THti i!EE: OiUAHA, 19 17; J,. Want Ad Rates USE THB TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring or send In your adv. Ask , for Wnt Ad Taker aod you will r eelve the same good service as when de livering your ad at tnle office. PHONK TYLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENI.VO KD1TIONS. 13:00 M MOHNINO EDITIONS lt;00 P. 11. NO AD TAkKN FOX LEAS THAN SOe, ONETIME, OE LESS THAN 1 A DAT. af CASH WITH ORDER. If Set Solid No Display.) " W PER WORD. EACH INHERTIftV. If Paragraphed or Displayed In Larger "TP; tc per line on time 76 per lino, or more conreoutlve Insertion SITUATIONS WANTED. weekly rate )0o per line CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. lOo per line each Inaertloo (Minimum charge, 10 cents.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STAND I NO ADS, ( no charge of copy allowed.) One line v Two lines or more. .7 $1.10 ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. tc per word one time lHc per word, two or more consecutive insertions. SPECIAL COMBINATION RATE. 0 I -and, Poultry and Other Advertising. u.MAnA nnri (over bu.uuv usiiy.t SOTH CENTURY FAHMKR (over 110.000 weekly.) A Qomblned circulation which will reach both the city and rural resident. Special Reg. - - Rates. Rats. I insertions la Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In 10th Century Farmer, ptr word., fa 7c I Insertions In Omaha Bee and ' 1 Insertion In Win century . . Farmer, per word. .....10Ua l$c ( Contract rates wm application.) MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. PRINCESS. 1)17 DOL'QLAS ZOE RAE in , "THE CIRCUS LIFE." North. ALAMO. HTH AND FORT RUTH 5TONEHOUSE in "LOVE NEVER DIES." ALHAHBRA. 84TH AND PARKER EXCELLENT PICTURE SHOWN HERE TODAY. DIAMOND, 34TH AND LAKE BEN WILSON and NEVA OERBKR in SEVENTH CHAPTER THE VOICE ON THB WIRE." GRAND, 16TH AND 8INNEI HELEN HOLMES in SECOND CHAPTER OP THB RAILROAD RAIDERS." LOTHROP. I4TH AND LOTHROP MARY MILES MINTER in "THE FAIRT AND THE WAIF." A MODERN FAIRY STORY. PARK, HTH AND CALIFORNIA . HELRN HOLMES ttl . TENTH CHAPTER OF" . "A T.ASS OF THB LUMBERLANDS." ' "JERRY'S BRILLIANT SCHEME." : . South. APOLLO. L 39TK AND LEAVENWORTH ANITA STEWART ind . CHARLES RICHMOND In "THE MORE EXCELLENT WAT." BOULEVARD l,D AND LEAVENWORTH WILFRED LUCAS in "A LOVE SUBLIME.' ROHLFF, 26CI LEAVENWORTH MABEL TALIFERRO in "THE SUNBEAM." West. DUNDEE, (1ST AND UNDERWOOD MARY PICKFORD in THE PRIDB OF THB CLAN." AND COMEDY. South Side. ORPHEUM, 34TU AND 11 MOLLY KINO In NINTH CHAPTER OF THB "MYSTERY OF THB DOUBLE CROSS." AMI ErrKSFt GOOD PICTURES, MAOIC, HTH AND N DOROTHY PHILLIPS In "THE FLASHLIGHT GIRL." : AND OOOD COMEDY, DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES THE funeral of K. H. Mtrrtfteld will tn held Saturday afternoon at I o'clock from N. P. Swanson's chapelt 17th and Cumins;, to the Forest Lawa cemetery, JKrlsnds are welcome, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. . L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. - W. & Fere, Mgr., :id and Cuming Its. Phone Douglaa I7T. Auto ambulance. BULSB ft RIEPKN, undertakers and im Ittlmers, T01 H. 16th. Douglas ls, SSUFTY A JOHNSTON, embalmers and fu neral directors. 117 . Hth St. Tyler 1171, JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and mbalmer, UU Leavenworth. Doug, Hit. 'h: " JTT.ftRTRTS " iBEINO a""membr of the National Florlets'1 Televraph Delivery association, we are In position to delivery flowers on short notice anywhere In the IT. a or Canada. Hess i at Bwoboda. Florists. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. S8$:. LEETHIJRMON IH DongU. St, Douilai 8:14, Barker riu-.-.r .hop, 411 8. ith. u. 3103. THE FERNERY, 01 8. Hth St. Dout. 3,S. BATH, National Flon.t, 1104 Farnam SI A.DONAOHUB, 1133 Harn.y. Dour. ,1001. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permit, to wad hav. ban U.U.U to th. tllolna: Nam. and Tnomaa J. Mackl.nburg, Lincoln Blrdl. Hyman, N.w York City..! Jo. P.rotka. Omaha.. Anna Capak. Omaha..... Ab. B. Kruna, Omaha.....,.,,. Maym. Horwlch, Omaha,,.. Oacar C Oolarha, Omaha. rrn M. Fhlan.y, Omaha B J. Hlbrt. Arnold, N.b... Suit KM4. Arnold, N.b John L. O'Conn.ll, Omaha Atttuat Vogt, Omaha,.,,...,... Raymond Horn., Omaha.... ., Ltona MoCoy, Omaha....,..., Fail Mat.)ka. Omaha 3I.nrl.tta Dobrovoina. Omaha... Af. ... 34 ... 33 ... 38 ... 18 ... 30 ... 34 ,,. 13 ... 18 ... 3! ... II ... 38 ... 31 ... It ... II ... 31 ... 31 L.on N. Ribwort!), Omaha 4! B.rtha M. Moor., Auburn, N.b , 30 Timothy OhrfV Btnnlnffton, N.b.. 3T Ella B. Clatu.0. Elahorn, N.b 34 CharlM Bttff.n, Omaha , 38 Alto M. Yard, Omaha , 13 Irvinf D, Wloalow, Omaha il Fay. Mullon, Omaha , 18 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Dea the Joseph 8. Bwanson, Aurora, Neb.. ti; Olen A. Adaois, .t; James Lowei 66: Rose Nichols, SIS; Arthur T)'ra, 36; Charles ft. Cooper, il; Henry Uurdock, 4; lit by UcKlmmey. Births John Itttdolph, Sooth Sixteenth, hoy; Thomas A (urea, 3211 South Twelfth. Ilrl; Heary rields, 41T Wakeley, boy; lea- flora Daiuky, fio South Twentyflfth ave nue, trlrt; Earl McKlmmey, SOt 1 Cass, airl: Harry Green, t24 North Twenty -sixth, flrl, Joseph Samulovls. 4164 South Thirteenth. noy; Anionio uaiabtio, Bio Popplelon avenue, boy: Adotph A. LanKeldt, 1016 South Twenty-tnirti. boy: Oeorse Bumb. 1101 H Sirli John W. Vsn Cleave. 4601 Scuth Seven teenth, boy; Irvln H. Hindu, 134 Meredith venue, dot; Andrew Winkler, Burke, S. u. boy; Prank Hojdeckt, 324S South Twenty- ninth, irl; Mike rawluslak, iZt South Tnirty-sourtb, gin. BUILDING PERMITS. BuUdtaeT permits have been Issued as fol lowsi . O. Kaplan, two-ifry fireproof store build in t. v , me, nil Kir bolts ; Urn. A. Broskrup. brick rerscr. )7I, U7 South Kivaieestn; Jar uurns Making: comoanv. two-story brick factory, 117,000, tit North Twentieth; Board of Education, two-story srhool bulldtns;, $1 IS.ioO, Forty-fifth and afaplo; Board of EducaUon, two-story school building, 13t, (33. Twenty-ninth and Wool- wertn; a. Newman, 1447 South Twenty ttvUs. trams (srace, Hot, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS Oil AHA & CQUNCL ULUFFS HTItKET KAIL WAT COMPANY Persons having loat mmi article would do wU to rail up the offtoe of the Omaha uouncii Miurra 8tet Railway Comoan: to ascertain whether they left It la the street car. Many articles each day are turned and the company la anxious to restore mem to me rigntrui owner. ir YOU lose anything- and will advertise tt hero you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. If you find anythlng ot value, the honest way Is to advertise mr ine owner. LOtST Off car, now Six Uoodvtir lira rlra vtlth tire oovor labeled "Nh Sales t). jeuery." call Douglas 2:81. Ko vara. LOST PI ree lone tire, new gray Inner tube and rim. Slse 303 H, on Slut St or West v,eruer. newara. wsinut LOST, strayed or stolen, Sunday, white gora cat, from 816 N. 41st Ave. Heturn ana receive reward. LOST Wire haired fojt terrlor puppy, one marn mnrx on neau; good reward. Tel. Harney wn. LOST tiold pin, dog's host! with chain In moutn. Address 130 8, 3 1st Ave. Reward. LOST Watch fob with monogram H. L. P. i-au ryier isz-j and receive reward. LOST Cameo brooch. Finder return Sanford hotel and receive reward. FOR SALE Miflcellaneoui Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. to not buy any furniture, rugs or stoves until you have seen us flret. We offer you a IZ&.IHIU btOUK OF Hiafl-ORAOU FUR. MTURB. KIG8. 8TOVEH and COM. ri,F,TB HOM1S OUTFITS for practically your own price. Wo ars forced to vacate our four-story warehouse, and its entire contents must be sold at once. Sale takes plare at our ales room at th corner of Hth and Dodgs streets. Do not fall to Attend. It is an opportunity or a lifetime. Hundreds have already taken advan. tage of this wonderful opportunity. Why STATE FURNITURE CO.. P. IMT. Cor. 17th and Uodgs Sts.. Omaha. AUCTION I AUCTION! Most Beautiful High (Irade PURNITURB AND RUOH From one of Omaha's Most Fashionable Homes, . SATURDAY. JUNK Id., at J P. M. . f at Northenet Corner list Street and Puppteton Avenue. Conalitlna of Large massive leather davenport, I large leather rockers, t seamless Wilton rugs (room sisei, round dining table, beautiful buffetl china cabinet and t dlnlna chairs. all match d; 1 clrcassloa walnut bed room suite, just Ilk w, with box springs; dishes, etc. Th above fumltar lg Just Uk now, a xnaiient quaiuy. This Is a Sal Worth While, ale at 1 p. m,, Saturday, June 2, at N. E. Corner Slat and Poppleton Sts, JAMBS L. POWD, Auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD OOODS AT PRIVATE SAI.B. On account of moving from th city I wilt sell all my living room, library, re ception room and dining furniture; also separata odd pieces porch furnltur. gas stove, refrigerator, portieres, etc. Call mornings only. Mrs. C. C. Rosewater, Sf0 Dewey Ave. BAROAINS IN FURNITURE. I gas stoves, & each; 24 beds, $1 ach; I Iceboxes, rugs of all fclnda, tables, chairs, china kitchen cabinets, buffets, dressorg, trunks, suitcases, leather Daven potls. All kinds of bedding. Full Una of poultry netting. 1.30-47 N. 34th St TeL TTwnater ihht upen till p. m. Foil SALE Furnltur. from 36 room,, dreu r., ova., laoiea, iin. cotton rell mat. tresaea, pillow,, good run. ftrat-claai aprlnga. Address Bon 4366, Omaha Be. ICE CREAM, tablee. oft. fur., cbalra, rafrlg., vuui.ri, garnen no.., poron rarnltur., Vlotrolu and piano.. Loyal Furn. Co., 333 ... imn.xny gum. .o.. 107 ho, nth. 100-LB. ICE BOX, (ood condition, 15; alao many oin.r piece or fumltura, thla on account ot leaving city, 1606 William St. HUSH right down and got your shara of all ninq. lurmtura at sacrifice. 608 N. Hth Jwhxjaiamondssnd Watches. IR GRADUATION Watchea and ring. rrl.dman'a. 1311 Douglaa. Lumber nd Building Materials." SAVE HALF on beams, column., brick. H. w-p.. LBinwr ana wreck. Co. web. 3884. Cameras and Kodaks. REXO CAMERAS, .very click a plo. tura, Organ'. Pharmacy, Itth Billiards snd Pocket Tsbles. FOR SAtlK B1LL1AHD TABLES, brand n.w carom and nock.t. with Mmnt(. outfit, 8180; .oond-hand table, at re duced price.; bowline alley, and auppllaa: a.y paym.nta. Clear .tor. fixture, a r.ecialty. Bend (or eatalnru. THH BRUNSWICK-BALK BJ-COLLENDER CO., wuth join Ht. FOR 8AI.I SH pool labia, and all .quip. mm. tor iirsi-viaa. nan. neaaon for a.ll ln vot.d ou ot St. Paul, Must be inov.d at .nc Franci. Crowa, St. Paul, Neb.' Printing and Office Supplies. Watcr.-arnhanit PH. Co., 834 S. 18th SL Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Vi rent. rri ii iu. .a K..ak of till sowing machines, , MluKKIB NEBRASKA CTCLD CO., Hth and Harney Sts. Dour. 1(181 FOR SALE Singur sewing machine, IS. 60; Store and Office Fixture's. HLU ,C"M na f l aru 1319 Tvoe writers nnr! SunnlUa. FOR S.LE Rebuilt Rem Ins ton. .Jdonarch and Smlth'Premler typewrlieafi. prices $16 n up, cuiiy guaranteed. Buy from manufacturer and bo protected. Pay ments. Remington Typewriter Co loo.. ani uougiaa. l-'ougias 13lf. TTPK WRITERS sold, rented and repaired. mn uunr lypewriier month Tor 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1105 Farnam. R E" M I NtJTON, Monarch and Smlth-Prel nitrrs ror rentj sent anywhere.. Remington jfT.wmim company, v. iza. Uuaranteed Typewriters 10 and up. Wrlto '. aiiqiann xyp, fjp H04 uodgp. Miseellaneout. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and mad up In fresh tlcka coat half th prloe of new pi Howe, Call us for samples of ticking and price. HOT Cum Ing. Douglas 8467. WB HAVE moved to new location. W buy. en ana maw desks, safe, showcaeea, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co- W. Cor. Hth and louglas 8ta Phone Doug. 784. PRY KINDLING BOX COMPANY. WOOD. ACME HARNST 1817. WANTED TO BUY lSKSESKSTESKB new o.k, uaed desk., oourht. aold and traded. J. c. Reed. 121)7 Karnmn, D. ic. ruiailUHB, rum, atovc, ulkln. ma- cmnea, etc. w pay bc.t price.. Quick aale.. rellabl. .ervke. Phon. Edwin, liar- BiiUMENTHAL JSS'SL men's clothing and shoes. Call Red isss. OLD CLOTHING HIGHEST PRICES, DOUULAH 0!1 JENKINS Pays highest price for clothes, shoes, trunks, Res., Doug. H032. Red 8:i7. LOYAL hnlil gnode. FURNITURE CO. will pay special prices for your nouee- imn t iail 10 call Doug. 4177 WANTED TO HUT 1IT 6-passenger Ford rar. Appiy urenner Bros., SS17 Farnam. LAYTIN pays highest prices for old clothes, whoes and hats. Phone Tyler 6S0. DIAMONDS 4nt s. l&th St. S0LHKR0MAN4CO. iVtO Wilt pQvood prices for your dls f f C " HI A rtjf carded clothes. P. 4Bt4. WANT pool hall or grocery store. wose plug. I'non Tyler 768. BOOKS Bought. Klcaer. Iyal Hot) BMg. BHOKS bought, gin g i6tn Tyler 3820. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sisea and etyles; hemstitching, plcot edging, ty let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINQ CCs, Opposite Brandeis Store. S90-10I Browa Bldg, Duugla 1131 ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. VAN AKMAN Urei. Pleating and Button Co., 33-7 Pllton BIH. Douirl.. 8101, Accountant!, Dworak-Ure Audit Co. 633 Ramga Bldg. Phone Pout. 3163. Bakeries, fiKW ENOI.ANU BAKEHV. 113 N. HTH. DRANCHES PUBLIC 3IAIIKET A .NO HAYDEN BROTHERS, HERS. Ot!n MOTTO "BETTER 11AKED OOODS, Brass and Iron Founderies. PaxlOTi-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha St.. Baths. MASHEUSE, bnth, m.nkurlng, phyalcal cult. Aitf, waiKer, zzi nevlll. jiik. v. 42,7, EXPERIENCED operator, natb of all klndi. Room 338, Hevlll. OIK., Ifilh and Harney. RITTENHOUHE Sanitarium: all klnda batlut. 310-214 Bllnl Blk.. 171b Dnugla.. CENTRAL Bath ln.tltUU, 160srIIarne'. Doutlaa 70,7. Etitella Royt-e. niaMH.. chip, 221 Nevlll. Blk. Blacksmith!. Blacklisting, lawn mower .harping. mower, for Hale. A. Smith A Son. w. 2671. Carpenters and Contractors, LEH8ARII SUM, 2021 Cutnlng. Ty. 163! Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bide. Palmer School Uraduate. Dougta. 6347. Chiropodist, Carrie .1. Burford. "20 Palnn Bldk. R. 458T. Cleaners awl Dyers. 3-PIECE ault .team cleaned i preB..d, 1; Rod 2761. preeaed, 86c. 1406 Harney, Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 300 let Aat. Hk. Hldg, Thono Tyler 2610. JAMEH ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence aeimrea In all ca.ea. Tyler 1136. a. U. JOLLY. 613 Paxton. Red 7401. Dressmaking. Engagementa with working famlllea. R. 1734. MRS. II. T.rott. 631 S. 27th. Hat 6333. TERRY DrcBumaklng Co., 30th' and Farnam. Everything for Women. SWITCHES made from combing., 3 stranda, Jl.web.ter 4161. 3416 Grant St. Paste Manufacturers. OMAHA FASTIS CO. Douglas 3760. Fixtures and Wiring. HTTPItrtM Electric waehlng maQblnes, xyUAVA.Al electric irons and reading lamps. 2ZZZ Cuming St. Poug. Z51t. Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds hats cleaned and reblocked; la dies' hats special. 1620 Harney. R. 4873. American Hat Cleaners, BIS S. ICth. D. 3265. Insurance, BANKERS' LIKE OV LINCOLN, 113-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2S1. Kodak Finishinar. FILMS developed fre with print Orders, one oay service, rnoto craft Shop, 140 Far. Masseures. MASSAQK, chiropody. Alta Head, 208-14 uaira wiag., 17th and Douglas. D. 3458. FRED C. ALLEN, scientific masseur; Swed- isb massage and vapor baths. 117 Podge, Central Bath Inst., 1306 Harney. Doug. 7097. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17. OsteoDaths. Mrs. J. R, Mustek, aulphor, steam and suca- lyptus naths. ioz-3 Rose Bidg. Ty. 236. Painting and Paper Hanging. iu uniutirein iuik HUHI9 SEE FRED PARKS. Wall Paper, Paint, and Ola... Picture Framing, Painting and Papar Hanging, 4623 a 34tk Phona S. 101. PAINTING and paperhanglng; cellmates true; worK guaranteed, pnone iwug. 7S4i. Patent Attorneys. BTUROBS A STURQES, U, S. and foreign patents 'and trademarks. S30 Be Bldg. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national re tent co., 683 Brandeis. v. 66B1. Pianos for Rent. 11.80 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 1511 Douglas. RaKtime. Laarn to play popular muilo in 31' laaaona. ...a ... rn, n ep. auo. att.r . p. m. Safes. BARGAINS, 1311 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safa Co. SAFES Shoe Parlors. 8HTNH, clean, bronx.. 1623 Farnam. Toola and Fixtures. TOOLS DIES JIGS AND FIXTURES. We mak. Jlga, fixture, and .pedal tool. I reaaonabl. prtcca, With up-to-date QUlpment. AMERICAN MACHINE CO. Ill 8. 11th St. Omaha. Theatrical Costumea. THEATRICAL gown., full dreu suit, for rent. 301 N. I7th. John Feldman. D. 3133. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 307 8. 11th. P. 138. Wedding; Stationery- WEDDING announcem.nta and printing. Douglaa Printing Co., Tel. Dougla. 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN. 1806 FARNAM. BURROUOH'S CAFE. OMAHA, NEB. (Service), LINCOLN, NER ate . ism. 132 s. 13th St. SWAPPERS COLUMN HAVE Elk stickpin set with email pearls. soi m goia mountings; vaiuea mi izu. What have you? Box 3295, Bee. FILMS developed free; one-day service. Kase Kodak Studio. Neville B1U., 18tb and Harney. AUTOMOBILES SATURDAY'S BARGAINS We are the used Ford men. HIT Ford touring, aame as new. 1917 Ford touring, been out 90 days, 1114 Ford touring, a good buy 2275 J116 Ford touring , 340 191S roadater. new tlrea ........... 226 1911 Maxwell roadster , 386 1916 Dodge touring 400 1916 Overland touring , 170 Parts for 100 cars at 60c on the dollar. AUTO SALVAGE & EX- CHANGE 110 B. 17th St. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC, USED CAR DEPT. Doug I us 3190. 2047-9 Farnam St Touring cars and roadsters of Overland. Stude baker, Maxwell, Ford Oakland, Mitchell, Bulrk and Hudson makes. Tain Ms JP UKSIKKL). Prompt attention given to all interested out-of-town buyers. 1915 DAVIS touring, electric lights, starter, new tires, car tn perfect shape, I a so. 1914 Studebaker six, electric lights and battery. Delivery and seven -passenger body, good running order, 1176, . CROSSTOWN OARAfiE, 315 8. 14TH. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 3109 Farnam. Douglaa SS10. ins coie, 1916 Stearns Knight ? 1910 Maxwell, S376. - , 1 916 Empire. $400. AUCTIONl AUCTION! 7-passenger touring car, in first class condition ; also my furniture of 18 rooms. Friday, June 1, at 10 a. m. 301 No. 17th St Web. 1263. Tyrroll 9t Co, C. W, FRANCIS AUTO CO. Ueeil Car Dept. 31M6-1S Farnam St. Douglas 8fc. Almost any make at reanonabte prices. FORD OWNERS K V E K Y W4J E R E Demo- strate the 910 AJax Ford slfttler. 939 4o 950 weekly. Write quick for teKJtory to Ajar Ford Starter Co., Keene, N. H. ANTED FOR 8POT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action: no delay. Auto Ex change Co,, 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. TIRE REPAIRING, FirstMnn work at reasonable prices, .THE TIRE SHOP. D. F. Crow, 2619 Farnam. Doug. 4978, TRADE your old battery in on a guaran teed Ever-reaay storage battery. Free In spection of sny battery. Ever-ready Stor- age Battery Co.. 1206 Farnam St. WE will trade you a now Ford for your eld INDUSTRIAL OARAnR CO.. 10th and Harney. Douglaa StSl. CADILLAC. 4-cylinder model, excellent for spseusiar or ngtit delivery, 9376 cash. Omaha Chandler Co., 2620 Farnam. TELL & B INK LEY. WB BUY AND SELL USED FORDS, S3H Harney St., Doug. 1640. " ROADSTER, beet Hupmoblle, Saxon or other car. Three hundred cash will buy. Box 411, Belleville. Kan. Y H are the used Ford men. Auto fialvadge A Exchange. 114 a IHa, AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS In uaed Ford car. Holtue.-Ad-klna Co . 4911-17 S. 34th. Phono 8. 271. BERTSCHY -Kan-Flx-It." Southeaat cor ner 30th and Harney Bta. Douglaa 2663. Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO 1 IN 1 TIRE. Second-hand tlrea and tube.; expert tlr. and tube repairing. Dougla. 8872. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1408 tx Jackaon. Agta. wanted. Omaha. Neb PULLMAN. 1916 touring car. 476. T. O. Norlhwall Co.. 616 Farnam f.'t. Call Ty. 83 1317 CHALMERS 6-30 touring, perfect. S. 24th. Tel. South 4360. BARGAIN Electric aplendld condition. TeL Doug. 77 or Web. 773. A BAROA1X Ullbigrn Electric in line con- dltlon. w 31, Bee. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al- way ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 liar, ney St. Tyler 656. Auto Repairing and Painting. 3100 reward for magneto w. can't repair. coll. reparred. Uaybdorfer, 210 N, 18th. Motorcycles and Bicycle HARLEY-DAVI DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain. In used machlnea. Victor' H. Rooa. "The Motorcycle Alan," 27tb and Leavenworth, PERSONAL THB Salvation Army Industrial Hums so licit your Ola clothing, furniture, maga Xlns. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. CslI and Inspect our new borne, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge at. SPLENDID home for two or three children under 14. In tern gent personal cars. 924 N, z&tn Bt. web. 43fl(l. BATIIti and massage. Central High Inetl- tute, left Harney SU Doug. 7097. Open evenings. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, 3,9 Bran. Thca. Bldg. D. 1661. MAE BKUOMAN, sclentiflo masseuse and baths. 203 Karbacb Blk. Red 3727. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. &I8 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. fllOHT private maternity home. Best re. Sflns Bristol. Web. 2908. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 3SU1 Ht. Phone COIfRX 2042. SCIENTIFIC massager620 Be Bldg. Phone Edna Williams, massage, bath. 22S Neville. Manicuring and mais. 1623 Farnam. R. II. E. BROTT, masiaging. 2120 Harney. D. 9520. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. su, s mo., h. gooas, total cost, 13.60. 140, 6 mo., endorsed notes, total cost, $8.0. Smaller, large aro'ts, proportionate rate, PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Ot Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 669. LEGAL RATE LOANS 124.00 $240.00 or mors Easy payments.. Utmost privacy. S40 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. MEDICAL DR. E. B. TARRY. FILES, FISTULA. CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op erations, Cure guaranteed and no money paia uniu curea. write lor book on rec tal disease with testimonials. DR. 140 Bee Bldg. B. R. TARRT, - Omaha, Neb, WHY SUFFER? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 618-6H4 Ross Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He la curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours 9 a. m. to t p. m.; 7:90 to 1:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation, call or writs Dr. Frank H. Wray. 300 Bee Bldg. Chiropractors. Dn. Johnston, 132B W. O. W Bldg. D. 6589. DR. KNOLLENBERO. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, 34th and Farnam. D. 7295, Dr. C. J. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 9461. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602 Rose Bldg. T. 2368. it..:.. y .LSCIILIBIB Dr. Bradhury. No pain. 912 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rrm., SOS Rose Bldg. D, 2186. BUSINESS CHANCES GOOD CHANCE FOR DOCTOR. Doctor, with good established practice at Snyder, Neb., recently died; will sell his lease, office fixtures, drugs, automobile and all Instruments and equipment. For information address J. F. Murphy, 4911 South Twenty-fourth St.. Omaha. 4?OH SALE Garage and dwelling. Good pyin Duainesn. oeuins; out on aooount of other business. Ford contract goes with offer. Write Box 316, Rosaline, Neb. , ' HIGH EST ' SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks or merchandise, tn city or country; quick action. Omaha Salvage uo.. too umana is at. liana, v. lav. CAN use good, clean-cut man with a few hundred dollars to travel with state right feature booked solid. Reference! required. Manager. 310 Bromley Bldg. X BLACKSMITH SHOP with full equlp ment for sale or trade for real estate. Wish a quick sale. Box T 54. Bee. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Busch A Borghoff, 780 World-Herald Bldg. Phona. D. 3J MOVINO PICTURE machines, new and rs bullt all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 201 Nat. Bldg. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Ex change, 108 8. 14th St RESTAURANT, town of 1,000; big bustnsss; no opposition; railroad division point Ad d reas Box Y 4364, Bee. FULLT equipped, paying meat market, in connection with grocery, Fortent cheap. Call Douglas 3147. SELL or trade grocery and shelf hard ware store. Address Box 144, Auburn Neb. GOOD opportunity for young doctor, south east Nebraska. Address Box T 65, Bee. TO GET In or out of business call on OANGESTAD. 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. S477. I guarantee sale of any business or real es tate. F. V. Knieat. Bee Bldg., Omaha, DOWD SALE AND AUCTION W. O W. Bldg. Red 8286. FOR SALE Pool hall with eight tables. Jos. Muck, Harlngton. Neb, SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 30o PER LINE. Business ads. regular rates. Male. WANTED Position In office as office manager or assistant Have had several years experience In the business world. Held last position over ten year and lost it through dissolution ot firm. Possess some selling ability with plenty ot com mon sense; 41 years old tn excellent health. No bad habits and can furnish exceptional references. - It you art will ing to pay a moderate salary until l demonstrate my ability, address Box 4363, Bee. MAN, 35, fair education, office experience) booitkeeping and correspondence, desires tilth class office position. Would assume management of small office. Road propo sition considered. Best references. Inter view. Box 4367, Bee. WANTED To work on farm or ranch; youngjnn 9oi habits and willing to work; can dc carpenter work aod etc. Box 8203 Use. . YOUNG man with motorcycle would like work with automobile or supply company, or driving car. Webster 5639. Colored; Wanted Poet Hot as porter or janitor from I to I hours a day,-omitting Sunday, by experienced, reliable man. Web. 3306. COLORED chauffeur wants steady position, understands machinery; will do own re- pa irlng. Good references. Box 4339. Bee. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general ac countant, open tor position: good record and references. Box 4325, Bee. YOUNG man wants work evenings, from I to 10 p. m. Clerical or stenographies!. Box 4H i. ttaa SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WH.TEWAtifllNU, Windows washed, rugs pea ten, screens repaired, hung. Wal. le. EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by auy. rnons uoug. Kt4, wm. ueianey. Houaecleanlng and day work 'rytcr 82: Female. YOUNU lady with t months' . -perlence wishes position as stenographer; best of ted, reflm.d young woman, ntoderate pay WANTED Practical nursing by middle aged lady; city references. Call Webster swtw. .LAUNDRY work, S days each Voek, by uarnan woman, walnut mni. aundry and Day Work. EXPEItT laundrcHs wunts washing, rough dry, all riat work ironed, any size bundle, Co lb., washed and Ironed, 60c a dozen; lace curtains, :sc pair, called lor and de livered. Douglas 61 a. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing ana ironing; fine clothes a specialty; soft water used. Harney 104. 2630 Chicago. SHIRTWAISTS dune up, 15 cents. Clothes wasnea, cents a piece, Jf ancy Clothes a specialty. Harney 40&Z. WANTED By reliable colored woman. cleaning and laundry work. Harney 6757. DAT work or chambermaid work. Compe tent colored lady, call Wabster 4545. WANTED Position as housekeeper, la or out ot city. Box 4412, Bee. DAY work wanted by colored woman. Phono Laundry day or cleaning work. Web. 1621 CLEANINU, day or hr. Mrs. Scott. Web. 3715 DAY work, housccleantng, col. lady. D. 437S, DAT WORK. CaM after 7 p. m. Web. 6H54 DAY work by rella. colored lady. Doug 9486 Curtain & wool bankets laundered H. 1130 LAY work, waahlng or cleaning. Wal. 2638 LAUNDRY or clfanlng, day work. Web. 2973 DAY WORK by exp. women. Dg. 66tiL. ANNA wants day work. Webster 23117, DAY work and housecleanlngl D. 7084. " WANTED Day vork. Douglas 4997. BUNDLE washing. Call Walnut 2260. DAY work wanted Webster 3327. HELP WANTED MALE 1 Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER 1100 Cashier and Bookkeeper 886 to $100 liooitKeper and steno.. 2b per wk, Sales ledger clerk 976 to 9o urnce clerk 350 to 960 Stenographer $76 to $86 WATTS KEF. CO.. 1st Nat. ManK, BOOKKEEPER, bank, $75; ledger clerk, 975; office clerk. $75; steno., $76; steno., 970; shipping clerk, $50, Many others. NO FILING FEE. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. NO FILING FEE TO PAY HERE. Register tree. No watting. See us. Good positions open today. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, . Room 1202 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and capable bookkeeper for loan and real estate business. Young man preferred, not suojeci to arart.1 Address r. O. Box 318, Council Bluffs, Ik. WANTED Four young men for soda fountain work. Apply Barkalow Bros., 814 8. 10th St. GENERAL OFFICE CLERK $85 w aaianw nbr .kunji, ft BUiND AOS N. Professions and Trades. WANTED A draftsman for a large manu facturing concern. Box 3038, Bee. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., mio-io uity iationai uanK mag. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, 1134 Douglas St. WANTED A meat cutter at once. Wash Ington Market, 1407 Douittas. YOUNO man from 18 to 20 to learn trade. Apply 633, Rose Bldg. AUTO painters wanted, 2122 Cuming St., Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED With automobile, to solicit trade from the farmers and smaller towns for two of the best selling articles ever offered. Articles sell from $8 to $28 each. Good salesmen can make from $10 to $2i a day the year around. They are high olasa and legitimate. Op portunity for a permanent and profitable business la any county for the best of salesmen. Address. Coast Culvert ft Flume Co., Portland, Ore. , SALESMEN Old established concern, pay- ins uoerai salary ana expenses, will add -10 experienced men to traveling sales force, selling roofing and paints; perma nent position. If you are a real shies man and honest, call B, J, Johansen, Room 121, Paxton Hotel. WANTED Good, live man ot seat appear ance, fair education; good salary. Call 9 a. m. Room 829, First Nat'I. Bank Bldg. Ask for Mr, Lyons. SALESMAN WANTED. Call 623 8. 16th St. . Trade Schools. LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more man matte your expenses wniie learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1403 Dodge St TRI-01TY BARBER COLLEGE. NOW is the time to act If you are going io enust in toe army or navy. Learn the barber trade first; jobs waiting. Special summer rates. Catalogues free. Moler Bar ber College. 119 So. Hth St.. Omaha, Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, " 407 8. 30th and 2059 Farnam. Boys. BOYS earn good wages while learning trade. Just like being paid to go to school. Must bo 16 years old. Gordon-Lawless Co., 8th and Dodge. CAN always use boys who want to work; minimum wage, $1.40 per day. Good chancfr for advancement Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Errand boy, quick, active and attentive; written references required. McCord-Brady Co., 18th and Leavenworth. Miscellaneous. WANTED One hundred non-union boiler makers and helpers and handy men. Will pay boilermakers 55c per hoar and helpers 30c per hour and upward. C, G. JOHNSON BOILER CO.. DRAKE WILLIAMS MOUNT CO., Omaha, Neb. WANTED At Casper, Wyo., man to drive truck and work In warehouse for whole sals grocery; also warehouseman to han dle fruit; also stenographer. Good salary, permanent position; experience required; give recommendations, previous experi ence, salary desired. Address Box 263, Casper, Wyo. SINGLE man to build fences, work around yard and ao general larm worK on 140 acre farm, two miles from town; middle axe preferred; state experience. Wages, etc.. In first letter, 8. D. Meysenberg, Clarks, Neb. WANTED Men and women to learn avia tion. Government or exhibition work. Ideal training camp. Write for particu lars. Moler Training College, 106 S. Fifth Ave., Chlcaxo. ATTENTION-, farmers. If you want help we can supply you. unirr t-iry ,a,mpioy ment Bureau, 91414 W. Broadway. P. 431. LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. CO., west yard. 43d and Isard Sts, LABORERS tor Lewlston, Mont Ship daily. Free fare. Kmeraia Leu. Agy 922 uj h. 10. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS. $75, $70, $C5, $00, $50. Bookkeepers, $100, $85, $75, $45. Typists. $60, $40, $30. WATTS REF. CO.. 1st Nat. Bank. BILLING clerk. $50; steno., $65; steno.. $o: office cierk, $49. no filing fbb, THB MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and eXfJas aUrlov Cn-Ooeratlvo Reference Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. HOOK KEEPER, umall town 185 WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 3 ST EN OS. $50$tf0 THH UANO AGENCY. 000 BEE BLDG. STENO. and SECRETARY .$S5-$!00 WttSTBKN KbFEKENCB A BOND ASSN. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone' Compahy offers to learn local and long distance tetepbone operating, permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good wages. A Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other uemiia ars especially invitea IO accom pany the spplicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert. 1807 Douglas St. WANTED Girls for attractive piece-work position, it en Biscuit Co., 13th and Cap itol Ave. WANTED Lady to work, either to leara.or go massage worn, ziu Mairq mag. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodxe St Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Woman of neat appearance, fair education; good salary. Calt 3 p. Room 829, First Nat'I. Bank Bldg. Ask for Mr. Lyons. Household and Domestics COMPETENT girl tor iccnerat housework; small family, no laundry work, good wages, Mrs. IC. II. Fish, 3311 Woolworth Ave. WANTEDA competent girl in family of two for general housework. Apply 3917 Farnam. or phone Harney 1074. WANTED A nurse maid to care for boy 5 years old; references. Airs. L. o. Clarke. 135 N. 34th St Tel. Harney 36. WANTED Good girl for light housework. No washing and dandy home. Phones Harnoy 48H5 or Harney 2268. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. References required. $35 per month Phone Harnoy 6917. WANTED A girl to assist with housework and handle a 4-year-old boy. Harney 6033, 408 N. 39th St. WANTED Young girl or middle-aged woman for care of 2-year-old child. Har ney 923. WHITE girl to help with housework aud cars or two children. Benson 770-W. EXPERIENCED woman cook wanted, Com- merclal hotel. Hay Springs, Neb. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED 2 waitresses. Millard Hotel, 13th armwougias. Apply to steward. Miscellaneous. WANTED GIRL (COLORED PRE FERRED), STEADY WORK ALL THE YEAR ROUND. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 18TH AND MARCY. LADIES wanted for pleasant home employ- mom; maKo so to io weeKiy. Apply 321 Doug-las St. between 9 and 6. HELP WANTED Male and Female. THOUSANDS government war positions open 9100 month. Examination every where. List free. Franklin Institute, uept. 337 r, Rochester, N. Y, WANTED Namoh men and women wishing government positions, st& month. Hun dred war appointments. Box Y 49, Bee. EDUCATIONAL VAN BANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. A ten weeks' summer course in the fol lowing subjects, taught by professors from the University of Nebraska, begins June 18: Business Administration, Advertising, Finance and Investments, Banking. A ilxl weeks' summer course 'for house keepers, taught by an experienced teacher of domestic science, begins June 18th. WAR-TIME FOOD PROBLEMS. The business world NEEDS YOU. Enroll any Monday for the followlna subjects: Shorthand. , Bookkeeping. Typewriting. Comptometer. Office Methods. , Dictaphone. Summer hours s to 1. 820 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. BOTLES COLLEGB DAT SCHOOL. MIGHT SCHOOL. J Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, ahorthand, atenotype. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil aervlce all commer cial and English branchea. Catalogue free, BOTLES COLLEGE. ' Dougla, 1565. 18th and Harney Sta. T. M. C. A. Day and Night School. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY SOTH AND FARNAM. Special low rate to permanent guests. HOTEL ROOMS, 12 week; apts. with kitchenette: steam heated. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS I If you fail to find the room you desire among these aria call at The ' Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms Jn all parts of the city. New lists issued every week. FOR RENT Comfortable furnished front room, four windows, shade; good loca tion, H blk. from car; private family; no ether roomers; lady preferred. 821 South 2Bth St Tel. Harney 4490. EXCELLENT surroundings, strictly modern name, farnam car, large porcn, newly decorated in btrd's-eye maple, rent rea sonable. Breakfast optional. Red 6488. 131 SO. S6TH ST. Double and single room, plenty of hot water, electrlo lights, home cooking, make rates, first door south of new Ford hospital. Doug. 6068. 66 S. :6TII ST. Beautifully finished, cool rooms, single or en suite; large lawn and shade trees, private home, hot water all rne time; pnoife Harney 4604. ONE! beautifully furnished large room with two closets, tor man and wife, or two gen tlemen ; close In; strictly modern; tine for Bummer, Harney 2S4. FOR RENT Suite of two rooms, newly lurniined, on car line, Hanscom park; rent very reasonable to steady tenants. rnone Harnoy 6201. LARGE, airy room, nicely furnished, largo iiDrary, manogany oooKcases, modern southeast exposure, block from Farnam car. Harney 3478. NICELY furnished room in modern home. warning aistance or convenient to far nam car; reasonable. Harney 4163. S13 Park Ave. NICELY furnished bed room with use of din ing room and kitchen In a strictly mod em home to young married couple. (08 8. I6th Ave. VERY large, nicely furnished room, well ventilated, large halls, large porches and lawn, walking distance; references. Bar ney 8473. ATTRACTIVE south room, excellent fur nishing, modern conveniences, walking dletance, $15 month. Board near. H. 1198. WEST Farnam Dlst.; very nice room, ault- aoie cor a; modern, quiet home; no room ers; gentlemen preferred. Walnut 8660. 3121 DOUGLAS Large, beautifully fur nished room, all modern; connecting bath; gentlemen preferred; also single room, NICELY furnished large downstairs room. ram para; aiso varase. narney iojd LARGE well-furalBhed sleeping room for one or two gentlemen, one diock to car line. 613 S. 27th St. Harney 443. NICELY furnished modern rooms for women employed; very reasonable rates, bis 8. 16th St.. Apartment 3. D. 4926. HANSCOM. PARK Very desirable room to gentleman, new, modern bungalow, ex. West car line. Harney 1230. NICELY furnished, all modern rooms, tight nounoKeeping it aesirea; reasonaoie pnoes. 2S23 Ames Ave. Colfax 3771. 1113 SCIUTH 10TH ST., Apt. 6 -Modern, newly furnished rooms, private, poara op tional. Douglas 8433. TWO furnished sleeping rooms for one or two persons tn private Home; all modern. Telephone Web. HO 24. 318 N. 16TH. Apt 2, strictly modern rooms, Housekeeping privileges, rnone DOUglaS T9U1. PLEASANT room, modern, for gentlemanl' nut 2196. AN elegantly furnished room for 2 gentle men. Tne scran ton. 410 eweeiwooa Ave. CALIFORNIA 2-3 furnished rooms, modern, first floor, nice yara. rtarney 4Ui. 818 S. 18TI1 ST. Walking distance, elegant furnished room, in modern nouse. ineap. DUNDEE One large room, also ono room with sleeping porch, w alnut 26g. DUNDEE, large room with sleeping porch, near Farnam car. Walnut lot. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. VERY nicely furnished front room to gentle man; reasonable. Walnut SOB. 1811 CASS ST. Furnished rooms; Glean; price reasonable. Red 8918. A VERT PLEASANT HOME FOR NURSES. CALL DOUGLAS 7910. 161J HOWARD Nicely turn rnr.. $2.S0 up, Housekeeping Rooms. 1668 DOUGLAS Largo west room, excep tionally well furnished. Everything com plete for housekeeping. Suitable for couple or one glrL Walking distance. FARNAM, 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms; reasonable; clectrlcty; gaa range; refrigerator. 2111 DOUGLAS, two rooms for light bouse keeping; walking dlsftnce. 1011 HOWARD Housekeeping and sleeping rooms; reasonable. BEAUTIFUL front suite ot twe rooms. Everything furnished. 2648 Dodge. Board and Rooms. - NICELY furnished front room and board for two young men; no objections to young girls If employed; strictly modern home. Hanscom Park district Harney 1855. 1408 LAKE ST. Strictly modern room, suit able for one or two, $10 a month, or breakfast and dinner, $26 a month, Web ster 3527. FOR 2 gentlemen, large front room, pri vate, modern home; excellent board; nice " neighborhood; no other roomers. H. 1533. GENTLEMAN wants first class board and room In private home; state location and pnone numoer. hox 44&1, Bee. LARGE southeast room, beautifully furn- laiivu, iituiBuuni ram uiainci. vouu board. Phone Harney 179. WELL furnished front room; board for two In private home; walking distance. 2424 Jones. Douglas 8122. US 61 DODGE Attractive room for two; good board; walking distance; reasonable; aiao small room. BOARD and room in private homereaaon able, near two cars. Ha, &164 or 004 S. 35th St. FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATE FAMILY: BOARD OPTIONAL. HARNEY 4179. 302 N. 20TH ST. Excellent board and room. Douglas 4420. Grey Gables. CHOICE room and board, $5.60 week. Home cooking. 2230 Howard. PLEASANT room, good location, with board, walking distance. Tel. Har. 4703. BOARD and room for young man. Har ney 6702. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 UNFURNISHED, modern semi-basement rooms; clean and reasonable. Phone Har ney 6333, FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. A XOVELY two-room apartment bath and telephone. Very reasonable. Close In. Call Harney 3848 for appointment. NIFTY, completely furnished apartment with private bath. (46 &. 31st SL Har. BEAUTIFULLY finished apartment, 26th and Harney, $60.00. Doug. 3393. FOR RENT HOUSES West. VACANT JUNE 1 ' $55.00 PER MONTH ! 9-room, all modern . hoiia. and Bleeping porch. Thla plac. la In west part of clt. . THE BYRON REED COMPANY. Douglaa 2t?. 213 Bo. 17th SL NEAR 24th and Dodge, 6 rm... all modern. . u. weaq, 310 a. lBtn Bt. u. 171. FLAT, 2305 Leavenworth, fi room., 820.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. Dongla. 854. 128 S. SSTH ST. Eight rooms, sun parlor. sleeping porch. 855.00. D. 2221. SIX rooms, all modern. Adults only. Tel. Harney 2049. NEW five-room bungalow, modern. 617 S, 36th St. North. FOR COLORED. 2537 Patrick, Ave. 8-r., modern except heat, 16. r ; THE BYRON REED CO., Doug. 287. , 212, So, 17th St. FOR RENT $15.00. 3641 Capitol Ave., fi room., modern ex cept heat. . THE ,BYRON REED COMPANY. T.m. 312 s. 17th St. 7-ROOM house, 3203 Burdetle St., all mod ern, good location, beautiful lot, good aur roundlngs. ALFRED THOMAS, 303 Farnam Bldg. 333.00 7room modern house, newly deco rated and papered. 3513 Caldwell St. SCOTT & HILL CO., McCague Bldg; Douglaa 1009. 1133 N. 18TH ST., 8-r all-mod., $25. 2820 N. 31st St., 6-r mod. ex ht, 315.C0. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721. FIVE-ROOM cottage at 3331 Meredith Ave., cleaned up and ready tor use. Harney 4419. JiUNGALOK. story and half, t rooms, all modern, 335. 1713 N. 38th. Red 1881. 7-ROOM house, all modern, reasonable rent. 2738 Cuming St. Harney 3S92. 32G, 7-ROOM, all modem, 3620 Hawthorne' Are. Phone Wal. 2343. 8-ROOM house, tot tor garden. 1417 N. 19th. Walker. FIVg-ROOM modern house. Web. 671. South. BEAUTIFUL, atrictly modern five-room bungalow In Leavenworth Helghta: aouth front, on corner. Neighborhood Agency. Webster !03. 112 FLAT 3 rooms, on. story; gaa, .Lctrls lights, sink, toilet, water paid. Just Ilk, new; no children. 3030 S. 18th. Red 4902.. S-ROOM house, modern but heat; best con. dltlon. 320. 830 S. 21st St. Harney S706. MODERN 4-room house, 4&06 S, 23d St. Miscellaneous. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-R. 2506 Pierce St 7- R. 1315 Capitol Ave -R. 17 N. 18th St STRICTLY MODERN. t-.R. 3875 Decatur St 6- R. 1834 N. 87th St 8- R. 319 Park Ave .., 7- R. 1033 B. 30th Ava ..B -9ft7 W ... a ,115.0, , 20.00 , 22.50 IIS. 00 , 21.00 , 22.50 , 26.00 . 30.00 . 30.00 , 60.00 , 32.60 , 40.00 , 70.00 -R 3901 V. 17th St g-R. 3816 Farnam St 9-R. 660 8. 36th St 10-R. 3231 Dodg. St 14-R 101 N. ISth St 4-R. Apt. 10, Stoecker, izS S. 24th St in a4 2 PORTER 4k 8HOTWELL, S0J S. 17th St Doug. 5011. Office, with HOME BUILDERS. 1008 PACIFIC ST., 4 rms.. bath, " gas for cooking, elao. light newly papered and painted fig on 2811 Charlea St., 6 rms., mod. ex. heat newry papered and repaired. 15.00 oi. d, inn at., a rms., lor colorod.. BIRKETT A COMPANY 8.00 250 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. WB wantmore houses and apartments to .v.. . . uvj practically cleaned out our Wg list is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne ft Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Mm," 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug, lflis IP YOU are looking for vacant property to out, hii vuiaiim AXIIKPBI Rental Agency, or send for our weekly printed list. Hastings A Heyden. 1614 Harney. Ty. 80, HOUSES In all parts of the city T" CREIGH. SONS ft CO.. SOS Baa Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. r BEAUTIFUL. J-r. mod. flat, new, 207 Pax ton Court, oiose In, walking die.; very choice; bet 36th and 16th. Douglas & Farnam. oak finish; nicely decorated Indirect lighting fixtures; gas range, re frtgerator, window shades curtain rods furnished, 3fi. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AO'CT ' HASTINO ft HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. TIZARD PLACE BLOCK. Central; Interior and exterior ot the best; 4-room apartment. 3 - room apartment. 4- room flat. 220 K. 23d Street. VICTORIA. 17th ft Harm-y, choice l-r. Apt wim mu. prauucaiiy new, ver; OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AO'CT EASTINGS ft HETUEN, 1.14 Har. Ty . F I