Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Many Applications Come in to
State Pardon Board,
SaysMaggi. ;
; (From a- flair
"Lincoln, June 1. (Special.)
Farmer! are asking the State Pardon
board to allow convicts at the peni
tentiary to work on the farms, ac
cording to E. G. Maggi, secretary of
the board. ,'
'. The board is in session this week
and he (ays applications for over
thirty men were filed with the board.
All "Bos" Must Register.
" All members of the Ind'H-ial
Workers of the World must register
under the selective draft law on June
5, in whatever community they hap
pen ts be, according to a message re
ceived by Governor Neville this
morning from Provost Marshal
This same order also applies to any
tramp, hobo, industrial pedestrian or
any other man found at that time
without visible means of support.
,'j Company G To Fourth.
i Federal recognition has been ex
tended to Company G of Alliance and
that company will be assigned to the
Fourth ijlebraska to take the. place
of the vacany caused by the muster
ing out of the Stanton company.
' Lancaster Begins Work,
i Hugh Lamastcr of Tecumseh, ap
pointed by the State Railway coin
mission to take charge of the legal
prosecutions coming under the juris
diction of the commission, began his
duties today. .
,: E. S. Ripley of Lincoln, appointed
to the department under the com
mission, which has charge of the en
(orcement of the "blue sky" law, also
began work this morning.
J Dr.. Bernecker Offers Services.,
4 Secretary O. A. Bernecker of the
State Board of Eouolization, received
t letter today, conveying the infor
mation that his son, Dr. Edward Ber
i ncckcr, who is connected with the
Metropolitan hospital of New York,
had offered his services to the medi
cal corps and; had been sent to a
training camp in Georgia,
Secretary Pool Makes
Contract for. Auto Plates
I? (From a BUtt Corroapondant.)
' Lincoln, Neb., June 1. (Specials
Secretary of State Pool returned to
day from a trip to St Louis, where he
conferred with the manufacturer of
automobile plates relative to con
tract for the 1918 edition. Mr. Pool
believes that it will take at least 160,
000 numbers for the supply for next
year and probably more.
. This year he has 1.50,000 plates and
will possibly need more before the
season 5' over. He also contracted
for the new plates for dealers and
manufacturers, which will be required
after the new law goes into effect in
July. Under the new law each dealer
wilt have to have oat Dlate with, the
word "Dealer" above the number and
duplicate plates sufficient for each ma
chine in use. Card board numbers
cannot be used after the new law goes
into effect. !", .-' . j
Grand Island Will Have " '
; - Clearing Association
Grand Island, Neb,' Tunc 1. (Spe
cial,) At a meeting of -the-representatives
of the six banks .of this city
this morning, it was decided to pro
ceed to organize a Grand ' Island
Clearing House association.' " ' '
At the same- meeting' -the- -local
banks, which have so far. subscribed
$100,000 of the Liberty .bonds, .inaugu
rated a campaign for further efforts
and in connection' (herewith,' the
Commercial club's executive commit'
tee approved of the Appointment . of
all local insurance. agents, fpr. a so
liciting campaign on Monday and
Tuesday of next wie'K.' ' ' ' ' ' 1
The banks likewise' decided- to -dis;
continue holding .open .during, the
evening, on Saturdays, .as, .hat here-
totore been the practice. .
Ten Thousand Acres
r' Free lor Farm Purposes
(from a Corrcapoadnt.
Lincoln, Neb., June 1. (Special.)
The Alfalfa Land company of Hay
Springs some time ago offered 10,000
acres ot its land to anyone who would
use it for agricultural Duruoses. and
Mveial coinmunictions have been re
ceived aa to how much rent the com
pany would require for its use! V
The company hoiihed the governor
today that they desire no rent what
ever ftr the land and that any person
who1 can handle it is welcome to get
all he can from it free of charge on
the 'part of the company. The laud
is situated in Sheridan -county. .
) Three Weddings at Beatrice.
Beatrice. Neb.l June 1. (Soecial.1
Levi John Grciscl of ' University 1
Place and Miss Jessie Chapman; one
of ithe city teachers, were married
yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr
and; Mrs. L. L. Chapman, in thf
presence of about forty guest's, ' Rev.
L. 'D. Young officiated. After the
, ceremony a wedding luncheon was
.served. Mr, and Mrs. Grcisel left on
a wedding trip to points in the south
and upon their return will make their
home at University Place.
A double wedding was solemnized
at the Baptist parsonage last evening,
when Ida Bell Logsdon of Virginia,
became the bride of Arthur Milow of
' Elk? Creek, Neb., and Leona White
of Lewiston, became (be . bride . of
George Harlan Logsdon of Virginia,
Re. R. Favoright officiating. After
the ceremony the young couples left
for a wedding-trip to Lincoln and
other points. -
. Commencement at Imperial
Imperial, Neb, June 1. (Special.)
County Superintendent Addie
.Spangler graduated forty-two Eighth
grade pupils Tuesday afternoon, at
the Methodist church ' here. The
class address was given by Miss
Alice Floret, assistant state superin-
tendent i " ' "
"I just can't help feeling
proud that I am going to own a
- Hartmann wardrobe trunk like
those at Freling fc Steinle'a
store, 1808 Farnarn," says the
lad wins o. a. r.. vetsI
Thomas ' Dickey, 13 years old,
trumpeted his way into the hearts of
the civil war veterans who-attended
the state encampment May 16 to 18 at
Grand Island. The lad ii bugler of a
Boy Scout troop at Grand Island and
can blow the difficult calls, almost as
perfect as an army trumpeter.
Man and Woman Charged '
With Beating Little Girl
North Platte. Neb., June 1. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bradley
are under arrest on the charge of
beating 4-year-old Dorothy Brott.
The little' girl is in a serious condi
tion in a local hospital. She is suf
fering with a broken arm and flesh
wounds on her limbs and body. The
child is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Brott. Mr. Brott was re
cently taken to the state asylum and
the mother, who was unable to sup
port the child, placed her in the care
of Bradley family.
Charles riartman, who has recided
twelve miles north of this city for
some time, was arrested yesterday
and is awaiting trial in the county
jail, on charge of shooting his son-
in law, can reters. i ne later is un
der the eare of physicians in a local
hospital, where twenty leaden pellets
were removed from his arm.
The high school cadets, accompan
ied by A. W. Shilling and M, M.
Redenbaugh, left yesterday for Curtis
lake, where they will hold their en
campment for a week. . s
Peru to Give Patriotic
Pageant Registration Day
Vita'. Nrb.. ;June 1. (Special.)
The Army Young Men's Christian as
sociation and the Ken cross will re
ceive the nroceeds from the Datrintie
pageant of Peru to be held at Peru
orfjune 5, registration day.
: The pageant will include a cast of
over 350 people from the school and
community.' - it will he one of the
largest community enterprises ever at
tempted by a small town in this part
of- the tate.
A tumor that the normal would not
conduct the usual summer school is
emphatically denied by school of
ficials,' whq report that the advance
registration is fully up to the previous
records,, ., ..-...
, Standi by Defense Council.
' Mitchell,' Neb.; June l.-(Special.)-
ine mucneii v.ommunuy ciuo, ai us
regular dinner .yesterday, passed a
resolution giving its unqualified en
dorsement to the Scottsbluff County
Council of Defense, recently organ-
tred, and the state and National
Councill of Defense.
' ., Flag Given to School.
' Harvard, Neb,, June 1. (Special.)
At the ' high school . auditorium
Wednesday, in place of the regular
exercises, the graduating class pre
sented to the school a large nag as
a token of their loyalty to the school
and to the nation.
s -3
.', v
: "The Store ot Individual Shopt"
Men's Athletic Shirts
That Are Made Right
THEY FIT that's what we mean. You won't
be annoyed by the sleeve cutting under your
arm pit, nor will they "get in the way" be
cause they are too broad. ' .
. Long point button-down
Flannel shirts, in khaki and gray, military and flat eol
lars, the army style. Prices, $1.50 to $3.00.
REMEMBER When a shirt FITS it gives longer and
better service. Our shirts fit.
Avery Addresses Class
At Nebraska City High
Nebraska City, Neb., June 1. (Spe
cial The thirty-seventh annual grad
uation exercises, of the Nebraska City
High school were held last night at
the high s-hool auditorium. The ad
dress to the class was made by Chan
cellor Samuel Avery of the Univer
city of Nebraska. The presentation
of diplomas was made by Dr. Claude
Watson, president of the Board of
Education. The graduates are: AfKleraon,, Jon.nhtn. Megan,
Mlntil Haker, fMiirenc. Miller,
HoBlna Black, Blanche Mnrt,
Meyrl Borland, Julia Morgan,
Krd Banon, Oarrfa Fainter,
Harry M.'-hof. Gertrude Patteraon.
Melvlllft Conloy. 1 Mildred Redfleld,
Jnate Downer, Helen Rlvelt,
Helen Foster, . Anna Koll.
Myrtle Poeter, Pay Smith.
Norril Hoherff, John Htotiker,
Alice Ivereori. ' Helen Thomaa,
Ralph Lathrop, I Claude Umpleby,
Ted Lalhrop, ? dna Umpleby.
The senior class play, "The Wrong
Mr. Wright," was presented at the
Overland theater tonight. The class
wi. be given a reception at the an
neal alumni banquet Saturday even
ing. ,
Find Body of Woman
Drowned at Decatur
Blair, Neb., June 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The body of Mrs. Lou
Beaver, who with her husband and
another man, were drowned, while
crossing the Missouri river at De
catur, April 13, was found near the
Northwestern railroad bridge late this
The body was found by members of
the ferry boat creyf.
A card was. received here today by
the bridge superintendent, offering a
reward of $200 for the recovery of the
body of the third man drowned.
State Board of Control
; Asks Light Economy
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb.,June 1. (Special.)
Conservation of electricity as it is
burned in state institutions will be the
order of the day and even the night,
according to Chairman Gene Mayfietd
of the Board of Control, who is send
ing' out orders to all superintendents
to cut out i all possible burning of
electric lights except when absolutely
needed; '
Twenty-Seven New Doctors ,
Enter for War Service
(From a Staff wfrrreipondent.)
Lincoln. June 1. (Snecial.) Out
of the fifty-one young men taking the
medical examination oetore the Mate
Board of Health for ohvsicians certi
ficates, twenty-seven have entered
for service in the War deoartment.
Three or four more Jailed to pass the
physical examination.
Citizens State Bank of
'Lyons Chartered by Board
(From a ItafC Correapondent.) '
Lincoln, June 1. (Special.) The
Citizens State bank of Lyons is a new
bank chartered by the. State Banking
board, with a capital tpf $30,000. D.
McMonies is president; Samuel Ly
dick,, vice president, and A. G. John
son, cashier.
; , Warner-Sigman; '
v Edgar, Neb., June 1. (Special.) J.
Warner of Colby, Kan., and. Miss
Berthel Sigman of Edgar were mar
ried at the home of the bride's mother
last night.
Held for Treasonable
Statement, Bauer Would
i Purchase Liberty Bond
Lincoln, Neb, Jjune 1. William
Bauer, who was arrested today fol
lowing publication in a Lincoln pa
per of a letter written by him con
taining treasonable sentiments, to
night after being locked up in the
city fail, asserted he did not mean
what he said and that he was will
ing to purchase a Liberty loan bond
with $100 .he had saved.
Bauer was held in the city jail to
night, and what action, if any, would
be brought against him by federal
cuthorities, or whether he would be
allowed to purchase a Liberty bond,
government lofficials would not say.
"I invite all my friend to
join me- at breakfast at the
Henahaw on my wedding dav,
Jack and I are going to dance
there in the afternoon, too.
collar, wrist band cuffs,
style end comfort predom
inating i features. Price,
Shirts of Russian cord,
negligee style, soft cuffs,
woven . madras, crepe
cloths end many new
weaves, in silk and fiber
stripes, also, plain color
ings. Prices,. $2.00 to
$2.50,. .....
Men's shirts " of silk.
broadcloth, pussy willow,
crepe de chine and tub
silks, ta' rich, high-colored
stripes and plain colors.
Prices, $3.85 to $7.50.
Senate Decides to
Drop Censorship
Washington, June 1. Adminis
tration managers in the senate to
day decided to let the newspaper
censorship section of the espion
age bill die with the house vote of
yesterday against it. The senate
conferee expect to drop the hard
fought section out entirely and
bring the bill before the senate for
final passage containing only the
undisputed provisions.
Rev. Titus Lowe Gfves
Address at Shelton
Shelton, Neb- June 1. (Special.)
Commencement exercises of the Shel
ton High school were held in the
opera house last night. Kev. Titus
Lowe ot Umaha delivered the ad
dress. Besse Campbell gave the
salutatory, Lura Frazell, the first
honor graduate, gave the valedictory
Diplomas were given to the follow
waiter Asnton,
Orace Prather,
I.ulu Prather,
Geneva Reed
IJeHale Smith,
Badle Smith,
Ralph Voee,
Cllflon Walker,
John Bllla,
Been Campbell,
Veda Cox,
Rathe! Crumley,
.ura Frazell,
Ottla Ooim,
Lola McWIIIIami,
Qladyeo Parks,
Rolland Warner.
The last named is a volunteer in
the Fourth Nebraska.
Woman's Fourth Toe Is
Cut Off by Lightning
Kimball. Neb.. June 1. (Special.)
During a heavy electrical storm
Tuesday evening, the fourth toe of
one of Mrs. Isaac Barrett's feet was
taken off by lightning, and her daugh
ter. Mrs. Wood Butterfield. received
a deep gash in one foot, while the
other limb below the knee was badly
scarred and her heel split open, when
lightning struck the Butterfield home.
Mrs. Barrett's toe was taken off as
clean as if it had been amputated
with a surgeon's knife.
Police to Take Hand
Registering Tuesday
Policemen will assist in registra
tion Tuesday. Chief of Police Dunn
has ordered all cops to stop men who
thev think come under the age1 limit
and ask them if they have complied
with the law. If not, the man asked
will be directed to his registering pre
cinct and told to attend to the mat
ter at once.
First Month of "Dry Law"
Adds $2,800 to School Fund
Sixty-three arrests were! made the
first month under the new prohibition
law. Of this number twenty-eight
paid fines of $100 and costs and four
received thirty-day jail sentences.
Nine were given suspended sentences
for telling where they purchased the
Employes of Northwestern
Who Have Signed Up Are
to Report at Chicago
at Once.
According to a bulletin posted at
Northwestern headquarters, the com
pany employes who have signed up
for enlistment in the Third Engineer
ing reserve co. have been called to
the colors for oversea service. The
bulletin informs the men that they
are instructed to report in Chicago
forthwith and to Guy A. Holmes,
superintendent of the Clinton division
of the road. Holmes has been ap
pointed captain of the Northwestern
company, that numbers 118 men,
picked from all over the system, a
full division crew.
No date has been set for the sailing
of the Northwestern company that en
ters the government engineering serv
ice, but it is inferred that as the bul
letin instructs the men to report in
Chicago forthwith, the time for leav
ing is not far distant.
In the Northwestern company there
are men for every known line of rail
road work. There are civil and loco
motive engineers, operating and traf
fic men, 'section foremen, telegraph
operators and linemen. In fact, it
is said that the party going abroad
can build, maintain and operate a
railroad. 1
When the Northwestern men go
abroad, it is understood that they will
be accompanied by companies of rail
road men trom other roads and that
on shipboard will be the necessary
material for building, equipping and
operating a railroad somewhere in
Says Water Generally
Is Added to Butter
E. R. Messick of Washington, D.
C, a witness in the suit of Kirsch
braun & Sons, Inc., against Ross J.
Hammond, formerly United States
internal revenue collector, testified
that it is a common practice in
creameries to add water to the butter
until it has reached as near as pos
sible to the amount of moisture per
mitted by the government in butter,
namely 16 per cent
' He had a chart showing the num
ber of revolutions of the churn to be
given in washing the butter in order
to cause it to absorb a given amount
of water. For instance, butter con
taining 14.6 per cent of moisture, if
placed in water in the churn and
churned six ; revolutions, would be
come butter containing 157 per cent
of moisture.
Butter containing 1 per cent of
moisture, if placed , in the churn and
We Are
: ;
Defense Council A wards
First Contract for Army
Washington," June 1. Contracts
for 3,450,000 pairs of shoes for the
army and navy were awarded today
through the National Defense coun
cil. Delivery is to be, completed
within eight months and the aver
age price per pair will be 14.85. The
contracts awarded on competitive
bids, were distributed among twenty-seven
firms. ' r ;
given nine revolutions, would become
butter containing 15.5 per cent of
moisture. : ' ' ' '
The plaintiffs in the suit are seek
ing to secure the repayment of $687
collected by the government as tax
on butter seized and found to contain,
according to government analysis,
more than the legal 16 per cent of
moisture. .
"Of course, we are interested
in insurance," said the Bride
of Mystery, "but we, have de
cided to leave ' it to Tom S.
Kelly, 'The Insurance Man,'
City National Bank building,
Tyler 861. Whatever he re
commends we will buy. Jack
is strong for insurance."
We Want You Men
Who Want
Straw Hats
To see our displays. A particular
feature is the abundance of soft
straws which careful dressers are
"taking to" because Fashion says
they are proper.
Of course, we can supply your
preferences in the sailor shapes, too.
Our stocks are complete not a style
is lacking. .
Dunlaps, Stetsons, Borsalinos,t
Straws, Prices, $3.00 to $20
511 South 16th Street.
A new style effect developed from the ever
popular Pinch Back. Exactly as illustrated.
.The yoke gives a really new "twist." Cut to
afford free swing and unhampered limb
' action. Tweeds, flannels and homespuns in
sprightly spring and summer shadings and
Styled and Tailored In
New York By
Samuel W. Peck & Co.
Shown Exclusively at Benson & Thome's
Price, $25.00
Other Styles In Samuel Peck Suits, at
$20.00 to $35.00 - ?
Exclusive Representatives for
Stein Bloch
' "Smart Clothes for
$20, $25, .$30 and $3g ;
Our Farnarn Street Entrance Opens
::r Directly Into the Men's Shop
Jamaica Ginger Alibi Not "
Strong Enough for Judge
Agnes Lawless, 617 North Twen
tieth street, who was arrested with
George Floth and Rex Cummings,
plead guiltv of being drunk and was
fined $20 and costs. She said Floth
gave her Jamaica ginger and. whisky,
which accounted for her jag. She
testified that she was so drunk she
did not know whether she was with
Floth at the time of the robberies
he is accused of or not.
Twelve Per Cent Canning
School Applicant Are Men
Twelve per cent of applicant to
the canning school are men, accord
ing to information given out at the
Welfare board yesterday. "The men
seem interested in the drying process
rather than in canning,' said Mrs.
Ohaus, who is registering the ap-
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25cat all druggists.!
It's wmt it It
Faddaa a Burner tab.!.
Ber Grand Building.
Bride of Mystery. ' :