Women's black, white and tan cotton hose, seamless; special, at 12 He a pair. Children's Sox, 10c Children's sox of white cotton, colored top and seam less; Fridav, 10c a pnir. Net Corsets, 69c For summer wear, low bust, free hip, strong, cool and comfortable, sizes 19 to 30, at 69c. Fancy Corsets, 79c Pink and white batiste and coutil, in medium and low bust, also elastic top with free hip, sizes 19 to 30, at 79c. Brassieres, 25c An assortment of lace and embroidery -brassieres, trim med both back and front, sizes 34 to 48; special, at 25c. You'll Want One of These Middy Blouses at 59c THERE'S probably no gar ment more comfortable for misses or grown-ups than the middy blouse. It is really an almost all-purpose garment For Friday we offer a group of middy blouses made of good quality white jeans, with sailor collar and cuffs of red or blue, also full belt, sizes 8 to 44, espe cially priced for Friday, at 59e. Burf....No.h Co. Down Stoiro Storo These Pretty Mina Taylor House Dresses 89c YES; that's sn extremely low price and the values are really sensational. The dresses are known as factory "seconds" a poorly worked buttonhole, oil stains or something of the sort, but otherwise perfect; made of gingham and percales, in light and dark shades, Fri day, at 89c. I '"VI Bursa.. -Nh Co. Down Storo V Men! Come Get Your Straw, Hats at 95c A IX new desirable ""',T9C1 shapes in sennit 0mmmMgtll I straws, in all dimen- V?&5 I sions to suit every type of face. " Jlf Every hat an x- sJ treme value Friday, at BurioH-Nuh Co. Down Stairs 5 tors Here's Your Opportunity Men's Pants $2.35 ; WE consider it an unusual op portunity, for we could not duplicate them at the price they are offered. Made In several styles of wor sted and cassimeres, in neat stripes. Full regular made, belt loops, all seams reinforced; spe cially priced for Friday, Men's Clothing Section, at JZ.35. Burfoos-Nuh Co. Down Stairs Storo New Trimmed Hats Friday $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 HREE groups. We consider them remarkable values. - ' The offering embraces large sailors and other smart models. Leghorns and white hats in milan, milan hemp and plain hemp. Trimmed with wings, fancies and ribbons, special, at $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98. Untrimmed Hats, 69c to $1.25 Practically every shape both large and small that you might favor, Milan hemp and plain hemp. Trimmed free of charge, at 69c to $1.25. Trimming Flowers, at 5c For Friday we offer you choice of anv trim ming flowers in the Down Stairs Store Millinery Section, at Sc. BurfSB-N..h Co. Down Stslr. Storo You'll Not Find Better Values in Men's Shirts at 67c GO where you please, it will be next ta impossible to even duplicate the values at this price. Mpn'n collar attached and snort shirts. big assortment of patterns and colorings, all sizes to 17; very special, at 67c. Men's Shirts, 75c Soft collar attached neglige shirts, neat striped patterns, splendid fitting collar, ex cellent quality cloth, at 75c. Men's Union Suits, 59c , Athletic style, the celebrated "President Brand," closed crotch, made of good qual ity nainsook, 89c. Burs..-N..h Co. Down Stair. Storo Ik. Rag Rugs at 65c Rag rugs, size 24 x 36 inches. ?l made of good, new, clean rags in hit or miss patterns, with fringed ends, very spe cial, at 65c. Bur(ss..N..b Co. Down St. Irs Storo Women's Pumps and Oxfords, at $2.45 At Less 1 nan the r actory f rice of Making Including Patent colt, two-strap pumps 1 J $2.45 Patent colt, one-stran pumps Patent colt pumps, cloth quarters Tan kid, four-button oxfords, turn soles. . . Patent kid, five-button oxfords, turn soles. Black vici kid lace oxfords Misses' and Big Girls' Shoes, $2.35 Tan Russia calf, gun metal, kidskin and patent colt, splendid school shoes, only $2.35. Child's Ankle Strap Pumps, $1.19 In bronzo, black and whits kid, very special, at $1.19.. Infant's Black Kid Shoes, 85c 1 Button style, also English ankle strap pumps, tt 85c. Boys' School Shoes, $2.65 Black velour calf skin, button and lacs styles, solid leather soles, $2.65. . Burfost-Nasa Co.- Daw Sutra Stare