Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1917, Page 13, Image 13

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    THK KKK: OMAHA. WKI)NKSIA. ju.vp-' i.i. mu.
K-roora, strictly modern semi-bungalow,
just one block (Hat of Koumzu pitrk; oak
finish mid oak f('"Kr throughout; built-in
bookcases and fireplace. This property
must be .sold at once and can be bought
at a bargain figure.
Beautiful Modern Bungalow
$500 Down
Fle rooms and bath, oak finish, all
built-in fi-uturv.i. full attic ami basement,
brand n.w and right up-tu-the-laat-mln
701 Omaha Nut. Hank Bide Tyler 496.
ONE 6-room and one 4 -room col tags, loth
on one lot; fine condition; llvs In ono and
rent the other. Price for both, 13.760.
Vary easy terms. No. 24:t;; South 20th St
NUKlilb & 1NUKK13.
400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4370.
Stucco construction, I large light rooms.
Oak ftoora, oak and enamel finish. Price
13,800. Easy terms, AnolUer new tulld.
lnf for 13.460. Call Douglas 1721 da ye
Walnut 1680 evenings. t
i'ULL lot ou Georgia Ave., eaat of Hans
com Park. 11,000. - -
F. D. WKADi 510 S. 18th St. Doug. 171.
BTRICTLY modern bungalow. 6 rooms, :2nd
ana Ames Av Webster 42rs
ROOMS, tile bath, hot water heat, garage
and screen porch; a den on 3d floor. 1820
spencer, t all Web, invb.
J. B. ilOUlNSON. Real Batata and Insur
ance. 442 Bee Bid Douglsa 4097
laot let Nat. Bk. Bldg.
REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty
H A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk Specialist
In downtown business property. .
REAL ESTATE Unimproved
HAVE several lota located at 27tb and
Corby and 27tb and Maple, three blocks
from new school location. Two of these
are on paved atreets. Will sell at a bar
gain. Can give term. Travels Brother
8.- First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
AFTER looking at M1NNK LUSA 300 dif
ferent buyers decided that It was the best
proposition on tho market and they backed
their judgment by buying lota.
IF TOU will come out today you will
nnderstand why the others are buying.
742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg Tyler 187.
40x135, two street frontages; easy
terms. Call Pouglaa 1064 or evenings.
Harney 4168
Have two clear, level high lota, west,
to exchange for Carter Lake club lot
value 1X00. Box 4478. Bee.
BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lota. Prlca $220, only
S3 cash and 60 nenta per week. Dour 8391.
IIAVR a bargain price ou vacant lots on
Cuming; St. C. A, Grim met. Doug. 1616.
REAL ESTATE Investment
176,000 Income 12 per cant; one year
old; very fine location; mortgage 125,000
and will accept 120.000 In trade; bal
ance caab or negotiable papers
Douglaa ISta. City Nat. Bank Bldg.
420 First National Bank Bldg.
Eaat front at S. W. Cor. S2d and Dodge.
Priced at $4,600, but we want an offer
- for quick aale. as owner is leaving Omaha.
Armstrong-Walsh Company,
Tyler 1536. 3Rose Bldg.
Well located Iota on easy terma. Mod
ern, attractive homes. Before buying be
aura and eee
HOMES and home attea In Dundee.
SHULER A CART. 204 Keellne. D. 6074.
(ACRE blk., Falracre and Brownell Hall
district. Snap. C. J. Canan.
Crops Are All Planted
We are offerings these on payments of
$150 to $275 caBh down, $16 to $27. &0 per
month. Oet out and enjoy the country;
and these crops will make you money in
addition to what you use. (.'all Tyler 60
nd ask for salesman to show you.
1H Harney St.
WANT a nearly new 8-room (4 bod rooms)
house In Hatiscom park district, near car;
$4,600 to $4,800. Have client waiting.
929-30 City Nat'l. Doug. 8862.
JLISTING bouses to rent or aell on email cash
payments, have parties waiting. Western
Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 3607
LIST your 6 and 6-room houaea with Ed
ward F. Williams Co.. 801 Omaha Nat
Bank Bldg. D. 420.
LlST your & "and 8-room huucea with us.
Co.. Tyler 496.
70 RENT or sell houses, Hat with ALLEN
ft BARRETT, 613 Bee. Doug 7768.
HAVE client witb 240 acres" good land In
eastern Montana. Clear, worth $6,000:
three ml lea from good railroad town.
Want to I -room modern Omaha resi
dence, valuod 44.00V to 86,000. Joseph
Pick. 2219 Bvar.s St Web. 4856.
HAVE a $26,000 hardware, doing good
business, and $10,000 In money. Want
western Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm
8. 8. and R. E. Montgomery 806 Omaha
National Bank Bldg.
A GOOD hotel with three lots; only hotel Id
town; has 18 rooms, steam heat and In
food shape. - Price 86.000.00; will want a
little caab and western land, U. A. Kull.
Oakland. Neb.
and part cash, to eichauge for Douglas or
Barpy county farm land.
BOX 3542. BEE.
J"OR TRADED 80 acres good farm land in
Sully county. South Dakota, for a news
paper plant; value1 $4,000. Box 271, Bas
se tt. Neb.
160 AN acre buys 130-acrc farm. 15 miles
from Omahu. Inquire 432 RamgeBlk. Tel.
Doug 4212. Residence phone. Doug. 6776
... , f -
$1,800 MTUE., tearing "6 put., semi-annually
secured by property valued at $6,000.
Talmadge-Loomls Tnv. Co.. W. O. W. BMsj
Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages.
Well secured, bearing 6 pet Intersst
fl40 First Nat. Bk: Bldg. Tel. Tyler 285$.
ft PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class
elty residences in amounts $2,000 up; also
larm loana. Reasonable commission.
PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St.
HONEY to loan on Improved farms and
rancneg. we also buy good farm mort
gages. Kloke lnv. Co Omaha.
Money on hand for mortgage loans.
City National Bank Bldg.
$10,00051 PER CENT flrat mortgage se
cured by farm worth $25,000, near Omaha,
K. H. Lo Igne, lnt- 638 Keeilno Bldg.
jtEETtf b, E, CO., 1014 Omaha Nat'l.
Real Estate, Loans, Mortgage$.
FARM and city loana, 6. 6 and 6 per cent
W H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg Doug. 1648.
W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg.
8100 to $10,000 made prompt!?, F. D. Wead.
Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts.
J O LOANS Om. Nat Bk. Bldg.
' 916 Omaha Nat'l BmnkBldg.
dele Theater Bldg D. 885
Stocks and Bonds.
LIHTED and unlisted stocks. Investment
securities. Industrial stocks.
S0 OmAha National Bank Bid.
Abstracts of Title.
, in is, uuaraniee ana ADiinui ww.,
I 805 8. 17th St. s-round floor.
Bonded by Mans. Bonding ana ins, co.
REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of
flee In Nebraska. $06 Brandels Thsater.
Represent prompt pay Inaurance com
panies. 610 Brands is Bldg.. Omaha. Nab.
Idaho Lands.
Iowa Lands.
Improved Harrison oounty. Iowa, lOO-aere
farm, for aale on sary terms. Price $140
per acre.
680 Brandels Bldg.
Missouri Lands.
GREAT BARGAINS $5 down. $6 monthly.
buys 40 acres yood fruit and poultry land,
near town, southern Missouri. Price only
$200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs.
Montana Lands.
LAND in south or southeast part of Mon
tana; small or large tracts that will pro
duce enormous crops in wheat, oats, bar
ley, etc. Part irrigated, from $8 up an
acre. Ctoae to R. R. Some of tuts land
will raise 60 bushels of wheat or 100
bu. of oats or 4 to 6 tons of alfalfa to
the acre. Fine water, fine climate; sure
Increase In land; easy terms, low R, R.
fare. Send me your address and I will
mall you particulars. C. M. Rylander, $64
Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg.
Nebraska Lands.
160 ACfiES, improved, only 2 miles from
Emerson, Neb. ; every acre good farm
land; there is about 12 acres pasture that
will feed two head per acre; about 6
acres alfalfa and 20 acres clover, and a
dandy orchard and grove, at only $146
per acre, on easy terms. G. A. Kull,
Oakland, Neb.
SMALL Nebraska farms on assy payments
5 tores up We farm the farm we sen
you. The Hnngerford Potato Growers'
Association, 16th and Howard Sta.. Oma
ha. Douglas tSTl. .
120-ACRE improved farm S miles from
Benson. Well situated and with good roads.
F. D. WEAD, 310 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg.
MY 960 acres ra.ige; water, hay, plow land.
Box 1391, Alliance, Neb. . -
New York Lands.
805 acres, located 1 miles from a good
railroad town with good markets, cream
ery and hiirh school. Improvements. 16-rc-om
dwelling, concrete basement, barn,
milk house, ice house, separator house
and other outbuildings. Water In all these
buildings. Running water In pastures.
Price $6,600; $1,600 down, balance terms.
1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 84S6.
Texas 7,ands.
GOOD corn land, East Texas, $26 an acre.
Get my free book.
W. S. FRANK, 801 Seville Block. Omahu.
H0 ACRES, all good black loam soil and
clay subsoil, good buildings, near a town
of 10,000. Write us for price and further
particulars. Mid-West Land Co., 1067
Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1166.
FrlU W, Chrlstensen and wife to Carl
V, Johnson, Fifty-fourth street, 205 y
feet north cf Plnkney street, east
side. 100x13$ I 1
Fred A. Saffron and wife to John N.
Holtmyer, northwest corner Twenty,
fourth and Seward streets. 60x63';. 1
Charles W. Martin and wife to Frank
A. Waldmann, Newport street, 136
feet went of Twenty-fifth avenue,
north side, 42x120 2
Barker Co. to Carl Swanson. Nicholas
street, 34 feet east of Thirty-first
avenue, south Picie, 47x120 1
United Rfjal Estate and Trust Co. to
George h. Carter, Ruggles atreet. 240
feet east of Thirty-sixth street,
south aide, 30x128 186
Alice A. Havemeyer and huubaud to
tlu Tmmanuel Dcacoiip&s Institute,
Fowler avenue, 144 fe west of
Thirty-fourth street, north side,
48x128 J
EzoUlcI Grantham and wife to Wini
fred S. Updike. Vinton street, 2.6
feet east of Thirty-second avenue,
south side, 40x128 1
William M. Clark and wife to Glenn
K. Jennings, northeast corner Twenty
sixth street and Ames avenue,
44x102 1,600
Maggie Kahler to Otto Kahler, Nine
teenth street, IjH feet north Of
Charles street, east, side, 30x140.... 1
George Srheschy, Jr.. ;and wife to Jos
eph Yaverek, soutnwest corner For
tieth and Spauldlng streets, 40x134. 1
Harris Goldsten and wife to Horace
J. Symee, Twenty-second street,
66 f-et south of Burt street, west
side, 66x146 1
Edward W. Stoltenberg and wife to
John H. Beveridtre, Chicago street.
160 feet west of Fiftieth street, north
Bide, 50x135 9,250
Jacob P. Kirk and wife to E, I. Mor
row, Twenty-ninth street, 40 feet
south of G rover avenue, cast side,
4x125 1
Maud 8. Butler, admlnlatratrtx, to Dan
iel O'Brien, Twenty-third street, "0 .
feet north of Spraguo street, west
side, H6xl34 2.000
John T. Mohan and wife to William A.
Wagner, Twenty -seventh Btreet, 440
feet (tout h of Elllsdh avenue, west
side. 40x130 1
Fred Andrus and wife to Louis N.
Young. RuKKles street, 40 feet west
of Twenty-eighth street, north side,
40x126 1
William F .Sweesy to Arthur B. Cul-
Itson, Davenport street, 260 fet west
of Korty-nlnth street, north side,
60x135 1
Coffee Murket.
Nfcw York, June 12. Coffee Futures were
quiet and steady again today, with Decem
ber contracts selling u points above last
night's close, and about 16 points above the
low level of Inst Thursday. The general list
opened unchanged to 1 point higher, and
.toin anout 4 to 6 points anove last nignt s
closing figures during th" middle of the
day on scattered covering, which seemed to
be prompted by the continued Mgnt Jjruzil
ian receipts and relstlve steadiness of the
primary markets. The close waf a shade
off from the best under realizing with prices
net 1 point lower to 4 higher. tSalea Includ
ing exchanges, 21,000 bags: June, 7.86c;
July. 7.90c; AugUHt, 7.9Tc; September, 7.98c;
October. 8. 02c; November, 8.05c; December,
8.08c ; January, 8.13o : February, 8.18c;
March, 8.24c; April, 8.29c; May, 8.34c.
Spot, quiet; Rio 7n, 10c; Santos 4s, 10c.
No fresh offers were reported In the cost
and freight market from Santos. Rio 7s
were said to be held at 8c, American
credits. Freight rates from Brasll to New
York are quoted at 80c to $1 per bag.
The official cables reported, a holiday at
Rln. Santos spots were 100 rets below the
laat quotation and futures unchanged to
26 rels lower.
KansaW City General Market.
Kansas City, June 12. Wheat No. 2 hard,
$2.963.02; No. 2 red, $2.94413.00; July.
$2.3614; September, $2.06.
Corn No. 2 mixed, fl.68tJl.68H; No. 2
white, ,USpM; No. 2 yellow, $1.68
1.69; July, $1.64; September, $1.44'.
Oats No. 2 white, 67 067 'c; No. $ mixed,
London Stocks and Bonds.
London, June 12. The American depart
ment of the stork exchange ruled quiet,
with prices irregular today.
Sliver Bar, 39 1-I6d per ounce.
Money 34 per cent
Discount Rates Short bills, 4 11-14 per
cent, threa-month bills, i par cent.
Cattle Go to High Mark and
Hogs More Than Recover
the Loss Made on
Omaha, June 13, 1917.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 6,679 4.9'i :751
Estimate Tuesday 6.S0O it, 2 00 6,800
Two days thla week.. 11. 479 13,1 8.661
Same days last week.. 10,132 U.Ulli 11,239
Same days 8 wks. ago. 14,033 16, '.'66 8.379
Same days 3 wks. ago. 16,471 20,864 8,?44
Same days 4 wks. ago. 14.7:6 U.2T2 11.974
Same days IrsI year... 7,439 U,6d8 14,
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
trie union stock yards. Omaha, for twenty
four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday;
Cattle. Hogs Sheep. H'r's
r., M. A St. T, 2 2
W abash ." 7 3 3
Missouri Pacific ... 24 6 I
Union Pacific 36 SO 11 3
C. A N. V east... 6 1 ..
C. & N. W., west... SS 26 6
C, St. P., M. O... 21 .. 1
C. B. A Q east 12 o 4
f, B. & (J., weat... 66 21
C, R. I. & P.. east. . 24 6
('.., R. 1. A P., west. 6 1
Illinois Central . . I
Chicago Ot. Weat... 6 1
Totals receipts ...248 101 24 4
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
I Morris & Co "SI 818 198
'Swift A Co 1.778 1,364 757
jCudahy Pack. Ce 906 71 1 1,836
I Armour A Co 1,244 1,626 817
' Schwarts & Co 64
I J. IV. Murphy 2.587
oln Pack. Co.
So. Omaha Pack. Co.
W. B. Vansant Co....
Vansant A Lush
F. B. Lewis
J, B. Root A Co
J, H. Bulla
Rosenstock Bros
F. G. Kellogg t
Sullivan Bros .
Hoth i
Jones A Smith
Banner Bros pa
John Harvey
Dennis A Francis ....
Jensen A Lungren....
Other buyers
Total 6,061 7.387 8.866
Cattle Receipts were fairly liberal for a
Tuesday, but the quality of the offerings
was not as good as un Monday. Dumand
from both packers and shippers was active,
particularly for the more desirable offerings,
and movement was free right from the
start at prices strong to 10c higher, and,
considering the excellent fill that cattte
took on, the advance was even greater in
some cases. Nothing as choice as the cattle
that brought $13.40 was offered, but heavy
beeves sold readily around $13.00013.25 and
best of the yearlings around $12. 75013.00,
Business was lively from start to finish
and an early clearance effected.
Quotations on cattle: uooa to cnoice
beeves. llz.60CPia.3b; lair to goou Deevea,
$11.7512.60; common to fair beeves, $10.25
Oil. 76; good to choice yearlings, su.z&a
13.10; fair to good yearlings, $11.00012.26;
common to fair yearlings, $10 0011.00;
a-ood to choice heifers. 110.26 11.50 ; good
to choice cows, $9.76010.76; fair to good
cows, 88.76 ifj9.76; common to fair cows.
$6.6008.76; prime feeding steers, $10.00
11.00: rood to choice feeders, $9.26010.00;
fair to good feeders, $8.6009.26; common
to fair feeders, $7.0008.60; good to choice
stockers, $.5O0io.6o; stocx neuers, is.zoigj
10.60: stock cows, $7.00010.00; stock calves,
$8.60011.00; veal calves, $10.00 0 14.60; beef
bulls, stags, etc., $8. 00 11.00.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr No. A v. Pr.
1 820 $8 50 7........ 694 $8 80
1 680 10 26 13 898 11 26
40 ...1160 11 76 31 1067 II 86
13 1113 11 90 23 1094 12 00
31., 991 12 20 25 1068 12 36
10 826 12 60 23 1O30 12 70
40 1319 12 80 13 1044 12 86
9 1411 IX 00 8 1465 13 15
24 1180 IS 20 19 1447 13 26
16 1366 13 36
Hogs After having moved steadily down
ward for more than a week, hogs reacted
this morning, more than recovering yester
day's loss. Favorable weather the last few
days has started farmers to work In the
fields all over the west, ana tnin was re
flected in the moderate to light receipts at
ell western markets.
The sjeneral market could he quoted as
mostly lOo higher than yesterday and
looked to be more than that on paper, ow
ing to the fact that the quality of the offer
ings was the best In days. Good butcher
weights were unusually plentiful, which
was one reason shippers were able to buy
so heavily. There were a good many Bales
scattered all the way from $14.95 to $15.30,
and an extreme top of $16.35 was paid.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
9. .380 80 14 90 61. .209 80 14 95 ,
85. .198 120 15 00 60. .224 80 16 06
24. .861 60 16 10 74. .260 40 15 15 '
61. .279 40 16 20 71. .243 120 15 26
59. .298 ... 15 40 49. .349 ... 16 35
Sheep The lamb market showed a con
tinuation of the reaction that set In yes
terday. Demand was broad enough to ab
sorb the decent supplies, and offerings
started moving In good season at prices that
were generally higher than yesterday.
Values were more or less uneven, mak
ing It hard to determine the exact amount
of the Improvement, but for the most part
Lambs looked around 25c higher than yes-
erdav. The best native springers uoid as
high as $16.76, with most of the desirable
ones at $16.00 and up, while a four-car
string of clipped fed westerns landed at
Quotations on sheep ana lames; Lamns,
shorn. $13.75014.66; spring lambs, $13,000
16.76; spring lambs, culls, $9.00012.00;
lambs, feeders, $12.00014.70-, yearlings,
shorn, $11.60012.00; wethers, shorn. $10.00
Si 10.50: ewes, snorn, s.vudiv.uu ewes,
culls, shorn, $6.0008.00,
Representative sates:
No. Av. Pr.
600 California spring lambs 63 $16 40
499 California spring lambs.... 64 16 16
326 California feeder lambs.... 62 14 70
869 California feeder lambs... 62 14 70
40 cull shorn ewes 103 7 60
292 fed shorn ewes 109 9 60
233 fed clipped lambs 79 14 60
100 native spring lamns t6 id so
26 native spring lambs fin Jb 10
100 fed shorn ewes 120 9 6
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, June 12. Cattle Receipts, 3,000
head; market firm; native beef. $9,300
13 stockers and feeders. $7.40 fe 10.60:
cows and heifers, $6.35011.86; calves, $9.76
Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market un
set tied, nacklna- grades 6c to 10c lower.
others 5c above yesterday's average; bulk
of sales, $14.80016.45; light, $14.2016.80;
mixed, 814.66WJ 16.66; neavy. sif.vuvr 10.00;
rough. $14.70014.96; pigs. $10.00014.10.
Sheep and Lamts receipts, o.uww neaa;
iirket firm: wethers. $8.50 011.101 ewes.
I". 25 09.90; Iambs, $9.70015.00; springs,
112. 26.016. 76.
Kansas City Live Stock Market
Kansas City, June 12. Cattle Receipts,
13,000 head; market steady; calves, 25c to
10c hiirher: or line fed steers. $12. 500 13.45;
dressed beef steers, $10.260 13.26 ; western
steers, $9.00013.25; cows, $6.50011.00;
heifers, $8.50013.00; stockers and feeders,
7.Mi?f llJGO; bulls, 7.oos 9.V&; caives, sj.uu
Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; market
steady and lower; bulk of galea, $14,900
16.60 ; heavy-, sj ;,tiWfi 1 n.t!; pacKern ana
butchers, $15. 00(?( 15.45 ; light, $14,85015.26;
pips. $13.75014.25. ,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,500 head;
market steady; lambs, $15.00016.50; year
lings, $9.00011.50; wethers, $8.75010.76;
ewes, $8.6U01O.6O.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
St. Louis, June 12. Cattle Receipts. 6,
600 head; market steady; native beef steers,
$7.50(13.0(1; yeHrllngti, $8.50013.25; cows,
$t. O011. 00; stockers and feeders, $6,000
11.09; prime southern beef ateera, $8,000
11.60; beef cows and heifers, $4.2609.00;
prime yearlings, $7.60010.00; native calves',
Hogs Receipts, 9,400 head; market
steady; light, $15.06016.40; pig, $10,000
14.25; mixed and butchers, $1 5.00 01 6.65;
good heavy, $15.60016.65; bulk of sales
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,200 head;
market steady; clipped lambs, $13.60014.60;
clipped ewes, $7.00 10.00; spring lambs,
$12.00014.75; canners, $4.0006.76.
Sioux Cltr Lire Stork Market.
Sioux City, Ia June 13. Cattle Receipts,
3.000 head; market steady; Deer steers,
$10.00013.60; fat cowa and heifers, $8,600
11.26; canners, $6.2608.00; stockers and
feeders, i7.6uoiv.zs caives, ss.vuspia.&u
bulls, stags, etc., $7.60010.60; feeding cows
and heifers, s.7tQi.t'b.
Hogs Receipts. 6,700 head; market
strong to so higher; ngnt, 9M.70V14.S6;
mixed, sis.vnois.ub; neavy, sis.usoib.zfr
pigs, $12.00012.76: bulk of sales, $14,850
Sheep and LambsReceipts, 100 head;
market strong.
Wheat Market is Extremely
Dull and Oats Are Active
and Sell at Higher
Omaha, June 12, HIT.
The wheat market was extremely dull
today, but the corn and oata marketa were
very active and these cereals sold at sub
stantially higher prices.
The arrlvaa of wheat continued moder
ately heavy, with a total of forty-five cars.
Corn receipts were excellent, with 166 cars
reported, and outs receipts were very light,
with a total ot nineteen cars reported In.
There were no salve of wheat made until
very lato In tho session, when one car of
No. 2 hard at $2.12 and one car of No.
3 hard at $3.98 was reported sold, these
sales giving the market a range of un
changed to ,1c under Monday's average price
on this grade.
The demand for corn was excellent and
the market was quoted from steady to 2c
higher, today's offerings selling generally
at prices ranging from $1.6601.67.
The sale at $1.67 was, however, a trifle
above the general run of prices, the bulk of
the sales ot the bettsr grades of corn being
mad at $1.6G0t.66S, and quite a low sales
at 31.664 were reported.
The oats market was strong jln. compari
son with the advance In corn, most of the
oats samples selling from H01c above yes
terday's market
The demand for thla cereal was easily
strong enough to take care ot the offerings,
but the trade was limited on account of
light receipts.
Rye and barley continued quiet, with
light offerings, and theae markets remained
practlcaly unchanged,
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 697;000 bu.; corn, 19,000 bu.; oata, 130,000
Primary wheat receipts were 416,000 bu.
and shipments 494,000 bu., against receipts
of 634,000 bu. and shipments of 360,900 bu.
last year.
PisjhiHry corn receipts were 931,000 bu.
and Shipments 440,000 bu., against receipts
of 426.000 bu. and shipments of 487,000 bu.
last year.
Primary oats receipts were 659,000 bu,
ftnd shipments 826,000 bu., against receipts
of 642,1X10 bu. and shlpmenta ot 740,000 bu.
taut year,
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 68 370 341
Minneapolis 80 .. .,
Duluth 70
Omaha 46 166 19
Kansas City 87 14 9
8t. Louis 66 41 4)8
Winnipeg 880 ..
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter; 1 car, $2.t$.
No, 2 hard winter: 3 cars. $8.82. No. 3
hard winter: 1 car, $2.89; 1 car, $3.88; 1
car. $2.86. No. 8 mixed durum: 1 car,
$2.65. Sample mixed: 1 car, $2.26.
Barley No. I: 2 can, $1.30. No. 1 feed:
1 car, $1.17.
Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, tl.47; 5 cars,
$1.66V, 6 cars, $1.64. No. $ white: 1 car,
$1.66tt; 3 cars, $1.46H. No. $ yellow: 3
cars, 11.66 ; 4 cars, $1.66 V. 8 cars, $1.46.
No, 8 yollow: 8 cars. $1.66; 4 cars,
$1.66 tt; 1 car, $1.66. No. I mixed: 1 car,
$1.66; 11 cars, $1.66H: 1$ cars, $1.66. No.
3 mixed: 9 cars. $1.66; 10 oars, $1.66.
No. 4 mixed: 8 cars, $1.66; 2 cars, $1-66.
Oats No. t white: 4 cars, 46 4c, Stand
ard: 1 car, 66Hc; 1 car, 64c No. S white.
4 cars, 66c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 66H0; 1
car, 65c. Sample white: 1 oar, 640; 1
car, 66c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No, 1 hard.
$2.8802.92: No. 3 hard, $2.8603.89; No. 4
hard. $2.7202.82. Corn; No. 2 white, $1.66
01.67; No. 3 white, $1.6601.66; No. 4
white, $1.6601.66; No. 6 white. $1.640
1.66; No. 6 white, $1.6401.65; No. S yellow,
$1.6601.664; No. 3 yellow, $1.4801. 66i;
No. 4 yellow, $1.6801.66; No. 6 yellow,
$1.6601.66; No. 4 yellow, $1.6401.46; No.
2 mixed, $1.6601.66; No. 2 mixed! $1,660
1.66; No. 4 mixed, $1.6601.66; NO. 6
mixed, $1.6601.66; No. mixed, $1,440
1.66. Oats: No. 2 white, 66066c;
standard, 66066c; No. 2 white, 660
660; No. 4 white, 6066e. Barley: Malt
ing, $1.1601.32; No. 1 feed, $1.1301.17.
Rye: No. 2. $2.2801.39; No. 2, $2.1702.2$.
Local range or options
Art. J Open. I High. I Low. Close. Yes.
Wheat 1 I I
July 3 23 2 83 282 2 3$ 282
Sept 2 05 3 05 206 2 06 202
July I 67 1 (9 1ST 1 6 160
Sept 1 50 1 60 147 1 47 160
Doc. 1 13 .11$ 110 1 10 118
July 60 60 60 0 63
8ept 61 51 61 61 53
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
1 315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha:
Art, j "Open. High. Low. Close, I Yea.
' Wht
July 3 38 2 29 230 2 22 288
Sept 2 08 3 11 206 2 08 202
July 1 57 1 68 154 1 67
Sept .161 152 147 148151
Dec. 1 14 1 16 J 10 1, 1 12 116
July ' 64 64 !2 S 44
Sept 54 55 63 64 66
Dec. .56 67 66 65 66
July 28 96 28 95 38 80 38 85 38 80
Sept 88 90 $9 00 38 85 38 96 38 76
July 21 72 21 75 21 60 21 65 21 $
Sept 21 87 21 87 21 76 21 80 21 80
July 21 20 21 20 21 05 21 10 21 07
Sept 21 82 21 32 21 17 21 25 21 20
Good (irowing Weather Over Kenttre Wheat
Belt Has Bearish Influence In the Pit.
Chicago, June 12. Ideal weather condi
tions over the greater part of the whaat
bait had a bearish effect on prices today.
The outcome was an unsettled finish, 1 to
6 points net lower, with July at $2.33 and
September at $2.08. Corn closed to 3
points down and oats off 1 to 1 points.
Provisions wound up unchanged to 20c
Welcome rain fell in the spring wheat
region, whereas warm weather prevailed
throughout most of the winter crop terri
tory. The moisture In the northwestern
states and In Canada tended to relieve
drought, which had been compalned of. On
the other hand, seasonable temperature!
and abundance of sunshine were greatly de
sired to hasten the maturity of winter wheat
and to promote the northward spread of the
harvest. Reports of Increased arrivials of
wheat In Great Britain and of a liberal
floating supply counted also against the
bulls. Scarcity of cash offerings here and
at other domestic centers, however, helped
to check declines and to bring about at one
time a decided rally. Business showed no
increased volume over what has been the
rule of Iste.
Corn like wheat went down grade owing
to better weather conditions. Crop reports
from railroad and other sources were gen
erally optimistic, although considerable dam
age was said to have been done by ex
cessive rains, especially on lowlands. Eager
demand for immediate delivery corn led
after midday to a sharp bulge, which, how
ever, caused fresh realising by holders and a
renewed down turn of prices.
Oats ruled easier in sympathy with corn.
Belief that exporters had supplied their
wants for the present, also was a weaken
ing Influence,
Provisions were in brisk demand. The
stimulus appeared to be chiefly due to
higher quotations at Liverpool and In the
bog market here.
Ne.w York, Juno 12. Flour Firm; erring
patents, $14.40014.65; winter patents, $12.B0
018.75; winter straights, $13.16012.40;
Kansas straights, $14.15014.65.
Cornmeal Firm; fine, white and yellow,
$3.75; coarse, $3.40; kiln dried, $8.70.
Wheat Hpot, nominal.
Corn Bpot, easy; No. 2 yellow, $1.$4, c.
1. f; New York.
Hay Spot, easy ; standard. 74074 c.
Hay Quit; No. 1. $1.15; No. 2, 11.10; No.
3. 81.00; shipping. 9DHU,
Midges yultit; Bogota, 43c;
America, 42c.
Provisions Firm; mess, $41.50;
$44.00; short clear, $42.00044.00.
firm; middle west, $21.75021.85.
Tallow Weak; city, special loosf, 17c.
Butter Unsettled; receipts, 14,994 tuba;
creamery higher than extras, 39039c;
creamery extras (92 score), 38038c;
firsts, 37038ic; seconds, 3fl i37 ii.
Eggs Unsettled; reclpts, 33,i63 cases;
fresh gathered extras. 34035c; fresh gath
ered, storage packed firsts, 32 033 c;
fresh gathered, firsts, 31 032c.
Chseae Unsettled; receipts, 6,069 boxes;
state whole milk flats, fresh specials, 22
024c; state, average run, 23c.
Poultry Alive firm; no prices quoted.
Dressed quiet; prices unchsnged.
Metal Market.
New York. June 12. Mrttals Lead: firm;
spot, $12 bid. Spelter: quiet; spot, east St.
Louis delivery, $9.2509.60, Copper: firm:
electrolytic, spot and nearby, $33.00034.00
nominal; thiry quarter and later deliveries,
$28.60 ft" 32.00. Iron: firm, and unchanged
Tin: steady; spot, $60.50061.00.
At London Copper Spot, 130; futures,
129 10s; electrolytic, 1 142. Tin: spot,
236; futures, 233 10s. Lead: spot, 30 10a;
futures, 29 10s. Spelter: spot. 64; futures,
Stiffer Money Rates Again
Cause Cautious Trading ;
Uncertain Prices Bocome
More Firm, However,
New York, June 12. Trading proceeded
with greater caution today, a logical result
of latest factors) In the general financial sit
uation. Foremost among these wero the
stiffer money rates. Call loans did not rise
to their maximum of the previous day.
ruling between 3 and 4 per cent, but time
accommodations hardened of 1 per cent
tor most maturities.
The more conservative attitude for loana
and a new minimum for Russian exchange
were among the other Incidents that served
to take the keen edge off bullish enthusiasm.
Theae were neutralised in part by a more
hopeful feeling regarding tho outcome of
the Liberty loan.
Prices were uncertain at the outset, but
became firmer almost Immediately, only to
fall bark before the end of the first hour
At midday another rally waa in order, the
movement attaining wider proportions on
the strength of rails.
Transcontlentala, grangers, coalers and
minor western and southwestern Issues fig
ured among the rails at extreme gains of
Iff 2 points. Pactflo Mall featured the
steamship shares at a further advance of
2 points.
Dealings dwindled on the rrhnund, the rise
evidently failing to evoke outside Interest.
Heat quotations were mad'- In the final
hour, but the movement wis again subject
to profit taking at that slug.
United Statea Steel, which fell to 139
on the liberal offerings of the forenoon,
rallied to 131 and closed at ISO, a net
gain of of a point. Bethlehem new stock
and Lackawanna Steel made extreme gains
of 1 to 2 points and Ravage Arms, one
of the Inactive munitions, made a net gain
Of 8 points at 88.
Industrial Alcohol and United Cigar Stores
were among the strongest Issues at the fin
ish, tho former making up much of yester
day's severe decline. Motors, oils and augers
were backward throughout the session. Total
sales, 776,000 shares.
Bonds were Inclined to droop, Paclftcn
showing some Irregularity with tow priced
convertibles. Total sales, par value, $9,460,
000. United States bonds were unchanged
on call, but the coupon 3s fell per cent on
a single sale.
Number of sales and range ot prices of
tne leaamg atocKs:
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Amer. Beet Sugar. 600 95 96 96
American Can .... 4,300 50 49 50
Amer, C. A F 1,800 74 70 70
Amer. Locomotive.. 2,700 76 73 78
Amer. P. A It.,.. 12,700 133 119 121
Amer. T. A T 900 133 131 121
Amer. Z., L. A 8 22
Anaconda Copper.. 24,800 85 84 84
Atchison , 1,800 103 101 102
A. O. A W. I, 8.. 6,3r,0 1!4 111 112
Bal. A Ohio 1,900 73 78 72
Butte A Sup. Cop., 300 46 4b 46
Calif. Petroleum 21
Canadian Pacific. 1,200 162 161 161
Central Leather .. 24,700 99 97 48
Ches. A Ohio '8,100 61 60 60
Chi., Mil. & St. P. 3,100 75 74 74
Chi. A N. W 200 110 110 110
C, R. I. A P. ctfs 44
Chlno Copper .... 4,000 60 69 60
Colo, F. A 1 3.400 64 64 63
Corn. Products Ref. 8,000 33 31 32
Crucible Steel . . 19,600 80 78 80
Cuba Cane Sugar.. 6,000 45 44 44
Distillers' Secur. . 9,300 23 21 32
Erie 6.300 36 254 26U
General Elec 400 162 162 162
General Motors ... 10,000 10814. 106 107 U
Gt. No. pfd. . . 700 108 108 107
ut. no. ore cttt... 6,600 34 33 83
Illinois Central 104
Inspiration Cop. . 9,600 66 64 64
Int. M. M. pfd.... 2.500 81 79 80
Internal. Nickel . 1,100 41 41 41
Internat. Paper. ... 1,500 42 41 41
K. C. S 1,000 23 22 22
Kennecott Couner.. 2.900 47 4t;v 47
Louis. A Nash 125
Maxwell Motors .. 3.400 48 46 47
Mex. Petroleum .. 7,400 99 98 98
Miami Copper 8'i9 41 41 41
Missouri Pacific .. 2,300 28 27 28
Montana Power 96
Nev.tda Copper .. 300 25 26 35
N. T. Central ... 900 92 91 91
N. Y., N, H. A H . . 1,000 36 35 36
Norfolk A West... 600 126 124 125
Northern Pactflo . 1.200 104 103 103
Paclfto Mall 6,000 29 27 29
Pennsylvania ..... 2,100 60 63 63
Pittsburgh Coal .. 9,400 60 49 50
Raf Cons. Copper.. 4,400 30 30 30
Beading 47.800 96 94 96
Republic I. A S.... 7,700 92 -90 91
Shattuck Arl. Cop. ,f ?S
Southern Pacific .. 2.000 93 92 93
Southern Railway.. 4,300 28 27 27
Studebaker Corp. , 14.100 85 79 80
Texas Co 2,900 216 215 214
Union Pacific .... 8,900 137 136 137
U. S, Ind. Alcohol 18.100 166 1R6 166
U. 8. Steel 171,700 131 129 130
U. H Steel pfd..., 2,000 117 116 117
Utall Copper .1,100 116 116 116
Wabash pfd. "B". , 1,300 26 6 36
Western Union .... 700 94U Si a
Westlnghouse Elec, 8,000 64 63 63
Tout sales for the day, 776,000 shares.
Hew York Money Market.
New York, June 12. Mercantile Piper
per cent,
Sterling Exchange Blxtv-dav bills. 14.78-
commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.71;
commercial sixty-day bills, $4.71; demand.
vie; csDies, ft.77-is.
Silver Bar, 77c; Mexican dollars, 9o.
Bonds Government steady: railroad.
Time Loans Stronr: alxtv dava. nlnetv
days and six months, 606 per cent.
sioney uan, lirm ; nigh, 4 per cent ;
low, 4 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent;
last loan, 4 per cent: cloalna- bid. 4 ner
oent; offered at 4 per cent.
u. 0. zs, reg.. 96K. C. S, ref, 6s 86
do coupon... 96L. A N. unl. 4a 91
U. S. Ss, rag,., 8M. K. A T. 1st 4s 67
do coupon..,. 98 Mo. Psc. gen. 4s 60
U. S, 4s. reg. ...104 Mont. Power 6s. 96
do ooupon.,..104N. Y. C. deb. 9s. 104
Pa. 8s cupon... $7N. Psc. 4s 88
Am. For. Sec, 6s. 95 do 3s 62
A, T. A T. clt. 6s 9R0. 8. L. ref. 4s. 86
Anglo-French 6s 93Pac. T. A T. $s.. 07
Armour ACo4s 90Penn. con. 4a.,102
Atonnon gen, s. ss ao gen, 4s., vn
Bait A Ohio 4s. 86Readlng a-n. 4s. 31
Can. Leather 6s. 99 8. L. A 8. F a. 6s 66
Cent. Pac. 1st... 86 8. Pac. cv, 6s... 99
Ches. A O. ov. Ss 68 do ref. 4s 86
C, B. A Q j. 4s 88 8. Railway 6s.. 49
C M A 8 Pg4s l6-Tex A Pac. 1st 40
C. R. I. A P r. r. 4s71 Union Pac. 4s... 92
-uoio s 0. r. ms 7H go cv. is. no
D. A R. G. ref. 6s 69 U. 8. Rubber 6s. 97
Dom. of Can. 6s 95U, 8. 6 red 6s. ..104
tone gen. ... BiHwatmsh. 1st 100
Gen. Elec. 6s..l01W. Union 4a. 92
Gt. N. 1st 4'is.. 94
11. cent. rer. 4s. 86 u "old. Offered.
Int. M. M. 6s.. 91
Loeal Storks and Bonds.
Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker A
Co., 449-62 Omaha National bank building;
STOCKS Bid. Asked.
Cities Service pfd ...86 87
Continental O, A E, pfd., Ya 76
Cudahy Pkg. Co.. com .....120 122
Douglas Hotel Co., comb 76 82
K. C. Ry. pfd 67 61
Lincoln TAT com. 7 net OR SBU.
O, A C. B. S. Ry. pfd 70 75
O. &. C. U. Hy. ii. pfd CO 6Ti
K. C. Ry. pfd 57 61.
Orchard A Wllhelm 7 ret pfd.. 99 mo
M. C, Peters Mill, fl pc pfd. ...100 101
Swift ft Co 157 167
Union Stock Yards 6 pet 103
Wilson A Co. pfd 103 104
Deere -fc Co pfd 98 99
Amer. Forf. Sec. 6s 95 95
Argentine govt, oa 07 (
Canadian govt. 6s ,,, 94 94
Cudahy Pkg Co 6s 98 98
Dstrolt Old Str. A T. 6ri 99 100
lows Ptd. Cement 6s 99 100
K. C. Tormina! 4s 84 86
Memphis School 6s 102 102.98
Omaha Gas. Co. 1st con. 5s 99 ....
O. A C. B. St. Ry. 6a 94 96
City of Omaha paving 4s 4.10 4.20
Omaha Atb. Club 6s 99 100
Pender, Neb., h pet Sewers.''. . .101 102
Sioux City Stock Yds 6s 90 87.
Ran Francisco Waters 4.36 4.40
Thurston Co., Neb. Sch Bldg. 6s.. 4.60 4.76
U. 8. govt. 3s 100
Sugar Market.
New York, June 1. Sugar Raw steady:
centrifugal, 6.4c; molasses, 5.01c; refined
steady; fine granulated, 7.50c, Futures
ruled quiet thla morning with trading con
fined to September, which showed an ad
vance of two points.
Futures closed easier on 11 in Idol ion 2 to 4
points lower; July. 6.07c; September, 6.18c;
December, 5.01c; January, 4.78c, Sales,
6,700 tons.
New Tork Dry Goods Market.
New York, Juno 12. Dry Gods The
market continued strong today with many
dry goods lines withheld, because of the
sharp rise In cotton. Better trade In broad
silks was attributed to the rise In raw ma
terials. Men's wear was firm with ad
vances expected.
St. Louis Grain Market.
St. Louis, June 12. Wheat No. 2 red,
$2.9602.98; No. 2 hard, $2.95 July,' $2.27;
September, $2.07.
Corn No. 2, $1.72; No. 2 white. $1.72;
July, $I.K9; September, $1.48.
Oats No. 2, 69c; No. t white nominal.
Decision of Supreme Court in
South Dakota Express Case
Leaves Decisions to Inter
state Commission.
Washington, June 12. In the South
Dakota express rate case the supreme
court today annulled in part, so far as
they exceeded the state's powers, in
junctions of state court against the
American and Wells-Fargo Express
companies which required them to
maintain certain lower intrastate rates
despite Interstate Commerce commis
sion tariffs permitting higher rates to
prevent discrimination against Sioux
C'itv, la.
the court, through Justice Brande'S,
reaffirmed its ruling in the celebrated
Shreveport rate case and held that the
federal commission in regulating in
terstate rates has power to disturb
intrastate rates fixed by local stale au
thorities. Passenger Rates Increase.
Chicago, June It. Every railroad
in Illinois ordered its agents to sell
tickets, hroinnina todav. at a rate of
2.4 cents a mile. The order applies
to intrastate and interstate traffic.
Representatives of the railroads said
the order was not in defiance of re
cent state court decisions regarding
the state 2-cent law, but in compli
ance with an order issued last Friday
by Federal Judge Dwyer of the
Lnited States circuit court at St
Louis, which empowered railroads to
increase their passenger fares on or
before June 12.
The ZtCciU passenger rate lias been
effective in this Mate since July 1,
1907. The rate of 2.4 cents a mile
for interstate passenger traffic in Illi
nois and neighboring states was fixed
by the Interstate Commerce commis
sion in December, 1915.
Order Previously Determined.
Railroad men said tonight the order
for increasing passenger rates on the
twenty-nine lines operating in the
state was decided upon and issued to
agents before the decision in Wash
ington in the South Dakota rate case
was known.
The states affected by the Wash
ington decision of today are Ne
braska, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michi
gan. Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
South Dakota, Missouri and Kansas.
Helen M. Kelly Wedded
To E. W. Baker, in Baltimore
Baltimore, Md., June 12. (Special
Telegram.) A fashionable wedding
took place this evening at the home
of Mr., and Mrs. Henry F. Baker,
Guildord, when their son, Edwin W.
Baker, and Helen M. Kelly of Omaha
were married. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Philip Cook
in the garden, where an altar was ar
ranged, with a quantity of daisies
against a background of palms. A
chain of daisies, supported by white
standards, each tied with a huge
bunch of daisies, formed the aisle
through which the bridal party
The bride was given in marriage
by Omar Powell of New York, an in
timate friend of Miss Kelly's father,
the late Allen I. Kelly, of Omaha and
New York.
Miss Emily Grace Young of Eas
ton, Pa., was maid of honor. The
two bridesmaids were Miss Anne L.
Baker, a sister of Mrs. Baker, and Miss
Catherine Wright. The two little
nieces of Mr. Baker, Peggy Breyer
and Kathleen Breyer, carried baskets
filled with rose petals and daisies,
which they strewed in the path of the
Mr. Baker had Ashley Gould of
Washington for his best man and his
ushers were his two brothers, Mr. Al
bert B. Baker and Mr. Henry F. Ba
ker, jr.; Mr. Arthur Middleton
Grimes of Baltimore and Mr. James
B. Melick of Media, Pa.
Misa Kelly, who is an orphan and
who has been spending the last two
months with Mr. Baker's parents, was
f;raduatcd from Swarthmore college
ast year in the same class with Mr.
Norris Has Amendment o
Priority Shipment Bill
Washington, June 12. An amend
ment by Senator Norris to the admini
stration priority shipment bill, ex
tending the provision for relief of
carriers so as to relieve also any ship
pers whose interest might suffer, pro
voked an all day debate in the senate
today, and will be discussed again to
morrow. Senators Knox, Pomerene,
Kellogg and Cummins were among
those who opposed the amendment,
which they said would be a source of
great expense and would serve no
practical purpose.
Wants Labor Men Placed
On All Exemption Boards
Washington, June 12. A request
that labor men be appointed to all
exemption boards under the selective
draft law has been presented to the
provost marshal general's office by
Samuel Gompers.
Mlnnrapoll" iinAn M.rkt.
Minneapolis June 12. Wheat July,
12.48: Hcptcmuer, 11.91; ciu,h. No. 1 herd.
I3.iai93.lli; No. 1 northern,' S3. 0303.OS; No.
3 northern. I2.3f3.03.
Corn No. 3 yellow. $l.fi0l I.68U.
0:itn No. 3 wblte, 6SV664io.
Flaxseed 13.07 ti &3.18 14.
Flour Unehanuea.
Rye I2.4302.4b.
Barley 11.001.4:,.
Br.n 126.00027.00.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit.
New York, Juno 12. Krutls Kvapurated
apples, quiet; fancy, 12013c; choke,
ll011c; prime. He.
Dried Fruits Quiet; California. 110
13c; Ore Rons, ll012c. Apricots, firm;
fancy, 22023c, nominal. Peaches scarre
nnd firm; standard, 10 c; choice, 11c;
fancy, 1 4 c. Raisins, easy ; loose mus
catels. 7 09c; choice to fanry, seeded,
809c; seedless, lO011c; London Jay
era, 18c,
4)11 and Hosln.
Savannah, June 12. Turpentine Steady;
39c; sales. 601 bbls.; receipts, 743 bbls.;
shipments, 197 bbls.; stock, 16,493 bbls.
Rosin Firm; sales, 1.980 bbls.; rocelpts.
2,270 bbls.; shipments, 1,632 bbls.; stock, 6J.
162 bbls. Cjnote: A, B. $5.f506.Gr.; C, D,
$5.65; K, $5.6005.66; K, $5.70; O, $6.75; H,
$6.8006.86; I, $5.86: K, $G. 8606. 00; M, $6.06
06.16; N, $C30; WO, $6.36 06.60; WW, $6.45
. St. Joseph Lire Stoek Market.
St. Joseph, Mo., June 12. Cattle Re
ceipts, 2.200 had; market active to steady;
steers, $9.00013.60; rows and he if ore, $6,000
12.60; calves, $8.00012.00.
Hogs Receipts. 6,600 head; market
steady to a irons;; top, $16.66; bulk of sales,
$15 00016.60.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head;
market, 10026c higher; lambs, $13.00016.60;
wethers, $8.00010.00.
Bank (ieartne;,
Omaha, June 12. Hank clearings for
Omaha today wero $6,97,688.94 and for
tho corresponding: day last year $3,678,-787.16.
Mrs. Ekstrom Loses Case
After Getting Big Judgment
Kansas City, Mo., June 12. (Spe
cial telegram.) 1 ne judgment ior
$.',500 awarded Mrs. Gertrude Bill-
ingsley Ekstrom in her suit, against
the Kline Cloak and Suit company
for damages fur false arrest and im
prisonment was reversed outright in
a court of appeals decision here to
day. The decision was that if the
firm could not arrest persons in such
cases it would have no protection
against the persons who would try to
misuse the firm.
old, became the bride of Dr. Ekstrom,
alleged at he time to he a well-todo
dentist of Omaha, after a whirlwind
courtship. They were married here
in December, 1914.
In the Silent Drama
Kim Emmy Wehlen will shlna for the
last times today at this theater In the
Metro Wonderplay, "Sowers and Reapers."
Many novelties are Introduced that are
murhly enjoyed, among them an audience
watching a special showing of a motion
picture film, another showing the- Inside
workinrs of a largo motion picture stuilio,
where the directors and actresses are shown
In "off ftage" views. Huperfesture offered
Thursday and for the balance of the week,
la Ethel Barry more In "The Call of Her
HippHarry Carey at this theater for
tho last times today In the Itluoblrd photo
play, "The Three Godfathers. This story
tells of a baby girl, who was adopted by
three cowboys, who raise her and then all
fall In lovo with her. Ilnrry Carey accom-,
pllshea some splendid work. The usual
good comedy Is also shown In connection.
Mum Ths story of "Clover's Rebellion,"
featuring Anita tttewert, which will be the
attraction at the Muse theater today and
tomorrow only, tells of three husbands that
have been selected for Clover Dean. Clover
rebelled. She was alow to atart, but when
she did, things happened; funny things, ex
citing things and very uprising things.
Ktramt A more bewitching widow naver
donned wee1s than Dorothy Dalton In the
title of "Wlnahlp'e Widow." which is seen
at the Strand today and tomorrow. It la a
sprightly tale of Virginia locale, and Is
beautiried by such scenes as the Hunt club
ball, the hunting expedition ot the party on
horseback, and the lovely mansion and
grounds where ardent court la paid the
widow. Just the ktntl of a story for sum
mery days, while "Ills Naughty Thought,"
Is the Keystone mlrthmaker, full ot laughs
and thrills.
Empress Many attractive touches are in
troduced In "Hally In a Hurry," which is
presented on the Empress bill today for the
laat time, In which Lillian Walker plays
the title role. The scenes showing her mod
eat home with her aunt suffering from
rheumatism and her mischievous little
brother and sister ar attractive In par
ticular and throughout Director North has
added bits which always please.
Empress Tandevllle Thrills and sensa
tions are provided at avery show at the
Empress this week by the Casting Campbells,
who accomplish a series of aensstlonsl tests.
Klein Brothers, cowed labs, with their new
line of Jokes era well raoelved at every
Kmpreaa Garden Every Wednesday and
Saturday the Km prase Garden will give an
afternoon, the dansant. Mr. Randall, popu
lar partner of Mile, Marlon, will be pres
ent on the dancing floor and will be pleasul
to give free Instructions In the latest dances.
On Friday night, also under the direction
of Mr. Randall, a tango contest will take
place, A beautiful silver loving rup will be
presented by tho management to the win
ning couple.
Aa AituiMBwit Value UsssuallsO Asywhtre
A Doubts thaw ter Or Admlulas ftkt
Tho Funny Nootral Admirals
A Man, a Maid and a Plana
Wonderful Exponents of Physical Strength
America'. SenMtlorui Ca.tlnf Act
Ev-y Wd. and Sat. AfUrnMn.
From 3:30 to S30
Free Dtnclnf Instruction, by
Entertainment That "Entertain,"
Last Times Today
Thursday Ethel Barrymore
Dorothy Dalton
"Wild Winship's
Anita Stewart
"Clover's Rebellion."
Lust Times Today
Harry Carey
"The Three Godfathers."
r !l