Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A
Copyright, It 17. v
Adopted from tha Waitira PicturVriion Producd by Signal Film
Corporation and Featuring HaUn Holm...
Mistaken Identity.
When Helen reached the itation
With Webb her plan was very simple.
She believed that if the raiders were
at work she could trap them with even
so small a thing ss the suitcase and
this, before secreting herself with
Webb inside the station, she left on a
bench on the platform.
Unhappy over the clothing they had
already stolen, Marshall and Masters
returning to the station spied Helen's
suitcase and sat down beside it to see
whether anyone would appear as
"The taller of those men," whispered
Helen to Webb, watching them,
"looks like Buck Masters. But Mas
ters wears a mustache."
Helen had not long to wait. Mar-
and the two thieves started away
Helen and Webb ran after them,
Helen going one way around the sta
tion, Webb the other. The thieves,
flaking for the yards, gave Webb the
bery they caught a glimpse of Lady
Melrose sitting near the fountain.
The striking resemblance of the host
ess and Helen completely deceived
them. ,
"There's our bird," muttered Mas
ters in an undertone. "Now; how we
going to get her?"
"The first thing," replied Marshall,
"is to get rid of the garden lights.
I'll hunt up the switch. It must be
near the house. When I throw it,
dash in and grab her." '
Slinking away, Marshall, locating
the switch, lost no time in throwing
it and ran quickly back to his com
panion. Dashing into the garden,
they dropped the blanket over Lady
Melrose, caught her up and, despite
her struggles and screams, made off
. . ...... ..w. W ....... . H.. UQ.U ...... -, ...
shall presently picked up the suitcasefwith their frightened captive into the
outer darkness. All was done so
quickly that a servant hurrying to
turn the lights on again was too late
to prevent the crime.
Guests who had been in the vicinity
I ,;
1 '
slip. But Helen held them In view
and gained until, turning suddenly on
her, they realized she- was their most
dangerous enemy and resolved to
make way then and there with her.
Stunning her with a heavy blow the
two men carried her to the end of a
Car loon .to be set into a train; and
strapping her head close-against the
coupling joint, left her helpless.
Webb, in the meantime, hunted ev
erywhere for Helen. To his con
sternation he at last caught sight of
her just as a train was backing down
for a coupling that would crush her.
Signaling frantically, Webb ran to his
plucky assistant. To free her from the
death trap 'was the wotk of an in
stant, and bv the utmost exertion
Webb was able to; fling her to the
ground between the rails just as the
two couplers crashed together. The
switching crew,! hearing his outcry,
now ran up. but Helen, losing no
time, hastened with Webb toward the
office. On their way an agent handed
her a newspaper with an account of
Buck Masters' escape.
"It's hard. Helen,"- said Webb. "But
never mindl We'll get him again."
It was following this incident that
Desmond received a wire from head
quarters: ' ' " '
OuuU tor Matron Ft tonight will
travel Special Mountain Spring, to M.I
roe. .Batata, Provide operatives to aeoom-
n.nv. t
this dispatch bore the general man-.
.' i T a oil ,ma -nan fn9
this," said Desmond to Burke, hand
ing him the message.
"We ought to send i woman," sug
gested Burke, "but we have no woman
Desmond looked at Helen. "Detail
Miss Holmes," he directed curtly and
Helen went home to get ready.
y Masters and Marshall reached their
room aware that Helen had escaped:
"Just the same," exclaimed Masters
with an oath, "we've got to get rid of
Burke knocked at their door as he
spoke. They told him quickly what
had happened.
"She is going up with the Melrose
party tonight," he remarked. "Why
don't you get up there and carry her
off?" , ,
The plan, discussed, was agreed to;
but before starting, Masters and Mar
1 shall went to Chinatown to play fan
,tan. While gambling, scraps of con
versation from an inner room at
tracted their attention. 'That China
man in Pedro." muttered one voice,
"would give $1,000 for a wife."
"I don't know any girl that would
marry him," was the rejoiner.
To Marshall the remark supplied an
idea: "That our chance to get rid
of Helen,", he whispered to his companion.
"We can talk with those fellows.
anyway, returned Masters. The two
waited. When the party in the inner
room emerged, Marshall tackled the
leader. But few weirds passed before
' an understanding was reached and
Marshall with Masters left the place
in a machine.
At thr station the guests for the
Melrose party were boarding the
train. Helen; Burke "and Roy Wilson
v accompanied them. At Melrose estate
the party was received by Lord and
Lady Melrose and more than one of
the guests spoke of the striking re
semblance of Helen to Lady Melrose
herself, breetings over, the guests
spread about the grounds, which were
en fete lor the occasion. Hidden out
side. Masters and Marshall from be
hind the thick hedge surrounding the
garden, waited for a chance to act -
. Masters carrying a blanket. The
chance came or at least the con
spirators thought it had come when
peering cautiously through the shrub-
of the fountain now looked for Lady
Melrose, she was not to be seen.
An alarm was sounded and, running
to Lord Melrose, they -told him of his
wife's disappearance. Frantic with
anxiety, Melrose . ordered a hurried
search. Nowhere could any trace of
his missing wife be found; panic pver
spread the fete.
I he search was continued. No cor
ner of the house or the grounds was
overlooked.. Rumors flew about
thick and fast and the woman guests
themselves shivered with alarm and
Helen, when the lights went off,
stood near Roy Wilson. While the
confusion was at its height she
glanced toward the mam drive just
as a car, whirling from it, dashed out
into the highway. Helen caught a
glimpse of the number plate on the
back of the machine.
"Take that number, Roy," she cried
quickly, "52479. Let's follow it."
Roy scratched the ngures down on
his cuff and, running with Helen to
the nearest motorcar, he called to
Lord Melrose, who joined them.
The three climbed hurriedly into
the car, but the guests, eager tel. help,
crowding around, delayed their start.
"Keep them away clear the road,"
cried Helen to the servants. "You
are holding us," she exclaimed to
those nearest. "Keep back!!"
The car started. The pursuers
whirled down the driveway and out
on the highway at, top speed, but too
much time had been lost. The abduc
tors already have a good lead and in
spite of all Helen's driver could do,
were soon los to view.
"Drive to the nearest police station,"
she directed, when the chase became
hopeless, and reaching it, an alarm
was flashed thence to all stations, to
stop a touring car bearing license tag
Masters and Marshall had safely
made the rendezvous in Chinatown
and were delivering their captive.
Both men were highly excited: "Get
her out of here quick," exclaimed
Masters to the Chinaman. "They're
hot after us." '
Their unfortunate captive was be
ginning to recover consciousness.
Without scruple they drugged her al
most into a cataleptic state and hunt
ing up a trunk, laid her within it and
started for the station to put her
aboard a tram for Pedro,
Helen had telephoned Webb and he
hastened to the police station with a
change of clothing for her. All waited,
hoping to get word of the abductors
through their license number.
Marshall and Masters got to the
railroad station and were billing the
trunk to Pedro when a passing po
liceman noticed the number on their
car. Only recently warned to keep
a lookout for that particular number,
he walked toward the freight house
and encountered the two criminals.
"Is that your car standing there at
the platform?" he demanded of Mas
ters. "No," responded Buck promptly;
he scented a trap.
"Thought it might be yours," re
turned the officer indifferently. "A
man there just now was trying to
drive off with it."
What? Where?" demanded Mar
shall off his guard. "That's my car.
He's a thief."
"Right you are," responded the of
ficer, unruffled, "and so are you, I
reckon. Anyway, you two fellows can
drive to the station with-me. You're
under arrest; .,
Chagrined at being outwitted, the
crestfallen thieves started with the
policeman for the machine. But it was
now two resourceful men against one
and the officer was dealing with
crooks who scrupled at nothing. As he
stepped into the car his two prisoners
dealt him a shower of terrific blows
over the head, and he sank to the
ground. Marshall turned over the en
gine and the pair sped away, leaving
the policeman senseless.
The two knew, however, that they
were still in great peril of capture and
secreting the car at the first oppor.
ttinity they slunk through the yards
back to the station, which they
reached in time to board the train"
for Pedro. Once there they meant to
deliver the trunk and collect their
(End of Seventh Episode.)
To Enlist Men for Signal
And Quartermaster Corps
Lieutenant Wilbur, recruiting officer
at army headquarters, Fifteenth and
Dodge streets, states he has been au
thorized to enlist men for branches of
the; service known as quartermaster
enlisted reserve corps and signal en
listed reserve corps.
In the quartermaster division to be
organized here will be one pack train
company, one auto truck company
and two wagon companies, as well as
clerks, farriers, tentmakers, cooks, as
sistant butchers, skilled laborers and
wheelwrights, the, latter not belong
ing to organizations or detachments.
Electrical workers, telegraph and
telephone men are particularly de
sired. Application blanks may be ob
tained from the recruiting officer.
Announcement is made that trades
men are enlisted in various grades
ranging from first class private to
sergeant, according to degree of spe
cial qualifications.
Rabid Animal After Biting At
Several is Hunted to Death
On Busy Down Town
An auto hunt for a mad dog was the
startling occupation of Patrolman
"Bob" Heller Saturday morning. '
After eluding all attemps to snare
him in a wire lassoo, the dog was
caught when he fell finder the auto
Fully one hundred persons, includ
ing women and children, took part in
the chase. N
The hunt started at Sixteenth and
Dodge streets, when a man told Pa
trolman Heller that a mad dog had
attempted to bite him. The officer
saw the dog. a sixty-pounder, snap
ping at children, down near Fifteenth
A friend happened along in an auto
and the hunt was on. The animal.
foaming at the mouth, turned down
Fifteenth. Because of the crowd the
policeman was afraid to shoot.
From street to roadway the dog
and his pursuers went. Heller leaned
far over and tried several times to
catch the animal in a looped wire.'
The dog had such a bad case of ra
bies that his hind legs were partly
paralyzed. He made a last stand
against his hunters near Capitol ave
nue. He tried to spring over the
hood of the machine. But his par
alyzed legs failed to support his
spring and he fell against the hood.
The front wheel ran over him.
The dog was not dead when brought
to the police station. Patrolman Cary
Ford finished him with a bullet.
The dog's head will probably be
sent to Pasteur institute for examina
tion. '
Fontenelle Employes
' Buy Red Cross Badges
Though- a foreign-born, Chris Mar
tinson, Maitre D'hotel at the Fonte
nelle. is a staunch American, and so
is every one of his fifty waiters, cap
tains and bus boys, somcot whom
were also born overseas.
Chris lined up all of his men Fri
day and marched them in a body to
the Red Cross membership booth in
the lobby of the hotel.
"What's this, a parade?"
"Yes. we're all going to enlist in
the Red Cross. We don't have to be
asked to join," Chris answered. And
when it comes time to go to war we'll
be on the iob then, too."
Every one of the 350 employes of
the hotel is now a member of the Ked
Stomach Bitters.
r m
A . Cooler, More Restful Sleep
A Slumberon genuine hair mattress makes the coolest bed, because it is
self-ventilating; it is the most restful because the hair always remains springy
it does cot mat. It is more satisfactory in everyway, than mattresses made of
any most material ana m. is muic ctuuuuuuu.
is made of higKgrade all curled hair, covered
Dy excra-quamy, extra neavy uuung wium yicvcuio
' hair from working out The Slumberon will not
absorb or retain moisture which makes it most suit
able for out-of-door sleeping. With all of its advan
tages Slumberon is priced only slightly higher than
-cotton. Full width; weighs 40 lbs. Price $25.00.
Ask your dealer to show you a SLUMBERON. If he doesn't handle
them write us and we will tend yon the name of a SLUMBERON
dealer near Tour hoax, together with our valuable bookie. -Correct Sleeping.
Quarter Million Property
On St. Mary's Avenue Sold
John G. Conte has purchased the
two lots at the northwest corner of
Nineteenth and St. Mary's avenue
from the Sterling Realty company.
The corner is vacant The considera
tion has not- been given out. A. F.
Tukey & Son made the deal, this be
ing a part of the E. Kountze Reserve,
which the Tukey people have been
Gushing for some weeks. Harry Tu
ey announces that $270,000 worth of
this property has been sold since
March 1. The E. Kountze Reserve
extends from Seventeenth to Twen
tieth streets and from Howard to St,
Mary's avenue. Much grading of
streets is now in progress in this ad
dition. ;v
Veteran Try Ins Again. '
BUI Duggleby, a veteran pitcher, who was
with the PMUlea several yeare. 1 trying to
come back a s hurler for the Utlc team
ot the New York Stale league. .
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
To Success. '"
High Quality New Home Furnishings
Our MAMMOTH seven-story modern
building, with its DAYLIGHT show
rooms, offering EVERY convenience
and comfort to our customers for the
proper selection of goods, is located
outside of the HIGH RENT district,
saving thousands of dollars in rent
each year. Our ECONOMICAL man
agement, combined with a thoroughly
organized working force,Hieans' addi
tional saving of expense. Our goods
are purchased in carload lots in
ENORMOUS quantities, often taking
the ENTIRE output of a factory. These
advantages make LARGE savings in
freight charges and in the cost of.
goods. All of these savings are shown
in our LOWER prices, making a SUB
STANTIAL saving to you on EVERY
article you buy and, as always, YOU
Just like illustra
tion, substantially
made and fin
ished In fumed
or golden oak.
,;,'.... $1.10
This Upholstered Three-Piece
Library Set, only. .,. . . ... . . .
Just like illustration and constructed of solid oak, finished in a
new fumed. et consists of a substantial library table, large arm
rocker and arm chair. Seats and backs of chair and rocker are
upholstered in a durable morrocoline. Be sure and see this splen
did library set. (Does not include book rack.)
flTV Vllf' 11 Ml k l
ll ca"M"a r- aufl
k .aa ml "iat 'Si I WW 3S
1 ts hiH Hi tits V
a dor. In ta Mrt
Goods sold out of
Freight paid 200 miles.
town on very easy payments.
Write us.
Gurney-Made Refrigeratorsgf-
In offering yon this line of refrigerators, we con
eider them the best value on the market today. The
boxes are made of selected hard wood, highly fin
ished. They are thoroughly sanitary, as every part
can be easily cleaned; and are guaranteed CO CA
$o be very economical. One like cut, only. . ?-'V
Sgj Four-Passenger Lawn Swings
Just like cut, strong! made, all parts bolted and
braced; frames painted red, seats and 7C
backs natural. Our low price
SWING, our low price, only ?
Dress Forms '
We are offering very
exceptional values in -dress
forms that will ,
adjust to your every
re q u ir ement and
measurement. When
not in use. occupy
only a small space.
X!.w 58-50
Electric Irons, Nickel
Plated and Guaran
teed; our
SI .85
Porch Swings
Made of solid oak.
price. $1.85
This Three-Piece Porch Set,
complete, only
The entire set is made of solid oak in the fumed
finish. Consists of a- four-foot swing complete with
chains and a substantial rocker and arm chair to match
the swing.
Porcb Rockers
Just like cut, made
of maple and sub
stantially built
have high back and
double reed seats,
our low . ap
price. . . . .
Made of solid oak, with
5 roomy drawer! .n
exceptionally good value
at our low price OC
of only., ....-
faffi V X SM 0n,,, b" f l
T ' jQCUDAHY curled hair works ,
Colonial Dressers
Made of solid oak,
extra large, heavy
base and French
plate mirror; our
A splendid assortment of
these wonderful machines to
select from. They come in
walnut, golden and fumed
oak! and maljogany finishes.
Select the instrument that
pleases you the most. Prices
$15 to $150
Very easy terms.
We carry an extensive line of 10 and 12-inch
records, all the latest and popular muric to select
from. June records just out. prices, 75c and up.
ft 11'
Lawn Benches
Just like cut, made of maple, AP
four feet Ions and trimmed If AC
in red. Our low price only. . . .
Lawn or Garden Hose
25-foot lengths, complete with coup
lings and guaranteed for the 4
season. Our price
SO-foot lengths like above.
Our price.
Stewart Phonographs
Flay any kind and make- of
Extra Bi
Floor Coverings
and Draperies
Select your Floor Coverings and
Draperies from our immense stocks
and save from 25 to 50. Tapeatry Hula, In x9.foot
aiaea, aplcndid patterna and color
ing.. Our low 'price
Tiger Velvet Rng, a aplendid ma
In 9x11 -foot aiaea. pretty patterna.
Our low price
Seamleaa Tapeetry Rage of sn extra
, heavy quality, in 9xl2-foot (Ilea
an unuaual value, at, only
Axminater Ruga. Beautiful coloring.,
in 8-8xl0-6-foot aiaea. Our low
price, only
Folding Sulkies With
Just like cut, fold completely
with one motion. Upholstered
m morrocoline. Our
Floor Mop
and oil, only
Carpet 8'
era, ad-JuataM.
Extra Big
Prlneesa Vacuum
Sweep- CE QC
era. for..."'-'
Rag Ruga, 24xH
Rag Rugs, 27x54