Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 14

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    2 B
is Going On
in Society Circles
CftpHnnwl from Par Ona.)
today, and will occupy their home on
Thirty-eighth avenue again for the
summer. Mrs. Allen ReeJ, formerly
Miss Bess Moorhead, has landed in
New Orleans from Panama and is
also expected here today, to remain
indefinitely. Her husband, Captain
Reed, is still on duty at Panama, but
has applied for torpedo duty and is
therefore uncertain as to Ins future
Social Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess re
turned Wednesday from the east.
Brinkley Evans returned Wednes
day from several days in Kansas
E. E. Bruce expects to go to Ex
celsior Springs next week for two
weeks. ,
Colonel S. S. Curtis and Miss Cur
tis left Tuesday for New York, after
six weeks here at the Fontenelle.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake went
to New York last Saturday for ten
days and will also visit Washington
before returning.
Mrs. M. B. Wilson, who has been
in California for some weeks, has re
turned and is with her mother, Mrs.
L. A. Burgess, at the Colonial again.
Hrs. H. M. McClanahan will return
today from the east and Dr. McClana
han will follow the middle of the
week. Miss Margaret Gamble, who
has been at Briar Cliff Manor, will
return with her.
Miss Fay Warren, sister of A. B.
Warren, is at the Nicholas Senn hos
pital recovering from an operation.
Mrs. R. Beecher Howell returned
Monday from a month in the east,
where she visited Senator and Mrs.
Hitchcock in WshirVn, and her
sister, Mrs. Forman, and Mr. For
man, at Redding Ridge, Conn.
Miss Hortense Clarke, who has
been at the Gramatan hotel at
Bronxville, N. Y.. for several
months, has returned to 90 Morning
side Drive New York City.
Mrs. W. A. Fraser and children
have returned from Dallas, Tex.,
where they have been since March,
visiting her mother, Mrs. Quillman.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metz landed in
San Francisco Thursday, enroute
home from an extended honeymoon
trip. No date for their arrival in
Omaha was stated in the wire their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz,
received. ' .
Miss Grace Robertson returned
Saturday morning from a four weeks'
visit in the western part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Kiddoo re
turned Thursday from their honey
moon trip and are at home at 4918
Chicago street.
Owing to absence from the city,
Mr. A. W. Jefferis will be unable to
take the part of the cardinal in the
nature masque, as was originally in
tended, and this role will be taken
by Mr. J. R. Cain.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards re
turned Thursday from a winter spent
in California.
J. J. O'Connor, jr., returned Friday
from a six weeks' trip to Los An
geles, Seattle and other western
cities. I
Mrs. C W. Russell has returned
from a week's visit with her daugh
ter, Florence, who- Is a sophomore
at Smith college. Miss Florence Rus
sell, Miss Harriet Sherman and Miss
Eleanor McGllton expect to stay at
Smith for the commencement this
year and wilt not be home until about
June 21 or 22.
Miss Margaret Howes will return
from Washington university, in St.
Louis, Tuesday. - Miss Rachel Met
calfe, who is a junior at the same
school, is staying in St. Louis for a
house party and will not be home
until the end of the month.
Mrs. E. R. Thompkins leaves today
for Washington to join her husband,
Captain Thompkins, who is an in
structor at the training camp at Fort
Myer, Vs. They will De stationed at
Fort Myer, where they have quarters
ready for them. Roger Good, Mrs.
Thompkins son, left Thursday to
stop a few days in Des Moines.
Looming on Social Horiion.
Miss Helen Stenger will entertain
at luncheon Monday at her home,
honoring Miss Annette Davis and
Miss Marguerite Motter of St Jos
eph1, her house guests.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George will
give a dinner at the Country club
Miss Mariorie Howland will enter
tain at tea Wednesday for Mrs. Sid
ney Smith of Hartford, Conn., and
Miss Martha Dale and on Friday Mrs.
Windsor Megeath will give a lunch
eon for Miss Dale.
The next activity of the Equal
Franchiso society will be a big lawn
fete on Saturday, June 30, at "Bon
nie Brae," the home of Mr. and Mrs.
iolm L. Kennedy, in Fairacres. Mrs.
Kennedy is chairman of this affair,
which will be one of the largest of the
season anil guild different from any
thing ever given in Omaha. The
sum of $245 realized from last week's
bridge party was divided between the
suffrage garden work and the Na
tional surgical dressings work.
Those who will have booths at the
Equal Franchise lawn fete at Mr. and
Mrs. Kennedy's will be Mesdames E.
A. Wickham. Eva Wallace, H. C.
Sumney, I. M. Metcalf, Willard Hos
ford, E. C Twamley, C E. Johannes,
James Richardson, E. S. Westbrook
and Louis C Nash.
Bellevue College Event
Dr. David R. Kerr, president of
Bellevue college, and Mrs. Kerr en
tertained at Rankin hall Thursday
evening in honor of the seniors. One
hundred guests were present. The
out-of-town guests were Dr. and Mrs.
James M. Patton and Mrs. Fred Kerr
of Omaha. Several of the boys who
left the college to enter military serv
ice and who are now stationed at
Fort Crook were present. Three of
them, Messrs. James Allen, Pierre
and Carlyl Picotte, obtained permis
sion to go in civilian dress. All dec
orations were in pink and white. The
parlors and library were filled with
roses and the dining room was deco
rated in peonies. In the receiving
line were Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Kerr
and Vice President and Mrs. C E.
Baskerville. freshman girls served
and presided at the punch bowl.
Misses Julia Kerr of Pittsburgh, Pa.;
For Quality and Service
- PboM Tyler 1022
Imperial Dye & Ceanine Works
. 1616 Vinton St -
I Autos Everywhere
tfa par peatae. way aaall .rears
Fair June Graduate and
Alma A. Jackson, home economics
Miller. French department, assisted
in the dining room. Throughout the
evening a group of students sang on
the oorch to the accompaniment of
ukuleles and mandolins.
Wedding Plans-
The wedding of Miss Gertrude Ko-
rald and Mr. Max L. Lowenthat of
Buffalo, N. Y., will take place Thurs
day at 5 o'clock at the home of the
bride's parents, Rabbi Louis J. Kopald
of Buffalo, brother of the bride, offi
ciating. A family dinner at the Black
stone will follow. The bridegroom
arrives Monday morning from the
east. Other than the bride s three
brothers, who came on last week for
the wedding, out-of-town guests will
include Mr. U Lowentnai ot tsunaio
and Mr. Edgar Lowenthal of New
York, father and brother of the bride
groom, and Mr. Leroy Present of
Rochester, N. Y.
On Tune 16. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Dimon Bird, at Greenwich,
Conn., the wedding of Mrs. Henrietta
Sands Anderson and Richard T. Mer
rick of Washington, D. C, will take
place. Mrs. Anderson was a resident
of Omaha at one time and was also
a guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart
Wildman in Council Bluffs. She was
a Washingtonian herself originally,
the daughter of Admiral Sands, but
since leaving Umaha she Has uvea in
New York.
Among the Visitors.
Mrs. Hueh Weed and children of
St. Louis arrived Sunday to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter,
for a month.
Miss Annette Davis and Miss Mar
guerite Motter of St. Joseph arrived
Thursday to be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Menger ana miss neien
Stenger. They came for the latter's
graduation Tuesday from Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brady are
exnectinir their daughter-in-law, Mrs.
rial oraay, to arrive next monuay iu
be with them for the summer. She
was expected last week, but instead
spent the week at Junction City,
which is only four) miles from the
Fort Riley training camp, where
Mr. Brady is a student officer and
where a number of the officers' wives
are staying.
Mrs. Dan Lauer of Lincoln and her
children, who have been visiting her
mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown, returned
home Monday.
R. P. Schwab of Passadena, Cal.,
arrived this week to join Mrs.
Schwab, who has been the here the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trim
ble for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs.
Schwab return to California shortly.
C C. Rosewater arrives tomorrow
from Los Angeles for the graduation
of his daughter, Charlotte, from
Brownell Hall, after which he goes
east on business.
Mrs. Ada Pattee Snyder of Perry,
la., who was the guest of Miss May
Mahoney for ten days on her way
from California, left Wednesday in
her car for Perry.'
Miss Elizabeth Cahoon and Miss
Katharine Owen of Racine, Wis., ar
rived Tuesday and Miss Katharine
Light Saturday night for a two weeks'
They do, not because it la a fad,
but because they wish to obtain the
greatest possible hair beauty and
be sure they are not using anything
harmful. They have found that in
washing the hair it it never wise to
use a makeshift but ia always ad
visable to use a preparation made
for shampooing only. Many of our
friends say they get the best result?
from a simple home-made cgnthror
mixture. You can use this at a cost
of about three cents a shampoo by
getting some canthrox from your
druggist, and dissolving a teaspoon
ful in a cup of hot -water. This
makes enough shampoo liquid to ap
ply to all the hair instead ot just the
top of the head, as with most prep
arations. Dandruff, excess oil and
dirt are dissolved and entirely disap
pear in the rinsing water. Your hair
will ba so fluffy that it will look
much heavier than it is. Its lustre
and softness will also delight you.
Mother Much Feted
visit with Miss Laura McConney.
Mrs. F. S. Cowgill arrived Wednes-
day from Chicago and is at the
Blackstone. Saturday night Mr. and
Mrs. A. V. Kinsler gave a dinner for
her at home preceding the American
ambulance movies at the Boyd. Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler will give
a dinner for her at the Country club
Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Meyer are giving one Wednesday
for her at the club. .
Visits Son at Fort Snelling.
Mrs. A. B. Jaquith left Friday for
Fort Snelling to see her son, Arthur,
who is at the training camp. From
there Mrs. Jaquith will join her
daughter, Mrs. Elias Vail, and Mr.
Vail in Cleveland, where Mrs. Vail is
to be an attendant at the wedding of
Miss Alice Roberts to Mr. Scott Rog
ers of that city Monday evening. An
other attendant is to be Mrs. Charles
Schaff of Indianapolis, formerly Miss
Lucille Green. Both have visited
in Omaha and were schoolmates and
bridesmaids of Mrs. Vail. Mrs. Vail
is in much demand as a bridal at
tendant and on the 30th is to take
part in another wedding, that of Miss
Peggy Wardlaw of Rome, N. Y. Mrs.
Jaquith will remain east with Mr.
and Mrs. Vail at Poughkeepsie un
til some time in August.
Society Girls to Sing.
Prominent young Omaha women
will take part in the students' recital
which Mrs. Douglas Welpton will
give Tuesday evening at the Young
Women's Christian association. Miss
Grace Slabaugh will be the accom
panist and the singers will be Mes
dames Ethel Rector Brinkman. Edna
Hardy Hill Ethel Straight McCul
ley, Beulah Dale Turner, Misses Ger
trude Miller, Elizabeth Fry, Amanda
department; Minnie L. Carter, Ger
man department, and Miss Viviane
"Dress Well Never Miss the Money"
i8 Ladies' Wool Suits V. PRICE
S3, $1-00
Men. Summer Oxfords, priced from $3.95 to $6.75
ummer She s for Women. .... .$5.00 to $K.50
Choose Prom These Three Special Lots
f Men' and Young Men' Suits
Vote These Prices and Values
$12.75 I $15.75 $22.50
XZKD Tha most highly valued asset of this
itora is the good will of its euatom.ra a sonar
or later you will buy your clothes ef the
Union why not sooner? All goods marked in
nlain fiiuroa.
tCt-tTlt CT'""'
net, Oorzctw.V
Miss Jessie F. Conaway is directing
the senior class play, "The Thread of
Destiny," of the South Side High
school, to be presented Wednesday
evening in the school auditorium. The
scene of the play is laid in the sunny
south during the summers of '61 and
'65 and is especially appealing at this
time on account of its patriotic spirit.
The leading roles will be taken by
Hope Hibbard and Elmer Tissel.
The cast includes Bertha Houghton,
Caroline Hutchison, Jessie Tucker,
Martha Adams, Hope Hibbard, Sadie
Rotholz. Clare McMillan, Helen Lech
noski, tela Hunter, Magna Home,
Helen Bush, Elsie Bush, Feme Wil
liams, Marjorie Mullen, George Brad
ford, Milton Christianson, Willard
Granier, Bernard Walsh, Dudley In
graham, Elmer Tissel, Ernest Cald
well. Tebbens, Mabel Allen, Alice Duval,
Leota Parker, Louise White, Nena
Starr, Vera Pearson and Mary Chap
man. The ushers will be Mesdames
E. A. Wethers, Gladstone Derby, C.
E. Johnston, Misses Edna Pickering,
Charlotte Maxwell and Henrietta
West. '
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Parker of Buenos Aires.
South America, who are visiting
Omaha friends, a dinner was given
Friday evening, followed by dancing.
Covers were laid for:
Meaara. and Meadamea
Thomaa Parkar, C. Bulla,
C. H. Marline, W. B. Taf,
Claude Orchard,
Dr. and Mra. R. FJ. Schlndel.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bekins had as
their dinner guests:
Meaara. and Meadamea
Mlaa Ann Pranse, Melvln Boklna,
Reed Beklne, Paul Bekins.
Loa Anselea, ,
Mr. and Mra. lfartln BeklnsJ Loa
Dining together at another table
Meaara, and Haadainea
Frank Roberta, Mra. H. B. Mathaon,
Henrv Nvaaard. T. J. Donahue.
W. R. Overmlre, Mlaa Orace Barber,
M. M. Murray, Mlaa Haycock,
F. R. Roblnaon, Arthur SwAnson,
Dan Johnaon, I. E. Norfleet.
James Allen,
Breen-Stultx Wedding.
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth E.
Stultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
f These flowers are 10 or more?
days late this season. They are
starting to bloom now and will
i continue to bloom for 3 or 4 weeks.
-The quality of the bloom is ex-1
cellent this year. s
The grounds are open to the
1 public, and, as usual, cut flowers ?
are sold at popular prices.
Omaha, Nebr.
I Phon. Walnut 2983
a On Dodge Street 6 miles west
of postoffice.
mm t - s f i
27 Ladies' Spring Coats. , Va OFF
47 Spring and Summer Dresses, y9 Off
Balance of Our Millinery Stock at Lest
Than Va Price.
Bargains -From Our Clothing
SOe Ladies' Onyx Silk Fiber Hot,
only 25
35c Man's Onyx Silk Fiber Hose, only 19
f 1.25 Ladies' Whit Summer Waiats,
nly : 89
75e LadieV White Summer Waists,
only 37J
$4.00 Ladies' White Canvas Oxfordt,
nly 82.15
$1.50 Ladies' White Corded Wash Skirta,
only 98
$1.50 Ladies' Flounced Satin Petticoats,
. nly 89t
"Draaa Wall Navar Mlaa tha Money"
f""lfir'Tr I'OTFI pQ.R
10, 1917.
Theodore J. Stultz of Lincoln, Neb.,
to Mr. Leo J. Breen. son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Breen of this city, took
place on June 2 at Memphis, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Breen will make their
home in Birmingham, Ala.
Petracek-Bartunek Wedding.
Miss Lottie Bartunek and Mr. L.
R. Petracel' were united in marriage
in Omaha, Monday, June 4th. The
bride was attired in a pearl grey taf
feta suit with a white milan hat. She
wore a corsage bouquet of sweet peas
and Killarney roses.
Her bridesmaid. Miss Margaret
Janovy, wore a black and white
checked st'it, with hat and shoes to
match, and carried a shower bouquet
of sweet peas and Mrs. Ward roses.
The best man was Harry Chronister.
After the ceremony, the bridal
party left for Schuyler, where the
wedding' dinner Was given by the
bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Petra
cek will reside in McCook, Neb.
At the Field Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimble had
as their dinner guests at the Field
club Saturday night:
Meaara. and Meadamea 1
Will Carey, C. C. Trimble.
Leon Millard, Harry Steele.
Ouy L. Smith,
Dr. and Mra, E. C. Henry.
Stork News.
A sAn, Walter G. Weaver, ir.,
was welcomed at the home of his par
ents Thursday in Alice. Texas. Mrs.
Weaver, nee Sarah M. Sanborn, was
a teacher m the umaha schools.
News comes from Honolulu of the
birth of a daughter to Major and Mrs.
Clarence R. Day. Mrs. Day s mother,
Mrs. A. B. Smith, is in Honolulu with
A daughter, a Liberty bond baby.
was born Saturday noon to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter C. Klopp. Mrs. Klopp
was formerly Miss Margharetta
Affairs of Past Week.
The King's Builders- class and
friends of the North Side Christian
church entertained at a farewell sur
prise party on Friday evening at the
home of Miss Eva Helms, in honor of
Miss Viola Stoner, who leaves June
10 tor mew snaron, la., and later tor
Florida. Music and games were the
features of the evening. Those pres
ent were the Misses Betty Cook,
tdith Morris, Mildred Powers, Eva
Helms, Viola Stoner, Jessie Powers,
Mary Gibb. Mabel Kellev. Marv Pow
ers, Mildred Anderson, Rae Cameron,
hlla Johnson and Mesdames Mrs.
Harold Helms, Mrs: J. E. Helms, Mrs.
Clarence Weberg and Mrs. George
Miss Rose Toman entertained at
a patriotic party at her home Sunday.
The evening was spent in singing pa-
Hundreds of Articles to Select From at
Brodegaard's Reduction Sale
This big sale affords you a wonderful opportunity to purchase Graduation
and Wedding Gifts of quality for less money than ever before.
$100 Diamond Ring, blue, white
platinum setting. This waelt,
only 875.00
$59.00 Diamond Ring, blue,
white, in platinum settin. Thia
wook .....845.00
$39.00 Diamond Ring, blue,
whita, platinum settinci. Thia
wook 830.00
$27.50 Diamond Ring, fine blue,
whita, platinum sotting. This
wook . 820.00
$16.50 Diamond Ring, blue,
white, fancy setting. This
waok 812.00
$16.00 Diamond Ring, fine blue
white, open work setting. This
wook 811.50
17-Jewel Hamilton,
year case. Thia week
I4-k., 25-
17-Jewel Hamilton, 25-year thin
model case. This waek,
only S2S.00
$9.50 Elgin MoToment, duat
proof caao. This week. .87.00
$30.00 17-Jewel Elgin, 20-year
14-k. caae. Hunting or Open
Face. Thia wook. ... 819.75
$20.00 17-Jewel Illinois, 20-year
14-k.. case, dust-proof. This
week, only .813.75
$30.00 Roae Spacial, 17-jowel,
14-k., 25-yoar caae. This waek,
only 816.00
$18.00 14-k., 20-year Bracelet
Wateh, 15-jewel movement.
Thia week, only 812.75
$25.00 14-k. 20-year Octagon
Case, 15-jewel movement. This
weok 81S.75
$15.00 Men's Bracelet Watch,
Elkin movement. This week,
only 812.00
$13.50 Ladies' Gold Filled
Bracelet Watch. This week.
Cm;.'. Wriat Watch. This
week $3.25 and 84.00
At the Sign
of the Crown.
triotic hymns and dancing. Those
present were:
Celta Oarlen.
Geneva Savltsky,
Fern Fletrher,
Florence Savtteky,
Clara Olaun,
AuguM Onrada,
Adolph Perlna,
John Vecek,
Frank Strudl,
John Toman,
Marcella Mofrit,
Rone Tomnn,
Antonle Toman,
Sylvia Bavltaky.
Victor Smith,
Jerry Vacek,
Jeaay Saeek.
Joe Janvlck,
Sam Onrada.
Mra. Toman.
The enior day students at Mount
St. Mary's academy gave a luncheon
at the Blackstone Thursday for the
senior boarders, followed by matinee
party. Mrs. C. H. McMahon chaper
oned the group. Covers were laid for:
Helen McMahon,
Jesele Dragoo,
Margaret Hannan,
Margaret Hoctor,
Mildred Connora,
Eileen Brown.
Ruth Key,
Marie Bell.
Fay Chnmbera,
Ellen Hanley,
Maria Roach,
Roae Bultn.
Personal Mention.
Mr. S. Ravitz left last week for
Rochester, N. Y., to attend the an
nual convention of the O. B. A. lodge.
Mr. Ravitz will spend several weeks
in the east, returning by way of Ex
celsior Springs, Mo., where he will
stay for a short while.
Miss Elizabeth Redman is making a
two weeks' visit with Mrs. M. J. Lis
comb in Dunlap, la.
Mr. Charles W. Russell, who has
been seriously ill, is recovering.
Mrs. C. B. Rustin is at home from
Clarkson hospital and has her grand
daughter, Mrs. Brandon Howell,and
Mr. Howell with her until she is quite
well again.
We are prepared to sell ordinary
grain alcohol (medicated) tor bath
ing, face lotioni, antiseptic and all
medicinal and mechanical purposes.
This alcohol conforms with the laws
of the state of Nebraska, mlso the
federal law.
ISth and Douglas Sts., Omaha.
We are closing oat all our new
Enamel Befrigeratori and Ice
sacrifice In prices, and starting m nwz
in with oar $8.50 Ice Box for VliQQ
With proportional close-ont prices on the'
rest. Ion cannot afford to miss the bar
gains we offer If yon want an Ice Box, (ras
Store, Baby Boggy, Bags, Bed or anything
In the Fnrnltnre line.
2-lnch post Beds, tell everywhere else from
$&0 to 11240, on sale here at.... $5.89
Sacrifice Furniture Salefo
We are forced to sell the balance ef the $25,000 stock of high-grade
0( the Big Four-Story 12th St. Warehouse
Which Is on Sale In Onr Salesroom, Corner 14th and Dodge.
Follow tho exoaaBl of roar friend. mm4 ndirhbon aod ar
efeaao from wa darln hl. bis; o.lo. They hove aaved aa.o.j and
ron can. loo. Tho bargain, wo offer eanaot bo dupUeataa' aarwhoro
Phone Douglas 1517.
$33.00 Very Fine Cornelian
Cameo, mounted in gold with
seed pearl edge. Thia week,
only 822.00
$16.50 Finely Carred Cornelian
Cameo, solid gold hand-hammered
mounting. This week,
only . -811.00
$18.00 Large Pink Cameo, solid
sold hand-made mounting. This
wook 812.00
$4.50 Pink Cameo Brooches, 14
L gold filled mounting. This
week, only ,...83.00
$10.00 Diamond La
solid gold. This week
$6.75 Solid Gold La Velliere,
aaaorted sots. This week,
only .83.50
$13.50 Diamond Scarf Pin, fan
cy solid gold mounting. Thia
week 87.75
Solid Cold Tie Clips, $3.00 to
$6.00 values. This weak.
Our entire stock of Gold Filled
Cuff Buttons. This weok, your
choice, at . .81.00
$3.00 Gold Filled
Chains. Thia week,
$2.50 Gold Filled Knife, sot
small diamond; 2 blades. Thia
week 81.50
$1.50 Gold Filled Knife, plain
or engraved; 2 blades. Thia
week 98t
$3.00 Gold Filled La Valliores,
aaaorted sets. This week, at,
only 81.00
$3.00 Child's Locket and Chain.
This week 81.50
Sterling Silver Thimbles,
Sterling Silver Hat Pins. This
week, only 194
Brodegaard Bros.
Former Omaha Man on
Boat Sunk by Torpedo
Lieutenant Harry Diehl, who mar
ried Miss Mildred Merriam of this
city, was second in command on the
Hilary, which was torpedoed in the
North Sea on May 28 or 29, and it
was only on Thursday of this week
that Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merriam,
parents of Mrs. Dichl, had a cable
announcing his sa.fe arrival on May
30 at Skelmorlie, Scotland, where his
wife is living. Lieutenant Diehl
reached home iust in time to welcome
the arrival of a baby daughter, who
was born May 31. The cablegram said
that both mother and baby were do
ing well. This is the second daugh
ter born to Lieutenant and Mrs.
Diehl, who were married before the
outbreak of the war. when she was
abroad with her mother.
Flowers are as important as the cos
tume, and the correct style Is also
necessary. Here Is where you should
John Bath
1804 Farnatn St.
Phon. Douglaa 3000
aaaafk ATTfi
4TrHWTl(W An rWea
Farnltu Barsau
1 1 " j u urn
k 1 B
model White
Boxes at big
Corner Hth and Dodge, Omaha, Keb.
Rogers' 6 Knives, 6 Forks, Thia
week 83.15
Rogers' Table Spoons, set of 6.
This week 82.50
Rogers' Deaaert Spoons, set of
6. This week 82.00
Rogers' Teaspoons, set of 6.
This week 81.00
Holmes & Edwarda' Jelly Serv
er This week 75
Holmes dc
Ladle. This
week ....
$6.50 Cut Glass Flower Basket,
15 inches high. This week,
$6.50 12-inch Cut Glass Cylin
der Vase. Thia week. .83:25
$10.00 4-Piece Silver Tea Serv
ice, quadruple silver plate. Thia
week 85.00
$3.50 7-Inch Cut Glass Flower
Basket. This week 81.75
Sheffield Sandwich Plate. This
week 82.00
$4.50 Sheffield Fruit Basket.
This week 82.50
$2.00 Sheffield Castor, 2 bot
tles. This waek 81.00
$2.00 Sheffield '
Dishes. This week.
'Bon Bon"
$7.00 Sheffield Cheese and
Cracker Plate. This week.
only 85.00y
Up the Golden
Stairs -