THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY lb, miy. Brie) City News Mazda Lamps Burcon-C JandD Co, Have Boot Print It New Beacon Fret. Platinum Wedillne Rincs Edohlm, jeweier. Goodrich Garden Hose at Jas. Mor ton & Son Co. Dandelion Rakes and Garden Toole. James Morton & bon Co Taylor Belcher to Texas Taylor Beliher leaves Saturday for Kort Sam Houston, Texas, where he will be sta tioned in the Cjuarterniaster's depart rueiU. Would Restrict tanltol Avenue Residents on Capitol avenue, from fiftieth to Fifty-second, have net. ttoned the city commissioners to make tne above two blocks a restricted resi denee district. Kearney Normal Man Enlist Le Hoy Johnson, star debater of Kearney Normal, enlisted in the hospital corps of the navy Monday. The college auowed him credit for the time he will be away from his studies. Fight Catalpa Buns;ell, Nine Feot Worth ?:.00 each. To close them out S3. 00 each. Nicest trees ever shown here. Also hard maple. A general line. hmiin rursery, it) N. Mam, Council Bluffs. Phono 214. Throe Wedding Knots I'ntifti Judpe Pny, sitting In divorce court, freed two wives and a husband Iary Huleck from Charles Holeck. Opal Allison from Adolph Allison and guintis Levell from Nellie Level!. Bryan's Double In Court People thought w. J. Bryan was in federal court. But it was H. D. Patterson, 'umty surveyor of Sarpy county, Pa- pillion, who Is a witness in a case on trial. He bears a striking resemblance to "v. J. Musto Teacher Sues Mrs. Ebba V. Lofgren, music teacher in Omaha for the last twenty-five years, is suing the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail way company for $10,000 in district court, alleging permanent injuries sut fered in October, 1916, when she was struck by a street car. Pa ing Contracts Awarded The contract for repaying the Bancroft street boulevard from Tenth street to the Riverview boulevard was awarded to the Hugh Murphy Contracting com pany at $2.60 a pquarc yard. The contract for the curbing was awarded to Sam Noble at 50 cents per lineal foot. "Little Giant" Bankrupt Petitions were filed in federal court by credi tors asking that the Little Giant Man ufacting company of Omaha be de clared a bankrupt. The creditors are the Farmers and Merchants bank of Verdon, Neb., $2,350; R. A. Lower of Valparaiso, Neb., $10,000, and Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods company of umana, J4H.3";. Recommend Pool Halls Recom mendations that pool hall licenses be granted James Boyle, 716 South Six teenth street; Edward Akromis, 5524 South Thirty-sixth street; C. P. Mer kl, 3624 North Thirtieth street, and Mike Henyszyn. 2615 N street, were mado to the city council by Commis sioner Jardine, acting for the depart ment of public safety. Need Colored Folk's Help "The impression prevails that colored peo ple's services are not desired In the war and in the Red Cross work. This is absolutely false. We are as anx ious to have the co-operation of the colored people, who are as much American citizens as the rest of us, and we are asking their assistance," said Frank Xudson, membership chair man, i Speeder Taunts Man As Sends Car Over Chest A taunting laugh greeted Henry Moriarity, 1706 Clark street, an em ploye of the Fairmont Creamery com pany, who was struck by a speeding automobile at Seventeenth and Cass streets last night while crossing the street. The car, occupied by two men and a woman, did not stop. Moriarity was dragged for more than fifty feet. A front wheel ran over his chest. Pie was not seriously in lured. Bernard Basye, 420 North Seven teenth street, narrowly missed being rim over by the same car while riding his bicycle. . t Seven Pansies and Six Rose Ji) Bushes Stolen by Thieves X Kr G. Hauptman, 3012 South NT wentieth street, reported to the po nce that some vandal had stripped seven pansies from her flower bed early Sunday morning. She said they were valued at 85 cents. The matter was turned over to Steve Maloney, chief of detectives. Along with the pansy robbery, po lice are investigating the case of Mrs. Robert Grant, 3176 Jackson street, who reported someone uprooted six rose bushes from her front yard. Regular Army Recruiting Undergoes Further Slump Washington, May 15. Regular army recruiting for Saturday shows a, further decline in the total number of men offering themselvete for serv ice only during the wan The grand total since April 1 is 67,443. Experiments With Death Chair He Invents, Killed Rochester, N. Y., May 15. While experimenting with .. device built to resemble an electric chair at his home here late today, Carl P. Vanvechten. aged 20, son of the president of a flour nulling company, was electrocuted. All, Youth! NEW AMERICANS AT COMMERCIAL CLUB Judge Sears Presides at Unique Ceremony Three Hundred Business Men of Omaha Attend. "I wish I lived in a hotel." M in a hotel." g f VESTS FREE Men's Suits Pressed 55c Men's Troubern PresRed. ........... ,28c Men's Vesta Pressed FREE (On vest with each coat and pants.) CAREY CLEANING CO., WEBSTER 392. In the presence of 300 Commercial club men, foreigners, newly-naturalized citizens, and other spectators, forty-five men received their final na turalization certificates at the Com mercial club rooms Monday. It was Americanization night, the second such celebation put on recently by the club in honor of the acquisition of citizenship by a group of men in Omaha. ludge Willis Sears, presiding iudee of the district court, officiated at the ceremony. Ase! Stcere. ir.. denutv clerk of the district court, passed out the naturalization papers to the new citizens. Judges A. C. Troup and George A. Day were present. Meaing of Americanism. Robert Cowcll and Richard L. Met calfe spoke on the dignity, the ad vantages, and the privileges of Ameri can citizenship. lorn Lynch spoke of the Red Cross membership campaign, citing the his tory of the Red Cross movement, and urging all men who have not joined, to do so. Speaking of the privilege of Ameri can citizenship, Robert Cowell said: "It is a great thing to be a citizen of a nation that gave freedom to Cuba; and it is a great thing to be a citizen of the nation that gave back $20,000,000 of the indemnity collected by the nations of the world from China after the Boxer uprising. And when the president of the United States says we are not going into this war for territory, nor for indemnity, I believe he means what he says, and that the American people w:ill stand back of him." Character Counts. Mr. Cowell praised the dignity and value of labor, and said that in this country the time is coming soon when there will not be an aristocracy of wealth or of birth, but an aristocracy of intelligence and character. Richard L. Metcalfe used the figure of the melting pot in speaking of America, and admonished Americans to see that there arc no clinkers in the not. "If the product is not pure," he said, "it will not be the fault of the melting pot, but of the material that goes into it." Ak-Sar-Ben Crew Holds Rehearsal on Wednesday Rehearsal for the singers of Ak-Sar-Ben's show crew is to be held Wednesday evening of this week. By some mistake the impression had be come general that the rehearsal was to have been last night. Next Monday night, however, May 21, a general re hearsal for the entire crew is to be held. Ak-Sar-Bcn's hustling committee will meet Thursday noon at the Hen shaw hotel for luncheon and a report on the progress of the membership campaign. Some of the hustlers are coming in with a fine flock of mem berships under their arm. President Buckingham, Randall K. Brown and Frank Judson have promised to at tend the meeting and address the boys, Omaha Police Out of Aicohol And Are Unable to Get Any Omaha police surgeons yesterday found themselves without alcohol to use for medicinal purposes and no way to secure it. "We use several gallons a week," Police Surgeon Nigro said, "but we are all out of it and can't get any more. We used a great deal of it as an antidote for carbolic acid." In the last two weeks officers have seized more than twenty-five gallons of alcohol, which has been emptied in the sewer. Sour Stomach. This is a mild form of indigestion. It is usually brought on by eating too rapidly or too much, or of food not suited to your digestive organs. , If you will cat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, eat but little meat and none at all for supper, you will more than likely avoid the sour stom ach without taking any medicine whatever. When you have sour stomach take one of Chamberlain's Tablets to aid digestion. Adv. Beginning Juntl 30-Day Round Trip Tickets Daily During th Summtr Atlantic City Cape May and other Seashore Resorts and to Atso Dally Beginning May 15 Variable Route Tickets ToNewYorkandBoston Direct through Philadelphia or via Washington All -Rail or Rail and Steamer Go one route Return another liberal Stopovers long Return limit V H. ROWLAND. Trmtltnt Pauenger Agent, 234 235 Olir NaHonoI Bank Building, PJion Dougtux 2003, OMAHA. NEB. JOSEPH H. CHOATE, ' LAWYER, IS DEAD Noted for His Prosecution of Tweed and as Figure in Other Cases and as Am bassador to England, New York, May 15. Joseph II. Choate. former United Slates ambas sador to Great Britain, died at 11:30 o'clock last night at his home in this city. Mr. Choate had been ill only since this morning. He had taken a very active part in the entertainment in this city o! the British and French war Suffragists Urge 'White Zones' About The Military Camps Columbus, O., May 15. The Mississippi Valley Victory confer ence of suffragists here at today's closing session adopted resolu tions urging war measures for the establishment of "white xones" about military camps, from which liquor shall be barred, and forbid ding soldiers visiting gambling and other resorts; favoring the prohibition of manufacture and sale of liquors during the war in order that grain entering into its manufacture be saved for food: urging the early passage of a fed eral suffrage amendment and rec ommending immediate steps for the regulation guaranteeing women, who replace men in in dustrial and other work, the same salaries as were paid to the men. Sioux Falls, S. D., was selected for the 1918 session. sJOSZPHti CHOATE missions and all ;ided services at the cathedral of St. Joi.n the Divine with Foreign Minister BsKour yesterday morning. Mr. Choate was referred to by Mayor Mitchel, at one of the enter tainments in honor of the war mis sions as the "foremost citizen of New York." Prosecuted Boss Tweed, Mr. Choat was 85 years old. He came from an old New England family. His father was a cousin of the famous Rufus Choate. He was graduated from Harvard in 1852, a college mate of Phillips Brooks. He established himself in New York in 1856 soon after finishing his law studies, and as a member of the firm of Evarts, Southmayd and Choate he rose to leadership of the New York bar. He appeared in all the celebrated cases it was said a case was not a case unless Choate appeared in it where fluency and wit and searching cross-examination brought him con siderable success. He figured in the prosecution of "Boss" Tweed and his followers who looted the New York City treasury; he so successfully defended General Fitz-John Porter, that by reversal of a court-martial that officer was rein stated. He appeared in the Tilden will case, the contest over Commodore Vander bilt's millions, and the Chinese ex clusion case, arguing against the validity of the act. These are but a few of the famous litigations in which he figured. Dares to Rebuke Court. His professional income during the height of his career was believed to he the largest of any practioner in the American courts. It is on record that, during his younger days, he had the daring to rebuke a judge, who had turned to converse with someone behind him, while Choate was addressing the court. Lhoate stopped short in his address. The judge remarked the si lence, and as His Honor turned to face the room the lawyer began anew: "Your Honor, I shall need all the time allotted me for summing up; and I shall need your Honor's undivided attention." "And you shall have it," the court apologized. Mr. Choate was a republican, but 100 Good I. had never held public office, beyond a brief term as a member of a state constitutional convention, when he was invited by President McKinley in 189 to go to London as the Ameri can ambassador. What He Would M. The stories told about him, too, were countless as those he told, for he was one of those picturesque fig ures about which stories cluster some of which undoubtedly belonged to others. One typical flash of his wit is that with which he answered a dinner partner, who asked who he would chose to be if he were not Joseph 11. Choate. "Mrs, Choatc's second husband," was the instantaneous reply. Mrs. Choate was Caroline D. Ster ling of Cleveland, O., whom he mar ried in 18ol, and by whom he had five children. "MR" More Stolen Automobiles Found by County Sheriffs Fremont, Neb., May 15. (Special Telegram.) Sheriff Condit returned from Long Pine and Bassett, where he took part in another roundup of stolen automobiles. Six machines were lo cated, making a total of ninety-six the sheriffs of the counties in this sec tion of the state have found since the first raid at Silver Creek six weeks afro. The officers have evidence they will use against the "gang," which in cludes some well-to-do dealers of the state. Cars belonging to Ivan Timmons of Valley, Dr. W. H. Taylor, Christensen Brothers and J. F. Trainor of Omaha have been returned to the owners. Five sheriffs took part in the roundup at Long Pine and Bassett. Our Large Padded Vans with expert movers make moving a pleasure instead of a dread. Moving, packing, storing is our specialty. REASONABLE RATES Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Douglas 4163 806 South 16th St. New Home Treatment for Banishing Hairs (Beauty Topics) With the aid of a delatone paste, it is an easy matter for any woman to remove every trace of hair or fuis. from face, neck and arms. Enough of the powdered delatone and water is mixed into a thick paste and spread on the hairy surface for about 2 min utes, then rubbed off and the akin washed. This completely removes the hair, but to avoid disappointment, get the delatone In an original package Advertisement. Footnotes on Men's Oxfords The men who regularly buy their Oxfords from us need no further explanation as ,to the comfort, style and value they receive in wearing good foot wear. Those who do not follow this course might do well to at least examine the new styles which are in favor for summer wear. Our shelves are laden with just this kind of smart oxfords. Specially Priced from $4.50 Up Vindow$ Announcement Extraordinary A Special Sale Wednesday of Novelty High-Art Creations Dresses, Gowns, Suits, Coats and Wraps For Women and Misses at a Reduction of y2The Original Price Individual, distinctive creations only one of a kind adaptations from the most charming foreign designs. . Models that have been pronounced most uncommon and out of the ordi nary. Descriptions can not do justice to the real charm and beauty of these ex quisite pieces. You must see them to realize the true value importance of this remark able offering for Wednesday. There's no doubt but you will fin'd in this collection just the garment that you have had in mind and at exactly half the original price. An opportune time to make selection of that dress, gown, coat or wrap for wear at the opening and dinner dance at Happy Hollow, Field or Carter Lake clubs. We believe the offering not only affords the prettiest and most attractive models as well as the greatest values of the season. Burgess-Nash Company. "VERYBODY$ STOHF."