THE BEE: OMAHA. JUNE 1917. 10 Want Ad Rates I'Sl THE TELEPHONE if o cannot een eenlautlr brln or land In jour ade. Aak far ft Want Ad Tsker and you will re calra to. aama food eei-vlc. aa wood da Uvarlnf your ad at thla office, NIOMt TVI.KB MOO. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE FVEN1WJ KDIT10N8 12:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. ii. NO AD TAKEN TO LESS THAN SOe, ONE TIME, Q LESS THAU lOe A DAT. 4 CASH WITH ORDER. IP Sot Solid (No Illeplay.) PER WORD. EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphe! ar Displayed la Larger Typal la par lino ana lima 7o par Una. I or mora eonraeutlva laaertlons. SITUATIONS WANTED. Woaklr rata J0o par Una CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. I0O par Una aaeh luartloa (aUnlmum oharia, ( emu.) MONTHLY BATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No ohanra of copy allowad.) Oaa Una 11.01 Two Unas or mora 11.00 ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS, ZO par word ona tlraa 1U, par word, two or mora eonaacutlva IHartlooa. SPECIAL COMBINATION RATE. Oft Land, PooltiT and Other Art.ertlilnf. THE OMAHA BEB (ovar 00,000 dally.) I0TU CE.VfURT FARMER (ovar 110,000 waakly.) A oomblnad circulation which will roach both tba city and rural ralldant. Special Raff. Rataa. Rata. S Inaartlono 1b Omaha Baa and 1 Inaartlon In toth Cantury Farmar, par ward fa 7e Inn im OnW mnA 1 Inaartlon In 20th Century . Farmar, par word IOViC lie (Contraot rataa on application.) Movie Program Downtown. PRINCESS 1117 DOUGLAS BENT WILSON, and NEVA OERBHR, la thChapter. THE VOICE ON THE WIRE," "PRT OOODS AND DAMP DKEDS," North. ALAMO TWENTY-FOURTH AND FORT ONE VERY GOOD PICTURE And Aleo a GOOD COMKDf. ALHAMBRA 24TH AND PARKER MOI.LT KINO, In Ith Chapter "THE MYSTERY OF TUB DOUBLE CROSS." "IS MARRIAGE SACRED." DIAMOND 2TH AND LAKE EDDIE POLO, and ! MARY M'LAREN. In "MONEY MADNESS." ORAND SIXTEENTH AND BINNEI BESSIE LOVE, in a; dauqhter of the poor," AND CHMBUI, LOTHROP ' 24TH AND LOTHROP FRANCIS X. BUBHMAN. and BEVERLY BAYNE, In 14lh Chapter TUB OREAT SECRET," "BII.LT bmukb. PARK SIXTEENTH AND CALIFORNIA BEN WILSON, snd NEVA OERBER. In Ith Chapter ' 'THE VOICE ON THE WIRE," "A OOOD LITTLE BAD BOY." South. APOLLO iWH AND LEAVENWORTH MARGUERITE CLARK, in SILKS AND SATINS. BOULEVARD 33D AND LEAVENWORTH JOAN SAWYER, and -STUART HOLMES, In ' ; "LOVE'S LAW. BOBLFF StTH AND LEAVENWORTH ROBERT WARWICK, In "THE ARGYLE CASE." West DUNDEE tIST AND UNDERWOOD BESSIE LOVE, in "A DAUOHTKR OF THE POOR," AND OOOD COMEDY. South Side. MAGIO TWENTY-FOURTH AND 11 ALICE JOYCE and HARRY MORKY, la "HER SECRET. ORPHEUM TWENTY-FOURTH AND M Drn u nnr awn n "THE NEGLECTED WIFE." DEATHS, FUNERAL NOTICES HATT Roy e.. gd ai yean Vunarai tram residence. 88 14 North Twenty-seventh avenus, Friday, at 1:30 V. m Frindi invited FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ' it. ' 'L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director. V. B., Mgr., 28d and Cuming Sta Fhone Douglas ITT. Auto mbuunn. BDL8B A RIEPEN, undertakers and em balm, T01 B. Iflth. Douglas 1338. feUFFT ft JOHNSTON, embalm era and fu- naral directors, tit b. ictn at. xyier n. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and smoaimer, sea juea van worm, vou. , FLORISTS. BEINO a member of the National Florists' .Telea-raDh Delivery auoelatlon, wa ara Id position to delivery flowers on short ttotlca any w hero In tha U, & or Canada. Uaaa Bwoboda, Fionata, rtDnVtlK ..anVah. nt r-.h fnwr. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM, LEE L. LARMON HU Pouirlii 6t. Douvlaa PARKER Flower hop, 411 8. 18th. P. 8101 THE FERNERY, Ml B. 16th St, Doug, ? hATH,Natlonal Flarlat, 1804 Farnam Bl. A. DONAOHUIS, Harney. Doug. 1001, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtht Joieph N. and Nova E. Provlnca. 4111 Camdan avanua. girl; Walter M. and Halite Blttner. BB1& North Twenty .fourth. boy; Brntl and Anna Kleichtr, 21 Corby, a-iri; Raymond J. ana iciei Xj. rtiromotfru 20(1 South TMrty-aecond avenue. Rlrl: E. M. and Mary Kelly. 1U!V North Sixteenth btvyi Olovanna and Buliepplna ConlfUa, 146S Blnaey, boy; Balvatora and Marlncca Llparl, 1V11 WUin JiiOniQ, tntj. JUKIIU eIIU vannlna Plnaito, 1106 Will tain, boy; Andrew ana IMstie Jensen, ibBO Howara, gin; Wil liam and Francea Barthoa, 1707 -Caldwell girl; Virgil and Haael Wllltama, 14) North Twenty-aecond, hoyy Walter and Georgia Lyles, 3824 Q. girl; Clyde and Lena Metager, :701 North Siity-aetond, girl; Harold and Lottie Dodendorf, 2174 Saratoga, boy; John and Narte Zark, 2K U. boy; John and Man rawiUBiR k thai rsouin -rniriy-iourin, boy: Elmer and Badle Cole, I 111 Lake, boy Thomaa and Roee Keano. Bill South Thir tieth, two glrla and a boy; Frank and tteiea twiv poum i waniy . third, arlrl: Albert and EHubeth Hoftnan. 1041 South Nineteenth, girl; Alfred F. and Uarale Rogert 1401 Evana, boy; Julius D, and Ida Kendla. 43 North Thirty-third glrlt Louie and Rom Cantonl, 1134 South sTwentyflrit, girl: Adolph and Margaret Decabooter, I0EI Bouth Thlrtyninth avenue, boy; Howara R. and Blelia cronic, hoepltal, boy; Robert and Edith Mullln, 2! Corby, bor. Death Do Me Raielton, 190t Bouth Ftrty-flfth; John B. UcDowell, TO, 1ST North Thlrty-aeventb; Anna Virgil, 61. hoepltal; Samuel Dubba, 1, hoepltal; Elmer Kreba, II, aSOl South Eleventh; Laura C. Putman. 44, 42SS liayberry avenue; John Olrak, 4 day a, 1341 SouU BUteeutn. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Perutlta to wd have been laaued to thi folfowlna-. Nam and Residence. Age. Arthur W, Oleen, Omaha 17 Ethel B. llorae, Omaha 31 BenJ. 1L O raves. Omaha , ever SI Ida, JD. McOlll, Omaha .ovar 18 Philip P. Brugman. Council Bluffs. Ia.. ! Carman Kendall. Council Bluffs, la.... 28 William B. .Long. Parson. Kan 17 fladte Garth, Council Bluffs, la 16 donn aonn, vuwiw Barbara. B. Tonulck, Omaha............ 13 Charts D. Breraner, Madison. Wis..... 14 Betty C Hansen, Benson. Neb........ 14 Ernest A. John eon. Omaha 4 Carrla Kelson, tymana. Fred J. Wlcka, Omaha, Lha to Omaha i.. II Catherlna O. Bchaaftsr, BUILDING PERMITS. ""AKalfa Butter company 120 to ill Nortk Eleventh, addition. 9800. M. C .Peter Mill company, 801 to 11 South Twenty-ninth, a teat and brick warehouse, i 8,000. The Cran company, 14 to IU aamey, Itera tions and repairs. (MOO. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA St COITNCL UlgUKFH STREET RAILWAY COMl'ANT Pereons having loet eome article would do well to rail up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffe 8tret Railway Company to aevertato whether thuy left It la the street car. Many article! aaeh day era turned In and tha company Ii amicus to restore th.-m to the rightful owner. V YOU lose anything and will advertise It h?re you will aumiy recover ic u loinia by an donee t person. If you find anything of vnlue, the booest way la to advertise for the owner, BTIlAYIflD from niy (arm near fcale, Uriel. land pony ana con. k.owt dih-h, . win., feet. Colt brown and while. Notify Jim M. cnriatianaan. v a.iimamn. .v. LOHT-6mall auTtcaee containing lllk dreee- ee, at lttn and Farnam or uarney oie. Sultabla reward. Red S2ftSj FOR SALE Miscellaneous "Furniture snd Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Tio not buy any furniture, rugs or stoves until rou have aean ua first. We offer you a 125.000 STOCK Of HII1H-ORADB FUR NITURE. RIIQS. 8TOVES and COH PLKTB HOMU ClmTS for praotlcally your own prke. Wa ara forced to vacate our four-story werehouae. and Ita entire contents muet be aold tt once. Bale takes pises at our aalea room at Ihe corner of 14th and Dodge atreeta. Do not fall to attend. It Is an opportunity of a lifetime. Hundrerta have already taken advan tage of thla wonderful opportunity. Why don't youT STATE FURNITURE CO., ' O. 117. Cor. 17th and Dodgs ate.. Omaha. BARGAINS In furniture, Ice boxes, gas stoves, rugs, pens, china ana Kiicnea eaui nets, tables, chslrs, buffets, dreaaen. trunks, sultcsaea. Full line if poultry net ting, ecreen. 1111-47 N. 4th. Web. 1607. ICE CREAM tablea, off. fur., chain, refrlff.. Ira coolera, garden noae, porcn rumuure, Vlclrolaa and planoa lyal Furn. Co.. 333 N. 10th. City Furn. Co., 107 So. l(th. UUHH right down and get your share of all kindo furniture at eacrmee. eos w. lein 1630 MAPLK Complete 3-rom apt. for aale; leaving city. Pianoi snd Musical Instruments. FOR SAl.K A lao Lyon A Healy make; braao alldo trcinbone, In fine condition. Will gelt It for 118.71 If taken Immedi ately. Tlila Includei cloth-covered caae and muaio rack. Harold 8. Freeman. Craig, N'h. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. FOR GRADUATION Watc-hes and rlnga at Frledmaira, 1211 Policies. lumber snd Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beami. coluinna, biiclc, H. Hroaa l.umner and wrecK. co. wep. ze. Cameras and Kodaks, DPYri CAMERAS, every click a plc-,EJAJ- tun. tlreeua Pharmacy, Mtb and Howard. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new oarom and pocket, with complete outfit, Ilb0; aecond-hand tablea at re. duced prices; bowling alleys and aupplles; aaay paymenla. Cigar atora fixtures a sterlalty. Bund for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKB-'COLLENDER CO., 4P7-I South lOlh SI. Printing and Office Supplies. Wale. Bernhardt Pig. Co., Ml 8. ISth St. Sewing Machines. ""SEWING MACHINES Wo rant, repair, sell needlei snd parts of all sewing machines, MICKKL'fl NEBRASKA CI CLE CO., Ifith and Harney Sis. Doug. 1141 s'OR HALE Drop bead sewing machine. good running order, iiua new; ail attach ments, 110. Red til 29. Store and Office Fixture. ROlND CORNER cigar case, mahogany nnisn, marble base, at sacrifice, uiympia t;niT k i tenon. Typewriters snd Supplies. FOR BALE. Rebuilt Remington, Monarrh and smith-Premier typewriters. Prices lift and up. Fully guaranteed. Buyvfrom inanuiaoiurer ana d proteciea. iny ments. Remington Typewriter Co. Ido,. 19th and Douglas, Douglas 12S4. TVPRWRlTEHtt sold, rented and renalred. Kent an Oliver typewriter 1 months for 16. . Central Typewriter Eichange. 1106 Fart em. RliMINOTON, Monarrh and Bmlth-Pre- miers for rent: sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting Compsny. V. 1SB4. Uua ran toed Typewriters, $10 find up. Writs or int. Miuiana Typ. co no ooa ge. Miscellaneous. 6MAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and made up In freeh ttcks cost half tha price of new pillows. Call ua for samples of ticking and prices. JK07 Cum ing. Douglas I47. Wfl II A V 12 moved to new location. We buy, sen ana make nesKs, Seres, showcases, shelving, ato. Omaha Fliture and Supply Co., B. W. Cor. llth and Douglas Sta. Phone Doug. 8724. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACMK BOX COMPANY. HARNET 1S37. SWAPPERS' COLUMN UAVH lk atlckpln set with small pearls. soua goia mountings; vaiuea at fo. What have youT Box 8396. Bee, K1LMH developed free; one-day service. hate Kodak Btuaio. neviue B1U,, Itttb and Harney. F1VS one-month-old Belgian hares to trade ror n-gauge rine. Call Colfax 8406, WANT TO TRADE Small house and lot for iecona-nand Ford, 1311 Madlaon St. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used dunks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1807 Farnam. D, B164, FUKNITURB, rugs, stoves, talking ma c nines, ate. w pay best prices. Quick sales, reliable service. Phone Kdwln, Har ney 1771, or Harney 5781. T?T TTIUPMTU A T Willing to nay JJAJWlTiXJililxrViJ best orlcsa for men-s cio.ning ana snoem, call Una Hb, nTTl PT nTUTxTri and shoks. VUUlilUtU WH PAT THE r kicks, douuLAs 8081. Pays highest price f clothes. shoes, trunka. etc. nea i:st. nes., Dug, so 3 1, TjOYAT. FURNITURKCO. will pay w sneciat nnces ror your Douse- hold goods. Don't fall to cell Doug. 4177 B. LAY TIN pays highest prices for old eiotnes, snoes ana net. Fnont Tyier bio. SOL BERGMAN A CO. WANT pool hell or grocery store. 430 Rne Bldg. Phone Tyler US. BOOKS Bought. Kteaer, Lo'y'al Hotel Bldi BOOKS bought. 10 S. 18th. Tvler 1838. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleatinff. ACCORDKON, s'de, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all alsea and stylea; hemstitching, plcot adging, aju- let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. ' IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. Opposite Rrandela Store. SOB-tOI Brown Bldg. Douglaa ll VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 838-7 faxton Blk. Douglas J109, Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co. 838 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. S18t. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NKtv RNOLAND BAKERY. Ill N. 1TH. BRANCH KI4 PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "RETTBR BAKED "OOODS. Brass and Iron Foundertes. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. ITth and Martha, its. Baths. MAPSEU8E. baths, manlcurlnft. physical onn. Hies wamer, 134 Neville Blk. D. 4187. RITTENHOUSB Banltarlum ; all kinds baths. 110-214 Balnd.Blk.. 17th Doug lea. CKNTRAL Bath Institute, 1808 Harney, Douglas 7017. Bstelta Royce. mini., chip, 3gS Neville Blk. Blacksmiths. Black sra I thing, lawn mower aharpsn'g. lawn mowere ior sale. A. Bmltft son. W. J571. Caroenters and Contractors. LBSBARD at 8QN. 10 Zl Cunitng. Ty. 1811. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment ur. uurnorn, Kose bldg. Palmer Bchool Graduate. Douglas 834T. ChiroDodist. Carri X', 13ft Pazton Bldg, R. 4181, ANNOUNCEMENTS Cleaners and Dyers. S-PIBCE suit steam cleaned A preesed. 1; praaed. I8c. 1 401 lla rn.y. Had Detectives. OMAHA DUTEl'TIVaS ASBOCIAriON. MO let Nat. wk. Blrfg. Phone Tyler 610. JA M tjS ALLAN. 31: Neville Brit. Lvldenue secured In ail case Tyler ins. D J'lM.Y. 6U Faxton. Red 7401. , Dress Making. engagements with working families. R. 1714. JHRhTh. T. Mottaa. jsi 8. 27th. liar. Eg. TKRI1Y Dr.pemaklng Co.. 30th and Karnam. Everything for Women. SWITCHES made from romtilnga, 3 strands, $1. Webeter 41fif. 343S urant at. Fixtures and Wiring. fiTTPVIM Klectrlo washing machlnea, U U IVlYiiN electric Irona and readjng lampa. 3723 Cuming SL Doug. 3513. Hat Cleaners. Al.t. kinda hate cleaned and reblocked: la- dlea hats epeclal. 16SO Harney, n. w.i. American Hat Cleaners, Hi 8. Uth- D. 33CB" Insurance. BANKERS LIKa, OF LINCOLN. ,11 14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug, lilt. VAal aTiniahine riLWS developed free wllh print orders, ona pay aervice. r mil p.m, . Masse ures. UASSAOB. elllropody. Alia Head, I0I-14 Igalrd Blrig., 17th and Douglas. P. 3463. rRBD C. ALLEN, sciantlfle maaaeur; Swed loll maaeage and vapor btttha 1HI7 Dodge. CcnTral Bnth ftiet., W Harney. Doug, inl. MISS 1VKHT, manicure, rnaaaage. 210 N. 17. Osteopsthi. Mrs. J. R. Mualck. aulphor, tram and auca lyptus balha 103-8 Rosa Bldg. Ty. 8363. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BBIOHTEN YOUR HOIKS BEB FRKD PARKS. Wall Paper, Palnta and Olass, Picture Framing, Painting and Paper Hanging. 4823 S. 34th. Phone B: 101. Patent Attorneys. 8TUROES A BTUROE8, U. S. and foreign patents and trademark 330 Baa Bldg. PATRNTS procured, bought and sold. Inter. nstlonsl Patenl uo., asa aranoeia. u. ..... Pianos or Rent. .t per nyi. A. Hoap. Co., liH Douglas. Ragtime. Learn to play popular mualo In 14 leaeona. 2813 N. 24th. Ph. Web. 8060 after 0 p. m. Safes. CS A TM70 BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. B Af HiO J, J. Derlght Baf. Co. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowna. full dreaa suits for rent. TOO N. 17tn. jonn remman. i.. ..... 1'nwel Sunnlies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. P. HI, WeHrlinar Rrarinnerv WRDD1NO announcements and prlotlng. Douglas Printing Co.. Tel. uougraa a... Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, 1803 FARNAM. miHROUOHS CAFE. OMAHA, NKR (Ssrvlca), LINCOLN. NEB. 313 8. llth. 133 B. ian ot. AUTOMOBILES HUDSON 20 apeedater, Klsxaon horn, speed ometer, Bnacb mag. and a urea, suu. Yale Twin, In perfect ehape, 260; 3fls4, 3:i3Mj tires cheap; Bosch d. mag., Kellogg 4-cylinder air pump, Croaatown Oarage, 313 S. 24th St. . AUTO CLEARING; HOI SE. 1201 Fnrnam, Douglas lilt. 1211 Cols, 13l Stearns Knight 1910 Maiwell, 37a. ll Empire. 1400. TIRE REPAIRING, Flrst-flNM work at restinnabla price. THE TIRE SHOP, D. T. Crow, 2618 Farnam, Doug. W. WK will traUa you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAOB CO., tOth and Harney Douglas 1281. TRADE vour old battery In on a guaran teed Ever-reaily storage battery. Free In spection o( any battery. Ever-ready Btor- nge Bstlnry Co.. i3Qfl Farnam hi. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. Farnam St. Douglas SC3. Almost any make at reaaonable prices. WAN TE 1 FO U 8POT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action i no delay. Aute Ki ' change Co., 8107 Farnam St. Doug. s038. TKLL A BINKLEY. WW BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 2818 HarApy St., Doug. 1840. FOR SALE. A burgnln for cash; a four- cylinder Ruick Roadster, moaei; in good condition. I' none a. nm. ROADiSTKR, best Hupmoblle. Baxon or other car. Three hundred easa wilt ouy, Hot 41 a, Belleville, Kan. BARGAINS In used Ford cars Holmes-Ad- kins Co., 4811-17 8. S4tn. ynone a. BERTSCHY''Kan-FU-It," Southeast cor ner 10th and Harney Bts. Douglas 8851. WH art the used Ford men. Auto Salvage A Kxrhanre, 110 B. 17th. 1917 CHALM1SRS -30 touring. perfecL 4001 84th. TBI, SOUtn 4360. tires and Supplies. TIRH PRICB WRBCKERS. THIS IS NO 1 IN 1 TIRS. Second-hand tires and tubes; expert tire and tube repairing. Douglas "872. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1408 Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha. Neb Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways ready," Omaha uarage, iviv war ney St. Tyler 556, Auto Repairing and Painting. 100 reward for mttgneto wa can't repair. Colls repaired. Bayadorfer. 110 K. 18th. Motorcycle and Bicycles H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machlnea Victor H. Roos, "The Motorcycle Man 17th and I,avenworlh. PERSONAL THE. Salvation Army Industrial Uoma so Holts your old clothing, rurnuura. maga zines, We collect, Wa distribute. Phone Doug, 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodgs st. THIS Is to notify tha publlo I will not be responsible for any debts my wife, Mrs. Ella Outhouse, may matte rrom now on, SPLENDID home for two or three children under 14. Intelligent personal care, 3884 Si. Ifith Bt. wet. 43DS. . . BATHS and massage. Central Bath Insti tute, 1808 Harney Bt, Doug. 7087. Open venlngs. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, 378 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1668. MAE BRUOMAN, sclentlflo masseuse and hatha 303 Karbach Blk. Red 1737, Hi) ELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. 618 Paxton Blk. Red 3400. MAN1CURINO, electrlo and scientlflo mas sage. 107 8., St. Miss DeBar. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Beat care, ibos Bristol, wen. zoa. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4418 N. 3Stn Bt. Phorr coirax 3042. SCIENTIFIC maaaaga, 830 Be Bldg. Phone UOUglaS 8S7I. Edna Williams, massage, bath. 838 Neville- Manicuring and i 1633 Farnam. R, II. BATH8. massage. Phone Douglas 8761. BUSINESS CHANCES RESTAURANT FOR SALE Only restaurant In town uf 800, located on main afreet for sale cheap. Proprietor Is sick and must eelt Will sell for lump sum. or will Invoice. Mra Kmmr. Beagle, Fairfax. a. v. FOR SALE Tha best hotel In un-to-date western Missouri city, having paved streets ana street oars, can be bought at runt price ana on easy terms. Dr. u. w. qiuin. r. l. s t. Biag.. aiout city, ia. rOK SALE Oarage and dwelling. Good paying bualneaa. Selling out on account of other business. Ford contract goea wit oner. writ Boa 110, Roaalln. in en. v BAKERY,b lee cream parlor, confectionery, stock, tools and fixtures all com Diets: splendid location: good opening: chean. First Nattojial Bank Missouri Valley, la. CAN use good, lean-cm man with a few hundred dollar to travel with state right feature booked solid. References required. Munsaer, 110 Bromley Bldg. IF YOU went to sell or buy a buslnssa or rooming nous call on Busch A Borghoff, 710 World-Herald Bldg. Phone p. 3311 A BLACKSMITH SHOP with full equip ment for sals or trad for real estate. Wish a quick sale. Box Y 84. Bee. MOVING PICTURE machlnea. new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup Sly Co., 101 hat. Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES MOTION ploture machlnea new and re oullO, theaters supplied. Omaha Film Ex change, 108 B. 14th Bt. WASTE D A n eiperlenced collector to buy Interest In well paying detective ana col lection company. Box 41.85, Bee. SklLL or trade grocery and shelf hard ware store. AJ drees Box 166, AUDurn. Neb. FOR SALE Thlrt-thouand-dollar stock gen. merenanaise. aq areas at, wtwiorn, IN en. TO GET In of" out of business call on (JANGKBTAD, 422 Bfe Bl'Ig. DQUg. 847. 1 guaraiitoa aale of any business or real Si tate. r. v. Hniesi, Joee mag., uiwni. DOWD HALE AND AUCTION CO.. 1128 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3:. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, 340 BEE BLDG. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. It Tarry cure plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op erations. Curt guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs for book on rec tal dlsesse with testimonials. WHY SUFFER ? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases, Dr. Charles Barnes, 61I-C24 Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He Is curing thou sands. WHY NOT TOUT Daisys ars dsn geroua. If you can't call, write. Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; 7:30 to 8:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 308 Bee Bldg Chiropractors. Drs. Johnston, 1326 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 0528. DR. KNOLLENBERO, SANITARIUM. Lady attendant. 24th and Farnam. D. 7286. Dr. C. J. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8481. Dr. Franrcs Dawson, C2 Rose Bldif. T. 2318. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 913"wTo. W. Idg. Taft'a Dent Rna, 308 Rose Bldg. V. 2188. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. YOUNG married man wants position as naurreur, mectianic. uavis, Tyler e 3 1 - w . WHITEWASHING, Windows washed, rugs beaten, screens repaired, hung. Wal. 1868. EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by the day. Doug. 8684, Jos. Baker. FINE paint, carpet and paper cleaning at cut prices. Doug. 7841. Housecleanlng and day work Tyler 833, FOR plowing & cultivating. Call Doug. 270. Female. ENERGETIC woman, experienced traveler, wants position soiling goods or demon strating. Omaha reference. Box Y 68, Bee. WANTED Position as companion, educa ted, rennrd young woman, moderate pay. Box Y 87. Bee. WANTED By Scandinavian nume, confine ment cases. MM. K. Nrlliien, 9li o. 40th Bt. Telephone Harney 6072. SITUATION wanted by young "lady as as- slstant bookkeeper or general office work. Lock Box 295. Bloomfleld, Ia. LAUNDRY work. 3 days each week, by Lanisn woman, walnut ZS4, xp. practical nurae wants position. D. 8208. Laundry and Day Work. TWO RELIABLE colored ladles want day work washing, ironing or cleaning. Tyler 2Vb(, astf ror ciara or uussie. WANTED By reliable colored woman, Cleaning and launary worn. Harney 07fi7. WANTED Position as housekeeper. In or out of city. Box 4443, Bee. DAY work wanted by colored woman. Phone Tvler 2&34-W. Laundry day or cleaning work. Web. 1631. CLEANING, day or nr. Mrs. Scott Web. 3746 DAY work, houeecleanlng. col. lady, D. 4379. DAY WORK. CaM after 7 p. m. Web. 6 99i DAY work by rella. colored lady, Doug 9486 LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 3978 ANNA wants day work. Webster 2337. DAY work and housecleanlng. D. 7084. WANTED Day Tfork. Douglas 4987. BUNDLE washing. Call Walnut 2269. DAY work wanted Webster 1337. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. ANNOUNCEMENT. We are In Our Now Location, Suite 788, First National Bank Building. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Originators of the Reference Business. 730 First National Bank Building BOOKKEEPER, $80; bookkeeper, 65; office ciertc, 6&; typist, iiu; steno., Beginner. 850. NO FILING FKE. THE MARTIN CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEI'ER, 176-880; Stenog., IM; ship ping clerk, 840; otilco clerk, 850. WATTS REF. CO., 1st National Bank. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, state expert slice, aend references, salary expected. Ad dress John Herrod. North Platte, Neb. WANTED An experienced assistant book keeper. A. B. Alplrn, 7th and Douglas. BOOKKEEPER, auto firm, 880. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASB'N- Professions and Trades. WANTED A printer who Is a printer; mar rled man preferred. (Steady 300 ana gooa pay for right man. Must make his home here. Blair Tribune, Blair, nen. WANTED Glaalera on stock sash, steady employment; day or piece work. Apply St. Louja Sash and Door Works, St. Louis, MO. . WANTED Baker, second man; steady job; tha right place to finish the trade. 1 A. McThompson. Wall Lake, Ia. TWO men to handle lumber and two sawyers. Steady work. Good pay. Omaha Tin fn V.amt Omah. Wa N T ED-An "experlen ced man to cut Iron with oxygen torch. A. B. Alplrn, 7th and DRUO POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1018-18 City National Bank Bldg. LEARN barber trade; low rates "now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglas ax. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN to call on garages, machine shops, blacksmith or repair shops, plum bers, furnace .dealers, manufacturing planta of all kinda References required. Bermo Supply Co., 1916-13 Harney St,, Omaha, Neb. GOOD man for Omaha: also man In each county, eastern Nebraska, to sell Hi' Power Auto Tlra Pumps. Car not neces sary, but would neip.s see air. uranam, Wellington Hotel. Wednesday. SALESMAN WANTED. Call 823 S. 16th St. Agents and Canvassers WANTED Territorial manager for Indus trial commodity bf universal demand af fording unusual -(profits. Energetic man can establish himself In remunerative business for life. Bor T-63, Bee. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED Driver for grocery waon. Ap ply this afternoon at Buffett A Son. , Trade Schools. LEARN barber trade; bo Independent; more than make your expenses walls learning. Wages or percentage. Wo don't over- chartre you to begin, iux uoage (. TRI-CITT BAHBEK CULLhiUE, NOW la the time to act If you ara going to an list In the army or navy. Learn the barber trade flrat; Jobs waiting. Special an m mat- i-avtna. catalosuea iraa. Molar Bar ber College, 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 S. luth and 3QS9 rarnam. Boys. BOYS earn good wages while learning trade. Just ilka being paid to go to school. Must be It years 01a. G o R DON-LAWLESS. CO.. 8th and Podge. CAN alwaya use boys who want to work; minimum wags, $1.40 pr day. Good chance for advancement Omaha Bos Co., East Omaha. Miscellaneous. WANTED. H.tRNESS CUTTERS, . HARNESS MAKERS. LOCKSMITH MACHINE OPER ATORS. BENJAMIN YOUNG COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help wo ran supply you. Bluff Ctty Employ mant Bureau, flCfe W. Broadway. P. UU HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. LABORERS wanted; sUady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Broa CO- west yard, 43d and Ixard Sta LABORERS for Lew til on. Mont. Ship dally. Free fare. Emerald Lab. Agy.. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. ANNOUNCEMENT. We are In Our New location, Suit 730. First National Bank Building. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASii'N. Originators of the Reference Bunlnesa. ",21 first National Bank Building. NO FILINO FEB TO PAY HEItK. Register free. No waiting. See us. ciood tons open today. BUSINESS MKN'S RKFERENCE ASS'N, Room 1202, W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, S6-$70-$C6-&0-40; Bkkpr., ;S; office clerk, 150; file clerk, 1 50; Bkkpr and Steno.. WATTS REF. CO.. 1st National Bank. BOOKKEEPER, 6U; Steuo., ISC Steno.. E0: Steno., jilt. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. GKNERAL office clerk, 160. WESTERN REFERENCE At A& . 738 Flrat National Batm nuitomg. WE NEED oteragraphen., bookkeepers and office clerka Co-Operattve wererenco uo. 3 BTRNOS tl6-J4-l&0.00 THH CANOAQENry, BBC HKts nuuu. Professions and Trades. THH Nebraska -Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity to young iaiw to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement: good wages. A salary la paid while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details ara especially Invited to accom psny the applicants. Apply 10 u. r. iamogr.. xbvi -"'""- WANTED Girls for attractive piece-work position. Iten Biscuit Co.. lata ana ap Uol Ava . WANTED Lady to work, either to learn or do massage work. 310 uairq umg. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge Bt, Household and Domestic. WANTED A inlddle-aged woman with no encumbrance to do houseworK; gooa home, all modern, four In family. Call at 281 Saratoga COMPETENT girl for general housework; small lamuy, no nunurj a, wages. TMrx. H. H. Fish, 3311 Woolworth Avo. WANTED A competent, willing girl for cooking and general worn, nererenct-e ro quired. 108 S. 12d Ave. Phone Harney 20o. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work, small family; best 01 wage airs. J. S. Brady. 3628 Jackson St. COMPETENT white girl for general house work; 3 in ramiiy. aira. w. . sume. Telephone Harney 307. MAID for generiti housework, small family: no weaning-. inyuim u "- Bank, Monday morning COME to 114 North 30th St. White girl; two In family, email noune, WANTED Experienced cook. Mra. O. C. Wharton, 04 o. 31in Pi. narney WANTED Girl to take care of child and s-sist wtth housework, wainut ai.. Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED light chambermaid wanted at Hotel BoqueU WANTED Cleaning women. Apply to hounekeeper. Fontenene Hoiei. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED. COLORED PREFERRED STEADY WORK ALU TnH iiak ROUND. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO.. 18TH AND MARCY. LADIES wanted for pleasant homo employ- .. 1 it tiR Bftftlrlv Anr.1v S31S WANTED Ladles to stamp transfers and make aprons at home, uooa pay. ppiy 2219 Douglas, between snd 8. HELP WANTED Male and Female. SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES WANTED TO SELL MEN'S, WUMBN'B awli nRKN'St SHOES: ALSO EXTRA SALES PEOPLE FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. O. R- KINNEY A CO., INC., 307-201 N. 16TH ST. THOUSANDS government war poaitlons open 1100 inontn. anamination every where. List rree. raniin iau.ui, Dept. 137 F. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Name men and women wishing government positions. 17b montn. nun area war ' appoinimenta. pqi i dc. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE! DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branchea Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1&6&. 18th and Harney Sta VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. A ten weeks' summer course in the fol Irwin subjects, taught by professors from the University of Nebraska, begins Juno 18: Business Administration, Advertising, Finance and Investments. Banking. a mt waeka summer course for house keepers, taught by an experienced teacher of domeatto science, oegins duui lew. WAR-TIME FOOD PROBLEMS. The business world NEEDS YOU. Enroll nv Monday for the following subjects; Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typewriting. Comptometer. Office Methoda Dictaphone. Summer hours s to 1. 110 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 30TH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent guests. HOTEL ROOMS, $2 week; apta with kitchenette; steam heated. Ogden Hotel, council muiis. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS I If you fall to find tha room yon deslro among these ads call at The Bee offlca for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms Jn all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. v 658 & 38TH ST. Beautifully finished, cool rooms, single or en suite; large lawn ana shade trees, . private home, hot water all the time; phone Harney 4B. LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms, priv ate bain, running waier; aiso room wun kitchenette: walking distance. Harney 8507. 709 So. 29th St. ONE nicely furnished front room, first floor: can bo used for lhjht housekeeping; clean and cool, second floor. 431 No, 18th St. Douglas 8823 NICELY furnished room In modern borne, walkinsr distance or convenient to Far nam car; reasonable, Harney 4953, 113 PMk Ave. ATTRACTIVE south front room for married couple, or 3 gentlemen; strictly modern good location; walking distance, Doug las 6471. EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished room tn urlvata family: one block from 24th St. car line, on north aids. Phono Webster 4971. HANSCOM Park district; two large, south, beautifully furnished rooms; breakfast op tional; gentlemen prererreo. narney ezuo, SOUTH 28TH ST., 814 Nicely furnished rooms, convenient to Leavenworth car line; reasonable. 1018 8. 118T ST. Cool south room; private home, breakfast served; reasonaoie. uar- ney 6293. . 1111 SOUTH 10TH ST.. Apt 8 Modern, newly furnished rooms, private, board op tional. Douglas hi. list N. 16TH. Apt. 1, strictly modern rooms, housekeeping privileges. Phone Douglas 7101. 3713 JACKSON St., a newly furnished mod ern room; gentlemen preferred, references required. Harney 3523. LARGE, pleasant room; walking distance; private family; . ween, narney CONNECTING front rooms, gas range, re frigerator; ch I'd sen admitted. 309 N. 15th. MODERN furnlihed rooms for rent at 1614 N. 24th St.; for colored. Webster 201. PUNDEE. largo room wtth sleeping porch, near Farnam car. Walnut 166. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. LARGE front doubla room, suitable tor two; board If desired. 223 Park Ave. 701 8. UTH Rooms, with or without board; cloae In: modern: also garage. 1811 CASS ST. Furnished rooms; clean; price reasonable. Red 8911. 2218 BURT ST. Furnished rooms, modern, reasonable, near car line. NICELY furnished room for a gentleman. Private family: reasonable. Harney 7143 1611 HOWARD Furn. mis.. 13.60 week up. House keeping Rooms. 301 S. 24TH ST. Two and. 3-room sultca desirable; 4 or people; laundry prlv lllxeit. FARNAM, 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms',, reasonable; slectrlcty; gas range; refrigerator. 213 NO. ISTH Nicely furnished house- Mieepmg rooms, laundry privileges; also pleasant sleeping rooms, 81.80 to f3. LINCOLN APARTMENTS Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler 2607; 2103 Chicago. SUITE of south front rooms, clean, neatly furnished, suitable for housekeeping. 2902 Dodjre St. THE AG NEW Modern furnished, two-room apartment. 292 .Leavenworth. Call Har ney 3230 3 ROOMS and bath, furnished for light hounekeeptng. good location. Harney 1399. SUITE of two housekeeping rooms; also single sleeping room. 2680 Harney, Board and Rooms. 118 S. 26TH AVE. Nicely furnished, well ventilated rooms with good board, walk ing distance; references required. Har ney 3473. ' LARGE southeast room, beautifully furn ished, Hanscom Park district. uooa board. Phone Harney 1796. WELL furnished front room; board for two In private home; walking distance, 2424 Jones. Douglas 8122. &C1 DODGE Attractive room for two; good boards walking distance; reasonable; also smi.ll room. 302 N. 20TH ST. Excellent board and room. Douglas 4420. Grey Gables. CHOICE room and board, $6.60 week. Horns cooking. 2226 Howard. 21S NO, 23D Board and room, reasonable. Phone Douglas 7752. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location,, 24th and Farnam. D. 1472. Mod. 4-r. At.. Har. 4141" or Wal. 2267 Apartmen ts and Houses. NIFTY, completely furnished apartment with private bath. 64t S. Slat at. nar. 4330. BEAUTIFULLY finished apartment, 26th and Harney, 950.00. Doug. suit:. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 128 SO. 35TH ST. 356. 130 So. 86th SL, 845. Phone Owner, Douglas 2-'ZL NEW five-room bungalow, uir-dern. 517 S. 85th St. SIX rooms, all modern; walking distance. Tel. Harney ZQ4g. North. 122.60 PER MONTH 6-r., all modern house, newly decorated, very desirable, iso. J-.0-cust St. WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Dougtas B343. Sun Theater Bid. 7-ROOM house, 3203 Burdette St.. all mod ern, good location, beautiful lot, good eur roundlnga, ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. 325.00 7-room modem house, newly deco rsted and papered. Z6l Caldwell ou SCOTT & HILL CO., McCague Bldg. Douglas 1009. BUNUALUW. story and half, 3 rooms, all modern, 325. 1713 N. 38th. Kea lasi. f.ROUM m dern house. 2209 Sherman Ave. Young. Webster 3743. MODERN 3-room house with garage. Wal nut 3722. . FIVE-ROOM modem house. Web. 671. Sbuth. S.ROOM hous. and Bleeping porch, 14,230; strictly modern; small payment aown, balance 140.00 monthly; location 35th and Dodge call 115 B. Bfttn St. . ,721 So. 23 St. ran, 120. E. U. Banner 'JO. D-B405. Miscellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. -H 102 N. 27th St Ill MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-R., 2505 Pierce St 315.00 7-R 1316 Capitol Ave 320.00 t-R., 31! N. 18th St 332.50 STRICTLY MODERN. -R., 3010 Dewey Ave. ...137.50 t-R., 387S Decatur St. 313.00 C-R., 701 Dorcas St 925 00 6- R., 1124 N. 27th St 921.00 7- R., 1033 S. 3tiCh Ave 925.00 8- R.. 219 Para: Ave 322.50 8-R., 3901 N. 17th St 330.00 3-R., 3815 Farnam St, 380.00 S R., 659 S. 36th St 932.60 10-R., 2221 Dodge St 940.00 FLATS, STRICTLY MODERN. I-R 207 8. 30th St 93! APARTMENTS. HTOECKER. 823 S. 24th St. 4-11.. Apt. 10 313 and 323 3-R. Apt. 7 320 and 925 PORTER & SHOTWELL, 203 8. 17th St. Doug. 5013. LET OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOENCY help you find that vacant houee you are looking for. Call or aend for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors, 1614 Harney St. Tyler 60. 1516 SHERMAN AVE., 13 rooma. 333. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 964. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. THE PLYMOUTH, 325? FARNAM ST. Brand new 3 and 3-room apartments, with dressing rooms and Murphy In-a-Door beds: new wall naner. new gas stove. nnvr refrigerator, olentv of ltfht and air. Move Into something- clean and new. Call PAYNE SLATER CO., 1S Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Ph. Doug. 10H. TIZABD PALACE BLOCK. Close In. of the beet In everything, S or 4-room apartment, also -oora iiai. vt flee 320 North 23d. ELEOANT sub-basement anartment, 26tb and Harney, 32.00. Doug .,392. Mod, fur. 4-r. Apt. Har. 4141 or Wal. 2267. North. VERT COMPLETE 5-ROOM APARTMENT. Entire tile bath. Come and see. Private garage. 2601 Sherman Ave. MODERN, four rooms, steam .heated, 118 and . up. Close In. O. Px Stebblns, 1610 4-ROOM modern apt., steam heat; summer rate, 20. 1814 Maple -St. Red mi. South. BOSWORTH APARTMENTS, ' 2217-19 HOWARD. 2 rooms and bath and dressing room Furnished and unfurnished. Unexcelled In the city $26.50 to 1.17. 50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyter, 156. REALTORS. 333 Ross Bldg. FOUR modern rooms to adults; oil heat; $20. 1311 S. 25th Ave. Colfax 2454. Miscellaneous. IF TOU are looking for rental property of any kind, call OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCT for their weekly print ed rental list. It will help you. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, Realtors, 1614 Harney Bt. Tyler 50. PKTF.RS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT- Busineu Prop'ty Stores. 9500 SO. FT. 6. tt. cor. 10th and Farnam, three-story and basement brick building; electric ele vator; suitable for wholesale, retail or manufacturing business. ARM STRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 15S6. Realtors. 333 Rose Bldg. DESIRABLE atoro room, modern front. metal celling, steam neat, i4-sz ho. 16th St.: alxe 12x60: can be subdivided: low rent. Conrad Toung, ISS Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. LOW-PRICED modern offices. Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam. (Old 1st Hat. Bank Biflg.i , FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler BOA. SMALL modern store room, steam hat, 1611 Capitol Ave. Conrad Toung, 121 Brandels Theater. Douglas in.t. 6711 & 24th SL. near P. O.. Si. JB. H. Benntr Co., D. 140. FOR RENT BminM Prop'ty Garages and Barns. OA RAG B for rent at 1401 Burt Bt, Phono Harney 168T. Miscellaneous. LODGE AND CLUB ROOMS. I have for rent on second floor, cen trally located building, ona block from poi toff ice, assembly room suitable for lodge or club purposes; composed of one large room for dance or lodge hall; three smaller rooms and kitchen. For further Information call Conrad Toung. 321 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want more bouses and apartments to rent. The fact that wo have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented see Payne Slater Co.. Omaha's Rental Men, 816 Om. Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. 1016. Miscellaneous. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCT wants to uecure a dettlrable tenant for your vacant property. Service unexcelled. Tenanta waiting. Call us. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors, 1614 Harney St. Tyler 66. WE have several good tenanta for all mod ri. houses and apartments. V. D. WE AD, lit 8. 17th St. Doug. 171. MOVING ANG STQRAGE GORDON VANvCO". FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, atorage and moving. 319 N. llth 8b Phone Doug. Isa 394. FIDELITY SvYce FREE " Phona Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart menta Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Touf moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store 17th and Howard. Tel D. 7786. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 102 S. 16th St Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 330 or Douglas 4338. T l(rcrri.A Van and two men. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing, Storage and Bhlpplng. Phone Doug. 1 498. JP 'PI?.?'!" Express Co., Moving . J. SXCjCjU Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 3748. Dong. 6148. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAM HOME 8 rooms, brand new and all modern, oak finish downstairs, white enamel kitchen, 4 bedrooms, all In white enamel; good at tic; rooms all decorated; corner lot, south front Price only 15.758. $1,000 cash, balance monthly. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Jjoug. 397. 513 S. 17th. NEW BUNGALOW. Flv. rooma, strictly modern, flnlshea In oalt) located at 39S3 N. 36th St. Price 13,1(9. Terms. Will take .mall eottag. la trade. NORRIS NORRIS. 400 Bea Bldg. Phona Douglas 4279. North. MILLER PARK $200 DOWN AND $30 A MONTH OR WILL TAKE A LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT. 6 -room, strictly modern bungalow; built fn bookcases; colonnade openings; plata rat) and panelled walls: on a corner lot uit paying rent and trade your lot 1 and buy a homo on easy payments. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. B37 Omaha National Bank Bldg. P. 1781. DONT'T PAY ANY ATTENTION to this ad. It's just a space-filler. But now you've started you'd better finish. You'll be glad to see these real bargain. 330S Myrtle Ave., 8 rms., all mod. 1609 Laird St.. 6 rms.. all mod. 4732 N. 3Sth St., 5 rms., all mod. 4702 N. 36th Ave., 7 rms., all mod., fl lots. Many and various others. Remember, our expenses are low and our prices cor respond. " NEIGHBORHOOD AGENCY, VEB. 203. Exceptional Bungalow $500 Down Five large rooms and bath: oak finish; all the built-in features, including sun room with French doors; choicest of shades and fixtures; full floored attic. Let us show you. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-t Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 498. Classy Miller Park Bungalow Price Only $3,300 Five large rooms and bath, beauttfuHy decorated; oak finish; all the built-in features. Lot 42x120; one block to Miller Park school; two blocks to car. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-5 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4f. NEW, 2-story, 6-r. bungalow, oak finish first floor; birch woodwork, with maple floors on second floor; room just decorated; stair to 3d floor; outside of house just: painted dandy lot; near 24th and .Plnkncy Sts Price, 13,950. Very easy terms or lota aa first payment. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 7: AFTER looking at MINNE LUHA 300 dlf- , ferent buyers decided that It was the best 1 proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. STRICTLY modem bungalow, & rooms, 22nd and Ames Av Webster 42?S. South. MONTCLA1R BUNUALOW. Stucco construction, largo light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Prtco 13.800. Easy terma Another new build Ing for IS.tUO. Call Douglas 1721 daya, Walnut 16R0 evenlnga SIX rooma modern except heat. $1,600, Terms. Sea Owner, 2814 N. Slat SL Web ster 40S. X FULL lot on Georgia Ave., east of Hans com Park, 81,000. F. D. WEAD. 310 S. ISth St. Doug. 171. Miscellaneous J. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate aod Insur ance. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas .0t)7. WORLD REALTY CO Sun Theater R. & TRUMBULL. 1308 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1784 REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. ,VB HAVE several lots located at 27th and Corby and 27th and Maple, three blocks from new school location. Two of these are on paved streets. Will sell at a bar gain. Can give terms. Travars Brothers, 813 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. DANDY LOT. 60x136, two street frontages; easy terma Call Douglas 1064 or evenlnga Harney 416H BEAUTIFUL to-toot lota Pries 3720, only 82 rush snd t0 cents per week. Dong. 8392. CARTER LAKE CLUB. Have two clear, level- high lots. west, to exchange for Carter Lake club lot. rvalue 3800. Box 4473, Bee. REAL ESTATE Investment APARTMENT. 171,900 Income 13 per cent, on year eld; very 1qo location; mortgage I35,00 and will accept 320,000 Id trade; bal aoco cash or ii3gotiablo papera CALKINS CO- ' Dnuglss 1813 City Nit. Bink Bids. SEU US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY, A, P. TUKEY A SON, REALTORS, 830 First National Bank Bid Phona J