The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Fair VOL. XLVI. NO. 295. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1917 TEN PAGES. Oa TnlM. II H.I.I. M Stl.Ol, (U. ts. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. KUGEL SAYS POLICE DEPARTMENT IS NOT CORRUPT; SEEK TO ABOLISH CHIEF OF DETECTIVES' OFFICE; ITALIANS TIGHTEN GRIP ON DUIHO; TAKE HEAVY GUNS MALONEY TO HOLD JOB UNTIL AFTER CHADRON TRIAL City Commissioners Decide Not to Abolish Office Be fore Hearing of Black mail Case. No action affecting the status of Captain Maloney of the detective de partment will be taken until after his trial at Chadron on a charge of con spiracy to blackmail. Superintendent Kuget of the police department, after the city council committee of the whole asked the city commissioners to go with him into an executive session to consider, as he explained, a resolution to abol ish the office of chief of detectives, now held by Maloney. Commissioners Butler, Park and Withnell refused to join the star chamber session, stating that the matter is of public interest and should be discussed in open session. Commissioner Hummel also was against the executive session, but was present because the meeting happened to be held in his office. Mayor Dahl man and Commissioner Jardine were the only members of the council who v:illingly joined Kugel in the meet ing. Mayor Favors Delay. - It was Superintendent Kugel's pur pose to offer the Maloney resolution at the regular council meeting Tues day morning, but at the close of the executive meeting he announced that he would take no action until after the Chadron case had been disposed of. "I don't think it would be fair to jeopardize Maloney's case at Chadron by taking summary action here at this time," explained Mayor Dahlman, who opposed Kugct's plan of action. If the superintendent of police can enlist sufficient backing of the city council he will abolish the position of chief of detectives and assign Ma loney to work as detective, which place he held when he was appointed read of the detective department September 1, 1912. Superintendent Kuget returned to his office Monday after a period of illness and recuperation. He was kept busy all day answering telephone calls and listening to versions of the local storm which broke during his,; absence. No Attention to Maloney. Commenting on an interview given out hi I Captain Maloney, that at a meeting held at the Kugel residence a suggestion was made to "job" him (Maloney), Kugel said: "I am not paying any attention to that fellow. He is likely to say any thing. I am willing to have the po lice department investigated. The facts will all be brought out later. There was no meeting at my house." Asked why he wished an executive meeting of the city commissioners, Kugel replied: "There is some stuff I want to bring out, and I don't think it should be made public at-this time." Charges prepared and signed last Saturday by Chief Dunn against Cap tain Maloney and Detective Sutton have been held up in Superintendent Kugel's office and will not be ftied until after the Chadron case has been tried. The chief charged conduct unbecoming officers of the police de partment. Omaha men involved or interested in the Chadron affair will leave Wednesday afternoon for the Dawes county seat to attend the trial, which will open Thursday morning. Rockefeller Takes Third Five Million New York, May 28. John D. Rock efeller today subscribed another $5, 000,000 to the Liberty loan. This makes $15,000,000 worth of the bonds taken by him. The Weather Fcr Nebraska Fair; warmer. Temperatures at Omaha. Yetiterdar. Hour. Deir. 5 a. m 48 6 ar m 47 7 a. m 47 8 a. m St s a. m &8 10 a. m fift 11 a. m G3 12 m U3 1 V. Ill A ! p. in . 3 p. in 4 p. in. 5 p. m. p. m. 72 7 p. m 71 I n. in 68 Comparative Local Record. 1917. 191 . 1915. 1914. Ulchest yesterday ... 78 82 SO 80 Lowest yesterday ... 47 80 41 69 Mean temperature .. 60 71 48 74 Precipitation 00 .06 .36 .87 Tcmuerature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature 66 Deficiency for the day , . 6 Total defciency elnce March 1.., 136 Normal precipitation 17 Inch Deficiency for the day 17 Inch Tota: rainfall since March 1 8.62 Inches Kxcose since March 1 27 Inch Deficiency for cor period, 1916. .2.69 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1916.. .02 Inch Report from Stations at 1 P. M. Station and State Temp. High. Rain- of Weather 7 p. m, est. fall. Cheyenne, cloudy 64 Davenport, clear 66 Denver, cloudy 60 Dei Moines, clear 68 Pode-e City. pt. cloudy.. 72 Lender, clear 64 North Platte, cloudy.... 6s Omaha, part cloudy .... 71 Pueblo, cloudy 68 Rapid City-pt. cloudy.. 60 Salt' Lake City, clear... 64 Santa Ke, pt. cloudy.... 68 Sheridan, cloudy 64 Sioux City, clear 70 Valentine, cloudy 68 L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist. No Memorial Day Papers In New York; Paper Saved New York, May 28. The eve ning newspapers of New York City have decided not to publish any edi tions on Memorial Day. The pur pose of this step is the conserving of white paper, and it is estimated that it will result in a saving of 250 tons. KUGEL STANDS PAT FOR SUTTON IN POLICE ROW Head of Department, in For mal Statement, Declares Dis honest Men on Force Should Not Discredit Faithful. Police Commissioner Al C. Kugel in a formal statement issued Monday declares that he wants the .fullest in vestigation into the workings and per sonnel of the Omaha police depart ment. These things are made clear by the commissioner's statement: Kugel's suspicions that all was not well in the department were aroused early in April. Kugel caused Detectives Sutton and Anderson to work out of his office and report direct to him. Kugel gave Sutton leave ot absence and sent him to Chadron. Develop ments of a sensational character fol lowed and Chief of Detectives Steve Maloney and Sutton are under bond to appear for trial at Chadron Thurs day. Kugel says the police department as a whole is not corrupt. If there be dishonest men in the department their conduct should not csst suspi cion upon honest, faithful members.. The commissioner s statement fol lows: His Suspicions Aroused. "On returning after recovery from my recent illness I am not in as (rood a oosition to make a statement of things that have transpired dur ing; the last tew weeks as it 1 had been on the job during that time. . "Late in March pf this year I causrht faint rumblings of things that Aroused my suspicion in connection with- the workings ot the police de partment, or rather of certain officers of the department. 1 concluded to direct a personal investigation and to that end I had Officers Sutton and Anderson work directly out of my office and make neir reports to me. "It was under, this arrangement that Officer Sutton was given leave of ab sence and it was under this leave of absence that he made the trip to Lhadron, which has been so much talked of in the papers recently. Dunns' the tirst week ot April 1 ftegun to feel ill and April 12 Dr. Gil morc pronounced my case typhoid feve and ordered me to bed. He al lowed me to sea. no one for several weeks. This came at a juncture in the work of the department which was of vital importance. "From April 12 until this morning i was unable to be at my office or ex excise personal direction of the po lice department. During that time, at my request, Commissioner Jardine took over the management and was given charge. , Let Truth Be Known. T have learned though the columns of the daily papers that things have been transpiring rapidly during the last few weeks and names of various persons are being mentioned. So far as the police department or.any mem ber of it is concerned I stand for the fullest measure of investigation. Let the truth be known. With dis putes between persons not members of the department, I am not con cerned and shall not concern myself. "The police department as a whole is not corrupt. We have officers and men in that department who perform their daily duties with the utmost fi delity, and if there be some in the department whose conduct has not been what it should, or who have in terested themselves in things they should have suppressed, such action' should not cast suspicion upon the honest, faithful members of the de partment "Now that court proceedings have been started I shall welcome the full est investigation of any, and all per sons connected with the police de partment. When the facts have been established, whether it may meet with the approval of all or tilt disapproval of some, I feel that such determina tion should be accepted as conclusive for the purpose of official action. "In the meantime I shall, as rapidly as I can get matters in hand, make recommendations to the city council favoring such changes as in my judg ment should be made before the legal battle in the courts has reached its final conclusion, because of the slow ness with which such proceedings progress." June Eighteenth Fixed As Date of Kelly's Trial Hed Oak, la.. May 28. (Special Telegram.) Judge E. B. Woodruff held a session of court here today and an agreement was reached this after noon between the attorneys for Rev. L. G. J. Kelly, now in jail at Logan charged with the Villisca axe mur ders of 1912, and attorneys for the state, setting June 18 as a tentative date for the trial. Judge Woodruff's order names June 18 as the date, pro vided that some judge of this district appears here at that time and he also makes the order subject to further change. Ja-W shells for big true ordinance fTprti iiiilmilrin which have played such a big break the "Hindenburg line." I - JURY WHEEL PLAN TO GOVERN DRAFT OF HEW FORCES No Claims for Exemption to Be Considered Until Each Dis trict Provides Number of Men Apportioned. Washington, May 28. Regulations to govern exemptions under the selec tive draft are being worked ont by Provost Marshal General Crowder, with a number of prominent lawyers. Although the plans are not yet complete, it is possible that the jury wheel system will be followed in se lecting those who are to go into the first army of 500,000 and not until the names have been drawn and each registration district has provided the number apportioned to it, will ex emptions be considered. As each in dividual drawn reports, his claim for exemption will be passed upon and if he is exempted another will be drawn to fill the vacancy. Local Exemption Boards. The law orovides for local ex emption boards in each county and for each 30,000 in city populations. Boards of review also will be established on the basis of one or more to each fed eral judicial district. All the boards will be composed of civilians, secre tary Baker said today the process of selecting them had not been worked out General Crowder said that only con fusion would result from the reported mention of men above the fixed age to register on June 5. "This is mistaken patriotism," he said, "and registrars will be in structed to accept cards only from men between the ages of 21 and 30, nclusive." Censor Creel Drafts Rules for Newspapers Washington, May 28. Censorship regulations were mailed to every American newspaper by the commit tee on public information today. George Creel, chairman of the com? mittee, entirely disclaims any object of suppressing any news except that which would be useful to the enemy. ft. i ,;., ine committee nas aivinea its spec ificalions of, information which would be useful to the enemy into three classifications: General, naval and military. In the absence of any law on the subject the committee believes that the regulations drawn will loyally be supported by the American press. Perham Again Head of Railway Telegraphers Seattle' Wash., May 28. Delegates to the biennial convention of the In ternational Order of Railroad Tele graphers today re-elected President H. B. Perham, St. Louis, who received 259 votes, against 81 cast for J. H. Bode of Boston. There was a spirited contest for the secretary-treasurership, and C. B. Rawlins of Moorcs Hill, Ind., defeated L. W. Quick of St. Louis, a candidate for re-election, after holding the of fice sixteen years. Rawlins received 232 of the 440 votes cast. T- Chinese Senate Approves Li Ching-Hsi as Premier Peking, China, May 28. The Chinese senate today approved the nomination of Li CIung-Hsi as Jremicr in succession to Tuan Chi ui, who was dismissed by the presi dent. The vote was 365 to 31. The Chinese house of representa tives approved the nomination of Li Ching-Hsi on; Sunday- AMERICAN-IVT jkENCH HEAVY GUNS tifived from the United States undergoing inspection by French These monsters of death are for the famous 400 mm. guns part in the recent successes of the French in their efforts to . a- - Kaiser Tells His Army , British Attack Ended Ottawa, May 28. A report that Emperor William of Germany re cently visited Douai in France is contained in an unofficial dispatch received today from Canadian army headquarters in France. "Addressing a gathering of of ficers of troops holding the Scarpe Lens line," the. cablegram asserts, "the emperor announced that the British offensive in the region of the Scarpe is at an end." The dispatch adds: "Had his of ficers taken him to points east of Vimy, where the German defenses are crumbling under the Canadian guns, he might not have, been so dogmatic." f I MRS.C.L.DUUDEY ASKS A DIVORCE: . SAYS NAGCED HER Wife of Attorney Says She Was Forced to Work to Support Herself and Son. Mae L. Dundey, 3114 Poppleton avenue, is suing Charles L. Dundey, Omaha attorney, for divorce in dis trict court. Allegations that he "constantly nagged her" and "cross, unpleasant and unattentive when she was sick" are made. She also charges that he failed to provide sufficient means for support of herself and their 14-year-old son, Charles L. Dundey, jr. Mrs. Dundey alleges that she was compelled to work in order to sup port herself and son. The Dundeys were married in Omaha March 20, 1899. Before her marriage, Mrs. Dundey was Miss Mae Bartlett, prominent society girl, and a popular leader in Omaha's exclusive set. N Her father, E. M. Bartlett, former district judge and prominent Omaha attorney, was also former king of Ak-Sar-Ben. Mr. Bartlett is now living in Kansas City, Mo. Witness in Mooney Case Held on Perjury Charge San Francisco. Mav 28. Frank C. Oxman, leading witness in a murder trial which brought death sentence to Thomas J. Mooney, was held today by Judge Matthew Brady in the police court here to answer in the superior court to a charge of attempted subornation of perjury. Bail of $1,000 cash was furnished. Mooney's case was appealed. Oxman is accused of attempting to induce F. E. Rigall of Grayville, 111., to testify falsely in the Mooney case. an outgrowth of a bomb explosion last July when ten persons were killed. Twenty-Five Thousand Join Naval Reserve Washington, May 28. Enlistments in the naval reserve forces since the war began has brought the person nel of all brandies up to about 25, 000, or almost half the size of the regular navy a year ago. This in cludes the fleet reserve, the naval, na val auxiliary, volunteer coast defense and flying corps reserve and women enlisted for special duty. Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk in the order named have led in the en listments. To Reopen Thirtieth Street From Ames Avenue to Fort City commissioners approved wire cut brick as material lor repaying Thirtieth street, Ames avenue to Fort street. The price will be $2.54 a yard, with credit of 5 cents per yard for old brick taken up. Part of a new consignment of ,f -o EXPLOSION ROCKS JAP CITY; 70 DEAD: LOSS $6,000,000 Many Killed and Injured and Property Damage Is Great -When Osaka Warehouse Is Blown Up. Osaka, Japan, May 28. Seventy per sons; were killed, sad 20Q injured in a scries of terrific explosions and a fire which occurred in the warehouse dis trict of Osaka yesterday. The dam age to property is estimated at about $6,000,000. The whole of Osaka and its neigh boring towns and villages were thrown into a panic. The sound of the explosion was heard for fifty miles. The first explosion, which occurred in the Tokio Warehouse company's storehouse, is believed to have been due to the spontaneous combustion of chemicals. The roar resembled the rumbling of a distant volcano. The sky was darkened with clouds of smoke and trying debris'. Pillars of flame shot up after the third explo sion. Fire Fighting Prevented. Firemen and fire engines rushed to the scene and tried to combat the fire, but the men and women dying from their wounds and countless people rushing in all directions, crying for help, prevented effective fire fighting. The fire raged for nearly five hours unchecked, and it was nearly midnight before it wa9 brought under control. Not' a person who happened to be passing in the neighborhood escaped some injury. Heavy pieces of burn ing concrete and red hot iron bars and other debris fell upon the heads of pedestrians. Some were killed out right, while many were terribly muti lated. Crushed By Rocks. Many houses were ruined, being crushed by falling rocks. In most of the houses within the radius of a mile, the window panes were broken and the doors unhinged. The Ashiwaki bridge, about a mile from the scene of the fire, was cut in two by the shock of the explosion and twenty persons ; who were crossing it were thrown into the river and drowned. Missouri River Rises Nearly Five Feet in Last Four Days The Missouri river at Omaha rose four-fifths of a foot in the twenty-four hours ending at 7 a. m. Monday. This made- a total rise of 47 feet in the last four days, due to heavy rains. The present stage of the river is 15.1 feet, which, says Colonel Welsh, is high enough to flood some of the bot tom lands, which have been planted to corn. "Flood stage" of the river here is nineteen feet. The weather bureau does not expect much more rise now unless there should be heavy rains to the north. Portland Pays Final Respects to Senator Tortland, May 28. The body of United States Senator Harry Lane of Oregon lay on the flower banked council chamber of the Portland city hall today. Oregon National Guards men stood guard at the casket, while hundreds filed past the open casket. The funeral will be tomorrow after- Captured Spanish Boat Is Now Training Ship Chicago, May 28. The Isle De Luzon, a gunboat captured in Manila bay during the Spanish-American war, arrived at Lake Bluff today for use in the Great Lakes naval training station. Lieutenant Albert C. Wil vers was placed in command of the vessel. n Jayhawkcrs Reported Objecting to Draft Kansas City, Mo., May 28. Fred Robertson, federal attorney for Kansas said today that he had be pun an investigation of a draft ob jectors' meeting reported to have been held at Topeka yesterday. Re ports were that speakers advocated that young men should go to jail rather than register. TORNADOES KILL 245 AND INJURE MORE THAN 1.200 Series of Windstorms Wreck Cities and Towns in Six States; Damage Up in the Millions. Revised figures on dead and in jured in the storms of the last three days in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Ken tucky, Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama and Arkansas show the following dead and Injured: State. Dead. Injured. Illinois 92 650 Indiana 12 220 Kansas 26 60 Kentucky 40 60 Missouri 1 12 Tennessee 20 S3 Alabama 31 100 Arkansas 23 52 Totals .245 1,250 Tornadoes during the last three days in seven states of the middle west and the south have killed nearly 250 people, injured more than 1,200, wrecked thousands of houses and de- vastated many thousands of acres of growing crops, according to sum maries today. The latest in the series of tornadoes started late Sunday apparently in the vicinity of Willisville, in southwest ern Illinois, swept southward across the Ohio river into Kentucky, down the Mississippi into Arkansas and Tennessee and finally veered east ward toward . Alabama, where the storm apparently spent itself. The dead in the four southern states was roughly estimated at 100 ana tut Injured at several Hundred. Begins Friday in Kansas. The destruction began last Friday in Andale, Kan, where twenty-six people were killed and sixty injured. Late Saturday another twister struck the rich corn belt of central Illinois, killing fifty-four persons and injuring perhaps 500 in Mattoon. At Charles ton, ten miles east of Msttoon, thirty seven were killed and mora than 150 injured. The property damage in the two cities is estimated at 13,000,000. Another destructive storm late Sat urday crossed a territory approxi mately 100 miles north of the center of Illinois, reached into northern In diana, and caused the loss of a doxen lives, the injury of more than 200 and a heavy property damage. Because of fallen wires, communica tion into the stricken districts has been difficult. Ravages of Southern Storm. Memphis, Tenn., May 28. Reports today from the devastated territory in the four southern states swept by tornadoes yesterda. and last night placed the number of deaths at 103 and the injured at iore than 300. Around Hickman, Ky., forty persons were reported killed. Bardwell, Bon durant, Clinton and Ledford also re ported losses. In Mississippi county, northeast Arkansas, ten dead and twenty-nine injured were reported. Six were killed at Manila, while Burdette and Clear Lake reported two each. . Heavy losses also were suffered In Jefferson and Blount counties, Ala bama, where thirty-one were killed. At Sayre eight were killed; Village Springs and Bradford, twenty miles north of Birmingham, reported sev enteen dead; Carbon Hill had four dead, while Sylacauga and Bibbville each reported one dead. In Tennessee the storms struck Tipton, Dyer and Carroll counties, taking more than a score of lives. At Dyersburg eight dead were reported; a Cales Lake, six dead; Trezevant, four dead; Antioch, two dead, and at Sharon, two dead. Kentucky Town Wrecked. Within a radius of twelve miles of Hickman, where the storm apparent ly wrought its greatest havoc, more thanytwo score of injured have been recovered from the wreckage in the towns of Bondourant, Bardwell, Clin ton and Ledford. Near Cates Land ing the number of injured was re ported as between twenty-hve ana thirty. In the central part of Dyer county, near Dyersburg, about thirty were injured. Sharon reported thirty-two injured and Sayre, fifty or more. ' Ninety-One Dead in Illinois. Mattoon. III.. May 28. With nine ty-one known dead, 600 injured and at property loss estimated at j,uuu,uuu, Mattoon and Charleston, twin vic tims of the tornado which swept cen tral Illinois Saturday, today began organizing relief measures tor more than 50,000 homeless persons. Under supervision of the Red Cross feed stations have been estab lished and plans made for the burial of the storm's victims today. Ap peals have been issued for money and clothing, particularly for women and children. National guardsmen are patroling both towns, while the state health authorities have taken every effort to guard against epidemics spread by polluted water. CROSS TIMAVO RIVER; FORCES NEABTHE GULF San Giovanni Captured in Con stant Forward Push of Army Against Austrian Lines Near Trieste, j Rome, May 28. (Via London.) The Italians have crossed the Timavo river and occupied the vil lage of San Giovanni, northwest of Duino. nr the gulf of Trieste, the war office announces. They have captured nine six-inch guns. . (AsaMlatod Piwm War Bmnmarr.) The Italians have fought their way forward within two miles of Duino, the most formidable natural barrier between them and Trieste. The preat battle now enters its eighteenth day -without any sign of an abate ment. Vienna refuses to concede the Italian victories, but the map tells the story of General Cadorna's steady advance. Duino, at the gates of which the Italian guns are now hammering, marks a ooint at which the' Carso plateau almost touches the sea. Pro tected By tne ocean on tne one sine, it is powerfully defended to the north by Mount Querceto, a height of con sidereablc magnitude, which domi nates the country for many miles around. At the foot of Mount Querceto, fac ing west, lies the little town of Me deazza, and the Italians have smashed their way to within a few hundred yards of this village. It is possible that a lull will occur before1 they attempt the formidable task of storming Mount Querceto, Persistent attempts are being con tinued by the Germans to regain con trol of the important observation points recently wrested from them by the French in the Champagne. Paris reports the repulse of all these at tacks. ! The Germany army headquarter' statement announces a German suc cess in the capture of a line of trenches south of Moronvilliers, in the Champagne, The French report on this operation, issued last night, declared all the ground taken .by the Germans was recovered in a counter attack. V Austrisns Deny Losses. London, May 28. The complete re- fiulse of all Italian attacks after most urious fighting is claimed in an offi cial statement issued by the Austrian war office on Sunday. The statement also asserts that more than 13,000 un wounded , Italians have been captured in the sixteen days of the Italian offensive., .The text of the announcement follows: "On the Carso plateau, the enemy yesterday again concentrated mighty masses for an assault. At Fajti and near Castagravizza the fight came to a standstill before our foremost trenches. "Between Jamiant and - the sea fighting was severe and several heights changed hands repeatedly during the day. Our defenses re mained unbroken. The Honved regiments repulsed seventeen attacks in forty-eight hours, besides thrice stjrming a height. Ar tillery Lieutenant Archduke Leopold, with a handful of gunners, joined an infantry regiment in a front line as sault and brought back two machine guns. "The prisoners brought in on the Carso plateau since May 23 now num ber 250 officers and more ahan 7,000 men. Altogether since the begin ning of the battle more than 13,000 unwounded Italians have been cap tured." Germans Repulsed in Champagne. Paris, May 28. The Germans de livered three attacks last night and this morning in the Champagne in the regions of the Casque, the Teton and Mount Bkond. All were repulsed, the war office announces. The Germans are bombarding heav ily French positions in the region of Deadman Hill and Hill 304. on the Verdun front. ' A French detachment pentrated to the second German line near Uffholtz, in Alsace, and found many dead in the trenches. Prisoners were brought back. London, May 28. "Hostile raiding parties were repulsed last night north west of Cherisy and south of Lens," (ContlniMil oai Pasa Two, Column One.) Four Sundays In May Advertising in The Bee " (Warfield Agency Measurements) Good Gains for the Month SUNDAYS IN 1917 IN INCHES First Sunday 3,021 Second Sunday....... 8,848 Third Sunday ; 8,391 Fourth Sunday 2,803 ft Total 12,563 SUNDAYS IN 1916 IN INCHES First Sunday 2,916 Second Sunday 2,748 Third Sunday 2,405 Fourth Sunday 3,044 Total. ...... .....11,103 GAINS 1,460) INCHES Keep Your Eye On The Beei