J7 THE BEE: OMAHA, MAY 1917 Want Ad Rates CSB THB TELEPHONE If yoo eannot con veniently brine or tend In your ads. Ask fur a Want Ad Taker and you will re ; cetvo the same good service as when de- uvan&c your aa at inn office. PHONE TV LEI: 1000, WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE KVBNINO EDITIONS 12:08 MORN IN O EDITIONS 10:00 P. NO AD TAKEN FOR I.KNftTHAM til. ONE TIME, OB LESS THAN 10e A DAY 1 0A8H WITH OBOKB, "et Solid (No Display.) WPER WORD. KACr INSKRTIflW If Paragraphed or Displayed Id Larger TP. so par line on tlmt 19 par una, or mora consecutive Inssrttons. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rata lOo par line CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL. NOTICES. Its par ttne each Insertion (Minimum charga, 60 cents.) MONTH LT RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (NO) cnaag of codt allowed.) On Hn , $1.96 Two 11b or mora 11.10 ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER nmL.tr wanted CLASSIFICATIONS. 3e par word on time IVic par word, two or mora consecutive insertion. SPECIAL COMBINATION RATE. land, Poo I try ami Other Advertising, n umaiia be is (over ...ooo daily). MTH CENTURT FARMER (ovar 110,000 WMKiy.) combined circulation which will reach Dotn the city and rural resident. Special Reg. . . it a tea. Rata. s insertions in on a ha Bee and , I Insertion tn 30th Century " Parmer, per word ,4 X Insertions In Omaha Be and i 1 Insertions In 20tb Century Farmer, par word lOHo l3o ( Contra et rates s application.) MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. PRINCESS. U17 pnUQLAS K SHJ1.L.T KIHQ IN NO. 10 OF "THB MYSTERY Or THB DOUBLE !f CROSS. " . ANIMATED WEEKLY AND OTHERS. North. ALAMO., 14TK 4 FORT EDMUND BREESE in "THE SPELL OP THB YUKON" AND COMEDY. ALHAMBRA, 14TH PARKER ANTTA STEWART in "THE COMBAT." DIAMOND, 1 liTH LAKE RUTH ROLAND In No. t of ( AND OTHER OOOD REELS GRAND. . . 16TH B1NNEY i ENID BENNETT IN "THE LITTLE BROTHER." LOTHRor. IITH LOTHROP CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "CAMILLE." PARK. 16TH CALIFORNIA ' 7-OE RAE In "CHUBBY TAKB8 A HAND." EDITH ROBERTS In "LITTLE MOCCASINS." South. APOLLO, "iTH j LEAVENWORTH DOROTHY PHILLIPS In "THE FLASHLIGHT GIRL." BOULEVARD, 31D a LEAVENWORTH " FREDERICK WARD in . ' "HINTON'S DOUBLE. West. DUNDEE. 1 1ST A UNDERWOOD DOROTHY DALTON and CHARI.KS RAY In "BACK OF A MAN." South Side, ORTHEUM, WILFRED LUCAS in "A LOVE SUBLIME." BACIIC x WILLIAM FARNUM in "AMERICAN METHODS. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES EOCHEFORD William, ged 41. Funeral asrvlcee family reeldeno., 1910 South Thlrty-.econd street, at 1:16 a. m. Thursday to St. Patrlck'a church at I o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre. CARRIOAN Krtniond a. agecTYo yesrs. Funeral from Cole-MrKey Co. partora. 1611 Farnam. Tueaday at 1 p. m, Frlanda welcome. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. K. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Director. F. E. Fero, Mgr., 33d and Cumins Sta. Phon Douglas 677. Auto embulanoe. liULSE 4k RIEl'EN, undcrtakera and em- balmera, 701 8. 16th. Doualaa 1116. DUFFY JUHNHTDN, embalmers and fu neral dlreiclora. 717 S Itth St. Tyler 1674. TOHN A. UENTLEMAN. undertaker and mMamar, I6S4 Leavenworth. Dous. 16b. FLORISTS. BEING a'insn.ber'or the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery ssscrlHtlon. we are tn position to deliver flowers on short notice anywhere In the U. R or Canada. Hiss St Swnboda. Florists. LARGEST .isnortment of fresh flowers. L. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. Fo;S' LEEL.LARMON 1X14 Dourlas St. Doualas 1144. P"aRKKR Slower shop. 41 1 8, 16th. D. 1101, THE FBRNERT. 101 8. Hth 8t. Dour :tha. BATH. National Florist. 1804 Farnam St. A. DON AO HUE, 162: Harney. Douc. 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births A ost Ino and Alfla Papta, 131 ' Pierce, boy; John and Mary Sothmann, 214 Farnam. alr; Frank and Marie Calek. B01T South Eighteenth, girl; Gabriel and Sophia Loka. Forty-sixth and Harrison, boy; William and Elsie Beted, hopltal. boy; Chas. and Julie Kresl, (714 South Nineteenth, boy; Walter O. and Marie Llrkert, 141 T Vinton, girl; Maurice and Anna Carroll, St 34 North Eighteenth, girls James B. and Elliabeth 1 Rlshel, hospital, boy; Sam and Sophia Mar ' golln, Parker, girt; Jsmea W. and Florence Hansen, 1711 North Twenty-eighth ; avenge, boy; Joe H. and Mildred McNIrhoti. SOU North Slvty-flrst avenue, hoy; Dom anleo and CartnVla Petrosl, 1101 Pierce, girl. Deaths Francis Marie Weinberg, I day. till Q; Thomas Leo Palace. months, 4IC South Twentieth; Baby Williams. 1 day, 2613 South Twenty-second; Mary Ethel Flekel, , hospital; John M. Robinson. , . 1411 North Thirty-sixth: James R. Perkins, II, 4411 Parker; Samuel Slaten. 41, 16 Sooth Twenty-elghtb: Ellenora C. Golden, . Months 1401 Burt; William Carroll, 10, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permlta to wed have been Issued to the following: ' 1 Nam and Realdence.X Age. Fred 8. Hunter, Omaha... , 11 Esther Kroner, Omaha.... si Fred W. Ouenther. Plattsmouth, Neb., 42 Sophia Wllleoxen, Plattsmouth, Neb,.,.. 31 John R. Rwmitawn, Omaha... It Sarah Dell. Omaha SI David A. Sellgman, Kansas City, Mo 40 Tonnes J. Sellgman. St. Joseph. Me.. 14 Jeha P. Rels, Hamburg, la.,.....,,.... It Blanch Morgan, Hamburg, la ., 34 Henry C. ManU, T Image, Neb...,, St Georgia Unthank. Arlington. 'Neb........ si James D. Graham, Omaha , , 14 Frances M. Wasaaman, Omaha...,...,,, 31 Lools A. Hornbunr, Omaha.....,,,,,,,., Q Careolln B. Miller, Omaha..,,, si Jeha PrlMI, O'Neill. Neb..: ft Mary Koralck, Florenea, Neb SI Yltto Mertensen, Spirit Lake, la...,.,., 37 Anna Jensen, Omaha ,., si Joseph W. ShackeltoB, Beatrice, Neb.,,, tf Cla Iran Barnum, Omaha 31 John O. Green, Genoa,..,,, , 47 Martba CotUall, Genoa. 44 Petar O. Brown, Omaha SI - Jnnl Holland Omaha....,, . St ' Laos D. Phillips, Woodbine, la..., 33 Hasel K. Gllllard, Omaha II BUILDING PERMITS, B. Trosselt, 117 South FlXty-Xourth. anuM dwsiuoc 11.001. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omiha A Council Bluffs Street Railway Company to asoartaln whether they left It In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and th company ta anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. IF YOU loss anything and will advertise her you will surely recover It tf found by an honest person. If you and ertythl of value, the honest way la to advertise for the owner. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON. .Ida, knlf.. .unburst, box pleatlns, covered button, all .lie, .nd tyiee: hem.tltchlns, plcot edtlns, eye let cut work, buttunhole. D.nnanti. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., oppoelt wandal. store. 100-301 Brown Bids. ' Douila 1! VAN ARMAN Dre.e Plealln. and Buttoa CO., raxton Blk. Douglae nut. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co, 136 Rams Bids ' Phon Dous. 116t, Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENOLAND BAKERY. Ill N. 16TH BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS. Baths. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring, phy.lci CUIt. M1B Wailt.r. 3, WOVlll. nIK. D. 421 EXPERIENCED oparator. bath of all kind Room s6, N.VIH. Biu.. 16th and Harney. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium; all klnda batka 310-114 Balrd Blk.. Itth Dousl. CENTRAL Bath tnatltut. 1606 Harney uougla 70,7, Etitella Royc. maa... chirp. Ill Neville Blk. Brsss snd Iron Founderies. Ptiton-Mltchell Co., 17th and Martha Bta. Cleaners and Dyers. PIECE ault .team cleaned A preued, I preeeed. tc. 1106 Harney. Ph. Red 174 Carpenters and Contractors. LEH8ARD , BON, 1031 Cumins. Ty. 1631. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment, Dr. Uurhorn, Kose Bldg. Calmer School Oraduate. Dourla. 6341, I ChirODodiit. Carrt J. Burford, 630 Paxton Blk. R. Detectives, OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 100 l.t Nat. Bk. Bids. Phon. Tyler 1610, JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evid.no .curq In ll .caee.. Tylar 1116. D. JOLLY, 613 Paxton. Red 7401. Dressmaking. Engagement with worklns famllle,. RedlTit MRS. H. T. Mottai, 636 8. 37th. Har. EI3I. TERRY Drewmaklng Co.. loth and Farnam. Everything; for Women. SWITCHES made from comhlnga, I .trandg, 9i. wapater ,16,. 143B orant St, Psste Manufacturers. OMAHA PASTE CO. Dousla. 3760. Fixtures and Wirins. nTTPLTTM Elsclrlc washing machln. J-r U xv.l.,11, slectrlo Irons and randlne lamps, zzzi cumins sr. nous, sols Hat Cleaners. ' ALL kind, h.U clpanod and rablocked! I.' qier nat apactal. 1630 Harney. R. 4673. American Hat Cleaners. 616 S. 16th. D. 1265. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. Sll-14 City Nat. Bk. Bids. Doug. Hit. Kodak Finishing. FILMS dsvaloped free with print orders, on nay servir.. i-noto craft Shop, 1401 Far. Masseures. FRED C. ALLEN, scientific masseur: Swed i.n message anavapor Datna. 1917 Dodge, Maaaasa, chiropody. Minnie Nasi. 108-14 nana mag, nin and Doug. V. 8458. Central Bath Inst., 1S0S Harney. Dous. 70S7. IBS WEST, manicure, mnaaaga, 310 N. 17, OsteoDsths. Mrs. J. It. Muilck. aulphur. ateam and. turn. lyptus natha. 403-3 Rosa Bids. Ty. 1361. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO UKIUHTRN YOUR HOUB ' SEE FRED PARKS. Wall Paner. Paint and m.ui. Pl.tiir. mtalnl, Painting .nd Paper Hinging. b. 2itn. rnon H. 101. , Pstent Attorneys. 8TUROES A STURGES, U. 8. and foreign peieme ana trademark. 630 Be Bldg. PATENTS procured, bought and .old. Inter- national patent Co., 661 Brandel. D. 6611. Pianos for Rent. 60 pef mo. A. Hoape Co.. 1611 Douglas. Raitime. Learn to play popular mulls In 24 'eraont. , . mn, Phone Web. 1066 alter 6 p. m SAFRS BARGAINS, 111! Farnam. w .1 rt.pl. h, R.f. " Shoe Parlors. SHINB, clean, hronie. 1H33 Farnam. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL sown, full droa lull for rent, iwa m. iin. jonn ireidman. D. 1136, Towel Suonlies. Omaha Towel Supply, 307 B. 11th. D. Weddintr Stationery. WEDDINO announcement and printing. Dougla Printing Co., T.I. Dougla. 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. KKy DELICATESSEN. 1606 FARNAM. ntlRROCGH'S CAFR. OMAHA, NEB. (Servlc.) LINCOLN, NBB. eio o. lain. 133 8. 11th St, FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furnltur.. ruaa or atovM until you have aeen ua flrat. We off., vnu a ISS.0O0 STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE FUR NITURE. RUGS, STOVES and COM PLETE HOME OUTFITS for practically your own prlc. we. ar. forced f. racat our four-itory kr.hou.0. and Ita antlr. content. O aold at one. Sal. takea nlac .1 our aalea room at th. corner of 14th and Dodg etreeta. Do not fall to attend. It I. an opportunity of . lifetime. Hundred, have alraady taken advan. tag. of thl. wond.rful opportunity, Why don't your STATE- FURNITURE CO.. P. 13j7. Cor. 14th and Dodg. Bte., Omaha. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. I gaa atovea. 16 earn; 16 bade, $1 eaoh: Iceboxea. rua of all klnda. t.hi. chain, vhln. kitchen cabinet, buffeta, dreaaera, trunka, aultcaeea. leather Davan. porta. All klnda of bedding. Full Una of poultry netting. 1H..-47 N. 34th St. Tel. tvcopier inu7. ,tpen Till I FOR SALE Furniture from 36 room,, drea- r., oeaa, tables, rin cotton felt mat treases, pillows, good ruga, ' flrat-clsaa spring. Addreso Box 4S66, Omaha Bee. ICE CREAM tables, off fur., chain, retrlg.. i-e coolers, garaen noee, pori'n furnltur.. viciroiaa ana pianos, loysl Furn Co., 133 N. 16th. City Furn. Co.. 107 So. 14th. 100-LB. ICE BOX, good condition, 16; alao many other plecea of furniture. Must aell thl, week on account of leaving olty. 1606 William St. OR SALE Waahlns machine and wringer ano. ironing ooanj, excellent condition. Call Colfax 661 In morntng. RUSH rlxht down and gat your ahare of all kinqa furniture at sacrifice. 60, N. 16th. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE A dandy Smltk 'orxan: rood tone; good for church or home; 113.60; "in. mn Bt. Bed 613. LL store piano for ua. of il no chil dren. Web 133T. Lumber and Building Materials. 8AVB HALF on beam., column, brick. H. uroaa Lumber and wreck. Co. Web. 1884 SECOND-HAND lumber .nd brick tor sale. ie r. aetn ayi. namey 4047. Clothing and Furs. buy and aell tallor-mad. aorinc and aummer autts. 1111 Douglas. Doug. tm. LADY'S spring coat, neweat .trie, slxs 16 or ... .au uougias ,ees Billisrds and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom .nd pocket, with complete outfit. 11(0; eecond-hand tables at re duced priceet bowling .Ueya and supplies; eaer payment. - Cigar .tore mtures a apeeialty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. TJf, .outn loin Bt. Printing and Offics Supplies. Watere-Barnhardt Ft. Co 124 a Itth St FOR SALE Miscellaneous Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wo rent, repair, sell needles and parts oc an sewing msr nines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 14th and Harney fits. Doug. 1442. FOR SALE Singer sowing machine, $&. gooq running condition, tzz N. Ifth Typewriters snd Supplies. C FOR SALE Rebuilt Remington, Monarch and Smith' Premier typewriter!. Prices and up. Fully guaranteed. Buy from manufacturer and be protected. Pay menta Remington Typewriter Co.. 7nc TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired, neni an uuver typewriter J months for is. central Typewriter Exchange, 1901 rarnam. REMINGTON. Monarch and fimlth-Pre. mlera for .rent; sent anywhere. lUmtngton typewriting uompany. u, jam, Guaranteed Typewriters, $10 and up. Writ ior im, Migianq Typ, t;o., 140 poage. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and mad up in fresh ticks oost half th prlc of nsw pillows. Call us for samples or ttcKtng and prices. 1107 Cum ing. Uouglai 3447. WE HAVE moved to new location. We buy, sen ana mau aesKs. sales, showcases. helving, sta Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas Sta. rnon uoug, Z7a. DRY KINDLING WOOD, ACME HARNKT 1137. BOX COMPANY. Cameras and Kodaks. REXO CAMERAS, every click a tura, Green's Pharmacy, pi 16th and Howard. SWAPPERS' COLUMN COIN collector would like to exchan some of his coins for others, or will buy ior rasn. uescnos your col no fully. Ad nross ox jiibji, He. HAVFS Elk stickpin set with small pearls, oim goia mouniinxi; valued at 120, wnat nave your Box 12 1 5, Be. WANTKD Oil stovo or coal range In ex man re ior an equipped gas rang. Wa nut riLMS developed fret; one -day service. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., nth na narnev, POULTRY AND PET STOCK POR SALE Three colli pupa. 2411 N. 24th Horses Live Stock Vehicles GRAY horse, t yeara old, sound, weighs 1,200 hi., i dibck none, t years old, 1,100 lbs, a i so two-ton express wagon. 1411 N, 24th ni. Tyfti4ir AUTOMOBILES USED CARS 1114 Bulck roadster, 1915 Overland tour Ing, 1914 Maxwell roadster, 1911 Doge touring, 1912 Franklin touring, 1917, 1414, 1HI4, 1914 Fords. Com In and look them are .ne usea irora men and al ways have a good bunch to pick from. AUTO SALVAGE & EX. Dong. ,070. n. 8. i7lh Bt FREE, $375 CASH The first on bnuvln thin 6mhant,t.i. new 7-passenger Old into bll eight will re juiysj .ne anove Discount from regular yitu. Mur (OQSjr only, f 1.060. LEE TRAYNOR, SUA Farnam. Phone DouglHs Siflf. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC ' USED CAR DKPT Douglas II SO. S047.I F.rn.m t Tour Ina cars and rt.datrsi nt nri.n. l Btudabaker. Maxwell. Ford. Oakl.nti. Miwuuii, Duicn ana nuason maKea. , Tils ft MB IF" DEHIR Rri Prompt attention alven tn n in nufPi-iown ouyeri. 1916 DAVIS touring, electric lights, starter, sw tirea, car in Der.tkul ainsinsi. I.riii 1914 Studebatter six. electric lights and battery. Delivery and seven-passenger ""j runninir oruer, StYb. ;orjvvr. UABAliE, 316 S. 84TH. AUTO CLEAR INC. Hnfiii I30 Farnsm, Douglas 111 I. lfl Cole. 1911 Stearns Knight 1919 Maxwell, 9371, 1918 Empire, S400. C. W, FRANCIS AUTO C6T Used Ce n.nt 1116-11 Farnam St, 'Dougla. 181 AlmoBt any make atjnsableprlces. . vni.cno &vii,ni wHKKlfi Uemon. irate tne fio Ajax Ford atarter. $80 to weekly. Writ quick for territory to j rucu niarier lo.. Keen., nr ir VjNTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED quick action: no delay. Auto Ex- ....ua. u.. ami yarnam at. Doug. 6036. TIRE REPATRIWf; Flrst-clsss work at re. .enable price THE TIRF. SHDP D. F. Crow. 3616 Farnam. Dou. 487. Tr.ADE your old battery In on . guaran- nv.r-moy atorage battery. Free ln .pectton of any battery Ever-ready Btor- u.Li.iy v.o., i.ue rarnam nr. no, win iraae you . new Ford for your hid ..... INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., 30th and Harney. Dou.laa 6281. D1I.LAC. 4-cvllnder mnH.I ....K, speedster or light delivery, 1171 eaah. y.i..na nannier t.0.. 1,30 rarnam. FAS8ENOER Studebaker, ant-class .it.,.., at jt oargain, iMugiag 1483. a L. TELL B1NKI.ET. wn BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. j.ie narncy St. Doug 1640. ItUAUBTKR. beat Hunmnhlle. H..n other car. Three hundred caan will liuy. .... n.1,,1,1 Ran. BROA'NS In used Ford can Holmea-Ad- . x.o eeii-ij B. 34tn. Fhone S. 271. OKRTSCHY "Kan-Flx-H." SoStheaat cor. na Harney 81,. Douglas 166. rtji,i.iAN. nil touring car. 1176. TTlI Nnrlhwall Co., ,16 Farnam St. Call Ty. II. BI0UE8T bargain In Omaha, t-paaaenger u,,,, namnion. wal. 1041 1,17 CHALMERS 1-10 touring, perfect. 4001 ,.i. rtoutn 43H0, BARGAIN Electric, splendid condition. Tel "fun. . I. or tveo. 17(0. BARGAIN Mlthiirn IWM. in Auto Livery and Garages. SAl ERT suto repairing. "Service par al. ways ready." Omah. Garage. 1010 Har. ney Bt. Tyler 616. utojgepairing and Painting. 00 reward or maen.tn w. ...H - . ,p,..m. uay.aorrer, xio P7. 18th. Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS 18 NO t Itl l .l.r Second-hand tlr. nrt ...k-. . .- ' I'.i'in.. uougiaa 6873. UUMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, " 403U Jackson. Arta wanted n.,k. ar.v Motorcycle and B.cvcIm A R L E Y.DAVln.nisI unm.r.n,l Bargalna In used machine. Victor H. nooa. rne Motorcycle Man." 17th and WANTED TO BUY Old Fal.i. T..th ooesn't metier If broken. Psy 411 00 t. Call between 4 and 6 n. ,H name and agent will can. -Badger, Hen ahaw hotel. ESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka t.a.ri . -1. - i . ... . 4... . ..'.: eoi" ana w. x., nm ijy, ,-arnem. n. ai.a '"it ' bi' i,"1 "cond-hsnd vault door! . . t. UK,.B, raxion ffotel the fore part of next week, r th. Co-operative Co.. Broken Bow. Neb. 1 LUMENTHAL i2"ttrf ....... sswiBini anq snoeaUKU Red 1SS9, OLD CLOTHING 3 cic , rriiiiia, UOUOLAS 4081. ENKINS 1'ays c lo thai prlc for etc. Red JUT. trunka. Rta. .Doug. 9031 OYAL-" FURNITURE CO. will pay hold gooda Pos t fat! to call Doug. 4177) BOOKS CASH PAID FOR OLD BOOKS OF ALL KINDS inn. 11 LiS-K 183. Wo Will Pnw a i"1'" 'V Ul r aJ carded clothe. D. 6114 LAYTIN p.y. hlaheat nrlc.. fnT.M clothea, ehoee and hats. Phon. Tyler 110. DIAMONDS .ol'gmn rc WANT pool hall or grocery store. 440 Rosa Bldg. Phon Tyler 741. WANTED 'Twenty loads of dirt delivered 10 Mm woo.wortn. t:oirax 46, evenings. eftOQKS Bough L Kisser, Loyal Motel Bldg. PERSONAL THB Salvation Army Industrial Home a. licit your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. W collect. We distribute. Phon Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo, 1110-111S-1114 Dodge St. BATHS and massage. Central High Insti tute. 1104 Harney St Doug. T097. Open evenings. MISS FI8HER, sulphur, ateam baths and massage, 919 uran. Tnea, mag. d. ibb. MAE BRUUMAN. scientific masseuse and hatha 103 Karbach Blk. Red S7Z7. LUELLA WEBSTER, maasag and manl- curing. 518 Paxton Blk. Red S400. ALL RIGHT prlvat maternity home. Best fare. ZSffB Bristol. Web. 2901. SCIENTIFIC massage, 420 Bee Bldg. Phono uougias bstz. Edna Williams, massage, bath. 224 Neville. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. E. BROTT, massaging, 2110 Harney. D. 9S26. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notea as security. stir, mo., n. goons, total cost, 43. 10. 140, 4 mo., endorsed notes, total oost, 42.40. Smaller, large am'ta. proportionate rata. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men, 433 Ross Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 466. LEGAL RATE LOANS 424.00 8340.00 or mora Easy payments. Utmost privacy. S40 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. MEDICAL DR. E. R, TARRY. . PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. It. Tarry euros piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op erations. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal disease! with testimonials. DR, E. R. TARRY 140 Be Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WHY SUFFER T Latest and Most Scientific Treatment ior All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 013-424 Ross Bldg. Examination and Consultation free.' Us Is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOUf Delays ars dan gerous. If you can't call, writs. Hours I . m. to t p. m. ; 7:30 to 1:10 evenings. Sunday by appointment RUPTURE successfully treated1 without surgical operation. Call or writs Dr. rrann n. wray, Q4 Be Bldg. Chiropractors. Drs, Johnston, 1326 W. Q. W. BldgD. 6629, DR. KNOLLENBERO. SANITARIUM Lady attendant 24th and Farnam. D. 7296, Dr. C. J. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461, Dr. Franceg Dawson, 602 Rosa Bldg. T. 2366. Dentiflta. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 912 W. O. W. Bldi Taft's Dent Rms.. SOS Rosa Bldg. D. 2186, BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED A young man between the ages vi id ana se years wno is competent to lake charge and manage our office In Omaha. W will nay the riant nartv m saiarr or ivv per montft, give him a contract for one year; this position re quires an investment of 91,400, which sai ana secure investment our monthly billing being 12,600. Send phone number, addrem and references In first letter, box ssv, tit. GROCERY AND MEAT MAftkEt boctyea on Omaha's busy street. This 1s a very desirable location for a man wno unuerstanfls groceries and meats. mn sen at invoice price; about 91,800, BIG FOUR REALTY CO. lOIS lfl W. O. W. Bldg. D, 3486. BIG opportunity for broker or reliable in vestment house to make money handling iarse issue oi automobile stock. For full particulars address Room 1638. Mond, noe a jik., vntcago. ill. FOR SALE Oarage and dwelling. Good paying business. Sell in a- aut on lecnunt of other business. Ford contract goes wiia oner. nra tsox 110, Rosaline, ieo. IOHEST SPOT CASH PAID for, stores and stocks of merchandise. In city or country ; quick action. Omaha Salvage wo., fDir umana Nat. sank, D. 769. CAN use good, clean-cut man with a few .nunarea dollars tb travel with stats right feature booked solid. References required. manager, ie uromiey Bldg. DO you want a business without investment to your At home, spare time, something everyone wants. Send your address A. B. ungciinan, uibbon, Neb BLACKSMITH SHOP with full eaulo ment for sale or trad for real aslata. yvish a quick sale. Box Y 64, Bee. YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming nouss call on Busch . Borghoff, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 3319 FOR SALE Auto top shop in county seat icwn, population 1,100. Must sell quick. pox an. uavia uity, nod. MOV1NO PICTURE machines, new and re- Duiti, an manes; supplies, western sup- piy vo svi mi, mag. MOTION picture machines (new" and re outlt), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Ex- change. 101 8, 14th St. RESTAURANT, town of 1,000; big business no opposition; railroad division point Ad' arena cox r iaD, isee. FULLY equipped, paying meat market, In connection witn grocery. For rent cheap. till UOUgiai 2117, SELL or trad grocery and shelf hard wars store. Address Box 144, Auburn, iveo. OET In or out of business call OANOESTAD, 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. S47T. uarantee sale of any business or real es tate, F. V. Knlest Bes Bldg., Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1134 w, u. w. mag. Red 3286. FOR SALE Pool hall with Jos, Muck, Harlngton, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 20c PER LINE. Business ads, regular rates. Male. WANTED Position In offlcs aa office manager or assistant Hava had several years' experience In ths business world. Held Isst position over ten years and lost It through dissolution of firm. Possess soms selling ability with plenty of com mon sense 1 44 years old, In excellent health. No bad habits and caa furnish sxceptlonal references. It yon ars will lng to psy a moderate salary until demonstrate my ability, address Box 4183, Bee, MAN, 26, fair education, office experience: bookkeeping and correspondence, desires high class offlcs position. Would assume management of small office. Road nrooo- altion considered. Best references. Inter view. Box 4367. Bee. SITUATION wanted, have had experience aa solicitor and collector; will drive Ford car or will accept any straight business proposition. Address ox X 47(1. Omaha uee. ANTED To work on farm or ranch: young man of good habits snd willing to work; can do carpenter work and etc Box 330S Bee. Wanted Position aa porter or janitor from 10 s nours a day, emitting Sunday, by experienced; reliable man. Web. 3306. COLORED chauffeur wanta steady position. unaerstanns macnineryu will do own re pairing. Good references. Box 4239, Bes. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general ac countant, open ior position; good record na mierences. BOX,- 3Jt, Bee. YOLNQ man wants work evenings, from to 10 p. m. Clerical or stsnosranhlcaL 'ox .4331, Be.1 ORD driver, 3 years' experlenue, reference. jr-none poum 3Pii. m. Ulpaman. EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by .. none uoug. son, wm. ueianey. ousecleanlng and day work "Vler 922. Female. LIVE business woman with wide rxperi- wuc on tn roe a wants position selling; sooos or a emonst rating. Box 4l3t, Bee, EXPERIENCED business woman Wants po sition. Hotel, hospital or Institution work preterm, tsog uiij SITUATIONS WANTED Female. WANTED Position aa companion, educa ted, reflmd young woman, moderate pay. Box Y 37. Bee. WANTED Practical nursing by middle aged lady; city references. Call Webstar t0 40. SITUATION WANTED By competent col ored maid, house worh. Harney 180S. LAUNDRY work, 1 days each week, by Danish Woman. Walnut 2344. f RACTICAL nurse desires position, no ob- jBcuon tQ going out or city, south S7I7. POSITION aa professional nurse. Box 4224, Bee. - WANTED A place to assist with work'or nurse girl. Webster 1171. bouse Laundry snd Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing and lroalng; fine ciothen a specialty; soft water used. Harney 1904. 2639 Chicago. SHIRTWAISTS dons up, lti cents. Clothes washed. 2 cents a piece. Fancy clothes a specialty. Harney 4062. WANTED By reliable colored woman, cleaning and laundry work. Harney 6757. WASHING to take horns by competent wo man; rain water usen. Webster 7299. DAY work or chambermaid work.NCompe- iwni coioreq iaay. uau weDster 4&40. DAY work, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, r" ii siirr Hinui sifts. CLEANING, day or hp, Mrs. Scott Web. DAY work, housecleanlng. col. lady.-D. 4 DAT WORK. Call after 7 p. m. Web. 6994 DAY work by re Ha. colored lady. Diug 9486 Curtain A wool banket. laundered H. 11 DAT work, washing or cleaning. Wal. 2634 LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 2972 DAY WORK by exp. women. Dg. 6581. ANNA wants day work. Webster 2327. DAY work and housecleanlng. D. 7084. WANTED Day rork. Douglas 4997. BUNDLE washing. Call Walnut 3269. DAY work wanted Webster 2327, DAY WORK, Webster 1CH HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. GROWINO corporation wanta manager for orancn oill?e. small investment required. Liberal salary. Address Box 621, Aber deen, a. U. BOOKKEEPER, $s6-90; steno.. $7t; typ. ii eiff.ou; oiiio cierKS, 43&-io. WATTS REF CO., lt Nat. Bank. BOOKKEEPER and stenn.. .mall tnwr, WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS' ma umana National Bank building. WANTED Four young men for fountain work, 814 S. 10th St Apply Barkatow Bros. 4 EXP. SALESMEN, OOOD SALARY. SEE Mng UA.-u AUKNCyK gOO BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. BARBER WANTED Good. ft ret. la workman; none other need apply, lie, vnu w pcu over write y oz Bei DRUO POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., imiWB yuy National Bank Bldg. BARBERS save 600 per cent Contracts tonics, lotions; list free. Agents wanted. no ce. itm Marcus, at. Louts EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wanted at P. Kraus. 6316 Railroad Ave,, Side. Tel ephone South 286. WANTED Soda man that has had good experience. uwi urug uo., lotn and Far- nam St. LEARN barber trade: low rates now. or write Barber College. 1124 Douxtas St WANTED A meat cutter at the Washing w wa.rn.et, nut ivougias Bt. WANTELJ A first class barber. Grand nmei. wounctl uiutTe. la. YOUNG man from 18 to 20 to learn trade. -ppiy Baa, Koae Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED With -i.t rnKii. 10 solicit trade from the farmem nl smaller towns for two of the best selling w ouerea. Articles sell from 14 to 925 each. Good salesmen can make from IIU J 121 rlBV th. v.e m . They ars high class and legitimate. Op-- f- - -'J c, Vvi ibiimc na proiitanii uuBiuvaa in any county ror tne beet salesmen. Address, Coast Culvert awumis lb,, i-ortiana, ore. v am 1 a, i High -class experienced stove .urnace salesmen tor Wyoming ter ritory, with headquarters In or near Cas per. Bute age, experience, reference and enaurgsB oox r-&o, Omaha Bee. WANTED Mailman to f.k . goods that has been sold over 80 years ... .11w,HnB territory, at salary and ax- f""' "'n,y, cox -4361, Bee. SALESMAN WANTED, gall 623 8, 16th St. Trade Schools. L?kRN barber tra,l: Independent; mors u.Bn, just uxpanses wnue learning. u porceniaa. we aon t over- fvu 10 oemn. hub uodge 8t '"'U CAKBUB COLLEGE. NOW Is the time to act If 1 you ars going w in lu- roiy or navy. Learn the barber trade first; Jobs waiting. Special raies. catalogues tree. Moler Bar ber Collexe. 110 So. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, vi p. atii.n ma zunif rarnam. Boys. CAN alwnys use boys who want to work 11 11 in mum wase. i.jo per day. Good ciittnca ior aavancemeni umaha Box Co. nasi umana. BOYS earn good wages while learnlna rnuo. jubi. iikb oemg paid 10 go to school. Must bo Iff years old. Gordon-Lawless V.Q., nm inq uoage. Miscellaneous. CLEAN-CUT. neat appearing young colored man to same enoee. Apply to Supt, Bal cony, tiurgess-Nasn 09. SEVERAL men. 22 to 30 veara old -Musi nave some selling experience witn successtui record. Moderate salary and good commission paid to those who qualify, Short hours. No canvassing. Apply '214 Bee Bidg., Manager, WANTED An unmarried exDerienced farm nana 10 ao general work on my farm near Arlington, uooa piece, good pay. Inquire r. v.. miss, so r.xcnange mag., so. aide. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help w t.n supply you. ctuir v;ity employ, ment Bureau. 916 W. Broadway. P. 431, LABORERS wanted ; steady work ; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros,. Co.. west jq ana ixara his. LABORERS for Lewlston, Mont. Ship dally. rree rare. r.meraia La D. Agyf, 533 H B. 10. PLEASANT home to nlre elderly man only lortenains; garaen. box 4381, Bee. WANTED Help In garden. 8427 8. 18th. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. OPEN ALL FORENOON DECORATION vai oe us about these: Bookkeeper, 176; Steno.. 646: office clerk. 178: order riera. itn; shipping clerk, 976; typists. sou; dook Keeper, yo; many others. ALWAYS BUSY NO PILINrt VKK. THB MARTI CO., 1217 W. O. W. Bidg. NO FILING FEB JO PAY HEREj Register free. No waiting. Be us Good nosltlons ooen today. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE AS8'N, oom izvj, w. tj. w. jjigg-. STFNOORAPHEH3 regUters with us New cans daily. THE MARTI CO., 1S1T W. O. W. BLDO. ENOGRAPHERS. 276. 470. 865. 4G0. 240. Typist. 149.60; bin clerk. HO-l&o. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat. Bank NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and office clerks, co-operatlvs Reference Co, ANTED A atenographer, permanent po- aitton. waanmgton Market, hot Douglas. ENRRAL office clerk, experienced, $65. WKSTERN REFERENCE At BOND ASS'N WANTED Experienced cashier. Drug store. Professions and Trades. I Would yon like to-wort; tn a clean modern laundry with tins worklns conditions 7 Tf so, come down t,o M. E. Smith Si Co., Ith and Douglas Bta., and ask for Mrs. Do beck. I HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions snd Trades, THE Nebraska. Telephone Company offers An exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and Ion distance telephone operating, rermanent positions, opportun ities ior advancement; good wagea. salary la paid while learnlnr. Parenta desiring to acquaint themselves with th working conditions or any other details ar especially invited to accom pany in applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert. 1807 Douglas St. REMBRANDT studio. 20th and Farnam, wants a gtn in photographic studio; per on out of town considered; experienced ncip preifrrpq, uougias 3048. WANTED Girls for attractive piece-work position, iten xiiscuic (Jo latb and Cap HOI AVI, , WANTED 3 sewing machine girls, piece worn, guaranteed, umana Auto Top Co. if j o, tain. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dotixe St. Household snd Domestic, WANTED A respectable middle-aged lady as nouseKeeper on farm for elderly term' sr; good permanent position with good iiuiiiB. Aoareia no sizo, uee. WA NT EB Experienced girl for general ' nouseworK at once; best of references. Airs. a. b. wood, Highland Court, Tel narney WANTED A nurse maid to cars for boy years aid; references. Mrs. L. S. Clarke, 131. . 34tn at. Tel. Harney 86. EVERYBODY la doing It Doing what uemng in piano tuning tun. Chas. Fish, piano tuner. Web. 1265. RELIABLE white girl for general house work; referencea required. 2910 Harney oit 111. narney slots. WANTED An experienced second girl auoa references required, airs. Frank Hamilton. 210 8. 3M Ave. WANTED A girl to assist with housework and nandie a 4-year-old boy. Harney 4033, ua j. svtn Ol. WANTED Lo dy cook In cafe: job vaai round. Irvln Carroll. Box 326, Nelson, neo. WANTED General house work girl, two family. Referencea. Phone Walnut 1874. WANTED A competent second girl. Mrs. L-asper e. rost. Tel. Harney 143. EXPERIENCED woman cook wanted. Com- merciai no tel. lay Sprfngs, Neb. MAID for general housework. No laundry, eman lamny. narney t. NEAT willing maid for housework. 35th Ave. Harney 495S. Miscellaneous. LADIES wanted for Pleasant home emnlovt ment; make 46 to $16 weekly. Apply 2319 vunai 01, oeiween s ana 4. EDUCATIONAL VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. A ten weeks summer course In the fol, lowing subject, taught by professors from th Uolversity of Nebraska, begins June -is: Business Administration. Advertising. Finance and Investments. Banking. A six weeks' summer course for house. keepers, taught by an experienced teacher oe domestic sciencs, begins Juns 18th. WAR-TIME FOOD PROBLEMS, The business world NEEDS YOU. Enroll any monaay xor we following subjects; Shorthand. Bookkeenlnar. Typewriting. Comptometer. Office Methods. Dictaphone. Summer hours I to 1. 130 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omal BO TLBS COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Every day ts enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, steno type, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial ana English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas U66. istb and Harney Its. Y. M. 0. A. Day and Night School. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 20TH AND FARNAM. TTAmnr Special low rates so HOTEL permanent guests. ROOMS, $2 week: apts, with kitchenette: steam heated. Ogden Hot!. Council Bluff. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, BOOM HUNTERS! If yon fall to And ths room yos desire ainonjr tfcsss ads call at Tbo Bes offlcs for Boom List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In an parts of ths etty. .Now lists Issued every weeic. EXCELLENT surroundings, strictly modern nome, rarnam car, large porch, newly decorated In bird's-eye maple, rent rea sonable. Breakfast optional. Red 6488. 131 SO. 26TH ST. Double and alnaie room. pienty or not water, electric lights, home cooking, make rates, first door south of new FOrd hospital. Doug. 6068. FOR RENT Suite of two rooms, newly lurnisnea, on car una, iianscom park; rent very reasonable to ateady tenants. Phone Harney 6201. ATTRACTIVE front room, white furniture. cretonne covering, modern conveniences. suttsDie ior two, walking distance: board near. Harney 3198. LA ROE, airy room, nicely furnished, large uorary, roanogany DooKcaiee, modern southeast exposure, block from Farnam car. Harney 3473, VERY largo, nicely furnished room, well ventilated, large halls, large porches and lawn, walking distance; references. Har ney 3.473. WEST Farnam Dlst; very nice room, suit able for 2; modern, quiet home; no room ers; gentlemen preferred. Walnut 3666. LARGE, cool, very desirable rooms for two, we, rarnam district, private family, close to ctfr and rtot far out. Harney I486. NICELY furnished large downstairs room. outsiae entrance, private family, Han scorn park; alao garage. Harney 4636. HANSCOM PARK Very desirable room to gentleman: new. modern bunaalow. Park West car line, Harney 1230. 40S7N 22D ST. Nice large room suitable ior two people employed, also two single rooms. 22d and Chicago. TWO furnished sleeping rooms for one or two persons In private, horns'; all modern. Telephone Web. 2624. v COOL, south room, all modern, large closet. waiving distance, one block from car line. Tyler 9319 J. NEWLY furnished clean rooms for those wno cars. 410 Sweetwood Avs, Phone Douglas 7468. ,21 H CALIFORNIA 2-2 furnished rotms, modern, first floor, nice yard. Harney 40rJ. EAST FRONT furnished room, all modern; private nome. Harney 3973. VERY PLEASANT HOME FOR NURSEiTt ROOM with breakfast, privatefamily, close to car. narney ani. ONE room tn good home, $1.75 per week. bjh a. zsa. 1611 HOWARD Nicely furn rna.. $3.60 up Housekeeping Rooms. jtsiEtbH uuuuLAy Large west room, excep tionally well furnlsned. Everything com plete for housekeeping. Suitable for couple or one sin. naming distance. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, very reason able; all modern; laundry privileges; walk ing aistance. zbzt Harney St. SUITE of south front rooms, clean, neatly lurnispcd, suitable for housekeeping. 3903 jraage 01. FARNAM, 28223 Jilce housekeeping rooms. reasonaois, electricity, gas range, refriger ator. 2111 DOUGLAS, two rooms for light house keeping; walking distance. 1411 HOWARD Housekeeping and sleeping rooms; reasonable. Board and Rooms. NICELY furnished front room and board for two young men; no objections to young iris tf employed: strictly modern home. Hanscom Park district Harney 1866. MAHOGANY furnished front room, pri'ate oath and perch, excellent board, also garage, mono Harney 1796. E AS ANT room, good location, with noara, walking distance. Tel. Har. 4703. BOARD and room for young man. Har- ney otpi, Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED, modern semi-basement rooms; clean and reasonable. Phone Har ney 4332. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. APARTMENTS, all alses and prices. qiq location, 3nyTtnq rarnam. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. FOR RENT HOUSES West ' VACANT JUNE 1 $55.00 PER MONTH t-room, all modern houss and sleeping porch. This plscs Is located la w tt part of city. THE BYRON REED1 COMPANY, Douglas 297. 312 80. 17th St. 366 N. 40TH 8 rms. Hot water M. Dou ble garage. $60. E. H. Benner Xo, D. 124 B. 3-TH ST. Eight rooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, $55 . 00. D. 3221. 2533 DAVENPORT ST. 1 H. Banner Co. D. 8406. rooms. 418.00. E. 3167 DAVENPORT ST. 8 rooma, $42.60. E. H. Benner Co. D. 8106. SIX rooms, all modern. Adults only. Tel. Harney 2049. North. FOR COLORED. 3S37 Patrick Ave, 6-r., modern exeept heat, 115.. THE BYRON REED CO" Doug. 197. , lis 80. 17th St. FOR RENT $15.00. 2641 Cnpltol Ave., 6 rooms, modern . Copt beat. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, DM1. . 513 S. 17th St. -ROOM house, 2201 Burdetta St.. all mod ern, good location, beautiful lot, good aur roundlngs. ALFRED THOMAS. 301 Farnam Bldg. $26.00 7-room modern house, newly deco rated ana papered. z&i& Caldwell St. s. ' SCOTT & HILL CO., McCague Bldg. Douglas 1004. BUNGALOW, story snd half, a rooms, all modern, 125. 1711 N. 28th. Red 1181. CINE rooms, 2230 Chsrle, St., sultabi for two famine. i-ROOM, modern bungalow: adult.; Insti tute car line. Walnut 1841. FOUR clean rooms, fine shade ftnd yard. tvie n. seen Hi. 8-ROOM house, lot for ssrdsn. Walker. i.ii n. istn. FIVE-ROOM modern house. Web. 671. South. Ill FLAT 1 rooms, on. story; gas. slactrlo n.nis, sinn. unlet, water paid, Juat Ilk new; no children. 8030 S. 18th. Red 4603. 1729 S. 18TH ST. J rms., mod. UL. 120. n- cenner Co, D. 8406. 1801 S. 82D ST. 10 rooms, modern. 141.00. m. n. jtenner uo. u. 8406. ROOM house, modern but heat; beat con dltlon, 130. 830 B. list St. Harney 1701. Miscellaneous. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 3601 Pierce St 111.. 7-R. 1816 Capitol At 20.0(1 1-R 11T N. 18th St 11.11 STRICTLY MODERN. 6- R. 8876 Decatur St 111. OS 1-R 1624 N. 17th St 11.,, 1-R. Ill Park Avs 2J.60 I-R loai S. 10th Av 15.0. i-R. 107 n. aid st io. os 1-R. 1901 N. 17th St , 80.00 1-R. 1815 Farnam St.... 40.00 t-R. 553 S. 16th St sa 10-R 1231 Dodge St .0.0. 14-R 101 N. 11th St 70.00 APARTMENTS. -R Apt 10, Stoscker, 111 a. 14th 8t- Ill ul III PORTER BHOTWELL, Ml . 17th St Dour. 6011. Offices with HOME BUILDERS. FOR BENS I room, .nd geraite, Harney St, 115. I rms. .nd sleeping porch. 38th Are.. It 6. S rooms. West Farnam, 160. ALLEN BARRETT, -011 Bee Bldg. Dougla. TTU. 1131 NO. 18.TH St. 1-r. .11 mod., 121. ua, nanoerson, ,-r., mod. ex. heat. 111. 1830 No list St, It, mod. ex. heat 111. 2526 Wirt St. 6-r.. mod. ex. Iu.t .1,. RASP BROS, 110 Keellne Bids. Ty. 711. IF YOU are looking for vacant property to rent, emu umana'. urgest Ksatsl Agn7. r .end for onr wekly printed list Heating, a Hyden, 1614 Harney. Ty. II, HOUSES In all carta of the eltv. unsauH. hunb a CO, 401 Be. Bids FOR RENT APARTMENTS West TIZARD PALACE BLOCK. Central: Interior and exterior of th.beet 4-room apartment l-room apartment 4-room flat Inquire 130 North lid, In building. DEWEY, 3301 Dewey, NEW l-room apt. witn s-r. accommodation, very .holes, sob-lease. 137.50. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOENCT. HASTINGS a HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 50. North. THE SHERMAN! Very nice 6-room aDartman,. Ml. l..,t. privets garage. Webster 4621. 2601 Sher man ave. 101 NO. 17TH ST. Dandy -r.. .11 moL: 127.50. ' RASP BROS, 110 Keellne Bid. Tyler 721. FIRST.CLASS apartments near p. o. Low rem, oteoDina..l6lo Chicago. South. EXCELLENT location. 32d and Pacific, cnoice ,-r. apt.; large living room with fireplace and bullt-ln bookcase, dlnln room, 1 largo bedrooms, exceptionally large closet apace, nice light bath and kitchen: good cond.; 8126 Pacific, vacant June I; each tenant ha Individual laun dry. OMAHA'S LARGEST RKNTAT. anir.WT Hastings ft Heyden, 1614 Harney. Ty. 60, BOSWORTH APARTMENTS, Two rooma and hath and .moIm Furnished and unfurnished. UnsxeeUed In tfc. ,,, ... .A . - r - ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., N (REALTORS) 331 Rose Bldg. Tyler IBS. LOVELY two-room anartment. hath atM telephone. Very reasonable. Cloas In. Call Harney 3848 for appointment. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Bminess Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT BUILDINGS WHOLESALE DIS TRICT. tNwsrat places of three stories and base.. menr. Ideal location. Substantially built - nJ hr.ri ... u dlse. Good elevators. Sws is) for further aetaus. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. D. 297. 312 S. 17th St. DESIRABLE store room, modern front metal celling, steam heat, 624-426 So. 16th St; slse 32x60; can bo aubdivldeel, low rent. Conrad Young, 133 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 21th and 26th Sts. $30 to $50. w. KUBolWB, 1802 FARNAM ST. SMALL modern store room, steam heat, 1611 Capitol Ave, Conrad Young, 323 Brandell Theater. Douglas 1671. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR nam Bldg. First Trust Co. D. 1161. MODERN store room, corner 16th and Chi cago. O. p. Stebblns, 1410 Chicago. RESTAURANT with fixtures, gaa stoves, spools, at 107 South IBth St. Offices and Desk Room. CHOICE office space Batrd Bldg., 17th and jjousias. aict-'agoe wv. Co. Miscellaneous. LODGE AND CLUB ROOMS, t have for rent on second floor, cen trally located building, on block from postofflcs, assembly room suitable for todgs or club purposes; composed of on large room for dance or lodge hall; three smaller rooms and kitchen. For further Information call Conrad Younsr. Ill Bran. dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE vtfnt mors bouses and apartments to '" ei mn we nave practically cleared up our big list ta conclusive proof of th efficiency of our rental services. If you want to keep your plac rented see Payne st Slater Co Omaha's Rental Men. 414 Om, Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1014. LihTvyour nouses with us for rsnt. Ths uemana js gooa ana wo bavo a waiting A OUtl'co., (Realtors). 411 Keellne Bldg. PhQlw . U aw yea. ,1 ,kr-M0M. inW.r 'er,i-.aVsrniar-,'Mi Itll use; :v-" Iterta),'.'1