THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 15. 1917. 1a REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. &14 S. 3TH ST. 9-room modern house, lot 45tl40 fMt, barn, right In line with west ward growth of ctty. Between Harney and Leavenworth 8ts. Rnti $420 per year. Price 13,760. 1701 Pinkney 6t. 5-room modern cot tage, carafe, corner lot, with lawn and tthade; studio on lot suitable for doctor' office, ahop, small store, etc. Streets paved, cement walka. Good location; 2.7&0 ; easy terms. 6123 N. 22d St. B-room cottage, mod ern except furnace; lot 67x127 feet; east float. Renta 1216 per year. Price $2,000. 1720 fiprague St. 6-room cottage, all modern, screened porch, paved street, close to Sherman Ave, car; J,S00. Submit of fer. 11 18 & 80th Ave 3 -room modern house, Mraxe, lot 45x136 feet, lawn. Clone to ' r (Park line); two blocks north of unseen, park. Rents 1390 per year. Price '-.500 for quick sale. Reasonable terms. GARVIN BROS., J46 Omaha National Bank Bids. LIST your bousea with us for rent. The demand U good and we bav. waiting list J. H. DUMONT 6k CO.. (Realtor,). 418 Keellne BhlK. Phone D. 69". R a TRUMBULL MRS let Net Rt Hill ' ItS REAL ESTATE Investment DOWN TOWN Three Blocks From 16th and Harney Two Blocks From Court House $30,000 Full lot with modern brick Improve ment netting 6 per cent. Location assures ultimate increase; an excellent, close-In In vestment with speculative advantages, $8,000 cash will handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Boutlaa 3,63. 19-80 City Nat. Bank. APARTMENT 178.000 Incom, 11 per ent; oil, year old; very f-ne location: mortgage $88,000 and will accept $30,000 in trad,i bl aaot oasb or nagrtlabl, uapen CALKINS A CO.. Dooglas 1818 City Net. Bank Bldt BEE US FljK INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE! PROPERTY. A. P TUKET A SON. BBALTORa Sjn Ptmr National Bank BIdg REAL ESTATE To Exchange WILL exchange a number of residence lnoome properties, some new and others nearly new; also some vacant. Some aret clear ot Incumbrance and some Incumbered about 40 per cent. Wan clear land. TRAVE.R BROTHERS, Sit New First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 6886. HAVE) client with 340 acres good landTn eastern Montana. Clear, worth f 6,000 three ml las from good railroad 'own Want S to l-rooix. modern Omaha resi dence, valued 14.009 ti 16,000. Joseph Pick. 2219 Evans St. Web. 4860 HAVE a fine 10 room, modern home, on Emmet, Just east of Florence Blvd. Will exchange for West Nebraska or Colorado land, $5,600. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 9:9-30 CityNat. Douglas 8862. X HAVE ft 126.000 hardware, doing good business, and SIO.OOO In money Want western Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm 8. 8. and R B Montgomery. SOtt Omabs National Bank JJldg- GOOD hotel with three lots; only hotel In town: has 18 rooms, steam beat and In good shape. Price $8,000.00; will want a little cash and western land. O. A, Hull. Oakland. Neb. FOR' TRADE SO acres good farm land In Sully county, South Dakota, for a news paper plant; valua $4,000. Box 271. Bas net t. Neb. FOR TRADE Hotel, barn and fivo lots, wish to trado for 80 acres, JK0 acres of western Nebraska land. Charles Gembler, owner. (loehnejr. Nub, $50 AN acre buys 130 -a ere farm, 15 miles from Omaha. Inquire 432 Ramge Blk. Tel. Dnutr 4212 ReaTrtenc. chone. Dons; R77S SRM. " HoT'SE, modern, 34th and Center, to exchange for a smaller bouse. Wal r.ut 14. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at M1NNE LUSA 30U dif ferent buyers derided that it was the best proposition on tho market and they backed their judgment by buyinK lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why tho others are buying. CHARLES W MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Tyler 1S7. DANDY LOT. Axl35, two street frontages: easy terms. Call Douglas 1064 or evenings Harney 4tfi BEAUTIFUL 60-rooi lute Price $220. only $2 ranti nnd 60 cents per week Onus 2891 HAVE a bargain price on vacant loTs on Turning St. C. A. Orlmmpl. Doug, lfilfi. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Hanson. YOUNG MAN THIS IS THE TIME TO SHOW YOUR THRIFT Buy a Liberty bond then turn It in as first payment on an acre at $10 per month. Benson Gardens West Benon, Benson Acres North Hide Acres South Side Acret offers you tho opportunity. Tou will be a better citizen and you oan raise a crop next year. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1814 Harney St. Five Phones Tyler 50. Dundee. TRADE YOUR VACANT LOT Why pay rent and hold that vacant lot which you now own If you cannot afford to build when you have an oppor tunity to exchange your lot as a down payment on a good two story, new seven room, modern house in Dundee, ready for Immediate possession, offered at a price much less than it could be duplicated for today. This Is an excellent opportunity to get a bargainT Let us know what you have to offer. We wlh gladly show the prop erty by appointment. GEORGE & COMPANY (Realtors) Phone Douglas 7ffS. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Weil located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO. HOMES and home sites In Dundee. SH U LER ft CART. 204 Keellne. P. $074 DUNDEP: New east front. 6-rnoro, built in features. $3. B00. Walnut 2346. Miscellaneous. NOW READY MOVE IN TOMORROW Crops Are All Planted AN ACRE AND THE HOUSE YOU WANT We are offerings these on payments of 1150 to $276 cash down, $15 to $27 60 per month. Get out and enjoy the country; and these crops will make you money In addition to what you use. Call Tyler 60 and nsk for sai-sman to show you. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING bouses to rent or sell on amsll cash payments, have parties waiting Western Real Estate. 413 Karhaeh BlkDWI LIST vour 6 and houaea with Kd ward P. Wllnatna Co.. 801 Omaha Nat Bank Bldlt. O 420. LIST your 6 and 6-room huues with us . wa SELL THEM. 05 Bull SE REALTY Co.. Tyler 406 TO RENT or sell tlouaes, list with AI.t.EN A BARRETT. (II Ilea. Doug 1V8. AUTOMOBILES Bargains In 1916 MAXWELLS We have a few 1916 Maxwells, just been completely overhauled; they run as good as new; self-starter, electric lights, speedometer, demountable rims and one-man top. Also a brand new 6-cylinder Overland at a bargain, and a 1917 Briscoe. LOOK THEM. OVER These cars are going at the greatest bargain prices sver heard of. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Salesroom, 2216-18 Farnam St. Service Dept., 2212-14 Harney St. Phone Douglas 853. w WILLYS-OVERLAND. INC.. USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 1200. 3047-49 Farnam fit. Touring cars t-nd roadsters of Overland, Studebaker. Maxwell, Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes. TERMS II' DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. FOR SALE Big 6 Paige, been in fire; wheels and running gears untouched; would make good truck or speedster. Price reasonable. Can be seen at North Side garage, 20th and Ames. For Infor mation call Tyler 1016. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2209 Farnam St. Douglas 3310. 191 Light Bulck, roadster $700.00 1916 Ford roadster 225.00 1919 Maxwell 376.00 11 0 Overland Roadster 476.00 HUDSON 30 speedster, Klaxson ' to. speed ometer, Bosch mag. and f tires, $120. Tale Twin, in perfect shape. $60: 34x4, 16x6, $2x3 tires cheap; Bosch d. $ mag., Kellogg 4-cylinder air pump. Crosstown Garage, 315 S. 24th St. TIRE REPAIRING, First-class work at reasonable price. THE TIRE SHOP, D. F. Crow, 261ft Farnam. Doug. 4871. BARGAINS In Used Ford cars Holmes-Ad-klns Co., 4911-17 8. 24th Phone S. 271 1917 CHALMERS 6-30 touring, perfect. 4001 8. 24th Tel. South 42(10 WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one, INDUSTRIAL GARAGE, CO., 20th and Harney. Douglaa 6251, TRADE your old battery in on a guaran teed Ever-ready storage oattery. tree in spection of any battery. Ever-ready 6tor age Battery Co.. 1206 Farnam St. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 3216-18 Farnam St. Douglas $61. Almost any make at reasonable prices. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines, victor H. Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 27tb and Leavenworth. MUST SELL AT ONCE Bicycle, almost new. Will sell reasonable. F. H. Coffart, room 15, the Crelghton Block. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware B1V Specialist In downtown business property FINANCIAL $2,500 MTGE., bearing $ pet. semi-annually, aecurod by property valued at $8,500. Talmase-Loomis Inv. Co., W. O. W. lllda. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. FARM MORTGAGES. Well secured, bearing 6 pet. Interest HARLEY J HOOKER, 14ft First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler 2658 5 PER CENT to tt per cent on best class city residences in amounts 12.000 up; also farm loans Reasonable commission PETERS TRUST CO.. U22 Farnam 8t. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv Co, Omaha. H. W BINDER. Honey on band for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg SHOPEN CO.. PRIVATS MONET. $10,000 6 PER CENT first mortgage se cured by farm worth $26,000, near Omaha, E. H. Lougee, Inc., 688 Keellne Bldg OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB FARMS O'KEEFB R. E. CO.. 1018 Omi 1 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans. 6,6 and 6 per cent W H Thomas. Keellne Bldg Doug 1148 No DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS W T GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg $100 to $l,ooo made prompt!;' F D Wsad Wead Bldg.. 1Mb and Farnam Bts "7 MONET HARRISON A MORTON 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS.. Om Nat Bit Bldg. LOW RATES C. O CARLBERO. 813 Bran del. Theater Bldg U 686 Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted storks Investment securities, IndUHlrlal storks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO.. BfiO Omnha Nations! Bank Bldg Abstracts of Title. 17 Title. Guarantee and Abstract Co.. Heir 05 S 17tb St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mass Bonding and Ins Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of flee In Nebraska 206 Brandets Theater Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com pen lea. 610 Brundel Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Idaho Lands, fDAHO LANDS IN BOISE COUNTfT FOR BALE WB HAVE A LARGE LIST OP IRRIGATED AND NON IRRI GATED LANDS IN GRAIN. ALFALFA AND STOCK RANCHES, ALSO 10. 20 AND 40-ACRE PRUNE AND APPLE OR CHARDS. WRITE FOR INFORMATION. PRICES AND TERMS. GEO H WETTER A CO., BOISE. IDAHO. Iowa Lands. A BARGAIN. Improved Harrison county. Iowa. IBO-aere farm, for aals on eary terms. Price $140 per aore. ARCHER REALTT COMPANY, 5HO Brandels Btdg. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARG.INS $6 down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $00. Address Box 80S. Excelsior Springs. Missouri. Nebraska Lands. 160 ACRES, Improved, only 2 mil from Emerson. Neb. ; every acre good farm land; there is about 12 acres pasture that will feed two head per acre; about 6 acres alfalfa and 20 acres clover, and a dandy orchard and grove, at only $146 per acre, on easy terms. G. A. Kull. Oakland. Neb. 4MALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 acres up We farm the farm we sell ou. The Himgerford Potato Growers Association. 15th and Howard Sis Oms ha Douirlas 9871 IMPROVED 320 sorts, 6 miles from New port. Rock county. Nebraska. For sale or will exchange for Omaha property. Walnut 1465. jii-ACKE tniprtv..d farm 3Mi miles from Benson. Will situated and with (rood road F D WEAD. Sin S lMh St Wead F.ldg iMO ACHES. Furnas county. Nebraska. For Kale or exhango for Omaha property. ( Walnut 1465. . MY 360 acres ra.igo; water, had Plw luLid. 13ox mi, Alllnnu', Neb. AUTOMOBILES WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2107 Farnam St. Doug 6085 TELL & BIN K LET WB BUT AND SELL USED FORDS. 331$ Harney St.. Doug. 1640. 7-PASSENGER Hudson touring car; In fin shape; also two bicycles; party leaving city. Box 4652, Bee. FORD cars, electric light doubled by Ever bright steadltler, $2.60, guaranteed. All Ford service stations. WE are the used Ford men. Auto Salvage A Lschange. 1g-Vth: TWO -CYLINDER motorcycle for sale, $30 1921 Douglas. Red 7048. BERTSCI1Y "Kan-Flx-It," Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney 8ts. Douglas $562 WANT modern six auto for clear Brownell Hall district lots. Canan, McCague Bldg. FOR SALE Ctndera for driveway and walks, Douglas 1387. Wanted. WANT to buy, second hand automobile truck; light. Colfax 359:!. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED. STRAHLE A ANDERSON, INC. 316 8. lftth St. Douglas $486. Tires jind Supplier TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO J IN I TIRE. Second-hand tires and tubes; expert Urt ant! tube i .a!il..g. Do-tglas 8872. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 1408 Jackson. Agts. wanted Omaha. Neb Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler 665, Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair Colls repaired. Bayedorfsr. 210 N. ISth. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Montana Lands. LAND In south or southeast part of Mon tana; small. or large tracts that will pro duce enormous crops In wheat, oats, bar ley, etc Part Irrigated, from $rt up an acre. Close to R. R. Some of this land will raise (0 bushels of wheat or 1 00 bu. of oats or $ to $ tons of alfalfa to the acre. Fine water, fine climate; sure increase In land; easy terms, low R. R. fare. Send me your address and I will mall you particulars. C U. Ry lander. $64 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. New York Lands. FIRST CLASS DAIRY AND CATTLE FARM. 1 306 acrec. located Vi miles from a good railroad town with good markets, cream ery and high school. Improvements, 16 room dwelling, concrete basement, barn, milk houso. Ice house, separator house ami Other outbuildings. Water tn nil these buildings. Running water In pastures Price, $6,500; $1,500 down, balance terms. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 8486. Texas .ands. GOOD corn land. East Texas, $25 an acre Get mv fre Jook. W 8 FRANK. 201 Neville Block, Omahn Miscellaneous. 160 ACHES, all good black loam soli and .ilay subsoil, good buildings, near a town of 10,000. Write us for price and further particulars. Mid-West Land Co., 1067 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1166. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, $3.60 $40, $ mo., endorsed notes, total cost, $1 60 Smaller, large am'ts. proportionate rata. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 131 Rose Bldg., 16th and Fajnam.TT 666 LEGAL RATE LOANS $24.00 $1,40.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy $40 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 85. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ernest B. Crane and wife to City of Omaha, Thirty-seventh street, 200 feet south of Spauldlng street, west side, 40x134 166 Frank Pesek and wife to City of Omaha, Thirty-eighth street, 200 feot south of Pratt Btrect, west side, 40x134 1T6 Charles Newntrom to City of Omaha, Thirty-ninth street, 200 feet south of Pratt street, east side, 40x134... 125 Hanna C, Thomsen and husband to Frank M. Powera, Crown Point ave n j, 325 feet went of Twenty-fourth street, north side, 45x136 4,400 John Laxarskl to Agnes Zych, Twenty-eighth street, 120 feet south of F street west side, 60x150 1,660 Henry Quad, jr., and wife to Lean ardo Paletta, Poppleton avenue, 270 feet west of Twentieth street, north side, 80x168 2,050 Kate Copeland to Fred Mengedoht, Jr., Davenport street, 191 feet eaut of Forty-eighth street, south side, 60x96 600 Isaac Kattleman and wife to Alfalfa Butter company. Twelfth street, 80 feet south of Capitol avenue, enst aide. 40x66 1 Elmer J. Hart and wlfo to Nathan Somberg, Fortieth avenue, 200 feet fiouth of Fowler avenue, 80x127.... 1,000 Millie E. Wlrkornham and husband to Jpssle J. McMullen, Fortieth street, 195 feet north of Farnam street, west side. 46X125 1 Fred Mengedoht. Jr.. to Kate Cope land, Redick avenue, 140 feet west of Florence boulevarii, south side, 40x160 3.000 Jutiane Knaack and husband to Henry C. Tullls. Thirty-third street, 47.6 feet north of Decatur street weft side, 40xS5 1 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Caroline, Osslnkoop, Vinton -treet, 126 feet east of Thirtieth street, south side, 50x128 267 M. L. Clark, sheriff, to. Hastings & Heyden, Pinkney street. 81 feet west cf Fourteenth street, south side, 39x124 2.000 Hastings & Hoyden to Margaret B. Fitzgerald. Plnkney street. 81 feet west of Fourteenth avenue, south side, 39x124 2 Carl E. Johnson and wife to Walter E. Chrlstensen, Forty -seventh ave nue, 200 feet north of Miami street, west side, 50x125 1 London Storks and Bonds. London. June 14. American Issues were a fraction higher on small business on the stock exchange today. Sliver Bar33 1-16 per ounce. Mony44 per cent. Decount ratesShort bills, 4 11-16 per cent. Thxae month bills 4 i per cent. LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Holds Steady Under Heavy Run; Hog Prices Are Ten Cents Higher. Omaha, June 14, 1I1T. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .... $.679 4.966 1.7M Receipts were Official Monday... Official Tuesday... Official Wednesday Estimate Thursday, . $.966 7, SOS 1.629 . $.543 3,13 1,361 . 6.000 9, SOD 4,800 Four days this week. 23.187 30,614 13.9S1 Same days last week. 33.300 36,516 16,673 Same days 2 w'ks ago. 31. 724 30.869 13,647 Same days I w'ks ago. 37,888 46.660 19,330 Rama days 4 w'ks ago. 37,803 90,760 19.346 Same days last year, .14,733 45.934 26,33r Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Tarda, Omaha, for twenty four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: ItHsUKirTl I' A KB. Cattle. Hogs. Cheep. C, U. A St. P 2 4.. Wabash 4 4 MWouri Pacific H 4 Union Pacific 28 33 IS C. A N. W., east - 6 C. N. W , west. ...... M 95 1 C St. P., M. A 0 32 i , C, B. A Q . east 19 1 8 I C. B. & Q . west 87 34 3 i C, R. I. P., east 6 6 C. R. I. A P., west 1 3 Chicago Greet Western. .6 4 Totals 348 128 22 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris Co 520 962 9SS Swift A Company 1.4HS 1.464 1.21? Cudahy Packing Co.. 1, run 633 906 Armour A Co 834 1,938 1.419 I Sehwartx A Co ,. 2,796 .... Lincoln Packmg Co.. So. Omaha Pack. Co.. 8 Cudahy, Fort Worth.. 1.075 F. B. Lewis 60 (.7 J. B. Root A Co Rosens tock Bros .. 382 F. G. Kellogg Werthelmer A Dcgen. Sullivan Bros,. Huffman Roth Meyers Gtssaberg John Harvey Dennis A Francis Jensen A Lungren.... O'Day Other buyers 20 IT 18 6 77 36 25 6 166 1,38$ Totals 5.506 7,41 6,769 Cattle Receipts were very fair for a Thursday, 20 oars being reported In. This brings the total for the four ditye up to 23,187 head, which Is over 3,000 larger than for the same period a year ago. The mar ket on good desirable beeves was steady with yesterday, while other kinds were a little inclined to drag, being slow to a littlo lower. The best cows and heifers and also ean ners were about steady with yesterday, but the medium grades have been working downward and are considerably lower than the high time last week. Stockers and feeders were In very light supply, with feeling generstly steady. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $12.50 18.36; fair to good beeves. 111. 7612.50; common to fair beeves, $10,25 011.76; good to choice yearlings,. 112.260 13.10; fair to good yearlings, $11. 00913.26; common to fslr yearlings. $1 0.009 11,00 : good to choice heifers, $10.36 11.60; good to choice cows, $9.76010.75: fair to good cows. $ft.769.76; common to fslr cows. $6.6008.76; prime feeding steers. $10,000 11.00; good to choice feeders, $9.26010.00; fair to good feeders, $8.6009.26; common to fair feeders, $7.000$. 60; good (o ch lce stockers, $9.60010.60; stock heifers. $8,260 10.60; stock cows, $7.00010.00; stock calves, $8.50011.00; veal calves. $10.00014.50: betf bulls, stags, etc.. $8.00011.00. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS, No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr. 1 670 7 60 2 446 $8 10 2 1480 8 5 3 683 8 26 1 1080 9 76 23 1065 10 60 1 9C0 11 75 17 973 12 06 6 1076 VI 50 21 1328 12 75 8 1377 12 86 26 1648 12 65 21 8116 10 40 7 60 11 00 6 1118 12 00 23 1236 12 85 41 1130 1? 60 39 1306 12 80 18 1376 13 16 Hogs The market opened In fairly satis factory condition. On the strength of a continued upturn In prices elsewhere, ship pers were fairly free buyers at prices that were easily 601Oo higher, with the accent on the 10c. They were In the market from the opening until well along In the morn ing, and their total purchases accounted for a pretty decent share of the supply. Packers were a little slow about starting, but tries trong shipper competition again brought most of them to time, and they bought a good many hogs In fair season. These earlier purchases vera anyway a nickel, and In plenty of cases 10c higher ttnn yesterday. The close was a good deal worse than yesterday's, and dead was the only word that adequately described It. One buyer laid out all morning, falling to even make bids, and after shippers and the other three big packers had filled their orders, some where between thirty and forty losds re mained on first hands. The early buying had taken the cream of the crop, and It was not strange that these late hogs ran pretty much to light and mixed stuff, though there were some pretty decent hogs left at that. Up to noon things remained at a standstill, and practically all the thirty or forty loads remained unsold. Buyers went around look ing, but did little or no bidding, and sellers did not even know what sort of concessions packers were after. The early market was, as noted mostly 601Oo higher, though odd loads picked up between 11 o'clock and noon failed to show this advance. Bulk of the hogs sold up to midday landed at $16.10016.40, with a top of $16 60. It was safe to predict that If the hogs still In first bands were cleaned up later in the day the bottom of the bulk would be lowered somewhat. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 20. .239 ... 16 00 94. .192 240 15 06 86. .204 40 16 10 76. .211 160 16 lb ... 15 30 ... 15 46 40. .202 79. .222 60. .369 80 16 25 120 16 40 40 16 60 13. .229 46.. 300 Sheep Packers all needed lambs again this morning, supplies proving light when meas ured by demand, and prices oontlnued to Improve, another quarter of the recent de cline being regained on most all grades. Thv movement was active and the big end of the offerings changed bands by- sn early nour. There was a spot or two that prices did not show more than a lO0I5o upturn hut for the most part of the trade was about a quarter higher, and values were generally the highest In sbout two weeks. Real good California springers, as good as any that have been here this season brought $17.26 the highest price paid since the first day of the current month. Mates of the Callfornlas that sold at $17.00 yesterday brought $17.16. Natives sold downward from $17.00, Clipped fed westerns sold up as high as $16.26, the price being the highest recorded here In more than two weeks. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb, shorn, $14.26016.36; spring lambs, $14,600 17.26; spring lambs, culls, $10.00014.00; lambs,' feeders, $12.00 014.76; yearling, shorn, $11.50012.00; wethers, shorn, $10.00 010.60; ewes, shorn, $8.00010.00; ewes, culls, shorn. $6.0008.00. No. Av. 378 fed shorn Iambs 78 22 fed spring lambs 63 24 fed clipped ewes 96 60 native spring Iamb..S 69 663 ft-d shorn lambs 83 Pr. 16 26 17 00 9 50 17 25 15 26 Ht. touts Live Stock Market. St. Louis. Mo., June 14. CattleReceipts, 4,700 head; market steady; native beef steers, $7.60019.00; yarlln, $8. 504J18. 25; cows, $6,00011.00; stockers and feeders, $G. 00010.00; prime southern beef steers, 18,00011.50; beef cows and heifers, $4,260 9.00; prime yearlings, $7.60019.00; native calves, $6.00014.25. Hogs Receipts, 6,900 head; market high er: light, $14.86016.10; pigs. $10,00014.26; mixed and butchers, $16.20016,80; good heavy, $16.66016.80; bulk of sales. $16,200 16.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 50,000 head; market higher; clipped Iambs, $18.00015.26; clipped ewes, $9.00010.00; spring lambs, $12.00017.40; ranners, $4.0006.76. fllonx City Live tHock Market. Sioux City, la., June 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,600 head; market for killers weak; stockers steady; beef steers, $10.00013 60; fat cows and heifers, $8. 75011. 38; tanner. $1.60 4f 8,00; stockers and feeders, $8,000 10.36; calves, $6.0009.60; bulls, stags, etc. $8.00010.60; feeding cows and heifers, $6.76 09 00. Hogs Receipts. S.500 head; market Co hltrher: light, I14.90-fr16.10; mixed, $15.10 ft 15. 30; heavy, $16.30016.40; pigs, $9,000 13.00; bulk of sales, $15.06016.30. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 400 head; market steady. St. Joseph Lin Stock Market. St. Joseph, Mo., June 14. Cattle Re colpts, 1,800 head; market steady; steers. $9.00U13.50; cowa and heifers, $6.00012.76; calves, $9.00013 60. Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market slow to 5010c higher; top, $16.86; bulk of sales, $16. 0016.60. Sheep and J,amba Receipts, 80 had; market 30040c higher; la ml, $13,00 0 17.25; ewes, $6.00010.00. GRAIN ANDPRODOCE Wheat Strong, With Prices Three to Four Cents Higher; Corn Shows an Advance. Omaha, June 14, 19IT. The wheat market waa strong today with prices quoted from $ to 4 cents higher and while receipts continued light the demand was very poor and only a few sales were reported. No. $ hard wheat brought from $2.93 to $3.93. No. $ hard sold from $3.90 to $2.93 and a few sales of No. $ hard were made around $3.8403.86. The corn market was a trifle weak with prices quoted from 4c to lc lower, but sell er reported a good local and excellent ship ping demand for all grades of this cereal. Buyers am) sellers got together much more readily than they have for several days and most of the sales of corn were mads before noon. White corn grading No. 3 sold st a alight advance over the yellow and mlxsd of the same grade; No. 3 white ranging In price from to $1.67, while the yellow sold from 1.C6H to $!.66 and the mixed ranged from $1.66 to $1.66. The oats market continued firm and then was a strong demand for this cereal with prices quoted from 4 to So higher. No. 3 white oats sotd at 47 standard aold at 66ic, No. 8 white ranged from 66H to $Tc and one car of No. 4 white brought 66Hc. Rye was dull with no receipts and barley wa moderately active, with rrlces quoted about unchanged. Clearance were; Wheat and flour equal to 1,841.000 bushels; corn, 120,000 bushels; oats. 190,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts1 were 439,000 bufihota and i.)ilpmonta 635,000 hutthels, against receipts of 691,000 bushels and shipments of 830,000 buohels last year. Primary corn receipts were 871.000 biiehels and shipments 438,000 bushels, against receipts of 410,000 bushels and ship ments of 480,000 bushels, Primary oats reoeipta wers 64O.O00 bushels nnd shipments 991,000 buphels, against receipts of 686,000 bushels and ship ments of 602,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats 134 14 0 89 Chicago Omaha Kansas City. .. St. Louis 60 18 27 81 191 157 99 3k Thee sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 3 cars, $2.93; 1 car, $3.92. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, $2.92; 3-6 car, $2.90. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, IS. 86; 2-6 car, $2.86; 1 car, $1.14. Sam ple hard winter: 1 car, 12.07 V No. 3 spring: 1 car, $2 92. Sample spring: 1 car, $1.60. No. $ mixed: 20 sacks, $2.86; 1 car, $2.60. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $2.60 Barley No. 3: 1 car, $1.16. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, $1.67: 14 cars. $1.66i. No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.66V No 2 yellow: 3 cars, $1.66; 4 cars, 11.66 V No. $ yellow: 1 car, 11.664. No. 2 mixed 1 car, 1.; 9 cars. $1.66; 4 cars, $1 66. No. $ mixed: 4 cars, $1.66Vi; 1 car, $1.66. No. 4 mlged: 1 car, $1.46. No. 6 mixed 1 car, $l-66tt Sample mixed: 1 car. 61.66V Oats No. t white: 1 car, 67Uo. Stand ard: 1 car, 66e. No. $ white: t cars. 67r; 3 cars, 66 c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 66 "4 0. Sample whits: 1 car, 66-Uc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. $ hard. $3.9102.93; No. 3 hard, $2.9002.92; No. 4 hard, $2.8002.86. Corn: No. 2 white, $1.6t'.01.67; No. 3 whits, $1.66 01.66 ; No. 4 white, $1.6601.66; No. 6 white, $1.6601.65: No. white, $1.6401.65; No. 2 yellow, ll.66H01.66H ; No. 3 yellow. $1.6601.66: No. 4 yellow, $1.66 U 1.66; No. 5 yellow, $1.660 1.66 H No. 6 yellow, $1.64H.6G; No. 2 mixed, $1.6601.66; No. 3 mixed, $I.6601.66H; No. 4 mixed, $1.65 Vi 01.66H; No. 6 mixed, $1.6501.66; No. 6 mixed, $1.6401.66. Oats: No, 3 white, 670 67c; standard, 66 067c; No. $ white, 66Vi067c; No. 4 white, 66066o. Barley: Malting, 11.18 01.38: No. 1 feed, $1,100 1.14. Rye: No. 3, $3.8903.31; No, I, $3.3$ 02.30. Local range of options: Art. I Open. Hlgh. 'l Low,! "M. n Yes Wheat I July 2 30 2 20 227 2 27 HO Sept. 2 04 2 04 201 2 01 205 Corn. July 1 58 1 f 156 1 6$ 158 Sept. 1 49 1 49 146 1 46 149 Dec, 1 11 1 11 107 1 0$ 111 Oats. July 61 61 $1 61 63 Sept. 61 51 61 61 61 Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broken, 315 South Sixteenth street. Omsha: 1 Art.1! Open. I High. Low. Close. Yes. whT j j July 2 30 2 31 226 2 25 2S1 Sept. 2 06 2 06 200 2 00 807 Corn. July 1 67 1 67 164 1 64 167 8epl. 1 51 1 61 145 1 45 150 Dec. 1 14 1 14 109 1 09 118 Oats. July 64 64 62 63 54 Sept. 54 64 62 62 54 Dec, 56W 66 64 64 56 Pork. July 38 80 38 60 38 $0 8ft 15 38 60 Sept. 3$ 76 31 $0 38 (7 $8 $7 38 76 Lard. July 21 57 31 60 It 45 21 45 21 60 Sept. 21 80 21 80 21 62 31 62 21 77 Ribs. Julv 21 00 31 02 20 95 20 95 21 02 Sept. 21 80 21 80 2 16 81 17 U 20 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Optimistic Crop Report Again Send Wheat Down, Market Closing at Net Dropof to 7H Points. Chicago, June 1 4. Reports Indicating widespread crop improvements, especially In Kansas, did a good deal today to make wheat prices decline. The market closed heavy, 6 to 7 points net lower, with July at 32.35 and September at $2.00. Corn lost I to 6 points, oats 1 to 1 points and provisions 2 to 25 points, Apparently tho greatest single Influence in depressing the wheat market cams from an estimate by a leading expert that the Kansas crop would total 70.000,000 bushels as against the June estimate of 46.500,000 bushels. Message from the nortwest regard ing the favorable outlook for spring wheat counted to a material degree also in bear ish ly affecting the market. Forecasts of fair weather for the rest of this week brought about heavy selling -of corn and led to a sharp setback In prices. Word of some export business at the seaboard failed to act as an offset, and so too did pessi mistic advices serve debty planting In western sections of Kansas. Oats wore pulled down by the break In corn and by good crop reports. The July delivery In particularly waa weak, although export demand was again In evidence. Liquidating sales by holders of lard had a weakening effect on the entire provis ion list. The main reaaon for letting go of lard was that a decided increase of the stock of that commodity here was expected to he shown tomorrow In the semi-monthly warehouse report. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 red. $2.90; No. ft red and No. 2 and No. $ hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 11.7101.73; No. 2 yellow, $1.7201.78; No. 4 yellow, $1.72. Oats: No. 3 white, 67069c; standard, 6H69c. Rye: No. 2, nominal. Barley: $1,1401,45. Seeds: Timothy, $5.60 8.00; clover, $12.00017.00. Provisions: Pork, $83.86; lard, $21.86021.45; ribs, $20.60 021,86. Butler laower; creamery, 32036c. Eggs Lower; receipts, 27,fiH2 cases; ftrslB, 20030c; ordinary firsts, 27f 2Sc; at mark cases includod, 2803i Potatoes Unchanged; receipts, new, 36 cars; old, 4 fars. Toul try Alive, higher; fowls, 21 c; springs, 26030c. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, III.. June 14. ;attl Receipt. 3,000 head; market weak; native beef cat tle, $9.20013.70; stockers snd feeders. $7.40 010.60; cowa and heifers, I6.25011.x5; calves, $10.00016.60. Hok Receipts, 16.000 head; mraket firm, 10c to 16c above yteferday's averiixe;'' bulk of ft lth, $13.10015 80; light, $14.40015.65; mixed. $14.90016.80; heavy, $14.90 vtC.10; rough, $14.90015.10; pigs, llO.3fitM4.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6.000 head; market strong; wethers, $8.75011.30; ewes, $7.80'iH0.26; lambs, $10.35016.66; springs, $13.00017.76. VIA- i-. luk U..lrAt Kansas '--uy. m., junn n. vatno eeipts, 4,000 head; market steady; prims fed steers. $12.60013.40; dressfed beef steers, $10.00013.25; western steers, $9.00013.20; a tA111 it a. IS RIMOlU AtV stockers and feeders, $7.26011.00; bulls, iT.vvvrv.ov; ca.ves, ... Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market high er; bulk of sales. $16.00016.80; heavy, $15.70016.80; packers and butchers, $16.26 016.75; light, $14.'aVl&.2G; pigs, $12,750 14.60. gheep Receipts, ,000 head; market high er; lambs, $16.60017.36; yearlings, $10,000 13.00; wethers, $9.00010,00; ewes, $8,750 10.50. Ht. Lnnls drain Market. St. Louis. June 14. Wheat No. 2 red. nominal; No. 2 hard, $2.97; July, $2.02; September, ftXOI. . Corn No. 2. $1.71: No. white, $1.72, July, $1.57; September, $1.46. Oats No. 3, 70c; No. 2 whits, nominal. NEW YORK STOCKS Trading Shifts From Regulars to Specialties and Nonde script Stocks; Dealings in Smaller Volume. New York, June 14 Trading shifted fre quently today from the recognised leaders to specialties and other share of no defi nite description. Dealings were In dimin ished valume, but the trend was mainly upward unfit the ftnsl hour, wheti liberal selling of the mora prominent Issues pro voked extreme reversals of one to three points and an Irregular rlose. The Liberty loan was j-Mn a factor of paramount importance M fjk Intermediate i-salon on favorable atlvtn rom Washing-1 ton respecting that project. Money ruled at prevailing rates and a new mlmtmum for rubles was seemingly Ignored. Rails, Including low priced shares wsre in further demand, Union Pacific and Read ing featuring the Investment group at grains of 1 to 2 points. There was a decided upward revision tn quotations for motors stock. General motors showing a gross gain of 4 points, while Studebaker, Maxwell and Chandlsr tratlod along at 2 point advances. U. S. Steel once more distinguished itself by attaining in n w rcorl of 134, a net hiss of 1 point' Bethlehem Strel kpt pace with the leeur, the new and old shares scoring new maximums at 156 and 161 respectively, but yielding In the general decllns of the latter part of the session. Tottaccos and metals were among the other active features. Shippings and some of the oils were Irregular throughout with Iiiternatt.inal paper, Baldwin locomotive and Continental Cn. Total salea 926,000 til urea. Railroad bonds and some Industrials were fractionally lower, othr Issues recording no material changes. Total sales, par val-ue. $1,740,000. Number of sales and quotations on the leading slocks were: Raits High Low. Close Am. Beet Sugar... J.400 96 96 16 Am. fan 1.900 61 60 60 Am. Car A F ndry. 1.306 76 74 74 Am. Locomotive... 2.600 73 79 71 Am Smelt. A Ref. 11.810 111 109 109 Am. Sugar Ref.... 16.400 123 180 133 Am. Tel. A Tel ' Am. Z., l. A 8 $8 Anaconda Copper.. 31,800 84 85 $6 Atchison 1.800 101 102 103 A. G. A W. I. S. 8. 1.800 115 116 118 B. A 0 4.700 73 73 73 B. A 8. Copper.... 2,400 46 4 46 Cal. Petroleum.... ?00 23 32 21 Canadian Pacific. 1,000 162 161 160 Central Leather... 11.700 99 97 $7 Chesapeake A Ohio 9.400 61 60 61 C M. A Ht. P.... 2,800 74 76 76 C. A N. W 100 110 110 110 C. R. I. A P. ctfs 46 rhino Copper $.900 61 60 Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 1,800 66 64 63 Corn Products Kef. $,604 32 33 33 Cruclhle Steel .... 16,600 92 $0 60 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 24,600 46 44 46 Distiller's Sees 8,100 22 32 3! Erie 4,300 26 28 26 General Electric 161 General Motors.... 10,300 114 109 111 Gt. No, pfd 800 108 108 107 Ot. NO. Ore. ctfs... 1,300 34 38 83 Illinois Central 103 Inspiration Copper, 2.300 66 66 66 Int. M. M. pfd.... 10.100 8! 80 II Int. Nickel 2,400 43 41 41 Int. Paper $ K. 8. Southern.... 600 23 28 83 Kennecott Copper.. $.800 47 47 47 Louisville A Nash. 16 Maxwell Motors... 8.N00 50 48 49 Mexican Petroleum 12.400 102 99 99 Miami Copper 700 41 41 41 Missouri Pacific... 4,100 29 99 89 Montana Power 96 Nevada Copper.... 3,000 26 26 36 New York Central. 8,900 92 92 92 N. Y , N. H. A H. . 900 36 36 36 Norfolk A Western 700 126 134 134 Northern Pacific... 500 106 104 108 Paclflo Mall 400 28 28 27 Pacific Tel. A Tsl 34 Pennsylvania 900 61 f.8 68 Pittsburgh Coal.... 13,600 53 61 63 Ray ronsol. Copper 11.800 31. 30 30 Reading 49,700 100i 99 98 Rep. Iron A Steel.. 6,700 93 93 92 Shattuck Aria. Cop 27 Houthern Pacific... 3,000 96 94 94 Southern Railway. 6.000 28 21 28 Htudebaker Corn... 32.100 84 81 83 Texas Co 809 217 317 211 Union Pacific I.ioo 139 117 in U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 14.000 170 167 16 T U. 8. Steel 227.600 184 133 181 U. 8. Steel pfd.... 600 117 117 117 Utah Copper. I.IOO 117 3 f R 114 Wabash pfd. ' B . 1.400 m zh z Western Union 300 94 93 93 Weatlng. Electric. 4,400 69 63 63 Total sales for the day, 925,009 shares. New York Money Market. New York, Juns 14. Mercantile Paper 5 per cent. Sterling Exchange 60 day bills, $4.74; commercial 00 day bills on banks, $4.71; commercial 60 day bills, $4.11; demand, $4.76 7-16; cables, $4.76 7-16. Silver Bar, 77c; Mexican dollars, 69c. Bonds Government and railroad, ateady to Irregular. Time Loan Firm; 60 days, 90 days and six months, $06 per cent. Call Money Firm; high, 4 per cent; low, 4 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; last loan, 4 per cent; closing bid, 4 per cent; offered at 4 per cent, IT. 8. 4s, reg.,.104 do coupon.... 98 do coupon.... 104 K. C. So. ref. 5s 86 Panama 3s cpn. 87L. A N. un. 4s. 97 Am. For. Sees. 5a 96 M .K.AT. 1st 4s 87 Am. T AT. rlt. 6s 98Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 60 Anglo-French 6s. 93 Mont. Power 6s,. 96 Arm'r A Co. 4s 90 N. T C. deb. s.!06 Atchison gen. 4s. 90 No. Pac. 4s IB B. A O. 4s 16 do 8s 62 Cent. Leather 6s 990. 8. L. ref. 4s. 16 Cent, Pac, 1st.. 86 Pac. T. A T. 6s 96 C. A O. cv. 6s.. 88Penn. con. 4s.I02 C, B. A Q. jt. 4s 96 do gen. 4s.. 96 tC.,M.S.r.g.4s 4Keadlng gen. 4s. 91 C. R.I.AP. ref. 4s. 71 N.L.S.F. sdj. 6s 66 ('. A S. ref. 4s 798o. Pac. cv. 6s.. 98 D. AR. O. ref. 6s 60 do ref. 4s 96 Dom. of C. 6s.. 96Ho. Ry. 6s 98 Erie gen. 4s.... 61T. A P. 1st 96 Gen. Else. 6s. . .101 Unlon Paclflo 4s. 92 Ot. No. 1st 4s 94 do cv. 4e 99 I. C. ref. 4s.... 8flU. S. Rubber 6s. 87 Int. M. M. 6s... 91U. S. Steel 6s. ...104 9, -aj If '8 TU Wabash 1st 100 "do coupon.... ft west, union s a U. 8. 3s, reg... 98 Bld. t Offered. Cotton Market. New York, Juno 14. Cotton Futures opened steady; July, ss.otc; uctonsr, zt.ioc; December, 24.90c; January, 24.93c; March, 26.20c. Cotton futures rloied easy; July, 24.68c; October, 24.44c; December, 24.47c; January, 24.900; March, 24.78c; spot, quiet; mid dling upland., 26.26c. The cotton market closed Irregular at a net decline of 27 to 48 points. Liverpool, June 14. Cotton Spot steady; good middling, 14.6Bd; middling, 16.32d; low middling, 1603d. Sales, 14,000. Omaha Ilay Market. Rocelpts are lighter; market firmer on the better grades of prairie hay; lower grades are elltng slowly. Choice upland prairie, $23.00(24.00; No. 1, $22.00023.00 No. 2, lt.00i'20.l!U; NO. 3, $.OO0 li.W, P.O. 1 mldlnnd, $21.00032.00; No. 2. $14,000 18.00; No. 1 lowland, $12.00014.00; No. 2. $8.00010.00; No. 8, $6.0006.60. Choice al falfa. $22.0002100; No. 1, $21.00022.00; standard. $19.00f?)2G.OO; No. 2, $1.OO017.OQ; No. 3, $11.00013.00. Oat straw, $8.008.60: wheat straw, $7.0007.60. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, June 14. Wheat No. 2 hard. $3.2503.42; No. 2 red, $2.9202.98; July, $2.30; September, 12.04. Corn No. 2 mixed. 11.6801.68; No. 2 white. $1,8801.69; No. J yellow. $1,680 1.68; July, $1.63; flept ember, 31.41. Oats No. 3 white, 68c; No. 2 mixed, 660 66c. Butter Creamery, 87c; firsts, 86c; sec onds, 84c; packing, 31 c. Eggs Flrbts, :9c. Poultry Roosters, 14c; hens, lUc; broilers, 26c. Minneapolis Grain Market, Mlnneapoll. Juns 14. Wheat July. $2.62; September, $1.94; cash. No. 1 hard, 13.1703.22; No. 1 northern, $3.070 3.12 ; No. 2 northern. $3.02 03.07. Corn No. 8 yellow. $1.634 1.04 Outs No. 3 white. t)C467c. Flsxseed $3.1001.16. Flour Unchanged. Rye $2.4402.46. Barley $1.0001.45. Brsn $26027. Metal Market. New York, June 14. Metals Lead, firm; spot. $12012.50; spelter, quite; spot, Bast 8t, Louis delivery, $9,2609.60. Copper: firm; elertrolytio spot and nearby, $33.00034.01 nominal; third quarter, $29.60032.00. Iron: firm and unchanged. Tin: firm; spot, $61.00 061.36. At London Copper Spot, 120; futures, 1129 10s; electrolytic, 1142; spot, 1288 6s; futures, C$86 6s, Lead: spot, ISO 10s; futures, 29 10s. Spelter: spot, 154; futures, 150. New York Dry Ooods Market. New York, June 14. Dry Goods Small butera were not quick to follow tho rise in the dry goods market today, but prices remained strong. Raw silk la blghe$ and buriapa firm. I). S. HAD NO PART IN THEGREEK COOP Allies failed to Consult Amer ica Concerning Constantine; Little Activity Reported on War Front. Washington, June 14. The Unitei States was not consulted about the allied coup which dethroned King Constantine of Cireece, it wa, said at the State department today, and has not as yet taken any part in complex European diplomacy. So far, it was explained, the United States is more of a military and economic than a diplomatic Dartner with the allies. But intimation, were Riven today that, as one object of the United States in entering the war was to secure a just and permanent peace founded on equitable principles, the United States will begin to exercise an increasing interest in all readjust ments in hurope, especially in the Balkans. People Knew of Coup. London, June 14. An official dis patch received in Venizelist quarters in London from Saloniki, says the ab dication of King Constantine has been made known to the people of Athens, and that perfect order prevails. It is expected that former Premier Venl zelos will be recalled to power over united Greece and will work cordially and loyally with the new king. It is felt absolutely necessary, the dispatch adds, to remove from Athens, those men who, if possible, are more responsible than Constantine for thet events which led to the crisis; namely General Dousmanis, Colonel Mexataa and former Premier Gounaris. Men Failing to Register Placed in Three Classes Washington. June 14. Attorney General Gregory today outlined the policy of the Department of Justice in handling registration cases. In instances where registration wa, omitted through ignorance or inat tention persons are now being permit ted to register under paragraph 40 of the registration regulations before the county board and those so registering are held to answer to the grand jury and on their own recognizance. Those who have knowingly and willfully failed to register and now apply arc being registered, but placed under bonds with sureties. All those who continue to defy the law and such as have interfered with its enforcement or aided in its evasion are being imprisoned or held to the grand juries. Wants Federal Board to ' Distribute Print Paper . Washington, June 14. Announce failure of its plan to relieve the new! print paper situation and predicting 7 panic prices unless the government steps in, the federal trade commission today asked congress to authorize a government pooling scheme to insure both an equitable distribution of the product to consnmers and a fair profit to manufacturer!. Under the new plan all producing plants would be operated on govern- , mcnt account and a federal agency would be created to set a fair price and effect fair distribution. The Canadian government would be asked to create a similar agency to act jointly with officials in this country in distributing the big Canadian output. May Enable U. S. to Control War Front Through he Air Washington, June 14. A program of aircraft production throhgh which it is hoped to dominate the fighting lines of Europe within a year has been worked out by the aircraft production board of the defense council. Rheinboldt Says Germany Must Have War Indemnity Copenhagen (Via London), June 14. In a speech in the upper chamber of the Baden landtag, Dr. T. Rhein boldt, finance minister of the grand duchy, said a war indemnity for Ger many was a necessity. Germany's enormous war expenditures soon will exceed 100,000,000,000 marks. Two Copper Mines at Butte Closed by Strike Butte, Mont., June 14. Two prop-, erties in the Butte copper district, the Elm Orlu and Davis Dally mines, were closed today because of a strike ordered by Industrial Workers of the World leaders. At several mines the shifts were not up to full strength. "Equal Pay" Fight Is , Carried Into Cabinet Washington, June 14. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the Na tional American Woman Suffrage as jociation, today carried her "equal pay for equal work" fight into the cabinet and called on the heads of the government departments to record themselves on whether they favor a man's pay for a woman who does his work. Coffee Market, , New Ynfk, June 14. Coffee There wag 1 very tittle change In the market for coffee futures today and trading continued quiet. Malrs, 19,000 bHgs. The market opened un changed to 2 points lowr, under scatter ing liquidation. The close showed a net loss of 2 to 3 points. Juno. 7.75c; July, 7.78c; August, 7.93c; September, ".SKc; October, 7.91c; November, ".Bic; December, 7.98c; January, 8,0iir; February, 8.08c March 8.14o; April, 8.19c; May. 8.21c. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s, 10c; Santos 4s. 10c. No offers wero reported from Hantos. Rio 7s were saKI to He In the cost and freight market at S.86c. London credits, Tho official cabins reported no change In i Uraallian markets except Santos futures, which were unchanged to 25 rls lower. Rio cleared 4,000 bags and Hantos ld.OOO bags, fr New York. New York General Market. New York, June 14. Corn mea 1 Firm 1 course, $3.48, Corn Spot, weak; No. t yellow, $1.82, o. I. f.. New York. Oats B pot. easy; standard, 6863c. Lard Weak; middle west, $21.60&21.6Q. Tallow Battler; city Bpeclal, loose, 170. Wheat W pot market, nominal. Other quotations unchanged. Provision!, Butter Easy; receipts, lTt,84T tubs; creamery, higher than extras, 370 3c; creamery extras (93 score), 38c; firsts, 873Sc; seconds. 36 37c. Eggs Unsettled; receipts, $3,001 cases; fresh gathered extras, 3233c; freeh gathered, storage paged, firsts, 31 32c; fresh gathered firsts, 8$30o. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit. New York, June 14. Evaporated Apples Quiet. Dhicd Fruits PduifH,- dull and easy Apricots, quiet; peaches, quiet; raisins, steady '