Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1917.
The Om'aha Bee
Entered at Omiha poatofflca weondelw mattar.
By Ctrriar.
0llj and Huiidar tm msMM, Ma
Duly wiUtoiU Hundtj " 5c
Bnotsg tad tuadav " 4'M
Cwt&g vi lb out Suadv.... " t$6
aimast est our..
Hi Hiil
par tJ. fd.OO
flnd imtlt itf oqmw of iddraM or trnculultr la dttll ran to Onuba
BM. U-UU0O. IMparUpsni.
ptroant of antll eroonii Panonal efcaoX arapt oo '
Kmtt draft, nmrn or potta! rd. Onlf l-oant Ujsm Utto la
OTtb-TM Bm Bolldtng. Chic Parl' Uu Baildlaa.
Smit Omh-U K Bt N Tor M nftb At.
Ounrll Blufta-H J. Mala ft 8t- Lna!-Kt B'k. of OoouwfM.
Uooola-UUI Building. WMblactoa-TIS 14U) St N. W.
iintMlloni ralittnf to mm tad editorial tuttOf
Kdltorttl DaparUMBL
56,469 Daily Sunday, 51,308
ararat. OUenlillfla far til. Mnntht wbHrlM Mtf mn 10 br DwtsM
Williams. Clroulatloo Munm
ItthHrlWi ImvIh. tha elt abauM have Til Be
than. Addraaa ckuiad a often a raeuastad.
Swat the mosquito!
County Assessor Fitzgerald started something,
but can he control it?
Depend upon Colonel Roosevelt to sound the
high note of Americanism. "
You can buy a Liberty bond today, so get busy.
Tomorrow will be too late.
T, R. certainly got alt that was coming to him
in the way of weather when he hit Omaha.
Not the least of the problems coming with
peace is what Europe will do with its idle kings.
Plenty of room still is found on the enlistment
rolls for all who want to get into the service
at once. '
Constantine, late king, will find the Down and
Out club waiting to give him the reception he
The police smear, among other things, shows
the danger of both parties working the same side
ef the strut. . ,
; Now that the Jamestown swag is disposed of,
Congress will resume conversation on the usual
patriotic key.
... Medical circles no doubt appreciate the good
will of the police in bringing the uplift treatment
to the attention of the profession.
That Tokyo newspaper chose t very inoppor
tune moment for starting in argument with the
United States over affairs tn China.
Between the Chadron and the Omaha method
the difference is chiefly one of efficient hits. On
that score Chadron cinches the pennant.
More power to Carrie Chapman Cattl Her
courage in taking the Issue of equal pay to the
cabinet trenches becomes a leader who leads.
: The Federal Trade commission shows consid
erable literary skill in' Its lumbering notes. A
special concatenation of the Hoo-Hoos is In order.
Omaha surely made pretty showing of Old
Glory on Flag day, and back of it all is an undeni
ably sincere devotion to the cause represented by
the flag.
The Omaha Hyphenated throws a dreadful
spasm over "petty politics" and the war, but it
can't make the home folks forget its own record
by such tactics.
i :
Some decidedly unpleasant odors are emitted
- ...w y v. - . v, "
the people want is to get at the bottom of the
mess, no matter who is hit.
The recent Red Cross drive was just a (cur-
V'n raiser. The real one is Just about to get
tinder headway, and you might as well prepsre
for it with your check book.
Those German politicians who persist in talk
ing of the big indemnity Germany will demand
really ought to take a look over the top of the
trenches and see what is coming to them.
. It now transpires that Omaha might have
aecured that cantonment if the city's claim had
bad any real support from the senator and the
congressman who are supposed to look after the
city's interests at Washington. But this isn't the
first time the city has suffered through the same
cause. "
Germany must get war indemnity, according
to Dr. J, Rheimholdt, finance minister, addressing
the Baden Landtag. The empire's war debt will
soon exceed 100,000,000,000 marks, a figure hith
erto regarded aa the threshold of national bank
ruptcy. If indemnity is the sole means of avert
ing bankruptcy the chances of escape grow fewer
Preparedness Among Doctors
MbMMpalis TriSuni
One of the big and vitally important tasks inci
dent to warfare is to keep men physically fit and
5 repair damaged human machines in the armies.
The physicians and surgeons of the country have
gone far in preparedness for that work. It is
probable there will Te no lack of responses to
whatever calls may come from the government.
American medical men in considerable numbers
have been serving the ill and wounded in Europe
almost from the start of the war, most of them
without compensation of any sort save the satis
faction of doing good to suffering humanity.aiid
the acquisition of experience of a kind and ex
tent they could not get under other circumstances.
The American Medical association has turned
over for the use of the government the names
and addresses of and pertinent information about
140,000 physicians and surgeons, including 81,000
member of the association. This big organiza
tion is co-operating cordially with the authorities
in Washington. Its patriotism and that' of the
profession generally have been amply attested in
the last few weeks. ' v ,
, There will be an extensive demand on the
services of doctors to carry out the examinations
of the men who will be brought forward soon as
candidates in the first selective draft army of
500,000. Physicians and surgeons will be needed,
of coarse, in the training camps where these
selected men ate to be fitted (or work at the
front Jt is said that at least seven doclors for
each 1,000 men will be required. For the half
million that would mean a total of 3.500. The
medical association anticipates, however, that it
will not be long until there is need of 8.0U0 to
12,000 member of the profession.
Pershing in Paris, and Ben Franklin.
If the reception of General Pershing and his
company in London was cordial, what word may
be used to describe the welcome given the Amer
icans in France? To Great Britain the general
and his assistants came as allies to join in prose
cuting a common cause against a common enemy
to the French, the expedition means the coming
of longed-for relief, of sorely needed succor and
of assurance that the republic will live. There
fore, the outburst from the volatile French may
be likened to nothing less than the national accla
mation of the coming of a savior.
Quite a contrast may be struck between this
expedition and the first that went from France
to Paris by way of Boulogne, although the dis
tinction will be in purpose and not in character,
The French will find "Black Jack" Pershing made
of the same material as "Old Ben" Franklin. One
is a soldier, the other was a philosopher and
statesman; but both are patriots, fired with the
same love for humanity and full of the same
ardent zeal for service. The one will go to the
capital in the panoply of a modern soldier; the
other attended court clad in rough raiment and
wearing a fur cap, but the spirit that animated
the first burns bright in the soul of his successor.
Franklin went to plead the cause of a people
struggling to establish its liberty; Pershing goes
to pledge that people, now grown mighty in its
freedom, to the maintenance of that liberty. The
picture is one that will appeal not only to popular
fancy, but will take hold on the deepest fiber of
Americanism and revive in glowing heat the latent
determination of Americans, to the end that Persh
ing's promises will sbe as well redeemed as
Franklin's pleadings brought success.
Diplomacy of Our Allies.
The United States was not a party to the
overthrow of the king of Greece, because this
country was not directly concerned in the diplo
macy that brought the coup. It is impossible,
however, that we can remain aloof from this
phase of the war while taking part in its military
and financial activity. We cannot blindly support
any move that may be made by the diplomats of
our allies, giving them practically a "white card"
in the management of the great historical contest
now being waged. On the contrary, America is
quite as deeply concerned as any in the politics
of Europe as affecting the peace of the world and
must have a full voice and share in the final read
justment of relations between the nations. This
is exactly what all the nations of Europe have
anticipated since the very outset, and our country
has always been assured of a seat at the council
table in the end. We will not be present as neu
trals now, but as a party interested only in seeing
equity established and justice done. Peace
arrangements must be on some basis that will
guarantee as far as possible amicable and harmo
nious intercourse without regard to the selfish
interests of any. With the greatest of world
powers pledged to this the confidence of all will
be maintained. That it may be in a position to
fulfill its pledges the United States must share in
all diplomatic moves.
Preserving Meat and Fish
By Frederic J. Hasktn.
Washington, June 12. There is another way in
which you can work patriotically this summer for
next winter's food supply besides preserving fruits
and vegetables. You can salt some fish, and can
as much meat and soup as your storing space will
Canned roast beef, for example, is a very con
venient food to have on the pantry shelf in win
ter. The same method is used in canning meats
as in canning truits and vegetables, only in the
case of beef it must be blanched for a half hour
instead of a few minutes. It should then be cut
into small pieces; the gristle, hone and excessive
fat removed, and then packed into jars. Gravy
irom tne roasting pan is the best liquid in which
to pack it, but. pot liquid concentrated to one
halt its volume may also be used. After the jars
are filled they should be sterilized for four hours
in a home-made canning outfit or for one and
half hours in a steam-pressure kettle generating
niteen pounds ot pressure.
When the sterilization process is completed,
remove the jars, invert to cool and test the joint.
and wrap them in paper to prevent bleaching.
than the family can eat. his wife should can them
The canning should be done as soon as possible
after the fowl is killed, however. The first step
is to draw the bird, wash it carefully and put it
asioe to cool, men cut it into convenient sec
tions, place in a wire basket or a cheesecloth bag
and boil until the meat begins' to fall away from
the bones. Remove the meat from the bones and
filace it in the glass jars, covering it with pot
iquid, after it h. been concentrated one-half; add
a level teaspoontul ot salt to each quart of meat,
and partially seal the jars. Sterilize for three and
a half hours in a home-made outfit and one hour
in a steam pressure cooker generating fifteen
pounds of pressure. Follow the same instructions
in regard to inverting the jars and wrapping them
in paper. This last procedure should never be
omitted in canning any kind of product.
For a family that likes soup with its dinner,
tne nome-made product constitutes a saving. But
you do not have to buy a roast in order to get
soup materials. You can buy beef hocks, ioints
and bones containing marrow, at a low price. In
asmuch as the canning process requires a good
deal of time, it is better to buy large quantities
at one purchase. Ten pounds, for instance, is a
good amount to buy. The first step is to strip off
the fat and meat and crack bones with a hatchet
or cleaver. The broken bones should be put in
a thin cloth sick and placed in a large !:cttle con
taining two gallons of water, where they should
be allowed to simmer not boil for six or seven
hours, this should make about two trallons of
stock, sterilize forty minutes, and oack accord
ing to the same directions.
Rock Island Back on Ita Own Feet.
The end of the Rock Island receivership
closes one of the most maloderous chapters of
American railroad history. A great railroad sys
tern had been bled almost to death by parasitic
"holding companies," its funds diverted from
their legitimate uses and its property and credit
alike drafted to support stock manipulations that
culminated in the indictment of the schemers,
but the federal authorities intervened in time to
save the road from actual ruination. That the
Rock Island was able to survive the treatment in
flicted on it is proof of its inherent strength. Its
stock was at 200 when the wreckers took hold; it
was serving a prosperous and growing country,
and under conservative management never would
have been near the verge of financial ruin, let
alone sent into possible bankruptcy. It should
have remained impregnable so far as profitable
operation is concerned and have maintained its
position as a leader among the group of "Grang
ers," to which it was assigned.
Unsound business methods were responsible
for the predicament of this corporation. Its unim
peachable credit was borrowed to bolster up ven
tures that proved disastrous because of the reck
lessness that marked their handling. The plan
for establishing a great central system of inter
locking and co-operating lines, such as was con
templated under the name of "Rock Island" may
yet be feasible, but it will not be carried out as
a ticaj in stocks. It must have the support of a
carefully adjusted working progrsm, in which the
operating interests of the system will outweigh
any influence the ticker may exert.
.Prudent management by the receiver has re
stored the Rock Island to its stockholders practi
cally unimpaired in credit or going value and with
no obligations that cannot readily be met. The
courts have sternly checked the buccaneers who
brought disaster to the great railroad, which is
now back on its own feet to continue ita career
of service to patrons. But it will be a long time
before investors forget the "horrible example" of
speculative manipulation afforded by the Rock
What the Quakers Are Doing.
The Quakers are opposed to war, one of the
principal tenets of their religious profession being
non resistance. But they are not so entirely im
practical or lost to the appeal of humanity as
might be implied by their acquiescence in the
domination of overwhelming force. Although
they cannot take up arms and join with others
in the battle melee, they have found ways to be
of service to man in his misery that are necessary
and useful. One of these is to aid in the work of
restoring the land wasted by war. At Haver-
ford college, Philadelphia, men are being trained
for this particular purpose, being given especial
instruction in French agriculture, sanitation and
building. One hundred of these will be ready to
sail for France early in August, the first unit of
army of reconstruction. They will devote
themselves to aiding in the restoration of the land
that has been fought over and is now abandoned
by the armies. Other units will be equipped and
sent on in succession. Thus the Quaker is doing
his bit to aid in bringing health back to the sorely
stricken world and along an intensely practical
tine. i
The Ulsterites have decided to participate in
the Irish constitutional convention. Sinn Fein-
ers will be there and some of the Ancient Order.
Lilies j tradition and fairy lore are all wrong,"
as a Hibernian puts it, "there won't be much con
ventioning the first few days." - .
It is understood, of course, if Governor Neville
goes to the fighting front or camp his staff of
colonels go along. The state can ill afford to
lose them, but the higher call of national duty
prepares the people for the sacrifice.
If to this soup stock you add vegetables, it
makes a delicious vegetable soup. A recipe for
vegeiaDie soup, complied ny tne Department of
Agriculture, and used extensively in the canning
clubs throughout the rural districts of the coun
try calls for a quarter of a pound of lima beans,
one pound of rice, a half pound of pearl barley,
a pound of carrots, one pound of onions, one medium-sized
potato, one red pepper, one-half pound
of flour, four ounces of salt and five gallons of
soup stock first soak the lima beans and rice
for twelve hours. Cook the barley for two hours.
The rest of the vegetables should be blanched in
boiling water and ther. dipped in cold water. Then
mix all the materials together and fill the jars.
Make a smooth paste of one-half pound of wheat
flour and stir in the soup stock, boil for three
minutes and add the salt. Pour this over the
vegetables and partially seal the jars. Sterilize
for ninety minutes in a home-made outfit. If you
use a smaller quantity of soup stock cut down the
amount of vegetables accordingly.
In salting fish a great deal of care should be
taken in the preliminary preparation. If a fish is
large, has soft fins, small scales and thin skin it
should be scalded, but not skinned. Next remove
the head and viscera. Also remove as much of
the backbone as possible and the tail. Then, if
the fish is too large to go into the container,
cut it to the proper length.
After thoroughly preparing the fish, washing
them in water containing a little salt and being
careful to remove the blood near the backbone,
they are ready for curing. A tight keg or barrel is
better for this than any other kind of a container.
Under no circumstances use a tin container. Place
a thick layer of coarse salt on the bottom of the
barrel, on the top of which spread a layer of fish
one deep. Sprinkle this layer well with salt, and
then add another layer of fish, and so on until the
barrel is filled or until your supply of fish is ex
hausted. A strong brine will form from the salt
and moisture of the fish, in which they should be
left for a week or ten days.
They are then washed, repacked in a freshly
made brine strong enough to float a fresh egg.
After a week this second brine should be drawn
off and the barrel filled with a "saturated brine."
This means a brine in which a few grains of salt
will be seen on the bottom after a long period of
stirring. When the fish are packed in this third
brine and the barrel thoroughly tested for leakage,
they are ready to be stored in the cellar or some
very cool place.
The success of the salting process depends
upon the freshness of the fish used; the careful
salting and mixing of the brine, and the efficiency
of the barrel, which should be tight and hold
enough brine to keep the fish covered.
Proverb for the Day.
Can't get blood out of a turnip.
One Year Ago Today In the War.
Signor Roselli formed a new cabinet
In Italy.
French captured trench In the Dead
Man Hill region at Verdun.
Austrians began the evacuation of
Czernovlti, capital of Bukowlna.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
President Max Meyer of the Board
of Trade states that the committee haa
Invited President Cleveland to be pres
ent at the opening of the new Board
or Trade building ana that If "Grover
should come this way and accept the
invitation, tne date of opening will be
mane to accommodate him.
The following Elks have left for De
trolt to attend the national reunion
or that order: A. B. Davenport,
George Mills. C. E. Babcock, D. W.
Van Cott, Willis Clark, A. Batch and
Henry Gibson.
The reception wh eh was to have
been held In Brownell Hall by the
graduates was dispensed wiUs on ac
count of the illness of Rev. Mr. Do-
nerty s child.
Joseph Barker claims that the two
things of prime Importance that Oma
ha ought to secure are the bridge of
the Nebraska Central and a barge flo
tilla for the Missouri.
The following members of the
Brownell graduating class were on
the commencement profrram: Nellie
Gandy, Cornelia Thomas, Elizabeth
Hall, Florence Ayers. Flora Castetter
and Mary Royce.
Fire Chief Galilean has received fif
teen applications for posltons on the
fire department, but has only one va
cancy to fill.
The John Derks Manufacturing
company haa commenced to move
tneir machinery from Council Bluffs
to the new plant in West Omaha.
Ihe following have been appointed
a local committee of the Four
teenth National Conference of Chari
ties and Corrections: J. A. Gillespie.
H. W. Yates, N. Merrlam. Alvln Saun
ders, Robert Doherty, G. M. Hitch
cock and O. C. Dinsmoor.
This Day In Hstory.
1775 Consrress unanimously chose
ueorge Washington as commander-In
chief of the American forces.
1800 The "provisional army." raised
when war between the United States
and France seemed imminent, was
1816 Algerian vessel Mashanda
captured in flrst engagement In the
war between the United States and Al.
1849 James N. Polk, eleventh presi
dent of the United States, died at
Nashville, Tenn. Born in Meckien
burg county. North Carolina. Novem
bcr 2, 1795.
1892 James E. Redmond looks on
the home rule question In New York
1893 French court of cassation
quashed the sentence of Charlea de
Lesseps and others, convicted of fraud
tn the Panama affair, and all were re
leased from prison.
1898 American warships bom
barded the fort at Calmanora, Cuba.
1907 Second International Peace
Conference assembled at The Hague,
with forty-four countries represented,
The Day We Celebrate.
Edwin T. Swobe is 43 years old to-
day. He waa born in Omaha and
started out in the Insurance business.
Lieutenant General Sir Charles Car-
miachel Monroe, commander of the
British expedition to the Dardenelles In
915, and now commander-in-chief of
the British forces In India, Born fifty-
seven years ago today.
Ernest Lister, governor of the State
of. Washington, born at Halifax, Eng
land, forty-seven years ago today.
William C. Mooney, representative
in congress of the Fifteenth Ohio dls
trlct, born tn Monroe county, Ohio, sixty-two
years ago today.
Rt. Rev. Henry J. Granjon. Catholic
bishop of Tucson, Ariz., born at St.
Etienne, France, fifty-four years ago
Mme. Johanna Gadskf, celebrated
operatic and concert singer, born at
Anclam, Prussia, forty-live years ago
Rear Admiral Hugo Osterhaus,
U. S. N., retired, born at Belleville, 111.,
sixty-six years ago today.
A new book by the United States Department
of Agriculture describing the new process of
home canning will be published in a few days.
A free copy of this book will be sent to any
reader of The Bee who is interested. Send your
name and address with a 2-cent stamp to The
Omaha Bee, Information Bureau, Washington,
D. C, and a copy of the canning book will be
sent to you as soon as published.
Our Fightng Men
Frank M. Bennett.
Captain Frank M. Bennett, U. S. N., command
ant of the Mare island nary yard, has had a varied
career in the navy during his thirty-eight years'
service. In addition to the customary tours of
sea duty, not a few of his years have been spent
in the inspection of lighthouses and in various
assignments connected with the bureau of steam
engineering. Captain Bennett is regarded as an
eminent expert in steam engineering. He is the
author of "The Steam Navy of the United States"
and "The Monitor and. the Navy Under Steam."
He was born in Michigan in 1857 and g'aduated
from hte United Slates Naval academy in 1879.
Constant Cordier. .
Captain Constant Cordier, U. S. A., who has
been appointed a member of the sreneral staff
corps, is the present head of the military depart
ment of Harvard university. He was stationed
in Boston in charge of the recruiting station when
the "preparedness" agitation was begun a year
ago, and when Harvard decided to have a regi
ment of volunteers for service he was assigned by
Secretary Baker to the duty of supervising the
drill. His success was so marked that he was
appointed professor of military science and tac
tics by the university corporation. Captain Cor
dier is a native of Louisisna and a graduate of
West Point.
Henry P. McCain.
Brigadier General Henrv P. McCain, the pres
ent adjutant general of the United States army, is
one of the most widely known officers of the serv
ice. The department of which he is the official
head is the department on orders, records and cor
respondence of the army. General McCain was
born in Mississippi in 1861 and graduated from
the United States Military academy in 1885. For
niteen years nis service was with the infantry
arm. tn 1WO he became connected with the ad
jutant general's department and in 1913 he was
appointed to succeed Brigadier General George
Andrews as adjutant general. General McCain
is a former member of the general staff.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Emperor William today enters upon
tne thirtieth year or his reign.
Two hundred and fifty years ago
today the nrst transfusion of blood m
man was performed by Jean Baptlste
Denis In France.
Dedication of the new Sharpless
Hall of Physics and Biology will be a
feature of today s commencement ex
ercises at Haverford college. Dr.
Samuel H. Crothers of Harvard is to
deliver the commencement address.
A patriotic parade headed by 1,000
soldiers from Fort Logan H. Roots will
be a feature of the annual convention
ot the Arkansas Travelers, which
meets at Little Rock today for a two
day session.
Storyette of the Day.
There Is an inn in a New England
town that Is popularly supposed to
have been established during the time
of the revolution, and the present pro
prietor Is very proud of its reputation.
"This inn must be very old," said
a westerner, who had not as yet been
made acquainted with its history.
"Very old, sir," said the proprietor,
with the utmost solemnity. "Would
you like to hear some of the stories
connected with the place?"
"I would, indeed," replied the tour
ist. "Tell me the legend of that curi
ous old mince pie the waiter Just
brought In," Harper's Magazine.
Htr if toast to her vhHt arm.
Art plump and aoft tnd pink and round,
Who takes her hoe and huatles forth
To coax potatoes from tha sround.
To her of aoft and aunny lorka.
Who one apent houra at solt and bridfe,
But now la busy making aocks
For fighting Tommies on the ridge;
To her of dimpling amflea who worked
Har wltrherlea on mere mankind.
But now la working day and night
To kep thoae "comfort klta" wall lined.
To her whosa far and figure long
Have been a feast for mortal ayea;
But who haa aettled down to bit
At ralelng bene and Juicy fries.
To her who has been consuming dates
That ripened on the social tree,
But now la rolling bandages
To lasaen human misery t aS
To her whose ayea were one aglow
With only pleasures selfish gleam
But now are, fired with seal Intense
Since first aha heard the eagle'a acream.
To her wnoea summer days wera spent
tn other years 'mid wondroua acenea
But now peraplres and never tire
In mother's kitchen canning beans.
It t 'should write volume, aay.
Of fifty hundred thousand tomes.
If I should write, aa well I could,
If I had time, a million "pomes,"
If nil tha great ones were sllve.
Bill 8hakespeare. Riley, Milton, aay,
There'd attll be great deeda left unsung
That are don by tha HUM of today.
Onuvha, B. N. T.
For Nebraska Farmers.
Omaha, June 14. To the Editor of
The Bee: What Is the matter with
the sheep business in Nebraska? Why
have Nebraska farmers and land own
ers not more sheep on their lands?
Why Is Nebraska one of the lowest
states in the union in sheep popula
tion? Thus an endless list of ques
tions might be asked rietfinlnfir th tuck
of Interest among the farmers in this
state in the matter of owning and
keeping sheep.
There is one reason for the scarcity
of sheep in Nebraska, and that is the
dog and coyote nuisance, the fear of
damage to the flocks from this source.
It is a well known fact which every
person will endorse that sheep cannot
be safely kept In Nebraska without
building a dog and wolf-proof barri
cade around all your pastures, sheep
lots and enclosures where sheep are
left overnight. This annoyance and
vexation of frequent loss by the killing
and wounding of sheep is too much
for the ordinary stock man to endure.
and he sells out and quits.
iveorasxa can be made one of the
groatest sheep-growing states in the
union by a little good protective legis
lation in favor of the sheen-ffrowinar
industry. Other sheep-growing states
have their dog laws and wolf bounty
laws that make It possible for the
sheep owner to prosecute this indus
try in saieiy. it is only necessary to
make the dog responsible, financially,
for the sheep killed and injured, and
the farmers wilt tumble over each
other to get into the sheep-growing
business. Why? Because there is
more money In It than anv other
reaturo or live stock hand ni.
ttive tne rarmera to know that the
dogs of the state are all taxed, and
that this tax fund Is held In each
county treasury ready to nav anv and
al! damage to sheep committed in the
county by dogs, and you have Insured
sheep-raising. All the farmer wants
to know is that he la safe from doe
damage to his flock. If the dog tax
la established he knows that there will
be fewer good-for-nothin idle sheen
killing dogs kept, and In case he meets
with loss that he will get what his
sneep are worth.
This solves the question whether or
not isenraska snail remain, as at pres
ent, with an annual population of
about 200,000 sheep, or develop to
minion ana a nair to two million sneep
within the next few years. Nebraska
farmers would prefer to raise their
feeder sheep, but they cannot take the
risk or this inevitable loss under the
present lack of protection.
rne sneep-Kiiung dog is tne greatest
ninorance to tne growtn or tne sneep
industry in any state that the sheep
owner has to encounter. The wisdom
of legislation in the suppression of the
dog nuisance stands out prominently
in all states that have succeeded in de
veloping the sheep and wool business.
It may plainly be stated that no farm
ing state has ever been able to main
tain a free and untaxed dog-producing
industry and the sheep business at the
same time. It has been tried in all
states In the union and failed, the use
less dog that does not represent any
legitimate industry Being obliged to
give way to the sheep.
There are but few states in the
United States whose sheep and wool
interests are not represented by mil
Hons of dollars. On the other hand.
there are but few states that recognize
tne dog as or any value. The personal
property value of the dog Is so low in
the estimation of the general public
that it is confined almost entirely to
the friendship or attachment that the
dog and his master have for each
other, and this has no market or In
trtnsic value, such as is found in the
mutton chops, leg of mutton or thf
woolen fabrics that clothe humanity,
both rich and poor. As to the relative
value of these two classes of animal
creation in their relation to man.
there is no basis upon which a com
parison can be placed. . ,
The sheep feature of our live stock
conditions are wrong end foremost
here in Nebraska; we should have
fewer dogs, no ooyotes and more
sheep; yes, millions more dollars em
ployed In the creating ot mote dollars,
more prosperity, more wool to clothe
our people, more mutton to feed the
hungry. Think of this and help to
plan further protection of our legiti
mate industries. Think of this and
help conserve the food waste that is
providing the 108.777 dogs of Ne
braska a living which should be con
verted to the present needs of starv
ing humanity. Think of this and com
mence at once In sowing the seeds
of practical conservation at home.
What la our dog industry Worth to
our state? What revenue is produced
by our dog population of 108,777 dogs?
Does it yield a dollar m actual oom
mercial Interests? Yet we permit
dogs and wolves to go unrestrained
over our farms, destroying live stock.
We are producinc only fifty per cent
of the wool to clothe our own people
In these United Slates, and yet Ne
braska persists In feeding its sheep
to the dogs and wolves, without
money and without price. Why this
wanton extravagance when the high
price of food tvnd clothing tire star
ing us In the face, and Ihe passage
of a dug law such as the sheep owners
and farmers have been asking for
would relieve this situation?
G. W H
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