THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 28, 1917. Want Ad Rates USE THE TELEPHONE tf you cinnot con. veuently bring or lend In your ads. Ask for , Want Ad Taker snd you will r elvs th sam toed service aa when de livering your ad it this orrice, phone tvi.e1 1000. Want ad columns close 5 evening editions 12:00 m morning editions 10:00 p. m NO AH TAKEN FOR. THAN 20c, .ONE TIME, OB LM THAN 10c A DAY 1JASH WITH ORDER, C gat Solid (No Display.) PER WORD. EACf 1NSKRTION. If Paragraphed or Displayed Id Larger ype: te per line , one time It per line, t or mora consecutive Insertion. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rate 20c per line CARD OP THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICK8. 19c per line y each Insertion (Minimum charg, 60 cents) MONTHLY RATH l"OR STAND I NO ADS. (No changu of copv allowed.) One line ,.,.$1.95 Two lines or more... . . , . , 11.10 ALL rOREION ADVERTISING OtDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. 5e per word time lHo pr word, two or more consecutive Insertions, KPKUAr, COMBINATION RATR. On Land, Poultry end Other Advertising. THE OMAHA BEE (over 60,000 dally). S9TH CENTURY FARMER (over 210,000 weekly.) A combined circulation which wilt reaoh both tbe city and rural resident. special Kef. Rates. Rate, t Insertions In Omaha Be and 1 Insertion In 30th Century Farmer. per word ....lo 7c f Insertions In Oman a Be and 1 Insertions in 20lh Century Farmer, per word .,..10'va X3c FUNERAL DIRECTORS. E. L DODDlill CO., Funeral Director.. P. B. Faro. Mir., 33d and Cumin, fin. Phon. Douglaa ,77. Auto anibulanco. HULSB ft RIKI'EN, undertaker, and tm. balmers. 701 fi. Iflth. l'ouirlaa lazg. Durnr t. Johnston, ombaimor. and m- peral ttlraclora, 717 g lltli gt. Trier 7, JOHN A. OKNTLEMAN. undartak.r and trablamr. 214 Lavnworth. Vnug. mr.t. FLORISTS. HEINO a member of the National Florists' Telegraph lsellvery sssoclatlofl. we are In position to deliver flowers on short notice anywhera In the U. S. or Canada, tiess m Swobnda, Florlets. T. ABO EST ".unortmetit 'of fresh flowers. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. JTontenell. . I'lorl.t. LEELLARMON 1M Pouirla St. Douglaa 1244. 'rABKER Flow.r ahop, 411 . Uth. D. tm. THE FEBSEHy. .01 8. lr.ttl 8t. Doug. 2ie. BATH. National Flnrlat, 1H Farnam tT A. DONAOHUB. U22 Harnry. Touif.i , LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persona having lost soma article would t well to call up the offlns of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left It lp the treet ear. Many articles each day art turned In nd the company Is anxious to rsatort them jio tha rightful owner. ir YOU lose anything and will advsrtls It hero you will surety recover It If found by an honest person. Tt you find- anything of value, tha honest way is to advertise for the owner. LOSTA gold filagree bracelet between Muse theater and rontenella Hotel. Fri day afternoon. Reward if returned to hotel off Ic j. FOR SALE MitcelUneou Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, ' FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, rugs or stoves until you. have seen ua first, Ws offer you a 128.000 STOCK OP HlGH-QRAlJB, FUR NITURH. RUOB. STOVES and COM PLKTFJ HOMU OUTFITS for practically your awn price. 4. Wa are forced, to vacate our four-story warehouse, and lis en t Irs contents must he sold at once, Sals takes place at our sales room at the corner of 14th and Itodgs streets. Do not fall to attend. It la an opportunity of a lifetime. Hundreds have already taken advan tage of this wonderful opportunltr. Why don't you? STATE .FURNITURE CO., . TV 131?. Cor. 14th and Dodge flts., Omaha. BARQAINSJIN FURNITURK. I gas stoves, II each: 14 beds, 1 oach; I Iceboxes, rugs of all kinds, tables, chairs, china kitchen cabinets, buffets, dressers, trunks, suites sea, leather Daven ports, All kinds of bedding. Pull line of poultry netting. 1830-47 IS. S4th St, Te). WBDatfr nn. open tin oR SALE rfoiiaehold furnlturs and car Venter toola. 3633 Sherman Ave. FOR SALE Furniture from 31 rooms, dress ers, beds, tables, fine cotton felt mat tresses, pillows, good rugs, first-class springs. Address Box 410. Omaha Bee. ft'H CREAM tables, oft fur., chairs, rrfrlg., Ire coolers, garden hose, porch furniture, Vict roles and pianos. Loyal Furn Co., Ill N. Mth. City Furn. Co., 107 So. 14th. fcOR SALE--Washing machine and wringer and Ironing board, excellent condition. Call coins: ski in morning. SlUSH right down and get your share of all kinds furniture at aacrlflco. 100 N. lflth. ShJRNITURB of baautffut Dundee, horns, t Walnut 1311 or Douglas 4311. Pianos and Musical Instruments. viLL trade 'new cabinet tirafonola and records for light car of tho asms value. can Florence, ibii viLL stora piano for use of It, no chil dren. Web. 133T. Lumber and Buildine Materials. gUVE HALF on beama, columns, brick. H, urosa Liumtier and wreck. Co. weo. nf XOR SALE Carload walnut logs. C, L. Kotheii, Crab orchard, Neb. Clothing and Furs. FOR SALE 13 salcamen'a aatnplea, ladles1 bracelets, watches, li regular price. Bos i, nee. lVB buy ami sell ta I tor-mads spring" "and l summer suits, nil oougias. uoug. tv9f. LADY'S spring coat, newest style, stss 36 or 1. Call Doug. 463, Billiards and Pocket Tables. ffOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom and pocket, with complete Outfit, lilt: second -band tables at rs' Suced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar store natures specialty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUN8WICK-BALKE-COLL KINDER CO., 407.0 South 10th St. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts . Of all sewing machines, MICHEL'S - , NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Ifth and Harney Sts. Doug. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhardl Ptg. Co., &34 B. 13th St. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR SALE Rebuilt Remington. Monarch and Smith-Premier typewriters. Prices lis and up Fully guaranteed. Buy from manuiacturer ana m protected, ray menta. Remington Typewriter Co.. Inc. Ifth and Douglaa Douglas 124. TYPEWRITERS wld. rented and repaired. , Rept an Oliver typewriter 3 months for . venirai -jypewnisr juxenangs istis rsrnam. BEMINGTON. Monarch and Smlth-Pra- miers for rant; sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting company, it. is4. Ouarantead Typewriters, I0 and up. Writs lor nat. Midland Typ. Co., 1404 podge. ADDING machine. Burrough s, for sals; por icct conaition. A an rets I 46, jjee. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers Itfim renovated and made up In freah ticks cost half the pries of new pi I lowa Call us for . samples or ucxmg ana prices, hot cum- ing. uougias n. 1 It E HAVE moved to new location. We buy. aell and make desks, safes, showcases. shelving, etc Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 8. W. Cor.- ntb and Douglaa Sta. rnOBS DOUg. I73i. DRY KINDLING WOOD, ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1137. Cameras and Kodaks. PFVn CAMERAS, svery click s avuVV ture. Oroen's Pharmacy, pic-lth SWAPPERS' COLUMN COIN collector would like to eii-hunm some of his coins for others, or will luj ror casn. Describe your coins fully. Ad areas iox sis, w, HAVE Elk slickpln set with small pearls. ona goia moununrs; vsiuea at What have your Box 8386. Bee FILMS developed free; one-day service. Has Kodak Studio. Neville Blk., J6tb ana Harnev. WANTED TO BUY Old False Teeth. Doesn't matter tf broken. Pay $15.00 Bet. Call between 4 and I or send tn name and agent will call. Badger, Hen- aim w noici. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and iraaea. j. u. neea. izwy ramam. u. 6146. WANT to buy good second-hand vault door. Auaress h. i. ustea, Fa Hon Hotel the fore part of next week, or the Co-operative o ronen wow, nto. RTJTMF.NTHAT. . - ----- b.t prices for man's clothing and ehoes. Call Rett list. uuivuviauiu WK PAY THE HIOHKHT PBICKS DOUOl.AH (1121. .TRWIfTMS blghc.t price for 1 ' " e nth... .ho... trunk. .to. n.d hit. rc ooui. oj;. f OYAT FURNITURE CO. wilt pay A XXU snenlAl urtcea for your houae. holfl iroorti. Hon t fall to call Pout. 4177. Wo Will Paw A irlneu for your ill. " I" lJf rarilsd clothe.. D. 1914. J. LAYTIN pays highest prices for old cloth", shoes and hats, Phone Tyler 630. DIAMONDS i 40ft S. 16th Ht. SOL BEHOMAN ft CO, WANT pool hull or grocery store. 420 Ross Bldg. Phone Tyler 7f.8. WANTED Twenty loads of dirt delivered to 2721 woolworth. rolrax alb, evnninr. BOOKS Bought. Kleacr, Loysl Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accorileon Pleating. ACCORDEON. lo. knlfo. aunburat, W,I plaatlnff. oovrrtd button,, all alxaa and atyloa; h.mstllchln., ploot edging-, , ay- lt cut work. nuttnnhoicN, pennanti. IDEAL MUTTON AND PLEATINO CO.. Oppoalt Hrandala fitor,. aOOOKH Brown Bldg. Douglaa193 VAN ARMAN'Dreaa Plsatlng and Button Co.. 134-7 Paxton Blk. Douglaa II 0. Accountanti. DworalDre Audit Co. B3 Rsmga Bldg Phono Doug. 81 6t. . Bakeries. X)UT MAN'S NEW ENOLAND BAKERY, 212 N. 1TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET ' AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BKTTER BAKED GOODS." Baths. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring, physical cult. Mlaa Walker, S24 Neville Blk. D. 4297 GXl'KHIKNCED operator.. bath ML all kinds Room in, Nevllls Blk., Itlth and Harnoy RITTENHOUSK Sanitarium; all kinds hatha. 210.814 Balrd Blk., 17th Douglas. CENTRAL Bath Inatltuta. laOS Harney" Douglas T07. Estella Royco. mass., chirp. US Nevllls Blk. Brass and Iron Fo underlet. Paxton-MItcheir Co.. 17th anil Martha 8ti. Cleaners and Dyers. l-PIKCB suit steam cleaned A pressed, II ; pressed, 36c. 1106 Harney. Ph. Red 17H1. Carpenters and Contractors. LEBHAHD Ai'SON, 1021 Cuming. Ty. 131. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. Burhorn. Rose Bldg. PalmeT School Graduate. Douglas 6S4T. Chiropodist. Carrie J. Bur ford, 020 Paxton Blk. B. 4687, Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE AHHOCIATION, 000 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. Phone Tylsr 16 10. JAMES ALLAN, 113 Neville Blk. Evidence aecurod In all rases. Tyler Hal. S. D. JOLLY. 613 Paxton. Krd T401. rira.imlinn I dbriaiiaaiiK. Engagements with working families. Red 170 4 MRS. H. T. M ottaa. Ms '8. 7th. Hsr. 6B 8j TERRY PrflBsmaklngCo., 30th and Farnarn. Everything for Women. SWITCtlKS made from combings, S strands. II, Webster 4161. 3438 Grant St. Paste Manufacturers. OMAHA PASTE CO. Douglas 1T0O. Fixtures and Wirinsr. TaTTT?Ttf TM Electric washing machines, iUlViVm electric Irons and resdlng lamps. 12ZTt Cuming St. pnug. S6l. .Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds hats cleaned and rebTocked; la- dtes' hata special. 1S30 Harney. R. 4071. American Hat Cloanera. 615 8. lth. D. 82SB. Housecleaners. WE'LL clean your house from top to bot tom, rnces reaionabie. Pe Luxe, v, izus. . Insurance. BANKHRS' LIKE OF LINCOLN. 111-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. IMS. Kodak Finishing, FILMS developed free with print orders, on nny service, ynoto craft Shop, J4H8 Far. Maiseures. FRED C, ALLEN, scientific masseur, Swed- lan masaaga and vapor baths. 1617 Dodge. Masaags, chiropody. II inn Is Nagle, 301-11 uaira emg, iTtn and poug. u. stss. Central Bathlnst., 1300 Harnoy. Doug. 7097, MIPS LILLY, bath, mataage. 1322 Farnam. MISS WK8T. manicure, maaaage. 210 N, 17. OsteoDaths. Mrs, J. aV Mualck, sulphur, steam snd euca lyptus baths. 4QI-I Rose Bldg. Ty. asftl. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME . SEN FRED PARKS. , Wall Paper, Paints and Glass. Picture Framing, Painting and Paper Hanging. 4031 8. 14th. Phons S. 101. 7 Patent Attorneys. STURGES ST URGES, U. S. and foreign patente awl trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter- nonm raieni 1:0., ma nrsnaeis. u. BbSl. PhonoeraDh Record Exchanse. Omaha Specialty Co., 441 Paxton, D. tStS. Pianos for Rent. IS, BO per mo. A. Hoape Co., 1611 Douglas. Raetime. Learn to play popular music In 14 lessons. 3Bis n. 24th. rhons web. aoss sftor 0 p. m Raior Blades. SAFETY RAZOR'BLXDES" Bring or mair your dull eafsty raaor blades to room 413, Bee Bldg. Jackson Electric Sharpening Co. Safe,. BARGAINS. 1111 Parnam. J. J. I'ertght Safa Co. SAFES Shoe Parlors. SHINF, dean, bronae. 18.33 Parnam. r- Theatrical Coatumes. ' THEATRICAL, gowna. lull dresa .ulta for rnt3AS N. 11th. John Fldman. D. Slit. Towel Suooliea. Omah. Towal Supply, :7 8. 11th. D. M. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announeemanta and printing. Douglaa Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa ,44. 'Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. J NEW DKL.1PATESSEN, 1HKIT FARNAM. OMAHA. NEa (Service) LINCOLN, NEB. ,ie ism. in B. istn bl BUSINESS CHANCES MOTION picture machines (new ami re- ouin), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Ex change, ion 8. 14th St. 32,200 BUYS good paying dry cleaning plant in town or ia,uuu; unaer-grouna system; auto delivery. For particulars address Manna to Jury uisamng works, uankato, Minn. FOR SALE Garage and dwslllng. Good paying business. Selling -out on account of ether business. Ford contract goes with offer. Write Box lit, Rosaline. Neb. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stunts and stocks of merchandise, tn city or country; oulck action. Omaha Salvage co.. 70 omasa isat, uanK. v. i&i. CAN use arood. clean-cut man with a few hundred dollars to travel with state light ' feature booked solid. References required. Manager, lift Bromley Bldg. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Bunch ss Borghoff, 710 World-Herald Bldg. Phons D. 331 MOV1NO PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co 301 Nat. Bldg. - BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Auto top shop In county seat town, population 3,100. Must sell quick. Box 314, David City, Nnb. AiCLL or trade grocery and shelf hard ware store. Address Box 160, Auburn, Neb. TO OUT In or out ot bualneae call on OANOBSTAD. 422 Bc Bldg. Uoug. 3477. I guarantee aale of any buJnee or real es tate. V. V. Knteet. Bee Bldg., Omaha, DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. W. O W. Bldg. Red 12S6. FOR HALEPool ball with sight tables. Jon. Muk. Harhigion, N e b. A WELL located grocery store for cheap. Call Douglaa 66K1, Magea. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 20c PER LINK. Buslneee ads, regular rates. Male. SITUATION wanted, have had ei parte nee as solicitor and collector; will drive ,Ford car or will accept any straight buslneas proposition. Address Box X 4761, Omaha Bee. WANTED To work on farm or ranch young man of guod habita and willing in worn; can uo carpenter work and etc, Box 3203 Bee. Wanted Pttillton as porter or Janitor from s to i Hours a day, omitting Sunday, by experienced, reliable man. Web. 2306. UOL'HKC LEANING, (an-y paint and paper cleaning; an worn guaranteed. Sanitary .leaning uo., jJoug. mid.. EXPERIENCED bookkeepiT and general ac- countani, open lor position; good record ana rereroncca. Hox 1325, Be. 'OUNO man wants work evenings, from I to 10 p. m. Clerical or stenograph leal. Box 4131. Bee. WANTED Local poaltlon by man, ft years' experience, wnojitsaie ana retail grocerlee; beat references furnlibod. Box 425, Bee. t DO painting, wax floors, waah windows. ueat all-around handy man. Call Wal nut lino. WHITEWASHING, windows washed, rugs ln-aten, screens repaired, hung, Wal. ISfla. i-OKD driver, 3 yrara' experience, refurence. t-none nouin auii. in. i-ipNman. EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by oay. rnons sss. wm. I'cianwy. OKoHOE moves aiihea. Call Webster 6036. H turner leaning and day work ""ylar 822. Female. LIVE business woman withe wide experi ence on mo roaa wants position selling goods or demonstrating. Box 4236, Bee. EXPERIENCED buslneas woman wants po sition, notei, noapiiai or institution work preferred. Box 4234, Bee. WANTED Position as companion, educa ted, refln.d young woman, moderate pay. Box Y 17, Bee, WANTED Practical mi ruing by mlddle- agnq isay; city references. Call Webster 0040. LAUNDRY work, 1 days each week, by Walnut 2340. Danish woman-. PRACTICAL nurse desires position, no ob- jection to going out of city. South 3717. POSITION as professional nurse. Box 4228, jteo. WANTED A place to assist with house work or nurse girl. Webater 1171, Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing ana ironing; rme o.otnes a specialty; soft water used. Harney 1904. 3630 Chicago. WASHING to take home by competent wo man; ram water uaea. wetwiter 7291. WANTED By reliable colored woman, cleaning and laundry work. Harney 6767. DAY work, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, colored lady. Call after 6. Walnut 3170. WANTED Day Tork. Douglas 4097. VVeb. i DAY WORK. CaM aft. DAY workby rella. coToraJlady. Doug 04H0 Curtain A wool bankets laundered H. 113 0 LAY work, washing or cleaning. Wal, 1631" LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 1073 DAY WORK by eip. women. Dg. 1581. ANNA wants day work. Webster 1327. DAY work and housec lean Ing. D. 70S4. . BUNDLE washing. Call Walnut 3269. DAY work wanted Webster 1327. DAY WORK. Webater 1021. HELP WANTED , Male and Female. WANTED Namns men and women wllfhlng government postitons. its montn. Hun dred war appointments. Box Y 4ft, Bee. HELP WANTED MALE GROWING corporation wants manager for nrancn orn?e. bmall investment required. Liberal sslary. Address Box 521, Aber deen, 8. D. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED High-class experienced stove and furnsce salesmen for Wyoming ter ritory, with headquarters In or near Cas per. Stats age, experience, reference andVl salary. Address Box T-50, Omaha Bee, SALESMAN WANTED. Call 623 S. 16th St. Trade Schools. LEARN barber trade; be Independent ; more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percent tigs. Ws don't over charge yu to begin. 1408 Douge St, TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NW Is the time to act If you are going to enlist In the army or navy. Learn the barber trade first; jobs waiting. Special summer rates. Catalogues free. Moter Bar ber College, 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 8. 10th and 205 Farnam. Boys. CAN always uae boys who want to work; minimum wage, 11.40 per day. Good chance for advancement East Omaha. Omaha Box Co., BOYS earn aoud wasrea while learnlna trade. Just like being paid to go to school. Must he IS years old. Gordon -Lawless Co.. 3th and Dodge. OFFICE boy wanted. American Press as- soclatlon, 1007 Farnam St. Agents and Canvassers AO It NTS $30 to 100 a week. Free ssmnles. ooid sign Letters for stores and offlcs windows. Liberal offer to general agents Metallic Letter Co., Ait N. Clark. Chicago LIVE men to aell popular, patriotic Ameri can nag ring, Enormous demand, quicK, largo profits. Send for particulars. Friable Co., 1381 Broadway, Brooklyn. N. Y. Miscellaneous. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help we can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau, ftlfitt W. Broadway. P. 431. LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. Apply sunderinna Bros, CO., west yard, 42d and Ixard Sta. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. NO FILING FEE TO PAY HERE. , Register free. See us today. All kinds of positions open. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. Room 1303. W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Experienced cashier. Beaton's Drug Store. Professions and Trades. Would you like to work in a clean modern laundry with flno working conditions? If so, come down to M. E. Smith A Co., ftth ami Douglas Sts., and ask for Mrs. Dobeck. Tours truly. E, K, UREELlNGf THE Nebraska Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to Inarn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good wages, A alary la paid while learn I nr. Parents desiring te acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other aeiaus are especially invitea to accom pany the spplicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert. 1807 Douglas St. REMBRANDT studio, 20th and Farnam. wants a girl In photographic atudlo; per son out of town considered; experienced nrip preierrea. uoutms aois. WANTED Girls for attractive piece-work position, Iten Biscuit Co., 13th and Cap- iioi Ave. FREE lessons in pain tin a and olllow dec orating. Work furnished with good pay atter pupiis learn, lau xavi a. ism. WANTED 8 sewing machine, girls, plecs worn, guaranteed, uraana AUto Top uo., TOft 8. 16th. " GIRLS wanted for plain sewing, stea work, good wages, mo? Leavenworth. LEAitN barber trade. 1403 Dodge St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED A reapectablo" mlddle-j.gejPfady ss no uae Keeper on rarm tor sldeny farm er; good permanent position with good norm. Aauress vox 1136. nee, WANTED A good steady whits girl for general housework; no cooking or wash ing; gooa wages, leu lim a, lttu Ave. 1'hons Harney 4573. WANTED Girl for - gsneral houaswork, small family; no laundry work; good wages: references rsqulred. Walnut 324. toui cspitoi Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework at ones: boat of references. Mrs. B. B. Wood, Highland Court, Tel. narney iusv. COMPETENT girl for general housework amall lamlly, no laundry work, good wages. Mrs H. N. Fish. 1311 Woolworth Avo, WANTED Young white girl to aaalst with housework. No washing. May go borne nignte. can wiinut 1602. EVERYBODY la doing It. Doing what? Getting the piano tuning ash. Chas, L, Klah, piano tuner. Web. 126E. WANTED Good foreign flrl for light housework, no cooking, no woshlng. Doug las RELIABLE white girl for general house work; references required. 3910 Harney pu if i. Harney zisi. WANTED Good, young foreign girl for light housework; no cooking or washing; soon nomy uougias sguj. WANTED An experienced second girl ; gooa rererences required. Mrs, Frank X Hamilton. 310 8. 32d Ave. WANTED White girl to assist with gen eral housework; no washing. Call Har noy 1130. WANTED Lady cook In cafe; Job year round, lrvia Carroll, Box 323, Nelson, Ken, EXPERIENCED woman cook M-anted. Com mercial hotel. Hay Springs, Nnb. MAID for general housework. No laundry, smaii. iamuy. namey 479. WANTED General house work girl, tw In family. References. Phone Walnut 1378. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing, call Harney 3398. WANTED A competent nurss maid. Phone ilarney 3031. 405 N. 40th. COMPETENT housemaid; city references re- quired. Harney Miscellaneous. LADIES wanted for pleasant home employ ment; maxe i& to sib weekly. Apply 3219 Douglas 8t between ft and 0. WANTED Good reliable parties to take care of 18-month-old baby. Call Harney 1801. 14101 So, 39th St EDUCATIONAL . VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. A ten weeks' summer course In the fol lowing subjects, taught by professors from the University of Nebraska, begins June 18: Business Adfainlstrstlon. Advertising. ' Finance and Investments. Banking, A six weeks' summer course for house keepers, taught byean experienced teacher of domestic science, begins June 18th. WAR-TIME FOOD PROBLEMS. The tfuglness world NEEDS YOU. Enroll any Monday for the following subjects: Shorthand. Bookkeeoinir. Typewriting. Comptometer. Office Methods. Dictaphone. Runrfner hours 8 to I. 120 Omnha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. BOYLES COLLEOB DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stent) type, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1066. istb and Harney Sta. II. C. A. Day and Night School. FOR RENT ROOMS HotelaT HARLEY HOTEL 20TH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent guests. ROOMS, 32 week; apta. with kitchenette; steam nested, ugqen notei. uounou cinns. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, BOOH HUNTERS! If yon fall to find Uia room 70a desire among these ada emit at The Bee office for a Boom List Gives complete description of vacant rooms in all parts of the lty. Mew lists Issued every week. 131 SO. 25TH ST. Double and single room. plenty ot hot water, electric lights, home cooking, make rates, first door south of ' new Ford hospital. Doug. 0068. LARGE, airy room, nicely furnlahed, large library, manoguny nooiccases, modern southeast exposure, block fcom Farnam car. Harney 3473. VERY largo, nicely furnlahed room, well ventilated, large palls, large porcnes and lawn, walking distance; references. Har ney 3473. LARGE, cool, very desirable rooms for two. West Farnam district, private iamuy, cloae to caff and not far out. Harney 1385. 408 N. 22D ST. Nice large room suitable for two people employed, also two single roomsJ 22d and Chicago. LvfltaB cool room In modern home to per- aons employed, shady yard andjiorch, no other roomers. Web. 894. TWO furnished sleeping rooms for one or two persons in private noma; all modern. Telephone Web. 2624. NEWLY furnished clean rooms for those who care. 410 Sweet wood Ave. Phone Douglas 7458. 3131 CALIFORNIA 3-3 furnished rooms, modern, nret noor, nice yarq. narney mm. ONE room la good home, $1.75 per week. 838 a. Z2d. EAST FRONT furnished room, all modern; private home. Harney 1973. ROOM with breakfast, private family, cloae to car. Harney 3141. LARGE double front room, running water. modern, extremely desirable. 634 8. sstn. DUNDEE' Large front room, alao room with connecting sleeping porch, wal. 2668. CALL Harney 1784 for a neatly furnished room in modern private home. 1611 HOWARD Nicety furn Housekeeping Rooms. 19U DAVENPORT Two-room auite, com fortably furnished, bath floor, laundry privileges, convenient and reasonable to employed. ' 366H DOUGLAS Large west room, excop- tlonally well furnished. Everything com plete tor housekeeping. Suitable for couple or one girl. Walking distance. 110 3. 26TH AVE. Large, modern suite housekeeping rooms, very desirable, east front; laundry privileges. Harney 933 SUITE of housekeeping rooms, very reason able; all modem; laundry privileges; walk- Ing distance. 8627 Harney St. 2603 DODGE Clean suite of housekeeping rooms furnished, gas range, all .modern, walking distance. SUITE of south front rooms, clean, neatly furnished, suitable lor housekeeping, isoa Dodge St. FARNAM, 28223 nice housekeeping rooms, reasonable, electricity, gas range, reiriger ator. CLEAN, front housekeeping room kitchenette and Ice box. 3113 Cass. 1611 HOWARD Housekeeping and sleeping rooms: reasonable. - ROOMS for light housekeeping. Webster Board and Rooms. FOR 2 gentlemen, large front room, priv ate, modern home, no otner roomers, ex cellent board. Nice neighborhood. H. 1533. fcOARD and room in private home, reason able, near two cars. Har. oiet or ev no. 'h St. 1310 HINNEY Board and room. Phone Webater 1643. BOARD and room (or young man. Hat ney 570t. Unfurnished Rooms. $ UNFURNISHED, modern semi-basement rooms: clean and reasonable. Phons Har ney 6333. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS, all sises and prices, splen did location, 34th and Farnam. D. 1471 FURNISHED 8 rooms, Apt. 14, Tha Aftgelea iau narney -v FOR RENT HOUSES West. tbi N. 40TH 8 rms. Hot water ht. Dou ble garage, 60. E. H. Benner Co, D, 408 ... . FOR RENT HOUSES West. FOR RENT. Twelve-room brick fists at 315-17 So. 26th St.: slso 1576-78 Harney St. These buildings are being put in first class re pair. Electrlo light will be Installed for good tens its. This location the best In me city tor roomers. Rent 845.00. YOUNG & 'DOHERTY, 3:0-333 BRAN DEIS THEATER BLDG. DOUGLAS 157 L i-ROOM modern cottase. 511 60. 31st Ave. near Howard; large, beautiful yard. Phone wuui. suit. 128 S. S&TH ST. Eight rooms, sun parlor. """fii'l yvrun, 00. uu. u, ii.l. NEW 6-roo sj bungalow, modern. 517 & 35th 3L. 9ata. 2533 DAVENPORT ST. rooms, 118.0 n. annner uo. u. Blue, l-ROOM house, modern except heat, in good rvpatir, am anu jones. us. Harney 0064. 3167 DAVENPORT ST. 8 rooms, 142.60. E. 1. uenner up. u. slDH, DUNDEE Strictly modern bungalow, 5 rooms; no children. Walnut 2H45. North, ROOM house, 2203 Burdetts St., all mod em, good location, beautiful lot, good sur- ALFF.ED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. $20 SUMMEH, $37.60 winter, two four-room ana nam apartments, heated. $25 Seven rooms, all modern, 3620-32 Hawthorne. Inquire 3624 Hawthorne. rnone walnut Z342. $25.00 7-room modern house, newly deco rated ana paperea. z.ut caidweil at. SCOTT & HILL CO., McCague Bldg. Douglas 1008. i884 BINNEY ST. 5 -room bungalow, all modern, $..6.00. E. 11. Banner Co. "V. 8406. BUNGALOW, story and half. S rooms, all modern, ZS. 1712 N. 28th. Bed 1881. SEVEN rooms, modern, garagu, northwest. can wainut nzi NINE rooms, 3220 Charles St., suitable for COZY 6-room modern cottage. 1914 N. 2Sth, szs.Go, call web. S28Z. SIX ROOM, strictly modern house. Apply 3210 Hamilton St. South. ROOMS, 654 So. 26th Ave.; east front, all modern, porches and up to the minute; walking .distance; $35 per month. Doug las 0886. Look this over and see us Tues day morning. TRAVER BROTHERS, 819 Flrat National Bank Bldg. 12 FLAT 3 room, one atory: gau, electric, ignis. stnK, toilet, water jiald, Just like new; no children. 3030 8. i8lh. Red 4902. 1729 S. 2TH ST. 6 ruis., mod. ex. lit., $20. E. H. Benner Co. D. 8406, . 1301 8. 32D ST. 10 rooms, modern, $45.00. H. Benner Co. D, 8406. 5-ROOM house, modern, with hent; best con- dition. B0. 83 0 S. 21 st Bt. Harney 2705. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT. 8 rooms and garage, Harney St., $36. 8 rms. and sleeping porch, -18th Ave., $66. ft rooms. West Farnam, $00. ALLEN & BARRETT, 13 Bee Bldg. Douglas 7768. HOUSES In si) parts of the city. WUlwLUli, SUNS & CO 508 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK. Central; Interior and exterior of the best. 4-room apartment. 8-room apartment. 4-room flat. Inquire 120 North 23dln building. ST. CLAIR. 24TH AND HARNEY 3-room Apt. Call Harney 647. North.. FIRST-CLASS apartments near P. O. rent, u. r. atebblns, 1610 Chicago. South. SUB-LEASE June 1st or later, close In choice 4-room Apt.; private porch, all out side rooms; cool tn summer. Call Sunday, Douglas 0207; Monday, Red I960.- Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST Cf IMP ANT. 7 RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. 1 1 FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT The first floor of the Brom ley building with bank fixture and vaults. It is well adapted to any kind of business , that wants a good deal of room. Good location for a bank loan company, film business, or any business that wants a large room. Also some office rooms f or rent. Let m show you, L N. Hammond, agent. ' j DESIRABLE store room, modern front. mfttal ceiling, steam heat, 624-626 So. 16th, St; size 32x60; can be subdivided; low rent. C.nnraA Tnnna- -1SS RranHola Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 25th Sts. $30 to $50. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT Store with basement, steam nested, 203 a. 13th, inquire next door norm SMALL modern store room, steam heat. 1613 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, 122 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR- nam BWkI First Trust Co. D. 1161. MODERN store room, corner 16th and Chi- cago. P.- P. Stobbtns. 1610 Chicago. RESTAURANT with fixtures, gas stoves,' stools, at 107 South 16th St. Offices and Desk Room; CHOICE office space Balrd Bldg., Douglas. McCague Inv, Co. Miscellaneous, LODGE AND CLUB ROOMS. I have tor rent on second floor, cen trally located building, one lock from poa toff ice, assembly room suitable for lodge or club purposes; composed of one large room for dance or lodge hall; three smaller rooms and kitchen. For further Information call Conrad Young. 331 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. WANTED TOltENl Unfurnished Apartments and Flats. WANTEr Rooming- house, muat be close In, 2ft or mor. rooma, hav. furniture. Boa 8273, Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE n PPPH Express Co.. Moving 1 v. t fac Packing and Storage 1207 Farnam 8L Web. 2748. Doug 0146. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping, OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 803 S. 10th St. Douglas 4169. . GORDON VAN VO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving, lift N. 11th St, Phone Doug las 394. FIDELITY 22$& FKEE Phone Douglaa 388 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., ' Expert service; prompt attention Tom moving, yonr packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. D. 7785. Globe Van and Storage Co. 7or real service In moving, packing and Hiring, tjtiii tyicr ,ju or vuuKtaa ijjb Maggard Van and two men. 31.25 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing. Stora ge and Shipping PhoneDoug. 1498 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAM. 10 -room, full t -story home, 36th St. just north of the Blacks tone. On account ot death In the family tbe owner has placed this home on. the market at a sac rifice price. 90 ft. of ground; east front; 150 ft. deep; paved street; paved alley; paving all paid; large garage for 3 cars. If looking for a good home as well as aa Investment see us at once. PAYNE ..INVESTS NT CO.. V 63T Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 1781. WELT FARNAM DISTRICT 8-r. modern residence. Lawn 60x134. Ridiculously cheap If Interested, see V. D. WEAJ), 310 S. 18th St. !L ESTATE IMPROVED West " NEW BUN JAUMV Flva rooms, strictly modern, finished tn oak; located at 3931 N. 26th St. Price $3,150. Terms. W1U take small cottage Id trade NORRIS A NORR1S. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doutrfas 4i7 MY completely furnished hoxhe for sale. Lot 63x187. Eight-room modern house and grounds, house and Its furnishing must be seen to be appreciated; an in spection invited. Will be home all day Sunday, May 37. .G. W. Preston, 312 Marcy St. A NEW houas.for salu or rent at 4315 Burt St, North. CLOSE IN BUNGALOW. r, - awucj ma aquar elle St., 6 rooms, beamed ceilings, paneled walls, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, china closets,- plate rail, oak finish, full lot. '" aiuui jui east oi iiemiH para, New houses ail around: ho-Hhuu in r.a. ha. Will take $400 less than cost for ijuicK aaie. uh owner, save commissions. 6 rooms, nearly new. corner lot. 74x124, on boulevard; hot water heat, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, sleeping porch, double garage, south front, beautiful shade trees; most beautiful home In Kountze Place. Will take $3,000, leas than cost of lot and house, c&it owner for price and terms. KOUNTZE PARK. New bungalow, 6-R. and bath. ' essft front, 21st St., between Evans and Pratt Sts., modern throughout, oak finish, vapor neat; aecoratea; tun cement basement screened-in porch. Open Sunday. Call owner. t:oirx 104. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, S large light rooms. 1 Oak floors, oak snd enamel finish. Price ss.buv. &asy terms. Another new build ing for $8,660 Call Douglaa 1733 daya wvainm ipso evenings. NEAR 26th Ave. snd Woolworth Seven room nouse with lawn, 76x137 feet, and fruit, Tory cheaper. D. Wead. 310 S, lam bl FOR SALE-fiy owner, new modern 7-room nome, osk nnisn, steeping porch and jcar- nii at 1011 pp. us in at. sj'lX roomer- modern excent heat. 8LSno. lerms. aeo owner, 3814 N. Slat SL Web- -ROOM' bungalow, all modern, 6 months old, garage for 3 machines, lot 44x142. io rnone weo. oVS. STRICTLY modem bungalow. 5 rooms '2nd mi inw av weosier 4Z7S SIX rooms, partly modern, $1,500, Terms. an i. 3isi at. wen. 4306. Miscellaneous WORLD REALTY CO "?, lw',,r B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 443 Bee Bldg Douglaa 097 R a TRUMBULL. 1305 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1TS4 REAL ESTATE Investment GOOD INVESTMENT Almost new 3 -story brick building rented at a good fair income on $60,000. Located on Farnam near 20th. Harrison & Morton, ' 15 Omaha Nat. Bank. Iouir. SI 4. , APARTMENT. 12 par cent) on. year eld; very fln. location; mortlaa. 125.000 and will 120.000 Id trad.; bal .nc. caab or .isrrtlabl. paper. CALKINS eV CO., nouarla. ISIS City Nt. Bank Bld. SEE 118 FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P Til KEY SON. REALTORS. 820 First National Bank Bldr. REAL ESTATE To Exchange LAND TO TRADE. D 40 acres, good upland, In Mills Co.,"! iowa, no incumbrance, for nice Omaha bungalow or well located vacant lota and some cash. Land only t miles from town. ALLEN & BARRETT. 613 Bee. Doug. 7768. HAVE client with 240 acres good land in eastern Montana. Clear, worth $6,000; three miles from good railroad town. Want 6 to 8-room modern Omaha resi dence, valued $4,000 to $6,000. ' Joseph Pick, 2219 Evans St Web. 4866. GOOD OMAHA INCOME PROPERTY, and part cash, to exchange fer Douglas or Sarpy county farm land. BOX 3542. BEE: HAVE a $25,000 hardware, doing good business, and $10,000 In money. Want western Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm.1 8. S. and B. E. Montgomery, 805 Omaha National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. TRUCK GARDEN TRACT. I have, a plot of ground 250x128 feet four blocks h rom Benson car line, be- tween Benson and Dundee: lays well; good soil and a splendid truck garden track, which I will sell for $1,500. It If a bargain. ( D. J. ADAMS , 82$ World-Herald Bldg. Ph Dour. 6842. Omaha, Nebraska, Dundee. HOME BARGAIN. N RTSDUCttn FROM 37.011 TO $6,500. IF" SOLD BEFORE JUNE 1. Brick and stucco home, six rooms and sleeping porch) thoroughly modern throughout, all floors of oak, oak trim downstairs; white enamel upstairs; built in buffet, fireplace, bookcases, kitchen cabinets, etc, ; large lot. Owner must sacrifice. Prefer to deal with buyer di rect. HOX 42HO, Bee. 5-ACRE blk.. Falracre and BrowneUHaH district. Snap. C. J. Canan. South Side. 24 ACRES. Just over the line In Sarpy county, away from the high Rich, hsvel land, first broken la 1918. Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, $6,000. Terms an bt arranged. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC 4925 South 24th St. Phone South 1247. Miscellaneous. HOMBSEEKERS. ATTENTION! On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and have you pay for It on smell monthly payments, without "'extra Interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL 826.000. 4925 8. 24th St. Phorn South 1247. , REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell on small caab payments, have parties waiting Western Real Relate. 413 Karbarb Rlk D 8607 LIST your 5 and 6 -room houses with Ed ward F Williams Co.. 801 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg D 420. LIST your 5 and 6-room houses with ua WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co.. Tyler 498 REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINNA LUSA SO0 dif ferent buyers decided that It wss the best proposition on the markst and they backed their Judgment ov buying tota IF YOU will com out today you will understand whe the others are (raving. CHARLKS W. MARTIN & CO.. 142 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg Tylwr 187 DANDY LOT. 80x13$, two street frontages; easy terma. Call Douglas 1064 or evenings Harney 4I6H BEAUTIFUL 50-foot lota Price $220. only 83 nssb and 60 rents per week Dong. 3398. FINANCIAL INSURANCE, Fire. Tornado. Automobile. C A. Orimmal. 849 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates -5. 54 and 6 pet Reasonable commission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 213 South 17th, Omaha. Neb. FARM MORTGAGES. HARLEY J. HOOKER. 40 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1658. S PER 'CENT to 8 per cent on best class - city residences In amounts 83,000 uo; alao farm loans. Reasonable com mission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1823 Farnam St. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Jnv. Co., Omaha. . FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages. 81.000 ilTOE., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually" see urea ay property vaiuea at sz.etio, Ta Image -Loom la Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. U. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. PRIVATE money to loan on Omaha rest, denes property. E, H. Lougee, Inc., 538 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, . EAST NEB. ' FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1018 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, 6, 6 S and 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas, Keeline Bldg. Doug. 1648. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. 8HOPEN A CO., PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 made promptly, F. D. Weadt Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sta 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg, MONEY HARRISON ft MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. LOW RATES C. G, CARLBERU, 311 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. Stocks and Bonds. . TO MEET the Increased cost of 41 v ing you must place your money where It will yield a greater Income A 7 per cent participating cumulative pre ferred stock with the highest grade of security means an ex ceptional Investment This stock will not yield less than 1 per cent and participate In the profits of the company over that' amount, making a very attractive, secure invest ment. For "Particulars regard ing this Investment address Box 3843,' Bee. LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment; securities, Industrial stocks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO 860 Omaha. National Bank Bldg! Abstracts of Title. (aw Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., V CI I 80S S. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding ann ins. io. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of fine In Nebraska. 206 Brandeia Theater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt, pay Insurance com panles. 610 Brandeia Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED 100-acro farm, 15 miles from Minneapolis; 40 acres cultivated, balance meadow and timber; $3,000 worth of buildings. Will sell'for 35.000; easy terms. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bids., neapolls. Minn. . Missouri Lands. GREAT barfiain, $5 down, $6 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $300, Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs. Mo. Montana Land-s. FOR SALE Big bargain in Montana lands. Investors, speculators and land agents, -please take notice: The following" land Is offered subject to prior sale: Section 7, township t N., range 17 E.i Sweet Grass county, near Shawmut Only $8.60 per acre. Sections 8 and 17, township 10 N.; section 17, township 11 N., all range 35, East Rosebud county, near In gomar. Only $8 per acre. Terms, one fourth cash, balance In four equal yearly paymenta, with Interest at 1 per cent. H, C. Johnson, care Fred'k H. Barttett & Co., 9 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111, owners. Neb task a Lands. 480 ACRES north of Valentine for sale or trade. 320 acres north of Tllden, Neb., for salo or trade. Improved, fenced, rye and corn growing. A - '4 160 acre In Holt county for sale, very highly .Improved. .This la an ' excellent farm. V P. H. BELL. Silver Creek, Neb. " SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments S acres up We farm the farm we sen you. Th Hungerford Potato Growers' Association, 16th and Howard Sta. Omavt ha. Douglaa 9371. FOR SALE Oft TRADE. A 1,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomaa -County, Neb., partly Improved, pries $12.60 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY. Douglas 2410. 530 Brandels Bldr. WET lands made dry enough for crops or no pay ts our way of draining tana, no tract too large or too wet Guarantee Drainsge Co., Oakland, Neb. Texas "-ands. GOODeaorn land, East Texas, 325 an acre. Get my free book. - - W S FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha. ACRES, Trancltas, Tex.; rich soli and an. oil field prospect; value $500. Might trade. Box 4190. Bee. , Miscellaneous. WE HAVE several highly Improved farms , In the' richest farming district of tbe. United States at very attractive prices and reasonable terms. Write us for map and further information. MIU-WEST LAND CO., 1067 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 116$. AUTOMOBILES 1915 DAVIS touring, electric lights, starter, new tires, car in perrect snape, i'-'ou, 1914 Studebaker six, electric lights and battery. Delivery and seven-passenger body, good running order, $175. CROSSTOWN GARAGE, 315 S. J4TH. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2209 Farnam. Douglas 2310. 1915 Cole. . '1916 Stearns Knight t 1916 Maxwell, $376. 1918 Empire, $40h ; C AV. FRANCES AUTO CO. - Used Car Dept. 1218-18 Farnam St. Douglas 8SS Almost any make at reasonable prices. WANTED FOR SPOT cSsk" lot) USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2107 Farnam flt. Dnug, 6085. TIRE REPAIRING. First-class work at reasonable prices. THE'TIRE SHOP, D. F. Crow, 2618 Farnam. Doug. 4878. Tr.ADE your old battery In on a guaran-. teed Ever-ready storage battery. Free in spection rf any battery Ever-ready Stor age Battery Co., 1206 Farnam Bt. WE will trade you a new Ford, for your old one. j INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. 20th and Harney. Douglas 6251; CADI DL AC, 4-cyllnder'"model, excellent for speedster or light delivery, 3276 cash. Omaha Chandler Co., 2520 Farnam. 6-PASSENGER Studebaker, first-class shape, at a bargain. Douglas 1483. C L. Lewis. , TELL A BINKLEY. WE BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 3318 Harney St Doug 1540. ROADSTER, best Hupmoblle, Saxon, or other car Three hundred cash will bay. Box 418, Belleville. Kan. PULLMAN, 1916 touring car. $476. T. G. Northwall Co.. 915 Farnam St Call Ty. 3k?. BARGAINS In used Ford cars HolrnesAd- klns Co., 4911-17 S. 24th. Phone S. 271. BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It" Southeast em ner 20th and Harney Sta. Douglas 2'". BIGGEST bargain In Omaha, 6-paascngcr car, nz a. ovu n amnion, nai. simi. 1917 CHALMERS $-30 touring, perfect ,4001 Bun st. -rei. Boutn iucid. BARGAIN Electric, splendid condition. Tel. Doug. 776 or Web. 772. A BARGAIN Mllburn Electric In fine con aition. w 31, Bee. 1 CHALMERS 6 -passenger automobile. OM !OUglaS 6BH7. - Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT afcto repairing. "'Service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage. 2010 Her ney St Tyler 565. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto ws can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18th. Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO 2 IN 1 TIRE. Second-hand tires and tubes; expert tiro and tube repairing. Douglas 8872. -COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 1403H Jackson. Agts wanted. Omaha. Ne. Motorcycles and Bicycle H A R L E Y-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H Rooa. "The Motorcycle Man," slut Leavenworth. ' ' EXCELSIOR motorcycle, good running or der; $20.. Phone Harney 2454,